tv News RT August 22, 2018 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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presidency appears to be on shaky ground after two former associates are found guilty of numerous federal crimes but the us leader is at pains to point out that the special counsel probe which led to the convictions is yet to throw up any evidence that his campaign team colluded with russia where is the coalition you know they're still looking for closure where you come over to find the killers your . french interior ministry admits that a terror suspect involved in planning an attack in two thousand and fourteen was freed by a court due to a. failure. for video footage of a british policeman striking a teenager girl in the face and joining the ranks causes outrage and debate about
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what constitutes reasonable force. to grow in a place of so they can find a way of restraining a fourteen year old go back to them but. tell us any police officer uses any force whatsoever it's described as police brutality which it isn't. broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our. thomas glad to have you with us now there was. so about that little technical glitch there was plenty of talk on wednesday about donald trump's presidency which is now looking increasingly precarious two of the u.s. leaders former associates have been convicted of crimes it has lost trump in hot water as his ex lawyer has implicated him in campaign and financial violations and
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of the media is already giving him a spin over the possibility of impeachment and he be impeached with this i think the beginning has to be said and mark right now and wolf we're in a watergate moment but there is i think a lot for the president to fear impeachment endlessly discussed in mainstream media discourse today it seems became a little more realistic for trump although it's not exactly what you might think ferris links the russian agents or collusion with the kremlin something far more monday as his former lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to by income tax fraud he also admitted guilt in campaign finance charges allegedly paying off former mistresses of trump for their silence on the orders of the now president in a double whammy trump's former campaign manager pulled out of four was also found guilty of numerous possible fraud charges potentially facing years in prison but what about those russian links after all that's what the attorney general
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authorized special counsel to dig up coordination between the russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of president donald trump buying ten tax fraud evasion lies to the f.b.i. hush money but no russian collusion fake do the right here in which we got our big. where is the closure you know there's no looking for collusion where it's like don't lose your finds a delusion it's a day of embarrassment for trump and bad timing too with midterm elections approaching and democrats looking for any i mean if they can find the. president will view this as a vindication here and offer later off to several investigations the russian leak story still seems dead in the woods although who knows what else the ongoing investigation will find the fact that they haven't come up with anything and that the all they've managed to claw back with paul manna for is mis filings and some
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bank fraud charges in the same with cohen in violation of campaign. regulations finance regulations that proves there is no russian collusion or they've wasted two years to find fairly pedestrian violations sure if you went into any of the campaigns including hillary clinton's and spent two years with an investigation team in the grand juries i'm sure you'd find a lot more than ms filings and maybe some violations of campaign finance laws donald trump has given his first direct response to his former associates allegations against him the us president went on twitter of course praising former campaign chief paul man afford for not breaking under pressure well the same time accusing x. lawyer michael cohen of making up stories in order to get a plea deal. the
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french interior ministry has admitted that a bureaucratic error led to the release of a terror suspect allegedly involved in plotting an attack or two million for motion reports now from paris an interesting story here in fronts and the alleged islamist terror plot i was freed here early in april because an investigating judge had forgotten to renew his pretrial custody and this information was first emerged in the local media but later was also confirmed by france's justice ministry the spokesperson of the french government has called it a failure and should not apply to go it is obviously a very failure i think the justice minister already initiated an internal probe to identify the reason for the speed and then introduce certain amendments to prevent such things from happening in the future because obviously the priority now used to find this individual the man who was one of the defendants in the case over alleged planned terror attack in the your own area here in france in two thousand and fourteen and was also believed to be part of a terrorist network sending fighters to syria he was one of fifteen people accused
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of being involved in this sixty eight of these people have already left fronts to fight in syria and iraq after the man was freed in april justice ministry says he's been under strict additional control which means he had to come to an assigned police officer twice a day to report his activity and his whereabouts and he was restricted on movements but just one month after that in may the same a man was found outside the restricted area he was driving a car without a license and there were pictures found on his cell phone that could be classified as islamic state group propaganda the men appeared in front of the judge immediately after that but he was freed again and as we just heard from the government spokesperson now they are sorties are trying to find this man. parasite based a political analyst bruno thinks that this incident could indicate systemic
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problems in the french justice system. if it was not so tragic would it show time truculence he was treated so i mean it's completely illogical after all we can understand if you record you carry it one but two times too hard but never it looks just incredible this year there was a lot of error. and of course there is bureaucracy but there is also just. to try to do justice in. overcrowded i mean there is too little judge for too many charges so there are problems independently from this case but i don't think it's just a bureaucracy error i think it's a general. situation. the russian leader has sharply criticized the latest sanctions drive against moscow calling the
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measures futile lattimer putin's remarks came during a joint news conference with the president of finland in sochi. regarding the sanctions those actions are counterproductive and meaningless especially when it comes to a country like russia it's not just about the u.s. president's position it's about the position of the so-called establishment the ruling class in broader terms i hope the realisation that this policy has no future will come when they cooperate in a normal fashion. sanctions over the poisoning of a russian former intelligence agent and his daughter in the u.k. which the kremlin has been accused of orchestrating are expected to come into effect this week they will focus on exports of american made electronics used in the aeronautical and space industries moscow says the measures won't affect the russian public. in november moscow could face further restrictions described by u.s. state department official as more draconian this could include more limits on trade
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and banking and cuts to diplomatic relations the measures under consideration may also ban russia's state airline from entering u.s. airspace although washington says the coming round of sanctions is in response to the attack on. excuse me sergey and the investigation into the case is still ongoing so far no hard evidence of russia's involvement has been made public. has been gauging what americans make of the latest moves against russia. well if you watch the recent hearings on capitol hill american politicians are rather alp spoken about what they think about these new moves against russia ongoing efforts to interfere in our sacrosanct election process seize and those of our allies are just some of the unacceptable behaviors of the putin regime putin wants to break apart the american republic russia's attempts to interfere in the two thousand and sixteen u.s. presidential election are well and widely known russia has undertaken
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a campaign of malign activities in its attempt to compete with us our allies and our partners and cats up to thirty one gives us more tools with which to respond however a new gallup poll shows that among the u.s. public fifty eight percent that's well over half favor improving relations between the usa and russia and that it's just over a third thirty six percent that say they want further steps against moscow and now we decided to go out on the streets of new york and talk to people about these new sanctions more than half of americans want the usa and russia to get along better are you one of those people i wouldn't mind yes one i want everybody to get in the room you know thinking unities the way to peace you know where we fighting with russia. who knows the truth is obviously known only to being you know these tell you one thing but it could be do you have another reason for playing you know they've put sanctions on russia before and according to the officials there hasn't stopped their activities so i think it's
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a good move to keep doing that and maybe more the cold war was terrible for everybody you know we need to thread the delicate needle of not encouraging bad behavior while recognizing that there are a world power that needs to be respected for their capabilities and you know navigating through that is not simple i think it is important that we do sanction mashhad they have to be and putting and eco substances into other countries that were allied with illegal. since it's in the u.k. period to be related to the gulf many of us anyway more than half of americans want better relations between the two countries where you think that should be more. and i mean you do you think it be good for the usa and russia get along right you think so absolutely why can't we get along with russia i mean i think that we can but it would be really difficult right now in the situation that where and when. you know the current president i mean is nice to get along but you can't trust russia they always been on the hand you know the me so they get with they deserve
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a better relationship with everybody i'm in favor of russian would think one hundred percent of our country wants a better relationship with russia and i would think a hundred percent of russians want to get a relationship with us and the north koreans and the iranians and the mexicans and you know and the people in new jersey for that matter they say that this is the best way to deal with russia's malign activities are these sanctions do you buy that argument now you know you don't really believe anything anymore i am led to believe the people that we spoke to seem to overwhelmingly feel that it would be better if the united states and russia could see eye to eye get along more now that certainly just isn't the feeling on capitol hill we've heard a lot of hostility to russia from american politicians but it's just not there on the streets. former wall street journal correspondent joe lauria believes u.s. politicians are using the so-called russian threat as a distraction from internal problems. the whole thing is quite
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a conundrum for me why they continue to try to politicize this issue and use sanctions or some way to help them domestically except that they're trying to cover up their own shortcomings their own short changing of the american people and to try to blame our divisions in our economic crisis in our racial divide here on an on an outside power which is the oldest trick in the book going back to the beginning of civilization if the democrats lose or do not do as well as they hope in the november election having used rusher again as their as their main talking point they may have to readjust and realize that the progressive wing of the party is growing and that the american people don't give a damn about russia and that they have to finally address the real issues here and leave this russia issue alone and get back to normal relations with this country that isn't that it's imperative for. for world peace essentially for. trouble has broken out at the border of a spanish enclave in morocco where hundreds of african migrants attempted to storm the coastal city of in their efforts to reach europe the resulting clashes saw
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police officers attacked with acid. we say seven officers suffered burns from acid or a similar substance thrown at them it is the second time in a month that migrants have attempted to breach the border of the spanish territory inside iraq oh in july around six hundred migrants trying to break through into. day two of an international military expo taking place in patriot park just outside of moscow has wrapped up and russia's most famous weapons manufacturer kalashnikov group has unveiled a new soon to be all action robot. there
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are. going to. come a. video has emerged of a british police officer slapping a fourteen year old girl during an arrest the images soon spread online and fired up rection from both of the public and the police now please be aware that the video we're about to show you does contain some violent images. but you
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were. going to. want to go you don't want to go oh no we're going to be good ok thanks how do you want somebody. who was i don't want to thank you i wonder how did you ever go to work well police say that they responded to a disturbance involving youths fighting while officers attempted to get the girl under control the male officer struck the teenager in the face it is claimed that was in response to her trying to grab the officers taser and a radio as a result the girl and a fifty two year old woman were arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer two officers and had to receive medical treatment for bite marks and cuts to the head. all the officers actions have divided opinion in britain with some calling for him to be sacked while others praised him for doing
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a difficult job. why would a fully grown man police officer need to palm strike a fourteen year old girl the video shows nothing more than police brutality the officers in question need sacking the open palm head was to disorientate her so they could get her arms she was being very violent in my opinion and not force was very necessary police chiefs have defended the officer's actions saying the video does not give the full picture of the situation. we understand this british man appear concerning however officers are trained to use restraint sick meek's which may look shocking to untrained on will curse earlier on r t a former british police inspector and a social justice campaigner went head to head with their reactions clearly to many people like myself it seems that there must have been a better way of dealing with that situation than bashing that go in the head in
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bashing the head into a metal shutter to grown place officers can find a way of restraining a fourteen year old go back to them i'll tell you what you say tell us i just tell us if that's why this is this is wise and tell us your the police officer you tell me the only alternatives available to that officer that i could see were allowed to keep a name and snatching his taser and radio which wouldn't have ended well take it to the ground and then you'd be moaning about having police officer on the floor in the row going on the break and if the officers use of force isn't right then he would be prosecuted or disciplined for it that act of bashing that will bashing that girl in the head and i do think it makes a difference that she was a forty year ago if she was a you know six foot tall man i think would be a different situation in times and. i think if the police aren't trained to deal with fourteen year old girls that are being violent in ways that don't require them to bash them in their heads into metal metal shutters since any police officer uses any force whatsoever it's described as police brutality which it isn't you also
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keep saying for a lot that has any relevance fourteen year old girls can cause are just like anybody else telling me that two grown police officers two grown police officers with four limbs to deal with on one person they can't restrain those four limbs and and the body without bashing the head into mental chatter and to go back to a point i made before and i don't for you this wasn't about using a hate to a man you should use or have taught it was that. this is about recognising that if the police can respond to a video like that with with period the thing. cygnus i think the problems are only going to get worse between sections of the public that already have a lot of doubts about the place close matter in the us for instance it's not as if the police haven't been brutalizing people for many years is that people now have smart phones and can record it you would be better off supporting the police in trying to keep order and questioning why fourteen year old girls are brawling in the streets with other children of that they each instead of questioning the
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actions of the police doing their best to deal with that situation. there is concern over facebook's latest a tool to tackle fake news which will involve evaluating users based on how trustworthy they are online it is in addition to the sites existing efforts to stem the spread of misinformation and the idea is to protect users from others who indiscriminately flag fake news as real and vice a versa the system will even be used to predict which articles need fact checking based on that user's history or of posting stories now despite facebook boosting its efforts to get rid of fake news there are still a few big questions about this latest method like which users or which countries will be a part of the new fake news initiative it's also not known how the evaluations will affect individual users on the side or how the process will be monitored it has put
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facebook in the media firing line but the social media giant insists it's not as bad as it sounds we developed a process to protect against people indiscriminately flagging news is fake and attempting to game the system the reason we do this is to make sure that our fight against misinformation is as effective as possible not all facebook users are convinced by the company's reassurances they cues it of moving toward censoring content. this is the beginning of the end this model is up to the chinese social credit score example selling friends with joan joan as an outspoken critic of the government until sally ann follows john to raise her score no loans benefits etc wasn't that how facebook started guys ranking girls at college. when deep suspicion years of privacy erosion fear frustration new total distrust of and a lack of ethics at a company holds sway good news may appear bad. black mirror is here on the side of
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your boy in the fire that just sounds so good. is really something that. the c.e.o. of online privacy company crypto hippi outlined the ethical implications of facebook's policies. i think it's political pressure i think it really comes down to that they are putting themselves in the position of mediating human relationships which is first of all a very unhealthy thing to do and it's something that they really are grossly. incompetent to do and users primarily will not know what is being done to them and they will be manipulated in all sorts of ways we don't know what kind of ways people need to understand that if you're using facebook you are not the customer
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you are the products and they are going to use you and every single way they can get away with because the better they use you the higher their stock price goes. sports giant nike is facing backlash in the u.k. after releasing a controversial winter sports garment with some suggesting the company is cashing in on gang culture the club in question has an attachment that can be quote clipped away for easy transit as the ads suggest and it also has a pocket that some say can be used to holster a weapon there has been angry reaction online. so there's multiple stabbings every day around the country a massive gang problem that's getting worse by the day and night he has released this seventy pound balaklava are they dumb nike are using a black guy to promote about a club with straps and pockets where there is blood there is money now nike are
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interesting gun and knife crime as well as enforcing racial profiling well done why exactly are you promoting a baloch lover in july if this was in winter at least it's hard to criticize. there have been thirty five thousand recorded knife crimes in britain over the last two years the highest amount since the data became available and more than a fifth of those arrested for carrying a knife are teenagers or younger among those bashing nike for the headgear is social media comedian white yardy he posted this on instagram. listen to me tonight nike whatever we offer pronounce it listen to me because right now it looks like a car getting the young people who are involved in junk and with this recent studies that we've been seeing right now in london this is definitely something we don't want to see because i see those people car i know we need to protect you it's . explained the you know night don't do it bucky.
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are we spoke to the comedian who described the balaclava as military looking and down to whether it's appropriate. you can so you get in the lots of these killings that have been happening recently i like ten minutes away from my hoax they came up with the wrong timing with this not only that is this something appropriate they should be making because yes this by the club was we noticed by the club was right there's many stories you can go into. this one just seemed to be more military look i don't think this was a great idea you should get stuck why would. why you had better where you place what are you hiding yes i mean we got to the thoughts of a few people in london about the product itself. could be sort of a sportsman like a climber. could be also a terrorist my immediate reaction is terrorist first so it's
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a bit scary. but at the same times i do scary might be just a sport equipment to find a menacing no no the problem is i'm from canada so all i think of is someone being warmed to me it could be a good winter i'd outfit. that up healing to me at all i don't think you'd be allowed in banks and. it's not just so much that what's going on. here is as if these could have i don't know you can see it was so ca them with weapons and weapons guns pulling something like that so why the trying to cover the faggots by. i don't see why you won't which. you wouldn't want to have to face that you know inviting is not going to make you to buy it you know do you know the branded name i don't think it's really a fashion police i think they might have changed to colors that is to the top two charges. but i think it's good to.
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make a profit on the back cold dark kind of image and it was encouraged more gangsters in the stuff you think so yeah of course that's nothing to do with nike if they don't get it from a cake they get it from somewhere else if nothing else oh my god one where seen around with people wearing. the company says the product is available in multiple markets around the world adding that it does not condone or encourage gang culture in any way and is now removed of the sold out item from its website youth and anti-violence activist paul mckenzie says that companies like nike should bear more social responsibility. they're worn by skiers and snowboarders i agree and i fully agree with that but they're also being warned by gangs in london and they're also be used to cover the faces of known gang members a lot of the young people i work with are now buying these baloch lovers and i'm actually seeing these by the club as on a day to day basis and i'm seeing the being worn by children who do not ski or do
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not snowboard they actually go out and use those in their crimes and the way that young people look at the use of about the club now as part of a gang or part of getting a tire now in my opinion these brands need to be a little bit more socially responsible when your brand is so desirable and when there is a trend at the moment of young people killing themselves in london who are using figures like baloch lovers to hide their faces on a day to day basis. anti-slavery campaigners have voiced concern that far more children than previously thought are being forced to work on cannabis farms in london this comes after new figures were released that revealed the extent of the illegal drugs called evasion in the british capital is now known that since two thousand and sixteen police have discovered three hundred fourteen cannabis funs in the city that has led to fears that there could be thousands of young people trafficked predominantly from vietnam working in the industry here's how one
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bright activist commented on the situation the high number of cannabis farms across london and trafficking of vietnamese children to work in them is extremely worrying potentially thousands of children and young people are being trafficked from vietnam and exploited by ruthless criminal gangs. from the pacific links foundation which works to prevent human trafficking told us about the living and working conditions of the cannabis industries victims. some kind of his terms it's conditions of slavery i mean you know there are instances where there are entire homes incomes all states and u.k. for example that have been converted into cannabis farms and so the young men and boys of that meeting these who are forced to work in there. are not allowed to leave. they tend to the marijuana plants where the marijuana plants twenty four seven seven days in the in are not allowed to leave so you know there are victims
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for example one not left that house in over a year and are only fed through three that will slot in the door and the movements are controlled and they are just forced to work without payment. to grow marijuana . or of those are for me i'll be back in thirty minutes with more news stay with us as our attention. was.
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