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tv   Boom Bust  RT  August 14, 2018 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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policy is lax transfer policies by natural transfer policies that is mr georgia says clearly signalled geo political concerns behind the probe telling the financial times quote it's a big concern when a russian citizen who has worked its whole life in middleware senior management were salaries aren't very high suddenly has the money to buy citizenship in malta. and speaking of russia finance minister anton still in awe of says he has his colleagues are reacting to a growing crusade of u.s. sanctions by quite sensibly reducing their exposure and investments in u.s. dollars and securities last week the trump white house impose new sanctions on russia in retaliation for russia's alleged poison a former russian spy of his daughter which the minister is characterized as quote unpleasant but not fatal the finance minister also rejected calls from some hotter heads in the russian duma for the expulsion of u.s. companies from russia arguing quote our citizens work in these companies these companies pay taxes into the budget of our country the minister also said he has no
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plans to ban the use of u.s. dollars and russia and may have sought to lower the rhetoric oracle temperature after the prime minister said this past friday that u.s. actions against russian banks would be taken as a quote declaration of economic war. and as noted at the top of the broadcast there is major consumer safety and product liability news out of the united states a san francisco court is awarded two hundred eighty nine million dollars in damages to a plaintiff after finding roundup gleiser a faith based herbicide formula marketed by monsanto cause cancer into when johnson that's de wayne johnson not of course the former wrestler turned actor the rock dwayne johnson the plaintiff and victim and former high school grounds keeper argued that he contracted non hodgkins lymphoma from using monsanto's product twenty to thirty times a year at work mr johnson's case was handled under expedited process was granted to plaintiffs who were dying mr johnson's lawyer timothy listen byrd told c.n.n.
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that nearly forty five hundred cases similar to mr johnson have already been filed and while mr johnson's quiets two sons will soon lose their father the late mr lets a bird said the award will give mr johnson some final comfort the jurors awarded two hundred fifty million dollars in punitive damages and thirty million in compensation and mr listen also said that if months choose to appeal the verdict they would risk having to pay an additional twenty five million dollars of your early interest on that initial damage award. and monsanto is owned by the german drug maker bear agee or buyer heir g. how you depending on how you say it which brought the bought the company in june for sixty two point five billion dollars and as you might expect shares a bear fell brutally today here was so more is. how are the markets reacting to this i know it was a bear was taking a big decline how bad was it well they are shared they playings by eleven percent most the most of its punch in fifteen years so bear purchased monsanto like you
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mentioned just a few months ago for sixty three billion dollars obviously the california jury voted in favor of doing johnson and the sleaze way for future trials come now this was a huge thing but california still. one of fifty states i mean what about the rest of the states in the u.s. well this definitely might set president this is only like you said one paying out two hundred eighty nine million dollars the next lawsuit is scheduled to start in the fall in st louis missouri there are more than four thousand cases around the u.s. and this is unlike any class action lawsuit so this was filed in federal district litigation so this means that each case will have their own separate trial meaning when santa could really face paying out billions to people in years and years of litigation how about outside of the u.s. other countries must be a look at this also so this is a global issue many european countries such as germany and france south american
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countries like argentina colombia many people have taken to the streets to protest voicing their concerns especially after they are bought out monsanto for that amount so this this isn't just a one for dewayne johnson and he said it himself this is a bigger when that could lead to to more and you know we talked about that sixty two point five billion bucks but do you think bear baby having a little bit of buyer's remorse i assume that you know they obviously knew these things were out there but do you think they knew the extent to which the damage could be you know i really don't know very very well could have but they are planning to appeal against the verdict on friday so we'll just have to follow it and wait and see what happens you know these months santo is not new to these sorts of class action lawsuits we've had you know decades of asbestos related cases and those still continue actually so they've been sort of a poster child for bad behavior in this area not only with the asbestos but but now
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of course with the roundup in the ranger pro i guess is the other other thing so things not looking good for them even in colombia many drones fumigate these coca leaf fields endangering many people and you know these are. cation are are most certainly probably off label concentrations so they're likely with off label additives affecting people all over the world global issue will continue to watch it we thank you for your health care i'm on to thank you so much sure appreciate your. you know it's time we got to talk about kryptos we had christy are here she's here again we didn't have a chance last like so we're going to get to a couple of things now kristie you and i have talked in the past about exchange traded funds and a crypto backed or crypto related basket of e.t.f. that the f.c.c. this year is change commission may approve we talked about that being in august but it looks like they pushed that off what do we know so this has been postponed it's been a huge disappointment to the entire crypto currency market as this was going to be
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a catalyst to bring institutional investors and institutional money into the market so the fact that it's been postponed until september thirtieth is a huge letdown for many people and to be honest i think that they're probably postponed again until next year as they see out the power to them postpone it again and again until february next year which is the final deadline which i think is most likely case that will happen but in the big grander scheme of things i think that is actually a good thing because this means that the f.c.c. is taking their time to review the proposal by solid x. and then act which is a very good proposal that i see if he could have just rejected it completely like they did with the boss as e.t.s. but they did it and that means that they're taking this decision very seriously and weighing the systemic risks and implications that. the market will be i've spoken with the people of the city and commissioners in particular if they want to approve something they want to say yes but they are not going to put their stamp of approval on it unless they're absolutely sure so i think you're right on target what they're doing their thing i wanted to ask you about was recently ohio of the
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ohio legislature when a head and a former league knowledge blocked cheating as a legitimate system for recording anything really they're the second state it was arizona i think back in april of this year because there's a big deal this is absolutely huge deal because this essentially legitimized this technology for its utility purpose its core purpose of mechanism so what senate bill two twenty did was it gave block based documentation to the same legal waiting and status as any other document. which means that using or key to sign up to sign a transaction now bears the same legal ramifications as you putting your signatures down on a contract so this legitimize and the industry as a whole it will allow medical and legal records to be recorded on a digital ledger and it actually brings real waiting to the industry because now smart contracts are a binding contract and it's no longer just a mechanism or a function or a handshake deal it is
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a real contract binding transaction and not only is it an immutable record that will be good for these transactions whether or not it's a title or medical records which. will be more transparent when appropriate it's a big area that's going to continue ohio's a second state but there's going to a lot more to come christiane wish she is a crypto expert co-founder of managing partner of counterpart x. thanks christi for india. and time now to squeeze in a quick break but linger longer because when we get back as a market correction around the corner i sat down with both our both the c.e.o. of the stops to get her take i asked her which starts might be more impacted by the recent three plus the national retail federation has some optimistic projections for the remainder of the year steve walford help to take a look at that and at what company should be doing well with regard to going back to school we'll be right back after this.
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join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. you know world of big part of the law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle
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for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. never great founded on the rape and murder. nothing changed so we said in. response to these situations that we deal with. people get shot every day she is this sad people kill each other but for the killing children. there was just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down law enforcement. this country doesn't work for us it doesn't function for us. this is can't be happening in america we call from the streets we've got to deal with why this is the reason i
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have to rat like this is the reason. you said to break programs there as you can see it's midday forty one in moscow may have got development so much story that came through this morning from london u.k. police confirming now that treating that car crash in westminster you may have seen earlier on a terror attack rush hour a vehicle crashed into security barriers at the houses of parliament in london injuring two drivers being detained the same by police. i i r yeah but you are the. cloud. our. last.
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hour. all right let's go to the back to very close studios there in millbank linda corresponds to sit check in who's got the latest say this is a development the update for you just joining us take us through all the events in the fountain since well seven thirty six local time this morning with here. well kevin and events have been unraveling quite quickly surrounding this incident the latest that we know is metropolitan police and the counterterrorism unit are investigating this incident are treating what happened as a terror related incident now this is an important development because since the earlier hours of today at seven thirty seven we know that a car crashed into several cyclists and then smashed into security barriers right outside the houses of parliament and in the in the initial minutes and hours so the
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authorities were weary of connecting this to any kind of terrorism related activity although now it is understood that is no longer the case and this is being investigated as a potential terrorist attack and this is how the police here have described it now we do know that there's only been a couple of injuries and thankfully none of those people are in critical condition they were taken to hospital however for treatment and we do know that when this unraveled the police had arrested armed police had arrested one man that was in this silver car and have taken him into custody and with these of elop developments now unraveling pretty quickly we still have no information about the identity of this man and what exactly apart from this being connected to terrorism now those intentions would have been it's important to mention that parliament right now is in summer recess so there were no m.p.'s inside the houses of parliament but still
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this is a location where traditionally lots and lots of people lots of tourists around again this is being parliament square really just in the heart of london and also lots of people trying to get to work around that time so really a very crowded location and it is safe to say that it's definitely a very optimistic in some sense a development that not more people were injured given this location because. if you keep in mind just last year a similar incident unravel rivaled on westminster bridge and then outside houses of parliament where there were indeed several deaths and several dozen people were injured so now again the counterterrorism unit is investigating this and we are certainly going to be watching the story very closely and bringing you more information as the story continues to unravel all right there from london from. here from the police and he will go to we will go to in the coming hours no there was some other news today now and. iran's supreme leader says he won't negotiate
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with washington after president trump's latest offer to talk about improving ties the same time president there ones announced that he will boycott u.s. electronic products no that's a new development caleb maupin picks up the story. donald trump not known for his modesty never stops bragging about the fact that he wrote the art of the deal seems that when it comes to his role as commander in chief he sees himself as almost the great negotiator and when it comes to north korea you could argue that his approach kind of worked he is a sick puppy rocket man is on a suicide mission for him so. this not make it even worse threats to the united states. they will be met with fire fury. like the world has never seen since taking office donald trump has played up the so-called threat of another geo political rival of america threat posed by
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iran whose chief exports are violence bloodshed and chaos all nations of conscience most worked together to isolate for a minute it started to look like things were cooling off and maybe the talks were on the table i believe in meeting i would certainly meet with the rent if they wanted to meet and ready to meet anytime they want to but he ron's supreme leader wasn't having it but i mean look there will be no war nor will we negotiate with the us it is impossible even if someday the government of the islamic republic of iran were to negotiate with the us regime it would never negotiate with the current government of the us. and then there is turkey and its detention of pastor and brunson the turkish authorities say was tied to the twenty sixteen coup attempt now trump says he wants him released. the united states will impose large sanctions on
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turkey for the longtime detainments of pastor andrew brunson this innocent man of faith should be released immediately i have just authorized a doubling of terrorists and still and with respect to turkey as the currency the turkish lira slides rapidly downward against a very strong dollar our relations with turkey are not good at this time. but turkey is going at a budge and just like trump era one knows how to talk tough not to talk about we are partners in nato and then you stop your strategic partner in the battle we will do as the law dictates you cannot simply make sure we can bow down by bus on us around meanwhile russia is not exactly caving in the face of sanctions yes we were supposed to be able to stop the but if some ban on banks operations or on their use of one or another currency it would be possible to clearly call it a collaboration of economic war and it would be necessary to react to this war economically politically or if indeed by other means that the in our american
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friends in that need to understand this let's remember that those sanctions on north korea were not unilateral they were actually imposed by the united nations but when it comes to the rest of the world trouble is on his own it seems that his reputation as a great negotiator is on the rocks. r.t. washington d.c. former u.s. ambassador to croatia peter galbraith says it's unclear whether or not these sanctions are going to have the effect that washington wants. the case of iran is completely different from that of north korea first these are unilateral u.s. sanctions and they are so that the entire international community except the united states thinks they are inappropriate that they're wrong and in the case of iran iran feels that they had a valid agreement and that there's no lawful basis for doing it it's very hard to coerce people to do something which they think is in fact unlawful and goes
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against their their will so i think you sanction the u.s. sanctions which are unilateral opposed by the rest of the world there are unlikely to be sanctions on turkey like the sanctions on iran i think will cause real economic pain. but again as to whether they will accomplish their purpose that's very unclear although in the case of turkey it's a little more complicated because there was a deal to refer to three reverend brunson and turkey simply got a patient so it's quite possible something will be worked out on that one. taliban militants have overrun a military base in northern afghanistan killing seventeen soldiers meantime the u.n. has confirmed that over one hundred civilians have been killed in the latest clashes between the taliban and afghan forces in the city of gaza any. humanitarian colleagues have reported that heavy fighting in gaza city in the past three days
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has resulted in more than one hundred civilian casualties communications networks and electricity supply are currently down in the city resulting in water shortages and food is also reportedly running low fighting there escalated on friday with the taliban to turn to the still wouldn't take control it's considered a strategic point that would allow the group to link already captured areas close to the capital kabul if it were trying to looks next and how almost two decades of the american led war in afghanistan has failed to make the country any safer. this is what's happening just a little more than one hundred kilometers from the capital kabul there's barely a camera in gaza any available to film this dreadful battle locals say there are stronger descriptions than simply the tele ben is back in action and if it wasn't for us air strikes the afghan army could have been in far worse trouble so it makes
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you wonder do american diplomats and their military keep in touch there is nothing that precludes us from an gauging with the taliban we're doing everything we can to ensure that our actions help the taliban and the afghan government does the same table everything they can only a few weeks ago the state department said talking with the taliban was a good idea and we're guard most of how hostile their actions the extremists say they're forward to this is what we wanted and were waiting for to sit with the us directly and discuss the withdrawal of foreign troops from afghanistan. the rumor is there's already been some direct contact at least we know for sure alice wells went to qatar last month where the taliban's got a political office i'm confused the armed group has all but regained its might which not so long ago earned them
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a reputation of outright islamist barbarians in america and pretty much all over the world we acted and the taliban no longer is in power in afghanistan which is not only good for the security of the free world it is incredibly good for the people who suffered in afghanistan on the barbaric rule time flies us administrations come and go fair enough but the things the people in charge say about insurgents today could be totally different tomorrow taliban this taliban that the taliban are fighting isis and we encourage that because isis needs to be destroyed. oh so they're good for something at least if it's about knocking out islamic state yet just a few months earlier general nicholson said the taliban's fight against diana was a piece of russian propaganda we see here and there it is this being used that
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grossly exaggerates the number of isis fighters here this narrative energy used as a justification for the russians to legitimize the actions of the taliban and provide some degree of support complicated heart of ghana stand business as usual and the american strategy for afghanistan see above the american strategy a strategy from the beginning of the so-called war on terror which was launched after the september eleventh attacks as this war has turned out to be an utter failure. you know i was we all know it was in a stronger position than it ever was in two thousand and one. so hand so i think it's proof that the u.s. has been pursuing a wrong strategy in defeating terrorism on the contrary i think that the u.s. involvement up until now when the focus on military force in the region has the growth of terrorism the taliban is not just pulling out
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a gun it's firing it it could be time for the pentagon and the state department to hunt for ideas together and be more precise. if you're joining us you can see the ticker there and read the breaking news that's coming through from the u.k. today in the last seven thirty six local time london police now confirming that they are treating a car crash early this morning to russia in the. u.k. . terror attack which is where running out during rush hour a vehicle crashed into the security barriers injuring two people there in hospital and no fatalities thankfully by the sounds of it the driver was detained at the scene. the shortly after that time authorities have also confirmed a number of pedestrians were to say to people are being treated in hospital with non life threatening injuries a counterterrorism unit is leading the investigation no more details at this point but you can see the whole area around the parliament was unlocked and still
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a lot of disruption there believe it is the not the british parliament meantime currently in summer recess so most people not there but it's a busy part of the world and there's a big security concern that a small you can see the car involved we believe it to be that silver car and just to recap police are now treating it as a potential terror attack this morning a guy has been arrested no details on him at the moment maybe they'll be some more coming out in the coming hours. more than twenty five thousand refugees have returned to syria in the past four months authorities say that people have been coming back since the victory of the terrorists was announced he goes down off met some of. and there was a border between syria and lebanon which is literally some two kilometers away from here is expected to become a major flood gate for those whose home sickness has turned into something bigger into the actual return home right now we are at one out of five ports of entry
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established by the syrian government as they welcome its citizens home there were many things to run from terror. pointless and unspeakable brutality but now there's one homeland i know we suffered from terrorism for three years and eight months all kinds of weapons were used against us but we stood firm and did not give up and kept fighting until we were transferred here with the terrorists who are against life itself against peaceful citizens women and children it was very difficult for us to live but the terrorists were living in good conditions come to the terrorists left my city so i decided to return because it is safe there now i learned my town in syria is safe and that is why i decided to return with my family the government has promised to restore infrastructure in a modest scale from hospitals to schools judging by the walls in this school
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there's a new subject on the curriculum and it's called survival from different types of landmines to improvised explosive devices and to simply objects that kids should be aware of this is what children in this school will be taught about when it opens this september but not everyone will be welcomed back to revive a peaceful existence here like the white helmets hailed as a rescue organization by the west damascus isn't looking forward to their return syria's living abroad who have committed nothing against their i mean you know citizens should the sheer or nothing at all the government would ensure their safety and those who chose to flee the country should have committed the crimes. which made them very afraid of staying in the country so the white helmets are criminals and they should be treated this way there are many displaced syrians who are being wound against getting ready to come home just yet we think
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that it's premature to promote returns seriously feel very insecure there's still a lot of war going on in syria. even though out of the seven million people did escape the conflict almost a good rule of them do come back to syria but there will be no hope rebuilding the country from the west florida will be a particular western countries should support the return of syrian citizens and lift economic sanctions against syria because people who want to return need schools hospitals food and shelter for their families the e.u. and the us have been and when we say the e.u. we must remember is britain is the driving force of the policy towards toward syria britain and us led you following along in its wake since twenty eleven made it their policy to destroy syria to destroy the syrian government by any means
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necessary to facilitate a train and equip a sectarian brutal sectarian insurgency that laid waste to the country their policy has been to make syria uninhabitable and their policy remains to ensure that it stays uninhabitable so syrian refugees in europe absolutely caught between well a rock and a hard place is putting it very very mildly on the one hand they have the e.u. then the us still continue to enact this policy of making their own country uninhabitable and then in the same time you have this growing fascist street movement in. in the e.u. that's actually has even influence over for example the british government whose policy is to basically make europe uninhabitable for their hatred towards the side unites a lot of syrians who chose to flee their country well now at least judging by the promises the syrian government seems to be extending an olive branch to those who
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seek to do no more damage done of reporting from syria for r.t. . it's exactly one here now here in moscow rolling through this with a full news bulletin for you now. internationals launched the external investigations into the suicide of two employees the death sparked an internal crisis about working conditions within that human rights organization the case in point here tragically this lady rose mcgregor she was twenty eight years old when she took her life earlier this summer she was interned amnesty she worked in geneva according to her father she developed health problems because of stress and she committed suicide just a few days after returning home now that happened five weeks after another suicide within the organization which is so rocked it this guy sixty five year old gabe was a veteran research he'd spent over thirty years in west africa he was found dead in amnesty's paris office and he left a suicide note.


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