tv News RT August 17, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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that she was not to have a moral where i don't have a specifically i know you don't i don't think he's a particularly heavy sinner what he said about on the plane that time with that woman been bothered you mean the private tape about the groping women didn't bother you know and i'll tell you why why this is a very important reason what people say privately is of no interest to me and it does not assess their character and there's not a sense that americans care each when he used the word kike regularly then that saying that israel's life so that's ok totally i don't give a damn what people say privately as nixon referred to jews like your brother george ten in private cars yes didn't bother you not correct i don't believe graham acknowledged that nixon saved israel's life in the young kid so it didn't matter what he thought of jews you damn right that's correct then as you're a moralist you're a hypocrite no i'm not i am a moralist wait let me ask you a question if we had a tape of everything you've ever said privately would you come out to be saintly or
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and i would not be an inkling but i only all related and i never chose ever used the n. word never you never use the n word so who we haven't really had any other words from either the trump he didn't attack another religion rooms and word i said when you're famous limit let you grope them i've never told him what i've never said that ok you're a giant and when i get i ok it doesn't mean a damn thing to me i keep telling you there omar listen you don't care what people say privately yes hillary clinton called a jewish guy a jewish s.o.b and i wrote a piece in the wall street journal defending her against charges of anti-semite ok but i care what people do not what they say privately if hitler said i hate jews i hate jews i wish they all died and didn't kill one jew i wouldn't care you wouldn't bother you of course not ok i care what people do ok so do you think i care what they say to ok well privately then let's record everybody you know well i don't really know there will know about everybody if i learned some you don't learn a day. i think from private to i don't know you didn't get anything for what nixon
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said about you know nothing i guess when it came to saving the jewish state he did it ok that's all that mattered to me then as we'll be right back with cloth authentic again after the break dennis is look is the rational bible we shall not discuss the new deliverer of the bible that's right dennis prager following these words like you. are of russian and like this. you know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the
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stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. aeroflot russian and lights.
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on saturday irresponsible lobbyist accessing unlimited credit from an irresponsible federal reserve bank you have the infinite regress that you saw with money starting in one nine hundred seventy s. and now insurance companies selling insurance on insurance contracts on insurance contracts on insurance contracts with another bureaucrat another bureaucrat is infinite regress. about politicking i am larry king and i'm with dennis prager nationally syndicated host of the dennis prager show founder of the online pretty university you hard to
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believe this will friends he's a bestselling author his latest book is the rational bible exodus god slavery and freedom i normally never give my opinion i don't just love doing this for years right taking on dennis for going to a couple of political questions and we'll get to a book out of midterms going to come out. there i'm not i never avoid questions but the truth is i just will make predictions what do you think what do i think if they were held today i think it be it would be nip and tuck i just don't know look i thought hillary was going to win so asking me political predictions is not wise i'm not good at predictions what do you make of this stated the country and its division well the division i wrote that we're in the civil war before trump was ever elected we are in the civil war the left and right are always different as the south and north were in fact i think even more different so it is what it is i'm
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very sorry about it but i don't make any bones i mean look. if you believe that that having an all black dorm at a college is a good thing and you don't that's a pretty big division liberals were for integration the left is for segregation one of the things i show all the time is that leftism has nothing in common with liberalism except big government and that's an example race the the liberal dream on race is that race doesn't matter the put race does matter to the left your color matters so that an all black dorm or a black graduation is now common and therefore you oppose the less respect. well by all no no let me explain first of all i know i was going to go yes there are i didn't i never lived that you don't like them i don't like them but i don't oppose them for only one reason if there was
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a christian dorm in other words by religion i don't mind where people unite on values i might where people unite on race that's so but so that's what you do is something i would never live in one i wish they didn't exist i don't think it's healthy i want jews to dorm with asians and christians and buddhists and so on but there is a difference between race and religion and are you happy with the record of the trumpet ministration yes i'm thrilled with all the people who've departed the white i couldn't care less and the us you asked me about its achievements not not its personnel or the personnel make the achievements you're right but the president is ultimately responsible i am happy with with the supreme court nomination i am happy with reining in the government bureaucracy i think it's good for america i am happy with the lower tax rate so that would finally at sweden's level the you know that we had the highest tax rate but i don't remember there was one exception in the
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entire western world on companies and now look at the economy. so everything's good so why then to say everything in life job is vision if everything's going well we have the sharp division on there obama to left and right can't stand each other ok but well how come in the sixty's when we had division we also had giants in the senate who dined together that's right we made allowances for each other and now there's right none of that direct why not because you and i will differ on the genesis of the reason but i think the reason is that liberals have gone so far left when you get enough done far right you know that's correct i don't think it's comparable you don't think no i gave you the race example liberal has a lot of examples well well what do you think of that example do you think an all black the warm is a liberal or a leftist idea i think it's a result of racism but there was more racism in the sixty's and you were against black dorms then my liberal view was integration in our remaining let's discuss you
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of ok fine how did you dennis prager from almighty decide to write a bible i've been teaching the bible from the hebrew my whole life and. non jews and jews equally have taken the courses and thousands bought my tapes i have something i know how to make it relevant i just admitted that that's the reason that i'm doing this the bible was america's central book for most of its history today it's ignored i would like to re re center it in american life it's the greatest book ever written but if you just sit down and read it you will know why and i'm i try to explain i'll give you want to example it says honor your father and mother the severity profound things were told to love god were told to love the stranger and were told to love our neighbor. but we're never told to love our parents because the bible is very sophisticated and
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understand some children a lot of children just can't love their parents still inches kids not duchesse still interest normal know even in normal homes but whether you like your parent or not you have to honor them it's like i stood up when jimmy carter entered my radio studio many years ago i don't like the man i don't like his presidency but i stand up for a president so to you honor your parents even if you don't like them this is a very profound notion do you know there's a crisis in america of adult children who won't speak to a parent it is an epidemic nobody talks about it but i know about a through my radio i escort he and his raise your hand if you know a family in which an adult child refuses to speak to a parent about a third of the hands go up no matter what the audience when you ask them to honor them yes not like them i don't care if that's right it doesn't matter if you like
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your parents that's your business but god's business is whether you honor them parental authority and role is very important this can relate to politics and anything of call of if i lose it my grandchildren twins but mets fan barmitzvah and for first time in a long time i attended a ceremony and read from the old testament right and that god. was a hard lawyer whom i slaved by enemies believe in me if you don't believe in me bread god i am your god you will worship me and another right he was an egoist he that's all i mean over your he that is why if you read that book that's why i started with exodus you would have a different understanding of god god the reason that god wants you to only worship him and no other gods why is because if his one god is one morality. we are as if you have many gods you have many moralities every every society around the jews how
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child sacrifice and human sacrifice this god comes and says you met you may not sacrifice human beings if there is one god everybody has to listen to him if he's only the god of the jews and there are many other gods goalkeeper he also has like having your children he says slay enemies you never said slay enemies you find he wants where god in the in the in the torah later afterwards yes in joshua it's a claim yes so that's correct i didn't explain that out of what because. the the god of this bible is the same god who said love your neighbor as yourself love the stranger there was the first time in the in the history of the world people were told to love people who were different from them it is the most frequent law in the torah the first five books love the stranger so for them this is the canaanites were considered particularly evil they were the ones who did
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child sacrifice and that was the way it was understood you will slay your enemy what is he supposed to say. let them continue sacrificing children i mean i don't i don't have a perfect answer but the only reason we asked the question is because of that book that book gave us the moral standards to question god is real means fight with god that book is not in our constitution you're right but it our constitution is predicated on that but does that mean it means that every one of the founders and even later lincoln lincoln did not go to church regularly but the the book on his night table was the bible this country is in moral chaos precisely because it's not on people's night tables where in moral chaos we are in moral chaos yes and when we're gods in the way we treat women. in that part of a cell with the pens how we treat millet obviously there is in for man holds
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a woman in disgrace so wants to grab her by that we're that's not moral chaos yes no that's immoral but it's not moral chaos moral chaos is when you don't know right from wrong the the fact that i'll give that as a i belong to group of course it's wrong yes that's so i said it's not moral chaos i agree with you both people think it's wrong as it is moral chaos is when. you grow up and think that. that race is important. that that's that's that's a terrible that's a racist notion race is irrelevant i don't know who is or ace you know jews are jews jews are in a nation and not a religious right correct that's right a race. there is a jewish race but i don't honor race i honor you honor jews right but i don't i don't honor race the concept of race is not and anyway it's religion but you can't convert to being black you can convert to being
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a jew so obviously it's not just the race but ok there were black jews white jews but there were no white blacks or asian blacks ok so so it's not comparable moral chaos is when people think that israel is the villain in the middle east that's moral chaos those people are there but a lot of congress is broken one of you think israel can do wrong things. not not against israel but that they like that they're losing settlements in line bad idea that's fine you it's perfectly able to just make you auntie sue me know if there's not a lot no one anti zionist makes un ties a medic not critical of his are fine if you die and that's the belief that a jewish state can exist the muslim world does not believe a jewish state can exist and the leftists support them they do yeah well i know a lot of people on the left who don't supports irrelevant the left only relevant. the. you heard of b.d.s.
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. boycott divestment and sanctions of israel when you isolate the only one state on earth to economically strangle it and that state by coincidence is the only jewish state in the world i think you have a problem you have a problem with obama but he sold them more weapons than any press all the presidents combined. sold israel more white i don't know pop more old presidents combined pretty true but yes ok so fine by by i didn't my problem with obama was about the rand not about israel but i think the whole world is feels pretty bad about iran but we didn't let the they don't the europeans rush to tehran to do business with them it's not true very few people feel bad about iran the israelis do and republicans in america do that's it then is you've got to come back again soon pleasure thank you larry fast so he's a joy always loved his latest book is the rational bible exodus god slavery and freedom is out now and available everywhere including download thank dennison thank
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you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me again these things i love you dennis and don't forget use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking. the. era of russian and lights. in a world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to
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dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. aeroflot russian and lights.
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that's a very rough for sure and you sort of climates and you have to fight to be able to them if. it was gunshots on top of them and so many friends who would have been going to make and have been and you come up. with the killing will back up a story you know i don't want to see it but it will be in the trailer when it's ready to participate in the good. old to me the good wouldn't. you don't think about these movies sold the unknown you just read you like and you know i do
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prompting intense speculation i've been here started as the organized attacks. all say all these gunmen storm and military intelligence sent to kabul with the city still joining fancy four people killed and wednesday suicide boldness of school by islamic states. as the economic standoff between and crap on washington gets worse takes better. by the storing that i say. it's an eighty seven year old woman comes in flower as tasered by police in the us state of georgia after she failed to follow his orders to drop and i. even get more on the latest headlines it's hard to be coming out safely and takes a look at the human rights situation in haiti. sophie
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shevardnadze haiti a battered by natural disasters is reeling from a scandal around the revelations of abuse by international aid workers how will it affect the humanitarian efforts of n.g.o.s and the u.n. in the country well i ask. human rights lawyer. a country that is still recovering from earthquakes and hurricanes while coping with rampant poverty and a drastic lack of infrastructure a strong sympathy from across the globe with n.g.o.s and u.n. rushing to help the better. but relations of corruption and abuse by u.n. and aid workers has the image of a charitable organizations been tainted for good. government expelled the good from the country altogether and current problems all along is only down to haitian human rights lawyer welcome it's really great to have you on our program lots to talk
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about now the latest scandal in haiti's over ochs some employees saying aging sexual exploitation is in the country the haitian government has suspended the work of the u.k. charity awesome has apologized started investigation and fired those as false or responsible what more could they do right now well. i think ox fam. sort of the symptom of the problem because haiti's under occupation and these n.g.o.s are there masturbating on this pain that has been imposed upon us because of imperialism what else could they do they could actually leave haiti. ok we're going to go actually case by case but because some is the latest case i'd like to focus on that in the beginning i mean totally takes one scandal to ruin the reputation of a charity accusation stick and people start thinking that the whole organization is one after the scandal broke out some c.e.o.
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said that everything they're going to zation try to say or do just fuel the fire of public opinion it's like no matter what they say it won't come out right do they really deserve to be battered further well yes we're talking about children we're talking about post earthquake i mean look at the situation sophie we're talking about two thousand and ten the catastrophic politike earthquake that killed over three hundred and ten thousand haitians that made over two million haitians homeless and then you have this army of n.g.o.s coming in and that's where oxfam comes in with a director who has been recycled in different other n.g.o.s as a sexual immoral person and he's actually. he was in liberia and fired by a british in geo in liberia in two thousand and four this role in person.
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and then he was recently and he was recruited by. and he had what they say i mean it's so nasty what he was doing callignee less sex that's beastie ality that's orgies with people who have lost everything and are looking at these charitable organizations as. their savior come to help give. their savior is yes and this is not just oxfam we have the un doing the same thing so you have to talk a lot of enters coming in and we'll talk about the u.n. further down in our interview so only the u.k. division of oxfam has been banned other oxfam workers are still in haiti does that mean that the country actually needs oxen here or just found a temporary scapegoat in the u.k. division we haitians have not been heard this is not about oxfam this is about the
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under-age children who were you by this in geo who are now being blared about in headlines as prostitutes what happens when you're fifteen years old and your mother just died five of your brothers just died. instead of helping you with the donation dollars that's paying this man salary that's been given by citizens of the world who care about what happened this crisis this me and held. orgy sex with animals with these children what can happen to them i'm a human rights lawyer who spent the last twenty four years of my life since one thousand nine hundred ninety four exposing that the charitable industrial complex and the military industrial complex are about colonialism that there in haiti
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as a smokescreen wildly western corporatocracy takes our resources out so you know if you're talking to a haitian would. and you have talked in tongues i know i know and it's very emotional i mean i do realize that but me as a journalist i need to make sure that i cover all sides so bear with me because i'm going to have to ask you this question but i need your answers guardian wrote that sure pay more money to sex workers a lot more than the locals i know it sounds gross but in some way could there could those encounters have been voluntary so locals may have a role in this too not just oxfam could that be a possibility as well while. oxfam is in geo which is a non-governmental organization which is given its accreditation by the united nations the united nation has a policy against having sex with your beneficiaries so does oxfam
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and so we're talking about a situation where you're asking me. who is it you know is the victim and we talk about under-age soaks here this man that we're talking about roland has a history of having sex in place is paid by donation dollars as an ox you know he started out in liberia and he was dismissed for having sex with local people including under-age children and you know as a lawyer as a human rights lawyer i'm actually concerned sex with underage children is pedophilia it's a crime we're not talking about. anything else. yes there is prostitution but as you know whenever a military comes into a space the level of sexual abuse and prostitution goes up at least fifteen percent
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is that really what the u.n. and the ngos are supposed to be doing in haiti aren't they supposed to be fiduciaries that are given this position as philanthropists and human human new man a tarion to choose not to bring up the level of prostitutions in haiti but to to to to help haiti developed to provide help at a time of crisis i mean and africa lifted crisis when everything has fallen down so so no i reject the idea that the the haitian women and men who were victims of oxfam. are to blame for any of what happened with regards to that because you're talking about a differential in power and we're talking about underage girls and we're talking about underage girls or underage boys we're talking about a crime. age in haiti is eighteen for maturity so although the
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media waltzes wants to make these under-age children prostitutes who really is the whore here who really is the criminal here so haitian parliament has learned that the majority of abuse cases don't get reported oxfam actually has been reporting requirements in place their stats are transparent other agencies don't have those requirements so do you have any information about their transgressions you know i head the free haiti movement which i founded in two thousand and four when the united nations lent its uniforms to this occupation. where it's discriminatory in front is covering up the corporate plunder of haiti's riches i had something called the haitian lawyers leadership network which i founded in one nine hundred ninety four twenty four years ago and the purpose was
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