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tv   Documentary  RT  August 17, 2018 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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and republican candidates of the past but african-americans are still the most politically homogenous voting bloc consistently voting for democrats robert kanye west who has recently made headlines over his support for trump says that going against this trend makes you a pariah in the community everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me and then told me every time i said i like trump that i couldn't say it out loud or my career would be over i get kicked out the black community because blacks are we're supposed have a monolithic we can only like we can only be democrats though it's unclear whether such statements from black celebrities have a positive effect on donald trump's popularity a leading civil rights group says trump trotting out his black surrogates to woo voters has little impact as the majority of african-americans disapprove of trump trump strategy of trotting out black people to support him is not working if it is intended to inspire african-american support for him or his policies
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a majority of black voters say these celebrities have no impact before trump set off on the campaign trail in twenty fifteen black rappers and hip hop artists felt a little differently about him in the ninety's they often mention trump in their music boasting of his wealth. to take that. long to the wee hours to his roughly thirty minute cover her to feel good. money. changing rooms. so why are african-american starting to think this way we asked around to find out do you think african-americans support but you want to guess a percentage. going to say not a lot of them support. thirty are you kidding thirty six thirty six. not even close to what i thought about six percent. actually thirty percent six. really are
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you surprised by that at all. why is that because i don't own any black trump supporters why do you think some african-americans support trump by some i mean one third i'm going to say probably because they thought that he was the best chance for our economy instead of thinking about where we are socially there is a chance to be heard which hasn't been there before i think those that do probably are looking for from an economic perspective he's a businessman right so more americans including black americans are finding job opportunities and by that i mean it's not just you must take the one job you find you're seeing that there are multiple opportunities people are now getting to buy a car for themselves or truck for themselves for the first time in say you know and a long time last summer we set a record among americans including black americans who went on vacation for the
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first time and it looks like we're gonna see another record breaking activity with that in that regard a lot of black americans are experiencing this no surprise that they understand it's the policies of president donald trump that they that they accept that they acknowledge and that they're very appreciative of. it is art international a young girl from the u.s. state of maryland who was reprimanded for needling in clos during the national anthem as one the supporter of hillary clinton the defeated presidential candidate tweeted that it takes courage to express disagreement with injustice and when you're old marianna taylor hopes if more people join her there's a chance of changing things.
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according to marianna teacher shouted at her because of her behavior she reportedly left the classroom in tears the american civil rights union has owed all maryland schools to guarantee students freedom of speech without punishment meanwhile the girl's school has issued a statement saying it's not aware of any students being disciplined for such behavior adding that it fully supported students' rights over mariano said she was inspired by an american football quarterback who knelt during the national anthem before a game and twenty sixteen his silent protest soon spread among other athletes and this provoked a fiery a political debate reaching all the way to the white house would you love to see one of these n.f.l. owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a up the field right now. that was not against our anthem or our flag that was actually kneeling is a reference position. my colleague and your family discuss the issue with joan
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williams for my misery republican and richard goodstein a former advisor to the hillary clinton presidential campaign book football's about football schools about school and if you have a protest protest in a constructive way this girl can write letters to the editor she can arrange a little march but protesting in your classroom to irritate your classmate mates and virtue signal and that's what she's being taught mom's teaching her mom is so proud that her daughter is virtue signaling that she cares more than a body else and i actually find that to make no sense when you get arrested disproportionately when you get shot disproportionately when you get put in jail just proportionally that's not just annoying that's totally ruining your life so the fact you're taking to the streets is not merely disruptive you're trying to make a point and you know will we ever get to the point where there is no discrimination no there are bigoted people let's stipulate that there are people who are bigoted
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they will be bigoted forever donald trump is giving them a voice but the fact of the matter is it's not to say it's wrong for them to basically stand up for what they believe in that's what this little girl was doing that's all it's going to take for you to quit kneeling in less you have a goal and something that you actually have a path to accomplish then you're just disrupting your just being an antagonist to your fellow athletes or the fans or in this case to her classmates what does she want what's going to make her stand peace on earth black people sat at lunch counters sixty seventy years ago to protest discrimination because they weren't allowed to use the same eating facilities bathroom facilities. water fountains that white people could was that disruptive what was their objective their objective was the absence of discrimination so simply allowing them at the lunch counters was the solution and we could all. shake hands and hug and move forward and treat each
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other reasonably to say we're we're kneeling to protest police brutality well when a second and you know one person i mean if that if ever a cop is ever brutal to anybody the kneeling continues one of the politicians getting involved in this walk and we just said i. asked him perhaps n.f.l. people to protest if they want to why is it such a big deal politically the democratic party the united states gets their power on dividing people and separating us versus them there is class warfare gender warfare they want to show that everybody's got a reason for injustice and they need to vote democrat to war in order to fix it and that's all this is it's just it's pure politics. and hillary hillary clinton got millions more votes than donald trump did and her campaign theme was being together not dividing people she wasn't mocking handicapped people and she wasn't telling punch him in the jaw i don't pay your legal bills that's not what her team
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was searching was about bringing people together and she got millions that or those that john i'm sorry is the voters actually disagreed with you. we're back in just a moment. when the whole make its manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round be the one percent. with no middle of the room sick. tomorrow the real need.
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most people think to stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand out of the news business you just need as the right questions and demand the right answer. the. question. joining us here in. america is broadcasting watchdog has shut down the flagship radio station of controversial personality alex jones and his show in four wars and the federal communications commission has since filed a complaint with the justice department against texas based liberty radio for quote unlicensed operating defendants willfully and repeatedly violated f.c.c.
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regulations by unlawfully operating an unlicensed radio station by reason of the foregoing defendants are jointly and severally liable to the united states for a forfeiture penalty in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars alex jones launched his website info wars in the late ninety's his you tube videos have been watched over one point six billion times which is comparable to most popular western media outlets even if you donald trump before he became the us president and was praised by a morning i here are some highlights from his shows on a pioneer i'm going to explore just like the bible says it's basically an intergalactic invasion into this space through people i tell you it all the agent said it's what they warned us it's what we're doing with their demons. i came knocking on your door a million times and he laughed at me. yeah. i can now remove that involve. the crown of this country is there.
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despite the shutdown of the radio station having nothing to do with the content of jones's programming continues the string of recent bans on in four wars on social media and force has been removed by apple you tube facebook spotify and vimeo all in one month of auditing quite tons of use twitter also recently blocked in four walls and joins his personal account posted a video edging americans to get rifles ready to counter american trade as well twitter suspended arctics jones and in four walls for seven days the mainstream media rush to question whether that was long enough. the time of seems. seems minor compared to the implications of someone suggesting a call to arms against a particular group in this case the media the followers mr johns to arm themselves with battle rifles to attack the press and jack dorsey is giving him
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a time out that sounds right you had brought you have broadcast networks openly advocating for the social media networks to act against people that they the networks disagree with and most notably alex jones they are just twitted to suspend them in a fact that the f.c.c. is going after alex jones right now is very very curious first of all let me say if they were if the network of this liberty broadcasting was operating a pirate radio station against the law it's wrong and and it's should be it should be punished for that absolutely but what i find curious is the timing the timing a couple of weeks after there was obviously a coordinated effort by facebook and others to ban alex jones apple all on the same day and then they claimed it was coincidence and then you have liberty which the f.c.c. is known about for several years of goes back to the obama administration who first
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approached them about running a pirate radio station that broadcasts among others alex jones and they didn't do anything about it until now so i think that there is a coordinated effort to censor obviously alex jones. and eighty seven year old woman has been tasered by police in the us state of georgia well cutting flowers she does she does shine we have never really told her about stun guns or tasers and since she doesn't know what that means when she realized what happened she is touching her heart syrian born shot i was cutting down the lions. near an after school club book crossed the street from her home at the facilities employees called the police reporting she was carrying a knife three officers were sent to the scene and tried to persuade albert shot her to drop the knife when she failed to respond they tasered her as she was arrested and charged with trespassing and obstructing officers or relatives over the woman
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who say she doesn't speak english and suffers from dementia therefore did not understand police come ons to drop the knife nevertheless officers justify their actions put myself on the lips at night and then actually to put it down to it trying to make her understand she continued walking it was time to four days. several other recent police incidents of also start controversy you may find the following images disturbing.
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some countries build walls to keep migrants out but denmark is building a wall to keep its animals in. well known wild boar lot of the water out of good swimmers.
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on the plains to say we can just add a few metres to the point. but also asylum seekers and those. regardless of how the fence set up strengthen border control. well it has been a month since the fifo world cup in russia ended but the memories are still fresh in the fans' hearts and minds of the three million went to the matches without the half of them being foreigners now an italian supporter and sports editor has released a video showing how he joined the great his show one of. tonight you know today the united states he. should be. getting. a free. bird told the russians to be deeply in front of all time we got it three in
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the morning that bought his house that met the couple conversations on the internet and look for the press. heard. someone in. the soviet nuclear warheads. yes. i. spoke to the man you just saw in the video he told us that the month they spent in russia wasn't all about football. it was so much more than just sort of attending the matches it was it was really this experience of a month of making unbelievable amount of friends whether they be russian or
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foreigners and that was the whole project was meant through this idea that football is this extremely powerful tool in creating human connection and can really cut beyond the sort of divisive political narrative that we are experience in the media and really through this tool of football we actually have this passport. to meet people from all over the world and actually do some incredible things was most interesting was the fact that russians themselves the average citizen you know the normal football fan was really galvanized by this idea and this sort of negative press that occurred around the hooliganism situation and so it became an instance of people sort of you know stop me on the street of my shoe was untied if i was lost somewhere they would give me a ride to the place that wouldn't accept any money for it it was there was almost a sort of national fervor to actually be as welcoming is humanly possible this tournament always gave us access to thirteen of the eleven of the cities and one third of the country you know and i'm still very curious to see bloody dog going overseas or a ton of the regions across the country that sort of still remain
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a mystery to me it wasn't necessarily the city's like st petersburg to moscow or so she but that really surprised me it was more my experiences and some are yet to terror cities that i would never likely gone to if it wasn't for this tournament but actually i discovered were incredibly interesting and unique in their own ways thank you joining us here on r.t. international more of your stories in half an hour. p.j.'s national camera. roughly once the showed some look for them. uncool videos of someone with a roughly string apps. going down more on string i don't roughly don't t.v.
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. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be one of the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict despond dennison the idea that we more executing innocent people is terrifying the is just no way to parent and that we want even many victims' families want the death
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penalty to be abolished the race we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victim's families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. a little bit of little prism of give you a. little to root for it let's look at the most assistance there will be the goal we have all the qualities good will throw group will. yeah. but if it. is sad because his city brownsville is surrounded by a fence built during the presidency of democrats barack obama.
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it was a concession made to republicans in support of a move granting citizenship to twelve million undocumented immigrants in the united states. go up i thought it. looked up only god knows. the. government of. both of. them both even god did all those he funnels on the water. those twelve million lived through months of tension and anguish. with trump in the white house their options for staying in the united states are reduced. to identify the washington police every time they encounter an
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undocumented person to inform ice the federal administration agency. as they say in the united states. to ice. in the north. this is how the sanctuary cities a city councils governed by democrats with democrats sheriffs that the law requires them to snitch. in other words they stand up to donald trump and. the case of austin also to the texas governor ultraconservative. on the way for almost into interstate thirty five the routes of cups to united states and to from texas to minnesota we see several immigrant detention centers. there are twenty two in texas and. number two increase.
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city there's no place in the world with more live music shows. a university city and it's the state capital. it's also a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants.
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somebody who. was born in mexico she's twenty one years old and. documented immigrant. they want all. thank you. see what i'm. going to go through said another not about. somebody. but i have got to. separate. bank. was you know. i've ended up. on the. head of.
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nobody drives as carefully as undocumented immigrants. the slightest infraction could mean they'd risk being deported. is a dream that's what they call to get my dreams who cross the border as mine as they cannot legally be accused of any infringement. gentlemen and most of all and i'm thinking you know. obama issued an executive order in twenty twelve to dames to normalized a situation though it's never actually became. cinematic or. president that trump dad i'm not i am and that's i was a problem i get a choice only i think that i'm in the right how deep that got a mention of it must have
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a bunch of times i mustn't come of it but i was but i but i would have steve see the long run up to that only to go through this this is the guy. you know presumably come to. see a. lot of political. most of these like he. said anybody even though. never i mean. yes i have. known look at a oh what a financial issue and it's never been done when you have a think of it in the state. well you know you feel a little thing old thing in new york. but just a funny thing is more than a dream she leads a group of young people fighting for immigrant rights in the states with a very conservative government and legislature and of dreamers. but if we go for long. months ago she took part in
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a hearing to convince texan senators not to pass a law that would be tough on undocumented immigrants my littles and i said but i don't think. i got be done but as i've gone through this i would have and i guess i when you hear him say bungay not going there. you know if you got to move you on us. as we only go. this then at most. it was built by me and i you that i want us to i must give you about this is one of the most almost gave. them this he lost in all of us because the marquis. said. no longer is and he does but i don't know what that is the most the last. but i sent this book out almost a foot on the button. yes massa. want to state your yes.
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way i want to says it was the left one also gets how this has been messed up because on this they. started this list you know someone in up until one like from me just like you know what they're used to this. but in the us. are going to take. his intervention achieved very little these days after this interview just a funnier return to the texan capital but this time to lead a protest against approval of the law they opposed. known as asked before. the republican majority has pushed forward and he sanctuary laws. among other things it allows for a local agent to be jailed for failing to report an undocumented immigrant.
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moreover it authorizes the dismissal of any sheriff who supports century policies even one that's democratically elected finally it also allows the blocking of state funds to municipalities and century universities. austin is a welcoming had or city some people use the word sanctuary city to describe a city that is violating federal law. in that respect austin would not be a sanctuary city because we don't violate any federal law perhaps the serenity and dignity shown by austin's democratic men have paid off was it remains one of the few centuries cities that were left off the government blacklist i might face president donald trump who feels challenged by almost two hundred centuries cities our nature to become a sanctuary ah ah.


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