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tv   Cross Talk  RT  August 8, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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people that citibank doesn't control we want to have them on and financial you know jack miles company or some chinese company gave gives us incredible operating leverage in the twenty first century so you know we've overlooked we're obviously overlooking the trillions of billions of people in the in the global economy that china's failures is going to be a huge asset if i may say yeah and the nightly news here by the way the cable news you would think it's all russia russia russia while we've been focused on first for twelve fifteen years and now russia russia russia like so much is happening around the world it's unbelievable that like how rapidly china is taking our place economically and you we can't control that we can't compete economically sun even russia it's russia nine hundred fifty five yeah but we term of this story that i'm talking about is we the united states cannot compete economically anymore against china so we focus where we can compete and we have the absolute moral authority to
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bomb and basically invade and sanction any country on earth nobody else can do that so that's why we that's all we have left after all these years of focusing on some guys in caves somewhere in afghanistan and you know in the meantime if that's the only model we we know we we know how to present any longer so china is then going around saying well i understand you might want to do a trade deal with the u.s. because there might bomb you but you know what we'll give you one hundred fifty billion dollars no questions asked no strings attached we're just one want to do trade so a lot of people are saying well that sounds actually a lot nicer and a lot easier than possibly being bonds if we don't do this so this is happened in the past fifteen twenty years this is what's happened and now we're trying to catch up look the mental gymnastics that americans have to go through dealing with the loss in vietnam the vietnam war that america has lost it to so the us are still low in the rambo movies to reinterpret in room. that history to make it look like
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americans are the winners multiply that times one hundred and end up with what's happened since nine eleven so nine eleven and every period you're just describing right now the americans are still in shock they're still dealing with the psychological damage of nine eleven they still need enemies they still are justified they still are having troubles working through it and meanwhile the rest of the world is old leapfrogging and yeah they're still in shock because the mainstream media are ratings driven and they're and the ratings give them higher ad revenue and they keep you in shock because that's a very powerful tool to get you to buy in to continue this very profitable bit profitable business model to the top one percent it's clearly if you look from two thousand that's when the real wealth and income gap just tore away from the rest of the top one percent just zoomed away from the bottom ninety nine percent they are you know it's just like a huge difference but we've been in a constant state of state of shock and constantly afraid of individuals one guy one
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guy in a cave in afghanistan one guy named lattimer putin that we're so we're so willing to give up all our you know our our in our self-respect our sovereignty or income producing assets anything to just for one guy yellow mugs roll let's roll let's keep it rolling into the second half they were and there's some very important issues here that need to be covered stay right there don't go away we'll be right back with much more coming your way.
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first. of all those. two auditions don't google so document on the first thanks. so much i must. tell you. that. the. eight to eighty two leave it to most of it it does. some of the sheen you know. well. i don't wish to write. a new chin would just look at it. for me that's. a good summary of the. if they were. fortunate in that one of the most.
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positive times was you might want to pull. the last. superman think about it superman clark can't that's two sides of the same coin they're both superheroes fighting for truth justice and the american way as a journalist like we are and as a superhero. ok. seems so clear to me that i've seen the light that journalism are a super journalist or super hero in their own minds well i mean on this show on
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r.t. we have a bias toward truth we're superheroes in a landscape of villains like rachel maddow and lawrence o'donnell imus and b c yet all the big news out there this is super news while americans have been of course. absorbed in superhero movies over the past ten twenty years that's all you see ever anymore superhero simple stories good guy bad guy well over in the rest of the world you've had more nuanced economic power emerging and that is china so this is what we're talking about in the summer special to match our last summer special which was about the u.s. of bating empire it could recover who knows maybe make america great again will work but who knows if it doesn't this is what we have to look forward to is china as a rising power so i'm going to look at one continent in particular and that is africa africa has basically not only given us humanity this is where all humans come from
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but it has also given us much of the wealth of the world whether through all of their resources or in america's case obviously their human resources in the form of slaves that were brought over and built much of the wealth of this country but here we're seeing. capitalism. basically china having to seek out markets that other corporations around the world won't enter the strategic entry of china's transition into the vacuum left by nokia and africa trans shouldn t. r a n s s i know and it's a big telecoms company. that many in america i certainly hadn't heard of it until i read this article but they are a mobile phone manufacturer out of china trance in techno as manufacture has two other brands on the market i tell an infant x.
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catering to different price points in consumer segments what sets a company apart is that they are solely focused on the african continent and do not even sell in their domestic market of china this was a strategic error rapid success very likely due to the vacuum left by nokia they've customized completely for the african market going as far as to develop cameras suited for local conditions something no other phone manufacturer has done on the planet they've built these phones customized uniquely for africa not only for african citic selfies they've enabled basically thirty percent more light to focus on the face because of the dark skin doesn't show up as much in selfies on a normal phone an i phone or a samsung or whatever so they specifically created technology in their phone for the african market they also have some of the longest lasting batteries so in
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africa electricity is very expensive so to charge your phone is very expensive so they're one of their mobile phones last eight days on one single charge so there are a lot of people especially the guys who have to you know walk from village to village selling. you know their goods well they want a phone that lasts for eight days and the chinese manufacturers have provided drilling into the collective unconscious so again to repeat the fortunes of the last century were extractive minerals and energy the fortunes of the twenty first century are mining the collective unconscious through these vast platforms and networks facebook twitter being good examples but here you have this chinese company saying look there are lots and lots of brains in africa. that we can monetize by hitting that market specifically with products tailored to the market to be competitive and to capture that market yes and it seems as if europe and
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america when they dealt with africa it was just to extract the resources and us our corporations basically keep all the profit and probably this is why china the rest of the market the building a middle class building a consumer class has been left because they don't care about that they don't want that essentially because of course then the middle class will want some of their resources as we see happening in saudi arabia or qatar or the middle east is like when they've developed a middle class and they start to compete for the oil reserves there that we just want all for ourselves so here the chinese manufacturers are are specifically targeting a more creative class innovation class and they go on to say that this company transition in local languages and messenger apps they've established a factory in ethiopia to show their commitment to africa and they've set a full customer care facility something glaringly missing from any other imported
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brands portfolio in my opinion they've done what nokia could have and should have done cater to the emerging markets across the developing world where they had originally begun connecting people so you know he basically the chinese mobile phone manufacturers certainly for the whole east africa they have money awfully on that market they're basically own that market at this point one of the trying to be the commodification of these high end products like the phone the i phone you know the as an extraordinary profit margin forty percent or so which is almost unheard of in the manufacturing business but as the market becomes saturated this type of product in this market where the margins are going to be thin they have a chance to penetrate that market and grab a large percentage of the market with a product that doesn't have the right. high margins but it will have market penetration and these other big wigs like the i phones of the world they're ignoring these markets. until probably they lose that first mover advantage and
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they're going to be trying to cat play catch up at some point this looks like a long game is a short game to just like extract the resources and not do anything you're concerned concern yourself with the rest of a normal economy you just take the gold you just take the box say all bauxite all that sort of goods that are needed to manufacture mobile phones here and not only do they control much of the mobile phone and telecoms there they control the bicycles they have scooters made specifically for africa by chinese manufacturers as well so there's a huge market of all sorts of goods that they're targeting towards africa presumably looking for the same thing that the u.s. did during the forty's fifty's and sixty's u.s. goods used to be seen around the world as something that there was their first experience from mass manufactured products so here you have a huge continent the biggest continent in the world of africa and with a lot a huge population and young booming population so here china is targeting that also
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these phones usually come embedded with the opera browser or the mini browser as opposed to say safari or firefox or chrome which a lot of westerners use east africa mostly using opera and the reason again goes to mother necessity necessity is that because of their energy costs and because of the lower income they need to make sure that they have a browser that uses less data and the browser the opera browser uses sixty percent less data than this next competitor so everybody is becoming loyal to that brand of opera and this also brings me to the next story which is that bit main is entering the. for can market buy of the opera browser right bit men being the dominant force in bitcoin mining. so the they're getting into this market in a big way and they're well positioned to do so because crypto currencies are
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becoming the currency of the unbanked as they're called and so they are going to leapfrog all the banking infrastructure that is not required just like a lot of the other infrastructure that one associates with advanced economies are not needed in your development or purely in the cyber space the intellectual space the mines fear you you don't need all that other stuff but the margins are very thin but so they've got to have to have a deep market penetration to be profitable because the margins are like food you know if the grocery store margins are very very very small one two percent well but just like henry ford became the massive auto manufacturer that he did is by making his workers wealthy so he could sell more cars here they're creating an economy to sell more products a very good point they are enriching the local economy whereas the extractive industries deprived an impoverished local economy so as this next article here's the headline from michael kamandi and how the chinese africa's most popular browser
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in a big quake in mining companies are about to change african payments and he notes that of course africans themselves have innovated wildly their way more advanced than our economy in terms of financial services they have things like m paste they've had they invented you know their own digital currencies before a big coin existed where they can transfer value you know credits on your your phone so now they have not however what's been missing is cross border transfers of the equivalent outside of the u.s. sort of banking system because that is part of the problem is that africans the average salary is very low by u.s. standards the u.s. banks there's a huge regulatory burden that you can't let one bad guy use that financial system you can't want. let one bad guy use the u.s. dollar you can't let one bad guy use your credit card or any sort of access the financial system so it has been worth it but to china i think they don't have that
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same sort of restriction that basically opens that entire market to financial services and incomes main last week's s.c.c. disclosure on opera's newest investor for their one hundred fifteen million dollar i.p.o. was the best news on crypto currency adoption in africa i've seen in the last five years with far reaching implications on e-commerce trade and payments for the region than appears at first glance my choice of a header image above accurately captures increasing chinese influence on kenya and africa at both state and commercial level because maine is the largest miner of bitcoin more bitcoin than anyone else and they are multibillion dollar company and they're about to i.p.o. and it looks like their valuation is going to be fourteen billion dollars and these guys are you know they're controversial within the big client space certainly jiang wu is very controversial but the guy is smart and he hires the best and he does the best and he has a plan for africa and he sees that bet embedding through the opera browser
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a thing called open a and you can introduce cryptocurrency a frictionless market frictionless way to transfer value from kenya to ethiopia or you know tens and somewhere like that you are able to really. crypto in the u.s. are not high because there's no urgency but here there is urgency so the adoption rates in africa could skyrocket compare to the rest of the world and be the cutting edge toward crypto adoption for the world yeah but also i'm saying like we don't necessarily know what is opposed to us world oppose us empire world is going to look like we don't know yet what china will do that here they're building up africa is africa going to be one of the biggest economies in the entire continent is the enemy an economic force that it never. has been in a thousand years i mean that's what could very well be a crypt all mixed up in the economies of crypto are exponentially more powerful than anything we've seen in the history of economics could leap frog by
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a hundred years of very very quickly well it'll be interesting to see and that's our summer solution for this we're looking at what china might do with the world economy and remember the seventy's also gave us disco. well that's going to do it for this dish on the kaiser before it was a max keiser the superhero and stacy herbert another superhero and so on reach us on twitter is kaiser report and it's all next on we must say adieux and goodbye. what hope to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want.
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to go to proceed with what before three of the more people. interested always in the water. to. join me every thursday on the alex song i'm sure and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics. i'm show business. my brother could write a review that scared it for mamma the whole of south east. that.
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all of us. are moving toward a shoot on google so he went on the first date. our son was born on august eighth two thousand and eight the danger which is sort of a war against some of the sense here residential areas were shown by how the system grant multiple rocket launches. it was how georgia tried to regain control of the rebellious republic. we were here at the height of that war and we've returned after ten years we'll meet people whose stories we're told and we'll learn how their lives changed. from the my how my cost them outside the house. on kill also done.
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and i mean that's the. you got of this the power. and out of this they. just look at which another duty is the movies the costumes that it's the stuffs. the seals trustable of steel leave stud in the ocean will produce in the. roof. now that is
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a dunedin and. past one on top of things to. grow it is a curious will. this will. close the local. confucius treatment to relieve liver disease be it where you lizards or go you know what it is the very blood. we put in there just in the here. or it. is natural so lets. loose here or. is.
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this. says. martin luther. because. you are my quest to. see. the to go see this. earth to. it wasn't the first military conflict between georgia and south a city or things started to heat up in the late one nine hundred eighty s. the soviet union was falling apart and the republics were striving for the right to self-determination the nationalists even came up with the slogan georgia is for
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georgians schools were forbidden to teach in the a certain language south the city rebelled declared independence and war broke out . in one thousand nine hundred two the warring parties signed a peace accord but failed to come to an agreement russian brokered the peace talks since then russian peace makers have been helping to keep order i asked god how far. more of. the snow sleet. dump of bunkers when i'm going to see you. john says.
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in two thousand and eight maya best diavolo worked as a nurse at the russian peacekeepers base is stored in the way of the georgian army . base came under massive shelling from the georgians for many hours. always there was. a machine and. this fellow to call. this deliveries of the cereal. if it goes first of all is if you see in the. sewer a school bus. resists. over to me and the whole useable lots he will do the false will the spiritual school that. research. my.
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role. was in exploring. at the top of our new regions to do three civil before. the king of new york a dog or a museum. i mean even. my own was also seriously injured she was unaware that reinforcements were fighting their way through to the peacekeepers and that has son was with the military. he would run into an ambush near the peacekeepers base and be badly wounded. the peacekeepers couldn't hold the georgian troops bank for too long and by the often uno forgets the eighth georgian turning said already entered see involved.
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do you. believe cruising down. the chute all of. those soon yes the. women when he was nine his house was hit by a shell which caused the walls to fall down and the roof to cave in the left shoulder. should. get out of. course it is that only the bushes are. still in the. village came under shelling for a few days. after the war there were no houses left on damage to. the issue interesting to see down the street.
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just a month. ago police are very. softly said what i thought. was. oh. well just history all of the new policy. going first moved to catch us trusting promoted to me first. it's the kids still going to play at a place that was once their home even though a new house was built for their family just seemed. to offer you support i suppose truly just a three month usually school bus through them. jim. says
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one and his parents managed to flee the village just in time and avoided the oncoming georgian army they didn't know the road was under the control of georgian troops. coming out of the south past the end of the dock with. the trash wolf want to name. nothing in france to benefit the. thousands of civilians fled to russia but not everybody managed to get their own homes many were killed on the way to. the city in this way incapable of defending themselves on their own against the will to train georgian army people died in skins. the peacekeepers were surrounded and couldn't help. russia looms the operation of force in georgia to peace the military will find their way through to relieve. georgian kristen.
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claimed russia had a tank georgia my country soon sold if i was against russian aggression russian russian troops invaded georgia they being bombing georgia numerous warplanes and specifically targeting civilian population and did you take a gamble your government launched its own attempt to retake so sasha we didn't that . we didn't. have the morning of the eights my wife calls me and says that they bombed a couple hundred meters away from her mother's house i remember. i was actually crying and afraid and thinking that if anything happens to my family i'm going to kill saakashvili and i meant that we met jim is this ten years ago he's an american who lives in florida his wife joan is the sense in august two thousand and eight she and her daughter worms.


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