tv News RT August 13, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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or is it about horse josefa as copenhagen is letting himself that article says he was going that i said. yeah poor form discard it don't see the team so he's off own doing. said. sit. ins of on there is a prince who could legally. i don't know if you are poor to force it is obvious eminem is very go put it in sequester and she steps as she sometimes. it is this is the marquee fortunately because we bought it combusted article by the us mint. as you can imagine after this interview our attention turned to the vatican the holy see the place where the church is longs are made. the place where punishments against pedophile priests are meted out. but we discover that even inside the vatican government high ranking officials have been accused of covering for priests accused of pedophilia. after several months of discussion the vatican chose this
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priest to answer all question. mothers older an advisor to the pope on sexual abuse issues he also sits on the commission for the protection of minors a body founded by pope francis two years ago you have been appointed to this commission what has the commission don't since then and you think it's enough we have people from all continents on this commission we have experts from different fields so psychology psychiatry and law international law social work and theology and we try to discuss what can be next steps to help the pope young to set up new measures to be more incisive in the life of the local church up there and there is still a lot to do you know my expression for this is this is a generational toss we will not finish within two years or five years we will have to work long which means fifteen twenty maybe thirty years.
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seemed wrong. but old rules just don't. let me. get to shape out just because the ticket and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us as over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to the ultra rich eight point six percent market
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saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust. when the whole may just manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the roman cluster some protect themselves. with the financial merry go round to be the one percent of. the time going all middle of the room signals. going around the memory and you.
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know. we have no idea what safety is doing on a vacation but she will be back on air in september. i want to show you something these are the ten cardinals that are usually considered are the boss powerful of the vatican this is the c. nine right it's an advisory board and here miller director of the congregation of the doctrine and the face among these ten cardinals four are accused of having covered up pedophile prior you know that of course. what you think of it
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i have no no particular knowledge about any of them. i just said to me that you knew it i know that there are allegations but i don't know what what is the the background of these cases i am not the investigator if you want me to be more precise i'm sure ok george bell so he's here in australia a few months ago in front of the australian royal commission on sexual abuses within the church ear recognised knowing sexual abuses from australian priors but did not denounce them to justice so what do you think of him being in this he nine with that story i have been to australia last year i've travelled i have been in the diocese i met with three survivors from the school where our nepad was at that time that the vice director of the school and are not willing gage to cooperate with justice and it would incorporate in the sense of setting up
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safeguarding measures in the saying he will this is future but he didn't denounce sexual abuse it's very far and isn't this you know and he admitted is it sucking for you or not you know of course it was shocking you know for him to be in this you nine and not have been denouncing her sexual abuse of minors you know for sure. the school it has always in chile here. document. so and that. has waited five years after the first victim spoke out to take action and to remove the prized father correcting him out and father carriage about has been since a trough and guilty by the vatican of sexual abuses is here still in the us he nine . yeah i'm not responsible for the balance of the news what is unique of it i'm not the one who decides on that but what do you think i think today was they as long as
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i want something that thank you very much it seems then that only the pope has the power to punish these cardinals so why doesn't he take stronger action. maybe because he too faced accusations in his homeland of argentina long before his election. when he was archbishop of buenos aires he apparently tried to have a pedophile priest to put it. in when a serious along with god or rather diego maradona the pope is a star his face is everywhere. and yet some refused to share in the sick on a graphical. in the city center we've arranged to meet a group of victims they were abused by priests in the archdiocese appointed serious . they learned pope francis when he
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was their archbishop. this. is. the room this is. the. same. so that also seems cool sure it's. not just the fun. it is moving the literally got it let me play out that like to listen to what that's the answer to. that but is he lost it was they don't know what it is. if the feet won't jump that if they can't.
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even you know young kid care to go you know i know. the you know that's the only thing i get if you look if you're going to hurt you you feel you through it if you want to get the way this is you know. it's. as archbishop of buenos aires pope francis was seemingly deaf to the distress of these victims. but apparently it's worse in another case concerning other victims some believe he's willfully trying to divert the course of justice. if the father cross each case the biggest pedophilia scandal in the argentinian church to be here with us is our grassy was one of the best known priests in the country very influential and often in the media spotlight what are you doing with a wild west big guy. to run a huge orphanage until some of the children bear launched
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a complaint against him for sexual abuse in two thousand and nine he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison still today he's behind bars. but the argentinean church did all in its power to have him acquitted. one public eye a go represented father grossness child victims. a trial spread to refute teen years and opposite him the most renowned attorneys in the land but also. the catholic church. sunoco innocent and almost anyone you're the mean this. up but he said no no leave it us in the almost they don't know if this will take us o.s.c. feet or miles over what is going to set that are going to see him in the open was sort of what a cite is. don't be fooled by the cover which makes you think it's a book this twenty eight hundred page counter inquiry is a confidential internal argentinian church legal text. inside the
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childer argues the falsifications lies deceit and invention even their own sexual orientation is questioned. the conclusion is clear the court's decision was wrong the father rasi had to be acquitted on appeal. one paragraph caught our eye. this work was commissioned in two thousand and ten by the argentina preschool conference and i notably by its then president cardinal bergoglio now pope francis. so the pope did commission a counter inquiry to try to have a priest who had been sentenced for pedophilia acquitted. i did said that was labor gugliotta the future pope actually sent it to the judges with a shrewd sense of timing before followed rossi's various appeal hearings. one of
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the magistrates received a copy of the counter inquiry agreed to meet us. problems my case a former appeal court judge and former minister of justice is today a high court judge. it's the first time he's spoken openly about the cross the case . he remembers very well the day he found this counter inquiry on his desk with a similarly is this the students who visit him as he is they were going through those away in so if we know enough of them. case and. they know anything. it is in a zero nine i don't see what equal that is and that will cost us more if i decided not to does it do you know that you're going to have cutting it's an idea if i was the. good one it was easier that said well that's what the impetus you're sort of places. from here on the in the fields that to defeat the cause to
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suit the man. but finally useless father grassi sentence was upheld above the appeals court and high court. at the center of the counter inquiry commission by the pope when he was archbishop of buenos aires is the account of a boy. the main victim of. since the case blew up in the early two thousand it's the first time he's agreed to talk to a reporter. he wants to remain anonymous because he's still afraid of reprisals. but soon i mean i guess if i hear it i hear it. now nationally customers all of us show out of course. it was awful sonali he said then you. also said as if you
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want to hold these. but i guess something that's all we have in there was. that the two of the here keep keep cancer as these to stephen. is. as i said well known in the muscle among the. asian little trick they see sicko. and i wanna know they go. loco and it is as you can make it up out of they said. the pope has never publicly commented on the grassy case. for eight months we tried to get an interview with the holy father dozens of requests all refused. so at the vatican we tried to meet his holiness. he was to hold a public audience on st peter's square.
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we want to give folks francis a letter with all our questions on his suppose a brawl in the attempt to divert the course of justice in argentina. thousands of people have countered. we'll need a miracle to get to talk to the pope. few hours later the pope will be on the rod. the. the third time it passes we shall. something that. is to give our last.
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few minutes later. listen. to something that ended up as a good as the i don't think that i can flip out at tuesday's out in the. sunday that that and castle get out phew i intend that the lean fluid of the host d.c. out in the. better galley if the u.s. stays to deal and castle garcia. but on. that. despite our quick chat neither pope francis nor any vatican official has ever answered our letter. at the end of this investigation there is one question how can the catholic church retrieve itself
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from these guilty silences. surgeon men from a number of countries such as belgium the united states and the netherlands are mobilizing and launching a national inquiry commissions on sexual abuse within the church. all victims are listened to and the spotlight has fallen on the responsibility of the bishops. so let us pray may the vatican order a world wide inquiry commission. so that past scars may be healed i may still have faith in the future.
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america was never great was founded on the rape in the murder. nothing changed so we said all response to these situations that we're dealing with. people get shot every day she is just people killing each other blood for killing children. there was just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down by law enforcement. this country doesn't work for us it doesn't function for us. this this can't be happening in america we call from the streets we've got to deal with why is the reason i have to
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white nationalists and the anti-fascist to bring washington d.c. to a standstill on the first anniversary of the deadly charlottesville riots. moscow says it will view any further u.s. sanctions as economic war after washington announces new penalties over the poisoning of russian double agents are discreet paul and his daughter in the u.k. . and we meet a russian woman who faces imprisonment for terrorism after following her husband to syria where he joined islamic state. i told my husband that i wanted to go back that i couldn't live there but the moment i started talking about it we had fights he told me if you want to leave leave but i will not let you take the kids away.
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or broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our team international as we recap the week's top stories with our weekly program. and far right groups have held a rally in washington d.c. a year on from deadly unrest in charlottesville virginia they were met by counter-demonstrations last year's unite the right to march in charlottesville left one woman dead and a bit of warning you might find the video of those events quite disturbing.
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terrorism is is the use of violence to incite terror and fear and of course on the stairs this egregious display of hatred bigotry and violence on many. many sects. head of sunday's anniversary rallies a republican lawmaker claimed that russia was behind the events in two thousand and seventeen i said in a closed session briefing probably two months ago about charlottesville with the director of the f.b.i. amongst others and asked if russian intermeddling had to do with fomenting the flames of what happened in charlottesville i was told yes it did but he says he got it from an f.b.i. briefing which was not classified now look if he has information if the f b i has information i'd love to hear it so what erica but it seems kind of bizarre to me
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that a congressman who says he's not running for reelection because he's having personal problems all of a sudden with a couple of months left in his term takes the opportunity on c.n.n. which will do anything to bash trump and to accused russia of anything like use to even the food in a restaurant he knows something that nobody has ever heard of until this point that that was russia's fault last year well then let's go where is the information if it's not classified tell us everything you found out so i don't i don't believe there is information let's see it but until i see it i'm not going to go on on congressman garrett say words i think that's ridiculous. crowds were rallying outside the white house throughout sunday artie's came up and was there for us. so we're here in lafayette park and as you can see we're surrounded by a huge anti-racist demonstration a crowd of thousands is denouncing the twenty four or so white supremacy white
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nationalists whatever you want to call them that have gathered directly in front of the white house now there are thousands of people here representing a very broad group of organizations and we got church groups that are out here black nationalist groups marxists far left is anarchism seen the anti by a lot of them assembled actually a lot of fun folks assembled wearing gas masks helmets almost as if they're ready for some kind of confrontation now we're also hearing the sound of police helicopters that are flying above however at the moment it appears that no scuffles have broken out we have not heard any reports of injuries now the white nationalist white supremacy what i want to call them that assembled in front of the white house neo nazis klansman. they seem to have assembled in front of the white house and a lot of them were wearing the hats make america great again supporting president trump they had a lot of american flags we did not see the confederate flag that is the symbol that they are most well known for displaying now this crowd here is out there we are
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seeing the display of signs saying black lives matter and support of african-americans around police brutality issues we're seeing denunciations of donald trump calls for his impeachment where we did have an opportunity to speak with some of the people who had assembled here at the white house and we were here to talk to them and a lot of these folks who came out to to to counter the ku klux klan to counter the white nationalist a lot of them had different ideas some of them buy into this idea that russia is responsible for divisions in the usa but others do not you buy in the idea that it's russia's falls that the people having the rally over there is somehow the fault of russia russian bots hackers facebook yet not even a little and why do you think that's so big in the mainstream media why are they pushing that so hard. that's a good question i don't know i think it kind of it's comforting to hear that this is russia's fault and not something that's been the wrong with america since the foundation of this country it's nice to say it's russia's call and it's trump's
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fault and that once trump is gone and once you know the elections are more secure and all races not fade away because the russian bots or the russian hackers are no longer influencing people to be racist but that's not true it's just a nice story you can tell yourself say this racism and this is the white supremacy the united states is not the fault of the united states the fault of rush hour you know whatever else the media is kind of using the russia stuff as a way to. go after the laughs as they're saying all these left wing activists are being. you know misled by russia or russia is behind it and you know even though there are genuine grievances to be had with you know all sorts of things that in russia plays a minor role if any and you know on the internet very wide variety of causes represented here in front of the white house says thousands of people have come out on their not unified around much but when it comes to opposing new klux klan opposing the white nationalist that is one thing that has brought all these people
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together what we've seen since charlottesville is these groups have found it much much harder to organize there unable to bring off large events the groups themselves are splintering i think all that is a result of the fact that people have stood up in city after city and town after town and said not here not today i believe in the first amendment free speech and there's a time and place for demonstrations i wanted to be peaceful and have the right to speak their mind and sign my opinion but. i think it's good that you can speak openly in this country about your differences. russia's prime minister has a warned that if the u.s. goes ahead with sanctions against russia major banks here it will be viewed as an act of economic war that was after a first wave of measures was announced over moscow's alleged role in the poisoning of russian. agent sergey screwball and his daughter back in march the new sanctions that ban russian state owned firms from buying certain american electronic devices on security grounds
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a much tougher second wave which has yet to be passed into law could prevent leading russian banks from obtaining credit on international markets or so if he takes up the story. when it comes to global disagreement sanctions that the u.s. weapon of choice as russia's number two at the u.n. put it let us welcome the united sanctions of america well russia has been on the receiving end of plenty of them they stem from allegations of election meddling military aggression human rights abuses all cyber crimes take your pick and the latest well there for the souls we're poisoning washington says it has determined that russia used a military nerve agent to attack form a double agent sic a scot paul and his daughter where are you getting the conclusion that her she's behind the screen poisoning i will leave it to others to characterize the current state of our understanding of the screen but others haven't given any evidence either just various grades of highly likely is highly likely that russia was
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responsible we do hold russia culpable culpable culpable culpable for the attempted murder and there's been uncertainty from specialists investigating the case. as another says. p.c. w.'s report i did to find the country. of origin of the agent used in this attack and we continue to see a sort of a super cool guy who's here of insinuation that russia is involved which basically is a mood music which is feeding the population in the west with the idea yes it is the russians despite the evidence just a constant constant stream of these. people just accept oh yes it must be the russians therefore that's ok we have asked him point more sanctions it's time that we get all the evidence but my suspicion is that as the going to happen although that seems a village still interest to washington which has found moscow guilty slapped it with new sanctions and strangely given it's ninety days to prove it wasn't involved
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or it will ratchet up the penalties to a whole new level with even talk of branding russia a state sponsor of terrorism that regardless of trump. russia as a partner in his fight against terror and the tool say it doesn't seem to matter that the us itself is has a long history of consulting with groups branded as terrorists for instance america's support for the quran and movements which techie label to terror groups organizing an attempt to pick a. sooner or later the united states will make a choice either to. either the blood and so. democracy tell all how about the american officials here they are a an extremist group then wish i had been a coke the headquarters of the republic party there is a viable opposition to the rule of the whole was and that opposition is centered in this room.
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