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tv   News  RT  August 21, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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well. you do. need to know that there will always be a serious price to pay if red lines crossed the british foreign secretary urges more sanctions against russia during a visit to washington d.c. as the u.s. treasury hints at tougher measures for moscow's quote maligned activity we can bring even more economic pain to be are we will not hesitate to do so if its conduct does not demonstrably and significantly change. also this hour microsoft claims russian hackers are out it again by targeting u.s. senate and conservative think tanks and all listing the suppose that culprits the tech giant used to claim to push its own products. and as the syrian army
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gears up to retake the militant held play both western media outlets warn of a civilian massacre the same outlets though fail to mention the area is under the control of jihad as groups accused of war crimes. a warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q and moscow thanks for joining us for a live news update this hour sanctions is definitely the buzz word in washington this tuesday with yet more calls to tighten restrictions against russia over a series of issues for which moscow is being blamed i got more details earlier from our correspondents killed and some america killed the british foreign secretary is on his first official visit to america but he's got russia and his sights hasn't to . yes now we heard him speak to the u.s. peace institute he made his remarks and essentially he called for more hostility to
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russia in aspen and it's interesting because his speech was actually leaked to the press ahead of time so people knew what he was going to say before he said it then he followed the draft of his speech that was leaked pretty pretty closely let's review some of his remarks those. values need to know that there will always be a serious price to pay if red lines across the day the united kingdom its allies to go further by calling on the european union to ensure its sanctions against russia a comprehensive plan that we stand shoulder to shoulder with the u.s. now just two weeks ago we saw a new sanctions imposed on russia by the united states in response to the accusation about the involvement in the chemical weapons attacks now the latest measures will come into rounds those sanctions are they limit financing and exports
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they specifically banned the sale of national security goods that are sensitive like technology the the second round the tougher round that will come into force in november. could include the banking sector restrictions on imports and it would actually suspend diplomatic relation there and actually terminate flights between the two countries now moscow has said that this amounts to economic warfare against russia this is what has been the response i suppose that on a month separate russia will consider retaliate remasters in response to yet more adverse steps from washington richard in light of these the confirmation by the u.s. administration of its read and that is to keep improving relations with russia just looks ridiculous it's a blatant hypocrisy yes it was possible but the if something follows something like a restriction of the operations. russian banks new use of foreign currency it can be called for what it is a declaration of economically and it will be necessary to respond to this war with
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economic political if necessary because of the message you now it's still an open question whether the usa the u.k. and the european union will all fall into line against russia when we are as of yet having waiting to see any solid evidence to back up the accusations that are justifying these new sanctions and economic attacks meanwhile the u.s. treasury house frozen millions of dollars worth of russian assets or washington correspondents america has more samir it's getting harder to keep up with the rate of sanctions washington's imposing what do we know about this latest statement from the treasury well the treasury department did explain it all and its statement saying that these efforts have been taken in order to counter russia's efforts to challenge the u.s. and its allies listing a few examples including the occupation of crimea subverting western democracy neighboring the assad regime just to name
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a few now in the statement to the treasury department also reiterated how well they're saying go away saying quote the treasury's russia sanctions program is among our most effective and impactful since january twenty seventh this administration has sanctioned two hundred seventeen russian related individuals and entities for a broad range of activities check out what else was the bread and brazenness of russia's malign conduct demands a firm and vigorous response our actions are imposing an unprecedented level of financial pressure on those supporting the kremlin's malign agenda and on the sectors of the russian economy though russia's malign activities continue its adventurism undoubtedly has been checked by the knowledge that we can bring even more economic pain to bear using our. powerful range of authorities and that we will not hesitate to do so if its conduct does not demonstrably and significantly
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change now while the sanctions are effective that's what the us claims they come at a pretty steep price not only do they impact the us but they also impact europe and the european commission had a few words of course u.s. policies are impacting on german foreign trade individual companies are grinding their teeth and are severely affected german companies fear a short term loss of ongoing business operations worth hundreds of millions of euros furthermore the short term terminations of contracts with suppliers for example could lead to production losses along the entire production chain since a replacement of equal quality has to be found first. america first cannot mean that europe's interests come last. the fear is that american policy will restrict the behavior over european companies and impact in their view policymaking with the . europe's energy supply is
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a matter for you or not the united states of america even though trump says that he wants to improve relations with russia it seems that out washington doesn't really want that to happen. you know one of those malign activities that's upset in washington right now is supposedly russian hacking microsoft claims it's sort of a fresh attack the tech giant says the targets were the u.s. senate and conservative think tanks but mainstream outlets reporting on microsoft's findings rushed to draw their usual conclusion about who might be behind them attempts by russia to hack u.s. senate and conservative groups by hacking group affiliated with the russian government the russian military operation the intelligence operation the russian military intelligence unit. we're joined live by our correspondent don of with more now take us through what microsoft. well basically what the companies they've seized control from some group that they believe are russian hackers over
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a bunch of websites that were recently created and designed to copy cat this is the websites of republican groups conservative groups of the congress and so on and so forth this technique in the i.t. talk is called fishing and it's basically designed to lure people in to deceive them to make them believe that they're visiting the actual web site while they're not and then the perpetrator can pretty much do anything they want they can send them like e-mails phishing emails with like wrong information they can send them viruses and so on and so forth and microsoft is saying that it is resembling this situation and develop right before the presidential elections in twenty sixteen have a listen. we saw this during the united states general election in twenty sixteen last major in the french presidential election and now in a broadening way as americans are preparing for the november midterm elections now for you for those of you who don't understand the midterm elections it's basically the elections in congress where almost all seats are up for grabs so they view it
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as an important thing and they probably think that russians would want to hack into those you know to distribute the way to the power within congress so that's why they're concerned so this is a significant accusation is there any indication of what might come out of this well speaking about significance there's a bunch of flaws in this kind of jump out to anyone who's even a little bit tech savvy first and foremost are these web sites then can be these domains they can be created from anywhere in the world they can be created from any basement from the contact with the comfort of anyone's flat or apartment really microsoft insists it's fantasy bears it's like kind of a notorious hacking group and we won't delve deep into this but let's just say that they're linked to the russian government is very very debatable it's a subject to debate it's not over in established fact but even still if if it's found the thing is microsoft explicitly says that they found and i quote no
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evidence that these domains were used in any successful attack moreover they do not have any evidence to indicate the identity of targets or even the number of targets of these apparent planned attacks so what we have here on our hands is a bunch of is a bunch of websites that were created and no one has even attempted to do anything with them and this is what the russian statement on this matter pointed out. again we have to state what was thought to be obvious despite our desire it's impossible to comment on statements made without any evidence and that are clearly created for public attention it's sad that a big international company that successfully worked for a long time in the russian market and has to be a part of the witch hunt now has invaded washington well bottom line is every time they hear the word hacking especially journalists well they jump out and they automatically assume russia is personally if they have you know the trigger words
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in the text well now they are nevertheless microsoft is of course a veteran of the tech world they carry a lot of weight and they insist that the threat is real well the us act on that warning world microsoft in fact has even made a suggestion as to how the potential victims of the attacks should act and they've suggested that it's their tool they should be installing they've announced that they're developing is a thing called microsoft account god and well don't i wish i could say it's the follow the money trail but it isn't here the are provided they will be there promising to provide it for free to anyone who may fall victim of the attack so candidates can pay and so on and so forth and there will be threat notification and they promise to guide their clients through how to make these networks and e-mail systems more secure so ultimately i'm afraid i have to say that it looks like a very well designed have to admit p.r.
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campaign on behalf of microsoft and anywhere whether there is a threat or whether the reasons they're pushing their tool here are it is eight years down and thank you for breaking that down for us. the syrian army is gearing up for an offensive on the last major rubber rebel stronghold it live the battle for the enclave marks the final stage of the syrian war and if assad's forces managed to retake it it will bring almost the entire country back under government control however ahead of the campaign many western media outlets have been doubling down on the narrative against a masochist with some saying the assad forces are certain to inflict heavy civilian casualties the same media though fails to mention the enclave is under control of jihadi groups accused of war crimes are trying to go takes a closer look. these yagur a few of the syrian civil war has strong it's now pretty much about this part of the country the northwest basically here in and around it is where you'll find all
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the armed rebel groups the ones still putting up a real fight no wonder getting hold of this area would be the ultimate success for damascus five days after multiple airstrikes hit this once quiet neighborhood province killing dozens of people shattering whatever illusion of safety to me if it existed you listen to this c.n.n. piece and get the impression it looked province had been a peaceful oasis still showered by those bombs how about telling the viewers about the dicey melting pot it actually is the syrian army has been on a mission to win back land those rebels or even internationally recognized terrorists who stood in their way were given two options take out the white flag or get a one way ticket to it no kidding some were moved there on buses and that's when the real mess began instead of teaming up various groups and went to war with each
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other and let's not forget some of the mightiest organizations running the show their moderates. h. t. s. or to. arguably the most powerful and hair raising the very same people who used to be known as moose or syria's al qaida branch and if that name doesn't ring a bell just picture nine eleven or any other bloody carnage that took responsibility for. this is quite a trio to those who've heard of nor aldin. would likely associate them with the beheading of a palestinian boy on camera they've also been blamed for torturing journalists and aid workers jaish al islam paraded kate's hostages through the damascus suburbs
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they once controlled only to use them as human shields later this group along with was firmly on john kerry's terrorist list when he was in charge of the state department we've seen pictures we've heard testimony of shocking crimes committed by our by book by joshua. by al-shabaab it seems even in london a staunch ally of some rebel groups has lost patients britain won't send any more cash to fighters an adlib as it says in the times newspaper u.k. diplomats have admitted the remaining rebel areas are falling into the grip of the hottest t.v. giant sky news came up with a teaser for their exclusive report from edward province on twitter but online many weren't buying the media's attempts to portray that place as just rebel held clave so the question is if you live is mainly ruled by al qaida who gave sky news the
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exclusive access they are not rebels there. which rebels did you get access to perhaps they've seen this reporting tactic once before during the siege of syria's economic hub aleppo activists say close to one hundred children have been killed in that beeston rebel held area of aleppo mill your seat in the battle districts of rebel held east of the unable to convince moscow to stop bombing civilians all they talked about was how civilians and moderate opposition fighters were being slaughtered by assad. the russians there was no mention of the hardest though and there since something our reporter saw with their own eyes. we're in the south. and the rebels are pushing into aleppo again. beyond that you're into the rebel held parts of
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aleppo that is the black flag of job nusra. brainchild in the syrian civil war. a year ago we had we. we. are always going why legal regime again we. enjoy killing. obviously a child because this is the ocean of a complicated reality. there are concerns that a large number of child slaves trafficked from vietnam and china could be working on cannabis farms and london it comes as figures disclosed under
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a freedom of information request show the scale of the illegal drugs cultivation the high number of cannabis farms across london and trafficking of vietnamese children to work in them is extremely worrying potentially thousands of children and young people are being trafficked from vietnam and exploited by ruthless criminal gangs. hundreds of cannabis farms have been discovered in the british capital in recent years and specifically that number is said to be at three hundred fourteen that's one farm every two days from january twenty sixth seen until april this year and of course what makes these matters worse is certainly concerns about who it is that's being to work at these farms or factories as they're described we do know that experts from campaign groups have been raising red flags about this issue for at least a decade now with headlines circulating in the british press on and off throughout recent years trying to raise attention to this issue however experts are continuing
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to say that large numbers of children and teens from countries like vietnam and other places are trafficked to work out of these kinds of farms and indeed this is being described as extremely worrying it's being said that over two thousand suspected trafficking victims were referred to officials just last year and that's a number that's being described as the highest on record and one of the concerns that containers have on this issue is that oftentimes these people when discovered working at these farms could be treated as criminals as opposed to victims and this is certainly seen as a very serious issue we have sent out requests to the home office to the metropolitan police and anti trafficking groups such as anti-slavery international so we will be certainly updating this report once we hear back from them on this topic. having a seriously ill parent can be hard for anyone but especially for children but one
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thirteen year old russian boy whose mother desperately needed lifesaving drugs to despair he took matters into his own hands. well before more money. results mean. school mashad don't float kluge for money just because it's. directed to cleves have a hearts and help as with medicine help me cure my mom thanks yvonne. called just a. pilot to customers told us dollars here it was due to a. new future with the corniest pretty much a food recall still. small dish to put
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a show on the popcorn interesting to me on the newsgroup. for someone to play with sort of. pushing the juice just so we're clear. directed and thanks everyone who didn't stay in different events. unfortunately we've learned that after several days without the necessary medical care ivan's mother has taken a turn for the worse this tuesday she's been rushed to the hospital and is being kept in intensive care we will keep you up to date with her condition. the afghan capital saw three hours of heavy gun firing on tuesday between security forces and insurgents earlier in the day missiles rained down on central kabul fired according
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to local police by the taliban the country's president was delivering a live televised speech at the time. the. sight of d. t. be added to the missiles landed in the diplomatic district of the city where government buildings are situated as we just saw the presidential palace was among the buildings hit as was reportedly the u.s. embassy now the taliban has been increasing its military activity as of late with another assault carried out by them on monday taliban fighters ambushed three buses taking almost two hundred people hostage later on monday though afghan security forces reportedly freed nearly one hundred fifty of those people drill assault on
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phase a sent us this report from kabul police believes that there have been true up to three assailants involved into this attack and the source for some up to turn rockets have been fired into different locations. says two policemen have been slightly injured into these attacks but look ation have been evacuated the firefighters of arrived and trying to douse. or we have to wait and see what it will be just about because we still do not have any clue about. civilian casualties. tuesday's missile attack came after the afghan president offered a ceasefire on sunday to last for the duration of the muslim holiday. it looks like the attacks are a scorning response to that proposal daniel hawkins reports now on the current relations between afghanistan and the taliban the three month cease fire proposed by president garny is not the first such motion in afghanistan it probably won't be
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the last that has the blessing of the us time for peace has a but a ring to it than war on terror regardless the taliban are firmly rejected it instead continuing a countrywide military offensive. you know. i saw my friend dying he was among thirteen people including children and women who were killed during an airstrike last night and there is no attention from the government and no facilities for the residents of the dead bodies are still on the road signs that i've also been injured. military commanders say the truce will only benefit the u.s. led forces they've also been clear no peace will be possible in afghanistan as long
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as the foreign occupation carries on and as coalition forces approach the seventeenth year of operations in the country how simple things seemed all those years ago we acted and the taliban no longer is in power in afghanistan which is not only good for the security of the free world it is incredibly good for the people who suffered in afghanistan under barbaric rule a decade and a half later the taliban controlled large swathes of territory and are able to strike at security forces and civilians almost that will afghanistan has been a battleground for various militant group. something the u.s. views pragmatically the taliban are fighting isis and we encourage that because isis needs to be destroyed the afghan question has forced the u.s. this way between a military solution and negotiations with the taliban with such hot cold rhetoric from the white house it's hardly surprising the possibility of mediation is taking years to arise it's been quite
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a balancing act for washington to have the taliban willing to come to the negotiating table there's no talking to the taliban we don't want to talk to the taliban we're going to finish what we have to finish and i want to reinforce to the taliban that the only path to peace and political legitimacy for them is through a negotiated settlement the taliban. put there. for you for the call for the taliban when their choices are to reconcile living a relevance. in september taliban representatives have been invited for talks in moscow alongside to government officials bypassing the united states if successful these could become a step towards the long cease fire of them all a permanent solution to a decades long cycle of violence something that today looks as this didn't as ever as you just heard the taliban and the afghan government are scheduled to meet for
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talks in moscow in a few weeks the russian foreign minister confirmed plans for the meeting and said reactions been encouraging from both sides we have never hidden our contacts with the taliban they are a part of afghan society a contact a range of providing security for russians in afghanistan but also to make the taliban and its own fight and start negotiations with the government a couple of years ago we initiated the so-called moscow form where we invited afghanistan in their neighbors in the region and the usa to start negotiations with foreign support another so it takes place in early september with the taliban and the afghan government both invited the first reaction was positive they're planning to take part in the meeting we hope it will be productive and we discussed the prospects of the talks between the taliban and the afghan government with investigative journalist nicholas davies and political analyst enters our. the african goldman just recently understood the crucial rule by the other super powers in the region in russia of course is one of the strongest country.
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in mediating between the taliban and the afghan government and everybody in afghanistan is hoping that something good will happen after the conference in moscow in russia mediating dollar bond will be also invited goldman could be also potus bunch of the conference so there could be some more progress in afghanistan because the different the negotiation in the introduction between the afghan government and taliban is just on the very first speech the taliban have obvious on their side have concluded that you know they need to apply more pressure to force the u.s. to talk to them in a sense it's ironic because you know the u.s. have always talked about applying enough military pressure to bring the taliban to negotiations to the peace table that has always been the official u.s.
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policy that in fact it's the taliban who are doing that and. probably have more chance of success that's your headline news recount for this hour but don't forget you can always head to our web site party dot com the details on all of those stories and much more thanks for tuning in. when lawmakers manufacture consent to sell it to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round certainly the one percent. can all middle of the room sick.
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greetings and salutation. all right all watchers prepare yourselves i hope that you're sitting down in june.


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