tv Documentary RT August 20, 2018 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberal so it's not identity politics hurting the party it's walkaway founder's appearance on r t fueling a russian plot but if that's the case then there must be more russian influencers in america's midst because fox news had him on for a similar interview discussing the very same walk away movement and with the attention mainstream newspapers have given his campaign they may be doing an even better job at spreading his message but the buck doesn't stop there. the article says moscow is ready to give its money to russian friendly americans russian businessmen will likely attempt to fund think tanks working on u.s. russia relations to push a narrative favoring cooperation with russia and opposition to sanctions
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cooperation with russia oh the horror regardless the article doesn't actually provide any evidence as to who or when some russian businessmen will begin giving away free money but it's ok for western businessmen and nato to throw money at anti russian think tanks the articles author evelyn farkas is a senior fellow at one called the atlantic council and it's received millions of dollars from a long list of corporations and governments internationally who are apparently also very concerned about potential russian election hacking. while there is no way that it is that russia has done so to date at a minimum it will likely use its ability to access voter registration databases and election related sites to undermine america's confidence in its own electoral integrity so no evidence the kremlin has done it as the article says but the atlantic is calling on all patriotic americans to protect democracy and the tune of
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its song continues to sound oh too familiar we know that russia today is regarded as a grave threat to our nation to our freedom the peace of the world you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in defense production why your family is paying the highest taxes in our history it's a part of hysteria just suspect anybody has to do with russia anybody disappearance anybody that works for. anything like that must be russian agent you must be a russian but if you don't want to go into. elections and the fact of the matter is that the american elections. much like other countries in the world and the american people are sick that's why it's not because of the russians it's not because of you know donald trump or because of me it's because of all these. people are sick of it and they see through it and we're seeing the rise as it relates to
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russia. in iraq mosul's one time economic center the old city part of it is mostly being turned into rubble by worn islamic state rule now the battle is over residents slowly returning to their homes but there are still hugely painful memories that haunt those who survived the horrors of war. this is the house the home we used to live in and i lost a child the d'orsay seventeen years old during the time of eisel occupation we lived in dread and fear now will miss free to move no children were allowed to step outside the house they were frightened.
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only entering the operations to liberate the city we were under heavy shelling so my daughter would not go out without her youngest sister for two days they would go out and come back together a monday the seventeenth of april twenty seventh jane the younger sister told the other one to go alone and she couldn't come with her when she left she was hit by mortar shell. on it in a. high priced air and found a covered in smoke and gunpowder from the explosion my relatives took her to the hospital but the nearest one turned out to be a hospital and the ice will control. told my relatives either take her back to die or they could only shoot it and her life she stayed there without any treatment until she died the relatives brought her
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back from the hospital washed her body and took her to have final resting place at the local mosque. coming up what future greece now it's funny coming out of its bailout program but the millstone very much remain for a long time to come yet just one of the stories ahead. place. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten dollars timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per circuit first second and decline rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building
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two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business show you can afford to miss the one and only. i think he has snatched your camera. roughly once they showed some leave for them. uncool videos and so on with the roughly string apps. down more on string i don't rightly don't t.v. . morning from moscow it said twenty minutes past eight he and next a muslim couple is saying that up like a sheaf a swiss citizen ship rejected after they refused to shake hands with members of the opposite sex
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a commission including the said he. also found the press struggling to answer questions asked by members of the other agenda. they did not shake hands with people of the opposite sex religious practice does not fall outside the law the constitution in equality between men and women prevails over bigotry the commission stressed that the couple showed a lack of respect toward swiss legislation on gender equality and failed to prove their readiness to integrate into society or the pair however has the right to appeal the verdict within thirty days time now a similar case took place over in sweden back in twenty sixteen where a company ended an interview after a muslim woman refused to shake a man's hand over twenty four year old fire. one thousands of dollars in compensation when sweden's labor court ruled the company's decision amounted to discrimination then. you see if you're an employer in sweden like the guy who wanted to recruit a young interpreter and at interview disco refuses to shake hands she has
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difficulties to talk to him because he's a man because of our culture that doesn't work this guy doesn't fire her does not hire her and because of that isa blanche to pay four thousand euro to that girl wonder suites here that they say no on off out here they have the lady in sweden smiled and made this guess church would have to know that even muslims should also add to their habits to the customs of the country they're living under shaking hands a suggestion of respect to do with it but if someone is not shaking the hand but on the other side showing me that he's respecting me he's smiling in my face peace is making a show of like it's like this with everyone so all we also take the tension of this discussion away and try to find a way how we could deal respectfully with each other except in each other talking
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to each other and maybe trying to change some of these things in positive liminal well it should stop talking about respect when they come to europe they have respect they have had respect for all the time but they should stop trying to influence society to attain what their bigotry insists is absolutely necessary you should adapt muslims should adapt they have adapted for decades this form of islam is not welcome in europe that's the perception of citizens and it's not only populist i think it's something like seventy or eighty percent of the population who believes that there are some values these values that are space that have the freedom of speech the freedom of for changing their faith the freedom to talk to have my own decision how i live but also the freedom of being. even the freedom of faith so these are values that are in europe we should be proud of it and we should
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fight to keep them and not accepting anybody who is going to make any injuries or values and our democracy this issue with this young woman refusing to shake hands with a man this is so very much happening everywhere and it's not emotional the way europeans speak act this cannot continue like that either they adapt except the way we live and live with us and shake hands like everybody else or else they can go back to their country and the problem is look at saying do on back to their countries and he can't just imagine that them's are your opinions and they're living here maybe in the third or fourth generation so stop to talk to us live this way go back to the countries all accomplices ask properties we didn't all come to could be belgium a could be great britain. on monday greece finally exits the financial bailout program it's been in for seventy years which sustained it through most of
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the decade long debt crisis over the course of the bailout put together by the e.u. an international monetary fund research saved over three hundred billion euros but the crisis has affected the country's economy dramatically now leading over four hundred thousand people leave the country pensions have been drastically cut and taxes raised athens is expected to be repaying the bailout loans until twenty sixty the crisis has provoked serious tensions between greece and the e.u. it reached its peak back in twenty fifteen when brussels demanded austerity measures to deal with the debt most greeks voted against those measures in a referendum yet the government was pressured by the e.u. into implementing them as results the e.u. approved a key eighty six billion euro tranche of aid the bailouts triggered numerous protests in greece the is. was. was. was. was i was i.
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was. was an alternative wouldn't be. drastic reduction of the debt to make it sustainable in two thousand and ten it wouldn't require a lot of restructuring in order to make the deck sustainable debt but at that time neither europe nor the united states or the world economy was ready to deal with their debts effectively and that's why people view laura's date with some relief in the sense that they would not be under the same stranglehold as they were in the past eight years on the other hand greece will still have to continue with this and are staring at your regime which is going to make life difficult for the
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majority. which is young dissipate more news that came through from the anchor this morning still coming through the developing story may be local media there in turkey reporting on numb gunman fired several shots of the u.s. embassy in the capital just looking at the sport news agency they're saying that it seemed as local media reports the gunman was targeting a security guard cabin at the u.s. embassy there the suspect driving a car at the time police are looking for that suspect and they believe a white car no injuries reported at the moment since we get any more now of course only further detail we'll let you know as well off it all comes a place full of stories twenty four seven i'm kevin zero in this monday morning in moscow so thanks for watching it twenty seven minutes past eight.
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you know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. now finally into the now so that they can get a little now hons a little donkey the point about. lining if you knew would it be that easy to find a friend that i had and in me. you trust yes said thank you very much this is the one that is. good i thought it might have been
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left a little bit limited but not that i don't look at it i accept that i don't like it going to go bad like a little late but i'm not about to get it but it. does it says one day a slave. to hear some borders of. the sea. you think will go to the be. the difficulty implicit in the summing up of the basics. in the.
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