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tv   News  RT  August 22, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the. usual employed young commission president i got there in the end quote young because it was done back in july that seems to alleviated some of those tensions bullets if donald trump design decides he wants to double down on a trade war against iraq well that would have an impact in the future this is the thing with dealing with this president and this white house we don't know what's going to come in the future that could lead to this and say it could to uncertainty and not could have a an effect for the long run but as it stands the strong numbers posted by germany really that translates really into fairly decent growth across the whole of the single currency but the way italy the debt in italy is even worse than gray say but yeah we'll keep an eye out on maryland that is a very good soil archie correspondent peter oliver thank you for staying late over there in berlin peter and hilary forex the founder of that realm our thanks to you both. and time for a quick break but hang here because when we return now it's my heart all of it joins us from toronto to look at companies like the french company told how and
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countries that are trying to quit iran are going to quit you iran in light of the u.s. economic sanctions on the nation plus r.t. correspondent sara montecito also joins us to dig deeper about the feeling month santal herbicides found in breakfast cereal and the executive director of a coast guard tech center in american university professor donald williamson is back to examine the impact of the large u.s. tax cuts are they benefiting companies with those stock buyback or individuals are they getting a big benefit so give us his perspective as we go to break the benchmark standard and poor's five hundred reached a record high today and they equaled the longest bull run in history all green arrows on the big board today here are the numbers at the closing bell will be right back.
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what politicians do you shuttle. to put themselves on the lawn. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to be rich. have to go right to be close to see what before three of them or can't be good get back i'm interested always in the waters of the caller's. question. the most. childs seem wrong when old girls just don't call. me old yet to say proud disdain comes to educate
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and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground the. but i am a fan of the film and also to take i'm going to play live now how's it going to end on taliban people point the. line and you feel you do would it be that easy to the point it can get out and you. feel plus is that going to take months to people whom it is. good but i've done my job on my little bit of a wonderful time about our little bit of the fact that i've got money going to you know about much of the way for the mob not to go together but a. good one do you like blue.
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some borders of. the sea. you're going to be no problem.
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welcome back venezuelan president nicolas maduro has announced a number of new economic policies aimed at fixing a mere. pressing problems including rampant inflation mr mcgirr also called for budget austerity increased pensions and a minimum wage increase of over thirty four hundred percent and proposals linking the value of pensions wages and a new ball of our currency he's proposed to the value of oil based petrol cryptocurrency tax measures including a vat a value added tax that exempt food and medicine are also to take effect this week most observers say the math doesn't add up mr president even sympathetic economist half for years called on the venezuelan government to address fundamental imbalances in their currency exchange and import systems to boost domestic production and curb inflation and corruption. french oil giant toe
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tal has pulled out of a lucrative iranian gas project due to u.s. economic sanctions the five billion dollar deal to develop a giant natural gas field is now in limbo but help may be on its way artie's alex my highly bitches and toronto with more alex thank you as always for being here why was total so quick to back down from from the project is it all to do with the sanctions. has everything to do with the sanctions look they were one of the first companies to come in after two thousand and fifteen when that new deal with signed and the us along with a lot of european nations and others was all you know thumbs up for doing business with you rant well now it seems like there would be one of the first ones out and all the help in the world just doesn't seem from that at least from their friends at the french government and the e.u. doesn't seem to be able to put or put any influence on the u.s. government the u.s. government is refusing to sign any kind of waiver which would exempt the tile from
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being exempt basically from the oil and gas stations that are kicking in in november now for that company at this there's a reason that they're reacting this way by chickening out very very quickly in getting out of dogs or in this case the rand and that would be the fact that billions of dollars in that company and their assets are actually u.s. without be around ten billion and the fact that ninety percent of the loans that they have are from you as banks so they are obviously highly vulnerable to these u.n. sanctions and for a company like that is that it's a major oil producer of major company in the game they don't want to have anything to do with any type of penalties that may be incurred so they're getting out of their air but they're bolting you know it's so interesting alex and we've talked about this a number of times i mean right when the u.s. said they're going to pull out and then impose these additional sanctions on countries and companies remember the europeans present mccrone said no this day and
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we'll even compensate you well it doesn't look like that's a road that anybody in the euro zone is going and total being i guess the big one i mean what does this mean for iran alex. well of just what you said you know it's interesting also the chinese banks said well if the us don't want to fund you to a lot of these companies especially from europe there's a well we'll back you up but it doesn't seem like anybody is biting for that offer as when it comes to iran i mean this is obviously big news for them we're talking about a deal that would have lasted over a span about twenty years from two thousand and fifteen this is something they desperately needed in many ways so when they announced this and it was their minister actually they really an oil minister is name is john numb dar. net and so he when he basically said that these guys are going out of the south park project this was very disappointing for them because this whole the project itself was supposed to bring in modernization and just basically clean up some infrastructure that is very old but not everything said and done because in this project there's another investor that investor had about thirty percent and that might pump it up
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to eighty percent and that would be china as the chinese state owned companies see n.p.c. there there's a good chance that they may take up about eighty percent of this project now the other twenty percent would remain with the iranian government and china also has promised to buy more oil from iran so if those when the sanctions kick in they're going to be to help their to help and who's going to getting by that will be the states because china is going to lower its orders of american oil arky correspondent alex mchale of age thank you as always alex. thank you the other day . the other day we spoke about the environmental advocacy group the environmental working group which found a dangerous club aside glycine of fate used by the made by the monsanto company they found in cereal and months into a recently was bought by the german drug maker bear well we thought the topic
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merited a little bit more deeper discussion are pleased to be joined by our correspondents here amman to discuss so you've been looking into this and we're so pleased i saw you on other programs that are to america you were so great on it but it made me even question more we reported that bear stock went down but what of markets been doing since the end of last week so bear stock went down last monday it really plunged and it continued to fall through thursday it seems like it's starting to pick a little bit back up but it lost eighteen percent of its value since the verdict and hundred percent and it's still lower than it has been in the last five years they most of you know when they bought months and they knew this the problems could come but they probably didn't know that this much would be the problems anyway let me ask you about the definition of what this level so the environmental working group but there are left leaning progressive i love them but there they are progressive group out there so their standards might be a little that the standards they use may be
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a little bit more strict than others and that the f.d.a. is that california that they're comparing this to saying that it's a problem using california standards fellow e.w. g. is comparing it to e.p.a. and california which are all obviously very different california's proposed risk is one point one milligrams of life i say again this is for adult level is one hundred forty milligrams and even lower at point zero one milligrams and e.w. is one one hundredth of the california proposed limit and. there have been several critics that have come out and said you know there might be some glyphosate in your cereal but there's nothing to worry about that doesn't mean that you shouldn't feed your children cereal in the mornings it's all about the intake a lot of people are voicing that it's mostly people who eat this on a daily basis and eat it you know throughout the day so it's just about the levels and california so this california is risk was developed by state scientists and this was after twenty fifteen the international agency for research on cancer
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claimed that life to say it was a probable carcinogenic to humans then after that was when california came out and said we need to put this as a cancer causing chemical. we're going to run out of time but i want to ask you one question that i'd like to have you back on this is somebody reevaluating this to make sure that levels the correct level that we don't get curtain cancer so the f.d.a. has been working on this since two thousand and sixteen since they are in charge of the e.p.a. food standards there is they did say quote the results are being evaluated and those results will be included when the agency releases the twenty seventeen pesticide report so we are waiting on that report to see where they want to get you back as quick as possible to continue this conversation. at thank you sir. and soft drink and their joint pepsico announced on monday that they will acquire a soda stream the israeli maker of do it yourself so of making machines for three point two billion dollars buying them out of the hundred forty four dollars per
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share more than ten percent above soda stream starts closing price on friday pepsi's move is the latest episode a soft drink makers seeking to adapt to consumers shift away from the usual heisley sweetened sodas by marketing to others possible products such as sports drinks caesar carbonated water the acquisition also was reportedly one of the final initiatives of outgoing pepsi c.e.o. indra nooyi who departure we covered here and now we shift gears to look at the impact to date of. the us tax cuts to lend us is able hand we are joined by american university professor donald williamson professor thank you for coming back we thank you ok so we got to do this a little bit but i was so taken by our conversation let's do this more so glad you're here and the main question i have is look we know that a lot of these companies have taken the benefits and used it for stock buybacks one do you agree that's the case and is that
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a bad thing yes it is the case i don't think when congress passed the law they anticipated that to occur but it has occurred and the bottom line is what will those shareholders do with the money they received on the buy backs will they invest in capital intensive activities as was the intent of the bill or will they spend it on vacations or even worse maybe just take it overseas and hold it there for an vacations spend it but i guess to get us airfare to get to get out yeah i mean people expected that they were going to take this money and invested in new manufacturing and capital intensive things but that doesn't appear to be the case but as you say it may be though maybe they'll buy soda stream with interest so the jury's still out part ok now let's turn to individuals clearly the rate has been dropped. but is it really going to help when you sort of weigh the balances who does this tax bill help more corporate america or individuals well i think it helps both part of the rate cuts have extended both to corporations and individuals so
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that any taxable income the last dollar the marginal rate of tax is less for individuals the standard deduction for individuals has almost been double so that only about ten to fifteen percent of all americans will have to file what we call a schedule an itemized deduction form where they account for their travel contributions taxes and mortgage interest and cetera so it's great simplified there and then the child tax credit has been doubled for those folks so it's two thousand dollars for every child under seventeen so it has benefited individuals it's a tough call as to whether those benefits outweigh. a the great benefits given the corporation and there's also the a lot of the deductions that were taken away some of those were pretty important right yes no question about you mention that child care we're pleased that that's there and that helps working families but some deductions or a lot of deductions that were available for employees in their trades or businesses have been denied now. i mean i ask you to go into the way back machine and let's go
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back to the last time a major tax overhaul was passed president reagan a hero of lots of people the republican party and he was a pretty good president in my mind even though i didn't support him but that was the last time we had major tax reform compare the one nine hundred eighty six tax reform act to this one that just passed well the biggest difference that makes this bill so significant is the reduction in corporate tax rates we have gone from marginal rate for corporations of thirty five percent down to twenty one percent that is most significant the intent was to make american companies more competitive with their foreign competitors and also perhaps to repatriate some of those business activities that u.s. corporations were conducting overseas we'll have to wait and see that as well but that is the most significant from a company or corporate benefit that makes this bill more significant than the one thousand nine hundred six act very interesting and last time we spoke we talked talked about a capital was a capital gains reduction duction that's going nowhere fast and nothing's changed
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on that right that's correct donna williamson professor university at the coconut center thank you so much for bring your time thank you and that's it for this time thanks for joining us you catch boom bust on direct t.v. channel three twenty one dish network channel two eighty or streaming twenty four seven on pluto t.v. that's the free t.v. channel one thirty two or as always catches that youtube dot com slash boom bust party will see you next time. i. guess manufacture consent to stealing to public
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wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round be the one percent. it's nothing to do ignore middle of the room signal. doing the rounds of the real news is really. different. coming up a bit better. than the. down signal you have you discuss this with your talking to the. girl at the talent get it go our own little league get you a charity. and then a lot of that i think about karma is good but i'm about the same as art and when i
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was up the money into the magazine. load of a long long long unless mom was almost. to say to me. that they only go so that is a long. long way because of you me. other than the forgot the music that was on. our. little. league.
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president appears on shaky ground to former associates plead guilty to federal crimes the special counsel. to investigate alleged collusion with russia so far and exposed for all election campaign violations in the u.s. where is the closure you know they're still looking for closure where did you find something to lose your. newly enforced american sanctions. sound is following to respond congress is also reviewing even more aggressive
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measures against. later this year. faces accusations in britain that it's promoting the. controversial new sports where. my immediate reaction is terrorists i'm from canada so all i think of is someone being more appealing to me at all i don't think you. need. twenty four hour news live from moscow this is your r.t. international good to have your company i mean o'neill our top story there has been plenty of talk this way to stay over double trump. presidency which now appears to be in a precarious position in less than two years and two of the presidents former associates have pleaded guilty to federal crimes it's part trump in hot water as a sex lawyer has implicated him as the organ straighter of campaign financial
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violations and the media is already getting in a spin over his possible impeachment can he be impeached with this i think the beginning has to be said and mark right now and wolf we're in a watergate moment but there is i think a lot for the president to fear impeachment then discuss the mainstream media discourse today it seems became a little more realistic for trump although it's not exactly what you might think ferris links the russian agents or collusion with the kremlin something far more. as his former lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to by income tax fraud he also admitted guilt in campaign finance charges allegedly paying off former mistresses of trump for their silence on the orders of the now president in a double whammy trump's former campaign manager pulled out of fort was also found guilty of numerous personal fraud charges potentially facing years in prison but
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what about those russian links after all that's what the attorney general authorized special counsel to dig up coordination between the russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of president donald trump they found buying ten tax fraud evasion lies to the f.b.i. hush money but no russian collusion they could use the right here in which we got our. where is the closure you know there's no looking for collusion where is the closure finds a loser it's a day of embarrassment for trump and bad timing too with midterm elections approaching and democrats looking for any i mean if they can find the president though will view. this as a vindication here and off lights are off to several investigations the russian leak story still seems dead in the woods although who knows what else the ongoing investigation will find the fact that they haven't come up with anything and that
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the all they've managed to claw back with paul manna for is smith's filings and some bank fraud charges in the same with cohen in violation of campaign. regulations finance regulations that proves there is no russian collusion or they've wasted two years to find fairly pedestrian violations sure if you went into any of the campaigns including hillary clinton's and spent two years with an investigation team in the grand juries i'm sure you'd find a lot more than ms filings and maybe some violations of campaign finance laws well donald trump has given his first direct response to his former associates allegations against them the us president went on twitter to warn people against using the services of michael cohen if quote they want a good lawyer. now the first batch of the latest u.s.
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sanctions against russia came into force this wednesday they focused on exports of american made an electronics used in the aeronautical on space industries moscow sees the measures won't affect the russian public well in november moscow could face a second wave of restrictions described by a u.s. state department official as more it draconian note this could include more limits on trade and banking and cuts to diplomatic relations as well the measures on their consideration may also ban russia's state from entering u.s. airspace while washington say's the new sanctions are in response to the poisoning of a russian double agent on his daughter in britain earlier this year investigation into the case is still ongoing and no evidence of russia's involvement has been provided moscow has slum the sanctions are slow witted saying they're based on a false pretext as usual washington provided no evidence of
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justification while only throwing out vicious innuendos it seems they are following the principle worse is better we will counter the united states slow witted blinkered and aggressive approach with sober minded orderly work on a constructive agenda. well it seems washington is gripped with sanctions fever with innumerous the bates there and how best to punish russia on capitol hill it was all about sanctions three high profile events subtle differences but the main thrust in all of them was punish russia the u.k. foreign secretary even flew into town to make his case those. values need to know there will always be a serious price to pay if red lines across and today the united kingdom asks its
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allies to go further by calling on the european union to ensure its sanctions against russia on a comprehensive and that we truly stand shoulder to shoulder with the u.s. to different hearings on capitol hill about russia's supposed one line actions now the two things named are u.s. alexion meddling and the poisoning in britain of surrogate and yulia screen paul with nova chalk now no proof has ever been presented ongoing efforts to interfere in our sacrosanct election process seize and those of our allies are just some of the unacceptable behaviors of the putin regime putin wants to break apart the american republic russia's attempts to interfere in the two thousand and sixteen u.s. presidential election are well and widely known russia has undertaken a campaign of malign activities in its attempt to compete with us our allies and our partners and that's a two thirty one gives us more tools with which to respond now all the voices agree that russia has never yielded in the face of sanctions in the past however they say
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that the answer is more sanctions just because they can the bread and brazenness of russia's malign conduct demands a firm and vigorous response our actions are imposing an unprecedented level of financial pressure on those supporting the kremlin's malign agenda and on he sectors of the russian economy now the second round of saying he. and is due to be imposed in november why well everyone knows that russia will meddle in the upcoming midterm elections the same people spinning spurious narratives about meddling in the past are now predicting the future when we talk about russian interference it's not just past elections now we're worried about clearly the russians know that the us is on guard at this point and they were successful to a degree in two thousand and sixteen we think that they're adopting this as they're looking at new ways to divide americans is there any concrete plan in place for
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addressing the threat that's actually posed by russia and our intelligence agencies stop them from doing it again now some members of congress are calling for paper ballots to make sure the vote is transparent and it's not digitally hacked americans need paper ballots marked by hand until the system is adopted every election goes by is yet another alexion that foreign governments hostile foreign governments including russia can hack but why bother russia could probably hack papers and pencils anyhow. r.t. new york but what do the public think well a recent poll indicates fifty eight percent of americans think it's more important to improve relations with russia instead of taking strong steps against moscow which is backed by thirty six percent of people veteran journalist john or it believes u.s. politicians are using the so-called russian threat as at the struction for domestic problems the whole thing is quite a conundrum for me why they continue to try to politicize this issue new sanctions
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of some way to help them domestically except that they're trying to cover up their own shortcomings their own short changing of the american people and to try to blame our divisions an article on the crisis in our racial divide here on an on an outside power which is the oldest trick in the book going back to the beginning of civilization if the democrats lose or do not do as well as they hope in the november election having used rusher again as their. as their main talking point they may have to readjust and realize that the progressive wing of the party is growing and that the american people don't give a damn about russia and that they have to finally address the real issues here and leave this russia issue alone and get back to normal relations with this country that is a that is imperative for for world peace essentially but the specter of alleged russian meddling looms over the us an american journalist has published a new investigation exposing washington's efforts to interfere with the internal affairs of countries around the world and.


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