tv News RT August 20, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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still unsolved and that was there's a point where i mean i say it in the book earmarked for weird sometimes and i look at that like the ultimate test and he was stolen and that was a really it was a seminal moment in my life and also it's just it was really dark obviously you know and that was a dark that was a dark dark time and where things kind of went black for a while but like anything you survive it because there's no choice and not everyone does result stop you that more from reza go and after the break.
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when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be eliminated penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying there's just
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no way that doesn't mean that we're even many of the families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victim's families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this and this isn't the way. to yourself but that. is just go oh. there's just no. clue. that was.
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welcome back i'm still here with actor director and activist rose mcgowan another theme throughout the book is the need for conformity not just you know ideas but with the way one actually looks the surface just told me a bit about that hair color i had links particularly well something i found really interesting and that had to do with you know by a female agent in hollywood talent agent directly telling me that i had to have long hair otherwise the men in hollywood wouldn't want to she said it nastier terms but sleep with me and if they didn't want to sleep with me they wouldn't hire me and the thing is i knew she was right nothing to do with the script writers nothing to do with the plot claims nothing by it is again that conformity and i think we've all seen that that hairdo was just three to blow dry that with the three twirls on
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the and it's like kind of classic hollywood hair and i do wonder when that look will stop it is i kind of took matters into my own hands. if you ask. and kind of. i i i do i talk about it in the book i just i broke up with the world in a way the idea of the preconceived notion of what you're supposed to look like as a woman and i was she would look good or to call me this film director really. funnily enough. and you still believe that this is continuing today actors in hollywood if they're female have to conform to that there is very little leeway specially for anyone starting out well that's the whole thing there's a lot of leeway there's so much leeway but they don't know that they're trained out of thinking there's any leeway this is how it's been done is how it's always been done this is how we should do it and i just think it's not even
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a good system they're not even great businessman they could be making so much more money it's not even if you can ten you to take what's special about people and massage it away until they're just an atomic time until they no longer know who they are what they are then what are you selling you're selling what you think someone should be and that person behind the scenes might not be somebody you want in your head. so it's not even capitalism or it's the fact they themselves are in the cold but internationally billions of people are influenced but that's the thing and people say you know do you hate hollywood. i hate that it goes out to the world i hate that that thought doesn't stay local you know and there's there's obviously been seminal amazing films and cinema and all these things and it has done some good but i think overall i think on the balance. so a lot of harm and obviously in the in the newspapers across the media we know about
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certain studio directors you just mentioned an agent but what is exactly the rule of a hollywood publicist people way to know burt lancaster in the sweet smell of success what did they do an influence the billions of people in what they then may want to emulate aspire to and see in people what's usually somebody a publicist is meant to get you press or media or work usually with other higher ups to sell you to make you palatable and a lot of these people have just seen movies where they see publicists in the movies acting a certain way so they come and they act that way because they think that's how they're supposed to be so it's just kind of like this on and on like people in hollywood have seen movies about people in hollywood so they continue to behave that way even though there's no reason to not just be a person there's no reason to not be free but the threat is you'll be dropped if you don't take their orders it's not
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a threat they do it they they do it you don't want to get any reputation it's worse than you know high school girls sleeping with the boys it's like you don't want to reputation whatever you don't want a reputation so you do everything you can to not step out of line and and that eventually just again it strips what's special about you away i mean friends some journalists who try to interview some straws big surprise the publicists are in there pretty quickly to stop certain questions particularly ones of politics i should say or issues of war and peace. i don't know israel gaza are you going to say that while i did interviews are so boring. that tell you that that control they don't want even stars don't have an opinion do not have an opinion no matter what you know do not have an opinion and i why not we're sorry but you get people on twitter that will say shut up and act. or shut up and sing shut up and dance and i
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would say no we are people too and i think the more that people in front of the camera really understand that they have a voice also and people often get quite jealous of those i have a platform without realizing they were very hard for that platform i worked very hard to hang on to be sitting here today i work very hard why. some actors might have no thoughts on the matter some might have thoughts. they're very infantilized and you get used to being coddled and told what to do where to sit how to look what to be. i don't cotton to that kind of. direction. it's clearly. how big this will have to be before it gets the freedom natalie portman recently said she was supporting gaza robert redford has always been a big name and always talked about the military industrial complex warren beatty
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you have to be really concerned you have read that big to really have any kind of freedom or even they have strictures a place i think. well i mean i'm sure that the men get a lot more leeway susan sarandon i think by hollywood standards was kind of branded you know kind of kooky that's what they like to do if you have a personality or you have a specific point of view you're a kook or you're kind of unhinged. when it's ok to just be a person and have have a point of view it doesn't have to be anybody else's but it can be yours. and i think if you're young and you're up and coming and you're making noise about gaza all of people above you will get very nervous because then you're going to get put in celebrity timeouts. so it was not only for you on the corner at lincoln so absurd as the magazine's liberty now i mean i mean you get you're like a little kid you get your face in the corner until you get better it's the
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proverbial time out it's quite asinine so you the truth so fans of for two people you mention in the book if we if we get away from the level of things maybe disappointed to know that robert rodriguez is going to terra to you know seen as independent filmmakers not that much different really do the corporate feel because . they are there are men with power. and in fact. i would think the corporate ones might have more oversight but. their oversight committee was harvey weinstein. do you would you go as there was the powerful will say well justice was eventually people often have to just wait quietly. no they had a hand and. quantum even so they all know. you know he knew about me he said
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in an interview. you know they say the complicity machine is huge there. there's talk about an industrial complex is one of complexity. and it's one of continually protecting people that aren't even that great in the first place so they're not. just clean out the crap so great things can come to cut off the head of the rot and let other things flora she because we know it's all there we've all worked in those places where it would be so great if it weren't for that one person get rid of that one person. the attitude comes from the top down and the attitude of permissiveness imagine if your boss is a known rapist where you get to get away with. pretty much everything right it is something of the malcolm x. in this targeting of the talk because obviously you talk about hollywood functioning as propaganda the billions of people going to the movies when you were
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promoting them on that level people arguably feel that they can't do as much but it is at the top that things have to change yes it is at the top. fundamentally biting ankles of power does not work so i wanted to show people that you could go for that but of course some people saying that they're there quite a few people still still there other definitely are for legal reasons regardless should any any people i mean how would you say you have the law serves them as well in terms of media being able to cover stories like this well i mean if you look at harvey weinstein gets turned himself in on a friday afternoon to be arrested on a long weekend that means his story won't be running all week in the news and already be old news by the time the next week rolls around after the bank holiday you know that's all orchestrated that's all orchestrated in the media by not covering it in the weeks following necessarily falls into that we've got
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a great save the police acted like i said your promotional system of staggering events in his case he has people high up. on his side which is a sad side to be on and you see it is symptomatic of this problem again to the people you seem to preempt the criticism in the book towards the end saying people will think i should i all he would rather than all he would it was me for what element of it is done to me well you know i think i get to say to you know i don't know hollywood anything. know why i don't see many people that do you know people like me the ones that are marketed as sex symbols they don't and i talk about this in the book they don't generally get out of their life or they're kind of driven crazy and live off in the desert somewhere and they don't come out the other side it's very hard to come out the other side. an interviewer asked me if i was person
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a non grata in hollywood and i said no their persona non-grata was me i guess i just say too. i count and in terms of trying to change things you talk about emailing tweeting social media because she will boycotting isn't there well timidly it has to do with mass action and i suppose that in the me too was a big degree of mass action whether it be through writing or trade unions there were the decline in the united states is that the way forward because presumably even you think this is just one success you haven't been totally successful well i think it has changed a lot i've heard of that they're receiving a scene right now on something i know about a project i've heard of where it was too sexualized a rape so they're taking it out entirely people are they are starting to see things with different lenses it's whether they fully understand it or not. who knows but they understand that it's bad and that's a start you know i was sent a script
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a while ago and every single time a female character appeared she had a laundry basket for no apparent reason and she never did the laundry she just liked her laundry basket. is that kind of stuff i want people to start seeing these movies and and the television and picking apart what they're telling you pick apart like what message are you sending me with this female character with this male character with a toxic masculinity this is not just about how women are represented it's men and of course of his men running something they're going to be defined as the men but in a way that i think puts a trap on a lot of men and also i feel like little boys you see it so young with them when they get to know your so brave you don't cry my heart breaks for them cry it hurt you'll be done in a minute it's cool you're ok but people are so quick to stick you in the box aren't they at that kills me people think they do i do everything for women.
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i think i'm more of a humanist now i want us to get out of these rigid structures because they're killing us i mean if you look at the state of the world i think arguably could say it's having some troubles toxic masculinity can only bring you so far and then it will cave in on itself but i think it i hope it caves into freedom for everybody because i want everybody to be out of these rigid structures are in because they're just not necessary you know i've been lucky enough in a lot of ways to live a fairly free life even while in different cults at least the life of the mind and i got mine back close i kept i kept older i got that but i didn't break and i see that so many men i see them kind of. not knowing or being taught how to process things or or just and there's so much you know violence towards women and it stems from it stems from this idea of ownership for
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one thing of women and the other part i think is not being able to process emotion i mean there are people that are social class and sick there's just that but what about the others you know i mean and and that's where like i know it sounds really weird but my heart almost breaks par for the man. as we're going to. let's hear it for what are your favorite shows from this season look at your favorite search engine way back for season one wins if there's a template to lead up to the last actually. now finally in a moment also to take i'm going to now has
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a little hands on donkey the point about. running again you wouldn't be that easy to find ten that out in me. plus is that going to be plus to people. but i've done my job on my little bit too much of one of our little bit that we are shut out of money coming over as much of the way but some are not together but it. is this monday slightly lists some mornings of. things. to see. if anybody will fold up.
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join me every thursday on the i like simon chill and i'll be speaking to a guest in the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. egypt simply said he was talking up a bit better. than the. nazi will he would be useful if. he were talking to the us. i know i'm not going to. be easy charlie. and that a lot of what i'm about tom honest good but i'm going to look at him as art when i was up the money into the magazine you need. to give me money i left my money. decides to leave the. there we go
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so this is a long commitment a long way from much of you made. other people more gullible musical fulfillment. out. of that little bit of that yeah i. feel. breaking news all the artsy the russian foreign minister accuses united nations chief self secretly blocking the ball the only agencies from helping rip her syria's economy. and a young girl who escaped her in slave men from a rock claim she then came face to face with her captor in germany where she'd fled for safety coming up this hour we speak to. my boss called the police i told them
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i'd never imagined possible for her to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. a pentagon analyst is stripped of his security clearance he say's it was for questioning payments to an f. informant spied on the from election now. just after two pm monday afternoon here in moscow august the twentieth welcome to our international and we will get to those headlines stories in just a moment but i want to begin with some more breaking news coming into us from barcelona where police have shot dead a man who tried to attack officers with a knife at a polling station the incident is being treated as terrorism it happened in
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a police station in the west of the city earlier on monday no other injuries have been reported on local media say that the man was a twenty nine year old in origin who shouted gold is great and are a big he launched his attack we are we're getting more information on this is the day progresses we will of course bring any and all new info to you the story coming out of barcelona. the other big story of the day the u.n. is being accused of secretly blocking its own agencies from the reconstruction of syria's economy the claim comes from russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. because it was true it's turned out that the political department is the u.n. secretary and produced and distributed to secret going on within the whole u.n.
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system in october last year it restricted the organizations within that system to take part in any projects on the reconstruction of the syrian economy are only humanitarian aid nothing else. breaking down the significance of that statement is ilia patrik who joins me on the program know it what else indeed did the russian foreign minister have to say union high wall first of all we don't really hear this kind of criticism from sergei lavrov that often specifically when he's lashing out at the u.n. the russian foreign minister besides this house called attempts by certain countries to manipulate the united nations absolutely unacceptable actually the russian foreign ministry wants to get in touch with the secretary general and they have already sent him for merrill complaint about this alleged ban on the secretary
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to take part in the restoration program of syria sergey lavrov also went on to criticize the united states for their reluctance to help with the building of the infrastructure in the war torn country which according to moscow indeed hampers the return of refugees back to syria now this country of course with the jihad is losing almost all their territories in the country is a vital process it is happening right now it is in full swing and one of our correspondents witnessed the process on the ground. two years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we cover the roof of the building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in
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here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around smoking just like the good old days the undertow a little the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day. i was lucky enough not to leave my home the kind this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly lifted now saying god things about or despite all the things we've been through we're no better well you know and i guess it is no surprise that moscow as a party that took part in the reconsolidation efforts in syria is expecting more action from the u.n. and this criticism will be trying to hear from the u.n. what they have to say about these words. yes thanks for giving us some background to that statement or to go. to moving on to other global news
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this hour a girl from iraq's yes city religious minority still lives in fear for her life years after escaping from her islamic state captor after fleeing to germany she claims she then ran into him face to face we spoke to who told us more about her right. can have more we were saudi seven girls captured by fighters in taken to syria the worst time in my life was the moment when i still separated me from my family they took us away from our mothers fathers brothers they even abducted eight year old girls they tortured us raped tests told us into slavery who were looking for gasland anything sharp knife scissors when we couldn't find anything to cure selves with we were trying to escape but they handcuffed our hands and lax covered our heads and raped us they turned us into human shields when they went anywhere they took us with them so that the strikes didn't kill them but
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a large number of us city women have been enslaved by isilon sexually abused with many still in captivity. has them in the medical profession and i've got a. chill on mine that i say. without an invaluable push but i know best summed up in that though that he wanted it at heart that mouthwash. you know now is not. the love out of my lower level in the alpha would not have found our.
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last walk is no nineteen when she was captured by eisel four years ago she was so old as a sex slave to one of their fighters after being a piece for three months she managed to escape and flee to germany but once there she claims she was again part of five by two separate encounters with the same. enslaved her. germany was willing to take in one thousand women who had excused for myself i went there to forget what i'd been through i saw a boo as i was going home after school i couldn't believe my torturer could have found out where i lived the next time i saw us two years later a car pulled up beside me he asked me if i was a should walk and i said i didn't know he were schrock how is it possible that my rapist is living here and has the same rights as me my boss called the police and told them what he looked like and they scratched his face and it looked the same i told them there had been no other witnesses i told them i'd never imagined possible
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for an hour to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. while german prosecutors claim the information provided by a schweik isn't enough to identify them in the meantime she's gone back home to iraq saying i told my dad that the person who raped me it was in germany that i didn't want to leave there no matter what my dignity is more important than being in germany i put my life in danger to escape from myself to retain my dignity and he wanted me to stay in germany you know in the one who was responsible for my misery is free in that country all i wanted was to be somewhere safe but after meeting him i was afraid the whole time that he heard me again so i couldn't stay there anymore. well we contacted several german government agencies and the police on friday to ask what actions they've taken if any we have to hear about it but when we do we'll let you know what they say. there is yet another claim that russia is our to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections in the
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u.s. this time it's american magazine the globe tic which is pointing the finger it's article mentions this channel as one of the methods used to swing vote reporting double quarter. the russians are probably at it again according to an article in the atlantic magazine and probably is good enough especially when the unity of the stars and stripes is apparently under threat by big bad russia the russian government has one overriding objective with regard to the united states to weaken america so that it loses its will and ability to counter russian objectives and to accomplish this goal the article says russia has a devious multi-pronged plan. first is allegedly helping people who undermine the democratic party and inviting them as guests on r t the walkaway campaign reportedly an organic cum pain of lifelong democrats leading the party has been amplified by russian social media accounts and featured on the russian
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propaganda outlet r t walkaway founder brandon stracke did give an interview for r t in which he expressed his disillusion with the democratic party's identity politics and why his movements getting popularity among americans i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberal so it's not identity politics hurting the party it's walkaway founder's appearance on our t.v. fuelling a russian plot if that's the case then there must be more russian influencers in america's midst because fox news had him on for a similar interview discussing the very same walkaway movement and with the attention mainstream newspapers have given his campaign they may be doing an even better job at spreading his message but the buck doesn't stop there. the
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article says moscow is ready to give its money to russian friendly americans russian businessmen will likely attempt to fund think tanks working on u.s. russia relations to push a narrative favoring cooperation with. russia and opposition to sanctions cooperation with russia oh the horror regardless the article doesn't actually provide any evidence as to who or when some russian businessman will begin giving away free money but it's ok for western businessmen and nato to throw money at anti russian think tanks the articles author evelyn farkas is a senior fellow at one called the atlantic council and it's received millions of dollars from a long list of corporations and governments internationally who are apparently also very concerned about potential russian election hacking. while there is no way that it is that russia has done so to date at minimum it will
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likely use its ability to access voter registration databases and election related sites to undermine america's confidence in its own electoral integrity so no evidence the kremlin has done it as the article says but the atlantic is calling on all patriotic americans to protect democracy and the tune of its song continues to sound oh too familiar we know that russia today is regarded as a grave threat to our nation to our freedom the peace of the world you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in defense production why your family is saying the highest taxes in our history. however some more outlandish attempts to showcase alleged russian influence of come out a cost a democratic staffer is in hot water for helping to smuggle a controversial piece of art into to the colorado state capitol building.
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sixty minutes into the program welcome back a muslim couple's been refused swiss citizen ship all because of a home check they did not shake hands with people of the opposite sex religious practice does not fall outside the law the constitution and equality between men and women prevailed over bigotry well the couple were said to have showed a lack of respect towards gender equality laws fail to prove they're reading this to integrate into society however they have thirty days left to appeal the decisions where back in twenty sixteen a similar case took place in sweden that was when a twenty four year old muslim woman refused to shake a male interviewers when she had gone for a job their meeting was abruptly terminated however far one thought is since in compensation when sweden's labor court ruled that it amounted to discrimination the
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incident has split social media i've warned about this for years they immigrate into our countries and refuse to integrate and then use our laws against us to impose their religious lose they shouldn't come to a country and expect everything there to change according to what they want or don't want to do if you come to a country you should respect their culture it isn't racist it's common sense. this isn't a law this is just a customary procedure she's not obliged to follow a custom that's against her and we just believe you don't have an argument good you can't force anyone to touch someone if they don't want to she wasn't rude the employer was rude earlier we got reaction both for and against the swedish case. you see if you're an employer in sweden like the guy who wanted to recruit a young interpreter and at interview this girl refuses to shake hands she has
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difficulties to talk to him because he's a man because of our culture that doesn't work this guy doesn't fire her he does not hire her and because of that piece of blanche to pay four thousand euro to that girl one the swedes here that they say normal thought here they had the lady in sweden smiled and made this guess chart you have to know that even muslims should also add to their habits to the customs of the country they're living under shaking hands a suggestion of respect place for you with but if someone is not shaking your hand but on the other side showing me that he's respecting me he's smiling in my face peace he's making a show of like me it's not like this will ever what always also take the tension of this discussion away and try to find a way how we could deal respectfully with each other except in each other talking ph other and maybe trying to change some of these things in positively manner well
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it should stop talking about respect when they come to europe they have respect they have had respect for all the time but they should stop trying to influence society to attain what their bigotry insists is absolutely necessary you should adapt muslims should adapt they have adapted for decades this form of islam is not welcome in europe that's the perception of citizens and it's not only populist i think it's something like seventy or eighty percent of the population who believes that you know there are some values these values of the respect they have that the freedom of speech the freedom of for changing their faith the freedom to talk to have my own decision how i live but also the freedom of the. even on the freedom of faith so these are values that in europe we should be proud of it and we should fight to keep them and not accepting any by the who is going to war and make any
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endangered for values and our democracy this issue with this young woman refusing to shake hands with a man this is so very much happening everywhere and it's not emotional the way europeans react this cannot continue like that either they adapt and they accept the way we live and date live with us and shake hands like everybody else or as they can go back to that country and the problem is look at saying do run back to their countries and he can't just imagine that's what's thems are your opinions and they're living here maybe in the shadow from generation so stop to talk to us live this way go back to the captors of accomplices also scrub face we've been hell come to could be belgium a could be great but. i want to move now to the war ravaged iraqi city of mosul where locals are slowly returning since islamic state was defeated there but for many painful memories still hold those who survived the horrors of war.
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this is the house the home we used to live in and i lost a child a daughter a seventeen years old during the time of i saw the patient we lived in dread and fear no one was free to move no children were allowed to step outside the house they were frightened. in the operations to liberate the city. we were under heavy shelling so my daughter would not go out without her younger sister for two days they would go out and come back together a monday the seventeenth of april twenty seventh jane the younger sister told the
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other one to go alone and she couldn't come with her when she left she was hit by mortar shell. i approached her and found covered in smoke and gunpowder from the explosion my relatives took her to the hospital but the nearest one turned out to be a hospital under eisel control. they told my relatives to either take her back to die or they could only shoot her to end her life she stayed there without any treatment until she died the relatives brought her back from the hospital washed her body and took her to her final resting place at the local mosque. a pentacle analyst claims he's been stripped of his security clearance after complaining about a string no michael payments to private contractors who later turned out to of questionable connections
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a story. pentagon contracts are among the best ways to make big bucks and fast but even within the agency with a multi-billion dollar budget some deals stood out as outrageous for adam love injure an analyst turned whistleblower he reported them to his bosses and believes was punished for doing so by having his pay cut and security clearances revoked there's a lot of players and entities in the story so try to bear with me here adam love and you worked for the office of net assessment a small but evidently important department at the pentagon. in twenty sixteen love and you complain to the management about two contractors one
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is stephan harper and the other is a company called long term strategy group will begin untangling this with a helper the pentagon tasked him with writing up policy sheets for problematic regions at least from the u.s. standpoint like russia or china or india this fact alone raised red flags for the whistleblower since the department of defense as employees tasked with just that while how her was an outsider what made things more suspicious is that helper was paid astronomically more than others. nobody in the office seem to know what hope or was doing for his money contracted out a good chunk of it to other academics he would compile them all and then collect the balance of his fee as a middleman that was very unusual for this type of work the pentagon reimbursed helper with more than a million dollars in the span of just under six years and
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a stranger doesn't get this kind of money in washington allegations of undercover spy games around help or date back all the way to the reagan years while more recently he was outed as an f.b.i. informant scooping for dirt on the trump campaign working against the current us president makes helper trumps the enemy and anyone who is a trumps enemy is hillary clinton's friend and clinton's name weaves into this story and nother contract or love and your flag the long term strategy group to him the companies stood out for an obvious reason see the head of this group and hillary clinton's daughter chelsea best sees jackie and i are still best friends she was in my wedding and i was in her leaked emails from hillary clinton server indicate the then secretary of state actively promoted the interests of the long term strategy group with the deal d. d.
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a secretary clinton thank you again for all you encourage meant and how to deal d. we had a productive discussion about iran and developments in nato asia but also discuss going to the eagles and mapped out what we need to do so that you can go to work love injure wanted his bosses not only to look into the likely conflict of interest there but you also question the quality of the job done. on the issue of quality more than once i have heard our contractor studies labeled derivative college level and based heavily on secondary sources one of our contractors studies was literally cut and pasted from a world bank report but i just happened to have read the week before even the font was the same long term strategy group and the pentagon both denying that clinton's involvement had anything to do with the contracts the same people in the pentagon who compensated how and the group had love and just clearances and the pay reduced to nothing months after his complaints citing official reasons that have nothing to
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do with the whistleblower yet levin is doubtless he's downfall is ritchie buescher for crossing the wrong people or we have asked the pentagon and department of justice to comment on mr levin case and his allegation so far nothing buck from them about it. ok a reminder of the breaking news we have from barcelona where police have shot down a man who tried to a turk officers with a knife at a polling station the incident is being treated as terrorism it happened outside a police station in the west of the city earlier on monday no other injuries have been reported local media say the man was a twenty nine year old of algerian origin who shouted gold is great in our attack as he launched his attack on friday by the way spain marked a year since a terrorist drove a van into protest trains in a crowded barcelona street killing thirty. rather heads all of crosstalk what
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sectors of society will the democratic party target ahead of the twenty twenty residential action. when a loved one is murdered it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer and it's meaningless in the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying and there's just no really hasn't and that we want even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the
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death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. in a world of big partisan movies a lot of things and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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flow in welcome across top we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle. the democratic party is in big trouble the party has not come to terms with the outcome of the two thousand and sixteen election they have a leadership out of touch with its base millennia old are fleeing so is their slogan now no party for white man. crosstalk in the trials and tribulations of the left i'm joined by my guest so i color in seattle he's a writer activist and progressive you tube or in west hartford we have julio rivera he is editorial director for reactionary times and a newsmax columnist and here in moscow we have don de bar he's an anti-war activist
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and host of a daily radio program or a gentleman crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate soccer let me go to you first in seattle because you get up there early as for this program and it's much appreciated i mean i suppose you came . came across this walkaway movement that it is taken in a bit of. a flash on the internet here i found that to be very curious because i think i instinctively everyone on this panel and a lot of people in the in the in the country already know this and and be the inclusive eighty of the democrats is what they say but in fact they're actually actively excluding people of all kinds of people of different stripes and attitudes and outlooks how do you reflect upon that sad go ahead. because it's going. you know at least here and there i saw all of this. immediately.
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well basically that's part of what happened in the twenty sixteen election it's lots and lots and lots of democrats used to be very active voters active in their completely left the party or a number of reasons now a whole lot this changed sixteen but you know at least this viral video made us open more and. as you know i think it's a very good thing that we're in the democratic party ok i want to go back to why you think it is later in the program who you know basically the same thing to you because i mean i've been very very critical of the identity politics but it seems to me that since two thousand it did more to do thousand sixteen and it's not working now but they've doubled down on it i mean it just you know if that's the definition of stupidity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome ok i find it really breathtakingly stupid to be honest go ahead
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julio in west hardy exactly it's the definition of insanity and they're going to continue to do it because they have hope for and quite frankly are right on i mean they can't really criticize the results of the truck because florida traditional democratic governor graphics the last two you know those the blocked unemployment has been you know at historic lows or near historic lows the entire time and i think the people of color min and some of those other demographics right now i'm in and some of those other demographics right now or feel that they're being insulted in a sense it is intellectually insulting for democrats to make the assumption that all these groups are supposed to just you know coalesce only with the democrats you know should give up policy it should be about the color of your skin it should be about which party will bring the best result for you economically and otherwise who they are but let me go to don i thought that what the democratic party used to do exactly what julio just sad go ahead don politics is supposed to be the
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field in which public policy. he is determined and in a democratic society which people will refer to the united states as they've been there wouldn't my whole life referring to it that those decisions policy decisions are supposed to be made democratically when you have that determination is a policy made at the beginning of the process by you know big money basically whether it's democrats or republicans who are the politicians that will implement those policies the job becomes then selling policy that the people don't want so people buy madison avenue techniques which is where you get identity politics we are going to do things that are good for big banks we're going to do things that are good for the military industrial complex we're going to do things that are good for the prison industrial complex we have to sell it to black folks this way hispanic folks this way so white working class folks this way etc in other words these divisions quote unquote that are you know things that are like in the madison
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avenue playbook or the things that have to be excited because it's determined already what's going to happen and all they're doing is trying to temper your response to it and so at the end of the day when people don't feel anything actualize through public policy discussions debates elections and cetera they become frustrated and they start walking away and what we're seeing happen with the democratic party is the logical conclusion of this process and i think it's terminal yeah i mean if you look i mean it with the advent of barack obama what are the fortunes of the democratic party in congress in the white house gubernatorial races i mean really it doesn't work i don't understand why they keep doing it so i'm going to go to you because i find it i'm really insulted by politicians that pigeonhole me ok you know because of my appearance number one or some of my preferences that doesn't determine my political outlook and they insult the in the
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electorate by for example if you're a gay person oh you must be a democrat really why i never understood that everyone has the right to determine what they think and express what they think in public without being pigeonholed and to be dated to vote to pull the to go along with the party line go ahead zack. you know you're exactly right and you know i look and that's exactly what happened when he sixteen is people just assume you're voting democrat and so you get well wait in my late to all the sudden the democrats like deserve my vote you know obviously bill clinton as long as possible for two it's a gay federal bills while he was president you know find a president that's done more harm the gay community than the clintons you know so it's like it was always the. only people only allowed. i think only the you that supporting this political party which was this very early the candidates are very determined by the money influence and they fear and put it on
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the very you know voter groups and it just assumes that every single gay person has the same thing every single black person the same it's completely insulting it's completely a little bit racist to assume that your voter group may not do more than that for political or if. it were only a certain earth they have to go a certain way one of. the things that will warm it's insulting but it's insulting because they take you for granted i mean and that's the worst thing a politician can do take you for granted you're only one of the things that really are the big bugs with this the new accord a poor appointment in there is a a woman who happens to be a conflict and has a large family and it seems to me when i look at the liberal media they're more terrified that trump will point out woman he's not supposed to do that he's
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a my sergeant is you know all their fuses start blowing up i actually find it very amusing to watch it's like watching adolescence ok it's it gets is it they portray every single value that they claim to hold the. go ahead julio exactly it's almost like when you know the whole foreign policy thing with north korea started you know improving people were like you know that it's almost like liberals wanted there to be the constant get out of north korea because that would have somehow prove it that donald trump was doing a terrible job from a foreign policy perspective you know and just to kind of expand on the whole walk away thing i think a lot of people did this all long time ago i mean you have to look at the result of elections in two thousand and ten when the tea parties rose up when you look at twenty fourteen where there was a big republican revolution where a lot of house seats were gained in the senate was retaken by the by the republicans rather and the twenty sixth do you know election result you know this
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party has nothing to offer i can't say that enough i mean what's their platform going to be we're going to increase your taxes and they think that the economy in american the working class americans are going to gravitate towards that this blue wave that supposedly is coming is nonexistent in my opinion you know you know don you know one of the things i find really tragic what's going on the democratic party because they used to traditionally support the working class people and i think that was that was admirable ok i do like having a adversarial political system because you get the best out of it we negotiate in debate and all of that that's one that's ok and i actually miss traditional liberals in it because they actually had a genuine concern for the working class people for for the everyday people if i can use that term anymore why have they i mean we see it all through the clinton campaign is that don't worry about white men you know do a lost cause that you know when you don't that's not even part of their electoral
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calculus which is in the end of the day that's what made donald trump the president i mean how did they miss this and how do they keep missing it don. but. i don't know how they keep missing it again the problem is the a priori decisions are you know policy decisions are made that way at the beginning we're doing this as it gets done now the politicians go out and argue over whether it was a good thing or not although the mechanism by which this thing happened there are very small group of people who are big very big policy decisions that transfer a large amounts of wealth into their bank accounts and make the rest of us basically have more problems in our daily lives so the outcome you know among the population is going to be you know this is another basis for us being dissatisfied this is bad for me to have to work longer hours or have as much money of in foreclosure or being a victim you know across there are millions of people that are in all kinds of distress in the united states this has been growing since the one nine hundred seventy s.
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really and unabated since the mid late eighty's and there's no remedy offered in the political system so when politicians come out and start talking about division for example you're talking about an adversarial process because normally we're trained to think like in courts an adversarial process is how you do your you know find truth in this case there is that the adversary is between the people who are making policy and the rest of this but to have us at each other's throats arguing over what is or isn't true while all of us are having our wealth transferred to a very small group of people who make those decisions it's a public relations game really it's not a place where well or see is made and that's the problem but it's what's really interesting is that we have had a series revolts we've had the tea party revolt we had the we had the occupy we had occupy and we're going to go to a short break here but i want to talk about alexander alexandria ocasio quite
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a ten is when we come back gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the trials and tribulations of the left state with our. among the best. of. what politicians do something to. put themselves on a lot to get accepted or rejected. so when one of the first injury or some one of the brits. consider to be prosperous what with the fog screen the morning can't be good that. interested always in the waters of mccall's.
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people who was on. our. own on that. welcome back across like we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle we're discussing the trials and tribulations of the left. ok let's go back to seattle ok we've really beaten up on the democrats the least the establishment democrats now let's see another angle that's going on i don't want to give the impression and i and i hope we haven't is that people leaving the democratic party are are are pro term they're not all pro trump some of them have moved over to the g.o.p. actually a lot of the data says the g.o.p. is still more attractive than donald trump it's a topic of entirely different program which i think is quite fascinating because
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i'm a conservative and i really have contempt for the g.o.p. so i would be an interesting topic but i want to go back to alexandria. as zach i mean she's a very interesting phenomenon and she's the the reason the most recent eruption of the disruption in the two political parties and i get the leadership of the democratic party just so blinded by all of these things here they were blindsided by her election i don't feel sorry for her opponent i mean because he's a swamp character i wish more of them would be thrown out but i mean listening to meet the press democratic socialism i don't think she has a clue what it really is but it sounds nice ok it sounds nice and considering the the empty rhetoric that we have from these establishment politicians including republicans i'm not surprised some people want to listen to that to be honest with you go head south. you know i mean she's something
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a little different but obviously she was supported by some elements of the new york power structure that allowed her to get to the point that she said that i agree it's good that she's removing so little but probably there a lot longer than it should have been over that's not really a great sign that the democrats are really you know revitalized there and she's a she's got a very keen for the character and for the things that you. think are actually i think that he's had a very. good standard. democrats think that if they use the image of bernie sanders that they can actually maintain some kind of you know relationship with democratic party voters that are leading the party but i don't think that you know she's really a good symbol for what's going on because i don't think that this is a common occurrence and if you look at who is supporting her i mean actual standpoint you're going to see that they're very or the donor. and important thing
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for. her and. that's very interesting i mean. i think one of the things he had to say right after her election is that you know i say it has to be dismantled i who's really surprised and really disappointed that it kind of you know that if you we have this trickle down economics but that was trickle up ideology always said you have the people in the mainstream democratic establishment saying we should get rid of ice i mean i'm sure this alexandria is a nice lady i don't want to cast aspersions on or not just twenty eight year old but had a privileged upbringing that showed herself to be you know. a kid from the bronx ok good that's p.r. latino it's how it works but you know i was really amazed how this shocking outcome in the fourteenth district in new york and he goes into the mainstream they want to talk about i snowboarders i mean again this lunacy is a disease you know. donald trump is releasing their brains i guess because they
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can't think straight if you look at poll after poll republicans and democrats in majorities want better emigration policies again they're out to lunch go ahead julio. yeah i mean and you if you look at a lot of the quotations a lot of good videos online that show you know hillary clinton talking about immigration bill clinton talking about immigration you know in the past saying that we needed stronger enforcement and you know this alexandria ok zio cortez to me is the worst possible manifestation of identity politics you know and she's so out of touch with a lot of the latino people that she claims to represent i mean a lot of those people were just everything worth their lives everything they know and left their country to escape those social democratic socialist policies that they have good going off america and her story to me is a lie anyway because her dad was a architect who had a successful business you didn't grow up in the bronx you got
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a child to get away stress to portray yourself to be able to be just a fraud. don i mean i think julio decided really best you know he has one of the things is that identity politics per se is not really about those individual victimized groups by white people now it's a recipe for power because this is what they want they want power and that's why they can talk about policy ok and this is one of the huge problems like donald trump are not in we've done so many programs on and he does have policies some i'm vehemently are against ok some that i agree with but i'd least the g.o.p. he's got policies he can chew on ok the left does have fake pictures on the on magazine covers i mean it's really really distressing go ahead don let's look at the last twenty five years and follow to two tracks quickly and look at this in
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relation to the democratic party at the republican party you had for example the globalization to jobs or start to be offshore to the eighty's and ninety's. go to fast forward nine hundred ninety nine seattle i think was ninety ninety nine protest all that. a relationship where the you know the unions of the big marches and protests against globalization basically the aliens ended up joining the marches because their constituents went over the heads of the organizers of said you know what these guys are talking about a right that's my job this gets shipped overseas you know fast forward to two thousand and eight you have the economic collapse the people in secure this is america ok they elected the black guy that was a remarkable moment in american history and what happened nothing exactly the same thing continued policy didn't change an iota you come up to two thousand and sixteen you have in the democratic party bernie sanders who wasn't supposed to get any lift at all he was supposed to be a distraction really wins the primary we're told from here and donald trump was not
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even a republican every republican in their party ran against him the entire apparatus both political parties and he ended up winning that nomination in a cakewalk and the presidency one last thing on the other track go back to the ninety's you know go to l.a. and rodney king and everything that happened people go in the streets over that and come straight up to you know black lives matter and the way that the democrats relate so that they try to co-opt it but in effect the policies that came out of it will be a bill clinton with mass incarceration after rodney king all the way up to the way its people are being treated today in the streets you have this whole country actual constituencies with real needs that are not being satisfied that the public relations effort targets them based on these fake you know identities that are supposed to correspond to the constituencies but because they have nothing to do with policies that these constituencies need their faith and this whole thing is kind of collapsing that's what we're talking about really it's really interesting is that going to go back to you in seattle i mean one of the things we go back to
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the case in new york with alexandra i mean one takeaway for me is that both parties in too much greater degree with the democrats because they can't get that clinton poison out of their system there and i think some people really. i wanted to finally come out here but i mean one of the takeaway from the election was we really need to return to local politics to find out what real people are saying instead of like what don says or don't i completely agree instead of having madison avenue you know do it on a macro all the way down when she starts listen to the people you know in the local cafe and bakery and and find out what they really think because it seems that there's so very much at odds with the leadership particularly of the democratic party the republican party is more complicated for different reasons and we can talk about that another program go ahead zuck. yeah you know i totally agree and it's this kind of weird and those are that the democratic party is in where they want to have their cake and eat it too they want to have their big they want to be
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against campaign finance reform you know it really is very fraudulent in many ways it's what the democratic party does and part of the reason they don't listen is because their exact constituents that they're going after these kind of identity politics groups probably for the most part understand the problems of meal liberalism and they're not going to be able to get feedback from these people because the democrats have been the problem so long that they pay that ad or who they're talking with or if they're using to support the party as the natural does more people are really aware of the feelings and then. they're not listening what they're going to find out information that they don't want to hear and they've been resistant the nose of the federation in the orcs and all of the achievements that they have supported me in their current efforts and to vote for the party at least for the third with things that's why i thought about the democratic party
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under obama as he was barely a trial glitching anything it's like ok why should we trust another democrat when brock obama in my opinion made things worse than even made progress on a big picture so it's like hard to trust the democratic party when they have nothing to be responsible for having faced in recent memory you know the only the only talking point we've had since the election of two thousand and sixteen from the left is to hate and undermine and dismiss everything the president of the united states said the democratic choice of the american people i mean it it's painful to watch cable t.v. like m.s.n. b.c. and c.n.n. i mean it's not even worth watching like why should i sacrifice the time that i will never get back in my life just to hear slurs and. and really just incredible bias it's such poison for our for our political dialogue but there is no dialogue
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ok it's just one it's a one way direction propaganda this is so damaging to the electoral process and i think and i put it squarely on the left for this go ahead julio yes definitely i mean all he's done is be divisive and a separate america and you don't we just foster all this you know this feeling of division within the country but the one thing that they need to understand is you cannot win a major midsummer like you cannot win a presidency without the most important demographic and it's the demographic that both the most in this country which is white men they've done anything everything that they can to sort of you know attack white men in this country and obviously resonated with white men and the republican party is resonating with white men so they can go out there they can pay into every particular race every particular secor sexual orientation and religion and all these other things until they start
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to come up with policies which are attractive to white men they are not going to. be before we get we are we end the program and i'm really glad that you said that because it's really interesting is that white women did too but oh we're told by the democrats hillary clinton that men told them to vote that way i mean they he didn't use the identity politics against themselves it's really quite extraordinary ok gentlemen that's all the time we have many thanks to my guest in seattle west hartford and in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. you next time and remember cross talk rules.
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and i finally ended up going also to pick up a little now cause a little bit on the album keep the point about. finding you feel you'd be a little green i've even finally found that out in me. plus is that going to get the muscles to people who. didn't. vote but i thought it might have been love a little bit of a wonderful enough that i little bit that we are shut out of money coming over out of much of the woodwork to mop up together to fight and. desist sunday slightly lose. some supporters of this. say. to see. if anybody will fold up.
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with the old make this manufactured consent to stick to the public will. when the ruling closest to protect themselves. in the final cleary go round the sun be the one person told. to ignore middle routes to. the real news. when a loved one is murdered it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer and it means when the death penalty just because they think that's the parent make the right thing research shows. for every nine executions one convict
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is found innocent the idea there will be more executing innocent people is terrifying there was just no really hasn't been that we hear even many of the families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to get kelly here is because that's what murder victim's families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. you know you know that. right. there just. that.
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the russian foreign minister accuses u.n. chiefs of secretly blocking the baldies only agencies from helping syria's a company. also headlines this hour police in barcelona shoot dead a suspected terrorist who tried to it sucked officers with a knife almost a year to the day for the city's last terror attack. on the young girl who escaped her in slave men from myself in a rock clean she then came face to face with her captor in germany where she fled for safety we've spoken to her. boss called the police i told them i'd never imagined possible for an flattered to be in german. however if the police were unable to trace these need.
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from moscow to the world this is your r.t. international my name's you know me welcome to the program our top story the united nations is being accused of secretly blocking its own agencies from the reconstruction of syria's economy the claim comes from russian foreign minister sergei lavrov because. it's turned out that the political department if the u.n. secretary is produced and distributed to secret going on within the whole u.n. system in october last year it restricted the organizations within that system to take part in any projects on the reconstruction of the syrian economy are only humanitarian aid nothing else. big statement let's get into the details now with our to correspond who joins me in this you do highly what
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else did the russian foreign minister have to say on this well first of all we don't hear specifically this kind of criticism directed at the united nations from sergei lavrov that often but if you really read in to what he said you will realize that he is upset with what he called attempts by other countries to manipulate the un secretary it and that is absolutely unacceptable says surrogate of the russian foreign ministry wants to get in touch with the secretary general they have already sent him a formal complaint about this alleged behind the scenes ban on the secretariat to not to take part in these attempts to rebuild the syrian economy there was also a question from our correspondent who asked what he makes of the u.s. attempts or the u.s. involvement rather he says the lack of involvement in restoring syria. so she says
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it's too early to talk about reconstruction efforts until a political settlement is agreed on what do you make of that. some countries are trying to hinder the return of refugees by refusing to help reconstruction efforts it's counterproductive to set off official conditions for the syrian people to return to their homes. if you just tell us actually why russia is so concerned about this well obviously russia has been an active player in syria it's been in charge of plenty of the reconciliation efforts on the ground moscow's also been really helping to save the cost of me and for that matter this doesn't happen i mean the refugees will not return if it doesn't happen and i can tell you that the process has begun according to the syrian government twenty five thousand people returned from lebanon in the last four months and life in the devastated towns and
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cities is slowly back to normal which our correspondent has witnessed with his all lies. two years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we cover the roof of the building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around smoking just like the good old days the undertow a little the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day. i was lucky enough not to leave my home the kind this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly lifted now saying god things about are despite
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all the things we've been through we're no better well those things are getting better and moscow is looking forward to other countries getting on board to russia says it's in their biggest interest as well and obviously they're counting on the united nations too and perhaps that explains the resentment of sergei lavrov you know the rebuilding of an entire nation is going to take a lot of good effort to help thank you very much for the. all right another of our big news stories this hour barcelona where police have shot dead a man who tried to attack officers with a knife and police station let's go through what we know the incident is being treated as terrorism it happened outside a police station in the west of the city earlier on monday no other injuries have been reported the man was a twenty nine year old of algerian origin who shot
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a gold is greatest in our back as he launched his attack on friday spain marked a year since a terrorist drove into pedestrians in a crowded barcelona street killing thirty. and i saw many people running the code bodies of kids lying in the street this is a tragedy. you. saw an avalanche of people running in every direction but i think it was total chaos we had no idea what was going on and i didn't see the van i just heard a boom boom boom sound and people screaming. after escaping imprisonment fleeing to germany a girl from a rex yes see the minority say she has met her islamics they kept her face to face
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not once but twice in the european nation we spoke to us walk who told us she still lives in fear. ten am why we were standing seven girls captured by fighters in taken to syria the worst time in my life was the moment when i still separated me from my family they took us away from our mothers fathers brothers they even abducted eight year old girls they tortured us raped test sold us into slavery who were looking for gasland anything sharp knife scissors when we couldn't find anything to kill ourselves with we were trying to escape but they handcuffed our hands and lax covered our heads and raped us they turned us into human shields when they went anywhere they took us with them so that the strikes didn't kill them well i guess not alone a large number of us city women have been enslaved by isilon sexually abuse with many still in captivity.
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has them in america that they're going to. children that i say. without an invaluable push but i know boring passed on by that can add though that the woman about her that my flesh. you know now is not that the love of my lower level in the alpha would not have found. a swelling there's no nineteen when she was captured by ice all four years ago she was sold as a sex slave to one of their fighters after being abused for three months she
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managed to escape and flee to germany but once there she claims she was again horrified by two separate encounters with the same enslaved. germany was willing to take in one thousand women who had excused for myself i went there to forget what i'd been through i said a blue as i was going home after school i couldn't believe my torturer could have found out where i lived the next time i saw us two years later a car pulled up beside me he asked me if i was and i said i didn't know he were how is it possible that my rapist is living here and has the same rights as me my boss called the police and told them what he looked like and they scratched his face and it looked the same i told them there had been no other witnesses i told them i'd never imagined possible for an hour to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. german prosecutors claim the information provided by a isn't there enough to identify them in the meantime she's returned home to. think
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i told my dad that the person who raped me it was in germany that i didn't want to leave there no matter what my dignity is more important than being in germany i put my life in danger to escape from myself to retain my dignity and he wanted me to stay in germany you know in the one who was responsible for my misery is free in that country all i wanted was to be somewhere safe but after meeting him i was afraid the whole time that he heard me again so i couldn't stay there anymore where we contacted several german government agencies pollie some friday to ask what actions they have taken if any where yet to your buck but when we too will let you know what's been said. there's been yet another claim that russia is allowed to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections in the us this storm it's american magazine the atlantic which is pointing the finger it's our to go mentions this channel was one of the methods used to swing the vote don't quarter as more. the russians are probably at it again according to an article in the atlantic magazine
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and probably is good enough especially when the unity of the stars and stripes is apparently under threat by big bad russia the russian government has one overriding objective with regard to the united states to weaken america so that it loses its will and ability to counter russian objectives and to accomplish this goal the article says russia has a devious multi-pronged plan. first is allegedly helping people who undermine the democratic party and inviting them as guests on r t the walkaway campaign reportedly an organic cum pain of lifelong democrats leaving the party has been amplified by russian social media accounts and featured on the russian propaganda out with r t walkaway founder brandon stracke did give an interview for r t in which he expressed his disillusion with the democratic party's identity politics and why his movements getting popularity among americans i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of
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a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberal so it's not identity politics hurting the party it's walkaway founder's appearance on our t.v. fuelling a russian plot if that's the case then there must be more russian influencers in america's midst because fox news had him on for a similar interview discussing the very same walkaway movement and with the attention mainstream newspapers have given his campaign they may be doing an even better job at spreading his message but the buck doesn't stop there. the article says moscow is ready to give its money to russian friendly americans russian businessmen will likely attempt to fund think tanks working on u.s. russia relations to push a narrative favoring cooperation with. russia in a position to sanctions cooperation with russia oh the horror regardless the
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article doesn't actually provide any evidence as to who or when some russian businessman will begin giving away free money but it's ok for western businessmen and nato to throw money at anti russian think tanks the articles author evelyn farkas is a senior fellow at one called the atlantic council and it's received millions of dollars from a long list of corporations and governments internationally who are apparently also very concerned about potential russian election hacking. while there is no way that it is that russia has done so to date at minimum it will likely use its ability to access voter registration databases and election related sites to undermine america's confidence in its own electoral integrity so no evidence the kremlin has done it as the article says but the atlantic is calling on all patriotic americans to protect democracy and the tune of its song continues to
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sound oh too familiar we know that russia today is regarded as a grave threat to our nation to our freedom the peace of the world you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in defense production why your family is paying the highest taxes in our history. however some more attempts to showcase alleged russian influence have come at a cost a democratic staffer is in hot water for helping to smuggle a controversial piece of art into the colorado state capitol building.
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we have no idea what so if he's doing on her vacation but she will be back on air in september. you know world's big partners. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back with the united states midterm elections now just a few months away the country's national security adviser has listed china among
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the threats washington fears when it comes to meddling to sufficient national security concern about chinese meddling iranian meddling in north korea meddling that we're taking steps to try and prevent it looking at the twenty eighteen election those are the four countries that we're most concerned on sunday donald trump also brought up china thread stressing the focus shouldn't just be on russia right now the u.s. and china are also embroiled in a trade war donald trump impose a large target on steel imports from china in april he then slapped twenty five percent judy's on thirty four billion dollars worth of chinese products ok let's get into this now with joseph chang who is professor of political science at hong kong city university welcome back to the program why do you think joseph the u.s. and donald trump have no i have decided to particularly focus on china. most
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people will. read to read from the from. the limited in the absence of concrete. evidence however it is well known that the american intelligence community does point fingers to various countries and their. attacks interferences the american election. is hardly like. a bit of foundation for a new cold war certainly the train rolled between the united states and china has been splitting the ideological as well as the foreign policy arena washington is also threatening to china with sanctions over oil imports will donald trump give the green light do you think on those penalties against beijing it would
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be a big step. these issues are likely to continue quite so low because it is not just a matter of trade war between the two countries it is really a matter of the two countries to suing superiority in the yukon the me in the signs and technologies field in the coming to india two for the years so it is likely that these atlas asians these sensations and come to centers and will continue for quite a while although it is also a both sides to try to avoid and all train rolls which is very costly to both parties there's a lot of statements coming not just from the political elite in washington also from the media from what you've been focusing on and seeing doesn't look for
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million anyway as a stage or pretext indeed for introducing sanctions the fact that washington's top brass is now accusing china of meddling with u.s. fors integrity quote there is very little trust between the two parties now making the extremely difficult. fall it is likely that the wall will step in the beginning of september before any real negotiations can see need to remedy the situation that's the thing that the disappearance of. the currency feel was well two issues over at the self time to see relations with iran and now side paths and so on so the atmosphere is pretty bad both in both countries to facilitate that causation joseph chang professor of political sciences at hong kong
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city university thank you. thank you. greece has finally exited the billard program brought in over the country's huge debt crisis under the biggest rescue package and global financial history the e.u. and the international monetary fund a hundred greece more than three hundred billion euro but it's had a huge impact on the country's economy more than four hundred thousand people have moved abroad pensions are dire and taxes are up and athens is still expected to be repaying the loans until twenty sixty look crisis provoked serious tensions between greece and the e.u. that pickton twenty fifteen when brussels demanded greater austerity measures to deal with the debt mountain greeks would have against further restrictions in a referendum yet the government still implemented them but it meant the e.u. unlocked another eighty six billion euro in aid the bailout has triggered countless protests down the years.
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i. was. at the thoughts of leonidas kristen thoughtfulness who's a former greek boss there and you're very welcome back to the program does getting rid of the be a lie to one side i mean that the greek economy is on the road to a brighter future and that austerity is on the way out how do you see this progress . i think that this is the biggest relation of public opinion that is being done if you stay with a sort of take for example greece today is
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a disaster we joined. the program in two thousand and ten when it was two hundred and sixty two billion euros the public debt and today the day that were supposed to be going out of. the austerity it is two hundred. thirty two billion euros which means that the program has failed. it has failed everywhere and this is something that they have admitted i mean the i.m.f. has admitted to mistakes the european commission has admitted to mistakes but many people have died because of this crisis in two thousand and nine the average rate. death rate in greece was about sixty thousand be. today i mean
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in two thousand and seventeen this amount has risen to one hundred twenty eight thousand people so add that this is due basically because we had an increase of suicides if the health system collapsed at the bed they had in the hospitals there was not sufficient. health care and. nobody assumes the responsibility for the death of these people furthermore human rights violations have been violated increased severe human rights violations as has been witnessed by two reports of of special representative of the united nations who visited reese and many people i personally being made personally at their marshes to the ministry of foreign affairs of the benelux countries and to
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berlin and mention it told them about the human rights violations and their answer is what can we do about it so i told them just follows the. recommendations of the united nations which were which said that before taking any austerity measures examine and see how if it would violate human rights and if it does violate human rights don't do it live in this huddles how does the youth in your country particularly how do they view the. most of the people. are are against it they still there are still some people who don't want to be the hero. because they think that if you google so offers them a sort of a security blanket but now after eight years they're seeing that the suffering that this sticking place and what is being done to them. is much worse than they had
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expected and i think that sooner or later there will be a drawer or three that will go again that we leave the eurozone and go for the national goods. in terms of policy do you think that the greek government could have done anything better over the past eight years considering the circumstances how do you think they've fared with the circumstances that have been enough and grace. well they just they just surrender what could have been done particularly by the series of government at the outset was to denounce the loan agreement of may two thousand and ten as illegal and according according to the treaty on treaties. if you can develop such an agreement if there has been blackmail if mistakes had been made they should have
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done that and this is what i had proposed to them at the outset but then the blackmail fell for it from the german side and they just gave up because they had been threatened for a bank run and it seems that the greek prime minister could not say no. to and he did what he did according to his point of view to save greece from worse things but he violated he violated also the referendum result because sixty two percent of the people said in the referendum of june two thousand and fifteen that we do not want any more austerity measures we've had to know. the thoughts of them fall place former greek a mussar law r.t. this hour thank you. thank you morgan programs right ahead i'll see you again in just over a half an hour's time you are tuned into twenty four seven r.t. international.
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people. have been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent minus minus two years some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial plant but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one
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just shows you can't afford to miss the one and only. difference if somebody said hey look this up and up and basically. on the phone. now siegel you live near the school so your talking to this. family but i love. this when we get it i just love it. but a lot of it i think about holidays good but i'm about the same as art but i was up the money into the magazine about a minute. or so to the long run low i left my money comment. just stayed single and i'll just say all right so that was a lot of the. call that was with me made by. other people moved up on
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the united states is the last country in the developed west to execute criminals. about fifty percent of americans are for the death penalty and fifty percent against it. our capital punishment system is flawed this is not a matter of vengeance and it's a matter of just the death that we believe serves as a deterrent capital punishment is tainted by racial disparity having my father's killers executed to not bring me a sense of closure is it to restore society or is it as if you took a life should your life be taken and justice is about us as a society. nine hundred eighty two was my first execution. i was
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a correctional officer. one of my main jobs were to save lives so when it came down to execution i had to transform myself into a person that would take up like. jerry givens was appointed executioner in one thousand nine hundred seventy seven when the united states reinstated the death penalty. he grew up in the housing projects of richmond virginia. and remembers one tragic night at a party. when i was a teenager i witness a young lady. shot by paul my. i want to reward quite a young lady because she was innocent. i was. told if. my thing is that if a person take a life of about a person in that person's life should be taken and that's what i believe. jerry
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received training to operate the electric chair and later to administer lethal injections. he became chief executioner in one thousand nine hundred two. i would say my team members take pride in their work their preparations. getting this person and ready for his next step in life prepare him just to see is he it's for the last time or. a last kiss of his mother sister amy is a wife or daughter. with all of human you know in this is one human that had made a mistake and we had to carry out the orders. outside of this team of eight jerry told no one about his work as an executioner not even his wife. to keep. a secret and i kept it a secret from my my family. since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven
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other executioners across the united states have put over a thousand four hundred sixty people to death it's a punishment supposed to be reserved for the worst of the worst. it was a gorgeous day it was a beautiful morning we met some friends in boston and. twenty three thousand runners and half a million spectators gathered for the boston marathon. karen brossard her husband and daughter which cheering a friend over the finish line. we were there for maybe ten or fifteen minutes all excited with the crowd watching everybody come through and the suddenly it was this incredibly loud. explosion.
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there were seven of us there six of us were injured. one of their friends lost both legs that. i knew that my husband was pretty badly injured. my daughter had shrapnel from her hip. and i had trapped both my legs. the two blasts injured over two hundred sixty people and killed three including krystal campbell. and eight year old martin richard. police pursuit two brothers in a dramatic manhunt. twenty six year
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old timer alonzo meyer was killed in a shootout. again later police captured the younger brother dzhokhar alive. cool. over the next few months karen braun in their daughter like many of the bombing victims had to undergo multiple surgeries. going to try to not let this change who i am i'm not going to let this prevent me from living the life that i want to live. i'm not going to be afraid. when later that summer karen traveled from a home in new hampshire to boston for star ny observer a meant at the federal court . we were all seated together and he walked out he didn't look at any of us
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but his hand was obviously entered and my immediate response was i hope that her i hope it's painful. not like me. and the recognition of that about me was scared because that isn't who i am. native pled not guilty to all thirty counts seventeen punishable by death. the federal prosecutor asked victims if the u.s. should seek the death penalty. i don't know. i don't know. i. i don't know what justice is.
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terrorist acts are rare much more common are the murders and other violent acts that happen every day across the united states. in philadelphia shannon schieber was finishing her first year of graduate school. she had been up studying it was early thursday morning before i would see him was friday morning. about two o'clock in the morning she was preparing to take a bath. the assailant who who attacked her. he pried open her sliding door. she screamed for help as she was being attacked the next door neighbor heard that he called nine one one. of the elements that. he told him that he heard his neighbor.
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scream for help and he heard like a choking he said. the police arrived within twenty minutes they knocked on the door but no one answered. the next day when shannon didn't show up for a lunch date with her brother shawn he drove to her apartment building. for lucy and its neighbors came down and answered the door and sean said i'm trying to reach my sister i can't reach your. the guy just would pale so my god i called the police last night they were running up the steps they broke open her door and she was laying naked on her bed.
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by the time we got to philadelphia though the police were swarming the radley apartment building and they let us know immediately that she had been in terror and that she had been murdered. we were beginning to face the fact that part of us had died and i mean it hit us very quickly. i just remember the prince that we'd be able to gather to get through this. that weekend they attended mass. when we got to the lord's prayer. saying the lord's prayer out loud was a real confrontation. forgives trespasses as we preserve those who trespass against him. i had to abandon something i had been saying. often
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probably thoughtlessly thousands of times over my over my life. and if anyone would have asked us what would you want to do if you if you ever found who did this i didn't i just why be so angry i want i want him dead to maybe i don't know i never had this happen it was this so painful. eight days later that she burst buried their twenty three year old daughter. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see them.
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tax rises financial survival guide stacey let's learn a salad fill out let's say i'm a psychic. i'm greased on face of the fight well straight pride thank you for. destroying that's true fellowship that slavery. to society do when someone commits a horrific act of violence. for centuries seeking justice was a community affair. and disproportionate blame fell on the poor mentally
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disabled and people of color. in the eighteen hundreds some cap. all offenses were targeted specifically at slaves the stablish in a racial bias that continues today. executions reached a historic peak in the one nine hundred thirty s. averaging one hundred sixty seven per year but then in one thousand thirty six. a gruesome execution caught the attention of the media. on aug fourteenth in owensboro kentucky raney the thea was publicly hanged by a white sheriff's many black but the oh was innocent. one new york times reporter wrote ten thousand white persons some jaring another's festive saw prayerful black men put to death today and davies county's piton gallus . the outcry over rainy bothy is hanging did
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not put an end to capital punishment instead it drove executions behind prison walls out of public view. state officials built death houses and institutionalized the practice. it's a death by formula it's a scripted death in the beginning it was hanging it was not only hanging but it was public and so you see the crowds come in and bring in a picnic luncheon celebrating then we move from hanging to the electric chair and then we began to hammer the horror stories that happened out of the electric chair . and then has been a move to lethal injection and lethal injection is likely going medicinal so that we'll just be putting them to sleep. but not everyone agrees. the idea that they should go out in an opiate haze that it should be
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a pleasant that is absolutely perverse. the debate about the death penalty has become increasingly polarized and politicized we want a system that's bayer we want a system that respects the dignity of human beings the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying and there was just no way that we hadn't and that we weren't some people kill with an attitude so callous heinous sadistic that they have forfeited their right to live i believe in a turn of one and that is when we execute this person we know he will never kill again why is it that the death penalty really comes down to in many cases just where you live who your d.n.a. is we cannot recognize injustice when we see it at people and not being treated fairly and people not getting a fair shot you can be critical but you can be critical of the idea that the
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government has the right to kill. and also hold compassion and concern for victims maybe in some books of justice the person for this act deserves to die but do we as a society deserve to kill them. today capital punishment largely falls to the state in which the crime was committed. and laws and methods vary widely. most states use lethal injection. but some still use gas chambers. the electric chair. hanging. and firing squad. carrying out the death penalty is intrusted to specially trained guards like jerry givens. of the sixty two executions the jerries conducted thirty seven were by
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electrocution and twenty five by lethal injection. lethal injection is considered the more humane form but for jerry it made the job of killing another person a lot tougher. when you talk about execution and electrocution is a button you push and washing push the button. the current flows in the car and the current comes out and. that's all i had to do was push a button. but when it come down to death by lethal injection you have seven to. a chemicals. you have four flushes and three deadly chemicals that is inserted into this man and my self as the execution i am at the end of each summary and. i'm pushing a poison. down the tomb and to the body so i'm more attach
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to this person then it is pushing a button and release and then they let the current flow wide self. fifteen days prior to an execution the condemned would be moved to the death chamber where gerry and his team worked. all nine of us were executions and room for threat good execution that's what we stood by. the preparation was mental as well as physical we practice and practice and practice prior to execution. each of us knew our jobs out sign it and we never allow ourselves to get that close to anyone you know we train for that we train this way you don't get that close to . the day of the execution twenty four hours prior to that when we have a call a deathwatch. a guy will act differently because he knew that this is the last
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everything. this is a serial way to condemn space. this is where the warden read his death warrant his clergy person sit with him. doing this course and then they condemn is given a shower his last meal is less visitations. by six o'clock hour preparations of the stocks and to the inmate is placed a day. at home in new hampshire karen and her family were slowly recovering from their injuries. not so much
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for wasm physical abilities things like. specially for me my rose colored glasses you know. just the reality. people are. different. things are not the same. when even with one and i. guess. he's working through things and i'm working through things and. it had been six months since the bombing and karen had not yet seen her good friend celeste who was with them at the finish line and lost both her legs in the beginning. initially i i couldn't bring myself. to believe that.
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because i doubt. celeste and sixteen others lost limbs that day. ron was one of the lucky ones doctors were able to save his leg but the trauma and pain still lingered. we're going to have to work for a long time to get to their new normal whatever that going to be. after months of deliberation attorney general eric holder announced the u.s. would seek the death penalty. the defense will argue that zocor was pressured into it by his older brother that he was a popular well liked college kid led astray. you know it's going to be held responsible and i agree and i and i do believe that
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. but i also thank you. just can't stoop and. karen son was the same age as the car. didn't seem like such a hard decision when it was abstract. you know i've got family and friends who are very religious and don't believe. that i have others who say. it's the right thing to do they're so sure. i don't know that it's right for me to make that decision to take someone else's life. in philadelphia shannon's killer was still on the loose. the she worst pressed for
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answers but the police had none. is this like you're in a coma you mean you're just like walking through something but you you don't know exactly how you're going to deal with them how am i ever ever going to get through this. this is tremendous sense of law. and you know for some time i could visualize feeling that walking through a door squawking in the house and walking through a door seeing our doctor and she told me. she was so kind and generous and loving and helpful and she always would come to us and say mom dad i have to make a difference. was a little mini thing. but she had a tremendous appetite for learning everybody loved santa everybody loved her she was an extremely moving daughter. in their grief they can still
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turn to each other and reached out for support. this takes time and doesn't you know everybody goes down a different path in a different time line to this journey toward healing to begin attending support meetings for families of murder victims. there they saw the devastating toll of sorrow and anger. the father of one of the murdered daughters we know well took his first drink and he never stopped or hear him and she lost his job and marriage. but welch's daughter was one of one hundred sixty six people killed in that summit the mcveigh bombing of oklahoma city. one night about a year later he woke up in the morning and he had this dream and his daughter julie was there telling him dad dad he murdered me are you going to let him murder whole family. also saw the high price people paid for putting their lives on hold
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as they waited for an execution. we start finding out what murder victims' families go through if you decide to say look i want that man executed it would take fifteen twenty years as much longer for it actually to happen and we just saw the effects that this had on these family members we saw it destroying their lives. you know world big partisan groups. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than
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ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. finally the non-sensical get out now how does it come to the point. lining if you knew you wouldn't be that easy to find ten that out and me. is that going to see the city live to go a long way to. look at i've done my duty but not a little bit and they wonder when i got out of it that i'd accept that either the money coming no doubt much of the way but the more i'm not going to get by to.
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headline stories. blocking its own agencies from helping rip currents serious conflict. in slave men from. she came face to face with her come through in germany where she'd fled for safety we've spoken to. the police i told them i'd never imagined possible for her to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name . is that russia is probably. a former obama administration. to interfere in the
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upcoming midterm elections but with. plane. coming from moscow every hour of the day this is your r.t. international my name's you know neal good to have your company our top story this hour the u.n. is being accused of secretly blocking its own agencies from getting syria's economy back on track the claim comes from russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov. because . it's turned out of the political department of the u.n. secretary it produced and distributed a secret guideline within the whole u.n. system in october last year it restricted the organizations within that system to take part in any projects on the reconstruction of the syrian economy are not humanitarian aid nothing else well first of all we don't hear this kind of
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criticism for. directed specifically at the u.n. that often but if you really read into what he said you will realize that actually he is upset with what he called attempts by other countries to manipulate the secretariat and this is absolutely unacceptable says the russian foreign minister the russian foreign ministry has already been touch with the secretary general they sent a former complaint about the alleged behind the scenes than the secretary of to take part in this syria restoration program then there was also a question by our correspondent who asked sergei lavrov what he makes of the u.s. involvement or rather lack of involvement when it comes to restoring syria says it's too early to talk about reconstruction efforts until a political settlement is agreed on what do you make of that. some countries are
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trying to hinder the return of refugees or refusing to help reconstruction efforts it's counterproductive to set sufficient conditions for the syrian people to return to the why so much concern from moscow about this idea well first of all russia has been a key player in syria and moscow is proud of its role of being in charge of the many reconciliation efforts that we have seen and also moscow's really been helping with rebuilding the economy and the refugees will not come back if the economy does. get restored the process has already begun the syrian government has just announced that as many as twenty five thousand syrians have just returned from lebanon and that is within four months and the devastated cities and towns are slowly getting back to normal which our correspondent has seen with his own eyes.
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two years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we covered the roof of the building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around smoking just like the good old days joe you know the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day. i was lucky enough not to leave my home the kind this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly lifted now saying god things about or despite all the things we've been through we're now better well the things are getting better and moscow is looking forward to other countries getting on board to russia says it's in their biggest interest as well and obviously they are counting on the
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united nations too and perhaps that explains the resentment of sergei lavrov. a girl from iraq's yes city religious minority still lives in fear for her life years after escaping mixtape captor after fleeing to germany she claims she then run into him face to face we spoke to told us about her ordeal. can we were saudi seven girls captured by fighters and taken to syria the worst time in my life was moment when separated me from my family they took us away from our mothers fathers brothers they even of the ducted eight year old girls they tortured us raped tests told us into slavery who were looking for gasland anything sharp knife scissors when we couldn't find anything to kill ourselves with we were trying to escape but they handcuffed our hands and lax covered our heads and raped us they
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turned us into human shields when they went anywhere they took us with them so that the strikes didn't kill them that's not a solitary story a large number of the a city women have been slaves by isilon sexually abuse with many still in captivity . has them in america that they're going to. chill on my desk. without providing one valuable protocol that i. asked them about that in a though that they want it bad. you know nice that. they love out of my lower level in the outer world than a found one.
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k.'s no nineteen when she was captured by the allies oh four years ago she was sold as a sex slave to one of their fighters after being abused for three months she managed to escape on flee to germany but once there she claims she was again horrified by two separate encounters with the same mum who had been slater. germany was willing to take in one thousand women who had excused from i went there to forget what i've been through i said a boo as i was going home after school i couldn't believe my torture could have found out where i lived the next time i saw him was two years later a car pulled up beside me he asked me if i was and i said i didn't know he were how is it possible that my rapist is living here and has the same rights as me my boss called the police and told them what he looked like and they scratched his face and it looked the same i told them there had been no other witnesses i told them i'd
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never imagined possible for an hour to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. german prosecutors claim the information provided by a schwanke is not enough to identify them fearing for her safety in germany she decided to move back to iraq. i told my dad that the person who raped me it was in germany that i didn't want to leave there no matter what my dignity is more important than being in germany i put my life in danger to escape from myself to retain my dignity and he wanted me to stay in germany knowing that the one who was responsible for my misery is free in that country all i wanted was to be somewhere safe but after meeting him i was afraid the whole time that he heard me again so i couldn't stay there anymore. but we contacted several german government agencies and the police on friday asked what action they have taken if any where yet to hear buck but when we do we'll let you know what they say. turning attention
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to barcelona where police have shot dead who tried to attack officers with a knife at a police station the incident is being treated as terrorism it happened outside a police station in the west of the city earlier on monday no other injuries are being reported the man was a twenty nine year old of all jiri in origin who shouted gold it's greatest in art of a sea launched. on friday spain marked one year since a terrorist drove a violent a bit desperate in a crowded barcelona street killing thirteen people. and i saw many people running to become the bodies of kids lying in the street this is a tragedy. you. saw an avalanche of people running in every direction and i think it was total
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chaos we had no idea what was going on and i didn't see the van i just heard a boom boom boom sound and people screaming. there is yet another claim that russia to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections in the us this time it's the atlantic magazine pointing the finger it's article mentions this channel as one of the methods used to swing the vote all quarter reports. the russians are probably at it again according to an article in the atlantic magazine and probably is good enough especially when the unity of the stars and stripes is apparently under threat by big bad russia the russian government has one overriding objective with regard to the united states to weaken america so that it loses its will and ability to counter russian objectives and to accomplish this goal the article says russia has a devious multi-pronged plan. first is allegedly helping people who
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undermine the democratic party and inviting them as guests on r t the walkaway campaign reportedly an organic cum pain of lifelong democrats leaving the party has been amplified by russian social media accounts and featured on the russian propaganda out with r.t. walkaway founder brandon stracke did give an interview for r.t. in which he expressed his disillusion with the democratic party's identity politics and why his movements getting popularity among americans i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberal so it's not identity politics hurting the party it's walkaway founder's appearance on our t.v. fuelling a russian plot if that's the case then there must be more russian influencers in
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america's midst because fox news had him on for a similar interview discussing the very same walkaway movement and with the attention mainstream newspapers have given his campaign they may be doing an even better job at spreading his message but the buck doesn't stop there. the article says moscow is ready to give its money to russian friendly americans russian businessmen will likely attempt to fund think tanks working on u.s. russia relations to push a narrative favoring cooperation with. russia and opposition to sanctions cooperation with russia oh the horror regardless the article doesn't actually provide any evidence as to who or when some russian businessman will begin giving away free money but it's ok for western businessmen and nato to throw money at anti russian think tanks the articles author evelyn farkas is a senior fellow at one called the atlantic council and it's received millions of
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dollars from a long list of corporations and governments internationally who are apparently also very concerned about potential russian election hacking. while there is no way that it is that russia has done so to date at minimum it will likely use its ability to access voter registration databases and election related sites to undermine america's confidence in its own electoral integrity so no evidence the kremlin has done it as the article says but the atlantic is calling on all patriotic americans to protect democracy and the tune of its song continues to sound oh too familiar we know that russia today is regarded as a grave threat to our nation to our freedom the peace of the world you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in defense production why your family is paying the highest taxes in our history. some more attempts to showcase allegedly russian influence have come at a cost
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practice does not fall outside the law the constitution and equality between men and women prevailed over bigotry the couple were said to have shown a lack of respect towards gender equality laws fail to prove their readiness to integrate into society however they now have thirty days to appeal their decision back in twenty eight sixteen a similar case took place in sweden but was when a twenty four year old muslim woman refused to shake a male interviewers when she had gone for a job their meeting was abruptly terminated however far i had to say one thought isn't in compensation when sweden's labor court ruled that it amounted to discrimination the incident has split social media i've warned about this for years they immigrate into our countries and refuse to integrate and then use our laws against us to impose their religious lose they shouldn't come to
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a country and expect everything there to change according to what they want or don't want to do if you come to a country you should respect their culture it isn't racist it's common sense. this isn't a law this is just a customary procedure she's not obliged to follow a custom that's against her and we just believe you don't have an argument good you can't force anyone to touch someone if they don't want to she wasn't rude the employer was rude you know it's male reaction to this story we debated the issue on the program earlier. you see if you're an employer in sweden like the guy who wanted to recruit a young interpreter and at interview disco refuses to shake hands she has difficulties to talk to him because he's a man because of our culture that doesn't work this guy doesn't fire her does not hire her and because of that isa blanche to pay four thousand euro to that girl one the swedes here that they say none of that here has
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a head that the lady in sweden smiled and made this question we have to know that even muslims should also add to their habits to the customs of the country they're living under shaking hands the suggestion of a speculation do with it but if someone is not shaking the hand but on the other side showing me that he's respecting me he's smiling in my face peace he's making a guess charlie it's not like this will ever what so always also take the tension of this discussion away and try to find a way how we could deal respectfully with each other accepting each other talking ph other and maybe trying to change some of these things in positively manner well it should stop talking about respect when they come to europe they have respect they have had respect for all the time but they should stop trying to influence society to attain what their bigotry insists is absolutely necessary you should
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adapt muslims should adapt they have adapted for decades this form of islam is not welcome in europe that's the perception of citizens and it's not only populist i think it's something like seventy or eighty percent of the population who believes that there are some values these values and the respect that they're there for the freedom of speech the freedom of for changing their faith the freedom to talk to have my own decision how i live but also the freedom of being. even on the freedom of faith so this i would values that are in europe we should be proud of it and we should fight to keep them and not accepting anybody who is going to make me in danger is one of values and our democracy this issue with this young woman refusing to shake hands with a man this is so very much happening everywhere and it's not emotional the way europeans react this cannot continue like that either they adapt and accept the way
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we live and to live with us and shake hands like everybody else or else they can go back to that country and the problem is look at saying do on back to their countries and he can just imagine that's what's thems our utopian son they're living here maybe in the before the generation so stop to talk to us but this way go back to the countries other countries it's also us property sweden i'll come to could be belgium it could be great britain no more bailouts for greece we discover what it means to this. manufacture consent to public wealth. when the closest to protect themselves. the family.
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hello again with the united states of mid-term elections you know just a few months away the country's national security adviser has listed china among the threats washington fears when it comes to meddling to sufficient national security concern about chinese meddling iranian meddling in north korea meddling that we're taking steps to try and prevent it looking at the twenty eighteen election those are the four countries that we're most concerned about. today donald trump also brought up china as a threat stressing the focus shouldn't just be solely on russia and washington's concerns over beijing's alleged meddling threat comes amid a trade war between the u.s. and china fearing a high trade deficit double trying to impose a large store of sun metal imports coming from china back in april the u.s. president then later slop twenty five percent judi's on billions of dollars worth of chinese products on kong based political scientist joseph chang believes it's about more than just economics. so to me the trade war between the united states
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and has to be a logical these issues likely to continue quite so low because it is not just a matter of trade war between the two countries it is really a matter of the two countries to suing superiority in the yukon and me in the science and technology. in the coming to india two years so it is likely that the nation in the sense in the sense and you'll continue for quite a while. greece has finally exited the bailout program brought in over the country's huge debt crisis under the biggest rescue package in global financial history the european commission the international monetary fund and the european central bank under greece more than three hundred billion euro but it's have
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a huge impact on the economy more than four hundred thousand people have moved abroad pensions or darn taxes are up enough unsisterly expected to be repaying the loans on till twenty sixty well the crisis provoked serious tensions between greece and the rest of the e.u. in twenty fifteen when brussels demanded greater austerity measures to deal with a deadline to most critics voted against further restrictions in a referendum if the government still implemented them but it meant the e.u. locked another eighty six billion euro and eight the bailout has triggered countless protests on the years. ah ah. ah i was i i i i.
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i i was greece today is a disaster we joined. the program in two thousand and ten when that was two hundred and sixty two billion euros today the day that were supposed to be going out of the memorandum and the austerity it is two hundred and thirty two bit good bureaus which means that the program has failed. it has failed everywhere i think that this is the biggest money for nation of public opinion that is being done these days many people have died because of this crisis we had an increase of. the health system collapsed the bed they had in the hospitals there was not sufficient health care nobody
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assumes the responsibility for the deaths of these people right up to the moment to moment on our twitter page keeping you in the know with the stories that matter you are watching aren't international. became this national camera. roughly once they showed some movies for them. uncool videos and so on with the broken string of apps. going down more on string i don't really don't t.v. kind of financial for a lot. about money laundering first to visit this cash in the three different. is a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your
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something in america something overseas or cayman island it will pull these banks are complicit in their tough talk or say we just have to say ok i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. luxury automobile again for max they know what money laundering is highly illegal here for a watch kaiser of course. to begin to. open up a bit. in the. us we will leave you with this we. will be talking to this. time. out loud. if you get ready. to get a lot of that on but about holidays but i'm about the same as art when i was up the
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money into. giving me money i'm like mom who wants. to leave the dog in their own lives who is a long. long way from what you need for. other people who go films of all those on the growth of. our. lives of little that i do. feel. welcome to sophie and killing sophie shevardnadze dollar trial has locked horns
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with his own intelligence and law enforcement how damaging can the rift between the white house and the american intelligence get well i asked you a decade ca veteran rolf larson. what the american spy agencies are murdered in a public scandalous political cycle with the investigation of president trump putting them in an intense spotlight but is national fame really what an intelligence agency eat the professionals at the cia and f.b.i. escape the polarization of power. that is public and will therefore in radically change the situation in the country. we're all from all at larsen former cia veteran who served as moscow section chief among other politicians welcome to the show it's really great to have you with us. now wolf the american intelligence community has been accused of being politicized many times in a bush sheriffs' to politicians use it to justify iraq now the agencies are again
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the world in a political scandal i know you pride yourself on your colleagues for being patchy outtake nonpolitical but can you really be about politics in this line of work i mean that sounds kind of like fairy tale almost i think it's a standard you have to strive for i've been a lifelong political independent for that reason that you outline that it's crucial for intelligence officers to be independent and objective and serve the country not just the president and the government but we are also all citizens now they. are taxpayer funded they have no private sector competition appointments there are made by politicians how can all that not be politicized. actually the in the intelligence profession all of our officers are career professionals we spend our entire career inside the agency in my case i was undercover for my twenty
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three years in the cia living abroad for most of those years and frankly i really felt it was not that difficult to me maintain my impartiality and i think you have to do that whether you're collecting information or analyzing it or disseminating it which is the central mission of intelligence you have to maintain an ability to tell your policymakers the truth in other words speak truth to power. so is it right for an intelligence professional to be vying for a high political office for instance the media in the us are saying that director of the cia my pump may be replacing secretary of state rex tillerson saying is it staring too much into political territory. there is always a healthy discussion about the idea of particularly former intelligence professionals getting involved in politics i personally don't agree with that and as a principle for the same reason for military officers getting involved in politics
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but peo was a representative who and often are cia directors or they are political appointees point d.s. and he is in a long line of cia directors who are political appointees and that is the way our system operates just like many of our bastards overseas are aligned politically always with the president so i don't find that worrisome or disturbing i think it's much more important that the the ranks of the intelligence officers remain professionalized how much freedom does cia have the means to sessions i mean for instance bush administration ran torture prisons and then obama came in and closed them dizzee agency has the power to decide for itself whether it needs things like that and whether it's ethical to them. that's a great question sophia i feel the intelligence community has a good set of guidelines it starts with a given set of authorities we have in other words we can conduct certain activities
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are we call our mission without special authority for example the mission of espionage is a core intelligence mission of all intelligence services we can do that without seeking approval when we do something like interrogation or enhanced interrogation or have prisons that requires actually what we call a covert action finding that if you have requires a a finding from our department of justice that we can do that activity as well as some very strict legal guidelines that are laid out in writing for the agency to follow and at the times when we we run afoul of that when we when we are accused of crossing the line we're held accountable by whatever standard has been laid out by our department of justice and our other authorities that are above us now they involve government agencies in this presidential election someone starting from the f.b.i. role in a clinton e-mails down the trump investigation investigating both candidates and being quite public about it. at some president it unprecedented isn't it i mean why
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has the intelligence community taken on this risible and political role this time around. i agree with you actually i find it very regrettable very concerned about the politicization of intelligence i do agree it's happening to some extent i think the f.b.i. and the cia are still very reliable organizations that that are following their their guidelines i still have complete trust and confidence in the organizations but you're right there's the questions do arise and it's because of the highly politicized nature of our domestic politics right now between the republicans or the democrats and between those who support the president those who don't support the president so i agree it's a very concerning time and i think it's going to be a time when we in a way redefine our limits you know what is the proper role of the cia and the f.b.i. in the in our domestic affairs and we've learned in our history from the past that
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we should stay out of american politics and the house intelligence committee has released a republican numinous report which contains allegations that f.b.i. and let the judge in obtaining permission to spy on trump's presidential campaign this report has already been branded inaccurate and is a part of the blame game or is there some substance to this. personally i think it's the blame game that's my personal view the new paper in my view is a republican version of cherry picking the facts as they choose to present them and now i understand there's another version circulating the democratic version i frankly find that whole process to be rigged also not something i'm proud of as an american i'd prefer to see both parties sit down this and discuss these things not in the public eye without declassifying the releasing classified information i think all of that is not something as an american citizen that i would endorser or
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say is a good thing and a specialist trumps election things haven't been like they used to be before like from what i understand about the american system the nation's foreign policy is largely decided in the white house and the state department and then there's a congress in the senate and they're more preoccupied with internal matters this time congress is so active in pushing its foreign policy vision on the president why. well i think that's true generally sophia and of course we also have the national security council and unlike russia and some other countries china and others that have a more continuity in foreign policy work and making we we don't do largely through the political nature of our system we were in for a year cycles for a large a large part of that which is consumed with electioneering and campaigning i think that's a weakness of our system i still of course believe in the representative government idea that we that we sacrifice this continuity of stability in our policymaking but
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it is it is a vulnerability or a weakness and you can really see it right now because. largely because we're dealing with unprecedented issues that we've never had to consider and we've never had such an aggressive intelligence attack if you will on the american democratic institutions and our and our election process that we just had in the previous election that has caused a great deal of this i think soul searching inside the u.s. so we've come now to the. the trump russia story you said yourself there's no hard evidence yet yet of trump straight on collision with russia so why does the public believe it to be a fax and the media in america reports that as a fact and also. i hope the american people or the media don't believe it as a fact sophie i i see it as the facts are clear that for whatever reason and i question why the russian intelligence services.
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attacked our system so aggressively but i think that as a jew i don't think that's the nihil the question then is what did that do and what impact did that have on the results of the election and for what reason did russian intelligence conduct that activity i don't have the answers to those questions and i won't speculate because i think that would be irresponsible i think we have to determine what happened and then decide what happened on the basis of the evidence and i don't think we're there yet. that's the think i don't know that anyone has presented the evidence and then the facts have been presented to the public by intelligence agencies american public has been misled intentionally or not by its intelligence community many times like i am i'm thinking w m d's in iraq for instance since the consequences of that are still felt fifteen years or so why really wholehearted face in what the intelligence is telling them about russia now
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especially what you're saying it's a fact but every time russia asks to show them the facts they they they are unable to provide them. just like with iraq. i think that's a legitimate i think that's a legitimate accusation sofi to the extent that it puts pressure on the u.s. intelligence community to do something that's hard to do which is to present the if you will the secret facts or the story i don't even know frankly the secret story because i don't have a reason i need to know that as a retired cia officer however if they do present the facts there's a risk of of compromising what we call sources and our methods which would of course not not be good so the question is how much evidence should be provided to the american people i'm personally and i stress this is my personal view an advocate of declassifying as much information as possible and presenting it to the
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american people and to present it to the russian government i think we really need to initiate a process that we negotiate an end to this kind of aggressive cyber hacking and interference in our one another's domestic affairs if president putin believes the u.s. is interfering in russian domestic affairs or internal affairs it's not a good approach to interfere in our affairs in order to get us to stop doing it so i think it's in the interest of both sides a sit down and and talk this over and try to avoid a repetition of what happened in two thousand and sixteen in the future. ok let's take a short break right now and when we're back we'll continue talking to cia veteran ralph larson discovered a spy agencies position and it's today squalls tensions to change.
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what politicians do you should look to. put themselves on the on the big get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or something or want to be preached. to the right to be close this is what before three in the morning can't be good good. interested always in the waters and back out. there should. be.
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you know world is big through law and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to get the stories that make the stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shoving past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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now we're back with cia veteran ralph while what larson former top cia official and the two decades veteran of the agency tell you about the spy bureau's role in today's united states internal and external policies are all from michael powell has just recently about had so fresh intelligence verus to protect the american people as he put it so hostile with the rake threatening sanctions aside russia and the u.s. are still programatic enough to work together on some issues right. well that's right so feel it's really important that professionals in the intelligence business not cease cooperation even at the hardest times we have a long history between the u.s. and russia that goes back in the soviet days of setting aside our most grievous complaints against one another to cooperate in areas like counterterrorism and sometimes on counterintelligence and other issues that impact on both on our
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bilateral relations and i applaud the recent meeting of the three russian intelligence. visits chiefs in washington with director pompei and others i think it's a great move toward to reinforce the idea that we must continue to cooperate in areas of common interest of both countries now obviously the congress is up in arms as an american intelligence she was meeting why would the law makers be against is if it does bring tangible results in the fight against terrorism. well i know some people in congress and i interact quite a bit with congress to if you will inform and advise specifically on the areas that we need to talk with one another to continue keeping our country safe both of our countries that's an american interest to not see any russians die in terrorist attacks as it is in russian interest to prevent any terrorist attacks in the united states or elsewhere in the world so i don't think there's any dispute on
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that in congress and i think maybe some of the posturing is frankly political as opposed to substantive i haven't heard anyone say we shouldn't be talking to one another on counterterrorism issues democrat senator chuck schumer has demanded publicly naming everyone who had contact with their russian intelligence delegation and we want that sort of all across the board disclosure being damaging for the nation. yes i think it sends the wrong message if if i were to talk to senator schumer i would i would certainly urge him not to politicize you talked about politicizing intelligence earlier this would be an example of it if we don't do this cooperation one but between one another and areas such as. exchanging information and analysis on the terrorist groups and their activity whether it's in syria or around the world in the caucasus in them in the u.s.
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we should all be fired so we have to have the courage to do that it's in my experience of i was involved in the earliest if you will lays on work between the u.s. and russia at the time of the breakup of the soviet union and i don't recall a time when three intelligence chiefs all came together to washington that such as just happen and so i take it as a very positive signal of a desire to do more and i hope both sides can find the strength to do that. this is just a chance for politicians to the louden t.v. friendly blaming spies right and left because on the other hand surely they must care about the actual issues of national security right yes i hope so and i have i have a deep respect for senator schumer and i quite i would question this based on what i've seen in the media and i hope behind it all it's not a seriously questioning why we would be doing this at this time i would also add
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that again this is a somewhat unorthodox view for someone like me i'm not a believer in applying sanctions to people that are doing their jobs we have a long history of of trying to avoid that sort of politicization of intelligence so i think we try to have to try to find out find a way to deescalate the politicization of intelligence activity it would help again if both sides particularly in this case i would have to put more pressure on the russian side to stop interfering in u.s. domestic affairs with intelligence activity and that would set a better environment to deescalate the rising tensions on a political level and that this fact that intelligence committees on capitol hill have been briefed about this mean that the administration has no trust in congress . i don't think i would go that far sophia i think it reflects the very sharp political dividing lines right now in our country and not just
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between the democrats and republicans but between within the parties themselves i think the democrats are struggling to reestablish their identity to decide what part or wing of the democratic party will move forward into the next election cycles and i think the republican party is trying to decide how much it supports the president some do some don't as you know the truth betraying any secrets here so i think there is there are various conflict intentions and instabilities within both parties again having watched this for much of my over sixty years i have seen other times in our country when we've seen just as confused and days and we generally emerge out of it stronger than we enter that so i'm overall confident that we'll get out of this phase that we're in stronger than we were before we entered it so one terror attack has already been prevented thanks to the cia sharing intelligence with moscow and put it has personally thanked the americans
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for their help in that how does that work what the intelligence agencies i mean how do you coppery it on some matters when there is general mistrust and hostility i mean how do you know you're not being caught i think that's a great question and i love that question. yeah well i love the question because it gets back to the heart of what we are what i hope we are and what we strive to be and even on our on the days we don't we don't reach this ethics i would call it of intelligence our basic motto our basic if you will standard is we have a duty to warn we have a duty to warn anybody anywhere in the world if they might their lives might be threatened by terrorist activity and of course in my time at cia working in counterterrorism i personally instructed my officers to analyze and then provide the russian government with information that i believe prevented attacks on russian citizens during my time so i consider that a high one of our best days any time we help one another prevent attacks where
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people might be killed obviously and so that's that's a great story and as we've done before this is just fortunately on this occasion there's a little bit of recognition that it happened and i think that's a good thing so do you think the recent pentagon military doctrine shift from the war on terror to great power while great with china and russia given higher priority now means that the cia's anti terror effort will fall to her. i don't think so sophia because terrorism is not going away we fact i'm a little worried right now because every time there's been a relative lull in activity such as we've seen since a little bit of reduction of conflict in syria recently there's been a rebound and then the terrorists every merged in a new form so i'm not in any way believer in the idea that we were past this threat of terrorism i think at the same time the great power rivalry doesn't necessarily
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imply that we're enemies again or that we're back to a cold war i think in a way whether you're that you apply this idea of rivalry to china or russia it's a recognition that both countries should be taken seriously and that their interests are sometimes a threat to the united states but i would describe it more as competition than adversarial. i've heard former cia officials lament the fact that the agency has fewer resources now than sure in the cold war but does new technology like the n.s.a. surveillance mean that fewer people are needed at the agency anyway. i generally am not a person that believes that intelligence resources are insufficient i think we have plenty of resources and we have to be smarter in how we go about things as you as you indicated technology helps leverage we can leverage technology as afore we call a force multiplier that makes us stronger there are other ways to do it too i don't
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think numbers is often the way to attack the problem i think we need smart people we need people who have the authorities they need the resources they need to do their jobs but i don't think the numbers indicate whether we have enough coverage in other words i believe or the u.s. intelligence community we have some we have sixteen different intelligence and it is within the what we call our intelligence community we have plenty of capability i think where we need to make more efforts is in how we decide what we do and then being more efficient in going about our missions so will the agency have less need for gathering old fashioned cold war style human intelligence like i don't know talking to someone or infiltrating into real ok camp control like hacking is dropping on phone conversations intercepting e-mails spying would. replace the human intelligence component. well you're talking to an old school person so i don't feel i need to reform my thinking at this point my life so i'd have to answer
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you by saying there's always room there's been room for of thousands of years for old spat old fashioned espionage spies go back to biblical times and you know as long as there are humans on the earth there's a need to know what our if you will competitors and adversaries are thinking and human spies will never be replaced by cyber or hacking or any other key or drones or any other technology in fact in the one nine hundred ninety s. in my view are the us intelligence can community became to an armored with what i call national technical means whether that was satellites or other things to replace human intelligence we thought the world changed after the collapse of the soviet union and it had we're still living in the same world i was born in the one nine hundred fifty four so i believe in answer your question we're always going to need understanding of adversaries and even some of our friends plans and intentions because by having that knowledge will make better decisions and also if you like
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more technology progresses we're typewriters and old special letters are the safest thing out there still anyway as well thank you so much as it is and to your i thank you so much for this interview this wonderful insight always show you all the best of luck or talk until ralph larsen two decades cia veteran former moscow station chief about the cia's relationship with the triumph administration and its role in today's cow to quilt that set for the senate and if so if you're next.
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and i finally ended up going and also that it can get a little now cause a blip on the album keep the point i. wanted to leave you would it be that easy to the point it can get out and make. plus is that going to take place the city people. didn't. know but i thought it might get a bunch of a little bit of a lot of fun about a little bit odd that that out of money could be no doubt much of the woodwork to mop up to get it but it. exists and one day it's lose lose some bodies of the. proceeds. going to look over.
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despond denizen the idea that we more executing innocent people is terrifying the is just no way that we hadn't been there we were even many of the times families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of the global wealth you longs to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent flies last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's
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building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one to one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only buddha. to visit he said he hopping up and facing people in the front. because he will you have you spoke to so you are talking to us. about them that i'm good at l.f. but i last did it no i don't wish me to each his own. but a lot of it i think about tom and i scared but i'm going up with him as are a lot of us up the money into the magazine i'm about a minute. or so to the long low i left my cause.
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that. one. chooses un chief so walking its own agencies from helping repurposed surgery is. a calming. girl who escaped during slave men from in iraq claims she came face to face with her captor in germany where she'd fled for safety we've spoken to my boss called the police i told them i'd never imagine the possible for the fighter to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. is that russia is probably the former obama administration diploma from an h. lezard law school was alleged to interfere in the upcoming u.s. midterm elections but with backing up most of the.
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revery you're tuning in from right to run the world this hour welcome to moscow and to r.t. international and really our top story the u.n. is being accused of secretly blocking its own agencies from getting syria's a call me back on track the claim comes from russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov because it was true it's turned out that the political department if the u.n. secretary it produced and distributed to secret going on within the whole u.n. system in october last year it restricted the organizations within that system to take part in any projects on the reconstruction of the syrian economy are only humanitarian aid nothing else well first of all we don't hear this kind of criticism for a surrogate lavrov directed specifically at the u.n.
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that often but if you really read into what he said you will realize that actually he is upset with what he called attempts by other countries to manipulate the u.n. secretary it and this is absolutely unacceptable says the russian foreign minister the russian foreign ministry has already been touch with the secretary general they sent a former complaint about the alleged behind the scenes than the secretary to take part and this syria restoration program then there was also a question by our correspondent who asked sergey lavrov what he makes of the u.s. involvement or rather lack of involvement when it comes to restoring syria says it's too early to talk about reconstruction efforts until a political settlement is agreed on what do you make of that knowledge some countries are trying to hinder the return of refugees by refusing to help reconstruction efforts it's counterproductive. said official conditions for the
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syrian people to return to their homes why so much concern from moscow about this area well first of all russia has been a key player in syria and moscow is proud of its role of being in charge of the many reconciliation first that we have seen and also moscow's really been helping with rebuilding the economy and the refugees will not come back if the economy doesn't get restored the process has already begun the syrian government has just announced that as many as twenty five thousand syrians have just returned from lebanon and that is within four months and the devastated cities and towns are slowly getting back to normal which our correspondent has seen with his own eyes. two years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we cover the roof of the
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building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around smoking just like the good old days under joe you know the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day. i was lucky enough not to leave my home high and this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly defeated now thank god things about are despite all the things we've been through we're no better well those things are getting better and moscow is looking forward to other countries getting on board to russia says it's in their biggest interest as well and obviously they are counting on the united nations too and perhaps that explains the resentment of sergei lavrov.
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after escaping illegal imprisonment and fleeing to germany a girl from a roxy a city minorities see she has met her as a law mixtape helped or face to face not once but twice in the european nation we spoke to us walk through told list she still lives in fear can have more why we were standing seven girls captured by fighters in taken to syria the worst time in my life was moment when i still separated me from my family they took us away from our mothers fathers brothers they even of adopted eight year old girls they tortured us raped test sold us into slavery who were looking for gasland anything sharp knife scissors when we couldn't find anything to kill ourselves with we were trying to escape but they handcuffed our hands and lax covered our heads and raped us they turned us into human shields when they went anywhere they took us with them so that the strikes didn't kill them a large number of the
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a city women have been in slave by isel and sexually abused what many still in captivity. had them in america that they got a. tremendous. without going to have an invaluable protocol that i. passed on by that can and though that. you know now is not. the love of my lower level any alcohol would not have found among. us what is now nineteen and when she was captured by isel four years ago she was
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sold as a sex slave to one of their fighters after being a priest for three months she managed to escape and flee to germany but once there she claimed she was again horrified by two separate encounters with the same who had been slaved her. germany was willing to take in one thousand women who had excused from i went there to forget what i'd been through i saw a boo as i was going home after school i couldn't believe my torturer could have found out where i lived the next time i saw he was two years later a car pulled up beside me and asked me if i was and i said i didn't know he were a schlock how is it possible that my rapist is living here and has the same rights as me my boss called the police and told them what he looked like and they scratched his face and it looked the same i told them there had been no other witnesses i told them i'd never imagined possible for an hour to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name german prosecutors however claim
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the information provided by a shrug isn't enough to identify them fearing for her safety in germany decided to move book to a right thing i told my dad that the person who raped me it was in germany that i didn't want to leave there no matter what my dignity is more important than being in germany i put my life in danger to escape from myself to retain my dignity and he wanted me to stay in germany knowing that the one who was responsible for my misery is free in that country all i wanted was to be somewhere safe but after meeting him i was afraid the whole time that he heard me again so i couldn't stay there anymore. we can tell it did several german government agencies the police on friday to ask what other actions they have taken if any where yet to hear a bug but when we do we'll let you know what they say. moving all know it's a barcelona where police have shot dead a man who tried to attack officers with a knife at a police station the incident is being treated for terrorism it happened outside
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within the compound of a police station in the west of the city earlier on monday no other injuries have been reported we do know the man was a twenty nine year old of algerian origin who shouted gold is greatest and arabic as he launched his time on friday spain mark one year since a terrorist drove a van and into the death streams in a crowded barcelona street killing thirty. and i saw many people running to become the bodies of kids lying in the street this is a tragedy. you. saw an avalanche of people running in every direction and i thought it was total chaos we had no idea what was going on and i didn't see the man i just heard a boom boom boom sound and people screaming.
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there is yet another claim that russia is out to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections in the united states this time it's the blunt ticket magazine pointing the finger it's article even mentions this channel as one of the methods used to swing the vote all quarter reports. the russians are probably at it again according to an article in the atlantic magazine and probably is good enough especially when the unity of the stars and stripes is apparently under threat by big bad russia the russian government has one overriding objective with regard to the united states to weaken america so that it loses its will and ability to counter russian objectives and to accomplish this goal the article says russia has a devious multi-pronged plan. first is allegedly helping people who undermine the democratic party and inviting them as guests on r t the walkaway
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campaign reportedly an organic cum pain of lifelong democrats leaving the party has been amplified by russian social media accounts and featured on the russian propaganda outlet walkaway founder brandon stracke did give an interview for r t in which he expressed his disillusion with the democratic party's identity politics and why his movements getting popularity among americans i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberal so it's not identity politics hurting the party it's walkaway founder's appearance on our t.v. fueling a russian plot if that's the case then there must be more russian influencers in america's midst because fox news had him on for a similar interview discussing the very same walkaway movement and with the attention mainstream newspapers have given his campaign they may be doing an even
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better job at spreading his message but the buck doesn't stop there. the article says moscow is ready to give its money to russian friendly americans russian businessmen will likely attempt to fund think tanks working on u.s. russia relations to push a narrative favoring cooperation with. russia and opposition to sanctions cooperation with russia oh the horror regardless the article doesn't actually provide any evidence as to who or when some russian businessman will begin giving away free money but it's ok for western businessmen and nato to throw money at anti russian think tanks the articles author evelyn farkas is a senior fellow at one called the atlantic council and it's received millions of dollars from a long list of corporations and governments internationally who are apparently also very concerned about potential russian election hacking. while
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there is no way that it is that russia has done so to date at minimum it will likely use its ability to access voter registration databases and election related sites to undermine america's confidence in its own electoral integrity so no evidence the kremlin has done it as the article says but the atlantic is calling on all patriotic americans to protect democracy and the tune of its song continues to sound oh too familiar we know that russia today is regarded as a grave threat to our nation to our freedom the peace of the world you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in defense production why your family is paying the highest taxes in our history. the deeds some more attempts to showcase sell aged russian influence of at a cost a democratic staffers in hot water for helping to select controversial piece of art into the colorado state capitol building.
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a couple were said to have shown their lack of respect which gender equality laws and fail to prove their readiness to integrate into society they now have thirty days left to appeal the decision what buchan twenty sixteen a similar case took place in sweden that was what a twenty four year old muslim woman refused to shake a meal interviewer's hand when she had gone for a job their meeting was abruptly terminated however far j one thousands in compensation when sweden's labor court ruled it amounted to discrimination the incident has split social media i've warned about this for years they immigrate into our countries and refuse to integrate and then use our laws against us to impose their religious laws they shouldn't come to a country and expect everything there to change according to what they want or don't want to do if you come to a country you should respect their culture it isn't racist it's common sense. well
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this isn't a law this is just a customary procedure she's not obliged to follow a custom that's against her and we just believe you don't have an argument good you can't force anyone to touch someone if they don't want to she wasn't rude the employer was rude your reactions come ficken fast on this one we debated the issue on the program earlier. you see if you're an employer in sweden like the guy who wanted to recruit a young interpreter and at interview this girl refuses to shake hands she has difficulties to talk to him because he's a man because of our culture that doesn't work this guy doesn't fire her does not hire her and because of that isa blanche to pay four thousand euro to that girl one the swedes here that they say no on off that here they have the lady in sweden smiled and made this question we have to know that even muslims should also add to their habits to the customs of the country they're living under shaking hands
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a suggestion of respect to do with it but if someone is not shaking the hand but on the other side showing me that he's respecting me he's smiling in my face peace he's making a show of like me just like this will ever what always also take the tension of this discussion away and try to find a way how we could deal respectfully with each other except think each other talking ph other and maybe trying to change some of these things in positively manner well it should stop talking about respect when they come to europe they have respect they have had respect for all the time but they should stop trying to influence society to attain what their bigotry insists is absolutely necessary you should adapt muslims should adapt they have adapted for decades this form of islam is not welcome in europe that's the perception of citizens and it's not only
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populist i think it's something like seventy or eighty percent of the population who believes that you know there are some values these values that are spared that the freedom of speech the freedom of changing their faith the freedom. to to have my own decision how i live but also the freedom of the. living down the freedom of faith so these are values that are in europe or should be proud of it and we should fight to keep them and not accepting anybody who is going to make me in danger is what are values and our democracy this issue with this young woman refusing to shake hands with a man this is so much happening everywhere and it's not emotional the way europeans react this cannot continue like that either they adapt and accept the way we live and they live with us and shake hands like everybody else or else they can go back to that country and the problem is look at saying do on back to their
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countries and he can't just imagine that's what's thems out of utopia and so they're living here maybe in the fourth generation so stop to talk to us live this way go back to the cultures of accomplices also ask what we've been i'll come to compete belgium a could be great britain. police have come under a tele in southern russia we've got the details and ninety seconds. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want to. let you go right to be
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native attacks on police in the region at least five officers and two members of the public were injured on monday morning chechnya's ministry of the interior earlier confirmed the attacks in iraq in the capital city of grozny two armed assailants were shot dead in the first incident after trying to enter a police station two officers were wounded in the attack in a separate incident at a roadside police station in the capital on exposed at the feis in a vehicle failed to detonate it before the alleged accomplice attempted to run over members of the authorities both people in the car were killed two officers were left injured an official investigation is underway. greece has finally exited the be alive program brought in over the country's debt crisis under the biggest rescue package in close financial history the european commission the international monetary fund the european central bank greece more than three hundred billion euro the deal is how the huge impact on the economy more
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than four hundred thousand people have moved abroad pensions are daryn taxes are up on nothing is still expected to be repaying the loans until twenty sixty well the crisis provoked serious tensions between greece from the rest. the e.u. peaking in twenty fifteen when brussels the monday greater austerity measures to deal with the debt mountain most critics voted against further restrictions in a referendum yet the government still implemented them and it meant the e.u. unlocked another eighty six billion euro in aid the be allowed has triggered countries protest on the years. it was. was. was.
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was. let's get further into this story now with margo parker who is a european parliament member from the u.k. independence party welcome to the program and just leaving aside greece for a moment more go in europe itself it's coming high cost to them hasn't it to even get to the stage what lessons have been learned. well i wish i could say i think they've learned lessons i don't think they have because they may well say the bailouts are finished however you yourself said earlier that it will be i think it's twenty six states before they will be free of these dreadful burdens of debt and the other shocking issue for me and i'm sure for many many greek people will be the young people were driven from greece to see jobs now they still have forty
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three percent youth high unemployment and that's not acceptable so what costs us is seriously worked for greece i don't believe it or i think a lot of people that i speak to particularly greet colleagues in the parliament then not at all happy but you know their government capitulated and took the medicine from the european union that's what they did there are those on the other side of the argument there morgan who say that if it wasn't for cash injections from the e.u. the i.m.f. greece would really have gone to the wall for sure don't do that serve some praise for rescuing their fellow e.u. member. well don't forget i mean let's go back a little stage further shall we greece was never financially in the right position to actually join the euro it was only through five financial paperwork that they were ever allowed into the euro in the first place they were not quick to do that
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so that was a scandal from the e.u. in the first place to look the other way whenever something doesn't suit them they look the other way but you know the the pain i think that that has caused great people it would have been all for a lot better had they were made and have their own currency they wanted to been tied in to this the shocking procedure that the e.u. throws at people that take the euro it's you know whether you can afford it socially whether you can afford it in so many ways they couldn't afford it they joined and they stayed with it so of course that was a disaster right in the beginning wasn't it as you pointed out one in five greeks are still all employed numbers actually disputed some are saying it's much higher because people have left the country aren't even included in it yet the economy is a quarter smaller than it was pre-crisis what happens now though is it all too often is to complete the repair work all on their own or will be still need to
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bankroll the recovery somewhat. well yes i believe you know if they remain in the euro i mean if they decide that it's the penalties are too great too severe too savage if for example i don't know if the italian banks have problems this may well be a knock on effect that too much for the e.u. even so maybe you know some have some hard lessons should have been learned earlier and maybe the austerity package which was thrown at the greek people and the government i know they fought an election and the people certainly didn't want to leave the euro but i've been let if you went back now and said to them well here's what we went through was it worth it would you rather have had. is it so important to you but i think you might get an interesting answer where they're not already so deep in the hole because the left wing sarees of government got to power by voting to get tough with the e.u. for imposing such strict austerity in the end as you said prime minister say prost failed he capitulated to the be light. you know you could argue was the e.u.
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right all along that this is the only way to solve the crisis. well unfortunately that is quite true i really had high hopes of that government i thought gosh you know they're really going to stand up you know they're going to do something really sensible for the people but they did capitulate and unfortunately i think you know the the bad management of the e.u. financially throughout europe it's shocking really it doesn't seem like they want to learn lessons they talk about austerity but then they they crossed shocking packages that a country like greece that quite frankly i thought it was really a pretty terrible thing to do but as you rightly say there are lots of young people that left the country these all be the brain of the future of the country and that in itself is an absolute tragedy that no money could ever correct margot parker euro m.p. from the u.k. independence party thank you so much for your time this hour. or about your
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thoughts for an hour here in r t international more can always be following on our website news views go lower and see a certain. part of the. chose seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any old belief just to shape our disdain comes to educate and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look
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for common ground. i'm after times and you're watching going underground while they're away we're screening some of your favorite episodes of this season coming up in this show assistance a vision filmmaker whistleblower actor and activist rose mcgowan exposes the hollywood propaganda model and tells us why not to trust a man in a three thousand dollars suit we speak to her about her manifesto brave demystifying a multi-billion dollar system that seeps into the consciousness of billions of all around the world all this and more coming up in today's going underground but first those fighting nato nation neoliberalism were to be on the streets of rome today to
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protest what they see as the death of democracy in europe the electorally successful five star movement that alone its far right allies just didn't want to defect o e u appointed i.m.f. man to be prime minister of italy we don't want. it don't you know that you see meaning if you want to change it if you don't believe that you have to give up without it why didn't see anything good one good luck you'll know i just might be you know in other words what's happened in europe in the past ten or twenty years it's just astonishing i mean even the wall street journal it's astonishing. pointed out recently in an article that which is correct that in europe no matter what government is elected you know for a left or right and if you know they follow exactly the same policies nigel farage saw that and so from the left did the mentor of u.k. labor leader jeremy corbin in europe or the key positions are appointed not elected
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by the commission for example or appointed not one of them in the team and the way that europe was developed is that. bank of the mountain national corporations have got very powerful. and if you come in on their own they will tell you we're not do another acceptable ideas are today supposed to be given voice on the streets of the eternal city but italy which will be the third largest economy in the e.u. after breck's it has long been targeted for not being in line with washington in one thousand nine hundred the e.u. parliament debated nature collaboration with armed groups to define democracy as former f.b.i. consultant paul williams told sean stone's son the film director oliver about operation gladio one r.t. is watching the hawks during larry or one the years of lead in italy when there were these horrific bombings even the blown your bombing posited from time they
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were all done by really to stay behind units a gladder your units spurred on by the cia well a destabilization of italy is open to debate no one need to bait how a particular italian american actor is destabilize the arguable propaganda arm of the us military industrial complex hollywood her name is rose mcgowan and she's been in the news for bringing down powerful men like harvey weinstein currently on bail after being indicted by a grand jury for sex crimes that he denies roses appeared in scores of t.v. and feature films directorial debut dorn was nominated for the grand jury prize at sundance and they just work is brave tracing her journey from the children of god cult in southern italy to becoming a movie star she joins me now rose welcome to going underground so why do you think many people believe this part autobiography part manifesto about hollywood of the journey towards hollywood as well as only what is so rare. i think it's so rare because people don't talk back to hollywood people don't break rank and they don't
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tell secrets even though this is definitely not a tell all and like i say to tell it how it is people don't really do that because of the powerful engine. stopping anyone from hiding the what's beneath it i think it is the powerful interest i think it's just because it's how it's always been done you know how we call things you know the best boy or it's for the job we have the same names we have the same schedule that they did from when they started hollywood don't deviate it just stays the same because these are the unwritten rules but you know i don't really believe in unwritten rules i don't i don't see the point and i i don't see the point in not saying it like it is really intermissions of the horror and you name check one very famous. francis former. record farber's so i mean apart from the fact that electroshock therapy is actually used later in the in the narrative what's the importance of francis for francis
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farmer was a classic hollywood actress and she did very few films she was doing very well and the hollywood powers that be wanted her to continue being famous she did not want to be she didn't want to be an actress she didn't want that life for herself and. the studio head in collusion with her mother had her kidnapped and given electroshock therapy to force her to want to be famous and instead as i say in the book it left her just a husk of a woman and that is kind of i wrote that because it's kind of the message you get as a woman there just. they would love to be able to do that to me i'm sure of it it is just don't get out of line little girl don't get out of line really i want schork was that you explain this quite funny actually so it. was the united states we knew given that you left the cold in italy and you arrived in the united states which was a miracle truly was i don't know that i've ever gotten over being shocked when america
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i tell you the truth on a daily basis it's quite shocking. it is incredibly beautiful land but it was very traumatic and i did have a big quibble with orange cheese and not understand it having never seen it before in into me it was just a perfect metaphor for. i mean imagine going to the food there in the eighty's in america it was going from italian food in tuscany to that was just everything was different was loud it was it was it was everything you think you cried over the denny's getit i cried over eating spaghetti a fast food restaurant i thought this is it i'm stuck when it comes to the classism we're doing with it that's the word to use when food stamps are involved at school people ashamed people are shamed for that and it was interesting going back and forth between my father who at the time did have you know some money to than my mother who was putting yourself back to university so we were on
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a very lean budget and it is it likes to pretend it doesn't have that class structure that it got free of it but that's who we were formed by you know america anyway and it's not free of it and how exactly do you think it manifests in different ways it manifests everywhere just from if you're poor you go to the drugstore the chemist to get your face cream instead of you know the and in the u.k. would be selfridges for the fancy people but it's the same people behind say l'oreal making both products or. you know they follow you in places if they don't feel like you're quite right for it or they exist all the examples of it the subtleties the if you go into a wal-mart there which is you know store by and large it's a very cheap clothing store and i think they've just rolled out a big market here but it was interesting i went into one recently and all the clothing marketed towards people of
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a certain means were all fluorescent and then i thought you're not going to go into a store on you know rodeo drive with all these floor it was like so we can easily identify the poor people there's a lot of psychology that goes into the stuff and i i had a lot of time i suppose to think about it and your choice of rebellion like so many of the children all around the world was the only way that many of them have. fashion music in fashion and just i didn't i was very ok with being different i was very ok i was looking differently and i was ok with putting out the message of i guess i'm not like you and it wasn't. they just knew that inherently they stink of lee you know when you're from somewhere else they love making you feel like you're the freak and i just thought but it's not me throughout the country of immigration in the book you say you hear the teacher saying we're trying to teach you the pledge of allegiance you might get the communist out of you and then you say. we're
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fascists. they didn't even get no no historical and you know not really and the books were really wrong and the books that they taught with and you still do. i didn't put this in the book or it got cut but i was very influenced by malcolm x. when i was eleven and i was your average eleven year old reading material but i was reading the autobiography of malcolm x. and he said something that really stuck with me at that time when i'd come to america and he said why would you let your enemies teach your children. and not just kind of really stuck with me in terms of realising i didn't want their information in my head i didn't want the propaganda in my head i'll take what i want leave the rest and there was a powerful influence it was probably well malcolm x. very known for by any means necessary some that kind of power in any kind of move of a justice if you want to correct influence me incredibly. i mean this is the story
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of the autobiographical part of the story quite bizarre the story where not to being a drug addict a drug addict you end up in rehab you just. i mean stepdad you know really at the end of the day. but you're taught about drugs rehab i learned a lot about drugs rehab i learned about what they do how much street value was what they look like where the best areas are to procure them and i thought it was the most bizarre form of teaching and obviously they want to repeat customers in this particular rehabilitation center so i chose to leave it because drugs rife in. in hollywood as well would one would say the right for too much everywhere but in hollywood i'm sure yes and the meanness you saw in the streets after that when you were homeless and so would. you say in terms of meanness it was worse amongst the three thousand dollars it's far worse there was a lot more kindness on the street there's
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a lot more kindness shown and that is something. you kind of fall into a band of people quite quickly. and i i really i think fundamentally there came from people that did tell the truth and so i just naively assumed people were telling me the truth once i got to hollywood i couldn't understand why they would lie i would think about it not that they can't be like him because what would be the motive the motive is simply to live. and this is the studio executive system which what it didn't change since the one nine hundred thirty s. was of earlier and earlier not that it hasn't changed and the. it's the same amount of directors in the directors guild of america talk about that in the book you know and that's those are all the directors that are making the product that you see that goes into your mind and worldwide and that statistic that ninety six percent males in that d.g.a. directors guild that hasn't changed one hundred forty six why is it being so able
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to prevent anyone from storming the barricades all cults are very good at that are . and supported by the media as well with the raw specifically with me the role of the media is is very much and has always been you know hand in hand with hollywood . and the government's completely hands off obviously this government's not going to be doing anything about it but the government's always been pretty much hands off except for the blacklisting era after that stopped the original blacklisting you know joseph mccarthy in the fifty's it was cointelpro somewhere in between rather than well consumption but it was the blacklisting for mean media the way to speak about how media treated me was that they were in fact paid often has been proven to drag me to say bad things about me for the last twenty years really and you think you're just i mean in this story it is read read as until until the end about the ending i mean you had this one man to a breast cancer chrysalis records to describe his story and why he was one of the
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one light in your life he was a light cancer was somebody who helped me out of a bad situation and i hope for the future and then he was murdered still unsolved and that was there's a point where and i say it in the book or earmarks are weird sometimes and i look at that like the ultimate test and he was stolen and that was a really it was a seminal moment in my life and also it's just it was really dark you know and that was a dark that was a dark dark time and where things kind of went black for a while but like anything you survive it because there's no choice and not everyone does rose all stop you that more from rez we got after the break.
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we have no idea what safe he's doing on vacation but she will be back on air in september. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be with the death penalty just because i think that's the fair think the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict just found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying there was just no way to parent and then we hear even many victims' families want
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the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the get tell here is because that's what murder victims' families want that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. welcome back i'm still here with actor director and activist rose mcgowan another theme throughout the book is the need for can forward you not just in ideas but with the way one actually looks the surface just told me a bit about that hair color hair length particularly well something i found really interesting and that had to do with you know by a female agent in hollywood talent agent directly telling me that i had to have long hair otherwise the men in hollywood wouldn't want to she said it nastier terms
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but sleep with me and if they didn't want to sleep with me they would hire me and the thing is i knew she was right. nothing to do with the script writers nothing to do with the plot claims nothing by it is again that conformity and i think we've all seen that that hairdo was just three to blow dry that with the three twirls on the and it's like kind of classic hollywood hair and i do wonder when the look will stop it is i kind of took matters into my own hands. if you up. and kind of i did i do a talk about it in the book i just i broke up with the world in a way the idea of the preconceived notion of what you're supposed to look like as a woman and i think she would look good or to call me this film director really. funnily enough. and you still believe that this is continuing today actors in hollywood if they're female have to conform to that there is very
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little leeway specially for anyone starting out well that's the whole thing there's a lot of leeway there's so much leeway but they don't know that they're trained out of thinking there's any leeway this is how it's been done is how it's always been done this is how we should do it and i just think it's not even a good system they're not even great businessman they could be making so much more money it's not even a if you can teach me to take what's special about people and massage it away until they're just an atomic time until they no longer know who they are what they are then what are you selling you're selling what you think someone should be and that person behind the scenes might not be somebody you want in your head. so it's not even capitalism or it's the fact they themselves are in the cold but internationally billions of people are influenced but that's the thing and people say you know do you hate hollywood. i hate that it goes out to the world
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i hate that that thought doesn't stay local. you know and there's there's obviously been seminal amazing films and cinema and all these things and it has done some good but i think overall i think on the balance so a lot of harm and obviously in the in the newspapers across the media we know about certain studio directors you just mentioned an agent but what is exactly the rule of a hollywood publicist people way to know burt lancaster in this week's road success what did they do and influence the billions of people in what they then may want to emulate aspire to and see in people what's usually somebody a publicist is meant to get you press or media or work usually with other higher ups to sell you to make you palatable and a lot of these people have just seen movies where they see publicists in the movies
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acting a certain way so they come and they act that way because they think that's how they're supposed to be so it's just kind of like this on and on the people in hollywood have seen movies about people in hollywood so they continue to behave that way even though there's no reason to not just be a person there's no reason to not be free but the threat is you'll be dropped if you don't take their orders it's not a threat they do it they they do it you don't want to get any reputation it's worse than you know a high school girl sleeping with a boy it's like you don't want to reputation whatever you don't want a reputation so you do everything you can to not step out of line. and and that eventually just again it strips what's special about you away i mean friends some journalists are trying to interview some straws big surprise the publicists are in there pretty quickly to stop certain questions particularly ones of politics i should say or issues of war and peace. i don't know israel gaza. while i did
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interviews are so boring. tell you that control they don't want even stars don't have an opinion do not have an opinion no matter what you know do not have an opinion and i why not we're sorry but you get people on twitter that will say shut up and act or shut up i'm saying shut up and dance and i would say. no we are people too and i think the more that people in front of the camera really understand that they have a voice also. and people often get quite jealous of those i have a platform without realizing they were very hard for that platform i worked very hard to hang on to be sitting here today i work very hard at that why. some actors might have no thoughts on the matter some might have starts. their very infantilized and you get used to being coddled and told what to do where to sit how to look what to be. i don't cotton to that kind of. direction.
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it's clearly. how big does one have to be before it gets the freedom natalie portman recently said she was supporting gaza robert redford has always been a big name and always talked about the military industrial complex warren beatty you have to be really concerned you have read that big to really have any kind of freedom or even they have strictures a place i think. well i mean i'm sure that the men get a lot more leeway susan sarandon i think. by hollywood standards was kind of branded you know kind of kooky that's what they like to do if you have a personality or you have a specific point of view you're a kook or you're kind of unhinged. when it's ok to just be a person and have have a point of view it doesn't have to be anybody else's but it can be yours and i
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think if you're young and you're up and coming and you're making noise about gaza all of people above you will get very nervous because then you're going to get put in celebrity time. so what i mean is that you know in the corner at lincoln so absurd is really a magazine celebrity i mean i mean you get you're like a little kid you get your face in the corner until you get better it's the proverbial time out it's quite asinine to tell you the truth so friends of friends to people you mention in the book if we if we get away from the level of things maybe disappointed to know that robert rodriguez going to terra to you know seen as independent filmmaker is not that much different really to the corporate film because. you know there are there are men with power. and in fact. i would think the corporate ones might have more oversight but.
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their oversight committee was harvey weinstein. do you would you go as there was the powerful say well justice was eventually people often have to just wait quietly. they had a hand in the. quantum even so they all know. you know he knew about me he said it in an interview. you know they say the complicity machine is huge there. there's talk about an industrial complex is one of complicity. and it's one of. continually protecting people that aren't even that great in the first place so do not. just clean out the crap so great things can come just cut off the head to rot and let other things florus because we know it's all there we've all worked in those places where it would be so great if it weren't for that one person get rid of that one person. the attitude comes from the top down
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and the attitude of permissiveness imagine if your boss is a known rapist where you get to get away with. pretty much everything right it is something of a malcolm x. in this targeting of the talk because obviously you talk about hollywood functioning as propaganda the billions of people going to the movies when you are promoting them on that level people arguably feel that they do as much but it is at the top that things have to change yes it is at the top. fundamentally biting ankles of power does not work. i wanted to show people that you could go for the head but of course some people saying that there there are quite a few people still still there other definitely are for legal reasons we got misread and you every people i mean how would you say you how the law serves them as well in terms of media being able to cover stories like this well i mean if you look at harvey weinstein got to turn himself in on
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a friday afternoon to be arrested on a long weekend that means his story won't be running all week in the news and already be old news by the time the next week rolls around after the bank holiday you know that's all orchestrated that's all orchestrated and the media by not covering it in the week following necessarily falls into that we've got a great save the police acted like she had your promotional system of staggering events in his case he has people high up. on his side which is a sad side to be on and you see it is symptomatic of this problem again to the people you seem to preempt the criticism in the book towards the end saying people will think i should i only would rather than all the widows me for what element of it is done to. you i think i get to say to you no i don't know hollywood anything.
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now why i don't see many people that do you know people like me the ones that are marketed as sex symbols they don't and i talk about this in the book they don't generally get out of their life or they're kind of driven crazy and live off in the desert somewhere and they don't come out the other side it's very hard to come out the other side. an interviewer asked me if i was person a non grata in hollywood and i said no their persona non-grata was me i guess i just say to my count and in terms of trying to change things you talk about emailing tweeting social media because she will boycotting it isn't their world timidly it has to do with mass action and i suppose that the me too was a big degree of mass action whether it be through writing or trade unions they'd be on the decline in the united states is that the way forward because presumably even you think this is just one success you haven't been totally successful. well
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i think it has changed a lot i've heard of that there reshooting a scene right now on something i know about a project that i've heard of where it was too sexualized to rape so they're taking it out entirely people are they are starting to see things with different lenses it's whether they fully understand it or not. you know who knows but they understand that it's bad and that's a start you know i was sent a script a while ago and every single time the female character appeared she had a laundry basket for no apparent reason and she never did the laundry she just liked her laundry basket. is that kind of stuff i want people to start seeing these movies and and the television and picking apart what they're telling you pick apart like what message are you sending me with this female character with this male character with the toxic masculinity this is not just about how women are represented it's men and of course of his men running something they're going to be defined men by it in a way that i think puts a trap on a lot of men and also i feel like little boys you see it so young with them when
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they get to know your so brave you don't cry my heart breaks for them cry it hurt you'll be done in a minute it's cool you're ok but people are so quick to stick you in the box aren't they at that kills me people think they do i do everything for women. i think i'm more of a humanist now i want to get out of these rigid structures because they're killing us i mean if you look at the state of the world i think arguably could say it's having some troubles toxic masculinity can only bring you so far and then it will cave in on itself but i think it i hope it caves into freedom for everybody because i want everybody to be out of these rigid structures are in because they're just not necessary you know i've been lucky enough in a lot of ways to live a fairly free life even while in different cults at least the life of the mind and i got mine back close i kept older i got that but i didn't break and i see
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that so many men i see them like kind of. not knowing or being taught how to process things or are just and there's so much you know violence towards women and it stems from it stems from this idea of ownership for one thing of women and the other part i think is not being able to process emotion i mean there are people that are social class and sick there's just that but what about the others you know i mean and and that's where like i know it sounds really weird but my heart almost breaks par for the month. resident . let's hear it for what are your favorite shows from this season we'll continue to share your favorite search engine way back when season always in the fifth of september till they come to us but social media.
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moscow accuses the u.n. chiefs of secretly blocking its own agencies from helping repair or serious conflict its economy. that's when the full this hour a teenage girl who escaped her and slave men from. claim she then came face to face with her captor in germany where she fled for safety we've spoken to her. my boss called the police i told them i'd never imagined possible for myself fighter to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. american the fence money for sure his photo published so the. twitter user is sending through the company's bombs in yemen.
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around the clock across the world this is r.t. international from the team and myself you know neal welcome to the program our top story the u.n. is being accused of secretly blocking its own agencies from getting serious economy back on track the claim comes from russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov because . it's turned out that the political. the u.n. secretary it produced and distributed a secret guideline within the whole u.n. system in october last year it restricted the organizations within that system to take part in any projects on the reconstruction of the syrian economy are not humanitarian aid nothing else well first of all we don't hear this kind of criticism. directed specifically at the un that often but if you really read
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into what he said you will realize that actually he is upset with what he called attempts by other countries to manipulate the secretariat and this is absolutely unacceptable says the russian foreign minister the russian foreign ministry has already been touch with the secretary general they sent a former complaint about the alleged behind the scenes than the secretary of to take part in this syria restoration program then there was also a question by our correspondent who asked sergei lavrov what he makes of the u.s. involvement or rather lack of involvement when it comes to restoring syria says it's too early to talk about reconstruction efforts until a political settlement is agreed on what do you make of that knowledge is some countries are trying to hinder the return of refugees or refusing to help reconstruction efforts it's counterproductive to send officials conditions for the
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syrian people to return to the why so much concern from moscow about this well first of all russia has been a key player in syria and moscow is proud of its role of being in charge of the many reconciliation first that we have seen and also moscow's really been helping with rebuilding the economy and the refugees will not come back if the economy doesn't get restored the process has already begun the syrian. from and has just announced that as many as twenty five thousand syrians have just returned from lebanon and that is within four months and the devastated cities and towns are slowly getting back to normal which or correspondent has seen with his all eyes. to years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we cover the roof of the
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building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around smoking just like the good old days the undertow a little the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day. i was lucky enough not to leave my home the kind this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly lifted now saying god things are better despite all the things we've been through we're no better well things are getting better and moscow is looking forward to other countries getting on board to russia says it's in their biggest interest as well and obviously they are counting on the united nations too and perhaps that explains the resentment of sergei lavrov.
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moving on after escaping imprisonment and fleeing to germany a girl from iraq suggest city minority she has met her islamic state captor face to face not once but twice in the european nation we spoke to us walk who told us she still lives in fear. john hamm or i we were saudi seven girls captured by fighters and taken to syria the worst time in my life was the moment when i separated me from my family they took us away from our mothers fathers brothers they even have a ducted eight year old girls they tortured us raped test sold us into slavery who were looking for gasland anything sharp knife scissors when we couldn't find anything to kill ourselves with we were trying to escape but they handcuffed our hands and lax covered our heads and raped us they turned us into human shields when they went anywhere they took us with them so that the strikes didn't kill them while a large number of us city women have been enslaved biodiesel and sexually abused
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with many still in captivity. has i met a medic at that mission that i got a. chill on my desk. without about an abominable push but i do know best summed up in a though that you want it bad. you know not is not that a lot of my lower level in the alpha would not of found our. last walk is no nineteen when she was captured by allies all four years ago she was sold
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as a sex slave to one of their fighters after being abused for three months she managed to escape on flee to germany but once there she claims she was again horrified by two separate encounters with the same who haven't slept or. germany was willing to take in one thousand women who had excused from i went there to forget what i'd been through i said abou as i was going home after school i couldn't believe my torturer could have found out where i lived the next time i saw he was two years later a car pulled up beside me and asked me if i was and i said i didn't know he were a schlock how is it possible that my rapist is living here and has the same rights as me my boss called the police and told them what he looked like and they scratched his face and it looked the same i told them there had been no other witnesses i told them i'd never imagined possible for fighter to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. german prosecutors claim the
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information provided by a shrug isn't enough to identify the fearing for her safety in germany schweik has the son to turn the buck to iraq thinking i told my dad that the person who raped me was in germany that i didn't want to leave there no matter what my dignity is more important than being in germany i put my life in danger to escape from i still retain my dignity and he wanted me to stay in germany knowing that the one who was responsible for my misery is free in that country all i wanted was to be somewhere safe but after meeting him i was afraid the whole time that he heard me again so i couldn't stay there anymore. well we contacted several german government agencies and the police on friday to ask what actions they have taken if any where yet to hear about it but when we do we'll let you know what has been said. to barcelona where police have shot dead a man who tried to attack officers with a knife of
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a police station the incident is being treated as terrorism it happened outside within the compound of a police station in the west of the city earlier of london day no other injuries have been reported the man was a twenty nine year old of algerian origin who shouted gold is greatest in are a big he launched his of time on friday to spain mark one year since a terrorist drove a van into protest in a crowded barcelona street killing thirteen. and i saw many people running the covered bodies of kids lying in the street this is a tragedy. you. saw an avalanche of people running in every direction and i mean it was total chaos and we had no idea what was going on and when i didn't see the man i just heard a boom boom boom sound and people screaming.
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let's get more insight now from chris phillips chris is the former head of britain's national counterterrorism security office and is always welcome on the program hi chris chris just to the scription of the instant what is it about the knife attack that leads police to consider it a terror attack as opposed to an assault against officers well i think quite simply the god as great as it is going to give them a big clue in and of course it is almost exactly twelve months ago since result exact in barcelona so they would have been on a bit of the time it's often often when you have periods like this where you where you had incidents out of a series of so i can understand why they would consider this a terrorist attack and it just goes to show just this year issue that the police forces are around the continent dealing with individuals like this perhaps.
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course on top of the issue with with groups of people that may be still at large yeah that some are last year it just was a riff do you think that the attack was timed to coincide with the first anniversary of that in which thirteen pedestrians died out a lot more could have. yeah well that's often the case that the anniversaries are very important to terrorists it seems to spur them on to do other things as well. and i think what we say here is copycat this is a clear copycat from other attacks have taken place probably this guy has got no training he's just a bit of an extremist maybe a bit of violent past and decides to go out in a way that's going to kill ordnance so luckily they were able to deal with him very quickly i think we've got to remember though that this is this is really we've got away with another terrorist attack. last year twelve months ago that also notes that was supposed to be three big vehicle bombs which would have been absolutely
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devastating and would have killed hundreds of people rather than what we ended up with was an individual dog and through lives around us yet yet again we've got another lucky escape chris when you're talking about barcelona it's one of the biggest tourist hot spots on the planet especially during summer there is already a lot of police on the streets how much more on alert our security services during i suppose somber anniversary some of terror atrocities a time when feelings are heightened. yeah that's always always a case where there's anniversaries often it's joan ramadan that attacks take place and you know you get bigger groupings of attacks more killing if you like so are these things all taken into account but of course when you're the police officer that suddenly gets confronted by an individual with a knife and no particular reason who comes at you it's a really difficult thing to deal with but i say again this is another lucky escape from a terrorist attack similar to what we had in london last week you know whether that's
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terrorism or not it was a bit lucky that the guy didn't do a very good job of what he was trying to attempt to do how do you view the situation in europe as a whole there's a lot more security put in place it seems is there more to do is there anything that can be done when somebody has it in their mind that they're going to stage a terror attack like this well there's not much you can do with an individual like this to just the blue dogs. the blue desires to commit a fairly low level terrorist attack is there's nothing you can do other than deal with the threat as it happens what you can deal with is the is the groups the more scary people really who are linked up in groups of people with guns and bombs making bombs and with it with an idea to kill hundreds of people as we saw in paris and over the back to you hope for and nothing's being done on law particularly just briefly well yes the security services across europe are getting better thank
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goodness ok chris phillips thanks for coming the program once again always good to get your take former head of britain's national counterterrorism security office. there is yet another claim that russia has eye to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections in the u.s. this time it's the atlantic magazine pointing the finger it's article mentions this channel as one of the methods used to swing the vote on a quarter report. the russians are probably at it again according to an article in the atlantic magazine and probably is good enough especially when the unity of the stars and stripes is apparently under threat by big bad russia the russian government has one overriding objective with regard to the united states to weaken america so that it loses its will and ability to counter russian objectives and to accomplish this goal the article says russia has a devious multi-pronged plan. first is allegedly helping people who
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undermine the democratic party and inviting them as guests on r t the walkaway campaign reportedly an organic cum pain of lifelong democrats leaving the party has been amplified by russian social media accounts and featured on the russian propaganda out with r t walkaway founder brandon stracke did give an interview for r.t. in which he expressed his disillusion with the democratic party's identity politics and why his movements getting popularity among americans i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberal so it's not identity politics hurting the party it's walkaway founder's appearance on our team fueling a russian plot if that's the case then there must be more russian influencers in america's midst because fox news had him on for a similar interview discussing the very same walkaway movement and with the
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attention mainstream newspapers have given his campaign they may be doing an even better job at spreading his message but the buck doesn't stop there. the article says moscow is ready to give its money to russian friendly americans russian businessmen will likely attempt to fund think tanks working on u.s. russia relations to push a narrative favoring cooperation with. russia and opposition to sanctions cooperation with russia oh the horror regardless the article doesn't actually provide any evidence as to who or when some russian businessman will begin giving away free money but it's ok for western businessmen and nato to throw money at anti russian think tanks the articles author evelyn farkas is a senior fellow at one called the atlanta council and it's received millions of dollars from a long list of corporations and governments internationally who are apparently also
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very concerned about potential russian election hacking. while there is no way that it is that russia has done so to date at minimum it will likely use its ability to access voter registration databases and election related sites to undermine america's confidence in its own electoral integrity so no evidence the kremlin has done it as the article says but the atlantic is calling on all patriotic americans to protect democracy and the tune of its song continues to sound oh too familiar we know that russia today is regarded as a grave threat to our nation to our freedom the peace of the world you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in defense production why your family is paying the highest taxes in our history. on the deeds some more attempts to showcase alleged russian influence have come of a cost a democratic party stuff or is in hot water for helping to smuggle
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twenty minutes past six pm here in moscow this monday welcome back u.s. defense contractor lockheed martin has felt the rough of the internet when a twitter marketing stunt on world photo day backfired spectacularly let's go live now authorities feel up my pinafore that deals either came up so what did the lockheed martin social media team do to get twitter users so riled. well it was kind of a gimmick the idea was that for world photo day they encouraged people to post what
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they called amazing photos of their products now lockheed martin is a weapons manufacturing military contractor it's probably one of the probably the biggest if not the biggest one of the biggest defense contractors of the pentagon it's tied in with nato countries aerospace weapons etc now it has signed multi-million dollar deals with saudi arabia to produce weapons and on its website lockheed martin actually brags about its relationship with riyadh the fact that it is selling lots of weapons and military equipment to the kingdom of saudi arabia so when they went forward and had this idea that they would have people tweet at them images of their products some people were quite aware that saudi arabia is supplying weapons that lockheed martin is supplying saudi arabia with weapons that are being used in the conflict in saudi arabia in yemen now lockheed martin
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arabia against yemen let's take a look at how their request seems to have exploded in their face. dear lockheed martin you asked people to tweet amazing photos of one your products here it is this is a fragment of your bomb a laser guided m k eighty two which saudi arabia used to kill forty children in yemen last week here is the product of your product the fact that look he'd monson has a generic happy let's who corporate twits his while to me so it appears that in response to the number of tweets and responses about their involvement in yemen and their supplying of weapons to saudi arabia for use against yemen that they then deleted the tweet calling for photographs so it remains to be seen if in the future they will ever carry out any other social media publicity stunts of this kind of life from new york city killam up in this hour with the story thank you.
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rich's chechen republic has been hit with seemingly coordinated attacks on police in the region at least four officers were injured on monday morning chechnya's interior ministry earlier confirm the details of the attacks in the run the capital city of brawls n e two armed assailants were shot dead in the first incident after trying to enter a police station two officers were wounded in the attack in a separate incident at a roadside police station in grozny and expose at the feis in a vehicle failed to detonate before an alleged accomplice attempted to run over members of the authorities both people in the car were killed two officers left injured it's been reported that all the attackers were youngsters an official investigation is under way. greece has finally exited the bailout program brought in over the country's huge
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debt crisis all of the biggest rescue package in global financial history the european commission the international monetary fund the european central bank handed greece more than three hundred billion euro the deal has had a huge impact on the economy more than four hundred thousand people have moved abroad pensions are done taxes are up on the things is still expected to be repaying the loans until twenty six the well the crisis provoked serious tensions between greece and the rest of the e.u. picking in twenty fifteen min brussels the monday greater austerity measures to deal with the debt mountain greeks voted against further restrictions in a referendum yet the government still implemented them and it meant the e.u. unlocked another eighty six billion euro in aid the bailout has triggered cutlass protest over the years.
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the young people were driven from greece to see jobs now they still have forty three percent youth high unemployment and that's not acceptable so what costs us is seriously work for greece i don't believe it at all i think a lot of people that i speak to particularly greet colleagues in the parliament not at all happy but you know they government capitulated and took the medicine from the european union some hard lessons should have been learned earlier and maybe the austerity package which was thrown at the greek people and the government i know they fall to no election and the people certainly didn't want to leave but i
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believe it if you went back now and said to them well here's what we went through was it worth it would you rather have had the drachma back is it so important to you i think you might get an interesting answer. on a busy news day join me again in just over half an hours for all the updates on those stories right ahead though on cross talk what sectors of society will the democratic party in the u.s. focus on ahead of the twenty twenty presidential election that is coming right up. same wrong but old rules just don't hold. any old ladies get to shape
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out just they can stick out to it and in again trade equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying is just hasn't been that we want even many of the dems families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want that's going to give them peace that's going to
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give them justice and we come and say. not quite what we've been through this this isn't the way. hello and welcome to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle the democratic party is in big trouble the party has not come to terms with the outcome of the two thousand and sixteen election they have a leadership out of touch with its base millennialist are fleeing so is their slogan now no party for white men.
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across talking the trials and tribulations of the left i'm joined by my guest so i color in seattle he's a writer activist and progressive you tube or in west hartford we have julio rivera he is editorial director for reactionary times and a newsmax columnist and here in moscow we have don de bar he's an anti-war activist and a host of a daily radio program origin. crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate soccer let me go to you first in seattle because you get up at the earliest for this program and it's much appreciated i mean i suppose you came. came across as walk away a movement that is taken a bit of. a flash on the on the internet here i found that to be very curious because i think i instinctively everyone on this panel and a lot of people in the in the in the country already know this and and the the inclusive eighty of the democrats is what they say but in fact they're actually
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actively excluding people of all kinds of people different stripes and attitudes and outlooks how do you reflect upon that zach go ahead. because it's going by your own ballot you know at least here and there i saw all of this everything in twenty six. well basically that's sort of what happened in the twenty sixteen election as lots and lots and lots of democrats used to be very active voters active in their community completely left the party for a number of reasons now a whole lot this changed sixteen but you know at least this viral video made us open more and also. as you know i think it's a very good thing that in the democratic party ok i want to go back to why you think it is later in the program who you know basically the same thing to you because i mean i've been very very critical of the identity politics but it seems
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to me that since two thousand it did more to do thousand sixteen and it's not working now but they've doubled down on it i mean it just you know if that's the definition of stupidity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome ok i find it really breathtakingly stupid to be honest go ahead julio and west are exactly it's the definition of insanity and they're going to continue to do it because they have no form quite frankly to run on i mean they can't really criticize the results of the truck because florida traditional democratic governor graphics the last you know those the blocked unemployment has been you know at historic lows or near historic lows the entire time and i think that people the of color and you know women demographics right now are feel that they're being in the demographic right now or feel that they're being insulted in a sense it is intellectually insulting for democrats to make the assumption that all these groups are supposed to just you know coalesce only with the democrats you
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know it should be about our policy it should be about the color of your skin it should be about which party will bring the best result for you economically and otherwise julio but let me go to don i thought that what the democratic party used to do exactly what julio just sad go ahead don politics is supposed to be the field in which public. all see is determined and in a democratic society which people refer to the united states as they've been doing it my whole life referring to it that those decisions policy decisions are supposed to be made democratically when you have that determination is a policy made at the beginning of the process by you know big money basically whether it's democrats or republicans who are the politicians that will implement those policies the job becomes then selling policy that the people don't want to people buy madison avenue techniques which is where you get identity politics we are going to do things that are good for big banks we're going to do things that
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are good for the military industrial complex we're going to do things that are good for the prison industrial complex we have to sell it to black folks this way hispanic folks this way so white working class folks this way etc in other words these divisions quote unquote that are you know things that are looking at madison avenue playbook or the things that have to be excited because it's determined already what's going to happen and all they're doing is trying to temper your response to it and so at the end of the day when people don't feel anything actualize through public policy discussions debates elections and cetera they become frustrated and they start walking away and what we're seeing happen with the democratic party is the logical conclusion of this process and i think it's terminal yeah i mean if you look i mean it with the advent of barack obama what are the fortunes of the democratic party in congress in the white house a gubernatorial races i mean really it doesn't work i don't understand why they
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keep doing it it's not going to go to you because i find it i'm really insulted by politicians that pigeonhole me ok you know because of my appearance number one or some of my preferences that doesn't determine my political outlook and they insult the in the electorate by for example if you're a gay person oh you must be a democrat really why i never understood that everyone has the right to determine what they think and express what they think in public without being pigeonholed and to be dated to vote to pull the to go along with the party line go ahead zack. you know you're exactly right and you know i know and that's exactly what happened when he sixteen is people just assume you're voting democrat and so you get what wait in my late did all the sudden the democrats like deserve my vote you know obviously bill clinton is the longest possible for two it's a gay federal bills while he was president you know find a president that's done more harm the gay community than the clintons you know so
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it's like it was always the. only people only allowed. i think only the you that supporting this political party which was this very early the candidates are very good sermon by the inference and then fair and put it on the you know voter group and it just assumes that every single gay person has the same thing every single black person the same but it's completely insulting it's completely a little bit racist to assume that your voter group may well not do more of a. political or serve. anyone or a certain earth or they have to go in certain ways one of the things that will warn you it's insulting but it's insulting because they take you for granted i mean and that's the worst thing a politician can do take you for granted you're only one of the things that really
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are the big bugs with this the new a quarter point appointment in there is a a woman who happens to be a counselor can has a large family and it seems to me when i look at the liberal media they're more terrified that trump will point zero woman he's not supposed to do that he's oh my saadoun is you know all their fuses start blowing up i actually find it very amusing to watch it's like watching adolescence ok it's it gets it they portray every single value that they claim to hold on. go ahead julio exactly it's almost like when you know the whole foreign policy thing with north korea started you know improving people were like you know that it's almost like liberals wanted there to be the constant get out of north korea because that would somehow prove it that donald trump was doing a terrible job from a foreign policy perspective you know and just to kind of expand on the whole walk away thing i think
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a lot of people did this all long time ago i mean you have to look at the result of elections in two thousand and ten when the tea parties rose up when you look at twenty fourteen where there was a big republican revolution where a lot of house seats were gained in the senate was retaken by the by the republicans rather and the twenty sixth do you know election result you know this party has nothing to offer i can't say that enough i mean what's their platform going to be we're going to increase your taxes and they think that the common american the working class americans are going to gravitate towards that this way that supposedly is coming is nonexistent in my opinion you know you know don you know one of the things i find really tragic what's going on the democratic party because they used to traditionally support the working class people and i think that was that was admirable ok i do like having a adversarial political system because you get the best out of between the goshi ation and debate and all of that that's one that's ok and i actually miss
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traditional liberals in it because they actually had a genuine concern for the working class people for for the everyday people if i can use that term anymore why have they i mean we see it all through the clinton campaign is that don't worry about white men you know do a lost cause that you know when you don't that's not even part of their electoral calculus which is in the end of the day that's what made donald trump the president i mean how did they miss this and how do they keep missing it done. but. i don't know how they keep missing it again the problem is the a priori decisions are you know policy decisions are made that way at the beginning we're doing this as it gets done now the politicians go out and argue over whether it was a good thing or not although the mechanism by which this thing happened there are very small group of people who are big very big policy decisions that transfer a large amounts of wealth in their bank accounts and make the rest of us basically
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have more problems in our daily lives so the outcome you know among the population is going to be you know this is another basis for us being dissatisfied this is bad for me to have to work longer hours or have as much money up in foreclosure or being a victim you know across there are millions of people that are in all kinds of distress in the united states this has been growing since the one nine hundred seventy s. really and unabated since the mid late eighty's and there's no remedy offered in the political system so when politicians come out and start talking about division for example you're talking about an adversarial process because normally we're trained to think like in courts an adversarial process is how you do your you know find truth in this case there is that the adversary is between the people who are making policy and the rest of this but to have us at each other's throats arguing over what is or isn't true while all of us are having our wealth transferred to a very small group of people who make those decisions it's a public relations game really it's not
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a place where well obviously is made and that's the problem but it's what's really interesting is that we have had a series revolts we've had the tea party revolt we had the we had the occupy we had occupy and we're going to go to a short break here but i want to talk about alexander alexandria. quote a ten is when we come back gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the trials and tribulations of the left state with our. to begin to. open up a bit. in the. nasa will give you the scoop because you're talking to.
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me give you an idea. and then a lot of what i'm about to come out of is good but i'm going to look the same as art when i was up the money into. his head of a long long long haul that model was. to say to each. their own place of the long. haul that was if you made. other people more got bombs that was on. our. list that. manufactured sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes
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welcome back across the uk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle remind you we're discussing the trials and tribulations of the left. ok let's go back to in seattle ok we've really beating up on the democrats the least the establishment democrats now let's see another angle that's going on i don't want to give the impression and i and i hope we haven't is that people leave
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the democratic party or are our pro term they're not all pro trump some of them have moved over to the g.o.p. actually a lot of the data says the g.o.p. is still more attractive than donald trump that's a topic of entirely different program which i think is quite fascinating because i'm a conservative and i really have contempt for the g.o.p. so i would be an interesting topic but i want to go back to alexandria. cortez zach i mean she's a very interesting phenomenon and she's the the reason the most recent eruption of the just rupture in in the two political parties and i get the leadership of the democratic party just so blinded by all of these things here they were blindsided by her election i don't feel sorry for her opponent i mean because he's a swamp character i wish more of them would be thrown out but i mean listening to meet the press democratic socialism i don't think she has a clue what it really. it is but it sounds nice it sounds nice and considering the
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the empty rhetoric that we have from these establishment politicians including republicans i'm not surprised some people want to listen to that to be honest with you go ahead. you know i mean she's so they a little different but obviously she was supported by some elements of the new york power structure that allowed her to get to the point that she said that i agree it's good that she's removing so little but probably there are a lot longer than he should have been over that's not really a great sign that the democrats are really you know revitalized there and she's got a very to the character and for the things that you. think are actually i think that he had a very. good standard. democrats think that if they use the image of bernie sanders that they actually maintain some kind of you know relationship with democratic party voters that are leaving the party but i don't think that you know
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she's really a good symbol for what's going on because i don't think that this is a common occurrence and if you look at who is supporting her standpoint you're going to see that they're very or the donor. or the form and have been. turned away from the. war and it's very interesting i mean. i think one of the things he had to say right after her election is that you know i say it has to be dismantled i who is really surprised and really disappointed that it kind of you know you we have this trickle down economics but that was trickle up ideology always said you have the people in the mainstream democratic establishment saying we should get rid of ice i mean i'm sure this alexandria is a nice lady i don't want to cast aspersions on her not to twenty eight year old but had a privileged upbringing that showed herself to be you know. a kid from the bronx ok good that's p.-r. latino it's how it works but you know i was really amazed how this shock outcome in
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the fourteenth district in new york and he goes into the mainstream they want to talk about i snowboarders i mean again this lunacy is a disease you know. donald trump is releasing their brains i guess because they can't think straight if you look at poll after poll republicans and democrats in majorities want better emigration policies again they're out to lunch go ahead julio. yeah i mean and you can if you look at a lot of the quotations a lot of good videos online that show you know hillary clinton talking about immigration bill clinton talking about immigration you know in the past saying that we needed stronger enforcement and you know this alexandria ok zio cortez to me is the worst possible manifestation of identity politics you know and she's so out of touch with a lot of the latino people that she claims to represent i mean a lot of those people were just everything worth their lives everything they know and left their country just keep those social democratic socialist policies that
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they have a good point also america and her story to me is a lie anyway because her dad was a architect who had a successful business you didn't grow up in the bronx you got a child to get away stress to portray yourself to be able to be just a fraud. don i mean i think julio just said a really bad you know he has one of the things is that identity politics per se is not really about those individual victimized groups by white people now it's a recipe for power because this is what they want they want power and that's why they can talk about policy ok and this is one of the huge problems like donald trump are not in we've done so many programs on and he does have policies some i'm vehemently are against ok some that i agree with but i'd least the g.o.p. he's got policies he can chew on ok the left just have fake pictures on the on
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magazine covers i mean it's really really distressing go ahead don let's look at the last twenty five years and follow it to two tracks quickly and look at this in relation to the democratic party at the republican party you had for example the globalization to jobs or start to be offshore to the eighty's and ninety's though to fast forward one nine hundred ninety nine seattle i think was ninety ninety nine protests bad. a relationship where the you know the unions of the big marches and protests against globalization basically the aliens ended up joining the marches because their constituents went over the heads of the organizers of said you know what these guys are talking about a right that's my job this gets shipped overseas you know fast forward to two thousand and eight you have the economic collapse the people in secure this is america ok they elected the black guy that was a remarkable moment in american history and what happened nothing exactly the same thing continued policy didn't change an iota you come up to two thousand and
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sixteen you have in the democratic party bernie sanders who wasn't supposed to get any lift at all he was supposed to be a distraction really wins the primary we're told from here and donald trump was not even a republican every republican in their party ran against him at the entire apparatus both political parties and he ended up winning that nomination in a cakewalk and the presidency one last thing on the other track go back to the ninety's you know go to l.a. and rodney king and everything that happened people go in the streets over that and come straight up to you know black lives matter and the way that the democrats relate to that they try to co-opt it but in effect the policies that came out of it will be a bill clinton with mass incarceration after rodney king all the way up to the way it's people are being treated today in the streets you have this whole country beaugency actual constituencies with real needs that are not being satisfied that the public relations effort targets them based on these fake you know identities that are supposed to correspond to the constituencies but because they have nothing
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to do with policies that these constituencies need their faith and this whole thing is kind of collapsing that's what we're talking about really it's really interesting is that going to go back to you in seattle i mean one of the things we go back to the case in new york with this alexandria i mean one takeaway for me is that both parties and to a much greater degree with the democrats because they can't get that clinton poison out of their system there and i think some people really were. wanted to finally come out here but i mean one of the takeaway from that election was we really need to return to local politics to find out what real people are saying instead of like what don says or don't i completely agree instead of having madison avenue you know do it on a macro all the way down when she starts listen to the people you know in the local cafe and bakery and and find out what they really think because it seems that there's so very much at odds with the leadership particularly of the democratic party the republican party is more complicated for different reasons and we can
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talk about that another program go ahead zuck. yeah you know i totally agree and it's this kind of weird and those are that the democratic party is in where they want to have their cake and eat it too they have want to have their big they want to be against campaign finance reform you know it really is very fraudulent in many ways it's well the democratic party does and part of the reason they don't listen is because their exact constituents that they're going after these kind of identity politics groups probably for the most part understand the problems of neo liberalism and they're not going to be able to get some serious heat back from these people because the democrats have been the problem for so long that they hate it after a who they're talking with or if they're using to support the party as the now does more people are really aware of the feelings and then. they're not listening what they're going to find out information that they don't want to hear and they've been resistant the nose of the federation in the orcs and all of the
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achievements that they have support with their current efforts and to vote for the party at least for the third. thing that's why this all of the back of the democratic party under obama as he was barely accomplishing anything it's like ok why should we trust another democrat when brock obama in my opinion made things worse than even made progress on a big picture so it's like hard to trust the democratic party when they have nothing to be responsible for having fixed in recent memory you know the only the only talking point we've had since the election of two thousand and sixteen from the left is to hate and undermine and dismiss everything the president of the united states said the democratic choice of the american people i mean it it's painful to watch cable t.v. like m.s.n. b.c. and c.n.n. i mean it's not even worth watching like why should i sacrifice the time they will
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never get back in my life just to hear slurs and. and really just incredible bias it's such poison for our for our political dialogue when there is no dialogue ok it's just one it's a one way direction propaganda this is so damaging to the electoral process and i think and i put it squarely on the left for this go ahead julio just definitely i mean all he's done is be divisive and a separate america great and you don't we just foster all this you know this feeling of division within the country but the one thing that they need to understand is you cannot win a major midterm election you cannot win a presidency without the most important demographic and it's the demographic that both the most in this country which is white men they've done anything everything that they can to sort of you know attack white men in this country and donald trump obviously resonated with white men and the republican party is resonating with
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white men so they can go out there they can pay into every particular race every particular secor sexual orientation and religion and all these other things until they start to come up with policies which are attractive to white men they are not going to win. before we get we are we end the program and i'm really glad that you said that because it's really interesting is that white women did too but oh we're told by the democrats hillary clinton that men told them to vote that way i mean they he didn't use the identity politics against themselves it's really quite extraordinary ok gentlemen that's all the time we have many thanks to my guests in seattle west hartford and in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. you next time and remember cross talk rules. i've
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been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent of the market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust. what politicians do most of them. put themselves on the line they get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president. more somehow want to be rich. and to try to be for us the saliva before the tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the house. first city. finally in a moment also to defend the template now hundreds of billions of dollars on keep the point. line and if any of you who would it be that easy to find it can get out and meet me. here plus is that going to get the money to people. that might have been my little bit of a wonder about our little bit of the fact that that out of money could be no doubt
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good food russia sharing goodness. this hour's headlines stories moscow accuses u.n. chiefs of secretly blocking its own agencies from helping repairers syria's conflict is a call me. to a huge world to escape translate from in iraq claims she came face to face with her captor in germany where she had fled for safety we spoke to. my boss called the police i told them i'd never imagine the possible for her to be in germany however the police were unable to trace his name. american defense money fuck sure his photo published to the. fires twitter users send in some home truths about the company's problems in yemen.
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live from moscow to the world this is your r.t. international just after seven pm here in the russian capital alone welcome our top story the u.n. is being accused of secretly blocking its only agencies from getting syria's a commie truck the claim comes from russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov. because. it's turned out of the political department of the u.n. secretary and produced and distributed to secret guideline within the whole u.n. system in october last year it restricted the organizations within that system to take part in any projects on the reconstruction of the syrian economy are newly humanitarian aid nothing else well first of all we don't hear this kind of criticism. directed specifically at the u.n.
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that often but if you really read into what he said you will realize that actually he is upset with what he called attempts by other countries to manipulate the secretariat and this is absolutely unacceptable says the russian foreign minister the russian foreign ministry has already been touch with the secretary general they sent a former complaint about the alleged behind the scenes than the secretary of to take part in this syria restoration program then there was also a question by our correspondent who asked sergei lavrov what he makes of the u.s. involvement or rather lack of involvement when it comes to restoring syria says it's too early to talk about reconstruction efforts until a political settlement is agreed on what do you make of that. school some countries are trying to hinder the return of refugees which are refusing to help
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reconstruction efforts it's counterproductive to set sufficient conditions for the syrian people to return to the why so much concern from moscow about this area well first of all russia has been a key player in syria and moscow is proud of its role of being in charge of the many reconsideration first that we have seen and also moscow's really been helping with rebuilding the economy and the refugees will not come back if the economy does . get restored the process has already begun the syrian government has just announced that as many as twenty five thousand syrians have just returned from lebanon and that is within four months and the devastated cities and towns are slowly getting back to normal which or correspondent has seen with his all eyes. two years ago during the war we couldn't even open our shops the shelling snipers
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were everywhere you couldn't live under such circumstances we cover the roof of the building back then so that we could take cover it was unbearable we took shelter for about half an hour whenever the shelling started we just locked ourselves in here thank god now we can work peacefully day and night we just hang around smoking just like the good old days yonder joe you know the atmosphere is really good around here the weather is nice everybody is feeling safe and it's only getting better you can see getting better day by day. i was lucky enough not to leave my home the kind this is the district the rebels couldn't get to at the time there was a blockade once but it was firmly lifted now saying god things are better despite all the things we've been through we're now better well things are getting better and moscow is looking forward to other countries getting on board to russia says it's in their biggest interest as well and obviously they are counting on the united nations too and perhaps that explains the resentment of sergei lavrov.
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the other headline stories this hour after escaping imprisonment and fleeing to germany a girl from iraq's yes city minority say she has met her islamic state captor face to face not once but twice in the european nation we spoke to rush work who told us she still lives in fear. can have more why we were standing seven girls captured by fighters and taken to syria the worst time in my life was the moment when i still separated me from my family they took us away from our mothers fathers brothers they even have a ducted eighty year old girls they tortured us raped test sold us into slavery who were looking for gasland anything sharp knife scissors who couldn't find anything to cure selves with we were trying to escape but they handcuffed our hands and lax covered our heads and raped us they turned us into human shields when they went anywhere they took us with them so that the strikes didn't kill them and that's why
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it is not alone in the a large number of the a city women have been in a slave by ice or sexually abused with many still in captivity. has them in america that they got a. chill on my desk. without an invaluable push but i you know passed on by that in a though that you want it bad. you know not is not. the love of my lower level in your home would not have found.
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a lush well i guess no nineteen when she was captured by four years ago she was sold as a sex slave to one of their fighters after being in peace for three months she managed to escape and flee to germany but once there she claimed she was again horrified by two separate encounters with the same who had been slave to her. germany was willing to take in one thousand women who had excused from i went there to forget what i'd been through i saw a boo as i was going home after school i couldn't believe my torturer could have found out where i lived the next time i saw us two years later a car pulled up beside me he asked me if i was and i said i didn't know he were schrock how is it possible that my rapist is living here and has the same rights as me my boss called the police and told them what he looked like and they scratched his face and it looked the same i told them there had been no other witnesses i told them i'd never imagined possible for an hour to be in germany however i told
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my dad that the person who raped me it was in germany that i didn't want to leave there no matter what my dignity is more important than being in germany i put my life in danger to keep from i still retain my dignity and he wanted me to stay in germany you know in the one who was responsible for my misery is free in that country all i wanted was to be somewhere safe but after meeting him i was afraid the whole time that he heard me again so i couldn't stay there anymore. well we contacted several german government agencies and the police on friday to ask what action they've taken if any where you have to hear about it but when we do we'll let you know what they say. turning our attention to barcelona where police have shot dead a man who tried to attack officers with a knife a police station the incident is being treated as terrorism that happened side within the compound of a polling station in the west of the city earlier today no other injuries were
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reported the man was a twenty nine year old of all jury in origin who shouted god is great has been or a big loss is that on friday spain marked one year since a terrorist drove into the best ruins in a crowded barcelona street killing thirty. and i saw many people running the covered bodies of kids lying in the street this is a tragedy. saw an avalanche of people running in every direction and when i did it was total chaos we had no idea what was going on and i didn't see the plan i just heard a boom boom boom sound and people screaming. there is yet another claim that russia is a middle in the upcoming midterm elections in the us this time it's the magazine
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pointing the finger it's hard to go mentions this shovel now is one of the tools being used to try and swing the vote all quarter reports. the russians are probably at it again according to an article in the atlantic magazine and probably is good enough especially when the unity of the stars and stripes is apparently under threat by big bad russia the russian government has one overriding objective with regard to the united states to weaken america so that it loses its will and ability to counter russian objectives and to accomplish this goal the article says russia has a devious multi-pronged plan. first is allegedly helping people who undermine the democratic party and inviting them as guests on r t the walk away campaign reportedly an organic cum pain of lifelong democrats leaving the party has been amplified by russian social media accounts and featured on the russian propaganda outlet walkaway founder brandon stracke did give an interview for r t in
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which he expressed his disillusion with the democratic party's identity politics and why his movements getting popularity among americans i myself was a lifelong liberal democratic voter i would say kind of a democrat by default because i'm a gay man and i think that the expectation for a lot of minority groups is that we are supposed to vote democrat and that we are supposed to be liberal so it's not identity politics hurting the party it's walkaway founder's appearance on our t.v. fuelling a russian plot if that's the case then there must be more russian influencers in america's midst because fox news had him on for a similar interview discussing the very same walkaway movement and with the attention mainstream newspapers have given his campaign they may be doing an even better job at spreading his message but the buck doesn't stop there. the
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article says moscow is ready to give its money to russian friendly americans russian businessmen will likely attempt to fund think tanks working on u.s. russia relations to push a narrative favoring cooperation with. russia and opposition to sanctions cooperation with russia oh the horror regardless the article doesn't actually provide any evidence as to who or when some russian businessman will begin giving away free money but it's ok for western businessmen and nato to throw money at anti russian think tanks the articles author evelyn farkas is a senior fellow at one called the atlanta council and it's received millions of dollars from a long list of corporations and governments internationally who are apparently also very concerned about potential russian election hacking. while there is no way that it is that russia has done so to date at minimum it will likely use its ability to access voter registration databases and election related
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sites to undermine america's confidence in its own electoral integrity so no evidence the kremlin has done it as the article says but the atlantic is calling on all patriotic americans to protect democracy and the tune of its song continues to sound oh too familiar we know that russia today is regarded as a grave threat to our nation to our freedom the peace of the world you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in defense production why your family is paying taxes in our history. and indeed some more attempts to showcase adelaide russian influence have come at a cost a democratic party stuff for is in hot water for helping to smuggle a controversial piece of art into the colorado state capitol building.
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a feel of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then . when our child's seemed wrong why don't we all just all. the world is yet to shape our business comes to educate and in detroit equals betrayal. one song many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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hello again greece has finally exited the be alive program brought in over the country's huge debt crisis under the biggest rescue package ing global financial history the european commission the international monetary fund the european central bank under greece more than three hundred billion euro the deal has a huge impact on the economy more than four hundred thousand people have moved abroad pensions are done taxes are up and the things is still expected to be repaying the loans on till twenty sixty just going through what we know about this the crisis provoked serious tensions between greece and the rest of the e.u. peaking in twenty fifteen when brussels the greater austerity measures to deal with the debt mountain most greeks voted against further restrictions in the referendum if the government still implemented them and it meant the e.u. unlocked another eighty six billion euro in aid the bailout has triggered countries
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protests over the years. i. was i was i the young people were driven from greece to see jobs now they still have forty three percent youth high unemployment and that's not acceptable so what cost us is seriously worked for greece i don't believe it at all i think a lot of people that i speak to particularly greet colleagues in the parliament not at all happy but you know their government capitulated and took the medicine from
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the european union some hard lessons should have been learned earlier and maybe the austerity package which was thrown at the greek people and the government i know they fought in alexion and the people certainly didn't want to leave the euro but i've been left if you went back now and said to them well here's what we went through. would you rather have had the drachma back is it so important to you i think you might get an interesting answer. u.s. defense contractor lockheed martin has felt the rough of the internet when a marketing stunt world for two day backfired spectacularly came about and explains what made twitter user stop. the giant corporation known as lockheed martin had a plan for world photo day the idea was that they would encourage people on social media to tweet back at them what they called amazing photos of their products now
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keep in mind lockheed martin is one of the top defense contractors it works with the u.s. military as well as nato countries it produces weapons military equipment aerospace and other products used in military activities when requests are made for amazing photos of their products there was quite a response on social media dear lockheed martin you asked people to tweet amazing photos of my new products here it is this is a fragment of your bomb a laser guided m k eighty two which saudi arabia used to kill forty children in yemen last week here is the product of your product the fact that lockheed munson has a generic happy to cool pretty is why all to me now on its website lockheed martin brags about its relationship with the kingdom of saudi arabia donald trump was able to arrange new weapons deals between saudi arabia and lockheed martin now many people on social media appear to be aware of the fact that
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a lot of the weapons and bombs being used by saudi arabia for its war in yemen seem to be supplied by lockheed martin now it's being reported that in a recent deadly strike in which civilians were killed including children it was actually lockheed martin that supplied the bomb to saudi arabia to carry out this strike. i.
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following the response lockheed martin removed a tweet calling for photographs of its products now those observing the situation will wonder if lockheed martin will attempt to have this kind of social media stunt ever again in the future. rush's chechen republic has been hit with seemingly coordinated attacks on police in the region police the four officers were injured on monday morning chechnya's interior ministry earlier confirm the details of the attacks in a run in the capital city of grozny two armed assailants were shot dead in the first incident after trying to enter a police station two officers were wounded in that in a separate incident out a roadside police station in grozny an explosive device in a vehicle failed to detonate before an alleged accomplice attempted to run over members of the authorities both people in the car were killed and two officers left it's being reported that the attackers were teenagers and indeed even one could
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have been as young as eleven an official investigation is under way. with the united states midterm elections now just a few months away the country's national security advisor has listed china among the threats washington fears when it comes to meddling. sufficient national security concern about chinese meddling iranian meddling in north korea meddling that we're taking steps to try and prevent it looking at the twenty eighteen election those are the four countries that we're most concerned. on subdomain donald trump also brought up china as a threat stressing the focus shouldn't just be solely on russia washington's concerns over beijing's alleged meddling threat comes amid a trade war between the u.s. and china fearing a high trade deficit donald trump imposed large tariffs on metal imports coming from china back in april the u.s. president then later slop twenty five percent duties on billions of dollars worth
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of chinese products on kong based political scientist joseph ching believes it's about more than just economics. so the. they. have. to go. if you like we can continue for quite a while because it is not. who we. are with the economy in the find. the so it is likely. to continue for quite a while. the afghan fundamentalist group the taliban has three buses and kidnapped close to two hundred passengers in northern afghanistan most of those
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people have been freed by afghan forces and to come shortly after the country's president offered a ceasefire during the muslim holiday. for more details we have correspondents. on the program daniel this is like a firm rejection to the ceasefire from the taliban. so it does at this stage cease fires of course have taken place before most notably back in june when afghan security forces and taliban fighters celebrated the end of ramadan together on the front lines quite remarkable scenes no such luck it seems this time the afghan president ashraf ghani has offered a three month conditional truce to the taliban offering to cease hostilities if they do the same understand the taliban commanders have rejected this they view this ceasefire such a long ceasefire as playing into the hands of security forces and more importantly for them nato and u.s. forces who they view as occupants are trying to drive out of the country far from
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agreeing to a cease fire in recent times the taliban actually ramped up their offensive around the country they've been very active near the city of garny. well in their attacks killing and injuring hundreds of members of the security forces and civilians as well actions of course speak louder than words as you mentioned there just today they have kidnapped over two hundred close to three hundred according to some sources people on some buses heading to the capital kabul province their location is currently still being looked into many of those people as the taliban identified members of security forces from those people nevertheless they have agreed to a limited lot of fighting and some prisoner exchanges that's unlikely though to reduce the scale of fighting as the taliban push to get the nato and u.s. forces out of the country russian foreign ministry has said be situation is regrettable it's lamentable and both sides need to be brought to the negotiating
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table to reinsure there is some sort of dialogue and progress forward. hawkins well let's go live now to the afghan capital our political analyst interest or. very welcome to the program cease fires have been proposed and observed during muslim holidays before why is this one being so roundly rejected. well thank you very much i think taliban wanted this time to have practical. if you remember we had a very different time in afghanistan for the ceasefire between. but this time taliban has gained. in the first ceasefire for example they wanted to demand confidence over their fighters and you just saw the minister of interior just took a selfie with a very foot soldier of taliban and then tweeted back on the twitter so it shows
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that taliban still had a very high self-confidence the second was the five. in when i when i talked with a number of taliban in the first day when we went to the police car one to a number of provinces they say that we still believe on the on the morale to fight this time maybe the taliban leadership is scared that if they announce a ceasefire and some very very element outside the government or maybe in the region make some incidents they will dhanush the image of the taliban that's why this time they're high certain by the way it's so late but so i'm weary optimistic the taliban will just declare the cease fire but let's see what happens and tell about commanders say that the u.s. spent a faded from the previous cease fire in what way. was . that type of poor but i do not believe that because the united states just not
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benefited from that cease fire it was the afghan people who benefited the cease fire because they just say they enjoyed the amenities they just enjoyed the walking freely around the country and at the same time it's not a wire only contentment on the u.s. policies it's a war between the afghan government and the taliban that's why we should not be giving that incentive to the american or maybe the american soldiers in afghanistan so let's say it it has been a cease fire it's benefited the afghan people the afghan people has been very thankful in it has been a very small step but a good stiff toward a negotiation in and long term settlement in afghanistan live from kabul this our interests are care team political analyst thank you. stories from death row on trial next in our documentary in the execution shadow visits north.
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last. give me something to think about as execution and it place some doubt. there was one young man in particular washington jr. he was tried to tell society back then that he was innocent to get no one really paid no attention. in one nine hundred eighty three was arrested in culpepper virginia and brought in for questioning he thought it was for a burglary he had committed. a question by different. datum.
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