tv News RT August 13, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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area which has caused the migration problem in the first place i first visited the song at camp near cali in the late one nine hundred ninety s. the migration crisis that we're talking about now didn't start in two thousand and fifteen it started in the one nine hundred ninety s. when italy joined the schengen zone and from that moment onwards the borders of the mediterranean were on the english channel here and it's there is a direct relation of cause and effect and what we saw in two thousand and sixteen after hungary and and the other countries built fences to close off the balkan route is that national solutions are the ones that solve this problem not european ones and we are now i hope seeing the same result with the italians who are taking matters into their own hands nationally defending their national territory and it's only by doing that with because they have that the navy they have the ability to do it that this solution will end prior to the imposition of national solutions the
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habit was and it's a very bad structural problem in the e.u. it was that countries would simply let the migrants in like greece and italy and then send them north to germany in other words they were they were bigger than a neighbor policies which is a structural problem in the you so i think we need to finish with this idea that the solution is european the problem is european role in the the arguments that are left in the media of media is that it's already been mentioned this program think it was you demographics the need the need for our workers new workers but i mean looking at the evidence i don't see a lot of these migrants particularly since two thousand and fifteen are employed across the european union they do take state benefits and in most of the country the european union have asked airily so you have very large youth unemployment so why this impulse to keep bringing in more people and less it just cheap labor go ahead roland. yeah indeed this is
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a new especially should take into account the current trend thought out some of the station. large parts of the traditional labor falls especially blue collar workers will be dismissed over the coming years and unfortunately most of those who cross you know a girl or ways to europe do not have an indication do not have any kind of qualification and a recent study of two european ministry of labor. that it was very difficult to qualify more than twenty to twenty five percent of all coming over the coming years to get the job and you've tracked the job acceptance rate employment rate of migrants and refugees is very low so this is indeed a problem and this is a myth indeed he's partly to being dismissed because it will always less correspond to the truth but let me just say something to my previous speaker. in
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many ways of his opinion that we need a dramatic change in immigration policy because we cannot go on like this and i think more and more europeans have understood that is as the recent elections all over europe have shown ok on the ira and i gentlemen i have to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on immigration stay with arcade. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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seemed wrong. wrong just don't call. me old yet to stamp out disdain comes to attitude. and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. so here now this new attempt at a global unity of the count a global currency big client that will be controlled by people not any subtle government thought as the chance to do what galt failed to do to escape the trixie's of these subtle bankers and ph d.
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wielding economists. welcome across the uk where all things are considered i'm peter bell to remind you we're discussing immigration. ok let's go back to roland you want me right before we went to the rick you want to finish your point please do. you know i just wanted to say that i am not going into this of the same opinion in one crucial point which is i think we need more europe and not less europe to solve to crisis and i give you a practical example today we have to harmonize the as the laws and it is the most urgent issue to solve today it is possible that
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a migrant that is not accepted in one country for example in germany can just switch and restart the blinding in another country for example it needs a prince and if you doesn't succeed doesn't succeed there they just switch on and go we have to how nice their laws to accept and see because we have to harmonize to reduce duration and of course we have to harmonize that a collaboration of secure. the regions for example germany has the clear parts of afghanistan a secure country and doesn't accept the salem c. because they just sweep streets a league in their accepted because italy has not declared parts of afghanistan to secure so we have urgently to find transnational european solutions for these problems otherwise we will not be able to stop the crisis ok i just can see in paris john is really disagreeing let me go to ralph well quickly it seems to me that roland you want to create the united states of europe and everything to date
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shows that's not what people want no one ever asked the europeans if they ever wanted that route let me go to you are not a very important issue there isn't being brought up here and this applies to the united states and europe is that there are criminal gangs making a fortune off of this scam ok bringing people in their n.g.o.s you know they do gooders but no they're blinded by ideology they're there pat they're ideologically possessed they have a hatred for their own culture a hatred for europe they want to just wipe it away and fill it up with foreign alien people i'm sorry to sound so politically incorrect but that is true. particularly the criminal gangs in the south of the south of in the mexican border and all through the mediterranean you have a lot of people preying on some very weak people and i'd like to point out also that it's often forgotten the people that do want to immigrate to the united states and to europe they should stay in their own country and build their own country ok
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and set of having the west have to subsidize them in their own country where they left ok that's a lot said right there go ahead ralph. yeah i do agree to a certain extent because i once raised a question movement a press conference with mrs merkel and she made the same mistake that many people do it was also in our discussion here now that we mix migration issues that asylum you know to uphold the asylum the right of assad which is a human right and we have to upload to those who need it we cannot make stepped issue with migration now what i do agree with is that what we see at the moment at the mexican border is probably a step up by deep state or by some people who want to make mr trump act and mr trump is not on your because he remembers what happened to do this is mark of an untreated suddenly at the refugees coming in and that is what's advertised as the bug on route by the media not to begin it up this year sometime in spring i watched a program on c.n.n.
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there was a colleague on the report a colleague on the on a bus tour from central america to watch the. u.s. border and reporting from it and advertising it kind of saying out as a way to go to the united states of course you can instigate it and obviously it's the trump is facing because now i'm. crying children and parents being arrested of all that i don't think that he wants to see don't but it's now a fact that they want to carry him up with red tape like i did it with mrs merkel and ben was the only two time state and government in the last twelve years one decision was us about a financial crisis and she pumped billions into the banking banking system saving banking systems the second decisions he made during the twelve iran was in two thousand putin to say ok these people sleeping on train station stick and. but after that she lost control and this is what people voting for right wing parties and leftists do make to mistake especially in germany i see that they do not have
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an answer to the sentiments of people we are able to take many more refugees it's not. the problem because we are rich coming but we have to take care of people who are already in germany first and then become say become so much for us but asylum should be overseas separate from that because there's no limit to the that's a human right you know john a lot has been said since he last spoke there and i can read your mind this far away that more europe is not the solution juxtaposition when our friend roland had to say go ahead john. yes i wanted to come back to that point in response to the question you asked about the economic rationale you rightly put your finger on the paradox that immigration is justified economically because it keeps wages down and gives a supply of cheap labor and so on but that in reality of course many of the migrants end up being out of work and in any case there's
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a lot of youth unemployment in europe by asking that question peter you have highlighted the point i made in my first answer namely that the ideological reasons that i referred to which are european are not motivated by economic good sense we can have a debate about whether or not you need cheap labor britain by the way is an economic model for that because britain has imported millions of low cost workers from poland and romania since two thousand and four and we've seen the effects of that on the economy an increase in g.d.p. and a collapse in productivity but that's not what's driving the immigration ideology it's it's precisely not economic rational it is instead ideology you know it's important to recall that one of the founding fathers of the european integration is movement richard fun couldn't have in one nine hundred twenty five called for the races of europe to be mixed with other bloods for the european race to be mixed
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with other bloods in order to create a new european of the future he had to sort of racialist if you accept the other way around from the nazis wanted racial mix city racial diversity and this idea which he first published in one thousand nine hundred five he's a big figure he was the first president of the of the council of europe for example this idea remains alive today in the minds of european leaders particularly incidentally german ones. now president of the. for many years the german minister of finance. said in an interview indeed sight in two thousand and sixteen that if we didn't have migrants and we kept them out then europe would descend into incest he used the word incest and similarly the german president york in the dark said we needed migrants to get rid of the idea that me being german means being white and being christian so there is a very clear ideological drive here to inject new populations into europe in order
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to change the structure of those populations and that is part of the european dream it's part of the post national europe but goes very very john and that's why our europe is not the how would that make europe better i don't get it ok i travel through europe all the time i don't see it's improving i see it's declining rapidly go ahead finish up john peter peter the bolshevik revolution didn't make russia better but that didn't mean that people didn't believe in it they believed in it because it's an ideology it's a post national ideology which these people want to implement by replacing the population in their crazy minds that's what they're doing ok we're all in it you know italy has been here very hard by this immigration crisis we can use that word i mean shouldn't italy on its own be able to decide what happens with inside its borders i mean why is it waiting for merkel ways and waiting for brussels why is it
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waiting for this summit that's going to happen in the weekend i mean italy's a sovereign country care it should take care of its people first particularly the unemployment a bit so you think it's critical right now go ahead roland and at talian have to decide for themselves go ahead. did that is exactly what is happening now after the last elections of march for. the biggest issues to the right. you know. need to leave and in fact the new government is blocking. ngo ship saying they're not democratically controlled the new government is seeking to put this information of spain and he's looking merkel especially in german chancellor under strong pressure to find a different solution only solution is needed in europe is to control the outside borders we have to retake control us being council president donald
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poland stated already two thousand and four and we have to regain control of four of the borders yemen what are the what about the it i'm sorry we're all right what about italy's borders what about italy's borders isn't that the first thing you should be thinking about first and italians or yeah the sad thing is that in this point you are absolutely right it really is forced to take control over its own borders many more or less alone why i give you an example from official agency of border protection in europe is based in washington and features four hundred four collaborators to protect the whole of. europe and has total budget of two hundred eighty one million which is one hundred ths of work germany alone spent a year for the refugees which is a disproportionate that cannot be upheld weir's known portion that yeah that's an understatement my friend is that's an understatement ok amazing let me go to rouse
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here i mean ralph if we could put put aside all the ideology and all the virtues signaling what so what some concrete things to do in the united states i think there should be built a wall then there won't be any children torn from their parents ok it won't happen what can you hear or do as a first step in your mind a practical step. but i own i would probably ask for a moment i know it is to live on the island surrounded by a wall and we don't want to see walls anymore but i understand at. in the united states it's a different story and of course the wall that was to keep people from fleeing from dare come in to a country so it's a bit different of course to compare these two was generally i think there has to be better ways now as europe means we should commonly discussed how we can beg love better in countries where migrants have to leave their country because they
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feel not safe the second point is we can of course prove things in those countries fighting negotiating to be added to your in partnership agreements of africa i've spent a lot of time out in africa at the moment and we did you know obviously you know small route routes we're almost out of time but one thing the west could do is stop bombing those countries so these people won't flee ok that would be a good practical step we've run out of time gentlemen many thanks to my guests and parents and we've got to end thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t. see you next time and remember crosstalk. when gold make its manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the
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ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round the soon to be the one percent of. the time we can all middle of the room say. the real news is. a merger with never great was founded on the rape and murder. nothing changed so we said all response to these situations that we're dealing with. people here is sad every day she is just sad people kill each other blood for killing children. there was just no way that people are going to just sit back
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this hour's headlines stories american far right groups are outnumbered by a country a protest outside the white house in washington it comes on the one year anniversary of the deadly you know the right rally in charlottesville where a car was driven into a crowd of protesters. hocking contest in the u.s. reveals that even on the eleven year old can interfere with the election infrastructure in america. we can come to me on mean mind that we won the election and. relations between germany and the us had a new low following donald trump's tara and increase pressure to be around nuclear to.
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twenty four seven used. in moscow this is r t international i'm you know neal good to have your company our top story a rally by far right groups on white nationalists has been swamped by kuntar protest outside the white house in washington it was held exactly a year after the infamous unite the right rally in charlottesville in the state of virginia that saw a bitter clashes between the rival groups. god . was.
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broke a. rib . so we're here in lafayette park and as you can see we are surrounded by a huge anti-racist demonstration a crowd of thousands is denouncing the twenty four or so white supremacy white nationalists whatever you want to call them that have gathered directly in front of the white house now there are thousands of people here representing a very broad group of organizations and we got church groups that are out here black nationalist groups marxists far leftists anarchists we've seen the anti fox a lot of them assembled actually a lot of anti fun folks assembled wearing gas masks helmets almost as if they're ready for some kind of confrontation now we're also hearing the sound of police helicopters that are flying above however at the moment it appears that no scuffles a broken out we have not heard any reports of injuries very wide variety of causes
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represented here in front of the white house says thousands of people have come out other not unified around much but when it comes to opposing the ku klux klan opposing the white nationalists that is one thing that has brought all these people together. r.t. washington d.c. well last summer the deadly unrest in charlottesville deepened political divisions in the u.s. here so reminder of how events unfolded a warning you may find some of the images disturbing. terrorism is is the use of violence to incite terror and fear and of course of the
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stairs this egregious display of hatred bigotry and violence on many. many sects. there's a twist to the story i.e. year after the tragedy some american politicians are no suggesting that moscow was somehow behind the and rest. i sat in a closed session briefing probably two months ago about charlottesville with the director of the f.b.i. amongst others and asked if russian intermeddling had to do with fomenting the flames of what happened in charlottesville i was told yes it did but he says he got it from an f.b.i. briefing which was not classified now look if he has information if the f b i has information i'd love to hear it so what america but it seems kind of bizarre to me
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that a congressman who says he's not running for reelection because he's having personal problems all of a sudden with a couple of months left in his term takes the opportunity on c.n.n. which will do anything to bash trump and to accuse russia of anything he knows something that nobody has ever heard of until this point that was russia's last year well then let's the where is the information if it's not classified tell us everything you found out so i don't i don't believe there is information let's see it. well we asked people in washington for their thoughts on the claim that russia could be behind the racial divisions in the u.s. . do you buy in the idea that it's russia's fault that the people having the rally over there is somehow the fault of russia russian bought tacklers facebook yet not even a little and why do you think that's so big in the mainstream media why are they pushing that so hard. that's a good question i don't know i think it kind of it's comforting to hear that this is russia's fault and not something that's been wrong with america since the
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foundation of this country it's nice to say it's russia's call to go and it's trumps fault and that once trump is gone and once you know the elections are more secure and the race is not a fade away because the russian bots or the russian hackers are no longer influencing people to be racist but that's not true it's just a nice story you can tell yourself say this racism and this is the white supremacy the united states is not the fault of the united states the fault of rush hour you know whatever else the media is kind of using the russia stuff as a way to. go after the laughs as they're saying all these left wing activists are being. you know misled by russia or russia is behind it and you know even though there are genuine grievances to be had with you know all sorts of things that and russia plays a minor role if any in you know on the internet do you buy the idea that all this racism and all this division and all these protests are all caused by russia. now i honestly think it's just what i want to highlight is the intersectionality of what
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happened today like there were a small amount of white supremacists here but there are a lot of people who are coming to counter protest them so i don't blame russia well of course that was just the random straw poll but the russia did it has been echoing for some time now and even for hardened russia it's getting increasingly harder to swallow. thanks thanks thanks thanks. much. much. much. much. much. much.
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has revealed that it doesn't take a top notch russian computer expert to get into america's election infrastructure it turns out on the eleventh year old can do it a tranquil reports. learn more about the twenty hacking contest that's what the link says and yes it's from a real website and the contests are real too it's for kids and it's not being held in russia what this is america anyway meet the winner eleven year old audrey i mean if. you beat me we can cause in the our own name if you want to make a living we won the election and it just took her ten minutes to hack a replica of an election office website in one of the battleground states. these are members of congress they work hard to approve budget grants to sort out election cyber security the one for twenty was three hundred eighty million bucks these are child hackers i mean contestants they tap their keyboards to prove that
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within minutes america's election systems are a piece of garbage thirty five out of the thirty nine youngsters taking part this year were able to do just that so how come there haven't been any warnings for a grown up specialists well actually there have always been the writing machine is you know it's you know eighteen different states and it's extremely easy to get an advantage because this time it's mostly it's a let me show you how quick it is static a little under two minutes. you don't need any totals to do that. and now i have. full advantage it looks like you don't have to turn pro to be a meddling master and outsmart security efforts worth hundreds of millions of dollars don't bother guessing hole be the ones to take advantage.
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