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tv   News  RT  August 10, 2018 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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just to look for common ground. a french opposition leader reacts furiously to finding his name on the list of suspicious twitter accounts forcing him to declare he is not a russian box. so at this hour the netherlands reels from the shock suicide of an anti immigration party politician who claimed she had been raped by a muslim gang last year also ahead. the latest palestinian land protesting gal's a near the israeli border a c. two killed and more than two hundred injured israel says its troops were attacked with explosives and protesters infiltrated its territory.
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from moscow to the world this is r.t. international i'm you know a little welcome to our top story french opposition leader and former presidential candidate john luke mellon shown really hit by rocket suggestions that he is part of a russian online dissent from ation campaign hey stupid spook i'm not a russian but it's just me who tweets against you although not directly accused of being a russian melon shell has appeared in a list of a kind showing increased twitter traffic in the wake of the assault scandal surrounding president former bodyguard the inference being moscow is pulling the strings also not the list is are porous correspondent charlotte dubinsky she's got more details now on. well a huge outcry here in france for many people on twitter who thought that they had
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been labeled russian boats that's because they were named in a twitter list which looked at the number of people who had tweeted about the but now a skate scandal here in france some of them even decided to use it as a badge of honor and actually added they. bought their russian bought numbers twitter account now this came out after the banana scandal which was a former security aide to president mike brown who was filmed actually assaulting protesters during may day now because of that many people were treating about it and an engineer based in belgium this information lab actually decided to analyze the people who were tweeting about that well they published a list of the accounts that it tweeted the most about this particular scandal and the mainstream media here in france immediately decided that the frenzy around that
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scandal had been caused by not just any votes but russian votes not so those says e.u. decision mation law which says that the study wasn't even about russian votes we did not notify the conclusions of our study a lot of media reported that we studied and identified that there had been russian meddling that the russian state orchestrated interference in the banal a scandal we never said this the fact that the government spokesperson immediately exploded this for political and created this sort of hype there was never the object of our study well the engineer even had to step in releasing a press release to say that the mainstream media here in france had completely misinterpreted their report and it was not about the supposed russian vote of which thousands of people appeared on a list now these. they released included thousands upon thousands of people from
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france who had been tweeting about the banality. and they were around four million tweets what it showed is that only a tiny fraction around six hundred fifty account from people which they described as being in the russian style sphere that is basically journalists like myself who work rajiv my colleagues and people who perhaps retreat into our content in the past never did it say that we were all russian boats but of course the mainstream media felt that somebody had to be to blame for this scandal which president himself described as being a tool a storm in a teacup and what's the point in letting the truth get in the way of telling a good story. well incidentally belgium based ngo which conducted the research points out that it gets financing from twitter last autumn you may remember about the social network stopped r.t. from placing on verts on the site twitter then diverted that revenue to groups
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which research are the sites used during elections the extent of malicious content twitter has also decided to take the one point nine million dollars we are projected to have global advertising and donate those funds to support external research into the use of twitter in civic engagement and elections independent journalist lucrative a told me he believes the researchers are being used to satisfy politicians concerns. i think that rushing through to try to satisfy the politicians on both side of the atlantic's they they see this as a problem they have to deal with it but for them freedom liberty on twitter is for twitter the best thing for their uses so they had to they were under pressure from the european union in this case state they had to do something and they dedicated
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one hundred twenty five thousand euro to the. countermeasures let's say to challenge the russians this information you could call it the embryo of the propaganda machine of the european union and i'm sure many people many national politicians when they hear about this trip the story are really furious that's the reason behind. it let's move on to another of our headlines stories this hour there is shock across the dutch political spectrum and the suicide of a consular in the hague just before her death valley dili claimed she had been kidnapped and raped by a group of muslims and accused the former party colleague of organ straining at your show europe correspondent peter oliver. tributes and messages of condolence to the family of former dutch party for freedom council of illy dale have been flooding in from across the political divide in the netherlands the fifty three year old former representative in the hague took her own life on wednesday after
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publishing a video on social media in which she claimed to have been the victim of a kidnap and rape back in twenty seventeen ordered by a political opponent. was thousand was christian crustal it was. in the video mystical claims she was attacked by what she calls a muslim gang on the orders of a former political colleague who had since converted to islam the deceased claimed a former party for freedom member who quote hated her intensely in a statement to r.t. the dutch police said that although they had spoken to ms deal no formal complaint was made nor were there satish and details given to warrant starting an investigation the mayor of the hague expressed her sorrow at miss deals death saying her passing touched her very much and that the city had lost a committed and passionate councillor dutch prime minister mark creator said he was
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shocked and expressed his sympathy towards her family and party the party for freedom leader get villages said he was lost for words at the death of a colleague he called warm and always particularly willing to help young people in politics peter all over all we have sent a request for an interview with mr delay's former colleague who she accused of organizing the sexual assault but he hasn't those yet responded to us. moving on now the latest round of palestinian protests over occupied territory in the gal's the israel border has reportedly seen two protesters killed at least two hundred forty other people have been injured it is not so immediately clear whether the protests after the border were included in a front gyal ceasefire following two days of heavy fire between hamas militants and
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israel the ongoing great march of return protests began on the thirtieth of march more than a hundred and fifty civilians have been killed since that date according to the palestinian of ministry. list include dari sent this report for r.t. from friday's protest. i mean let me just i sang i think slogans like i was really. good that day was. right and then there. was. this really. just shows. the policy protesters have been burning tires to the bitter end of days already snipers that the israeli forces continue to use live ammunition or scores of other
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kids have been injured at least five are in severe critical condition into what i saw today and according to all of the injuries. i have to tell you that the tear gas that being thrown today is nothing new complications on the palestinians palestinians are complete is that the case summing up the twentieth friday of the great march of return a palestinian prime minister was killed while one hundred ten were injured forty the brain juries. were treated in the medical point seventy were treated in the hospitals and transferred directed to the hospitals where their injuries were not easy five paramedics were injured palestinian journalist was also injured at the numbers gate and show and then dictate how the the israeli forces continue their violence i got the palestinians for the twentieth friday live ammunition and tear
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gas have been filling the place send said the pa sent the beginning of the protest protest would continue and the israeli today also used tank shelling on the protesters. with the israeli defense forces say they responded accordingly to standard operating procedures expanding the protesters through explosives unsuccessfully infiltrated israel's turf. u.s. senators are accusing their government of contributing to the deadly saudi led coalition strike that hit a school bus in yemen on thursday the red cross ses twenty nine children were killed thirty others injured all under the age of fifteen the u.s. state department is calling on the coalition to investigate but also underline that saudi arabia is a key regional partner of washington's we call on the saudi led coalition to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident. the tremendous amount
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of weaponry then the data for targeting to be. sorry you know why wrong is that wrong sorry these ladies every hear laughing. on that i would refer you to the department of defense that is involved in that but you know as you know saudi arabia is an important strategic partner in the region to the united states. well we have got footage of the aftermath of the attack showing the extent of the children's injuries please be warned what we're about to show is upsetting to watch the strike occurred in the north of the country which is under the control of the rebels. more than intervention against them in twenty fifty the latest u.n. data ses the majority of people killed in the conflict died as a result of coalition air strikes over ten thousand casualties in no fishel statement the saudis defended the attack accusing the rebels of using children as
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human shields. the targeting today is a legitimate military action conducted in conformity with the international humanitarian law to target the militants responsible for planning and targeting civilians which resulted in killing and injuring them it just some background to this the united states is by far the largest supplier of weaponry to the saudis and also provides targeting assistance for riyadh's or strikes and military drills and we know that last year saudi arabia spent seven hundred fifty million dollars on training by american specialists which it claimed was implemented to reduce civilian casualties a u.k. is the second largest arms supplier to the saudis an anti arms trade activist some walton thinks washington and london should be shouldering more responsibility. what's happened is a massacre and it can never be legitimate to kill children it's that simple
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questions must be asked we've seen over the course of this war on cells from washington and london to saudi arabia go up and up when i talk to people in yemen they are absolutely livid yes so angry with our governments for arming. arming saudi arabia and for providing the planes the bombs the missiles military training and diplomatic cover for the bombardment which they are living under yes it killed children but it happened in a civilian marketplace as well which is another big question why were they targeting a civilian market place the weapons that we are selling to saudi arabia are bombing schools they're bombing hospitals you know we're seeing the world's largest ever cholera outbreak in yemen and that cholera outbreak is happening because the sewage the sanitation systems have been systematically targeted by british and american
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bombs and planes dropped by saudi arabia in u.a.e. so we really have to ask yourself some questions and start putting pressure to stop this war on saudi arabia. ok i want to turn to the third and final report in our series looking at the fate of children of fighters from russian medina cotch never traveled to talk to people desperate for news of family members who pledged allegiance to the terror group. it's early morning but the office of those human rights group and brosnan is packed with women all desperate to find out any news about their loved ones many have come here from other regions of russia's north caucasus and almost all cases their relatives left russia to join i.c.l. in syria often taking their young children with them these women are united in their quest to have one simple question answered are their family members still
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alive there are over six hundred women and children reported missing at this human rights office and these are just some of the photos their family members have left in a bid to locate them now average picture has the name of some general information on the back this is a four year old so my this child left russia when he was less than they hear but there are so many more of them. he said doesn't miss a single meeting held at the office she says she has already accepted that she will never see her only son again but she just hopes that her grandchildren are still alive she brought pictures of her son's wife mariam one taken before she went to syria and another when she was over there with her son has never even seen her
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grandchildren and passen both of them were born in syria and communication was lost long ago so much so that she doesn't even know the name of her granddaughter. we all hope that it will be ok that somehow it will all be ok i just feel so sorry for the children it's so difficult when you don't know where exactly your children are. heard anything from my daughter in law in the last eight months and then i cry and i will turn thinks is this year it is so difficult i don't think i can last much longer. that ina tries to spend almost all her free time at this office coming here after work she listens to the women's stories fills out forms and registers the newcomers her own personal tragedy brought her here to this place three years ago her brother left home and never returned his phone was last tracked in turkey but not a trace since almost three years of silence said. it
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is very difficult for me now it was so close since we were kids always together went to school together to university together work together he was always around i guess after he left i feel like part of me is gone i don't leave a normal life now i just exist. was arena still believes that one day she will see her brother alive she has dedicated her life to helping others find their families twenty one russian women are currently in prison there are all of them were sentenced to life behind bars but they're there in prison with their children so now we're trying to bring back these children it is going to be such a joy just one child said to us if i help these children maybe this might somehow help me bring my brother back home.
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for her search has come to its conclusion but there was no free retail ending she found out that her older sister aida is among a group of russian women convicted and sentenced to life in prison in iraq for joining and supporting i so she is in jail with her twelve year old daughter so while god knows she will probably never see her sister again she is doing everything possible to. get her a nice back home and give her the childhood she's so clearly lost sass that she still canned food we come to terms with her sister's decision. i don't think she was looking for a better life there were building a house together our brothers gave us land we had so many plans we planted trees there we wanted it is so much we had so much planned for the future and suddenly
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this happened. all these stories are tragically familiar how does that add to the who leads the search for missing people says that the real number of families in fact it is catastrophic she says their database comprises over two thousand people was for say that i feel irritated when i hear people say you're saving terrorists i'm deeply disturbed by that was what is this child's fault what's the fault of these children only the fact that their parents took them and they became victims of this war when you start to deal with this problem you understand these are human lives we're talking about and they are our citizens it's easy to just ignore these people there are only two official employees working at this office the others are volunteers that help when there is time as there is not enough manpower to deal with the vast amount of people affected and every second counts we can't afford to
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lose time every minute cost the lives of one or two children says average began to reunite families nine planes have arrived back in russia carrying a little over one hundred people just a fraction of the thousands stranded and the war torn region. reporting from russia's republic of chechnya. the b.b.c. has been trending online but not in the way the broadcaster perhaps would like. the hushed b.b.c. switch off has been gathering steam from people who accuse the corporation of political bias among the main arguments being floated is the b.b.c.'s treatment of the opposition labor party and its leader jeremy corbin's currently under pressure over claims of something semitism in the party and his own previous comments on israel his supporters say he's being given a loan for early tough time in comparison to former foreign secretary boris johnson
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who is under fire himself over a newspaper column for which he's being accused of making as lama phobic comments about face veils corporate inspectors accuse the b.b.c. of shifting right. when we put the claims to the b.b.c. which responded by saying it's proud to be the most trusted news provider of
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a cost of forty pence a day here are some of the reaction we got earlier r t u k. they perceive the b.b.c. is maybe shooting one person what i would say is that it's without question and indeed the b.b.c. has more or less tacitly admitted this on occasion that they have a strong liberal bias in terms of the main issues of our time i think that's absolutely undeniable i mean or whether it's on migration but the results certainly on bricks it quivers on climate change they have tended towards a certain viewpoint and i would say this without question the fact that that makes it a bias organization the problem with this campaign is it in a way is beside the point but i would say that the main thing is that the b.b.c. particularly for example since the referendum vote has shown its colors so obviously in so pawling the i think there's no question that is bias the reality is that the b.b.c. if you look at the broadcasters in terms of andrew neil who is the chairman and
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editor of the spectator magazine you look at robbie gibbs who was the former. former head of b.b.c. political output is now to resume is director of communication you look at craig oliver who was down in streets under david cameron's chief of communication was actually head of programming at the b.b.c. so this idea this notional idea that the b.b.c. is some left wing entity is plainly false it's actually many times pandering to those on the right who talk about pandering you know there was a case just this week where the b.b.c. actually had to withdraw something which they admitted was biased it was aimed at children fourteen to sixteen year olds and it was about migration the history of migration into britain it was so bias it was almost laughable and the b.b.c. actually had to withdraw it all because there were so many protests peter if you look at your record and you look at the record of your party in the chair i'm not talking about odds are you will i'm going to if i want the melody rissi you are you
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here is representing the ukip so that me at least to address the. sure of your party you become a laughingstock you become so far right it's just despicable that your son is an adult because of politics haven't you had me looking out for me but i'm not one hundred one second story we have to that is should we could have a great political system that we could debate about all evening i want to ask you but i want to focus on just getting to the point so i think this gets to the point he's got much more of a problem and you want to the right of his views off but i do see ridiculous i think stateside where us green party candidate has spoiled the party for the democrats in local elections in the state of ohio they expect a victory but instead joe munchak over a thousand votes to swing the poll unhappy with the loss the democrats lost start at the green party some even blame russia as well from your account. believe it or not there might be a new villain in u.s.
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politics meet kill man check one of the green party's congressional candidates in ohio who was alleged to have sway an election with just over a thousand votes but couldn't even remember his own campaign website. or congress dot wordpress dot com were something you might think that no one would be threatened by this unassuming guy but you'd be wrong as the democrats narrowly lost that election to the g.o.p. mantric and the entire green party were immediately scapegoated for the defeat this is an embarrassment. to green party can you please wait to make your symbolic votes at a time when our government isn't being overrun by white supremacists. so the green party candidate he's an immigrant from a distant planet as he explains on facebook we can those who have a we want in the us that doesn't mean we should know someone as far as to say that anyone who votes for the green party could be a russian agent. you know what sucks. because of our
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unwillingness to bus policy that protects our election integrity i mean diddly thing the green party woods tonight a russian meddling why else would anyone cuss to protest in ohio when there is so much at stake this isn't the first time minor parties like the libertarian party or the green party have been attacked by the establishment for electoral losses in two thousand when al gore won the popular vote but lost the electoral college vote democrats castigated green party voters for choosing nader over poor in quote helping bush win in two thousand and sixteen when hillary clinton lost democrats pulled that strategy again blaming minor party voters and accusing libertarian party candidate gary johnson and green party candidate jill stein of electing trop and they added a whole new layer to their accusations rusa phobia r t was central to this accused of undermining democracy u.s. intel communities exact words for hosting a debate between johnson and stein and showing americans that they had other
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choices besides the two establishment candidates are horrible crime apparently and then when an old photo of jill stein sitting next to blatter we're putting out an r.t.a. gallow went viral all hell broke loose his jill stein crushing the u.s. wall in russia in december twenty fifth thing she attended a russian propaganda t.v. i'm sad to say be with mike flynn and putin keep in mind there was absolutely no reason for her to be there except to become a russian pole they're not the only ones who've been accused of colluding or working with russia anyone who doesn't toe the bipartisan anti russia line is obviously on the kremlin's payroll now senator rand paul one of the strongest libertarian voices of the republican party is also under suspicion let's be honest minor parties are a nuisance to the two establishment parties that make up the two wobbly the fewer parties the better right no one old dialup votes but here's the question without
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minor parties who. i've been scapegoated maybe i should just be one party faithfully protected from russian involvement but there's only one surefire way and that's to have no elections at all samir khan r t washington d.c. . you're tuned into our two international is the atlantic ocean widening in terms of relations between washington and london in the age of trouble cross-talk gets into the. match geysers financial survival guide liquid those that you can convert music as quite easily. to keep in mind though as a team into
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a place of. record. hello and welcome to cross talk for all things considered i'm peter lavelle the transatlantic relationship is had many ups and downs since its inception after the second world war it is said this relationship is whether these moments of tensions and differences due to american leadership enter donald trump can the transatlantic relationship survive the current occupant in the white house.


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