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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  August 12, 2018 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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hold israel accountable they cannot continue business as usual with israel they cannot continue receiving israeli prime ministers and their capitals they cannot continue their trade with this read as long as they do these things is a must be held accountable if any country on earth does this to its people and to the people to tend to that to their neighbors what we did and the national unity do . now this government feels immune feels that people one statement condemning saying it's bad and then in this critical time we have an american veto in the general assembly we have solutions that are inevitably mental so if you want me to be very frank i want these nations because if to stand tall and hold israeli government accountable now we have made it a fail for them to national criminal court we want the help of the members of the international court of criminal court to open to help us open an official investigation and this war crimes against the israeli prime minister and defense
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minister and others or officials we have a guest now in the human rights council calling for an restitution committee we won the support of the international community to send and compel israel to accept this investigation committee to begin its work that's that's what we need but then you know if you if israel feels that they can continue building settlements massacring palestinians and then it's business as usual and their occupation and their demolition of homes and collective punishment and then and then business as usual if i say there are people who tell me this is not realistic how can we be part of making peace while we treat as well i guess israel has a government that is one partner we don't have a partner in israel for peace anymore this israeli government is there to destroy the two state solution and to destroy hope for peace mr arafat you made it clear in a number of occasions that you don't do not see the united states as an honest or independent peace broker and i think many people at least in moscow would totally
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agree to that but with the united states absent who can possibly come power and this is i mean this is a painful question but i have to ask you who can possibly compel israel to negotiate in good faith or even sees what doing what it's doing that's that's up to the international community that's up to the moral standards of nations if they want this region because who's who. benefiting now from such actions as a rail and united states the united states is not only not a partner they cannot be a partner they are not a broker they have taken the seats of netanya now they are dictating the solution this wrong in this region towards lawlessness extremists in this region have been strengthened and bravado demolition by these american israeli citizens and actions will in time before moderates in the arab world people like me have been destroyed so that when the nations of the world if they can't get through security council if they can get through the international criminal court if they can do anything about their threat that means you're telling the arab people the only way for you is do
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is while and the only way we're for you is to support extremism and that's what we've been fighting against as arabs because we we want to live and let live we want we want to human rights we want to human rights women's rights democracy the rule of law we want peace but with such actions such fascism such up our side being exercised by israel and israel getting away with it i think this is opening the get of this region speaking about who is benefiting from it i think there is a deliberate effort on the israeli side now to paint all the gas the protesters as hamas which they clearly weren't having said that do you think there's any truth to the argument that hamas may find these demonstrations and the violence welcome distraction allowing it to refocus you know the growing frustration with that same group in gaza into anger against israel well i don't you know this is
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this is the israeli argument all the time isabel is defending itself how many israelis were on the domain israelis were killed how many israelis were threatened none how mass has nothing to do with this demonstration there are people from all spectrums of the assyrian civic society they are your reporters are there the. do you see a single palestinian and is the most russians with a gun with open with anything nothing women and children and men and all all from societies from all palestinian factions from all parts of the world but then israel's line is that you're on a mass has threatened destruction of israel they're destroying hitting syria they're hitting lebanon they did it killing the palestinians and then they clip their big limb to be the victims and that's the irony that's the irony of fascism we have seen such pretext given by all fascists who want throughout this history
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israel is killing and destroying a palestinian civilian population under occupation under israeli occupation under international law civilians should be protected and the international community must move in a direction of providing international protection for palestinians mr arafat as he as you mentioned we do have reporters on the ground and most of them are attached to the very indeed peaceful nature of this protest they say that given how many people have participated in the demonstrations they were actually surprised how by how placid those demonstrations were on the palestinian side but i also have to know that there have been reports of some young men bringing knives and fans cutters to the demonstrations there were also reports of calls over the loudspeakers to burst through the stands and. i just wonder what do you think would be the proportionate reaction from their israeli side to those kind of actions let's say that people who cross the line ok which by the way there is no line
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because there's a good not defined it's one of the but you know there's a fence there and there are israeli soldiers guarding that fence the fence a self-imposed self created israel has not declared its borders yet that's the question but when we saw that if it is coming from the middle east towards europe then as of thousands. did you hear of any people being killed in russia or in oland or in germany or in france or in britain yea if as palestinians across the line you can analyze them you can arrest them you don't have to open gunfire and we have pictures of israeli soldiers killing our kids and our boys and girls and then celebrating grabbing. their happiness these are war crimes these are murderers i cannot accept any pretext other than saying that they defending how can they defend themselves do use the pretext of such massacres
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i think the message is very clear i think the message is still in palestinians we're here to stay as your occupiers we're going to block it get there we're going to continue our control no it's back we're going to continue our settlements we have the full support of this american administration that i'm administration which is really throwing the whole world thought chaos and lawlessness and same ism and its actions and then those nations where there are one hundred ninety four nations on earth not a single nation without a problem in its social demographic fabric or geographic fabric so if we're going to go on the backs of lawlessness. that pursuing the result will be chaos lawlessness the rule of the jungle violence and counter-violence and bloodshed and extremism is that what we want is that what europe want what russia wants what china wants mr arafat this is obviously not what we want but unfortunately the world has allowing has been allowing this for for
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a number of years if not decades already let me ask you one very specific question on the on may fourteenth advance because the protests in on the gaza border let's call it border around the gaza found had been ongoing for more than a month there were victims and casualties before dozens of people killed and yet. the majority of the casualties occurred on that specific day of israel's founding and the opening of these reilley of the american embassy interest in him do you find these fact that the majority of casualties occurred on may fourteenth a tragic sad coincidence or do you think that these really army was tasked with being more forceful with using lie fire on that specific occasion well exactly the palestinians present come as a fire and then he poured fuel on the fire then instead of being the
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fireman they became the arsonists and that's the meaning of the opening of the embassy and used the resentment like establishing a new settlement outposts in occupied territories and then the message from israel ok we have the united states here and look at what we're doing we're massacring palestinians and then and the united nations there are two israeli ambassadors one named and one them dearly and we will blame the palestinians. we blame the palestinians will export fear and so on and i don't think that enter national community has any on and their forehead saying stupid because the lack of free action of the international community it is as any a threat is that any threat to the stability and security of all nations extreme blood would have been brutal brutal will breed blood violence will breed violence this petition will lead to disparate apts and what israel is doing now and
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destroying a palestinian life social life economic life making people hopeless what will the it would be creating i'm a father of four a grandfather of seven i don't want them to be suicide bombers i want them to be like your children in russia like the children of three didn't like the children and they're not states i want them to be normal people with such massacres which which such a crimes and israel getting away with that what you're doing is is totally behaving the way of for get so for help to open in this region mr erekat let me stop you there we have to take a very short break but we'll be back in just a few moments. kind
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of financial survival job today with all the money laundering first to visit this cash into three different. oh good this is a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in europe something in america something overseas in the cayman islands or do we know all these banks are complicit in their club backcrosses we just have to call and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got home got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. luxury automobile again from that they know what money laundering is highly illegal. watch guys record. when the lawmakers manufactured them sentenced to public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial
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merry go round the certainly the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. i mean real news is. a murder with never great is found on the rapes in the murder. nothing changed so we said oh response so these situations that we're dealing with. people get sad every day she is just sad people kill each other blood for killing children. there was just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down law enforcement. this country
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doesn't work for us it doesn't function for us. this is can't be happening in america we call from the streets we've got to deal with why this is the reason i have to ride like this is the reason. welcome back to worlds apart with save america the secretary general of the palestine liberation organization mr erakat there is some effort on the part of the former u.s. administration the obama administration to try to convince its european allies to
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centrally hold on for a few years until trump is voted out of office you know this idea that one day interim ballots you will have returned i wonder if that is the perspective that you take as well that this current american predisposition which is clearly harmful and unfair to your cause that it is only temporary well look we we had meetings with the time administration and two thousand and seventeen thirty five times drilling for some months between our president and president trump and i held personally thirty one other meetings with them as negotiations we give them every possible chance with their decision in declaring israel a cut of israel be disqualified themselves from any role in the peace process we will not sit with them they're not partners they're not only biased they adopting there's really been dictation and not negotiations and you know once franklin d. roosevelt so the office of the white house is an office of international military
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an office of international morality needs john statesman not real estate agents this administration cannot be a partner and of course we our only option is to stay on this land and to be in this land today between the river jordan and the military and we are the majority as palestinian arabs but austin and christian and muslim arabs we're fifty point nine percent jews are forty nine point one percent what are they going to do with us other than creating extremism and then you know when violence spread and people are being killed and what side then israel would say all of these people have it in their d.n.a. there are terrorists and so on. i have devoted twenty five years of my life in negotiations with israel to save lives resample athenians to live and let live we have a good.


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