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tv   News  RT  August 7, 2018 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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that's what system dicks feel the pedal to do a few steps on it let. the diplomacy or more meat on the guy man on the do to pin down due to going to know. yeah covers it was when she said personally they're going to comment on that they do feel with all these auto that the six should only be we just we saw. liz over a year at a time this is a complete moron even a small subset i mean it. look at this equal not because they're called as i don't get look at their nico doll because they also know i could see the show this all falls through the don't is any kind of out on the teddy in that zammit is usually made a toast fairly or not resulted in we day to day. what i think absolutely most mean i said faucet among those so i did as most of the song coupons to support and
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a. comment on the cow that we have a poor hook clone of a fairly men claim your community go to you shouting is your poor dog would walk and then you defecate go shows the circus a dumb ass. please woof at a pebble emission and afaik. take a platter soupçon it though he. did less on afaik you've read it you see it on i mean it does shoot it down to a missile. to take up a sudden fame on your comment city dig a kid can't pull this off. by a few the most evil and afaik was evil and i think people are going to have to put off all of those also we. accept dumbos will be and see this post the match use it was over it's course your kid could publish
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a book with a very good. intend to clinics to ski to shine a six surely the old keenness some back up up the coast on ts could do that now if you don't then i'll be successful enough that there isn't a hiccup and you keep chemically michael here a productive man shows that he has the said time and about have to cut a loss at the high. people. or is it up a horse if it has a couple in it is letting himself out article says. that i said. yeah call form this call that i don't see the team so he's off own doing. said. sid. was off on the usa by to get the groovy. i don't know if you are poor to force it is obvious eminem is very go put it in sequester from systems that see something. it is this is them not because we bought it combusted article by the us mint. as you can imagine after this interview our attention turned to the
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vatican the holy see the place where the churches longs are made. the place where punishments against pedophile priests are meted out. but we discover that even inside the vatican government high ranking officials have been accused of covering for priests accused of pedophilia. after several months of discussion the vatican chose this priest to answer all question. bomber's on an advisor to the pope on sexual abuse issues he also sits on the commission for the protection of minors a body founded by pope francis two years ago. you have been appointed to this commission what has the commission don't since then and you think it's enough we have people from all continents on this commission we have experts from different fields so psychology psychiatry law international law social work and theology and we try to discuss what can be next steps to help the pope to set up new
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measures to be more incisive in the life of the local church and there is still a lot to do you know my expression for this is this is a generational toss we will not finish within two years or five years we will have to work longer which means fifteen twenty maybe thirty years. chose seemed wrong. when old rules just don't hold. me to long to get to shape out these days comes to the ticket and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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join me every thursday on the elec simon shore and i'll be speaking to give us the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. i want to show you something these are the ten cardinals that are usually considered are the boss powerful of the vatican this is the c. nine right it's an advisory board and here miller director of the congregation of the doctrine and the face among these ten cardinals four are accused of having covered up pedophile priors you know that of course. what you think of it i have no no particularly knowledge about any of them. i just said to me that you knew it i know that there are allegations but i don't know what what is the the
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background of these cases i am not the investigator if you want me to be more precise i'll show ok george bell so he's here in australia a few months ago in front of the australian royal commission on sexual abuses within the church ear recognised knowing sexual abuses from australian priors but did not denounce them to justice so what do you think of him being in this he nine with that story i have been to australia last year i've travelled i have been in the diocese i met with three survivors from the school where our nepad was at that time the vice director of the school and cannot willing gauge to cooperate with justice and it would incorporate in the sense of setting up safeguarding measures in the same way he will this is future but he didn't denounce sexual abuse it's very far and isn't this you know and he admitted is it
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sucking for you or not you know of course it was shocking you know for him to be in this you nine and not have been denouncing her sexual abuse on minors you know for sure. francisco has always in chile here. doc human. that as you is has waited five years after the first victim spoke out to take action and to remove the prized father corretja and sire father carriage about has been since a proven guilty by the vatican of sexual abuses is here. still in this he nine. yeah i'm not responsible for the abundance of guns what does she think of it i'm not the one who decides on that but what do you think i think they would stay as long as i want something that thank you very much it seems then that only the pope has the power to punish these cardinals so why doesn't he take stronger action.
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maybe because he too faced accusations in his homeland of argentina long before his election. when he was archbishop of buenos aires he apparently tried to have a pedophile priest acquitted. him when a serious along with god or rather diego maradona the pope is a star his face is everywhere. and yet some refused to share in the sick on a graphic call. in the city center we've arranged to meet a group of victims they were abused by priests in the archdiocese appointed serious . they learned pope francis when he was their archbishop.
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says that all this. he said is the. only room this is. all that is it he. says. to me. so that. those who clung to what i was. even moondog got rid of me and for. that i do listen to what. that i see last year it was you know they don't know what it is. it's a pretty small town that i think. even you know young kids care to know you know i know. the you know that's the only thing i get if you
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ever get you're going to. be you feel you to be something you want to be with this is you know. it. has archbishop of buenos aires pope francis was seemingly deaf to the distress of these victims. but apparently it's worse in another case concerning other victims some believe he's willfully trying to divert the course of justice that it is for father cross the face the biggest pedophilia scandal in the argentinian church secretary who you know says are grassy was one of the best known priests in the country very influential and often in the media spotlight doing well with a wild west big guy. to run a huge orphanage until some of the children bear launched a complaint against him for sexual abuse in two thousand and nine he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison still today he's behind bars.
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but the argentinean church did all in its power to have him acquitted. one public eye a go represented father crossties child victims. a trial spread to refute teen years and opposite him the most renowned attorneys in the land but also the catholic church. see no innocent it almost in an annual india's. up but he said only you get us in the most they don't you know is it this way gus o.s.c. feet are miles over what is going to set that are going to see him in the open as. i want to cite as. don't be fooled by the cover which makes you think it's a book this twenty eight hundred page counter inquiry is a confidential internal argentinian church legal text. inside the children argues the falsifications lies deceit and invention even their own sexual
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orientation is questioned. the conclusion is clear the court's decision was wrong rather to rossi had to be acquitted on appeal. one paragraph caught our eye. this work was commissioned in two thousand and ten by the argentina biskupic conference and notably by its then president cardinal bergoglio now pope francis. so the pope did commission a counter inquiry to try to have a priest who had been sentenced for pedophilia acquitted. kind it said that jose bergoglio the future pope actually sent it to the judges with a shrewd sense of timing before followed rossi's various appeal hearings. one of the magistrates received a copy of the counter inquiry agreed to meet us back. problems my case a former appeal court judge and former minister of justice is today
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a high court judge. it's the first time he's spoken openly about the cross the case . he remembers very well the day he found this counter inquiry on his desk with a senior this is this this is even so visa as it is they were going through as a way and so forth you know in absolute. case in the last. day i know anything. it is in a row now to see what equal that is and that will cost us more if i decided not to does it do you know that you're going to do that getting an idea. they. will get what it is he said that said that's what the impetus you also had of course is. someone here on the in the feels that she defeated the cause to suit the man and. him. finally useless father grassi sentence was
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upheld at both the appeals court and high court. at the center of the counter inquiry commissioned by the pope when he was archbishop of buenos aires he counter boy morphing victim of prophecy. since the case blew up in the early two thousand it's the first time he's agreed to talk to reporters. he wants to remain anonymous because he still afraid of reprisals. but soon i mean asio going to tell i mean us if i hear it legal. now nationally custom built on a sort of all of us a show of course us goes up as an island we'll see additional demand. also said us if you want to hold it ok i guess i think that's all we have in the us already up into obama. and that the two able to heal keep keep cancer as they still
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stephen you know sort of goes. out as often as it went along in the muscle. is a little tricky ok see. who's listening on that i want to know they will. know and it is a single make up out of this i think that all of us will go to sort of. the pope has never publicly commented on the grassy case. for eight months we tried to get an interview with the holy father dozens of requests all refused. so at the vatican we tried to meet his holiness. he was to hold a public audience on st peter's square. we want to give folks francis a letter with all our questions on his suppose approach the attempt to divert the course of justice in argentina.
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thousands of people have countered. we'll need a miracle to get to talk to the pope. few hours later the pope will be on the rod. the. the third time it passes we shot the the. percentage that. is to give our last. thing a few minutes later. listen to. something
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that ended up as old as the i don't think that i include i do see saddened to. see sunday that that and castle get out phew i intend that the line through into d.c. out and you. know better get the deal is this to deal and end castle garcia. to go but i. that. despite our quick chat neither pope francis nor any vatican official has ever answered our letter. at the end of this investigation there is one question how can the catholic church retrieve itself from these guilty silences. surge men from a number of countries such as belgium the united states and the netherlands are mobilizing and launching
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a national inquiry commissions on sexual abuse within the church. all victims are listened to and the spotlight has fallen on the responsibility of the bishops. so let us pray may the vatican order a world wide inquiry commission. so that past scars maybe he'll may still have faith in the future.
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on this edition of crossfire we discuss whether detente is possible even desirable why isn't it a good idea to get along with russia and much much more. others' financial guy i don't buy a i pod on if you. think of the friday as of last summer buying from the future prescott was kaiser. of the moment.
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the u.s. imposes new sanctions on iran but gets pushback from the e.u. with brussels vowing to protect companies working with. bad laws claims of double standards emerge in the u.s. off the conservative activist twitter mimicking a controversial journalist like twitter for mimicking a controversial journalist whose racist tweets remained on the platform for years. in the city and becomes a bottleneck for african migrants strong to reach europe the government shuts down the route in exchange for a european union. the next hour for now though do you had. a story stay with us from looking at the latest setbacks in the u.s.
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russia relations what's going to u.k. of course. is that. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle on this edition of crossfire as we discuss whether detente is possible even desirable why isn't it a good idea to get along with russia and much much more. cross talking detente i'm joined by my guest here in moscow erich krauss he's an independent political risk analyst also we have dimitri he's
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a political analyst with international and in cyprus we have alex christopher he's the director and writer for the duran dot com gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that. you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciated let me go to alex first in cyprus we have a new phrase that's popped up in the last latest news cycle and that's criminalizing diplomacy and and esteemed expert probably the greatest living expert on russia in the western world stephen cohen was on c.n.n. with well someone with a very dubious road record when it comes to foreign policy mr max boot before i go to you alex let's have a watch at this clip i've been studying russia for forty five years i've lived in russia and i've lived here and you're going to actually most of all actually russia and we would want our viewers sure hasn't right. excuse me what did you say to me i said you've been consistent in apologies to russia in those last forty five years.
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i don't do defamation of people i do serious analysis of serious national security problems with people like you call people like me and not only me but people more eminently apologist for russia because we don't agree with your analysis you are criminalizing diplomacy ok alex criminalizing diplomacy i think it really hits the nail on the head here because any kind of rational thought about what kind of foreign policy or bilateral relationship russia in the united states should have is called into question by people like max boot that gets a lot of air time for reasons that are is a mystery to me go ahead alex. yeah i find it strange that max boot is calling stephen cohen a put in apologist i like to call max boot a war machine apologist he's an apologist for the military industrial complex he's an apologist for war criminals has this guy gotten anything right ever in his career he pushed iraq he was wrong he pushed libya he was wrong he pushed syria he
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was wrong he pushed ukraine he was wrong it's absolutely amazing that the the if this guy any airtime whatsoever and we can remember i think was three or four of us back to remember that tucker carlson had max boot on a show and tucker carlson crushed dollar he crushed him and he showed what an idiot max would match who is an apologist for stupid people around the world but he's very popular ok because he says the right things to the right people well. stephen cohen also has to explain to my example that they still called russia mad and it's no of pearl harbor well i think you know i was very impressed when several u.s. senators and other prominent politicians when they compare the two thousand and sixteen election and their ledged russian method into a part of harbor a lot of the people just drooled hey you know my father survived but harper
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he saw what it was police you know stop doing that you know these kind of comparisons are insulting to america in the first not only is that we have a new call for sanctions coming out of the u.s. senate now i they're on they're on vacation right now on their own leave so i don't think they're going to act upon it but it is it's really just virtuous signaling ok and i think what you continue to see this in two minutes it's one of the ship basically there is a large part of the american political establishment which is desperate to find something to be true. with and that is the russian card and nobody loses points for beating up on russia now that the fact is goes against american fundamental diplomatic and geopolitical interests which you really to avoid creating a coalition with between russia and china isn't their problem their problem right now is to score quick political gain yes alex let me go back to you in cyprus
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a quick political game and of course they're getting it but the implications in the long term are are fundamental because i think now that it's a generational thing i mean why in the world with russia want to have better relations with the united states it doesn't have much trade ok the issues that there are there's a bring them together russia co holds most of the cards here and you have a political establish in the united states that is at war with itself so i mean detente is possible but the americans and the foreign policy blog assume that russia wants that i don't think that's the case go ahead alex and how can you have detente when just the other day you had this bizarre white house press briefing there were all the guys were there you had christopher rah you had coats you had bolton and once again they're pushing out the narrative of russia election involvement keep in mind they're not saying meddling anymore they're not saying interference now it's involvement and of course you know it's defining what the
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hell this is they're just sitting there and they're getting to get this is tribes deep state these are the guys who got the trumpet ministration or the deep state and they're pushing this narrative and they're scapegoating russia because if the democrats lose it's going to be russia exactly it's going to be russia's fault so russia is the ultimate scapegoat you know it's the paranoia of not knowing what you don't know who there's going to be some meddling but how when where and the assumption that it's going to be a reminder that the election has not yet happened and it's going to be in november going to solve something by. then of course is already saying the head of the national intelligence director saying that there is evidence about russian involvement and we have lindsey graham who has just advised president trump to check the so-called ball that putin gave to him and house and get to check it for k.g.b. bugs we have this very same person elaborating with other senators this new draft
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of all which is called if i'm not mistaken or the translation protecting american security of from the kremlin said gretchen two thousand and eighteen so these guys they can forsee the future they can see how russia is mad and interested in a different i mean i really don't this remind me it's kind of a bad episode of the twilight zone ok this is the we've got a fortunately have to take it seriously you are talking about what is russia one from the united states russia wants to be left alone it has its own problems russia is still undergoing a major restructuring and the americans have managed to weaponize finance they can cause a lot of damage by blocking people from the international financial system they block them from the dollar system first but then the european banks are all running scared of the u.s. treasury so they can do substantial damage and yes the political dialogue in here in washington has become
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a term for thirty years that means there's the assumption that somehow of your some circumstances russia is going to buckle when that is a wrong assumption about russia is most certainly not going to buckle and russia has survived very well everything they've thrown at it for the simple reason that russia has a very conservative fiscal and monetary policy the central bank has done an excellent job of insulating russia from the sharks but it's still very inconvenient to. this draft all has not yet been published by the n.c.a. graham has already begun and that's why i think when they they proposed that they went on recess they have no intention right now of doing it it by. it's part of the chorus yes the background go ahead but the things that we know about that are already very very serious that not only for our fans any of our who is suspected of influencing their american elections can be barred from entering the country maybe even then we can be just as i did really good alexander. got to the punch line
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before me is that mean the f.b.i. and the cia and all the rest of them are going to get the end of the israelis always have an influence in american politics but the interesting thing is to say they're not addressing the real meddling in the two thousand and sixteen election and that isn't the d.o.j. in the f.b.i. i'm alex and the corporate media don't freak out. yeah the d.o.j. of the f.b.i. and let's not forget the real election battling was also against bernie sanders and it was hillary clinton and the d.n.c. that ripped off bernie sanders from winning winning the democratic nomination and the bill that they're proposing right now is very sinister indeed they're even asking my secretary of state to examine placing russia on the state list of terrorist sponsors that's how hysterical this feeling is becoming out of grand stated here i mean well i don't know how links.


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