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tv   Cross Talk  RT  August 9, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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lives in florida his wife john is a sense young in august two thousand and eight she and her daughter were on holiday at his parents' place in south ossetia so says it was a this is in southeast of interest it is a good bit of lotion on the rest of us that it would. be good enough standish the layer to. know the answer to this is that he said this. side surely says. george. later you find out through the european commission that in fact it was george. that. it was not here the mainstream media they reported that russia started the conflict and said nothing about soccer surely opening fire on the night of the beginning of the olympics in beijing i talked to many people i've posted many things on the internet
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and letting people know the truth about what really happened now is. very carefree if i'm happy and by the council to pam ranting and in mt bing through friends maybe it's scary. and armor much of it but i know that i wouldn't want to sleep alone there's this one window in my room they sleep in there is like a crack in them but i would i would remember oh that's from the war center was afraid she was saying you know she was afraid that the suction really was going to be there and he was in the soldiers after us every year when we went back for several years she had those feelings. years after i believe that eventually other countries would learn to read. that
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georgia was at fault in this war especially after the european commission came out and said that georgia started the war. i thought for sure that other countries would follow suit with russia to recognize the independence the south has said and i was very disappointed that they did. anyone else chose seemed wrong. why don't we all just don't. get to shape our disdain comes to educate and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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this is. a church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that it has not as the end then i think that it is this yet in. this. case both.
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people have to understand that when you're attacked so many crimes brutally attacked in people murdered how can you expect a republic to go back to those people over law which. you can't. just sometimes short of full the sampson and the more just some fanatics of class known. to man the holiday home blows them moshiach comes down to the hum of the title to the moment the man could also say can we get in a normal. first system and the people told him and. own both this. if you want to rule the. more you know this is the way or the war here was you know it all change i thought. and i forgot all cormac i got it down
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and there is a. door that i know forty times through you know you know. the last of this it was yet at all to the one to must see must share jimmy smits on my i just stand there you know if you're going to go north or if you go to your faith on your. toes to go to war that i'm going to push. up if i'm a member shot as soon as it. can sort of carry us in a moment of our own to give the baby yes it was but just a little sheep that can get you don't stuff. to still resist somebody who needs a dog. that's here at play to relate is what happened
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a son had found out that his parents had been captured and he came to rescue. them . it took the russian army a few days to force the georgians to retreat many georgians who had been living in a city or left for georgia with the military. resolution as it's true does the most for it will not hold up the tories is really. going to lead to this or very. closely when you are listening to. we fully established freedom of. especially versus its national. well as its own research and research. sarah varney in georgia was billed as a special refugee settlement for those who came from south etc cookie cutter houses accommodate two thousand people most seventy resistance referred to south or says
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here as occupied territory for them it's georgian land. elnora fled to georgia with her children her house was burned down so she's got nowhere to go back to elnora's granddaughter was born in sara vonnie she's never been to south or setia and only heard about it from her grandma. guys with years of work on the town i thought is good to out well i. thought i'd gone or the hotel there mary dined us our. maunder date i was up there local was. i saw right a reality catron mom my dad. salvo me dad just died down after our thirty. mocked us
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in my censure diary literates gone i said i'm not a mother it's horrible. notaro scarlet ariel sharon. me are you to be married and i should have a market around. the country deliver to its creditors that bed near it well in the last men who seek your say here opportunity says aren't at all going to regard it as a duo that's gone and i'm sure they were going to double double never will not and just outlive it just because a tragic mound is added secretarial sokoto as weak as a quarter or carter is horrid and most everyone knows well are a lot of illiteracy i doubt it or reality secretary was. so mary. let it go it was to be in the longest our thing going to. be by the nation are a little david you know with nothing on which i got the. well.
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i was more than i missed. him but not from a lot of. the construction of this fence between georgia and south the sense here started straight after the war however the border line hasn't been fully fenced. for russian border guards to be stationed along the border to help with security. just another show. you know show. that. there is no thought of big arc we'll. bring you some. of the.
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mystery of. the borderlines were defined by rather old maps which just didn't reflect current reality in the border called the village and so some of the inhabitants remained in south ossetia while twenty two people found themselves living in no man's land. since then they've been living between two checkpoints they're not allowed into georgia and they need a special pass to enter south of. this border checkpoint has been set up specially for them. off which is. the issues this is the. also this was leisure school google books which is just visions of them to school with and. you know she. was
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fired from. her on this so. this is the rules of this she. says the nuns good seeing you blue sky. ski poles. all of this up us is reviewing me. being the. fullest. must see. when you see us. sit down she's. done the moment when you. need me revved up and i see. those stranded in no man's land have been promised that they'll be allocated new houses and be moved to south essentially. that promise was given the six years ago
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when the fence was built but. eighty percent of the buildings in skin vault were destroyed during the war. and school was also badly damaged ten years ago it seemed to us to be impossible to rebuild the place. that. the future. so when russia. today much of it was just cooling to the school system mission to the region.
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but this. last. trip. to most british. some soon. will last in the really. loose issue. such. as a child was fascinated by clay markedly he used to make models of animals and superheroes . as he grew older he didn't abandon his hobby even though he graduated last year they still keep his models on display not the ones he made as a child but his most serious work. here's your officers. he says
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it in. the truth. as you decision will. shortly. it's our skirts but little seeing. through the. is jewish luigi doesn't poet nikki his mistress in a school of just. center has really changed. most of the building. reconstructed but many were torn down and rebuilt from scratch.
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russia helped to rebuild the destroyed republic and was the first nation to recognize south a city as independence. russia now helps to keep the peace. a military base was built in skin valcke. best in the medical corps. on. the way and i mean it's you know i mean. probably fulfilling. the. torch i think. for the most of us you know.
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but the group. when sharon a was hiding with her son in the basement of a maternity home the georgian army entered her village. children as husband went off to fight and her parents were left alone in their house because over the summer with gifts she has come over to send messages very gracious birdman ruefully of them with a queer doubt who are hundreds of. other times the mother one of the rival at the. charles home to roost says stuff i'd forgotten do you. feel them more the more usual told us their knowledge of g.-d. . sharin as husband died shortly after the war so arsène has no memory of his dad
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share in a remarriage and gave birth to a daughter and another baby's on the way. the family's poor so awesome makes his own toys his favorites are a wooden machine gun and a sniper rifle the one out on marcus in space he knows how. to measure but really children are the ones. on the. houses for the most vulnerable in the us they visit. could not possibly. call such that close that with children just. around the.
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it's only natural that baby boomers from vote for policies that he helped found i house price boom to stock price things and it disenfranchised the bottom you know age groups but this list oh well. tough luck buddy get a job kids get a job. but
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it was supposed to some of us it was. just bullshit. last time we chased. each one a little carrying twenty kilos of drugs. first offense. blues that they just employ. is the very we i mean my little mind they the boy they have this is the this is for me. it's me. i don't know maybe i don't need a make or. break. around more.
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washington announces new sanctions against russia over the poisoning case of using a biological weapon once again presents. significant evidence. to the south of the u.s. senate to interview the head of wiki leaks alleged russian meddling in the twenty sixth election. has repeatedly denied that moscow had anything to do with the election documents exposed by wiki leaks. social media giants are accused of silencing. twitter suspend several prominent libertarian and conservative thinkers for alleged hate speech.
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from moscow what's not in fashion with me then you have you are welcome to the program. and the u.s. has veiled new sanctions against russia over the poisoning of. his daughter in the u.k. in march this year the new penalties are expected to come into effect around the twenty second of august that's according to the state department some serious accusations have been thrown out. the united states on august the sixth twenty eighteen determined under the chemical and biological weapons control and warfare elimination active nine hundred ninety one the government to the russian federation has used chemical or biological weapons in violation of international law or has used lethal chemical biological weapons against its nationals the so called russian puppets new sanctions against russia will come in two rounds of first round will
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limit financing and exports of banning licenses to export national security goods the second round of sanctions that's due in three months or so could affect hundreds of millions of dollars in exports and if impose will cut diplomatic ties to russia and all arrow flights to aeroflot flights to and from the us and stop all imports and exports according to reports however the second round of sanctions will not be imposed if russia provides assurances that it will stop using chemical weapons and commit to on site inspections by the u.n. but what this ultimatum says is that russia does not have the luxury to pick pursue the innocent until proven guilty russia has already been implicated in the crime but here is also something to keep in mind about the ultimatum last october the un verified the destruction of russia's chemical weapons a through on site inspections and also confirmed that all of russia's chemical weapons facilities were closed it looks like the u.s.
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will be a sanctioning russia for allegedly using chemical weapons the u.n. says it doesn't have this all began when a former double agent and his daughter were poisoned back in march another chop was determined to be the agent used and immediately the u.k. and the rest of the western world almost instinctively blamed russia because the agent was originally developed in the u.s.s.r. but since ninety one it's been developed in several other countries now russia has denied any involvement and has even offered to cooperate in a full investigation the o.p.c. w. and porton down. the british laboratory that analyze the samples could not identify the source or country of origin as in russia can be implicated it also comes at a very interesting time senator rand paul hand delivered a letter from president trump to president putin to apparently a strengthened bilateral relations so we're just going to have to wait and see how russia reacts or this and what the global response will be. now to former u.s.
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diplomat jim jeffords said shed some more light on the situation thanks for joining us a good to have you on the program we still know we still don't know for sure do we who poisoned the script the u.k. lab which i'm lies the solid pulls they know i will to ascertain exactly where they came from which country they would produce then do you think perhaps the u.s. has some evidence that we don't know about war that they're not making public no of course not that not only do they not have such evidence i would go so far to say that the u.s. government like the british government knows very well that the russians were not responsible for this and this is this is a political demand this is designed to undercut the overtures from the trumpet ministration from president trump directly and also senator rand paul now in moscow to warm relations with moscow with with russia and this is a way to undercut that by making accusations against russia that are not only false but there's no way they can disprove how deep is russia going to submit to on site
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inspections by the united states which by the way we ourselves have not destroyed our chemical stocks to the chemical weapon can the convention this is a completely topsy turvy world when it comes to these accusations what about the timing behind these sanctions i mean you have the midterm elections coming up just three months away obviously you mentioned the attempts of some sort of reconciliation between trump and putin the visit of missed the poll do you think the timing here has anything to do with why these sanctions are being put in place now. i think there are number of things that are relate to the timing here what as i say is senator paul's visit to moscow similar to the hysteria that occurred after helsinki i think there is also some sense that the with a man a for trial that there is some kind of a coming to the head of the molar investigation and it i think some people would like to make sure that the maximum pressure is placed on trump i do not think this
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is something that president trump is doing or at least not doing personally because he thinks it'll be popular in the in the mid-term elections i don't think anybody in the american electorate really cares about this and the polls all show that despite the constant drumbeat twenty four seven of russia russia russia less than one half of one percent of the american public considers this an important story trouble for as i said several meetings now with the russian president he's had the press conference obviously despite as you say this drumbeat of russian meddling russian collusion etc was that when you stopped you know don't stop trying to make some sort of at least because we haven't said to to make amends with russia do you think this will get in the way of those efforts. i think it will certainly get away of these efforts if he's removed and i think that's the ultimate goal of this campaign i think that one trump promised during the two thousand and sixteen campaign that among his most important agenda items would be to improve relations with russia and let's remember every single american president going way back well
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to to rosa to roosevelt and stalin thought that we had to have some kind of reasonable relationship with first russia and now the u.s. is our trump wanting to return to that is treated as some literally is being accused of treason for one of the say that so i think he then finds himself in this really pathetic condition ri says oh i'm tougher on russia than anybody i don't think that's really where he wants to go he wants to try to find some way to have better relations and he's being stymied every step of the way i suppose you will rightly say trump's find himself between a rock and hard place has anybody because if you go to a halt in russia to satisfy the critics he risks damaging relationship permanently if he's too soft he's accused of collusion where do you see the future going in from here with the relationship with russia in times of having some sort of functional dialogue some sort of negotiation at the table at least with the kremlin i don't know and i think this is getting more serious than the people behind this
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and i don't think it's mr trump personally really really understand if you look at those secondary saying sions they're due to kick in if russia does not satisfy us on our demands about chemical weapons and i don't see any way they can talk about downgrading diplomatic relations cutting off air afloat flights to dive states we are getting very close to the line of the kind of breaking of dialogue the breaking of relations that occurs to be two countries only one when they're on the edge of war i don't think the people here really understand the kind of gasoline filled room that they're flicking matches into right jim jeffords use them about things who are inside it that ought to be good to have in the program. a wiki leaks founder julian assange is considering a request from the u.s. senate to testify on claims of russian meddling in the twenty sixth election. across a story. the u.s.
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senate intelligence committee has sent a letter to the ecuadorian embassy in london where as we all know the wiki leaks publisher has been holed up for the last six years this letter is addressed to julian assange basically calling upon him to testify in what is being described as a closed interview it's a mutually convenient time and location now given we all understand julian assange has made it clear he has no plans to be leaving that embassy any time soon out of his own free will but this is going to be some kind of question and answer session that is probably going to be taking place via some kind of web link and we have seen no that we can leaks or julian assange his legal team already react to this letter saying they would be open to this kind of testimony but it must conform to a high ethical standards well of course all of this falls under the existing narrative led by the west that julian assange along with russia had something to do with getting donald trump elected back in twenty sixteen and of course when it
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comes to the topic of russia and being somehow involved with the country julian assange himself has denied any of these allegations over and over again really countless times. is normal. and it is normal that. fourteen year old kid a fourteen year old kid could practice so they have to try to break is the russian intelligence services hillary clinton stated multiple times falsely seventeen u.s. intelligence agencies had assisted. russia was. the source of all publications. that's false and of course the latest that was talked about in washington is twelve russian intelligence officers who were said to have broken into the d.m.c. server and taken sensitive information to be passed on to julian assange and wiki leaks to be later.


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