tv Sophie Co RT August 17, 2018 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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analyst was stripped of his security clearance after he complained about how lucrative contracts were given to stephan helper a man who turned out to be an f.b.i. informant with more details on this his color more pay. viewers will recall stefan helper at the university of cambridge helper met with an individual from the trump campaign carter page and this meeting took place roughly three weeks before the f.b.i. launched its investigation into alleged collusion between trump and russia it was later revealed that stefan helper has a long history as an f.b.i. informant he's worked with the cia what we're also learning is that an individual named adam a lot of injure has been stripped of his security clearance now adam levin ger is a twelve year pentagon strategist he's worked with the pentagon he raised why it was that stefan helper was receiving over a million dollars over the course of six years and different contracts and it wasn't exactly clear what work he was carrying out now adam levin juror raised this
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complaint and he was then stripped of his security clearance now he filed a whistleblower retaliation complaint and his attorneys are pointing out kind of an interesting chain of events this is what his attorney has to say. rick to cope with drugs very close to the vest and nobody seems to have any idea what he was doing. he. did out a good chunk of it so that i could mix he composed them all and then collect the burmans as he's free. is it possible that adam a lot of injure was fired simply for asking about the money that was going to stefan help or in these contracts these allegations are being raised there's a lot of talk about when is it proper to strip someone of their security clearance and when is it not it indicates that there seems to be quite a bit of disagreement within the halls of power in the united states as we head up to the midterm congressional elections. ok let's get that he's now former and i
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five intelligence officer shown good evening to you and me what you make of this story then i don't know if it was stripped of his security clearance to questioning how his contract. do you think that was the reason though does that sound plausible to you. but it sounds plausible but i think we have to await the outcome of his trial of his case just to see what the actual facts might be however it does raise some interesting concerns one of course the over reliance of the u.s. intelligence agencies on contracting out their work and the huge amounts of money that are there by paid to contractors usually friends of whatever ministration is in power secondly of course we have to think about what actually happens to whistleblowers in the u.s. because they've had a really rough time those coming out of the intelligence agencies over the last decade and the americans say they have this procedure where whistleblowers can conveys their concerns and they will be properly addressed and yet we see time and time again that they're not so i think we need also to consider what might be the
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best path for whistleblowers to have confidence that if they have concerns about crime or about corruption they will be hurt they the investigation will occur those who might be needed to be held to account will be held to account but the whistleblower will not be penalized and it appears from this case the whistleblower yet again has been penalized do you think that he did have valid concerns considering the amount of money that was being transferred to how for. a large amount of money presumably gets you know thrown around in these departments only way do you think that would be a valid reason for somebody to raise the alarm. absolutely i mean if this is all supposed to be public money that is being splashed around on private contractors we saw the same thing with former technical director of the n.s.a. william binney who blew the whistle over a decade ago and what he is a whistle on was the fact that he developed a program to snoop via the n.s.a. on people of interest within america but weeding out the american citizens who were
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innocent and this program that he developed and you acquired i think one point two million dollars and yet when the bush administration came in in two thousand and suddenly the contract was taken away and it was given to another company a private company which was given billions of dollars to develop a program called trailblazer which was then established to be seen to be illegal infringement of american rights snooping on all americans seven years later so this goes on time and time and time again and you know whatever the scale of the corruption the corruption needs to be exposed do you think that we more scrutiny on this case because we do know that he's filed a reprisal complaint as nagin says boss do you think will be public pressure or media scrutiny just to see what happens next. i would hope so because it sounds like this this man went through all the requisite legal hoops he went up the management chain he tried to do everything by the book and yet it appears that he
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is still being penalized for doing this and this is why for many many years i've been advocating proper and robust channels that potential whistleblowers can go through in the intelligence agencies not just a fig leaf to pretend that they are accountable but proper channels where if there are allegations of corruption or crime those allegations will be rebuffed investigated and those who have committed that corruption or those crimes will be held to account and potentially put on trial and this is a win win because you are the whistleblower the potential worse of the voids potentially losing their job their career their reputation and also possibly going to prison and the organization that is being investigated will one not how huge whistleblowing scandal in its hands but two can learn from the mistakes made and improve the work they're doing there by protecting us all much better. always good to get your thoughts on this sort of thing there is only mash on there former m i five intelligence officer thank you. russia meanwhile is at it again that's the
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claim in a new article in us magazine you plan to because it does say that the kremlin has set its sights firmly on meddling in the upcoming midterm elections. the russian government has one overriding objective with regards to the united states to weaken america so that it loses its will and ability to counter russian objectives who goes on to explain russia's three step plan to break american democracy first take russian hackers and get them to interfere seconded by corrupt us politicians and then thirdly support those who think favorably of putin the atlantic believes this very channel to help us undermine democracy by inviting on guess the death to be different they named brandon stracke of for example he's the founder of the movement encouraging democrats to walk away from their party but the atlantic does appear to forgotten we are the only ones he talks to. well i i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for
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a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberals friends strake is spent years as a liberal he now says he's concerned by what the west has become well before the election i was already starting to feel uncomfortable with where we were headed in terms of identity politics and p.c. culture. a political commentator line or told us what he thinks is driving such anti russia arctic ops. nobody ever calls these people to task they're paid for by volume or how many likes to do you get how many clicks hey that was a great article factually incorrect. factually a baseless and also the mentality just feeding frenzy of this this monster this mob this monster that you must feed constantly with us no russia no nato no bad guy no bogeyman so there's many reasons why the book he made the straw man the
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specter the evil image of russia must be maintained because it fills because somebody talked about one time the power of nightmares it was a wonderful b.b.c. documentary and you need something to see here you need something and historically in this post in a cold war a red baiting this russo phobic hysteria feeds into this is well and there's an audience for it to get out international going to take a quick break and i will be back and take.
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hello again through the protests erupted in the gaza strip with palestinian demonstrators demanding a return of what they call their homeland in israel the crowds can be seen still despite a large amount of smoke and take gas there the great march return on the israeli gaza border started back in march of two hundred seven civilians have since been killed gaza based reporting could outing as more details on a list in use continue to protest for the twenty first friday they israelis continue to fire tear gas canisters and live ammunition on the palestinian protesters. that the situation now is escalating as the palestinian protesters are trying to bring you to bring some tires to blur the vision of those already snipers there israeli forces continue to fire more to gas canisters on the palestinian protesters to disperse them and to keep them away from the friends at least two palestinians injured in
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a very very critical condition as you see palestinians are are bracing the palestinian flag. throwing stones on the israeli snipers and this is how the palestinians have been concentrating their days right the snipers and the israeli forces oh my god like many in this unit you guys come just as are now being fired that gun on the palestinian protesters and down as you see it was to be fired on the part of student protesters where your gas canisters are being fired from all directions as you see the place is filled with white smoke everyone except the casing from a tear gas fired this is also one of the injuries are from the tear gas fired just right now because. no fence for the first time i see this there is no fence where the palestinian protesters had that ability to break the funds. dusters the hearts of god.
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was that the only thing in time that billy did to break up fans dies or if i still . think the shooting live ammunition on the part of the problem that we want is coming back. i was like reporting kaderi there well meanwhile the israeli defense forces say that the response of their troops to palestinians trying to break through the fence was in accordance with standard operating procedures. meanwhile the palestinian journalist has been arrested by the israeli defense forces for filming soldiers and allegedly inciting violence. life string to two videos on facebook of israeli soldiers operating in ramallah filming i.d.f. soldiers though is illegal in israel filming an officer with intent to undermine the spirit of the army is punishable by up to five years in jail the i.d.f. adds that the man they arrested was inciting violence against the state of israel and also the army the man filmed and edited videos of idea of troops during the
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course of their operational activities while encouraging violence towards them and incited attacks directed at the state of israel and i.d.f. troops if. you were sleeping when we heard a knock at the door in the middle of the night we woke up and opened the door they told us their soldiers they asked me whose house is it i said it's muhammad ali and then they asked to lives upstairs i said it's early dar are the so they went upstairs and arrested him he told me mom don't be afraid i hope i won't stay there for a long she's not guilty i'm sure he's not we went to the court and they told us they were prolong his detention. meanwhile a palestinian rapper called emsam garza has risen to fame after filming a music video jury in the great march of return he dedicated the song to his friend a journalist killed during that demonstration.
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i want to send a message like all of us do you know we. just want to. just want to we don't know we just want a lot of humor. only because the most was just my concept and it makes me just to see like i want to soak my music here because i'm doing it so i was still easy for them. now young girl from maryland he was reportedly reprimanded for niggling during the pledge of allegiance in school has won the support of hillary clinton the former presidential candidate tweeted that it takes courage to express disagreement with injustice eleven year old marianna taylor hopes more people will join. it's
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important to stand up. to us for. what it is you know but it was just making silly. mariana also said that she was inspired by an american football quarterback who notes during the national anthem before a game in twenty sixteen to protest against racial inequality and also police brutality his silent protest things spread among other athletes to this provoked a fear political debate which reached all the way to the white house but you love to see one of these or from others when somebody disrespects. to say get that son over the field right now our this guy that was not against our anthem or our flag that was actually kneeling is a reference position responding to the girl's move the american civil rights union urged all maryland schools to guarantee students the freedom of speech without
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punishment meanwhile the girl's school has issued a statement to you saying it's not aware of any students being disciplined for such behavior but mariana does say that her teacher shouted at her and she left the classroom in t. is early we discussed the issue with john loudon he's a former missouri republican and also richard goodstein he's the former advisor to the hillary clinton presidential campaign. football is about football schools about school and if you have a protest protest in a constructive way this girl can write letters to the editor she can arrange a little march but protesting in your classroom to irritate your classmate mates and virtue signal and that's what she's being taught mom's teaching her mom is so proud you're taking to the streets is that bothersome to people is that annoying to people when you get when you get arrested disproportionately when you get shot disproportionately when you get put in jail just proportionally that's not just annoying that's totally ruining your life so the fact you're taking to the streets
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is not merely disruptive you're trying to make a point in less you have a goal and something that you actually have a path to accomplish then you're just disrupting you're just being an antagonist to your fellow athletes or the fans or in this case to her classmates what does she want what's going to make her stand peace on earth and you know will we ever get to the point where there's no discrimination no there are bigoted people let's stipulate that there are people who are bigoted they will be bigoted forever donald trump is giving them a voice but the fact of the matter is it's not to say it's wrong for them to basically stand up for what they believe in that's what this little girl was doing that's all the democratic party the united states gets her power on dividing people and separating us versus them there's class warfare gender warfare they want to show that everybody's got a reason for injustice and they need to vote democrat to war in order to fix it and that's all this is it's just it's pure politics and hillary hillary clinton got
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millions more votes than donald trump did and her campaign theme was being together not dividing people she wasn't mocking handicapped people she wasn't telling punch him in the jaw and i'll pay your legal bills that's not what her theme was her team was about bringing people together. international company deceiving don't forget though we've got plenty more stories to what a website. i
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am. there they're all aware that there are all the bus forget about the back of the buses run amok the fuss because we want to crush. wonder bread and fake news. that's. one on one with the conservative thinker nationally syndicated radio host dennis prager on this edition of politic. welcome to politicking on larry king a return visit with my old friend dennis prager the nationally syndicated host of
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the dentist frager radio show founder of the online prager university bestselling author his latest book is an unbelievable publication the rational bible excellence god slavery and freedom then has recently said that america's show going on hysteria over the unlikely possibility. of the will to win twenty sixteen he also asserts that america is the least races multicultural country in the history of the world we'll explore those claims and other things as dennis prager joins me here on set we will discuss the book in a while did you take three years off to write. this i took i didn't take any time off but i would say that it's a thirty year work that you go to mt sinai to write a drug to deliver it down you know but i will tell you it would be would have been impossible if i didn't have
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a really good grasp of hebrew grammar that because i know biblical hebrew really well and it's a blessing that i do and that me that's in part what made this possible i'm doing one for each of the first five books well it's a big deal but you need a lot of english in all of them yes and it was that i can i says i just want to say one more thing about it it was the net it was the national number one nonfiction best seller in the country which is astonishing for a bible commentary i am so the last thing i expected i wrote this out of idealism you never know what you had and that and then jellicoe publish it publish it a christian that's correct oh well it's made for jews christians and atheists and everybody else i don't know i think that pretty much all the agnostic about sticks all right dennis let's get to things political and i don't want to do want to talk about the book right oh you recently said the united states is choking on hysteria over the unlikely possibility you've had convictions plead guilty not afford in big
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trouble on trial and you think nothing happened between russia and the election no i think no collusion happened ok but i want a lot of bad things happen right no nothing lot of bad things that but they have nothing to do with russia amount of for it is money laundering it has nothing to do with russia you think russia was ok but i mean russia with no i had nothing to do with the election oh i didn't say that i was they didn't say we look we have a deal of bill clinton admitting that he interfered in the israeli election obama interfered in israel's elections and netanyahu let's it in our election that's fine so that's how it's all just make it yes basically it is ok the truth is in it let me call it election no no they didn't fix and a lot how do you know because no no no you don't know no i don't know she was me. when you make it if you if i make a charge that larry king the less than a child. i have to prove my charge that you don't have to prove you didn't molest
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a child you have to prove that they colluded with russia too or that russia changed if russia interfered with machines is one thing if they send out propaganda we do that all the time and i should but if you deny every intelligence agency to says they aim to feared and something happened then as you know if something happened it's terrible that that's not the issue whether something happened the issue is what happened and did or did they did the trump campaign collude but there are other issues and that is for example when when they found dianne feinstein had a chinese. informer for the chinese government working for her and chauffeur her around they told her but with the trump campaign they didn't say we think we have a russian guy in your thing they used him against trump they didn't use the chinese person against ionas it's just all political oh i think it is actually you think. muller is on a witch hunt i am certain of it took never even with the convictions and the big
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leagues have nothing to do with with he can say well how do you know we haven't heard a statement from the we haven't heard the report of the don't raise the issue of convictions but when you think that you think mahler's a good man i don't have any assessment of miller as a human being ok do you like the trump putin's bromance there is no bromance the guy is just he has been tough on twitter are you dense i am in reality well you know a little tell you the world i live i live in the world outside the leftwing bubble of the new york times the washington post the l.a. times that's where all the evil aren't they know they're not evil new york times they think no no i don't know it's i've never said they were w. outside of that white bubble doesn't mean evil university is a bubble of the right ideas don't see it through i read the new year i subscribe to the new york and i need to ok most new york times readers don't subscribe to the wall street. i subscribe though i believe you do i swear i said most i believe that
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there is a bubble there we on the right are far more familiar with the left wing views the left wing people are familiar with now we know that i know that. every every see you don't know what the left wing thing out of course i know what the left so you know you know what the left wing think i know the right wing things then yes that's your job to know that correct i believe you do i believe that the average reader of the new york times has not read a wall street journal editorial in his life and the readers of the wall street journal do what do they do i think that they are far more familiar with what the word you can't not be familiar with the world of if you went to school and almost any school from elementary to college you know what the left thinks i know what the wall street journal i did and i very pro union you are the style chick for a time when the unions did you damn right ok i didn't resent that communism in america you're right they did you know what i want to comment on that. that that's when liberalism was in the ascendant the gumperz yes liberalism was anti left.
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like you like alan dershowitz to this day he's anti-left alan dershowitz said to me i have the video it's on video alan dershowitz lifelong liberal hillary clinton supporter professor of law at harvard i am far as a jew and as a liberal i am far more afraid of the left than of the nazis he was on this show and there she was he's a hillary fan now he's does not favor trump's policies he just thinks trump can not be indicted none of the last things he thinks the left is ruining the universities he thinks the left is a greater danger to america than the right i have i play that video and i will we will make a bet you who will alan dershowitz support in twenty twenty oddly enough he will support any democrat correct correct ok i agree that is so you know making him a hypocrite no i'm making him inconsistent which is not uncommon in the human race are you still an orthodox jew i was never an i was only orthodox jew till i was
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thirteen i was i went to yeshiva i was raised in with an ox jew i am still a religious jew but i am i am an oddball in that i am a deeply religious jew who believes that the tourist from god believes the jews are the chosen people but i'm not orthodox in practice i am observant but not orthodox . because i believe rabbinic law can change and the orthodox essentially don't. yeah they don't at all well pretty much you know. all right but maybe i will say there might they are my ideological and religious allies the orthodox jews as are evangelical christians how can if then joe and tools support a man whose record with regard to treatment of women is reprehensible. i'll tell you the answer because they have wisdom because there have been s. there is a lot have ochsner see no not in the least goss said god is
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a hypocrite for supporting king david king david not only committed adultery he had the guy killed to sleep with his wife and god's a hypocrite ok fine if that's your view how do you exhaust it because how do you know you were david a lot tell you how god works through sinful people that's just the way it works the yes that is that was i mean it is a lesson in other words who did it since you want to talk bible my favorite subject when the jews got into israel into canaan you know who saved their life who made it possible a prostitute now why did god named ray had already ha b. why would god choose of all the canaanites a prostitute to hide the jewish spies and enable the jews to get into it you believe someone of theirs controlling things and i don't know yet so right that's fair but but i'm answering your first question of whether you believe in god i'm saying the you have a moral question. about donald trump. you dennis prager
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not particularly no no no it's ok i didn't say it's ok but i have a moral question about a lot of people i think that pleasure was not to have a moral import i don't have a specifically i know you don't i don't think he's a particularly heavy sinner what he said about on the plane that time but i wouldn't been bothered you mean the private tape about the groping women didn't bother you know and i'll tell you why why this is a very important reason what people say privately is of no interest to me and it does not assess their character and there's not a sense that americans care each when he used the word kike regularly then that saying that israel's life so that's ok totally i don't give a damn what people say privately as a nigger sitting referred to jews like your brother george to try because yes didn't bother you not correct i don't believe graham acknowledged that nixon saved israel's life in the young kid so it didn't matter what he thought of jews you damn
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right that's correct then as you're a moralist you're a hypocrite no i'm not i am a moralist wait let me ask you a question if we had a tape of everything you've ever said privately would you come out to be saintly or and i were not be an ugly but i only all related and i never chose having used the n. word never you never use the n. word so who we haven't really had any other words from either the trump he didn't attack another religion rooms and then word i said when you're famous limit let you grope them i've never told him what i've never said that ok you're a giant and when i get i ok it doesn't mean a damn thing to me i keep telling you there omar listen you don't care what people say privately yes hillary clinton called a jewish guy a jewish s.o.b and i wrote a piece in the wall street journal defending her against charges of anti-semite ok but i care what people do not what they say privately if hitler said i hate jews i hate jews i wish they all died and didn't kill one jew i wouldn't care you wouldn't bother you of course not ok i care what people do ok so do you. like.
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