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tv   News  RT  August 10, 2018 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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russia views the tightening of u.s. sanctions as the breakout of an economic war after washington announces new penalties for the poisoning of double agents or the extra ball and his daughter. the u.s. democratic party wants facebook to share data on members who've fallen for fake news so we can tell them what's right this is social media giants are accused of censorship after banning controversial show host alex jones. and israel and hamas militants reached a tentative cease fire agreement after israel retaliates against dozens of rockets fired from the gaza strip.
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and the legacy of terror we hear from families in southern russia desperate for news of loved ones who went to join the islamic state terror group many had young children who are also missing or will hold this you'll be ok but some call it will only be ok i just feel so sort of for the children it's so difficult when you don't know exactly you children are. very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r.t. h.q. in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. described as the brink of a new economic war washington is seeking to further tighten sanctions on russia that's how russian prime minister dmitry medvedev has described the proposed move over accusations about the poisoning of former russian double agents and basically paul and his daughter in britain back in march. if it comes to banning banking
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activities or certain currency use we will be able to call it a declaration of economic war and this will require a reaction by implementing either economic political or if necessary any other measures the new sanctions will come into rounds the first will limit investment and exports especially on a number of national security goods including the energy and tech sectors the second wave expert is expected to be much harsher as it will hit diplomatic relations as well as banking and imports and take a look at how far the new penalties might go. when it comes to global disagreement sanctions that the u.s. weapon of choice as russia's number two at the u.n. put it let's us welcome the united sanctions of america well russia it's been on the receiving end of plenty of them they stem from allegations of election meddling military aggression human rights abuses all cyber crimes take your pick and the latest well there for the souls where poisonings washington says it has to ten
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minutes that russia used a military nerve agent to attack form a double agent sic a scot paul and his daughter where are you getting the conclusion that russia is behind the screen poisoning i will leave it to others to characterize the current state of our understanding of the screen but others haven't given any evidence either just various grades of highly likely it's highly likely that russia was responsible we do hold russia culpable culpable culpable culpable for the attempted murder and there's been uncertainty from specialists investigating the case. as analysis of the p.c. w.'s report i did to find the country. of origin of the agent used in this attack and we continue to see a sort of a series of corporate baggers here of insinuation that russia is involved which basically is a mood music which is feeding the population in the west with the idea yes it is
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the russians despite the evidence just a constant constant stream of these. people just accept oh yes it must be the russians therefore that's ok we have the same point more sanctions it's time that we get all the evidence but my suspicion is that as i'm going to happen although that seems of little interest to washington which is found guilty slapped it with new sanctions and strangely given it's ninety days to prove it wasn't involved or it will ratchet up the penalties to a whole new level with even talk of branding russia a state sponsor of terrorism that regardless of trump. wanting russia as a partner in his fight against terror and the tool say it doesn't seem to matter that the us itself has a long history of consorting with groups branded as terrorists for instance america's support for the movement which techie label to terror groups organizing and attempted. sooner or later the united states will make a choice either to. either the bloody. walkers.
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or how about the american officials who they are a nix tree miscreant then wish i had the. bombs the headquarters of the islamic republic party there is a viable opposition to the rule of the. position is centered in this room. and let's not forget how america stood alongside the afghan wish i had been in its battle against the soviet union only to say that to fall into al-qaeda the people we are fighting today we funded twenty years ago. does america dealing with these five and groups amount to sponsoring terrorism while the state department has a good answer for that i will leave it to others to characterize the current state of our understanding. time now for our third and final report in our series looking
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at the fate of children of i still foreigners from russia medina korchnoi about traveled south to talk to people desperate for news of family members who pledge allegiance to the terror group. it's early morning but the office of those human rights group and brosnan is packed with women all desperate to find out any news about their loved ones many have come here from other regions of russia's north caucasus and almost all cases their relatives left russia to join i.c.l. in syria often taking their young children with them these women are united in their quest to have one simple question answered are their family members still alive there are over six hundred women and children reported missing at this human rights office and these are just some of the photos their family members have left in a bid to locate them now average picture has the name date of some general information
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on the back this is a four year old so my at this child left russia when he was less than a year but there are so many more of them. that he said doesn't miss a single meeting held at the office she says she has already accepted that she will never see her only son again but she just hopes that her grandchildren are still alive she brought pictures of her son's wife mariam war she went to syria and in that war she went to syria and another when she was over there with her son that he said has never even seen her grandchildren and passon both of them were born in syria and communication was lost long ago so much so that she doesn't even know the name of her granddaughter. so we all hope that it will be ok that somehow it
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will all be ok i just feel so sorry for the children it's so difficult when you don't know where exactly your children are and heard anything from my daughter in law in the last eight months and then i cry and i will turn fixes this year it is so difficult i don't think i can last much longer. that ina tries to spend almost all her free time at this office coming here after work she listens to the women's stories fills out forms and registers the newcomers her own personal tragedy brought her here to this place three years ago her brother left home and never returned his phone was last tracked in turkey but not a trace since almost three years of silence said. it is very difficult for me now it was so close since we were kids always together went to school together to university together work together he was always around i
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guess often he left i feel like part of me is gone i don't leave a normal life now i just exist. was arena still believes that one day she will see her brother a life she has dedicated her life to helping others find their families twenty one russian women are currently in prison there are all of them were sentenced to life behind bars but they're there in prison with their children so now we're trying to bring back these children it is going to be such a joy just one child for to us if i help these children maybe this might somehow help me bring my brother back home. for her search has come to its conclusion but there was a no for a retail ending she found out that her older sister aida is among
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a group of russian women convicted and sentenced to life in prison in iraq for joining and supporting i so she is in jail with her twelve year old daughter so while god knows she will probably never see her sister again she is doing everything possible to. get her a nice back home and give her the childhood she's so clearly lost sas that she still canned food we come to terms with her sister's decision. i don't think she was looking for a better life there were building a house together our brothers gave us land we had so many plans we planted trees there we wanted to do so much we had so much planned for the future and suddenly this happened. all these stories are tragically familiar had the set out of a who leads the search for missing people says that the real number of families in fact
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it is catastrophic she says their database comprises over two thousand people. that i feel irritated when i hit people say you're saving terrorists i'm deeply disturbed by that was what is this child's fault what's the fault of these children only the fact that the parents took them and they became victims of this war when you start to deal with this problem you understand these are human lives we're talking about and they are the citizens it's easy to just ignore these people there are only two official employees working at this office the others are volunteers that help when there is time as there is not enough manpower to deal with the vast amount of people affected and every second counts we can't afford to lose time every minute cost the lives of one or two children says average began to reunite families nine planes have arrived back in russia carrying a little over one hundred people just
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a fraction of the thousands stranded and the war torn region. reporting from russia's republic of chechnya. earlier this week we're the first two episodes in the series about two russian sisters found in an iraqi orphanage and a woman convicted to eight years in prison on terrorism charges after following her husband syria in case you missed them they are now available on our you tube channel. u.s. democrats are looking for a new tool to counter fake news online they want facebook to share data on its users so they can then be fed what they say is the right information party chiefs of the d.n.c. have frequently accused russia of deploying online disinform ation to try and
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influence voters in the two thousand and sixteen presidential election takes a look at what's in the plan. it's not as great as we want who might you hear that from a teacher checking to rest say your gym coach boss or a senior technology officer for the democrats talking about how well the likes of facebook are cooperating with their party as if catering to the d.n.c. was on the network's mission statement what would make mr krikorian happier we would love to do is give every campaign something like the weather report to tell every campaign what is being said on social media in the morning and how they can combat it i'll explain the dems won facebook to look for people who've been fed fakes or propaganda the network should then share that audience with the d.n.c. so that they could feed them what's accurate i.e. the right thing. the democrats are hungry for facebook data this could have been
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a great moment to remind you of the cambridge analytical data gate if one person if you joined the asp i would not just see your facebook profile i would see all of the facebook profiles of everybody that you're friends with and people had no idea that it was being taken in this way you know that was one massive gate but i'll remind you of something else the a bomb it seemed had a solution in place a facebook application more than one million a bomb about because you signed up for the app gave the campaign permission to look at their facebook friends lists in an instant the campaign had to wait see the hidden young vote just a little democrat trick to get hold of some user data for political gain before the two thousand and twelve vote you never heard about it because pretty much no one cared those were the days no hash tag collusion media fallout news anchors didn't go on about a twenty four seven and some people in charge at facebook were just real fans of mr
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obama facebook was surprised to enable to psych out the whole social graph butt. they didn't stop us once they realized that was what we were doing they allowed us to do things they wouldn't have allowed someone else to do because they were on our site should we assume the dems are still on facebook's friend list you know they've been told to sort the russian fakes out and so be has been taken measures they've just gotten rid of pages followed by hundreds of thousands of people because they're linked to russia i mean facebook's not so sure about that bit we're still in the very early stages of our investigation and don't have all the facts including him maybe behind this but remember for the democrats it's ok not as great as we want and so i'd love to know what type of audiences were these hundreds of thousands of people because we want to talk to them or work with them come on it's
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just a bit of audience data presidential candidate for the libertarian party arvind vera thinks social media has deviated from its original purpose. the idea of freedom of speech is a legal protection that says the government cannot restrict any freedom of speech it doesn't say whether or not private companies can and what facebook and twitter are doing are ok and legally morally it is absolutely reprehensible morally as leaders in communication twitter and facebook have a responsibility to encourage an open exchange of ideas not to give a huge buy to the established pros state pro status quo old ideas they need to give space to the ideas that challenge the status quo that's what has made the what made these the media useful in their early days but today the media are not speaking truth to their early promise instead they are turning out to be just another tool of the status quo. monitoring who or want people fall in line is
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already having repercussions for one american student during a college interview the seventeen year old was asked about his educational success but why he falls alex jones on twitter controversal show host recently banned by several social networks the second floor gave more details are to neil harvey do you represent a college student who wasn't admitted to university because they followed alex jones on twitter is that true and if so can you tell us more about that. sure i'm happy to explain exactly what happened what was going on was it during the interview process the application was question about the fact that he was following mr jones on twitter and the fact that he was looking his stuff up and that was something that was a challenge during the during the actual interview process and subsequently the parents of the student reached out to me then i reached out to the the mission's
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director of the university and made sure that the situation was resolved in the students' satisfaction so the problem here was that the fact that the interviewer was actually questioning why this young person was following mr jones in the other types of internet activities that he was partaking in alex jones is the man behind the alternative news channel info wars he was suspended this week by several social media platforms they say it's because he spread hate speech and glorify violence broadly share i can says people need to know how social networks use their information. i'm a big fan of increasing people's personal privacy and i'm a big fan of not only personal privacy but freedom of speech and the problem here is the fact that a lot of people just don't understand how invasive a lot of these companies are and how invasive a lot of pride institutions are using their technology trying to figure out exactly
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what your race is what your religion is what your political viewpoints are and they're taking this information and they're using it against you so that's what i think people need to better understand these to these issues and defend themselves against it and the only way they can do that is the become more educated about what is actually happening in the world today. police in canada have confirmed at least four people have been killed and a shooting in the eastern province of new brunswick i suspect a suspect is in custody but the authorities have stressed that the investigation is still ongoing earlier locals were told to lock their doors and avoid the area and the city and fredericton still to come in the program israel and hamas militants agree to get another cease fire after days of trading heavy fire that story and more after this short break.
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what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president should. somebody want to be rich. to do right. this is what the fuck are you to keep the. interest of all those in the water.
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welcome back to the program u.s. senators are accusing the government of contributing to the deadly saudi led coalition strike that hit a school bus in yemen on thursday the red cross says twenty nine children were killed and thirty others injured all under the age of fifteen the u.s. state department is calling on the coalition to investigate but underline to it that saudi arabia is a key regional partner for the united states. we call on the saudi led coalition to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident you also supply the tremendous amount of weaponry in the data for targeting to the saudis so that.
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sorry no lie wrong is that wrong sorry these ladies every hear laughing. on that i would refer you to the department of defense that is involved in that but you know as you know saudi arabia is an important strategic partner in the region to the united states video of the aftermath of the attack shows the extent of the children's injuries please be warned that what we're about to show you is upsetting to watch the strike hit the north of the country which is under the control of who is he rebels saudi arabia launching an intervention against them in two thousand and fifteen the latest u.n. data says that the majority of people killed in the conflict died as a result of coalition air strikes that's around ten and a half thousand casualties and in official statement the saudis defended the attack accusing the rebels of using children as human shields. the talk saying today is a legitimate military action conducted in conformity with the international humanitarian law to get the militants responsible for planning and targeting
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civilians which resulted in killing and injuring them the united states is by far the largest supplier of weapons to the saudis it also provides targeting assistance for air strikes and military drills last year saudi arabia spent seven hundred fifty million dollars on training by american specialists which he claimed was to reduce civilian casualties political commentator lou rockwell thinks the u.s. bears responsibility for the atrocities in yemen but the state department will never admit it. i notice that you seem tongue tied about it though you would state department spokesman she didn't she didn't like the fact that the questioner was asking her about what was going on in yemen we know the u.s. a selling the weapons we know the u.s. is providing targeting data so it's it's horrendous and i would say the u.s. because absolutely direct responsibility for this it's telling the saudis what to do it's telling the probably the u.a.e. what to do certainly the saudis it's a horrible bloody business and it's it's
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a war that's gotten virtually no attention in the us. israel and hamas militants have reached a ceasefire agreement following two days of trading heavy fire. in one of the latest bombing raids a cultural center in gaza city was destroyed the israeli defense forces launched the operation after hamas militants fired dozens of rockets into southern israel. the gaza health ministry says an i.d.f. strike killed at least three people on wednesday night including a pregnant woman and her eighteen month old child a local journalist was at their funeral forests.
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we are attending the funeral of we not some beyond us and by god were killed yesterday during that abstracts launch from gaza strip and that's a plus three year old mother that was pregnant with a nine month baby i'm expecting him at any minute but yet is still one year and a half old baby as you see thousands of palestinians are participating in that you know all you see is features i think the airstrike came from this side the smell is very bad where blood is filling the place as you see the place is completely destroyed after talking to people in the same neighborhood they said that they found. the mother and the baby shot heard with pieces of their body on the journey run to the most to find out if the explosion was there or in the house ambulances came in the voices of people screaming were heard inside the house we started knocking on the door no one answered we went to the other door
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a small child opened it he was frightened he ran away from the woman's body blown apart baby was to the ambulances took the victims to hospital the husband was injured in the leg stomach and head and strikes were launched how to guide them how to live on that israeli forces kept on singing and strikes where the palestinian resistance also fired rockets into israel policy that they would confront blood with blood and strikes with strikes the palestinian factions are calling for the palestinians to participate in the great march of return the i.d.f. says the military action was a response to rockets fired from gaza into israel since wednesday several israeli citizens are said to have been injured. that is a threat and an aggression that the i.d.f. can alter and will not tolerate and in response we have retaliated with striking
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one hundred forty minutes or a tall gets belonging to hamas inside the gaza strip the idea of who's committed to defend the state of israel it's a vivien's and its sovereignty and we are ready and prepared for different scenarios to come that's our wrap up of today's top headlines for now but don't forget you can always had to our website r.t. dot com for the latest on all of those stories and more. joining me. on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics. i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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ah ah. ah. well. last time we chased. each one of them carrying twenty kilos of drugs. they just stepped right. i don't know. right.
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now. is a. secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is a perpetrator is simply moved to a different spot where the previous standard was not. highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice so listen to that is as old as the eye and then i include that it used to seattle.
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it's. all welcome to sophie and sophie shevardnadze the digital currency bitcoin once a toy for computer nerds is now storing and prized triggering a new gold rush is it just another bubble or the glimpse of their radically new financial future i ask rick. because in cash and founder of the pirate party. the new craze is making people rush into cryptocurrency investment with the digital money skyrocketing value putting it into the spotlight but aside from causing a new gold rush.


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