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tv   News  RT  August 17, 2018 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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love it when you come and the news breaks and you're here to help us all out thank you so much danielle do you want to know both the c.e.o. of quill intelligence and writes the daily feather thanks danielle thank you very much. and there's more earnest news and here's a little bit more than that here with a look at samsung the south korean manufacturer telephone manufacturer and other technologies smart t.v.'s the trick is they're trinity chapatis from new york who has something on their new and not novel no nine that's their new phone. samsung is making some big moves and it's planning on the vesting billions of dollars into new growth areas south korea's largest conglomerate samsung group is planning to invest around twenty two billion dollars over the next three years into five g. and a high technology led mostly by samsung electronics the investment would be a part of samsung's overall one hundred sixty one billion dollar investment plans that include capital expenditure research and development and of that total around
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one hundred thirty billion dollars will be spent in south korea alone the investments include four key areas artificial intelligence fifth generation mobile network technology electronic components for future cars and bio pharmaceuticals samsung also said it aims to directly recruit forty thousand new employees who work at global ai centers which include u.k. canada russia the u.s. and south korea meanwhile after recently reporting its lowest quarterly profit growth in a year samsung is rolling out the galaxy note nine. these are my great pleasure to present. a new general trend note. we've included all the things that they know and love the precision the ease of use but we also added now bluetooth low energy connectivity so now you can use your i spend even more tasks like opening up locations i don't like a remote shutter so i can use it to take
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a picture and i can use it to even do things like control my music while the new phone will be faster and have greater memory many users aren't impressed with the newest features especially with a hefty price tag of around a thousand dollars for the camera it's pretty much similar to what the laws of the last night last night plus suzanne mark anything new a specific need but we don't really see anything really new no sense of the camera it's a great form p three pictures but it's nothing specifically new compared to what's out there right now the new phones will come out on august twenty. forced in the u.s. and the no nine will have the same price we're guard list of terrier which is around a thousand bucks it's an increase from the no eight but it's comparable to apple's i phone at reporting in new york turn to the child as art. and time now for a quick break but stay with us because when we return lauren fix the car coach joins us to talk that's a lot as the u.s. currency exchange commission has subpoenaed the company following c.e.o.
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you on the must market moving tweet and steve malzberg joins us to discuss the new cold war the battleground is the pound is the sports beverage market and coca-cola is enlisting some superstar sports power in their effort to get more of the eight billion dollar market from pepsico as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell stocks up across the board as investors give thumbs up on today's earnings and there's i said three hundred ninety eight points up on the dow will be right back. on a better irresponsible lobbyist accessing unlimited credit from an irresponsible federal reserve bank you have the infinite regress that you saw with money starting in the one nine hundred seventy s. and now insurance companies selling insurance on insurance contracts contracts on
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insurance contracts with another bureaucrat another bureaucrat is infinite regress . we have new idea wants if he's doing on the move but she will be back on in september. you. know it's a very rough surrender so it's about claimants and you have to find suitable to them and. it was. on top of them and so many friends who would have been in the end i mean even not a lot but a couple. you know i don't when you see it but
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a body in this room is it into punches but in the good. old to me a good mood in which. you don't think about these movies so good on you because three it's like you know there's another patient. welcome back to the persistent and growing problem of inequality in wealth and earnings in the u.s. is reaching new heights or lows perhaps the betting upon your class perspective the economic policy institute or a.p.i. today released a report that finds pay for bosses at the biggest u.s. corporations increased by a whopping average of seventeen point six percent last year versus twenty sixteen rank and file employees by contrast saw an increase of just three tenths of
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a percent of single percent in historical perspective e.p.i. points out that the ratio of c.e.o. to worker pay is increased dramatically in recent decades from get this twenty to one in one nine hundred sixty five to fifty to one in one thousand nine hundred five and twenty seventeen the figure is three hundred twelve to one if you i found that c.e.o. paychecks increase outpaced others in the super rich class with c.e.o.'s being paid five point five times as much as others in the top one percent of the pay scale. and there is an unsettling update to the product liability story around glycine the main ingredient in months santo's roundup brand of herbicide products the environmental working group reports that the independent lab tests on samples of forty five different serial products the things that you eat made with two thirds of the foods contain life of faith above the level of one hundred sixty part one
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hundred sixty parts per billion each of the scientists say one hundred sixty parts per billion is the limit for safe exposure last week as we reported a california jury awarded a former school groundskeeper two hundred eighty nine million dollars after you develop they answer cited work exposure to the chemical and his suit against monsanto says two hundred fifty million pounds of glycine fate is sprayed on crops grown in the united states every year alone often on so-called roundup ready plants that can resist the herbicide. and as i noted the top of the program the us s e c a subpoena tesla related to market moving tweet by its c.e.o. elon musk here at talk tesla and some other ongoing issues with automakers is the car coach lauren fix who is also the president of the car utility and truck of the year award lauren welcome back we're so glad to see you again what do you make of
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this assays see file you have coming down pretty hard so far doesn't surprise me as a regulator but what are your thoughts. well i actually since we spoke earlier in the day there's been an additional lawsuit put in place and i don't dition a whistleblower in the last half an hour somebody claiming that there's all kinds of drug deals going on in the past and all kinds of exciting things of course with a whistleblower you never know and the f.c.c. is always looking for that especially when they're already being viewed at so closely with the f.c.c. in most cases what happens these days is they're not looking for someone to admit guilt there's going to be a penalty involved if they actually find him to be guilty and they're going to take the money and when in reality there's a bigger issue besides the lawsuits all the financial investors who lost a lot of money they're all suing as well so there's a couple probably close to a dozen lawsuits right now in place and on top of that they've got the department of justice here in the united states looking at him for possibly buying back stock
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in a legal way so there's a lot of thing still in the mix when you go out and make a statement that you've got financials secured and you don't and then you falsely inflate the market and then it's dropped back down and closed almost a percentage down today and i think that's going to lead to some issues and just to put a little bit of a give a perfect answer lauren but i want to put a fine point on it for some of our viewers who may not have followed it a b. he must the c.e.o. of tesla had said not long ago maybe a month or so ago that the short side is the short traders who were sort of betting on the demise of a better watch out and people sort of assumed that that meant the company's going to do well over the long term but then when he made this tweet about saying as you say he's got the the money secured to go private that's when the stock took a real or twenty a share yeah crazy stories are not going to make it there yeah yeah yeah it's crazy the problem is i have friends that do this for
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a living and he's been intimidating some of them to pull down their twitter accounts. canceled their relationship with seeking alpha which is a financial website and other things and sending things like short shorts to people which is cute i'm glad it's got a great sense of humor but you're dealing with people's money and that means you're also dealing with attorneys so we'll see how this unfolds i'm feeling he'll get a slap on the wrist from the f.c.c. here in the united states but that partment of justice there any more than a slap on the rest he could find himself in trouble including the fact that all of the board members have gotten their own lawyers that's a big sign something ugly is going down yeah and i guarantee you a lot of other publicly traded companies and their general counsels are speaking with the cease fire ceased to exist is saying don't do things and social media count just like putting out you know your ten k. anything else one other issue that i want to get get to lauren is you know we've talked about a mission related matters many time on the program we always appreciate your
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expertise but there's new news out of the e.u. specifically that the swiss have now stopped. allowing diesel engines that concealed the emissions levels that those cars to be registered you can ever get registered that could be a huge deal for individuals. less than what's going on in the country right. that's a huge impact on consumers telling them that the vehicle that you currently own can't be reregistered you know just like here in the united states not everyone can go out and buy a new car every three years and some people and actually on average the vehicle they average vehicles on the road today are about fourteen years old because not everyone can go and buy a new vehicle and the same thing is true in switzerland and some of the swiss are saying you cannot register your vehicle this is a huge problem for consumers if they can't drive their vehicles they can't afford to buy new vehicles they're going to be those sounds like some lawsuits are going to happen this is the same type of strategy that california was trying to do and it came back as very negative in lots of lawsuits and they backed off on that they
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were trying not to let anyone purchase gasoline powered vehicles after a certain day or bring vehicles in from other states and this is going to be a huge problem for switzerland as well we've just got a few seconds and maybe i'm going to broach something you know i shouldn't but as president of the car utility and truck of the year award what do you drive it lately and do you like it i just drove the brand new chevy silverado we drove it up in jackson wyoming i think they've done a great job in proving it over the previous models but when you compare it to the ram truck and the f one fifty sorry to say look at the f one fifty still the leader in the market elbowed general motors done a great job with the performance handling and they have the best in bed storage and we've also recently driven the new honda pilot which i found to be a great improvement next week will be driving the hyundai santa fe thank you so much lauren fix the car coach appreciate your time lauren. thank you so much. and turning to soft drink news coca-cola is hoping some athletic star power can lift
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their profits in the so-called sports drink market the cola giant is taking a significant minority stake in a sports drink brand body armor that is seeking to compete with the dominant player on the field gator a gator aid is owned of course by pepsico and coca-cola hopes to siphon off some of the eight billion dollars sports drink market pepsico with gator it accounts for roughly seventy five percent of the current market and coca-cola already sells a similar product under the name power eight and will eventually distribute body armor as product for now body armor is distributed by dr pepper which has said that they will not renew the current distribution agreement under the deal coca-cola will display security as body armor is second largest shareholder knocking them down to a third body armor hopes to catch up with their established rivals with celebrity endorsers and investors including quitting former l.a. basketball star kobe bryant who is an investor and board member of body armor so this isn't quite an old school cold war but make no mistake there are battles
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brewing in the sports beverage space and here to discuss is deserving of t.v. and radio host steve malzberg steve welcome i suppose we always has some sort of form of a cold war i remember for bid decades but this is a little different right. this is very different and now but i love it coca-cola pepsico dr pepper they're all involved gator rate as you mentioned dominates the market but this body armor it's interesting that coca-cola is throwing its own powerade basically under the bus and has become a major player now with body armor and you know it was. it was one of the investing banks i said that their worst nightmare gator aid has is body armor body armor is appealing to the millennia they are appealing to them because they're all natural because it full of potassium there is no artificial. colors a sweeteners everything is natural and so that's why you get to see the market share continue to grow as it's grown over a one hundred percent
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a year for the last four years you mention kobe bryant kobe bryant and investor and a spokesman for the last several years he's very excited about the product rob grant koski of the new england patriots also you have baseball star mike trout he's also on board with this as a as a promoter so i think that coca-cola has made a commitment and this this this drink that has five percent market share right now i think is going to bust out it's also part not the first time that coca-cola has dealt with the owners of this drink because they bought from them vitamin water and smart water for four billion dollars several years ago and they propel that into a multi-billion dollar product so they know what they're doing and vitamin water i'm glad you mentioned it you know that also had some celebrity endorsement by rapper fifty cent who had one of his is favorite concoctions and body water and as you know the are in it with with body armor rather that is
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a different drink in that i think they use coconut water which is super super healthy but having these celebrity endorsers are really probably helps them and if i were pepsico i think i might be worried even though gator is a stablish brand how about you yeah absolutely and my my my brain freeze came out of it and with well so fargo that says that this body armor is is gay to raise worst nightmare and will be i agree luck when you have when you have stars who are relevant now young. kobe bryant of course is a legend and people who are currently playing the game of football and baseball on board and you have the natural ingredients that's what millennial zareen to now they're into healthy they're into healthy food and drink and this blows away the competition both the powerade and the gator a when it comes to all natural ingredients so. i think it's a big threat i think we've seen the growth it's now about three hundred fifty million dollars a year in sales that it's grown to continues to double year after year i think
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that's going to skyrocket and take off once coca-cola takes over the bottling and launches the ad campaigns steve quick quick answer pepsi or coke i've always been a coke i don't drink it anymore because of the sugar but i don't like are the non sweet you know the artificial sweetener stuff but i've always i grew up a coke guy and had a pepsi guy and you're going to probably say i'm a typical politician but i like diet coke but regular pepsi so i'm straddling. steve malzberg conservative t.v. radio host thank you so much for being with us steve thanks bar and that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on direct t.v. channel three twenty one dish network or streaming twenty four seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. after one thirty two words always hit us up at you tube dot com pleasure artie we'll catch again next time.
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difficulty. opening up a bit. in the film. yasi will leave you just as we. were talking to this. about them let's. go let's go get out our last get it one of these to make it easy try to get. them that a lot of any of us thought i was good but i'm going to look at him as art when i was up the money into the magazine but i'm going to. tell you the long way i left my own home and. just say to me eat all this. place of. call that was if you meet. other people who go from zero zero zero zero zero.
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zero zero zero month that way at least i. feel. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be to limit the penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict despond innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying the is just no way to present and that we're even many of victims families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way.
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was. was an. hour's top stories on our t.v. a wave of fire bombings hit sweden just weeks before parliamentary elections prompting intense speculation everything started the well organized attacks. also gunmen stormed a minute train teligent times in kabul with the city still mourning fifty four people killed and wednesday a suicide bombing at a school and by islamic states. the economic standoff between ankara and washington gets west texas that's iraq by destroying that i found. an eighty seven year old woman. is tasered by police in the usa to georgia after she failed to follow up
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this is ordered to drop at night. is just going four am in the russian capital you're watching national welcome to the program. more than one hundred cars have been set ablaze across sweden three weeks ahead of the september elections it's believed the fire bombings were coordinated it. takes a look at the timing of the awesome attacks and how they're sticking tensions ahead of the electoral race. it's not even dark people look up their windows and see this. the first street of stock locals are just completely baffled and can't squeeze out a word a few moments later the erupt in sheer fury and they scream. thanks
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. there next thought is it even safe to leave their homes now the hooded thugs smash up and burn mostly cars they know what they're doing they know how to do it the our team in the last few days there were almost identical scenes everywhere you see a flame i can swedish media say at least about one hundred cars are now burnt out pieces of metal police have made a number of arrests but basically the country still in the dark about who's behind the menace was overthrown for it. you'd think. that from there. in about three weeks swedes will be voting for their new parliament well now politicians there have more things to worry about than stuff
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like their election promos for the most any custom have the question has to be asked of those people and if there's no one to hack who are you doing what do you think you are born as you destroy the whole area for the neighbors for the children on their way to a free school you have to see burnt out cars that were going to be hard response from society any of us are somewhat strong words but not as emotional as society which clearly wants the ones in charge to get it sorted. such neighborhood disasters don't come out of nowhere when it comes to all kinds of street crime lately sweden's been getting less and less safe because i was attacked by my people and they took my wallet and my. own and there are increased number of shootings it's gotten worse in every way police man said that he had never
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experienced anything like this or changed. his. not a sweet heart and when the years of ignoring the trends backfired literally with flames some of the swedish elite chose not to talk about the state rather the came up with conspiracies or in other words pointed the finger at right wing extremists some quote unquote dark forces. they want the elections to be about arsons they want to fuel discussed and fear i hope the whole thing is not orchestrated by the dark forces that threaten our democracy and our independence. last night's events with my mom left before the election while well organized did not surprise me if the extreme right were involved in some way a false flag by the extreme right version is popular among some journalists to. visit inside desperate peer viz to explain the attacks including blaming them on
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questions trying to foment unrest before the election. sweden democrats sympathises are running around in the suburbs burning cars in a coordinated action to direct criticism of the suburbs population in the hope of favoring s.d. to make sure sweden can dodge any russian efforts to screw up its election stockholm has even splashed out on the media so that they could wipe out the neverending fake news that was only to be hit by a wave of homegrown conspiracies before the police had at least something solid for the public ilya patrolling co r.t.e. sweetish place a similar attacks have happened in several towns and previous here with the town a fourth mall a scale we spoke to swedish democratic campaign kent ecker of his party sparked controversy with this immigration stance he says people a starting to realize their country
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a small safe as they thought. this iteration in sweden i started to slip out in the international arena when people suddenly realize whoops sweden is not a nice little say country thought it was but now realize what the hell happened to sweden and so this has been on for a long time and we have made your arse and wired many years back i just saw some statistics that. are so. in cars with intent. has gone up from twelve to thirty percent from one hundred sixty seven to one thousand five hundred cases a year or something and i mean it's been going up in actual numbers to. save it to america way u.s. president donald trump says economic sanctions against taking will remain in place even if incredibly leases an american pastor being held on terrorism charges both
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sides have imposed fair the tariffs on each other as the standoff between the two countries continues the u.s. has drastically race to tease on imports of tech a shallow minium and steel meanwhile some techs have chosen to smash their i phones in protest at washington's economic warfare. the no oh don't want to see. they have not proven to be a good friend they have a great christian pastor there is a very innocent man. while stepping in on techie side is qatar which has just approved fifteen billion dollars in aid to prop up the turkish economy. quarter has been looking at how the decades old alliance between the us and take
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a is being tested to breaking point. she was built the entire entire roof so no leading goes to great tree deals as opposed to the horrible food trade deals the drawing heritages your president of the country should not be allowed to come in and steal the wealth of all greets you as a mood what countries could he mean are stealing could be turkey the country's lira shed a quarter of its value against the dollar in just one week after trump's tweet about doubling existing tariffs investors are running away screaming inflation surging and turkey's leadership is bracing for an all out trade war the reason for such a calamity against an old nato friend was ankara's refusal to release an american pastor accused of both terrorism and espionage it's punishment time for a rebellious ally that tariffs that are in place on steel would not be removed
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with the release of castor brunson and president heard a wand lashed out in defiance calling the u.s. move an attempt to force turkey to surrender and make them a slave to the greenback but turkey is just one example of how the trumpet administration treats longtime allies in fact many of america's friends have already been forced into the fray in a war of tariffs and sanctions canada had heavy steel and aluminum tariffs imposed earlier this year and trump perhaps thought the stars and stripes needed some protection from its northern neighbor who didn't take too kindly to it that it's kind of insult to move forward with retaliatory measures on july first applying equivalent tariffs as if that wasn't bad enough the us president went and slapped tariffs on europe today i'm defending america's national security. by placing tariffs on foreign imports of steel and aluminum brussels tried to hit back
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with restrictions of its own tried to appeal to the transatlantic solidarity special relations bonds of friendship but to no avail and it begs the question with such a long list of enemies the us is currently fighting from iran to north korea russia china why can't your allies.


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