tv News RT August 22, 2018 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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that's lunacy a lot on the left in thinking i don't know but i know that's not what i want and they'll lose in the midterms because of that i feel quite sure at least at this point if something doesn't change fast why can't the establishment democrats rein these people in are they afraid or do they are they're worried that the their base is driven drifting to more progressive socialist we could look at what happened in new york i mean what what what what's their lack of reaction because it seems like the lack of reaction shows the huge splits within the party go ahead rob it's a completely fragmented party right now there is no leadership who can you say is the leader of the democratic party. booker maxine so you know and here's the here's my proclamation for the democrats that they bet that they have to get the sky is always blue water is always wet and donald trump is always going to be donald trump so stop complaining about what he
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says and what he does because he's always going to do that while you throw some policy at us and tell us what you're going to do democrats to get rid of them or why should we vote him out what what is your plan as a democrat i can't speak to any policy i've heard other than donald trump is a creep and a jerk ok i agree so what are we going to do. ron you're agreeing there now that my point is this it's ever been ever since the campaign that even the election is that the more you go after this guy the mainstream media the more you push him up and it's free advertising what in any any and so much you know you have seen him go out on the road i mean all he does is attack these people and they love it ok they were giving him all his material run yeah you're absolutely right and i'm sorry guys i missed a little bit i was having the tech issue on my end it's called got it at first i thought it was like why was it something i said i don't know if i don't have a good discussion but that everything just kind of went out on me version so if i'm
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not totally caught up i apologize but yeah i think rob i think i've heard you're going to they don't have any policy ideas i don't think that's an accident though and that's why again i'm very disenfranchised by the two party system right now because i don't feel that there's anybody with power in politics with the exception to bernie sanders that represents any of the policies of iraq is he going to jump in here i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on political stability stay with our. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would
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prefer and it means to live the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying lose just moon hasn't been that we're even many of victims families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want to that's going to give them peace it's going to give them justice and we compensate. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. the unemployment rate is down the labor participation rate is high so this goes against all the doom mongers before the election to trump and and of course nobody
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in mainstream media wants to focus on this because it be lies there is spirity there. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back to crossfire where all things are considered i'm peter about to remind you we're discussing political civility. ok let's go back to ron in. right before going to the rec you want to finish up
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a point please go ahead. yeah i mean i mean i was just getting at you know rob brings up that e's not seeing any policy ideas from the democrats he's absolutely right i think this is by design i think that really the united states is ready to go in a more populist direction if the four of us you know the four of us sat down and dr gene it was same if the four of us sat down and really talk policy we wouldn't agree on everything we seemed to kind of be all over the spectrum we have different points of views on different things however there would be some really big paler that i think we would all have in common i think we would all want to end the wars and invest that money back home i think we would all want to see a populace where employment is in better shape we might have some different ideas on how to get there but it's something that we would all want to see happen there would be some big crucial for instances where we would be on the same page who does that not benefit that doesn't benefit the establishment that's right ron let me go
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to gene and you know why all four of us can have a civil conversation because we don't have to worry about donors really that's reason why ok yes may you become more of a reelection that's right that's right you know geno one of the things that really bothers none of us knows a rumor. that one of the things that really bothers me about what's going on here is that my first incarnation professionally i was an academic historian and i taught courses at the university of california and i really really hate it when people start using the term nazi and calling someone hitler because i know the history of the twentieth century in europe extremely well and the people on the left throwing those terms around are so abjectly. incorrect and without knowledge they don't know what they're actually saying it's a very terrible those are terrible terms and you have to use them very sparingly go
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ahead gina because that's what gets on my. unnerves well that is discouraging to me too for exactly the reasons that ron cited when i believe that there are productive things we could do if we would actually work together and for all the criticism of this president he has been someone who is willing to work with his political enemies and he's willing to sit down with democrats and he's willing to ask their opinion and that's one of the things i like best about him it's even willing to call himself off once he's really decided somebody is a bad person and to stop and listen and if we had a little more of that particular element in our society i think we'd be better the democrats have themselves in a real position and here's why their money is coming from the far extreme left those in hollywood and the progressives in general but their votes come from places like the rust belt the unions where the jobs are drying up because of illegal immigration and other sorts of policies that the democrats have passed so the democrats can't figure out how to get both the money and the votes and that's their
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delimit they're going to have to start to develop if they're going to survive in a two party system as ron referred to they're going to have to develop some sort of policy that can appeal to a broader base and pull from republicans not that i'm here to advise the democrats although that sounds like that's just what i did but i kind of watched some of these problems happen within the republican party not all that long ago and i honestly and you may not believe me as i am on the right and i don't deny that but i've landed here honestly and i'm willing to admit when i'm wrong i honestly crave a government where we have a strong opponent that comes up with good ideas yeah so that that makes my site yet or i didn't that polishes all of us when we're all on is a very smart observation and i think that's really good in that makes the political debate brings it up to a higher level of you know who are going to this is story things i think it's i think it's really important i mean when we have people you know there's like the
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people that you know this really. the french people there are saying that you know . making comparisons to nazi germany well i would say that there is a historical analogy and. germany where germany was collapsing in the one nine hundred twenty s. for a whole wide variety of issues but there was during that time there was the lack of respect in the breakdown of public discourse that's one of the reasons why the nazis was able to come to they were able to come to power and i think that this is a critical moment that that's a history lesson is if you continue down this path yes you could create a very very disturbing future but we're not there yet and i think people need to step back and and all of us here a bit like mine policy policy and more policy i'm tired of the emotions go ahead rob. well first of all as a jew i don't like the word nazi thrown around so arbitrarily and easily i think i'll make it clear i think he's despicable i don't like him he demonizes immigrants
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but that's not the same thing as what took place in nazi germany and i agree with you peter we have to look at things historically it's it's like what happened in iran with the ayatollah khomeini and we were so upset about that as americans well why did that happen who did we support we support of the shah of iran what republicans used to complain so much vociferous lee when when fidel castro took power but we had multinational corporations in cuba paying workers two cents a day there some of course there was a revolution so i we have to look at what leads up to things and things donald trump didn't just pop out of nowhere and invent himself and just get elected by magic there were things that upset infuriated people and he had a you know voters that came in and elected him and so we have to look at the why instead of again complaining about donald trump oh he's this he's that he's
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terrible he's a jerk. and tom landry had a great sign when he was coach of the dallas cowboys that said what if there is no what if. so let's let's deal with reality and what's happening right now and again i'm going back to policy policy policy you know ron we had a supreme court justice kennedy announced he's stepping down i'm really worried and i mean if we think the political atmosphere is bad now wait until his successor is announced and before he goes or she goes before congress i mean this is going to be one hell of a storm ahead of this here because it's already started i mean the ink wasn't even dry in the document and the. war really started flaring out i'm really worried. read about how this process is going to work go ahead ron i mean you know i'm also worried about i can serve supreme court i understand i understand it and i
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understand it i understand but what i'm saying but what i'm saying is that i'm more worried right now is the process because what it does is it taints the entire process it taints the court and now you have people on the left the extreme left doubting the constitution itself now there's a lot of things that need to be done but if we don't have the same playing field in the same laws then then we can't even further away from communication there is going to be a come from a sion process and now the democrats want to get their act together and ask good questions and said destroying their arms up in the air ok that's not going to help anyone go ahead ron. and we'll see what they do i mean when it came to you know gorsuch they certainly just kind of threw their arms up in the air and in i think that. one of the things that this does for the democrats is it really kind of strengthens their argument of blue no matter who hey look what happened look at the supreme court for all you people that want to actually change within the party for
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all you people that want to run as progressive straw you people that went to joel stein this is your fault it's not the fault of barack obama who just kind of let his pick go and didn't do anything about it it's not the fault of the democratic establishment who propped up a flawed candidate and arguably the only candidate donald trump was can capable of beating it's not the fault of our political lack of any type of hardball whatsoever and just rolling over to the republicans because a lot of the democrats just go along with the republicans anyway it's your fault the whole supreme court thing just kind of strengthens their glue no matter who argument meanwhile you know we're facing a potential hyper partisan hyper conservative supreme court for years and years to come and i'll respond to something gina said i don't think the problem with the democratic money is necessarily hollywood now this is coming from somebody who the president of show business still will not take my phone call maybe there's a little bit. but i think it's you know they're bought and sold by the same people
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you know their donors are the pharmaceutical industries their donors are big oil so of course they're not going to come out against fracking because big oil gives them a lot of money of course they're not going to come out. of wall street thank you yes so it's like when you have two parties that are just kind of bought and sold by the same people one party's allowed to represent those people on apologetically because they were on the right this is what we do the other party is just a little more subtle about it ok gina you know i really like dineros film sees a great actor i think he made a complete fool out of themselves by making a spectacle out of themselves. one of these award gatherings for me will i it's really time for hollywood to kind of simmer down and you know we give you a few ball actually a lot of books to watch your films but i don't need to hear your political opinions to be honest ok because i don't see how anyone really in hollywood it's ever really
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clint eastwood i can show my prejudice but i don't see that they're particularly well informed and i don't know why they should try to get involved in the political process go ahead yes for example when they're saying you know destroy ice it's only existed for fifteen years that's not true it's just called a different name before so when hollywood comes out on these some of these issues they sort of they make some mistakes because they don't have the historic knowledge that you're talking about and and that doesn't look at either but i think that ron illustrates a really key point here that should be punctuated and that is when when both parties were both listening to the same tune right at the wall street the you know whoever came up whoever had the big money because they needed it to be reelected that right there is what i think that people like me who like civility who like you know i am a conservative bona fide as best i can tell again i keep an open mind but i think i
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am but that's what i liked about donald trump and that's why i elected and worked hard to elect a donald trump it wasn't because he was like me it was because he didn't need or seemed to want or even seem to have a lot of regard for those same groups that had always controlled you know in particular big pharma particular wall street some of those groups he didn't have a need for them he didn't seem to care or give them much regard or even respect and i wanted somebody who would answer to me and i think that the average democrat out there right now they want the same thing they want to politician who's not bought and sold who will answer to them and they can't find that in the democrat party like now and that's the conflict going to jump in here. i think the the political established left needs to calm down and i would give the same advice to the president of the united states outs all the time we have many thanks to my guests in new york los angeles and west palm beach and thanks to our viewers for watching us here don't he see you next time and remember crosstalk tools.
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finest hour from now senator you can get up now has a thousand people a point about. lining if you knew you would it be that easy to find a ten that i had in me. plus it said thank you muslims to people whom it is. good that i've done my duty but my little bit of a wonderful enough that i little bit that i accept that i'm going to come to know god much of the way for them are not together but it. exists in
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london. some borders of. the sea. you can be built over. you know world a big part of the new lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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to begin to. look something up in basic. in the. us it will either be useful so we're talking to. knows about them. he gets ready. to get a lot of any. good but i'm going to look at him as art when i was up the money into . my hands. so. there. is a long. long lines of you meet. other people whose life was on. our.
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feet. and had long time from donald trump presidency appears on shaky ground for. guilty to. federal crimes the special counsel. to investigate alleged russia has so far only exposed. to campaign violations where is the closure you know they're still looking for closure where would you find some kind of leadership coming up to russia. today slow witted and baseless. congress is also reviewing even more aggressive measures against the. us to
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keep faces accusations in the u.k. that it's promoting. the release of controversial new sports where my immediate reaction is a terrorist. to me at all i don't think you. see. i there just one peer most good time this wednesday the twenty second of august one welcome to you thanks for being with us today about international so there is a plenty of talk this wednesday over donald trump's presidency which now appears to be in a precarious position less than two years into it to the president's former associates have pleaded guilty to federal crimes is a headache for trump it's put him in hot water as his ex lawyers implicated him as the orchestrator of campaign and violate and financial violations figures this day little pieces across it was it doesn't mean crucially everyone's asking for the president you know a lot of speculation in the media certainly this morning about that big word
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impeachment of donald trump something that's been discussed before but only now really coming to relevance it's not over what you might think though over links to russians something far more monday mainly the trial of his former aide and lawyer michael cohen he's pleaded guilty to various charges of bank fraud tax fraud more specifically campaign finance violations though what does that mean in english he made payments allegedly to former mistresses of donald trump stormy daniels and playboy model karen mcdougal allegedly at the order at the behest of trump himself this directly links trump to a federal crime if he wasn't president he would probably be sharper than indicted as all of that are likely to happen now nevertheless though there is now that link right so going back to this these allegations of russian collusion has nothing to do with it none of that's come up here is it i mean in a way this is a bad day for trump is to keep main staffers for the main staffers have been guilty or pleaded guilty or very serious crimes on the other hand the whole investigation
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. which i remind you of what the statement here from the office of the deputy attorney general was authorized to find links and coordination between the russian government and individuals associated with the campaign that's not been found at least so far so while there have been a whole host of very serious crimes fraud lying to the f.b.i. in a way trump will say he's been very much vindicated. take the right to do which aren't we going to have big company where is the draw loser you know there's no looking for clues or where is the closure finds a coalition now the investigation of course is still ongoing have been previous investigations that maybe even more so far they have not found that evidence of russian collusion specifically between the russia the truck campaign and russian nationals russian agents of any sort nevertheless though it is still ongoing who knows what could be dug up next the nevertheless it is a pretty difficult day today for the u.s.
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president to hold his things for the well meantime any which way the punishment continues to rain down the first part of the most recent u.s. sanctions against russia come into force today they focus on exports of american made electronics used in the aircraft and space industries in a moscow saying in fact that won't affect ordinary people and however in november moscow could face a second wave of restrictions described by the u.s. state department official as more draconian they're likely to include more limits on trade and banking likely to include cuts to diplomatic relations the measures of the consideration may also ban russia's state airline from entering u.s. airspace to now washington says the new sanctions are in response to the poisoning of the russian double agent and his daughter in britain in march early this year the investigation into that case is still ongoing no hard evidence of russia's involvement has been provided moscow has slammed the sanctions now than a slow witted saying they're based on false pretexts. as usual washington
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provided no evidence of justification while only throwing out vicious innuendos it seems they are following the principle worse is better we will counter the united states' slow witted blinkered and aggressive approach with sober minded orderly work on a constructive agenda it would see washington's grip sanctions favor there's been numerous debates in the u.s. capitol on how best to punish russia on capitol hill it was all about sanctions three high profile events subtle differences but the main thrust in all of them was punish russia the u.k. foreign secretary even flew into town to make his case those who don't share the values need to know that there will always be a serious price to pay if red lines across and today the united kingdom asks its allies to go further by calling on the european union to ensure its sanctions
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against russia a comprehensive and that we truly stand shoulder to shoulder with the u.s. to different hearings on capitol hill about russia's supposed one line actions now the two things named are u.s. alexion meddling and the poisoning in britain of surrogate and uli a script all with know that shock now no proof has ever been presented ongoing efforts to interfere in our sacrosanct election process seize and those of our allies are just some of the unacceptable behaviors of the putin regime putin wants to break apart the american republic russia's attempts to interfere in the two thousand and sixteen u.s. presidential election are well and widely known russia has undertaken a campaign of malign activities in its attempt to compete with us our allies and our partners and cats up to thirty one gives us more tools with which to respond now all the voices agree that russia has never yielded in the face of sanctions in the past however they say that the answer is more saying. just because they can the
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breadth and brazenness of russia's malign conduct demands a firm and vigorous response our actions are imposing an unprecedented level of financial pressure on those supporting the kremlin's malign agenda and on the sectors of the russian economy now the second round of sanctions is due to be imposed in november why well everyone knows that russia will meddle in the upcoming midterm elections the same people spinning spurious narratives about meddling in the past are now predicting the future when we talk about russian interference it's not just past elections that we're worried about clearly the russians know that the us is on guard at this point they were successful to a degree and twenty sixteen we think that they're adopting this as they're looking at new ways to divide americans is there any concrete plan in place for addressing the threat that's actually posed by russia and our intelligence agencies stop them
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from doing it again now some members of congress are calling for paper ballots to make sure the vote is transparent and it's not digitally hacked americans need paper ballots marked by hand until that system is adopted every election goes by is yet another alexion that foreign governments hostile foreign governments including russia can hack but why bother russia could probably hack papers and pencils anyhow caleb mop and r.t. new york just chill laurie believes u.s. politicians are using the so-called russian threat as a destruction from internal problems the whole thing is quite a conundrum for me why they continue to try to politicize this issue new sanctions of some way to help them domestically except that they're trying to cover up their own shortcomings their own short changing of the american people and to try the blame our divisions and our economic crisis and our racial divide here on and on an outside power which is the oldest trick. in the book going back to the beginning of
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civilization if the democrats lose or do not do as well as they hope in the november election having used the rusher again as their as their main talking point they may have to readjust and realize that the progressive wing of the party is growing and that the american people don't give a damn about russia and that they have to finally address the real issues here and leave this russia issue alone and get back to normal relations with this country that is that it's imperative for. for world peace essentially and there was the specter of alleged russian meddling looms large over the us what american journalist has published a new investigation exposing washington's efforts to interfere in the internal affairs of external countries around the world and undermine rival governments must bloom of went to an event organized by the national endowment for democracy it is a nonprofit n.-g. o. that was founded in one thousand nine hundred three it's supported by both the democratic and republican parties are really it operate in more than ninety countries no less the national endowment for democracy says it's work to help
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non-governmental groups promote democracy in those places and live with couldn't but help notice some. right i covered the ceremony because these organizations are doing exactly what congress accuses russia funded media outlets control farms of doing in the united states to interfere in other country's politics and with foreign money. the only difference is they do it openly and in the name of spreading freedom. activists are meeting with pretty quite clear on their agenda as they explain to max. so once again. i'd like to express our sincere gratitude to buy pot of. the poor and also u.s. congresspeople as well and u.s. citizens eventually we are doing this work with the u.s. citizens tax americans have no idea that they're funding an organization that's explicitly dedicated to meddling in other countries affairs interfering in
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