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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2018 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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hunt amounts to torture the conditions in which russia says the u.s. is holding accused herman agents maria due to no we speak to her lawyer very difficult situation particularly for someone like her someone who i don't think ever envisioned spending a day in jail or a life to be you know what's a pretty tough sort of. u.s. turkey tensions hit new highs as anchor warns relations have come to an almost complete holds. the syrian city of aleppo one of the worst hit by the war is undergoing extensive reconstruction after years of conflict.
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a very warm welcome you're watching weekly here on r.t. international or the latest headlines and a roundup of the stories that shapes the week but first another twist in the latest alleged russian spy scandal in the u.s. the russian embassy in washington sais that maria bhutto now is being subjected to conditions that are tonsil mounts to torture she's recently been transferred to a different prison after initially being jailed on charges of being an unregistered foreign agent a crowdfunding campaign has also been launched to pay for her legal defense lawyer updated as on her condition. i was unaware that she was transferred until last night at around midnight i received a collect call from her at home and the phone was disconnected before we could get through but i knew it was from alexandria jail so i drove down and tried to get in last night and could not but is able to get in this morning and visit her so she is in alexandria detention facility at least for now for this weekend it's
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a smaller facility than the d.c. jail as respected facility but it's hard to know why the move was made where there was made for medical or other reasons or in response to complaints about the conditions in d.c. she does have arthritis in one of her legs kind of a history of problems with that leg so she sought treatment for that and so far has just received tylenol and nothing else and i think she has also been a little bit frustrated by policy when people are in protective custody they do bad checks every fifteen minutes at night to check on detainee safety and i think sometimes depending on who the guard is you know the lights are turned on every time there's a check and so it's very hard to get proper sleep when you're being woken up every fifteen minutes she's segregated from the general population of the prison facility you know no contact really with outside people besides her lawyers and occasional phone calls and when you're being held. in some isolation like that it's difficult because every everything i think you want to do is kind of
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a one off request there is a very set schedule and so it was very difficult to make sure she was getting a proper exercise and. trips to the library and things like that because everything she did she had to do by herself and doesn't anyone would have an easy time in prison but in this is an accomplished student you know someone who i don't think ever envisioned spending a day in jail or a life to be in you know it's a pretty tough facility there today was refused bail off the pleading not guilty she's also accused of offering say an attempt to get a chill up with an unnamed special interests great if convicted to boot in a faces up to fifteen. years in prison no date has been set yet for this trial however her lawyer remains optimistic she's in very good shape she's helping actively with us to prepare the defense she's confident in her innocence there's no allegation of espionage there's no allegation of classified information childish and she was paying anyone off there's no allegation she was recruiting spies none
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of the things you would typically see in an espionage case the allegations are fairly vanilla that she attended meetings of various groups that were public that she had dinners with various people and she took a lot of selfies as i think a lot of people are twenty's do with with people she met and posted them on facebook so this is not kind of a typical this is no comparison to what the allegations were against for example at a chapman or others where there was actual whether they were true or not their actual allegations about the use of sophisticated equipment and payoffs and spy ring and things like that there's none of that here with some point maybe try to get her released pretrial again we're just looking through documents trying to find the proper evidence to do that i think we may be able to do that hopefully the next couple of weeks. as the u.s. took a economic off goes from balance to what with both sign flapping harsh tariffs on each other president other one now won't is ready to challenge washington these
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days you know some believe they can threaten us with the economy sanctions exchange rates interest rates inflation is what we tell them we've uncovered your schemes and challenge you. rose off to ankara detained an american past a full and ledge to terror link washington then put new tariffs on turkish metals sending the nearest to record lows against the dollar and career in return hiked to great song can merican products including cars and alcohol the u.s. now insists that sanctions will stay even if the pasta is released. porton this this one american to put global financial stability at risk. put u.s. base presence in turkey at risk put a nato ally lines with a nato partner at risk for one american who's being put through the turkish just so
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you're saying this is our fault turkey is the financial situation has been in the works for quite some time and it dates prior to the imposition of sanctions on august i believe was august the first so this has been in train for quite some time and even up when the u.s. government for that all stepping in on turkey's side is cattle which will pump fifteen billion dollars into the country's economy auntie's don't quarter looked at how the decades old alliance between the u.s. and turkey has come to this. country was built the entire entire roof so no leading us to great trade deals as opposed to the horrible food trade deals the drawing heritage as your president of the country should not be allowed to come in and steal the wealth of all great you and me. what countries could he mean our stealing could be turkey the country's lira shed a quarter of its value against the dollar in just one week after trump's tweet
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about doubling existing tariffs investors are running away screaming inflation surging and turkey's leadership is bracing for an all out trade war the reason for such a calamity against an old nato friend was ankara's refusal to release an american pastor accused of both terrorism and espionage it's punishment time for a rebellious ally that tariffs that are in place on steel would not be removed with the release of castor brunson and president heard a wand lashed out in defiance calling the u.s. move an attempt to force turkey to surrender and make them a slave to the greenback this is coming through of doing things. to come more. and they want to use this. but turkey is just one example of how the trumpet ministration treats longtime allies
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in fact many of america's friends have already been forced into the fray in a war of tariffs and sanctions canada had heavy steel and aluminum tariffs imposed earlier this year and trump perhaps thought the stars and stripes needed some protection from its northern neighbor who didn't take too kindly to it that it's kind of insult to move forward with retaliatory measures on july first applying equivalent tariffs as if that wasn't bad enough the us president went and slapped tariffs on europe today i'm defending america's national security. by placing tariffs on foreign imports of steel and aluminum brussels tried to hit back with restrictions of its own tried to appeal to the transatlantic solidarity special relations bonds of friendship but to no avail and it begs the question with such a long list of enemies the us is currently fighting from iran to north korea russia
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china why kick your allies i think this has become a real tit for tat thing and i do not for a new york minute think that the pastor is really what is going on here now of course our washington strives with that robot strain for some time ever since the coup attempt against terror go on i suspect there's something good going on with the regional politics maybe with regard to syria that is really the reason behind its competitors like beijing and moscow attempting to pack as much heat as the us these days sanctioning and scaring everyone in view may be the only way for the us to impose its will on friend and foe alike donald quarter r.t. some tux have chosen an unusual way to show their protest against washington's so-called economic warfare launching a particular flock small. no no no no no
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money. with the syrian army re-establishing control across the country as it's underway to rebuild the shot at nation and the latest in a series of reports on offer travels to the city of aleppo to see how locals are slowly picking up the pieces. much of the city of aleppo is still seen ruins reviving it to its former glory is a task of gargantuan proportions and of immense political and economic importance the citadel of aleppo has become the symbol of the city's resistance.
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but aleppo is much more than just a maze of antique streets and attractions from history books. the militants have stolen computer units with chips for the machines they destroyed the factory and purpose they want to damage syrian industry as a whole and specifically industry in aleppo reviving this sex out. of. one river to go over this area they can feed and basically very functional hunker. down. but now that the former
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industrial hub is slowly getting back on track things are finally looking up for the people of aleppo. two years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we cover the roof of the building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around smoking just like they. good old day the under joe a little the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day lanham outlet and i was lucky enough not to leave my home the wind this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly lifted now saying god things about or despite all the things we've been through we're no better than one of them when you know it's
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safe you can return home if your house lies in ruins you can still fix it the main thing is it's safe now. just a couple of years ago these current used to protect people in the street from polling shows and debris well now they're sheltering them from the sun historically the city of aleppo has been the economic capital of syria and now with the world gone finally some traders are coming back to its streets. because dawn of reporting from aleppo in syria. this week a major motorway bridge collapsed in the northern italian city of genoa killing at least forty three people the fate ality has included three children well over a dozen people were injured in response the country's prime minister has declared a twelve month state of emergency in the area.
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different outcome of little. effectiveness of the. electorate a lot of the. oval office view must have developed into when i. was almost a little more about political editor she took a sheet of us from the oval to mop up a little bit of wood it was it. was it a lot of you know give me. some of those but they're going to invite it to me going to grow. as an investigation into the tragedy
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continues the company which manages the bridge has set up a fund to help the victims and it's pledged to rebuild the crossing it will use phones amounting to around five hundred million euros earlier the company's management's apologized to the people of genoa and all those who suffered plenty more to come after this very short break do stay with us.
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what politicians do something good to. put themselves on the lawn. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure more some want to trust. you to do right to be closer to see what the forecast three of them or can't be good for the. interest of all those in the waters in the. first six. welcome back a young girl from the u.s. state of maryland who was reportedly reprimanded for kneeling joining the pledge of
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allegiance has won the support of hillary clinton the former presidential candidate tweeted that it takes courage to express disagreement with injustice eleven year olds marianna taylor hopes more people will join her it's important to stand up. to us where they can agree entirely with what it is that you want but it will just leave. marianna said she was inspired by an american football quarterback who now out during the national anthem before a game in twenty sixteen he said it was against racial inequality and police brutality his son protests soon spread among athletes and that provokes a fiery political debate which reached all the way to the white house but you love to see one of these are from. when somebody disrespects our flow to say get that son of a of the field right now our story that was not against our anthem or our flag
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that was actually leland is a reference position while responding to the girl's move the american civil rights union urged all maryland schools to guarantee students the freedom of speech without punishment meanwhile the girl's school has issued a statement saying it's not aware of any students being disciplined for such behavior. while we put the issue up for debate with their former missouri republican john loudon and richard goodstein the former adviser to the hillary clinton presidential campaign. football is about football schools about school and if you have a protest protest in a constructive way this girl can write letters to the editor she can arrange a little march put protesting in your classroom to irritate your classmate mates and virtue signal and that's what she's being taught mom's teaching her mom is so
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proud you're taking to the streets is that bothersome to people is that annoying to people when you get when you get arrested disproportionately when you get shot disproportionately when you get put in jail just proportionally that's not just annoying that's totally ruining your life so the fact you're taking to the streets is not merely disruptive you're trying to make a point in less you have a goal and something that you actually have a path to accomplish then you're just disrupting you're just being an antagonist to your fellow athletes or the fans or in this case to her classmates what does she want what's going to make her stand peace on earth and you know will we ever get to the point where there's no discrimination no there are bigoted people let's stipulate that there are people who are bigoted they will be bigoted forever donald trump is giving them a voice but the fact of the matter is it's not to say it's wrong for them to basically stand up for what they believe in that's what this little girl was doing that's all the democratic party the united states gets her power on dividing people
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and separating us versus them there's class warfare gender warfare they want to show that everybody's got a reason for injustice and they need to vote democrat to war in order to fix it and that's all this is it's just it's pure politics and hillary hillary clinton got millions more votes than donald trump did and her campaign theme was being together not dividing people she wasn't mocking handicapped people she wasn't telling punch him in the jaw and i'll pay your legal bills that's not what her theme was thirteen was about bringing people together. afghanistan has been hit by a string of attack. acts this week has taliban forces launched an offensive against government soldiers hundreds of people including civilians were killed.
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i saw my friend dying he was among thirteen people including children and women who were killed during an airstrike last night there's no attention from the government you know facilities for the residents are going the dead bodies are still on the road signs but i've also been injured. the city of gas me where the offensive by taliban forces started has long been considered a strategic area that's due to his proximity to the capital kabul fighting that escalated on friday when the taliban attempted to storm down psni and take control it looks at how almost two decades of the american led war in afghanistan seems to have somehow led to a resurgence in violence. this is what's happening just a little more than
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a hundred kilometers from the capital kabul there's barely a camera in gaza any available to film this dreadful battle locals say there are stronger descriptions than simply the tele ban is back in action and if it wasn't for u.s. airstrikes the afghan army could have been in far worse trouble so it makes you wonder do american diplomats and their military keep in touch there's nothing that precludes us from an gauging with the taliban we're doing everything we can to ensure that our actions help the taliban and the afghan government does the same table. everything they can only a few weeks ago the state department said talking with the taliban was a good idea and regardless of how hostile their actions the extremists say they're forward to this is what we wanted and were waiting for to sit with the us directly and discuss the withdrawal of foreign troops from afghanistan the rumor is there's
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already been some direct contact at least we know for sure alice wells went to qatar last month where the taliban's got a political office i'm confused the armed group has all but regained its might which not so long ago are in them a reputation of outright islamist barbarians in america and pretty much all over the world we acted and the taliban no longer is in power in afghanistan which is not only good for the security of the free world it is incredibly good for the people who suffered in afghanistan on the barbaric rule time flies us administrations come and go fair enough but the things the people in charge say about insurgents today could be totally different tomorrow taliban this taliban that the taliban are fighting isis and we encourage that because isis needs to be destroyed. oh so they're good for something at least if it's about knocking out
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islamic state yet just a few months earlier general nicholson said the taliban's fight against diana was a piece of russian propaganda we see oh and they're rid of this being used that grossly exaggerates the number of isis fighters here this narrative then is used as a justification for the russians to legitimize the actions of the taliban and provide some degree of support complicated hol of ghana's stan business as usual and the american strategy for afghanistan see above the american strategy a strategy from the beginning of the so-called war on terror which was launched off to the september eleventh attacks as chose or so as this war has turned out to be an auto failure. you know i was we all know taliban was in a stronger position than it ever was in two thousand and one. so and so i think it's proof that the u.s.
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has been pursuing a wrong strategy in defeating terrorism on the contrary i think that the u.s. involvement up until now when the focus on military force in the region has that to the growth of terrorism the taliban is not just pulling out a gun it's firing it it could be time for the pentagon and the state department to hunt for ideas together and to be more precise thanks for joining us with the weekly will be back at the top of the hour.
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america was never great was founded on the rape in a murder. nothing changed so we said all response to these situations that we're dealing with. people get shot every day she has to stab people kill each other blood for killing children. so it was just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down law enforcement. this country doesn't work for us it doesn't function for us. this this can't be happening in america we call from the streets we've got to deal with why this is the reason i have to ride like this is the reason. became this national camera. roughly once they showed some movie for them.
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to join cool videos and someone with a broken string i am. going down more on string i don't roughly don't t.v. . off. and welcome to worlds apart we mean we've been the global village but every corner of this village is guarded by different tolls on what one may or may not say public one man's truthteller has long become another man's bigot while public debate often comes down to. hurling insults rather than discussing policy is it still possible
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to have a substantive conversation of those who disagree with me of to discuss that i'm now joined by katie hopkins a british journalist and media personality katie good to talk to you thank you very much for your time thank you for seeing me now you're a pretty controversial person in your own country and many people consider you purposefully offensive and yet over the past few days that you've been here in russia in st petersburg you've only said nice things that have this interview honestly is not very used to hearing nice things about itself being purposefully spiteful i saying all those things as a contrarian. people have been surprised by my reports. because i love this place i love the openness of it and it's been a real surprise to me we are i think in the west in my personal view you know putin is painted as a. this is very much the way of people almost actually of coming to
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russia because this is somehow a frightening place and all i've been trying to present to people and show people i think is is that there's only ever what i see all my truths and my truth from this place is that i love it i feel very safe here much safer than in london for example and i also find people here to be really russian first they identify as russian to me and that's a real different from the country that i quote from let me pick up on that point because you had want specifically about seemed to rile a lot of people you describe the city as a place untouched by the myth of multiculturalism and deranged diversity and i'm sure you. seen all those dozens of replies of people pointing out to you the. most multicultural city in. the world that of course one hundred sixty nationality built by the french in the buildings of the dutch name of one i mean we also have
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a very vibrant muslim community who petitioned this hour for a small cost. yet no i heard it all i see that i get what people are saying i get them but when you come to some petersburg as an outsider and i'm an outsider it steals russian people if you speak to people in the street or with help but i speak to people in the street they identify as russian first you go to the u.k. you won't find any of that russian meaning then after the. affiliation or it may mean a national affiliation so most of the different nationalities who will love to have in this city would also identify as russian i wonder if you given that so much maybe multiculturalism is not such a bad thing after all no because i don't buy your definition of multiculturalism at all and just because you have one most with five thousand people able to fit into it that does not in any way replicate the europe that are you know i've just come from.


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