tv News RT August 15, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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headline. u.n. peacekeepers are set to return to the disputed golan heights after militants were repelled from the region which syria and israel claim as their own. social media with facebook removing a latin american news channel from its platform and twitter shutting down the rightwing group. on the program debate whether this amounts to modern day censorship. or one thing could be hate speech here but it's not hate speech over here they don't see anything to fight hate speech everybody why is. the i k racism yeah the only way and what are you. and the new political movement is. promising
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a new approach to migration and social issues. and we do have a trend towards the right we would like to combine forces to make a progressive breakthrough when you look at polling there's always a majority. non-confrontational foreign policy. the fifteenth just after eight in the morning. here wishing you a good. un peacekeepers to return to the golan heights after the area was liberated from she harvests however the region is still contested with syria and israel both claiming it as. a correspondent. this it seems the golan heights is one of the leases sites where the syrian army has.
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we were among the first international news crews inside after its liberation just months ago the city of can a chubby i mean it was still under the control of well with most of the infrastructure gone this is the main focus of the syrian government now. liberates its but far from safe we weren't allowed through the inside the city if you hardy's have made the mining area a painstaking process for decades the golan heights have been fought over both syria and israel claims the land is theirs as far as the un is concerned it's definitely syrian but that's food to stop the exchange of fire.
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if. even when the jihadi advance the u.n. peacekeepers are clean twenty fourteen they'd been the only fools to try and ease tensions considering the volatility of the situation here at golan heights the u.n. made a big point out of establishing a presence here well speaking about this particular checkpoint they were driven out by terrorists al nusra front and i still are the two main factions that briefly gained a foothold here and well this area doesn't need any more hostility there's plenty of it here already after all the front line was just over there with again. holding some territory and israel doesn't need terrorists on its border and its checkpoints begin right over those mountains now at least the u.n. patrols can begin again with the help of some russian back up. but it together with
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a u.n. representative we conducted an initial. patrol during which we checked out the safety of the roads are still there but i will remain a problem is that there are lots of explosives where we've sent all the information we have to the un peacekeeping force for analysis to reconstruct you in checkpoints the russian military police are helping the un mission to inspect the un checkpoint in. the golan heights may still be territorially be in a state of flux but at least the terrorists have finally been repelled and the un peacekeepers can get on with the job and we've done of reporting from the golan heights in syria for r.t. . we asked the un mission to comment on the situation it has confirmed it is implementing a gradual return to the golan heights. also we're staying with syria russia's ambassador to the u.k. says the west's decision to evacuate members of the controversial white helmets
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rescue group from the country raises many questions he was speaking during an interview with r.t. is going underground at the white helmets say they save the lives of civilians in the syrian conflict though despite many accusations of them working directly in line with the jihadists. all right the white helmet was on this program told me it is the russian warplanes that are killing civilians to resume says the britain is the second biggest humanitarian aid donor in syria of course some of that money going to the way the helmets and of course the way helmets claimed continued russian atrocities throughout this i think this is a very misleading statement first of all it's very interesting that the white helmets only in the areas where the territory was held by the isis they never ought to rooted in the areas where there was a moderate opposition or the government forces of that's where the aid was needed to protect people from the system is forces will from that not from least from his forces because you know in the left syria together we did you just wanted to see
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no we're not to help the. syrian government they say they had a choice because they were afraid of reprisals by the syrian government is not true the the let's see the the. you know lead down the weapons they are not afraid in the world here on the freight i think this is some kind of a contradiction in this. and other social media ban has been imposed latin american news channel has been removed from facebook for the second time this year and the outlet isn't the only one artist on your hawkins looks at the recent string of bands and news outlets activist told radio host and social media platform for violating terms of use some familiar nowadays just this one scandal over suspending or banning subsides another one brews this time it's the latin american news channel tele stood at spin on the
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receiving end of a facebook blackout are not for the first time back in january this year the news outlet temporarily disappeared from facebook allegedly due to an internal mistake on the platform today though things got more serious your pay. each tellus or english has been removed for violating our terms of use telus sewer say they received no further explanation of why exactly their page was removed they see this incident as no coincidence but rather a pattern of censorship by social media giants now in case you're wondering this isn't a case of deja vu just last week in fact info was an alternative controversial media platform run by alex jones was also banned by you tube our poll and facebook for violating policies and terms of use now what do these have in common an independent platform criticized for spreading all right conspiracy theories and a left leaning channel publicly funded by venezuela cuba bolivia. and seemingly
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diametrically opposed views the answer is both a critical of the american establishment war lobby and global regime change both have in our face bands during the battle against fake news conducted by facebook along with its new partners such as the digital forensic research lab now this is an offshoot of the atlantic council think tank in turn a member of the atlantic treaty organization although formally independent of nato and washington openly sharing both their values and speakers fighting fake news is a noble cause terms of use by platforms individually violate them and expect a ban increasingly though the question will be asked is it violating social media policies or violating mainstream consensus and prevalent narratives that can really land you in hot water we asked facebook to comment on why it banned telesur and
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touch on the. english multimedia director says facebook's decision is alarming. but not aware and we didn't get an explanation we got an e-mail yesterday afternoon saying that our page was removed and this e-mail said that we were violating the terms of use but it didn't we don't consider that an explanation since we didn't get get a reason or we would they didn't explain how in what way were we violating supposedly violating the terms of us not a specific content that we put not a specific article or video thing hope it's a mistake we're still hoping for them to apologize for this mistake but if it's not we're going to prepare a response and we do think it's alarming and a bit scary that could be yeah place where. some voices are not allowed we we're not doing anything different from what we have
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been doing since the beginning of her english outlet in facebook so we were aware of the terms of use when we started it and we were not motivating this terms and we would like to change the way perspective is the coverage we do for this is not an inch. and it's not just facebook that's on a banning spree twitter is late as a blocking measure the talk is the accounts of libertarian commentator govern mcinnes and his organization the proud boys of prague boys is a right wing group that operates in the u.s. the u.k. kind of i don't know it advertises itself as a collective all of western chauvinists some press members took part in the notorious old rally and shot has failed in august twenty seventh but since then it's tried to distance itself from the old right. now the problem has been came out of the anniversary of the shot as for a robbery with
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a twitter saying the group violated its policy on violent extremist groups so i guess it's debated whether social media guilty of censorship as far as it come in right before the united the right really the only thing coincidental with that having to do with anything having to do with the proud boys is the fact that gavin and all the probably sides actually disavowed the unite the right rally just like we did last year i think it might just be coincidental that it was shut down after that unless of course somebody didn't want people to know that there are reasonable people in the new right who are saying we don't want anything to do with that kind of racist nazi dreck which we don't well i feel like the poor hateful boys are they've got their website and they can espouse whatever going to hate speech they want you have not my argument if we don't like the so i just feel that i'm sorry ok . so thousands of problems or there is nothing for you to offer to the american public you're a you're a very fringe extreme fringe group that espouses hate and you can do
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whatever you want on twitter as far as i'm concerned i don't i don't follow you i don't want to buy you twist this decision somewhat surprising given that it cools a violent extremist grant that they themselves have denied for years connections to the right group so any extremist movement saying is activism now considered extremism is this that she went to beijing hanau we would like to have no hate speech no racism no divisions in our country and they the divisions in our country and the racism do not come from twitter they do not come from facebook they do not come from our email and such and i believe that the poor racist boys should have their website i mean i believe that there should be on twitter i believe they should have facebook's who gets to pick out who gets to pick out what
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hate speech is who gets to pick out what racism is how come one thing is racist for one people but it's not racist for another people how come one thing could be hate speech here but it's not hate speech over here it does your maternal insanity thing to add to fight hate speech evolution why is that i write right i got it i'm privileged the only thing to fight racism hate speech is more speech and better speech. some people are no longer true not because of a but because they've left the platform voluntarily australian actress or ruby rose was deleted her account over the abuse she was receiving after she was named the star of the new woman series a critics say she was too obvious a choice. a
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jewish lesbian character should be played by a jewish lesbian it's a simple concept so let's see sarah say witty rapoport casting had a chance to give an unknown jewish lesbian the role of a lifetime to have exact representation for the characters instead went for the publicity stunt no nexus any chance of steep please recall. who is a lesbian batwoman should be played by an actual female bad.
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is now the right time considering the world in which we live right now for me to play a real life character who is in irredeemable racist in a dramatic series. quarter past the hour here in moscow a car crash outside london's parliament is now being investigated as a terror attack and the driver was to taint after he rammed into pedestrians and cyclists on tuesday morning a warning you may find the following images upsetting a new video has emerged online in which you can see the car crashing into security barriers and ultimately injuring people police say the driver was alone and no weapons were found in the car.
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has been identified as a twenty nine year old british citizen he's not believed to have been previously mentor british intelligence police three addresses in the u.k. in relation to the incident are still to come on the program on. launching a new movement to protect the rights of those on the hood by the government that story and much more after the.
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on saturday irresponsible lobbyist accessing unlimited credit from an irresponsible federal reserve bank you have the infinite regress that you saw with money starting in the one nine hundred seventy s. and now insurance companies selling insurance on insurance contracts i don't share as contracts on insurance contracts with another bureaucrat another bureaucrat is infinite regress.
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it is good of you to join us today of the leader of germany's left party is launching a new political movement cold stand up one of the new groups self-proclaimed goals is to defend the interests of those on the hoed by the current government. yeah let's. not miss it. because albert's going to be finished yaba the hood. and then move all comes over from sydney annoyed through to us all to me in. the group will be looking to rally left wing voters and pressured german politicians to create a left wing government stand up is also looking to win over so-called protest voters those who strongly oppose the way germany is heading today its leader sorrow
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next is against the current administration's open borders policy and says that migrants unlimited access to germany's labor market should come to an end there have to be open borders for the persecuted but we certainly can say that anyone who wants to you may come to germany claim social benefits and look who work it's detached from reality according to a poll as many as thirty four percent of german voters could vote for the new movement if elections were to take place we heard from a german m.p. who has pledged her support for the new movement. yeah as it will happen we have a exchanging immigration especially with bernie sanders possible in the united states where against hillary clinton they missed out on getting the democratic nomination because of clinton is jealous and we are also in close contact with the supporters of jeremy morgan the momentum movement in the united kingdom clean home also with the campaign of france or john the who got almost twenty percent in the
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last month. the left are split and weak not just in germany and the whole of europe but we do have a trend towards the right we would like to combine forces to make a progressive breakthrough when you look at polling there's always a majority that want better paid better pension who are non-confrontational foreign policy regarding russia and are also against nato expansion or consider through on top for them a political direction and policy of. the us after. we have to present something different from the alternative or germany party in the last two or three years s.p.d. the greens or dulling didn't show a successful strategy for doing that and comforting a rather the opposite abt is getting stronger and there is a chance for them becoming the people's party which is absurd of the left should return to its core ideals and goals social questions should be the keystone us i
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was. also shot at by fluting integration policy has pretty much trended the minimum wage defunct what was once a one euro job no money brings eighty cents is the obvious if you take people in you need to ask them somewhere that there are a lot of people under the stress created by the social situation those people need to be able to earn a wage that lets them live in dignity if this is not happening it's understandable that people become angry and lean towards right wing party it is those. people that we will be reaching out to for the sake of our democracy. democrats seem to be falling out of love with capitalism with recent poll showing they are now more positive about socialism. and looks at what's behind the trend. polls show that among democratic voters socialism is becoming more popular than capitalism according to the latest poll less than half of democrats have
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a favorable view of the economic system long considered to be the american way meanwhile fifty seven percent of democrats have a positive view of socialism which until recently was a forbidden word in american discourse this is what the leftist intellectual slob voice is easy access about the trend not only some go to law with the list. but the system but only so many meters do this because they need to lift drugs and someone with someone i know. why did it but it a warm this did a medic and he doesn't function the way you people expected the farm now this shift in views is manifesting itself with the rise in popularity of figures like veteran senator bernie sanders and progressive candidate for congress alexandria a kazuo cortez now many voices are speaking up and saying that the new trend could
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be disastrous for the democratic party but the shift among the liberal rank and file continues no k.k.k. . happy. to do you know how to dance so why are democrats losing faith in capitalism we decided to talk to people here on the streets of new york and find out now a new poll came out that showed that only forty seven percent of democrats favor can. but alyssa what's driving this shift in public opinion. trump i think a lot of it has to do or trump because with his policies i think we're going
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further to the left than we should be going because of his policies i see him as being overly wealthy overly influential and kind of not allowing the little guy to succeed which i see capitalism as being the way that they're portraying capitalism in the media now is sort of standing up shining a bad light on it if you like trump is causing this rise in socialist sentiments among democrats. i wouldn't say so i think he he's not really influencing it that much i feel like you know the health care system especially the driving costs and even if the affordable care act's this is not working out well. now among those who favor socialism the top priority concerns seem to be affordable health care and education however trump's embrace of all things capitalist seems to have an influence on those who are now changing their understanding of the word socialism today seems to embody sets of programs by which the government helps regulate and
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in some instances run and pay for social programs focused on basic population needs in health education housing and employment and then you came to this scene you know how the american day. but i don't know if you know even more of the demagogue to be stated when i threw off a lot of the boys then they go to bed i think yes they should look at the dead of own don't look at the bottom of it don't think yes no they don't doesn't ignore the deity more live the m d god because you're seeking out so but he's saying to us and he's moving until one of them still won't and so now they are facing the prize so whether it's trump or just overall dissatisfaction resentment against what has long been considered to be core american values is growing up and r.t. new york. italian media say the death toll in
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a major moesha way bridge collapse in the northern italian city of genoa has risen to thirty one that's citing italy's interior ministry and local officials still say twenty six people were killed with over a dozen injured i understand the rescue operations are still ongoing. political don't want to both of you are ahead of us all over him up a little bit of the music on the fourth. visit of a lot of you know and i didn't even. bother going to invite it to bust me going to
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be out for me but she didn't that dog give iraq a number that a lot of friends are stunned by jodi get out of this didn't want to put up a great shift in momentum going into that amount to get a feature that they loaded just. italian prime minister has visited the site of the collapse calling the situation an immense tragedy a political analyst and on sort of courts he believes the bridge was carrying more traffic than it was designed to handle. probably is not due to the lack of mountain and so or to do whatever. region and we know. there is east for fifty years much probably heat in capacity to him access if you are right there to an excessive use or due to decrease of traffic but it is possible to identify responsibility to the stickball it is any
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party going to the government in the feeder to create a new infrastructure comparable to respond to the increased. volume of decreasing traffic volume and there not being at all. it's a busy day for worldwide news here on r.t. international your program or so about twenty five minutes. when lawmakers manufacture consent to stick to public wells. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round certainly the one percent.
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we can all middle of the room signal. going to the real news is really. good. i didn't. mean up a bit better. than the. non-single review just this week you were talking to. get a lot of this to give you at least on. the net a lot of it i don't know about comedy is good but i'm about the same as art when i was up the money into the magazine with. a good long long unless mom
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was almost. to say sleep. there with. the long. haul that was if you meet. other people most of them say that was on the. our. list. when i was told something seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any you get to shape out these days comes to the ticket and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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