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tv   News  RT  August 7, 2018 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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all rare earth minerals and who owns all these mines china owns all these mines so we're now going to shift our ally from saudi arabia to china that's not a wise idea based on today's situation with tariffs and so forth even if that gets washed you still have a problem with what are we going to do with these batteries down the road and how are they going to affect the environment because there's no there's no way to recycle them they can only be used so long and then all these very dangerous rare earth minerals are going to be stuck somewhere stacked up like that are solar panels all around the world so one of the things that the trumpet ministration had said is this is actually a relief to manufacturers yes they project out five years ten years in advance to produce products the only reason they're producing electric vehicles is because they're forced to produce electric vehicles sales of them are less than two percent the vehicles are lighter and more expensive and consumers aren't buying new cars they're not keeping cars longer over the last four years the average car length of keeping a vehicle used to be ten years now it's fourteen years because people just of all
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buy new cars every year even though we're selling a lot of vehicles and look at the big picture if people buy less cars they're less likely to go to electric vehicles the sales aren't there the investment is not there and cost of insurance is higher on these vehicles consumers cannot take that burden so it makes sense why they did this this is actually helping consumers even though tyson doesn't think so i understand his position but i also understand that consumers especially in the bulk of the country don't have places to charge and they really don't want to go out and buy new vehicles every three years like some people did it oh we're going to have to leave it there just because of time i'm sorry we don't have more we could have gone on this for a longer time that's lauren fix the car coach and president of the north american car truck a utility vehicle award your year of the war your award tyson slocum the director of public citizens energy program thanks to both of you thank you thank you. and the largest restaurant chain in the world by revenues is mcdonald's of course and the company's second quarter earnings report is out our two correspondent title
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suite took the time to look at it and now gives us an update on what's been going on and which mickey d's endeavors are taking the biggest bite from profits. competition in the breakfast sector along with higher priced menu options are just some of the reasons behind the drop in revenue for mcdonald's executives say some of the biggest bites coming out of their profits has to do with mcdonald's changing the structure of its business model the hamburger giant said selling company owned stores to franchisees her profits as a result their second quarter earnings fell twelve percent from a year earlier the company said it already recorded a pretax of ninety two million dollars for severance to the management they were tremaine along with costs involved for closing field offices but the overall picture is to provide more support to their franchises well they hope the extra hand will enable them to better manage expenses won't boosting sales innovations are now in the works for more than one third of company owned restaurants in the u.s. mcdonald's reported a net income of one point five billion or a dollar ninety
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a share despite the charges for restructuring the company profits were up from one point four billion or dollars seventy a share from a year earlier for the company's second quarter sales were up globally by four percent domestically sales were up two point six percent mail delivery also field sales but it wasn't quite enough to meet analyst expectation of three percent growth for stores open one year or longer a new brand of beef was introduced on the menu and labor costs also increased during the second quarter some point to competition in the breakfast department which accounts for twenty five percent of their sales new promotional deals are said to be in the works a massive cycle spore outbreak is causing mcdonald's to find a new cell a supplier for three thousand of its impacted restaurants according to food argument ration two hundred eighty six people in fifteen different states became ill after eating a mcdonald's salad eleven people have been hospitalized as shares fell last week mcdonald's gave its shareholders two point five billion dollars to share
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repurchases and dividends from mcdonald's stocks took a hit executives say that they are optimistic about the company's overall picture only time will tell if these big changes to the hamburger giant on. look up for lost profits in los angeles times just sweets. and time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return steve walz group helps us take a longer look at the july jobs report and we'll break it all down for you as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell gold down a little over half a percent twelve hundred fifteen dollars when we went to air we right path.
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i. suppose. last time we chased. each one of them carrying twenty kilos of drugs. is the main thing. they have. i don't know maybe. i will bring. around more.
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welcome back the united states senate has sent a military spending bill topping seven hundred seventeen billion dollars to the desk of president donald trump on a bipartisan vote of eighty seven to ten mr trump who used the recent nato summit as an occasion to push u.s. allies abroad to buy more bombs missiles and planes from american defense manufacturers of the spectrum to sign the legislation spending for defense now accounts for more than half of u.s. federal discretionary spending the legislation budgets for seventy seven f. thirty five fighter jets made by the lockheed martin corp well even defense biggest booster john mccain senator john mccain of arizona has called the f. thirty five a scandal and a tragedy the f. thirty five is fortunate to be manufactured in the district of congresswoman kay granger who chairs the house appropriations subcommittee on defense spending go figure the build notably does not include a provision to block president trump a waiver for chinese elections electronics manufacturers e.t.e.
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which faced a fatal cutoff of u.s. tech imports over u.s. sanctions against iran and north korea and turning to east africa a major infrastructure project on the nile river with the potential to transform energy commerce and perhaps geopolitics in the region is now under a cloud of uncertainty and suspicion after the project manager and engineer smeg new big kalai was found dead from a gunshot late last month mr big kelly became a beloved public figure within ethiopia for his efforts to push the half finished four point eight billion dollars ethiopian grand renaissance dam project over hurdles of domestic corruption and opposition from sudan and egypt which fear the power generating dam could reduce their agricultural water supply ethiopia says that they will let the water pass through to generate as much as sixty four hundred . megawatts of electricity doubled their current level making them a net energy export or mr big cali was in addis ababa for an announced press
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conference addressing project delays leading to anguish suspicion and speculation across the if the o.p.'s to why mr kelly may have been murdered. as we reported last time the july jobs report is out and while the number of jobs created rose by one hundred fifty seven thousand it was be low what many expected that said there are on average each month this year two hundred twenty four thousand jobs created that's above this time last year the unemployment rate nudged down a tenth of a percent to three point nine percent and here to break it down further is conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve morals big steve happy monday welcome what does the bureau of labor statistics say about individual sectors like manufacturing or health care for july which did well and which well not so much well great to be here bart is always manufacturing a hit on the head thirty seven thousand jobs created and that brings thirty seven
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three hundred seventy thousand for the twelve months making a year and in the term of donald trump the one thousand months over eight hundred thousand now understand the previous administration bart told us these manufacturing jobs once they went away were gone and weren't coming back but they're coming back you know durable goods transportation machinery did exceptionally well in other sectors you had health care services did well as did the food industry and construction the spike the housing slowdown one thousand thousand new construction jobs which brings to a total of over three hundred thousand for the last twelve months so things are looking good retail financial services and thank goodness government held steady or went slightly down very interesting and what will take all the good news we can can get how about major worker groups you know we we know that dude's like us white men usually have the lowest unemployment rates and and teenagers and as they're
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teenagers have the highest unemployment rate so anything interesting with other worker groups that you've looked at. yeah a all time low for asians all time low for hispanics but listen to this talk about high school dropouts how often do we hear about that they've reached an all time low of five point one percent unemployment and those who have only finished high school and i'm not gonna be on the high school diploma for education they were at an all time low this month as well at four percent unemployment and that might be due to the fact that companies and especially small businesses are looking for part timers because there is a shortage of workers quite frankly but i found that to be very interesting it is but still get an education kids don't don't. you know we've reported here that there are currently more jobs available to people seeking work but of course there's that pesky skills gap and that people looking for work don't have the actual requisite skills to do the jobs available but what about labor participation
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how many people in the us are actually employed as a percentage now steve. well the percentage is sixty two point nine percent which remained about constant that's a good number if you go back over the past several years but once again that the number of people which i know is it is significant but interestingly the number of people is again this is the eleven record set monthly record set in the nineteen months that trump has been president so you know that the number is pretty good when you put the number in the apparent with with other economic factors i mean things are looking pretty good well we'll keep our fingers crossed i know you know there's always people are a little bit pessimistic and i want to be cautious but boy as long as we can ride this thing let's hope we can continue to do so steve malzberg conservative t.v. and radio commentator thank you see it always great to see. and turning back to the u.s. sanctions hitting iran at midnight we take
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a closer look at how iranians are trying to cope and hedge their risk one avenue to do so is by buying gold the wall street journal reports that as these sanctions which will ban gold trading with iran are set to take effect the precious metal is trading at record prices and to run that's into run after demand tripled to fifteen metric tons for the second quarter of twenty eight teen versus demand one year ago the journal's to run correspondent say an officially minted eight grand gold coin has doubled in price since the beginning of this year trading at forty five million ryall as last week the world group the world gold council reported last thursday that global gold trading with iran totaled sixty four point five tons in twenty seventeen on the flip side the re our reportedly hit a record low earlier today in black markets where bloomberg says it's trading at one hundred twelve thousand dollars to the us dollar and now we move to gold where we seem to be seeing more selling virgin connected to the strong us dollar to start
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the week gold is there a twelve month low not to run but will twelve months low here of about twelve. teen with futures down over seven dollars an ounce earlier today to help us out we are joined once again by peter schiff the c.e.o. of chief and chief global strategist at euro pacific capital peter so good to see you again we haven't had you on for a while but we appreciate you being with us a many folks we spoke about this before said that when rates went up gold would tank but that didn't happen at the beginning didn't happen for a while but now we see these lower prices is that because of the interest rates. i don't think so i think it's because of the collective delusion among investors around the world that the u.s. economy is actually booming when it's not and the u.s. is going to win the trade war when it can't and so i think when reality rears its head i think gold prices are headed much higher right now they're just around a little bit above twelve hundred and i would imagine they'll be some pretty good support around this level well let me ask you about that and what are the
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components that could push gold up you talked about people really haven't gotten the full magnitude of what's going on in the economy we talk about the trades and the tariffs all the time here not just the rhetoric but the reality and that's really hard to quantify today but it won't be as time goes forward and we've spoken in the past peter about the tax cuts and how that might help or may not help the economy what are the key components that we should be looking at sort of the metrics that might push gold forward. well i think the economy was a bubble when trump was elected and he's managed to blow a little air back into it it probably would have already been deflating you know your previous guest was going over all of the low unemployment numbers but they're just as fake now as they were when trump called out obama for touting the same statistics the labor force participation rate has imploded and so the reason that
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people are not officially unemployed is because they are not counted but they are not looking for work and the stock market is a bigger bubble now than it was when trump pointed it out as a candidate so i think as the economy rolls over because the tax cuts was a bit of an artificial stimulus but the larger deficits that the tax cuts produce will be a bigger drag on the economy than the temporary boost from the cuts because is this ingenuous to claim credit for cutting taxes when you simultaneously make government more expensive which is what donald trump did by signing bills to increase military spending and increase welfare spending we have a bigger more expensive government now that taxpayers need to pay for and if they're not going to pay for it with income taxes they're going to do it with additional debt higher inflation higher consumer prices and that's what we're seeing consumer prices are rising rates are rising and those trends are going to
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continue and i think as the economy goes back into recession as it becomes obvious that we are going to lose the trade war because we are right now benefiting from the subsidies that foreign economies are extending to us by allowing us to buy what they produce on credit and when they stop doing that it's americans that are going to suffer and i think the dollar is going to collapse and of course once the dollar starts going down people will be rushing into gold. yeah that seems to make some sense and you are so correct i want to tip my hat to you about the tax cuts i mean you know i thought they were disproportionately spread out peter but you talked about how they weren't going to be much of a stimulus and i think you just used the phrase artificial there they are certainly been proven to be used more than anything else for stock buybacks and that doesn't really go to help move the economy anyway we appreciate you joining us peter we hope you come back soon the c.e.o. in chief global strategist at euro pacific capital peter schiff thanks peter and
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time. and that's it for this time thanks for watching teche boom bust on direct t.v. channel three twenty one or dish network channel two eighty or streaming twenty four seven on blue t.v. that's a free t.v. at channel one thirty two or as always you can cash at youtube dot com slash boom bust r.t. will see it next time. the americans are still in shock they're still dealing with the psychological damage of nine eleven they still need enemies they still unjustified they still are having troubles walking through it meanwhile the rest the world is leapfrogging and . you know world of big partisan.
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and conspiracies it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. for.
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accused of double standards to ban the use of double standards after banning it to be offensive comments against blacks even though identical tweets against whites went unchallenged. was one of the most popular and controversial turns its news websites being banned by leading social media platforms for what they call a speech on the head of a visit by the international chemical weapons watchdog the of this time next week the media continues to. late on the poisoning case claiming he has asked russia to extradite suspects but also to come here on r.t. you speak to a man who has gone on hunger strike over the mistreatment of his father in a bahraini jail who's serving time for leading antigovernment protests they could carry it to chile they are feeling the denial from medical treatment from it is
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the axe is the book even for that but. for the welcome it's just gone five pm here in moscow we watching r.t. international. change the word white to black or jewish and you could find yourself in trouble on twitter that's what one conservative activist in the u.s. confirmed as she tried to highlight the platform's alleged double standards with more details his. candace owens she's from turning points usa conservative organization in the usa what she did was she took tweets from new york times journalist sarah job and simply replaced the words white with the words black or the word jewish the response of twitter was to shut down her account candace owens
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says that twitter was right to take down her posts and ban her for making hateful comments regarding black and jewish people she says however the outrage is that sarah jiang was not banned for making these comments about white people on the surface i actually agree with twitter's assessment i believe that what i said what i tweeted was wrong you should not be able to tweet about any race or any group that you want them canceled that they should live underground i don't know why suddenly people think that white people are excluded from that scenario that people can't be racist towards white people when in fact they often are the problem with the new york times essentially saying shinning her behavior is that they are signaling to the rest of the world that racism actually is ok as long as you pick the the right race this was candice owens first statement to her followers after the ban twitter not only reinstated her account but actually apologized and said that it was a mistake for her to be banned now immediately there was
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a firestorm with people pointing to what they see as a double standard by the way as you go. tweets and replace the points with blank i'm in tweets of bones and i was double standard every time i see one of these i can't help substitute black for white count is so stupid i will never understand the double standard why it's acceptable to so many now the wikipedia page of the new york times journalist is also in question now the page simply describes her as a journalist and has minimal contact regarding the controversy surrounding her tweets it appears that has there. now been added a small reference to it but sarah john there on these tweets the controversy surrounding them seems to be quite a big issue we get pedia seems to make efforts to minimize that a lot of debate yet another example of how in the united states when it comes to issues of race and free speech americans just don't see eye to eye. and that while
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the new york times has issued a statement defending its decision to hire sarah jones it said that she simply used the same language as online harasses did to respond to them self said they were meant to be satirical following news of her tweets a suspension activists can decide. on the street by anti fascist protests this. means he was having breakfast with another conservative activist colleague when they were harassed by protest as the demonstrators could be seen jackson pieces that are. police quickly on the scene investigative journalist david lindorff really if this is the way twisted tackles speech it isn't work. they didn't then one thing they've been another that was just the substitution of words and they
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look really stupid for doing it so. they made a hash of. this instead of trying to solve the problem that made it worse they really need to think this through and. jump in when there's a screaming match from one side or the other and they'll jump to try to stop it quickly with a stupid decision they need to really. think through policy and then operate according to a policy that is rational coherent and consistent and that hardly what they're doing right now meanwhile one of the most popular online or tentative news channels in five wars has seen a major crackdown with facebook he cheap apple and sports if i blocking its accounts and taking down its content all in the same day with his high facebook explained the. we have taken it down for glorifying violence and using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender muslims and immigrants which
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violates our hate speech policies if i was was launched by alex jones in the late one nine hundred ninety s. his you tube videos too have been watched more than one point six billion times many have deemed him though a peddler of conspiracy theory twenty fifteen donald trump appeared on the channel and praised jones's work while people on social media have clashed over the back i don't support alex jones or what in four was produces he's not a conservative however banning him in his outlets is wrong it's not just a slippery slope it's a dangerous cliff apple removing alex jones one in four words isn't some terrible form of censorship against conservatives he said sandy hook wasn't real he's seeing parents from the school he said the holocaust wasn't real his not just a conservative he's a conspiracy theorist hurts people in four wars it has been banned by facebook for and specified hate speech regardless of the facts in this case they're willing to
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facebook to censor viable publishers is a global anti trust problem. at all commentate it in a loud and believed this could actually prove to be damaging for social media giants. whether or not you agree with alex jones i would be just the same amount of adamant that i think it's bad policy to ban people no matter what really no matter what i mean in the united states we have a concept of free speech that we love very much it means a lot to us now these are private companies they can do what they want to do i'm not saying they shouldn't be able to do this and i'm certainly not saying that government should regulate whether or not private companies can make decisions like this but i am saying i think it's a bad decision and i think that in the long run it will not pay off for these companies it is it extremely slippery slope i do believe ultimately that probably some conservative it t. will come up with competitive platforms for the ones that are doing the banning and
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the censoring and ultimately they will have stiff competition that may even relegate them to relative obscurity because of things like this especially if they remain so one sided. war took over the streets of chicago this weekend with numerous bystanders caught up in the crossfire twelve people were killed and sixty six injured including several children police. in the city no longer fear the law not even bothering to flee some crime scenes chicago famous as the windy city is now winning a new reputation for bloodshed. the being killed in chicago has been immigrants come by locals have taken to calling their hometown shai rock. one of the biggest street gangs.
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so for my child at the time. how easy is it that a guy whose name. we need to create a culture of accountability a picking up a gun and using it. well local politicians are now paling to the president to intervene directly even though the city's mayor once declared chicago a trouble free zone. i think what he's doing is wrong for the direction the city is not how i wanted the election to turn out and so we've declared chicago's going to try to be a trump free zone we have to make sure that prison trump reckon that is that not everyone believes that chicago is
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a term free zone if he's serious about helping the people in chicago especially on the west side of chicago. well the deadly gang fighting took place right there next in science some people claim the bloodshed is a consequence of the corrupt authorities as you can get we spoke to gregory livingston. kabul was intentionally segregated segregated in terms of geography. segregated in terms of educational assets health care assets capital investment funds it's been second gator for quite a long time matter of fact we martin king said all throughout the soft he had march chicago was the most segregated city he had ever been in and we're still facing the the the byproduct of this legacy because when you segregate the city you insulate one part of the city it's such a way in comfort and you ostracize the other in a lack of as.


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