tv Going Underground RT August 18, 2018 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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takes a while to release the footage because they don't want to contaminate the potential testimony of witnesses however under minnesota state law police officers have the ability to review body camera footage before they give a statement to the bureau of criminal apprehension and so we have a lopsided law in place that gives away too much discretion to police officers and those who are investigating police as to when and whether body camera footage will be released ahead of time well in another incident in chicago the police did just the opposite the chief deliberately got the video out quicker because there was concern and the problem in waiting five weeks is that the community festers right absolutely the community festers there are also lots of rumors that come to the surface the media has a chance to shape the narrative according to whatever perspective the media decides to put out and also people become upset traumatized and concerned
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about their safety within the community while they're waiting to get answers in a given situation as police responded to that call about blevins they didn't know his name or that his criminal record included a prior conviction related to firearms among other charges they were dealing in the moment could they have handled that moment differently. i absolutely believe that police officers could have handled their altercation with their member leavens differently number one on their way to the scene they were talking to civilians asking if anyone had seen a drunk black guy with the gun which is completely inappropriate and unprofessional and when they arrived upon the scene their member leavens outfit that he was wearing did not match the description that was given in the nine one one call and yet police officers approached him violently and aggressively jumping out of the car yelling gun and threatening to shoot and kill their member leavens
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notwithstanding the fact that he was standing there next to his girlfriend and a small child at the time so police officers put all of their lives in danger and how they aggressively approached the situation beyond that there was no reason for police officers to continue to escalate the situation knowing that they felt that their member leavens was intoxicated at the time he was not a threat to officers they could have found a way to deescalate the situation and place a stronger emphasis on preserving human life unquestionably incidents like these and there have been several there in the cities in recent years and the national black lives matter conversation that emerged after st louis and the trayvon martin stand your ground episode in florida have set back race relations where do we go from here. well i think number one we need to see drastic reform as far as the deadly force laws that are on the books that allow police officers to
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kill with impunity if we look at minnesota's deadly force statute it provides officers with way too much discretion on when to use deadly force essentially any police officer regardless of the length of time in which they've served or the significance of their training history and background can say that they were fearful of their safety fearful for their safety and use that as a rationale for justifying killing a civilian there have there must be greater standards in place and order to preserve human life and to place an emphasis on deescalation on the part of the police however most departments are not receiving adequate deescalation training instead they're often receiving warrior training as we saw in the case of iran a mole yanis who was a police officer who shot and killed for a land ok still in july of two thousand and sixteen so we need to see
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a paradigm shift moving more moving towards a greater levels of accountability mckim alevi pounds in minneapolis thank you for joining us again here on the big picture right now cyber criminals are planning what you're hearing called the a.t.m. cash out how they plan to take your cash out and to lure new school year scams to be aware of next this is the big picture on our two america.
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the it. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer and it means to live the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying the is just no way to hasn't been that we want even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace
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it's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. he's a conspiracy they're there they're all worthless there are all under the bus forget about the back of the bus just love love with us because we want rush limbaugh wonder bread and fake news to you guys that's. the f.b.i. has issued a warning and is coordinating with your bank. nk as a cyber attack is eminent it's a worldwide threat and law enforcement agencies everywhere are bracing for what you're hearing called the a.t.m.
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cash out why are banks vulnerable and what your bank should be doing to protect you let's ask attorney professor and a spam buster stephen j. j. wiseman and that spurred on fraud identity theft and whatever else the wise guys are doing to try to rip you off and if you can read only one of the ten books steve has written we recommend identity theft alert ten rules you must follow to protect yourself from america's number one crime on his website updated daily is scam aside com steve welcome back to the big picture good to be with you this looming a.t.m. cash out we're reading about this is not new is it. you know that's the interesting thing all of it really isn't new as a matter of fact the the f.b.i. dire warning from last week which also has already come to fruition with an indian bank that had twenty eight branches or branches in twenty eight countries hit in
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the last few days for thirteen million but into paul was warning about this a year ago and we really have had a rash a billion dollars worth has been lost to cyber bank robbers since about two thousand and thirteen so this is just it's becoming more sophisticated the banks seem to not really get it and we are seeing these these gangs do coordinated efforts they a great deal if they're really like ocean's eleven movies but we're going to see a lot more of it in the days and i do mean days dunces weeks days ahead you know people are shocked when i tell him i have never used an a.t.m. machine because of stuff like this so why are banks vulnerable and how is it that the wise guys jumped the fire wall. you know this is this is a good question and i sort of go back there's a comedian i like ron white and he said there's no cure for stupid and there are
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a lot of really smart bankers that's my disclaimer but there's a lot of stupid out there so for instance when the want to cry ransomware russia virus was hitting last year and now with this particular attack on a.t.m. networks and the banks computers one of the problems is these a.t.m. networks are still largely operate using the windows x.p. operating system which hasn't been updated by microsoft in years so you have all kinds of outdated outmoded kinds of software being used by banks particularly middle sized and smaller banks that puts them in so much jeopardy to the given it all once there are only about one hundred cyber criminal geniuses in the world but what they do is they create the software the malware and then they sell it on
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the dark web to other criminals who are able to use it this is a very sobering i've got an old laptop with windows x.p. and they stopped supporting mad a couple years ago. it's sobering to think that the banks aren't on the ball in terms of their software are their human vulnerabilities in the banking system that put us at risk for this to. yes as a matter of fact the human vulnerabilities always are the the biggest source of the way in and just about every one of these major hacks and data breaches starts with spearfishing and this is an email to a bank employee it may even look like it's coming from another bank employee or it may be something that appeals to this employee maybe the cyber criminals they've been watching on social media finding out what some of these people are interested
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in hey there's a concert from there's an eagles reunion and you might be interested in this they get people to click on links in these innocuous e-mails but what happens is these innocuous e-mails download the malware. well with all these. kinks in the system what if anything can we the consumer do to play defense. we know here's one of the things in which i've never quite understood why the banks don't use we they've got firewalls as you mentioned they have anti-virus software they've got security software but one thing to remember is the best security software is always going to be at least thirty days behind the latest what we call zero day defects these are the ones that there's no defense for so there is a defense and this is something that banks aren't using enough and it's something that actually i was pleased to see in the last f.b.i.
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warning in the interpol warning that they they mention it it's called white listing software you have blacklisting software the usual security software it recognizes the bad stuff coming in and it blocks it but if it doesn't recognize it what if this is something new it doesn't block it white listing all the allows things to be downloaded if they've already been approved so that way even if you have your employee who clicks on that link and downloads the malware it won't get downloaded because it hasn't been approved now this is something the institutions should be using but for for you and for me and for the average person white listing software isn't really going to work effectively so the key thing for us the real thing that we should always be watching because this is how we all get hit is we're going to be targets of spearfishing too and sometimes they're going to appeal to us because they've been watching our social media and they've been seeing things that we're interested in you never ever clip trust me you can't trust anyone you never ever
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click on a link unless you've absolutely verified that it is accurate and legitimate and you do that and you're a long way towards protecting yourself we just got a thing on the computer system here at work that says you must change your password in x. number of days that's a smart thing to be doing even if you're not required to. yeah it's a good thing it is a matter of fact i think we've talked before about a. there was a scam out now where people are getting an e-mail that says we have videos of you from your web cam watching porn and we're going to release this unless you pay a ransom and to prove that it's accurate here is your password and the password that they show you is one you've used because you've been so many data breaches in which passwords have been compromised the bad guys get these so the key as you say is to have a good password have a complex password
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a unique password for every account and change them from time to time the interesting thing is just noticed there was a new study by professors at the university of helsinki showing that all of the password managers were vulnerable these are the programs that people use to store their passwords so that they don't have to remember them all but there are actually there's an easy way to create a base password that you can adapt for everything you take a phrase i don't like passwords that's your base password add a couple of exclamation points nice strong base then you make that you adapt that to each account so your amazon account could be a password of i don't like passwords to exclamation points am a wow that would be something that you can remember and distinct was cool idea hey i've got a couple of minutes left but i got to ask you about something i've seen on scam aside dot com back to school time soon upon us and scam stirrers are about to
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pounce on students of all ages correct. yeah i mean it's really going to be bad as it always is interestingly enough with your college kids lenny ills and seniors are the biggest targets for scams and identity theft and kids believe it or not when you're looking at children children are fifty one times more likely to be targeted for identity theft than adults because a child's clean credit report is something that can be adapted by an identity thief if you've got kids in school you've got to learn something called the federal educational rights privacy act and this is something where parents of school age kids can limit the personal information of their children being shared with third parties and not enough parents are aware of this because you want to make sure that as much as possible you can limit your child's personal information including
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social security being shared with others so find out about it opt out at your at your school that's a really important thing and then come september unless you're in one of the twenty nine states that had laws allowing it you'll be able to freeze the credit report for your kids it's always the best thing for adults now will be able to do it for kids steve while you were talking i was scribbling as fast as i can but anybody watching who wasn't steve's website scam aside dot com is free he updates it every day it is worth subscribing to as always thank you ace scam buster attorney and professor stephen jay jay wiseman thank you. and thank you for watching that is the big picture if you missed any part of this week's show or if you would like to share it thanks in advance you can or you'll find all our shows at youtube dot com slash the big picture our t.
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watch any time anywhere on any device and if you see us somewhere else you can also find our t america and direct t.v. channel three two one dish channel two eighty and on the free pluto t.v. app at channel one three two holland cook in washington and on twitter in the meantime at holland cook question more. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be all for the rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial plant but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only boom but. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. costume dramas tell us that's a lot of sympathy but i want to take on last one the last post on this about what
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if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the refuse to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities how to best person as banker mom. was you know you know. that person i get i'm in a lot of class at that point that. they have what are they all choose to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all. both of you what if he had to be about to be. a sense it struggles of many couples won't. deal with the push to put impulse response both of you up as a pillar of hope of the. this is the ca's a report a show that goes deeper. so max we've been talking about social media quite
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a lot in the past year year and a half and the fact that these are giant monopolies that control much of the social media space however in this. hysteria that we've had since trump was elected and sure it was a shock to many in the corporate media that he won because they had promised with great certainty that it was ninety nine percent certain that hillary clinton was going to win the data they saw or they chose to look at was hillary clinton was going to win but that turned out to have been big news they were wrong so since then we've had this whole backlash against fake news not the one they presented but what the individual citizens of america have been presenting so in the past week we saw facebook shut down these pages of activist groups here in washington d.c.
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they shut down their facebook group because they said they acted like russians well it turns out they were actual citizens of america that are activists who were here in washington d.c. they were organizing to basically counter protest against the nazis that are coming into town to protest so they wanted to counter protest them facebook deleted them on the word of atlantic council and they're gone so also in the past week we saw under pressure from the resistance online that they took down a conspiracy theorist in the united states called alex jones they took down all his social media footprint at the same time ordinated attack between you tube google the other google properties apple to come off their apple i to facebook they all i deleted him from existence really at the center at the same time within the same hour. and alex jones yeah who's just basically a satirist he is said in court he's a performance artist there for the us to have
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a call there is the same certain act is that cold air love hate strong s. and you know it is the part of the network that does the macabre so that's what they know it's competition assert. you know this is this is. competitive behavior yet this was like a coordinated attack within one hour it all happened within one hour all the social media that the bid for because we always have big for everything big for accountants big four banks big for tech monopolies oligarch police and they all to come down of course this is quite similar to when wiki leaks was also coordinated cut off from the financial grid and that was the beginning of this wave of censorship where of course it's it's not the government it's these private corporations and somehow they can cut you off from the grid that is really under the domain of the government normally but that the monopoly for these many rails of our our economies and our societies have been handed to private corporations in the
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us it's not us something government thinks corporations well you know during the previous robber baron great wealth was accumulated but carnegie's in the melons and things like that there was a sense that they had enormous influence over society and then gauging the whole self-censorship and the stupak ation of the population know they want about creating public libraries they said you know we can do we can educate people so that when they're faced with multiple messages from different allies they have the education to give themselves agency in this multimedia world and you had in the sixty's were probably the apotheosis of the well informed educated media savvy america but since that time seventy's of course a lot of gold centered replaced hard money with money and junk money and junk media the government saying that nobody in america has the intelligence to decipher
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what's right or wrong accurate or not accurate fake news propaganda real news is the day they come in and with that a giant diaper. said you need to wear this diaper all day long and will make sure you get that big hug because you're just it's too baby you can't have any of it but the fifty but in terms of our public squares our public spaces now our reality is that most people spend their time online that is where they meet up with other individuals that's where they you know assemble on twitter on facebook but there aren't very many different options for the critical mass that you get from those monopolies you know they say if you're with a friend in the words in the bear starts chasing you you don't have to run the berry just run your friend you know our shelters i was the guy that figured they'd get first. but now that they've taken him off the air film like they're going after
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me that it's a the truth because. they need complete unanimity in their message because remember they're hopped up to go to war and they want as many young men to sign up so they've got to get the propaganda machine rich deep strong and any dissent must be squashed well by the way alex jones is part of a long line of american sort of hucksterism of american talk radio that has been around for one hundred two hundred years that people have a lot of southerners especially talk like this there's a lot of snake oil salesman this is part of american history if you've ever read samak lyman's or mark twain or any of this literature of the are you know eighteenth or nineteenth century america you would say this is like is no different from a long line of american freaks like this is what we do we're big car and same satirists
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like jonathan swift hear me out things about eating children and things that are patently over the top or orson welles the war of the worlds now if orson welles did more of the world today the martian lobby would come out and say that you're infringing upon martian transsexuals or a martians or green people and you're a man they needed their own bathroom right and then they would be pilloried and destroyed and one of the greatest authors of broadcasters motion picture and directors and writers in american history would have his career still crushed worse than the aftermath of citizen kane well again like who is who is deciding what speech is is fair with speech is good which feet speech is bad like who should be banned like i said they had led to council is a think tank who are financed by i think partly from the us state department but mostly from my government which by the. like you can say
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a lot of things and there's no first amendment there's no right to free speech there and yet they're getting to decide what is allowed to be heard by american citizens where we're supposed to be allowed to say whatever crazy idea comes into our head and not be punished for it we're allowed to assemble with freaks and not be punished for it because the hard protection but here the argument is a lot of people say well they're private companies and therefore they can block whoever they want because you don't want free speech on there but if they have a monopoly on those those rails of just like. television use it when we set three or four television channels and now we have i don't know thousands but before when we had one only a few television channels where everybody got their news they were more you know they had to allow public access they had to allow every freak of america had a show locally in new york city or somewhere like that and i'm sure these media
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companies off soon get into the business of selling air and if you are a friend of the media companies you will be allowed to breathe air if you're not a friend of the media companies you will be a six year at it to death the airwaves are simply the public's public domain and when corporations with governments collude to diminish the public still maintain the public loses its ability to have a common space that would define itself in terms of western civilization we're going back to centrally to the dark ages where you've got feudal lords like these media barons who are rationing out. barest a minimalist type of self-sustaining little paper trinket dollar nonsense to keep in slave population just healthy enough to keep clicking on it at facebook but not
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strong enough to stage a successful revolt that's feudalism that's coming right now it's happening here in washington d.c. the trample stop it maybe not the other thing i want to point out is that we have been covering this notion in china of the social credit score and if you have if you're a bad member of society and it could be things like you walked you jaywalked or you went over the speed limit at one point and the government gives you a social credit score that you get denied access to things like twitter to things like why it's a little pollution is so bad in china where facemask and masks and it's connected to your i phone connected to the government if you say something as a government they will turn down your oxygen into the mask may do is remind i was in a row it's you get to zero your debt that's like saif i possibly future but right now today everybody here in on m.s.n. b.c. on fox news on c.n.n. all the media agree on every commentator on twitter agrees that that is like
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totalitarianism this social credit score and yet they pushed for the same thing to happen alex jones basically he's been pulled from the grid in the same way that the chinese government is imposing on their citizens through the social credit score so it's very similar except for they're saying well because it's a private company because it's google and facebook and twitter that these are private companies it's not really the government telling from companies are operating out of the public airwaves. the apples trillion dollar market capitalization should be in part reimbursed to every american in there for a one k. plans or there are a plans as a stock dividend the fact that they can privately. remove from the public domain the wealth of the nation and in return give censorship and an extraordinarily bankrupt and few tile nightmarish quagmire of piss and write list junk
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