tv News RT August 11, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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if. turkey moves to ditch dollar in trade with key partners including russia china the standoff with washington intensifies. and monsanto is ordered to pay almost three hundred million dollars to a former browns keeper over claims that its best selling weed killer causes cancer we've got live reaction coming up. also in the program a senator in florida uses rush hocking the state's voting system at the midterm
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elections but the state authorities say there is no evidence to support that claim . just a few moments into a brand new day here in moscow sunday august twelfth you know neal based says r t international our top story turkey is ready to abandon the u.s. dollar and its international trade president to urge a one a defiant speech. his target sent the turkish currency into a tailspin. we are preparing to use our own national currency with our biggest trading partners such as china russia and ukraine if european countries want to get away from the us dollar then we are ready to set up such a system as well. the turkish leader went on to say that his country needs to look
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for a new friends on alliances he also appealed to citizens to sell their u.s. dollars and buy turkish lira to defend the currency in the wake of trump's punitive trade and measures i have just authorized a doubling of tariffs on steel and on the menu with respect to turkey as the currency the turkish lira slides rapidly downward against our very strong dollar and a mini moon now b. twenty percent and still fifty percent our relations with turkey are not good at this time. traces back to turkey's refusal to release an american pastor accused of being involved in a failed coup two years ago a move that angered many in washington the countries are also at all do over turkey's purchase of russian missile defense systems have clashed over strategies in the war against islamic state in syria and iraq the former turkish ambassador to
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the us told us no one stands to gain from a trade war between the two countries. but is a trades. fight going on certainly hurts turkish interests but the local people in the us i don't these are the steps taken by the truckload ministration hurting the american economy not in the short run certainly in the medium and it will run i think it is not just a turkish american problem grouping and also uncomfortable with these steps being taken by the united states what these steps are telling us is that there is a need for a very deep transformation of the international trading system these problems are pushing you know turkey or chicken most other alternatives and this is mostly getting closer and closer links with russia. to another headline stories this hour american chemical giant monsanto has suffered
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a major blow after losing a landmark trial over claims its best selling weed killer causes cancer a u.s. court ruled the company was responsible for the terminal illness of a school grounds keeper the jury unanimously agreed that monsanto acted with malice and ordered them to play close to three hundred million dollars in damages the case could set a precedent for thousands of other claims against the chemical giant wayne johnson who was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma in twenty fourteen states his case is much bigger than just a personal victory. since begin his case i received a lot of support and a lot of thank you and a lot of prayer and a lot of everything just given to you from a lot of people that i don't even know you know i'm glad to be here to help but this situation after i learned about him. and by the same everything i'm glad to be here to be able to help the cause is way bigger than me. well the disputes over the
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counter risks of months to products have been going on for decades the main focus being on one key ingredient lifeless eight no widespread herbicide it was discovered by a month chemist back in one nine hundred seventy but in march twenty fifteen the world health organizations agency for cancer research concluded that glyphosate could be carcinogenic monsanto for its part claims the product safety has been backed up by scientific research however some reports allege that the chemical giant money fuck should research in an attempt to discredit the negative findings it's claimed the company paid scientists to publish studies affirming roundups safety monsanto has pledged to appeal the court's decision cancer is a terrible disease but when you asked me about the verdict today the verdict doesn't change the science glyphosate say it has been used safely for more than
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four decades around the entire world it has been studied with and there are more than eight hundred published peer reviewed studies that demonstrate a safety. they say we're joined live in the program by jeffrey smith jeffries executive director of the institute for responsible technology welcome what do you make of the courts this nation we know that some have already come forward after this but we're hearing that thousands could come. to know your thoughts. actually there's four thousand people that already signed up as play defense for a number of class actions that are going forward the entire process of this trial has forced one cent to go to to reveal millions of secret documents and though show clearly that it goes through papers that it pay people to work on their behalf and that it actually would need be elated people at the u.s.
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environmental protection agency who then declared that roundup and glad to say does not cause cancer in spite of overwhelming evidence that it does the plaintive also showed that they manipulated the data in their research and they ignored a lot of research that they had seen over decades pointing to the fact that roundup and life is a cause cancer yet monsanto argues that run dop is harmless if used properly and that they have scientific research to back at best and the argument with that goes that well if you have rough poison or enough goes into your skin for instance it could be a carcinogenic as well what's your opinion on this product itself. well if you look at the research they fed rats for example a tiny amount of around equal to three one four hundred thirty seven thousand times the amount allowed by the environmental protection agency in our us water supply
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a tiny amount and it caused nonalcoholic fatty liver disease tiny amounts of gladness it caused tumors to grow in an experiment done in asia we have evidence after evidence in fact the most comprehensive evaluation of glad to say was done by the international agency for research on cancer and they looked at all of the different researches it is clear that it is a probable human carcinogen when you look at the secret months into the documents that were made public because of a lawsuit there was a former e.p.a. scientists that wrote in to recover former colleagues at the e.p.a. cities definitely for sure that months and going to see it causes cancer but she accused that person of basically working for the companies and even another person of possibly taking bribes and it was indeed this person that if you look at the texts and the e-mails that went back and forth between the e.p.a. and months into it was this person that was their lapdog it was their controlled
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person in the p.a. life a safe a they man gradient. are you calling for a to be rightly bound. well certainly there's enough evidence that it should never be allowed because it is that into a biopic which means it can damage your gut bacteria it can buy with minerals which means it shuts down certain metabolic pathways in fact more than thirty diseases in the united states not just cancer are rising in parallel with the increased use of roundup and glyphosate based herbicides in the us these genetically engineered crops that are designed to be sprayed with round and i've interviewed numerous scientists and doctors who see a clear correlation and a reason why roundup may be causing any of these different diseases because if it's loads of action the figures in this case are a style ending aren't they we heard this court case close to three hundred million dollars that the majority of that be imputed of being a way really to tell
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a company what you're doing is wrong but the person still got that amount monsanto we know was it was bought in september twenty sixth seen by the german company buyer for sixty six billion dollars is this nie starting to look like a bad deal there was controversy before there's even more knowledge absolutely i actually tried to warn the bigger shareholders by publishing an article in a major financial website explaining that this was one of several liabilities that might stand to nice and by throwing them a lifeline they actually pulled under by monsanto's expose liabilities yes if you think of who are thousand different plaintiffs now and some people estimate it might go up to ten thousand and that's just for non hutchinson forma it was said at the press conference yesterday that there's actually many other diseases there are now linked to glyphosate with enough science to bring it to court so this could be a death blow ultimately two months if the science wins and they're not able to manipulate the process what steps do you expect the company to actually take
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bearing that what you've just said in mind. well first of all they said they're going to appeal which could then hold up any dispersal of money for years and i've met lee johnson wally johnson it turns out he's not expected to live very low so i think that there's going to be a lot of pressure on monsanto to at least settle so that some of the money goes to believe it is lifetime and is done not just passed on to his memory however if they set a precedent and don't get a reversal my view appeals court that it sets up a whole chain reaction from the four thousand other play defense and the others that are waiting in the wings so i don't know exactly what they're going to do but i did hear their closing arguments i was in the court and they came with so many so much dissin from asia that the plaintiff's attorney was able to show oh they just they just read out a portion of the quote when you play the whole quote it turns out it's exactly the opposite conclusion that monsanto was trying to draw this is so we show that they
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were actually covering up the health dangers even in the courtroom so many ramifications to this decision this weekend jeffrey smith executive director of the institute for responsible technology thanks for taking us through some of that. the claims over monsanto products on the possible risk how the spark numerous protests as well as a run the world take a look this is just the last number of years. i . ok moving on now a democratic senator from florida hoping to keep his seat in the upcoming midterm
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elections say's russia has the state's voter registration system but the local authorities say there is no information to back up that claim with more on the story artie's kill of london. bill nelson democratic senator from florida has some alarming news he says that russia has hacked its way into the state's voter registration records they have already penetrated certain counties in the state and they now have free rein to move the boat well time demand the battle stations this is big news except for some reason no one in florida has ever heard about it there are a rebel from the florida department of state says that no law enforcement is aware of anything of this nature she says they have received zero information from nelson about his claim and that the f.b.i. the d.h.s.s. and all the florida law enforcement have is observed nothing of the kind the department of homeland security in washington d.c. has now confirmed that they've never heard about it spokesperson sarah sendek says
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that it didn't happen to she says we have not heard any news of compromises by russian actors of the election infrastructure build nelson however says he has obsessional inside information about russian hackers in florida but he can't tell us the details because it's classified he can't tell us which counties have been hacked because it's classified and he can't tell us who told him this you guessed it it's classified nobody in florida has heard of it the department of homeland security has not heard about it but let's take bill nelson at his word let's say the russians actually have hacked into the voting records don't you think that bill ought to be giving whatever information he has to the d.h.s.s. and to florida officials shouldn't he be telling them before he tells the media if they haven't heard about it yet shouldn't they have heard about it now and shouldn't they now take that information and stop the breach why is bill not swing into action getting all the local and federal officials involved well that's
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classified so classified that bill is holding all the cards and leaving the rest of america in the dark talk of russia is certainly a headline grabber but this time no one is rushing into. save the unnamed counties in florida and that's what makes it a bit too fishy it sounds a bit like somebody isn't telling the truth and that somebody is a lot closer to miami than the moscow. let's turn our attention back to europe where mosques rallies are being held in romania as countable bucharest crowds have been calling on the government to resign over recent corruption scandals on friday more than four hundred people were injured in clashes with police the president of romania has condemned what he described as the brutal intervention of the police icon's protesters over thirty demonstrators were detained the unrest was triggered by a new law that reduces the punishment for abuse of office. of romanians living
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taken to the streets of tel aviv the non-singing a controversial new law the israeli parliament recently passed a jewish nation state law chanted resist apartheid and we're all brothers the new law don't created are a break from an official language of israel to a language with so-called special status journalist and a right one was there for r.t. . where apple telling the municipality that ravine square where an estimated eight hundred thousand seven streeters have shown up to protest the nation state bill one can hear calls for peaceful relations between jews and arabs one can see lots of signs that are in both hebrew and arabic talking about shame a lot of people have come from all over the country in order to protest here today so much just lieschen states that israel is the nation state of the jewish people with exclusive rights to self-determination supporters see that individual rights continue to be protected under israeli democracy and that the p.l.o.
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is the will of the majority critics of the nation state legislation which has constitutional weight and checks that it does not include a provision stating that all israelis are equal under the law this is a. sickness a citizenship this is a mall equality and for dignity the nation is this law is that discriminatory will . basically kept you can rise the. community wasn't as one as a second or third of the class citizens and we're here to say that we cannot allow the and we will continue all of a sudden to repeal this law and to achieve a full equality in our homeland i don't think this law we immediately affects people directly it's not of the north that something bad would happen immediately but i think that in the longer i think it's it's a big mistake to start making laws that discriminate against them so it's cool the
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initial low it's mean this it should be to the jew and me. i should be oh so it's really it's unbelievable it's a dictatorship it's going to be apartheid so it's going to be a dictatorship still and i want to serve this is a democracy and this rally follow several demonstrations one of which included tens of thousands. members of the jewish community who are arabic speaking israeli citizens that also serve in the military it's expected that the battle against the nation state law will continue to the supreme court several petitions have been filed against demonstrators are now marching about a kilometer away to tel aviv museum where the rally will continue and a right to man march the intel of the. the company the center of the long running scandal over polluted water supplies in the u.s. city of flint michigan is lining up to be a private supplier in nigeria or to use eager picks up the story.
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nigeria is a country going up against all sorts of hardship poverty corruption the resurgence of terrorist groups but there's an even more fundamental one water about forty percent of the country's population almost seventy million people live without access to clean water for the eighty thousand people who live here there's only one borehole for every sixty households used to walk miles to fetch water by the river now we fetch from this bore hole nearby and have time to cook and wash it all the uses the water for cooking and the laundry of course it's not we don't drink it so we had to look for tony lake package the water that's all we you know we drink because of how the water systems pipes have decayed now a quarter of all supplies literally seep through the cracks three major companies
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have been shortlisted to seize control of nigeria's water by privatizing it healthy competition or so when you think but actually it's a choice between the bad the ugly and the really ugly the first company i'm going to talk about is france's veolia it could be known for many things but it's not tori's for just one oversaw the quality of water in the u.s. city of flint michigan which turned into a major disaster. it's fascinating in its own way but in response to veolia rugged off saying some are
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just too sensitive competing with it is a compass. called i've been goal which took a shot at facilitating water privatization in bolivia and let me just show you how that turned out i. not only did it triple the price of water i've been go imposed fees on collecting rain awards which world was the last straw and the final company i will look at is a dubai based through its largest shareholder it's a link to the infamous decoder access pipeline which was accused of ignoring heritage and putting business before people.
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well frankly nigerians don't stand to lose much when have comes to war to supply it so scarse activists have called for a state of emergency but with business sharks calling the shots the country's crisis kind of down the drain entirely so-called investors are ready to go in and then there's more to be made so between one million to four liberty government it is just purely business commodification of what the financial as usual disciple i did good to be able to work through to revolt to accept it because each wheel. he will who along with in. the laws of the world will be a busy gay human rights it will be a lot of conflict in these prescript wow what the period in the public
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when these do go a little more do. deal very little the you political will deliver if you'd like to go further in-depth in that story to check it out on r.t. dot com also always up to the minute twitter obviates on our team his twitter page you're watching international. best guys are scientists but they say money to develop. close to this is a central plank so for diet the limits of the cover might say stop the. first. post of the closed out story
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george bush was don't google so document on the first thanks. how much custom cost. us to tell you. the first. really cool you. will vote for our eight hundred eighty two. to most digit does. some of the sheen you know well. most of the. new. cars go the wheels but it's a real. move if they were. fortunate in that one of the most losing us to me preferred. to thomas was remember little smile and.
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join me every thursday on the all excitement sure and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you. became a camera. roughly once they showed some leave for them. to. own two videos and someone with a rope in eastern europe. down more on string i don't rightly don't t.v. .
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i'm after it out there we're going underground as germany's angela merkel goes to spain to meet with new prime minister petro sanchez and with the continued imprisonment of democratically elected politicians in the european union coming up on the show as even president obama's u.n. ambassador appears to have qualms about her private support for the u.k. backed war in yemen what now for the world's worst humanitarian crisis we go to southern to speak to save the children the stories of may continue to sanction the training of warplanes pilots bombing the country and on the film's thirtieth anniversary we speak to the award winning director of heathers micah lehman about creating leaks from the cafeteria to congress plus merkel goes to madrid but from the spanish civil war to the catalonia referendum is one region of the iberian peninsula emblematic of the fundamental lack of democracy in the european union all of the more coming up in today's going underground but first britain continues to train the warplane pilots bombing yemen as it faces what the u.n.
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calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis u.k. minority government they did raise i'm a defends the policy by saying britain is a great arms exporter we have one of the strongest regimes in terms of exports of alms anywhere of any any well skeff not even the way mainstream international media sees it arguably the british government is now coming under fire from critics are saying. billions of pounds in british made weapons sold to saudi arabia are being used to blow up yemeni hospitals and clinics human rights abuses against thousands of civilians but tourism is not being the only defacto facilitator of saudi bombing of yemen or body. i want to welcome his majesty king abdullah to the white house. is me on your duty. as i.
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was the night of a number than a thousand and one and. two are you nuts what baidoa was a lot. but i'm not bananas when north. korea had a. power levy deducted a while. representing president obama at the u.n. when that u.s. u.k. backed airstrike took place with samantha power yet this week she tweeted that the so-called saudi u.a.e. coalition shouldn't be bombing hospitals today saudi u.a.e. coalition while the hospital yesterday unicef reported that they have repeatedly attacked facilities that provide drinking water horrifying in the extreme u.s. and all support full court press on sept peace talks in the shadow of obama administration officials making the extraordinary u. turns of alleged war crimes like that and aid groups claiming continued bombing of the poorest country in the middle east by already have trained warplane pilots we're going to hear from n.g.o.s save the children joining me now from so the.
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