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tv   News  RT  August 18, 2018 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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kind of seems like very similar to me in my eyes to alex jones but her conspiracies are that not the government but the people of the united states the voters are somehow involved in a conspiracy against the government and against the elite the crazy conspiracy theorists that they're all worthless there that all money the boss forgot about the back of the bus just run them over with the we because we want rush limbaugh wonder bread and fake news so you die that's america hey i take a break come back right after this go away.
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the it. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing their fingers just as they would a simple i want to become lost and enter and i want to ask some just about what if many of them look for refuge in the so-called centrist sides of the draft used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities best person asked dan. mostly to point out. that at best i get
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a minute or less and that. they can watch as they all choose to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all the political rivals. the have to be about that he. said sit many couples won't. kill which at the push to put impulse response both of you up with a popular hope about. when a loved one is murdered it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be going to the death penalty just because i think that's fair think the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict despond dennison the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying those just new leaders hadn't been there we were here even many victims' families want. the death penalty to be a mole and the reason we have to keep the gap l here is because that's what murder
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victims' families want to that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to turn to max blumenthal who is senior editor at the gray zone project welcome back to kaiser report good to be back you know the one question i want to ask you and just keep in the back your mind is that there's a timeline of how the slippery slope that america's falling down into some. absolute kind of tar pit of horribleness and we're going to we're going to come to that question a minute just keep that in the back you know my. first. facebook they shut down the
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page for a local d.c. based anti-fascist group the headline shouted to the american public that it was the russians but the activists were not russians ok your thoughts yes this was one of the few facebook pages organizing a counter protest to the upcoming neo nazi unite the right march all of the pages that were shut down by facebook most of which average between zero and seven followers clearly a threat this must be putin's thirteen dimensional chess to like out match the u.s. by attracting zero followers all of them were left wing liberal sites and some of them may have been fake this one was real and as i said at the beach when russia gate really exploded into the open and i said this very publicly it will blow that back on the left yet there's a point there's a point so when you go out there and you start censoring folks you know it now they can know where to stop and now it's blowing back it's all coming home the chickens are coming back and now it's like a just
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a mad house of censorship ok what is the atlantic council coup finances them what role is the atlantic council playing in monitoring and censoring content posted to facebook what anyone who's watching this show cares about independent media should know because facebook has been so important for those of us who are in alternative and. independent media that facebook has hired a group called d.f. r.l. lab which operates out of the nato and arms industry funded atlantic council also funded by saudi arabia and another bunch of pro freedom advocates in the gulf including turkey which arrests more journalists and any other country and. the job is basically to market facebook's findings and takedowns of these pages and to justify it they put out a report on medium dot com justifying taking down these pages which were said to be russian they tried to link them to russia without coming up with conclusive proof
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the pages were wrecked the report was actually authored by the atlantic council's resident bot hunter who falsely identified two living human beings including a british pensioner and vala sits a ukrainian concert pianist as russian bots and here he's linked pages like resistors and a page on mindfulness and holistic living to a supposed russian propaganda plot to sow division in the u.s. there's a racial undercurrent in the findings on this medium dot com post that one of the pages that was taken down was dedicated according to the atlantic council to celebrating the beauty of african women and black pride and that they concluded was an attempt to divide americans and so division so celebrating the beauty of black women is sowing division and that's how they're filching out these pages and it's it's very disturbing to me along with the fact that many of my alternative media colleagues like lee camp from redacted tonight have noticed that facebook is deep
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prioritizing their posts they've refused to allow me to take out ads for my own factual reporting and they've basically put a ceiling on the amount of followers people like lee camp can get something fishy is going on and i'm sure has been going to something fishy and so let's talk about alex jones for a second that he spent time in the doghouse for a while. ca is what i would call an extreme satirists as conspiracy theories etc are you know off the charts in terms of their connection to reality is that a lot of times us but we've seen the extreme satire in the past and jonathan swift for example his work of eating babies and things like that work is that it's just anyway all these major media companies cook seemed like they colluded they got on a conference call and they just all together at one time d. platform my thoughts on alex jones is that you know after nine eleven there was a lot of questioning about what was behind this attack and questioning of the official version i think there was an illegitimate side of the truth movement which
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was interested in internal explosions in the world trade center and you know false flags and there was a legitimate side that was interested in the saudi connection which we validated and you know question asking legitimate questions about blowback things like that alex jones role was to eliminate the legitimate side and take everyone and take all that energy that was questioning the bush administration in the official line and move it to the right he started injecting anti immigrant vitriol into the kind of truth movement and just generally moved everyone to the right i think in that sense he's actually benefited the establishment but at this point he's been singled out kind of as the most prominent and chaos causing conspiracy theorists so he's the easiest target for silicon valley and collusion d. platforming across the board huge tech companies acting at the same time as that slack is what is there is there that if you have huge tech companies that can
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pretty much control everything we see and hear colluding with the government to shut down someone who i have nothing but contempt for and it's a precedent for shutting the rest of us down it has to be opposed on principle i said the same thing right surely. someone i respect you know i say like he if you're out in the woods or their friend in a bears attacking you you don't have to. the bear is at that run your friend like for me out challenge with the guy who if they were going to come after alternative media they would eat him first yeah he's the most recognizable right bigger right and he's the most so that they just ate him he made it into a you know richard linklater film you know as a cult figure ok so he's not you know now the next layer you know who's next type of thing i mean there's the totally without control by the way i would actually say that our t. was first and it's the easiest target because it's russian backed you go after r t then you start taking on people who are simply you know private american backed
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individuals ok let me go to my my my original question is the timeline question i remember at the receiving end of the city ok so this sounds like dystopian nightmare stuff like you read in one thousand any for you know like this is in like media out of control censorship out of control so historically were what were the precedent for this were we seen this type of behavior before historically or is this unprecedented and are we going down a slippery slope somewhere with all this because it seems like now we're at a pier a point of no return in a lot of ways with something that's clearly out of control can you can you give us on a store a coal kind of view where we are it goes back to you know the founding of the united states we've never been a democracy can look at the alien and sedition act which limited speech you can look at the palmer raids under wilson which were just used to basically round up anyone promoting socialism inside the united states and arrested an entire
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generation of leftist and destroyed the you know the first real left wing movement in the u.s. you can look at the mccarthy era everybody knows about the mccarthy era but now we're in a much more confusing era where a lot of people who are traumatized by the election of trump and the rise of trump ism. are willing to justify in their own minds the suppression of someone like alex jones who i find completely contemptible without considering the long term consequences and the consequences will be the same a limiting of speech this is being carried out by the i think the most dangerous element in the us which is the radical center the john brennan center the center of these you know former intelligence agents who have been hired as the radical center what is it out a call center the you know the center of the american political mainstream which pushes the most radical policies from regime change around the world to structural adjustment policies on the third world and has completely destabilized entire
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regions of the world while posing as moderates they are the ones in control of the suppose it rules based liberal international order that hasn't served the majority of people in the west and they cannot handle the fact that they are being rejected in the u.k. whether it's by people who voted for breaks that are people who are supporting jeremy corbyn and they've been rejected in the us whether it's by people who supported bernie sanders or what their vision of donald trump as an anti-establishment figure is and they came up with this plague of fake news in order to shut down alternative media as part of a general agenda to limit our freedom to think ok an international scene you've recently interviewed daniel ortega who's been a president nicaragua's a six thousand and seven there's been some recent unrest violence what's going on first according to the mainstream media presents it and then according to what you believe is actually happening it's really shocking if you just google nicaragua
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you'll find a greek chorus of pro regime change gray propaganda in every outlet from the guardian to democracy now to the new york times and none of them did what i did have done what i did which was to actually go to nicaragua and talk to the masses of send in east. supporters who were abused and tortured during a violent right wing coup attempt that nearly shut down the country cost it five hundred million dollars and was designed not just to topple daniel ortega but to destroy the send a nice to movement of two to two point five million people one of the most cohesive movements per progress of social change to benefit workers in latin america and that's what this is about it was about destroying an example of socialism to the rest of latin america it was funded substantially by usa id and the regime change arm of the united states the national endowment for democracy and we don't hear about any of that we don't meet any of the student leaders who were
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beaten half to death shot or tortured because they turned against this plan for regime change and we see no analysis of it what it was was a classic color revolution like the kind we saw in eastern europe blended with the horrors of libya and syria except fortunately for the people of nicaragua the rebels in this case were not armed by the u.s. they had been the bloodshed would still be continuing to send in east the government has defeated a coup and in the us media it's still being portrayed as some kind of people's revolution it was a right wing counterrevolution initiative in israel very similar very similar to what we saw in venezuela with the go team bus where the right wing opposition would close off entire neighborhoods with roadblocks to try to damage the economy they would attack anyone any supporters of the government in that area and then they'd been given clashing with the police who were attempting to restore order they actually shared tactics online and even traveled to nicaragua to share their
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violent tactics and for the first time in nicaragua we didn't see this during the civil war in the one nine hundred eighty s. supporters of the sent in east as were burned alive burned alive that's what we saw in venezuela the republic you million people lashed to treason strip nude and whipped on video i interviewed the wife. a police officer who on his day off was kidnapped by the opposition dragged by a truck and taken to a road block where he was burned alive on video the videos there for everyone to see but for some reason u.s. media isn't reporting this side and as i reported at the grey zone project doing working with a independent researcher in nicaragua to do a case by case analysis of each death that occurred between the middle of june and april eighteenth when this kicked off send in east as have probably suffered more deaths more murders at the hands of the opposition than the opposition suffered at the hands of daniel ortega government so this is the big lie that is being pushed
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in congress and in the media that ortega and his government have killed over three hundred people that's totally false. the red sun thanks me on the hazard thanks for having me i was going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me my geyser and states i would like to i guess my explant all you can reach us on twitter a times report the next time. that's a very rough terrain is so it's rough climates and you have to fight to be able to them if. it was gunshots on top of them and so many friends they would have been only one of many and you do not. apply i don't think anything will back up for me you know i don't want. to see it but
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a body in the children is ready to participate in the good is both to me good to me that. you don't think about this if this soldier on no you got three it's like and you know i do and other patients. became this national camera. roughly once they showed some loose leaf for them. uncool videos and someone with a broken string of apps. going down more on string i don't rightly don't t.v. . america was never great was founded on the rapes in the murders. nothing changed so
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we said no all response to these situations that we're dealing with. people get shot every other day she is just sad people kill each other blood for the killing children. still is just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down by law enforcement. this country doesn't work for us it doesn't function for us. this is can't be. happening in america we call from the streets we got to deal with life is the reason i have to write like this is the reason. that i'm finally going to come home and also to think i'm going to now hons
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a little and i'm not i'm going to point the. line in you do you mean everything to the point of time that i had in me. plus is that going to lead the city people are. going to i think if i don't run my little bit going to wonder if i'm not i don't know what's going to happen if that i don't have money going to you know god like i'm going to wait for tomorrow i'm not going to get money and. this is just one day slice. some boards of. c c. c. c. you're going to.
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help stories here on our international the rebuilding open war roughish syria is under way on the program and we visit one of the worst hit cities to witness the reconstruction process all cells. in a lot of new protein will meet in germany later today with syria un sanctions both on the agenda. a protest in the gaza strip where demonstrators are tempted to break through the border with israel.
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international a pleasure to have you with us today. the syrian army now reestablishing control of the country a new war is being fought against the destruction that was wreaked by militants and terrorists and the rebuilding of key infrastructure is under way so here on the program we travel to syria to witness the recovery efforts. much of the city of aleppo is still in ruins reviving it to its former glory is a task of gargantuan proportions and of immense political and economic importance the citadel of aleppo has become the symbol of the city's resistance.
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but aleppo is much more than just a maze of antique streets and attractions from history books. the militants of stolen computer units with chips with the machines they destroyed the factory on purpose they wanted to damage syrian industry as a whole and specifically in the street in aleppo reviving this that. would. see one rebel to go over this area. and feet and basically record this hunger that he. want to be immense but now that the former
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industrial hub is slowly getting back on track things are finally looking up for the people of aleppo. two years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we covered the roof of the building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around. just like the good old days the under joe a little the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day lana must lead i was lucky enough not to leave my home the wind this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly lifted now saying god things about or despite all those things we've been through we're no better than one of them when you know it's
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safe you can return home if your house lies in ruins you can still fix it but the main thing is it's safe now. historically the city of aleppo has been the economic capital of syria and now with the world gone finally some traders are coming back to its streets. because dawn of reporting from aleppo in syria. meanwhile the u.s. state department says it will redirect american stabilization of funding plan for syria to other foreign policy efforts or sinton says though this will not affect its humanitarian assistance program meanwhile the saudi arabia has pledged to contribute one hundred million dollars to syrian reconstruction efforts however the money will only go up the northeast of syria a region under the control of u.s. backed kurdish forces. and while some programs are cut others still remain in place the u.s. saying it will stay in syria for some time yet to battle terrorists we're remaining
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in syria the focus is the ensuring defeat of isis we still have not lose the final phase to defeat the physical kind of fight this is actually being prepared now and that will come at a time for choosing but it is coming joshua landis the head of middle east studies at the university of oklahoma says there are well multiple competing interests in syria the united states does not want assad to become too strong there are hoping to keep leverage in order to try to push iran out of the country to get a better deal for the kurds and and of course they're also worried about what's going to happen if they're province where there is very complex negotiations and and russia is at the heart of them so there are many competing agendas in washington and as long as president trump is not spending a lot of money there i think he's happy to keep a few thousand troops if that increases america's leverage the united states does
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not want to spend a lot of money and that's quite clear and many people have been complaining bitterly about deaths typically in iraq and other areas that have been quite badly destroyed they've been pressuring a saudi arabia which just said it would spend another hundred million in syria stabilization they've been pushing france and and european countries to try to get them to spend more money rather than washington this is been one of president trump's constant refrain is that others have to pay for this process. and a busy day for world diplomacy vladimir putin traveling to germany to meet with all among the pressing issues on the agenda syria and sanctions and more details now from berlin with daniel hawkins. this is the second meeting between chancellor merkel and president putin in a matter of months the last one being a visit by the chancellor to the city of sochi back in may her message has been
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very clear this is a working visit don't expect any concrete results the media though have already been speculating as to what can be gained from these talks can progress be made on key issues on who can come out on top now while remaining realistic merkel has emphasized the importance of having a relationship with russia and having functional dialogue and communication syria will be one of the key topics where this will be important as the scale of the conflict simmers down differences between leaders very much remain and mrs merkel views this as an opportunity to find some common ground he says his thoughts can enter a meeting on syria between germany france russia and turkey kidney useful that it needs to be well prepared there's the reason why there is no date for it yet but we're working on in prepared three meeting of ari dreiser's and afterwards who will decide whether such a meeting makes sense the two years have previously clashed on multiple occasions mrs merkel has been one of president putin's fiercest critics in this that though
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in recent times the two leaders have been pushed closer together into a political marriage of convenience both have been affected by american economic tariffs russia has been hit by u.s. sanctions with more to come on the back of the novel shock scandal and merkel has been criticized by trump as being a russian captive because of gas supplies the latter will be a key topic with the north stream two pipeline project pushing ahead despite both criticism and contrive a seat at last the ukraine which has been a saw a thorn in the side of russian german relations since twenty fourteen would also be discussed the implementation of the minsk accords and peacekeeping operations as well despite their major differences of course they do have common ground only iran nuclear deal on bilateral economic issue. well through. russia and. germany they have always maintained at least the relationship.
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this is because there was no. fear and sometimes there is a possibility that we can make exchanges i've also got very good smoked fish. from time to time.
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but germany though is not only on saturday before he gets there he's paying a social visit attending the wedding the austrian foreign minister. and businessman of. a ceremony taking place at a vineyard in austria's styria. guessing whether putin will offer a dance to the bride or what present he may have for the couple others about chile taking the time to the foreign minister for daring to invite puter. the u.s. department of defense plans to spend up to fifteen million dollars on harnessing a soldier's physical performance and in durance but it's often explained such programs must be handled with care.


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