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tv   News  RT  August 15, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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right and as much as the world may you know say oh that's so terrible and all the rest the truth is the world doesn't consider that so terrible they think of it as well they're going to these people are going to die anyways and so there is a tendency to sort of write it off at least there wasn't much hysteria about the issue back then nineteen ninety seven something unusual happened so i dug this up in my book. a doctor and he lives in europe and i'm not saying where because he has family in china was it a room she hospital he was asked by his superior told him to go take blood tests in the political prison all right so these are weaker as they're muslim maybe they've gone who knows what crimes they're guilty of maybe just standing on the street gunning allah akbar you know something like that is it could be very minor. but he goes he has to take the blood test blood types of all these prisoners political. why well because six high ranking chinese communist party congress had just arrived
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at a major hotel and they were looking for a liver and kidneys. and they wanted healthy people the ideas prisoners aren't regular prisoners the ones who are in death row aren't necessarily that healthy they are drug addicts sometimes or they live rough lives political prisoners tend to take care of themselves. so he went in nearly had a riot when he tried to take these samples they kept saying you're weaker like us a muslim how can you do this and he was said it's just for your health. now of course it wasn't just for their health those six. chinese communist party countries got their organs and they laughed and in a month there were six more. now that was one little incident back in one thousand nine hundred seventy it really could have ended there a little bending of the rules a little corruption at the high levels but china really didn't what happened is that a new group came online if you like as a target of the state that was following gong
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a buddhist revival meant. and it's at that point to the out after a year after they start persecuting phone gone in one thousand and nine about two thousand two thousand and one the transplant rates in china go crazy exponentially are shooting up hospital building transplant wings all over the country yet it mirrors the detention the massed attention of fallen guard which was about half a million two million at any given time. because in the report i understood that right twenty fourteen that congress basically u.s. congress would have reported a lot of your journalism is the basis and cited within it although you're not alone in that but researching this sort of the notion that china reports there are about ten thousand organ donors in transplants per year but meanwhile the real numbers are in the tens of thousands maybe another size one hundred thousand. organs being transplanted and the question then becomes is that just all voluntary and obviously
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your allegation is no that's not what is the basis of saying that we know that this is definitely coming from political prisoners who are either alive or killed in the problem. that the chinese have bounced around from different arguments for many years they said they didn't even say where these organs were coming from or how they were doing transplants and they sort of just led people to assume that maybe it was voluntary or something of course there was no history of voluntary donation china at all and then they said ok well we're doing prisoners right they copped to the lesser plea if you like were we are we are taking organs from really bad criminals who were executed on our execution grounds by chinese law and so forth. that didn't hold water because the numbers didn't add up there weren't enough criminals being executed even by their own numbers so then they switched to a new argument to say well we're no longer executing criminals for their organs what we're doing is just getting voluntary donations but even if you use their
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numbers which their claim. about seven thousand voluntary donations a year if that is seven thousand people donating their organs well truthfully even if you were getting say three organs out of each person instead of the seven thousand if you take that seven thousand most players get up to twenty one thousand you're still not going to get anywhere near those are made up numbers the seven thousand is a number they've pulled the pulled out of thin air. it isn't often that a scientist that has been so crucial to an endeavor success has been able to witness their life's work realize this weekend nasa launch the parker solar probe from cape canaveral in florida beaming with fire across the night sky on its way up to our sun the one billion dollars probe will be first the first to fly through the sun's atmosphere the first spacecraft to travel at two hundred sixty five thousand kilometers per hour and the first to bear the name of a living scientist dr eugene parker who was there to see the work he fought so long
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to be taken seriously about to launch into history and this probe is special for the folks here watching the hawks as well see my eyes myself in tyrrel in the team each have our names saved on a memory card that was included with the with the probe along with over one million others as we take this adventure together and in the words of dr eugene parker let's see what lies ahead let's see the lies ahead but we know what ended right now all that is or show has to remember everyone in this world we are not told we are above the love so i tell you all i love you i am i robot and on top of the people are watching those hawks another great day and i.
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me me me me me me me me me that's a very rough terrain of sorts rough climates and you have to win fights to be able to live in a flat. it was gunshots on top of them and it's all very fresh it would have been going at any one of many and you did not i. don't think anything will back up for me you know i don't want to see it but of what is in the children is ready to participate in the good is both to me a good wouldn't. you don't think about these three of these so good on no you got three teams like any other and other patients. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. most somewhat want to be rich
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. but you going to be prosperous what before three in the morning can people that i'm interested always in the waters of my colleagues. question. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer it be in the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying is just no way to parent and that we are even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this
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this isn't the way. with nor make us manufacture consent to stick to public wealth. when the ruling classes project themselves. with the famous merry go round the sun with the one percent. that's not going to nor middle of the room sick. i mean real news is. a taliban attack an afghan security forces base reportedly killing forty five is the latest in a string of offensives that's claimed the lives of over one hundred military
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personnel. more social media fans with facebook removing latin american news channel telesur from its platform and twitter shutting down the accounts of right wing group proud boy is our guest debate whether this amounts to modern day censorship. talk of one thing to be hate speech here but it's not hate speech over here they don't privilege there only being two aired to fight hate speech everyone is or a right right i got a comparable to the ok vibrations oh yeah the only one of you. un peacekeepers are fit to return to the disputed golan heights after militants were repelled from the region syria and israel have been fighting over the resort's rich area for decades . a very warm welcome you're watching r.t.
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international with me becky aaron a great to have you with us and we start in afghanistan where at least forty five security personnel have reportedly been killed after the taliban attacked a military camp north of kabul kabul based journalist sultan fires the reports. it has been a very deadly day for afghanistan it's a very bloody day for afghanistan not only in north than afghanistan but also in eastern afghanistan some twelve at least twelve in a soldiers have been killed and three are missing but in province specifically in. in the location were still it's there are conflicting reports that you know all forty five people or afghan security forces have been killed but speaking earlier to a spokesperson for the north and corp's he didn't confirm the death of the air the soldiers he said that twenty eight soldiers were there and they're missing and they
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have lost connection and they tried to send reinforcement but they have been also ambushed many people have been actually you know have been you know questioning the management of the security forces that what have been they doing so basically falling you know post twenty fourteen. they have been only involved the forces on only involved in training assessed and advice mission basically they are not on the ground but they have been conducting air strikes that have been causing sometimes civilian casualties. this is the latest in a string of taliban attacks heavy clashes between the taliban and the country's security forces erupted last week.
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i saw my friend dying he was among thirteen people including children and women who were killed during an airstrike last night there's no attention from the government you know facilities for the residents are gone when the dead bodies are still on the road i've also been injured. another day another banging on social media twitter his latest blocking measure targets the accounts of libertarian commentator gavin mcinnes and his organization the proud boys boys is a group that operates in the u.s. the u.k. canada and australia it accessorizes itself as a collective of western chauvinists some of its members took part in the notorious all trying to rally in charlottesville in august two thousand and seventy but since then it's tried to distance itself from the old right the problem has been came ahead of the anniversary of the charlottesville rally with twitter now saying the organization has violated its policy on violent extremist groups early on
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hellacious seth they debated the issue with our guests. we're only associated with those events being that the media keeps saying that we're so see with those events if you read what we wrote including what i personally wrote before and after charlottesville it was something we wanted nothing to do with it was an absolute abject disaster run by psychopaths and i'm happy it failed i think it might just be coincidental that it was shut down after that unless of course somebody didn't want people to know that there are reasonable people in the new right who are saying we don't want anything to do with that kind of racist nazi dreck which we don't which is a good thing the left should be celebrating that there's right wing groups saying don't do that you have my argument we don't like them so i just feel that i'm sorry ok so thousands of problems are there is nothing for you to offer to the american public you're a you're a very fringe extreme for it thousands of you are boys disagree it espouses hate and you can do whatever you want to prove it or as far as i'm concerned that i
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don't i don't follow you i don't want to be by you you know what it's like you have no argument other than say racist racist racist and you think that we're going to cower and go oh i guess you win we're not racist no we're not racist well i know there's violence in your eyes you want man but there's any hate. if it oh do you now now if there's any they all hate you please read me the line that i wrote. it's all hate speech in other words you have no argument you did no homework your own educated twist this decision somewhat surprising given that it cools points of violent extremists create that they themselves have denied for years connections to the white group so any extremist movement saying is activism now considered extremism is this that she went to beijing hanau we would like to have no hate speech no racism no divisions in our country and they are the divisions in our country and the racism do not come from twitter they do not come from facebook
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they do not come from our email and such and i believe that the poor racist boys should have their website i mean i believe that there should be on twitter i believe they should have facebook's who gets to pick out who gets to pick out what hate speech is who gets to pick out what racism is how come one thing is racist for one people but it's not racist for another people how come one thing could be hate speech here but it's not hate speech over here it does your privilege and we thing to add to fight hate speech evolution what is right right i got it i'm privileged and i get a fight racism yeah the only way and what are you ok only fit to fit your the most privileged person in this conversation right now i guarantee you the only thing to fire a reason hate speech is more speech and better speech.


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