tv News RT August 11, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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around the clock across the world this is your r.t. international from the team and myself you know neal hello and welcome to our top story the turkish president making economic to shift reliance on the u.s. dollar after donald trump imposed punitive trade sending turkey's currency into a tailspin. looking towards countries such as russia and china for currency alternatives. we are preparing to use our own national currency with our biggest trading partners such as china russia ukraine if european countries want to get away from the us dollar then we are ready to set up such a system. when the turkish leader stated it might be time for ankara to start looking for a new friends and allies president carter won appealed to citizens to ditch their
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u.s. dollars and buy up turkish lira as the currency spiraled in the wake of donald trump declaring he was doubling import tariffs on turkish metal imports i have just authorized a doubling of tariffs on steel and on the menu with respect to turkey as their currency the turkish lira slides rapidly downward against our very strong dollar and a mini move now be twenty percent and still fifty percent our relations with turkey are not good at this time. can be traced back to turkey's refusal true releases on american posture accused of being involved in a failed coup two years ago a move that angered many in washington the countries are dogs over turkey's purchase of russian missile defense systems to the role that so clashed over strategies in the war against islamic state in syria and iraq a former turkish ambassador to the us told me that american policy is a signal of
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a big transformation is needed in trade. it is a trade. right now well i'm certain it hurts turkish interests but the local people in the us i don't feel very good about these steps taken by the trump administration hurting the american economy not in the short run certainly in the media many little run i think it is not just a turkish american problem good opinion and also uncomfortable with these steps being taken by the united states what these steps are telling us is that there is a need for a very deep transformation of the international trading system these problems are pushing that turkey or chicken most other alternatives and this needlessly getting closer and closer links russia. american chemical giants monsanto has suffered a major blow after losing
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a lot mark trial over claims its best selling weed killer causes cancer a u.s. court ruled the company was responsible for the terminal illness of a school grounds keeper the jury unanimously agreed that monsanto acted with malice and ordered them to pay almost three hundred million dollars in damages the case could set a precedent for thousands of other claims against the chemical giant dewayne johnson who was diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma in twenty fourteen ses his case is much bigger than just a personal victory. since begin his case i received a lot of support and a lot of thank you and a lot of prayer and a lot of everything just given to you from a lot of people that i don't even know you know i'm glad to be here to help but this situation after i learned about him. and by the same everything i'm glad to be here to be able to help the causes we begin me. well the disputes over the counts
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are risks of monsanto products have been going on for decades the main focus being on one key ingredient sait no widespread herbicide it was discovered by among some to chemist back in one thousand nine hundred seventy but in march twenty fifth the world health organizations agency for counter research concluded that glyphosate could be carcinogenic while monsanto for its part claims the product safety has been backed up by scientific research however some reports allege that the chemical giant research in an attempt to discredit the negative findings it is claimed the company paid scientists to publish studies affirming roundups safety monsanto pledge to appeal the court's decision. cancer is a terrible disease but when you ask me about the verdict today the verdict doesn't change the science glyphosate is safe it has been used safely for more than four
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decades or around the entire world it has been studied with and there are more than eight hundred published peer reviewed studies that demonstrate a safety. a little earlier i spoke to the following year of momos across american activist group which campaigns the bunk like to say herbicides on g.m. products in general she sais that the science behind the monsanto product proves its dangers but i'm concerned about is that the science that clearly shows harm that it's not only a carcinogen ik that it's a neurotoxin and to create a structure it causes liver disease at very low levels it's a key later in an antibiotic the the amount of evidence is overwhelming that it does cause harm and this is incredibly important because it's not just rain in parks and playgrounds it's sprayed in our food and we are consuming it jerry higher levels and every day meals i went and spoke in front of them four years ago at the monsanto shoal shareholder meeting and asked them to go in
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a new direction and they clearly didn't they are just trying to sell more and more round up and if the air continues there that's now owns monsanto continues to this direction they're going to continue to see as same problems consumers will no longer be tolerating this poisoning of our pets and our peers and i plan it so they are in trouble and they brought this on themselves the claims over monsanto products on the possible risks have sparked numerous protests around the world in recent years. i.
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a democratic senator from florida hoping to keep his seat in the upcoming midterm elections say's russia has hacked the state's voter registration system but the local authorities say there's no information to back up the claim kill up and the story. bill nelson democratic senator from florida has some alarming news he says that russia has hacked its way into the state's voter registration records they have already penetrated certain counties in the state and they now have free rein to move about well time demand the battle stations this is big news except for some reason no one in florida has ever heard about it there are revelle from the florida department of state says that no law enforcement is aware of anything of this nature she says they have received zero information from nelson about his claim and that the f.b.i. the d.h.s.s. and all the florida law enforcement have is observed nothing of the kind the department of homeland security in washington d.c. has now confirmed that they've never heard about it spokesperson sarah sendek says
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that it didn't happen to she says we have not heard any news of compromises by russian actors of the election infrastructure build nelson however says he has to be special inside information about russian hackers in florida but he can't tell us the details because it's classified he can't tell us which counties have been hacked because it's classified and he can't tell us who told him this you guessed it it's classified nobody in florida has heard of it the department of homeland security has not heard about it but let's take bill nelson at his word let's say the russians actually have hacked into the voting records don't you think that bill ought to be giving whatever information he has to the d.h.s.s. and to florida officials shouldn't he be telling them before he tells the media if they haven't heard about it yet shouldn't they have heard about it now and shouldn't they now take that information and stop the breach why is bill not swing
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into action getting all the local and federal officials involved well that's classified so classified that bill is holding all the cards and leaving the rest of america in the dark talk of russia is certainly a headline grabber but this time no one is rushing in to see. save the unnamed counties in florida and that's what makes it a bit too fishy it sounds a bit like somebody isn't telling the truth and that somebody is a lot closer to miami than the moscow. ok of protesters are taking part right now in an anti government rally in romania's capital bucharest they are calling on the government to resign over recent corruption scandals and low wages in the country as well as a controversial judicial reform on friday more than four hundred people were injured clashes with police turned violent the president of romania condemned what he described as the brutal intervention of the police against
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protesters what you're seeing is live pictures from bucharest with people continuing as they have been doing all evening to come out onto the streets we also know over thirty demonstrators were detained during rest was all triggered by a new law that reduces the punishment for abuse of office thousands of remains living abroad returned home for the rally in bucharest many savior are unable to find work in their own country due to corruption bribe taking by officials we'll keep a close eye on this story throughout the evening. apush and her plane stolen by in a particle east suicidal earline employee has crushed near seattle in the northwest united states there were no other people on board when the aircraft was taken video
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there's no indication that this was an attack of any kind or a terrorist act of any kind of parallel he was somebody who did something wrong did something foolish and may well have paid with his life exactly the circumstances of why this person was flying a small commercial plane with props i have no idea how. well the plane was an alaska airlines bombarded your q four hundred capable of carrying up to seventy six passengers the money who stole it is told to died in the crash but nobody has yet has been recovered and independent aviation expert we spoke to believes companies should stricter vetting processes. but the report says that he's an employee so he already has access. this is what we call an in an
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inside the risk is being highlighted over the past several years by various also saying include an eye on that. you know with all the security measures that we have around with because the passengers it has been warned that we need to start looking into employees but unfortunate that's not a very popular subject within the industry people need to realize that look flying an aircraft is not flying it correctly is the heart so i understand that there's a ton of they know that there's astonishment by people how could this guy i don't buy the aircraft well this is not the first time. in the sixty's we had a u.s. and u.s. air force mechanic stealing a u.s. air force transport aircraft and ending up crashing so this is you know this is nothing new to the industry. joining me again right after this for more world news .
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you should. put themselves on. the big get accept the reject. so when you want to express. yourself want. to be this is what. are you people. interested. show seemed wrong. wrong just don't. let me. get to shape out of this thing becomes active. and engaged equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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hello again a california police chief's son has been arrested for an attack on an elderly sikma two teenagers were captured on a home security camera beating the seventy one year old grandfather near union city it's the second assault on a sick person in the area in just the past fortnight the religions elders say that since donald trump became president there's been an increasing number of hate crimes towards its members you may find the following video disturbing.
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this seems to be more of her trend after post nine eleven and in america they were entry tracking the shape crimes on six but after certain incidents including deaths in the post nine eleven or deaths of six men they started tracking it and now in two thousand and fifteen and the estimates are for this year one of the majors six in right organization estimates it to be once a week now so what we do know is that this town are tracking at about three years
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ago it was no one so easy and it definitely has escalated in the trunk there are more and it is a direct correlation between fact there was a study you know after nine eleven would show or didn't how the correlation between those who people in america perceived to be terrorists primarily bitter going on and at it looking or anyone who has a turban looking men they just supposed those are quarterly advantage of the people who are doing the same things although it's actually it's an accurate. the company at the center of the long running scandal over polluted water supplies in the u.s. city of flint is a partly lining up to be a private supplier in nigeria a country where millions still don't have access to clean water picking up the story or sit on the. nigeria is a country going up against all sorts of hardship poverty corruption the resurgence of terrorist groups but there's an even more fundamental one water about forty percent of the country's population almost seventy million people live without
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access to clean water for the eighty thousand people who live here there's only one borehole for every sixty households who used to walk miles to fetch water by the river now we fetch from this bore hole nearby and have time to cook and wash it all the uses the water for cooking and the laundry of course. we don't drink it so we had to look for tony lake package the water that's all we you know we drink because of how the water systems pipes have decayed now a quarter of all supplies literally seeped through the cracks three major companies have been shortlisted to seize control of nigeria's water by privatizing it healthy competition or so when you think but actually it's a choice between the bad the ugly and the really ugly the first company i'm going to talk about is france's veolia it could be known for many things but it's not
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tori's for just one oversaw the quality of water in the u.s. city of flint michigan which turned into a major disaster. it's fascinating in its own way but in response to veolia rugged off saying some are just too sensitive competing with it is a company. called i've been goal which took a shot at facilitating water privatization in bolivia and let me just show you how that turned out. i.
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not only did it triple the price of water i've been go imposed fees on collecting rain awards which world was the last straw and the final company i will look at is a dubai based through its largest shareholder it's linked to the infamous decoder access pipeline which was accused of ignoring heritage and putting business before people. well frankly nigerians don't stand to lose much red comes to water supply it so scar's activists have called for a state of emergency but with business sharks calling the shots of the country's
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crisis kind of down the drain entirely so-called investors are ready to call in and then there's. only two one million people so for the liberty of government it is just purely business commodification of what the financial as it will of the cycle i did look beautiful work blue to revolt we're all glued to accept it because it will. it will who are lonely in. depriving most of what is supposed to be a busy gay human rights it will be a lot of conflict in this crypt wow. in the public but just to go a little more do. even look at all the the political we'll deliver. a video blog about someone's daily routine and may not sound very inspiring but
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when it's posted from the international space station it takes on a whole new aspect a russian cosmonaut is pulling in viewers in droves on you tube and he's a viral hit on reddit. because music is thoughts and you know that with a look up here. in atlanta the religious. urge to be pleased she reaches sixty percent lts millisievert. just
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because some will feel mushy the previously held. up a sleeve that's a flower well that's one of them but i just love it but. i suppose i will just let it if it does that is. that if you can put up with it somewhat of what she followed. up on. a social network worth following there i'm back in thirty with more world news the worst are for some great programs writing.
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show camera. roughly once they showed some love for the. future own cool videos and sell them with the roughly string at. t.v. . we have no idea what's doing on vacation but she will be back in september. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each
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day. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be all for the rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and decline rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one just to show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust. you see a good buy. and it is it is a. church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do a graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest
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is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard was not known the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end of that's known as the end and then i conclude that it just is out and . it's felt. there ladder we found. it in the desert when somebody jumped over the wall the wall and then we. we flew for use water. there's jobs out there and these racist groups are with. and we find shotgun shells people shooting at the
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migrants. twenty years ago i started going out to the desert like we're doing right now to bring water to people that are across because the people that are across you know across the rio all the way they damn they cannot get visas there's no visas for these people so they risk their lives crossing of the desert or the mountains or the ocean where other cities like san diego to one out there's a wall where there's no cities there's no wall and that's where people cross and that's where people die so every summer more people die because of the wall that exists right now then the entire history of the berlin wall.
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and you can see this is part of operation gatekeeper one nine hundred ninety four and as we walk in a walk to the end right here just to the bottom of this little hill that's the the a wall though george bush did and if you look further down there's no wall. no it's not a doubt most of the people in the united states do not want the wall all of the people in mexico do not want the wall and i guarantee you mexico is not going to pay one penny for their wall because the wall this is stop people the wall kills people. so if trump builds what he wants to build it'll be a little longer a little higher it'll just take
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a little longer to cross but it's not going to stop anybody. if you lock your cars. so you can see that somebody was walking through here there's footprints right here . we put out maybe two or three thousand gallons every summer and i would say maybe three hundred of them or use another three hundred or sabotaged broken and and then some are just left out there maybe an animal or nobody ever uses them but as long as one of them is using to save one person's life. so we don't try to hide the bottles so we try to. leave a bottle right here because what the person will do is oftentimes we're going to wait right here because of cars going to come later on so i'm a way to do it in the shade or underneath a brush because they realize there's border patrol coming through here too.
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