tv Watching the Hawks RT August 17, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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it's the policies of president donald trump that that the except that the knowledge and that they're very appreciative of. a young girl from maryland who was reportedly reprimanded for a kneeling juror in the pledge of allegiance has won the support of hillary clinton the former presidential candidate tweeted that it takes courage to express disagreement with injustice eleven year old marianna taylor hopes more people will join her it's important just in the way. it played to us where they kind of bridge fire to what it is that you live for the people of. marianna said that she was inspired by an american football quarterback who knelt during the national anthem before a game in twenty sixteen to protest against a racial inequality and police brutality his solemn protest soon spread to among other athletes this provoked a fiery political debate which reached all the way to the white house but you love
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to see one of these therefore moderns when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a of the field right now out of style that was not against our anthem or our flag that was actually kneeling is a reference position responding to the girl's move the american civil rights union urged on married on schools to guarantee all students the freedom of speech without punishment. meanwhile the girl's school has issued a statement saying it's not aware of any students being disciplined for such behavior but marianna says her teachers shouted at her and she left the classroom in tears my colleague andrew farmer discussed the issue with john loudon a former missouri republican and richard goodstein former adviser to the hillary clinton presidential campaign. football is about football schools about school and
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if you have a protest protest in a constructive way this girl can write letters to the editor she can arrange a little march but protesting in your classroom to irritate your classmate mates and virtue signal and that's what she's being taught mom's teaching her mom is so proud that her daughter is virtue signaling that she cares more than a body else and i actually find that to make no sense when you get arrested disproportionately when you get shot disproportionately when you get put in jail just proportionally that's not just annoying that's totally ruining your life so the fact you're taking to the streets is not merely disruptive you're trying to make a point in less you have a goal and something that you actually have a path to accomplish then you're just disrupting you're just being an antagonist to your fellow athletes or the fans or in this case to her classmates what does she want what's going to make her stand peace on earth and you know will we ever get to the point where there's no discrimination no there are bigoted people let's
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stipulate that there are people who are bigoted they will be bigoted forever donald trump is giving them a voice but the fact of the matter is it's not to say it's wrong for them to basically stand up for what they believe in that's what this little girl was doing that's all why if a politician is getting involved in this why can't we just said i. asked him perhaps n.f.l. people to protest if they want to why is it such a big deal politically the democratic party the united states gets their power on dividing people and separating us versus them there is class warfare gender warfare they want to show that everybody's got a reason for injustice and they need to vote democrat to war in order to fix it and that's all this is it's just it's pure politics. and hillary hillary clinton got millions more votes than donald trump to and her campaign theme was being together not dividing people she was a. mocking handicapped people she wasn't telling punch him in the drawer at all pay
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your legal bills that's not what her fear was thirteen was about bringing people together and she got millions or was there john i'm sorry is the voters actually disagree with you. a palestinian journalist has been arrested by the israel defense forces for filming soldiers and allegedly inciting violence alys arlie live streamed two videos on facebook of israeli soldiers operating in ramallah filming i.d.f. soldiers is illegal in israel filming an officer with intent to undermine the spirit of the army is punishable by up to five years in jail the idea that the man they arrested was inciting violence against the state of israel and the army gaza based reporter hint who dari has the details. a palestinian journalist has been a respite for filming i.d.f. soldiers israeli forces raided his job just the day after he lost you videos on his facebook page of the i.d.f. drawing up a plan of a palestinian home
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a procedure typically done before demolishing the building the man filmed and edited videos of idea of troops during the course of their operational activities while encouraging violence towards them and incited attacks directed at the state of israel and i.d.f. troops. and we were sleeping when we heard a knock at the door in the middle of the night we woke up and opened the door they told us there soldiers they asked me whose house is it i said it's muhammad ali's then they asked who lives upstairs i said it's. so they went upstairs and arrested him he told me mom don't be afraid i hope i won't stay there for a long she's not guilty i'm sure he's not we went to the court and they told us they were prolong his detention dar ali is a well known palestinian journalist working as a correspondent for the palestine broadcasting corporation the agency is calling for the immediate release of a chip or two and say israel is targeting the palestine media these measures are
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intended to silence the palestinian voice and in the pictures so that israel can commit it's crimes without any noise is the latest in the number of journalists arrested in palestine within the past two weeks. staying in the region palestinian rapper m.c. gaza has risen to fame after filming a music video during the great march of return he dedicated this song to his friend a journalist killed during that large we spoke to the musician. i want to send a message like all of us to europe that we will all. come . and go but jackie and i. just want to. just want to go we just want to love you more of.
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our lives because it almost was just my concept and it made me just to see like i want to start my music here because i don't believe that i was some easy for them. to remind you the grade to march of return is an annual wave of palestinian protests that started in march this year some one hundred seventy people have been killed in the protests however israel says that hamas which it regards as a terrorist organization is behind these demonstrations and using them as a cover for illicit activities and other marches they expected later on friday when do regular updates. the latest shocking case of u.s. police brutality season eighty seven year old tase it while cutting flowers but the details for you after this short break.
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you die. welcome back now the waiting of the country's foreign minister wouldn't normally generate many headlines but it seems that's not the case if a certain vandeman of putin's only guest list was precisely what's happening in austria on saturday and not everyone is happy about it piece all over joins me live with the details now ok so good to see you what do we know about putin's visit. well we know that he was invited back in june by the foreign minister of austria current ny so she's marrying a businessman on saturday and it's invited me and putin will be in attendance so
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he's expected to arrive. earlier on saturday morning he'll then be transported by helicopter to the the place where the wedding is taking place at a vineyard a luxury venue just to the south of the city of of good arts and there is talk of a carriage ride also on the agenda but it's unsure whether the russian president will be taking part and not or whether that will just be for the happy couple from the austrian side what they're saying is that the usual security measures will be put in place for the arrival of a dignitary on the stature of putin but it's provoked a controversial reaction the russian president saying that he will attend the marriage of the foreign minister we've heard from the head chef of the venue where will be taking place saying he hopes to be able to grab a selfie with the russian president however one austrian green party m.e.p. has said that this guy still should resign from her post as foreign minister for
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inviting but to be a putin in the first place. for mr nice will bears responsibility for this and should he order to avert any bad consequences for austria immediately resign if she does not do so voluntarily chancellor because should today suggest to the president that he sack. well the personal invitation was extended while the russian president was in vienna back in june on well business on a business trip to the austrian capital for part of a stop off on route from moscow to here in berlin where i'll be sitting down for business talks with chancellor angela merkel this is a rare social appearance though from vladimir putin in western europe he hasn't appeared much at all since well since twenty fourteen and a deterioration in relations over the ongoing situation in ukraine the austrian foreign ministry say that this is
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a private event that they'll be no journalists they'll be no politics however the german chancellor sebastian curt's is also going to be in attendance and you can expect that him and president putin will speak some point austria has been well warmer in relations to russia of than most western european nations in fact if we look back to the script poisoning case vienna was one of the few. european capitals that didn't accept there were any russian diplomats over that incident. staying long it's unlikely that you'll see vladimir putin in any of the photographs dancing on the dance floor of the evening because at around six pm he's due to be here in berlin for what will be purely business talks as he sits down for a meeting with chancellor angela merkel at a castle just outside of the german capital thanks for that update that's artie's it peter oliver. on
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a fresh case of police brutality has made headlines this time involving an eighty seven year old woman she was tasered by officers in the u.s. state of georgia while cutting flowers. she died she got shot like we have never really told her about stun guns or tasers and so she doesn't know what that is when she realized what had been shoes touching her heart syrian border. guard was cutting down the lines after school club across the street from her home but first let's he's employees call the police reporting the woman was carrying a knife three officers with sent to the scene and trying to persuade alba shara to drop the knife when she failed to do so they tasered her she was arrested and charged with trespassing and obstructing offices were relatives of the woman say she doesn't speak english and suffers from dementia and therefore did not understand police come ons to drop the knife nevertheless the officers say they
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followed procedure. and i will be the next to put it down to the three trying to make room for me she continued while he was deployed to several other recent police incidents have started a controversy just a warning you may find the following footage just. ok you got. that are. you still. you want to go or was. was just. thank you. thank you. thank you thank you for.
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this summer's world cup in russia may now be a distant memory for the more than three million people who attended the football festival one of those was an italian supporter and sports editor he's wasted video showing how he joins the greatest show on earth the free. night or day eleven relieved. to be. free. we're told the right to be deeply and from the time we got to three in the morning get by without him at a couple of meeting that was probably pretty low to hurt. someone to bring you the soviet nuclear warheads. however the truck was out there yet. but.
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it was. always spoke to the man you just saw in the video who said his months in russia wasn't just about football. it was so much more than just sort of attending the matches it was it was really this experience of a month of making unbelievable amount of friends whether they be russian or foreigners i mean there was the whole project was meant to sort of prove this idea that football is this extremely powerful tool in creating human connections and can really cut beyond the sort of divisive political narratives that we all experience in the media and really through this tool of football we actually have this passport. to meet people from all over the world and actually do some incredible things was most interesting was the fact that russians themselves the average citizen you know the normal football fan was really galvanized by this idea and
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this sort of negative press that occurred around the hooliganism situation and so it became an instance of people sort of you know stopping me on the street if my shoe was untied if i was lost somewhere they would give me a ride to the place that wouldn't accept any money for it it was there was there was almost a sort of national for to actually be as welcoming is humanly possible this tournament only gave us access to thirteen of the eleven of the cities and one third of the country you know and i'm still very curious to see vladivostok or novosibirsk or a ton of the regions across the country that sort of still remain a mystery to me it wasn't necessarily cities like st petersburg and moscow or so she that really surprised me it was it was more my experiences and some are burg cities that i would never likely gone to if it wasn't for this tournament but actually i discovered were incredibly interesting and unique in their own ways when they were donte we love to hear your thoughts on all of our stories so you do get in touch by following is on social media join us again in about thirty minutes for the latest headlines for you that.
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haiti a country that is still recovering from earthquakes and hurricanes while coping with rampant poverty and a drastic lack of infrastructure has drove sympathy from across the globe with n.g.o.s and u.n. agencies rushing to help the better nation but with relations of. to be used by u.n. and aid workers has the image of the charitable organizations been tainted for good . government expelled the good from the country altogether and coming to terms of its problems alone is really down to haitian human rights lawyer welcome it's really great to have you on our program lots to talk about now the latest scandal in haiti's over oxon employees seeing aging sexual exploitation in the country the haitian government has suspended the work of the u.k. charity awesome has apologized started investigation and fired those responsible are responsible what more could they do right now well. i think
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oxfam is just sort of the symptom of the problem because haiti's under occupation and these n.g.o.s are there masturbating on this page that has been imposed upon us because of imperialism what else could they do they could actually leave haiti. ok we're going to go actually case by case but because some is the latest case i'd like to focus on that in the beginning i mean totally takes one scandal to ruin the reputation of a charity accusation stake and people start thinking that the whole organization is one after the scandal broke out some c.e.o. said that everything they're going to zation try to say or do just fuel the fire of public opinion it's like no matter what they say it won't come out right do they really deserve to be battered further. well i guess we're talking about children we're talking about post earthquake we look at the situation sophie we're talking
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about two thousand and ten the catastrophic political earthquake that killed over three hundred and ten thousand haitians that made over two million haitians homeless and then you have this army of n.g.o.s coming in and that's where oxfam comes in with a director who has been recycled in different other n.g.o.s as a sexual immoral person and me he's actually. he was in liberia and fired by a british in geo in liberia in two thousand and four this role in person. and then he was recently and he was recruited by. and he had what they say i mean it's so nasty what he was doing callignee less sex that's beastie ality that's orgies with people who have lost
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everything and are looking at these charitable organizations as. their savior come to help him out so there's a here is yes and this is not just oxfam we have the un doing the same thing so you have to talk a lot of coming able to talk about the u.n. further down in our interview so only the u.k. division of oxfam has been banned other oxfam workers are still in haiti does that mean that the country actually needs oxen here or just found a temporary scapegoat in the u.k. division we haitians have not been heard this is not about oxfam this is about the under-age children who were you by this in geo who are now being blared about it in headlines as prostitutes what happens when you're fifteen years old and your mother just died five of your brothers just died. instead of
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helping you with the donation dollars that's paying this man salary that's been given by citizens of the world who care about what happened this crisis this me and held. orgy sex with animals with these children what can happen to them i'm a human rights lawyer who spent the last twenty four years of my life since one thousand nine hundred ninety four exposing that the charitable industrial complex and the military industrial complex are about colonialism that they're in haiti as a smokescreen wildly western corporatocracy takes our resources out so you know if you're talking to a haitian would. and you have talked in tongues i know i know and it's very emotional i mean i do realize that but me as a journalist i need to make sure that i cover all sides so bear with me because i'm going to have to ask you this question but i need your answers guardian wrote that
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sure pay more money to sex workers a lot more than the locals i know it sounds gross but in some way could there could those encounters have been voluntary so locals may have a role in this too not just oxfam could that be a possibility as well while. oxfam is in geo which is a non-governmental organization which is given its accreditation by the united nations the united nation has a policy against having sex with your beneficiaries so does oxfam and so we're talking about a situation where you're asking me. who is it you know is the victim and we talk about under-age soaks here this man that we're talking about roland has a history of having sex in place is
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paid by donation dollars as an ox you know he started out in liberia and he was dismissed for having sex with local people including under-age children and you know as a lawyer as a human rights lawyer i'm actually concern sex with underage children is pedophilia it's a crime we're not talking about. anything else. yes there is prostitution but as you know whenever a military comes into a space the level of sexual abuse and prostitution goes up at least fifteen percent is that really what the u.n. and the ngos are supposed to be doing in haiti aren't they supposed to be fiduciaries that are given this position as philanthropists and human human new man a tarion to choose not to bring up the level of prostitutions in haiti but to to to
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to help haiti developed to provide help at a time of crisis i mean and applicable lift to crisis when everything has fallen down so so no i reject the idea that the the haitian women and men who were victims of oxfam. are to blame for any of what happened with regards to that because you're talking about a differential in power and we're talking about underage girls and we talking about underage girls or underage boys we're talking about a crime. age in haiti is eighteen for maturity so although the media waltzes wants to make these under-age children prostitutes who really is the whore here who really is the criminal here so haitian parliament has learned that the majority of abuse cases don't get reported oxfam actually has the reporting
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requirements in place their stats are transparent other agencies don't have those requirements so do you have any information about their transgressions you know i head the free haiti movement which i founded in two thousand and four when the united nations lent its uniforms to this occupation. where it's this humanitarian front is covering up the corporate plunder of haiti's riches i had something called the haitian lawyers leadership network which i founded in one nine hundred ninety four twenty four years ago and the purpose was to institutionalize the rule of law and to protect and defend the cultural human economic rights of haitians living at home you know broad now the question you're asking me is. is there reporting requirement with regards to the n.g.o.s and what they're doing in haiti the ngos do whatever they want in haiti remember there's a level of racism and
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a level of when you're under occupation and these n.g.o.s come in they're making so much more money than let's say a haitian lawyer in haiti a native haitian lawyer in haiti who is going to fight on behalf of let's say the victims. so you're talking about a disparity of power you're talking about this idea that these these white folks like oxfam's director who was who was. fired and the other i think they fired oxfam fired three executive and another for. me they let them resigned they let three resign and then they fired for gross misconduct three so but they never reported to the haitian government that says it's a crime to to have sex with minors they never reported that so they concealed it and they continued to conceal what was going on up until now eight years later we
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