tv Cross Talk RT August 23, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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the headlines here on r t international donald trump's presidency appears to be on shaky ground after two former associates are found guilty of numerous of federal crime. the french interior ministry admits that a terror suspect allegedly involved in planning an attack in two thousand and fourteen was freed by a poor due to a bureaucratic failure. video footage of a british policeman striking a teenage girl in the face during an alaskan causes outrage and triggers a debate about what constitutes reasonable force. you can find the full stories about those over on our web site we'll be back with your world news update and around an hour's time with my colleague kevin on but right now it is time for cross
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talk stay with us. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle remember when the political left stood up for free speech and equality for all in topic life remember when the mainstream media called for the same tone and tenor of political discourse appears to be a turning point if you don't agree with the left insults harassment and even violence is a new civil war on. cross talking political civility i'm joined by my guest rob in new york he is a political pundit and journalist contributing to the huffington post in west palm
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beach we have dr gina loudon she is a psychology expert and host of america trends with dr gina and in los angeles we cross to ron paul cohn he is a comedian frequent guest on the jimmy door show and the young turks as well as host of his own streaming show get your news on with ron all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate gina let me go to you because i know your political stripes pretty well and reflect upon what i had to say in the introduction to mean if you don't agree you face insults harassment and beilenson representatives beliefs about what it means to be on the receiving end of violence it seems to me and i don't want to overdramatize things but over the last few weeks it seems to me that part of the political spectrum wants to normalize political violence in terms of speech at least go ahead gina in west palm beach it's discouraging because i think that my whole political life my thing has been that sometimes i'm wrong and i hold myself out to the fact that i
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may be wrong. long but i enjoy the civil discourse as some of my favorite things to do have always been shows like yours where you can have a conversation and a civil dialogue without ridiculing the other person without calling them names without accusing them of some form of bigotry but the left has taken a tack you call it a civil war i'm calling it an uncivil war as way from the civility and then they wave from the civility and then they tend to want to do this blame game and blame the whole thing on the fact that the president is somebody who hits back just because conservatives traditionally have never hit back and so i think that it puts conservatives like me in a in a really discouraging place and that we've always wanted somebody who would hit back the bully on the playground right i think that's a good thing because bullies in politics they shut down civil discourse but in this particular case i think the left has taken it far too far steve case one but there
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are a lot of other cases here that we're seeing almost every day now and the political environment you know. i used to remember is that ok i can understand you know the liberals used to be the ones that were taller and in want to dialogue and wanting to engage people and now we have a president who can be quite vulgar at times so i think everybody on the panel and our viewers would agree many times he's a pretty he's a bit rough ok but why does the left now have to emulate that i mean aren't they supposed to be better they've always presented themselves as being the better part of the political spectrum it seems to me they want to get in the mud. and fight it out that way which is not really part of the left's tradition at least my reading of it go ahead. well there is an old expression that you don't get into a peeing match with a skunk and i think it's been a huge error on the part of democrats but i'm going to make it clear donald trump
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has set the stage for all of this and if there were sixty thousand people in yankee stadium and everybody cheered for him except one person he'd be tweeting about that one person that doesn't like him but i don't think that the democrats are doing the right thing my fellow democrats and in the attacks that they make against trump against his allies just in general i think maxine waters is is the biggest enemy to the democratic party is look like an idiot saying the things that she says and does and i i find it repugnant i've been attacked because. i'll speak and i'll say well as a democrat and then i get blasted on twitter from people saying you can't say that you're not a real democrat you're a phony you're you're you're a plant you're a bob and so it's like oh i can't have any kind of dissenting opinion i have to just have an automaton o'clock response and you know all the drama will be you know i mean rob that is what gets me angry with all due respect what do you expect from
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identity politics ok if that's exactly where it goes you're not getting the old you know then you're an enemy that's what identity politics does let me go to ron ron what does the left hope to achieve by this strategy i mean you know you don't have the leadership speaking out against that schumer said something and then he got attacked for it again identity politics comes into play it's a losing proposition i don't know what the democrats hope to achieve by going down this path go ahead ron but you know i don't want to split hairs on optics here but i think when you're in the in the topic of this conversation when you say the left what you're really rich. during two is the democratic establishment good in the corporate media and or i would argue just for optics sake that's not the left one could argue that something like m.s.m. b.c.
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and the democratic establishment that is in fact the liberal establishment but when your say liberal you should be using it in the field loek sense percent to the left in the best of times and are sent to the right on it affects them a very severe the question that's actually wrong there's nothing actually progress i agree with that ok but in the end the questions that i set out to everyone here i said stablish mentor left so kind of procreation and ok but let's but my question is what does the establishment left want to achieve by taking on this strategy all it does is increase you know it just increases the volume in the temperature of political discourse when we have no to the point where we don't have any ok go ahead ron. oh i agree with you and i think they really thrive on creating this am the dichotomy of hey we're not trump and trump's awful and we're not that when it comes time to talk to policy they really don't have any ideas you know we live
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more than ever before we live in a two party system lewis black said it best the republicans have bad ideas the democrats have no ideas so when you have a absolutely no ideas and when you have this president that's kind of a knee jerk reactionary you know that says you know some outrageous things sometimes what else can you do but then get in get into the match yourself and gauge in the hyper partisan click bait culture that were a part of and try to run with it and hope that maybe you beat a republican or two and twenty the third priority of the democratic party is winning their first priority making sure progressive policies don't happen their second priority which those two things kind of go hand in hand is pleasing their donors their third priority maybe beating a republican or two but engaging in just partisan bickering you're getting all three of those things accomplished while you get in those top two things accomplished any ads at third want to maybe maybe not so rep
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a recipe for disaster ok. reflect upon the fact that recently over the last week or so it's been conservative women particularly that have been attacked in public we don't have to go through all the names there's so many of them out i mean i thought the democratic party loved women and respected women go ahead gina. yeah we have the whole when they go low we'll go high thing it looks like when someone goes low they're going to go lower the whole war on women thing they've turned that into a war on any woman who disagrees with their politics i would really like to get back to a time where we can have a conversation a little bit like we're having right now frankly where probably the three of us wouldn't agree on policy matters much at all but we can definitely agree that civility and conversation are much more intelligent way to go about establishing policy that works for america and slinging insults and especially as you point out
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to peter it's the identity politics i would argue not the president the identity politics that have brought the democrats to where they are and what is that amounted to a truly uncivil war that is really among the left in this i mean they're right we're getting along pretty well not perfectly but pretty well i remember a few years ago when i thought the republican party was imploding but at this point i really think that identity politics is imploding the left that they have got to get some issues to stand on and to work together frankly because even if the three of us four of us sat down and discussed policy we could agree on we could find something that all of us are passionate about and we could fight together on that but rather than that the american people and especially the traditional democrats out there they're watching this lunacy go on the left and thinking i don't know but i know that's not what i want and they'll lose in the midterms because of it i feel quite sure at least at this point if something doesn't change fast you know why can't the establishment democrats rein these people in are they afraid or do or
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they're worried to be their bases drifting to more progressive socialist we could look at what happened in new york i mean what what what what still lack of reaction because it seems like the lack of reaction shows the huge splits within the party go ahead. it's a completely fragmented party right now there is no leadership who can you say is the leader of the democratic party no one since you seem really sensitive booker. maxine so you know and here's the here's my proclamation for the democrats that they bet that they have to get the sky is always blue water is always wet and donald trump is always going to be donald trump so stop complaining about what he says and what he does because he's always going to do that why do you throw some policy at us and tell us what you were going to do democrats to get rid of them or if why should we vote them out what what is your plan as
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a democrat i can't speak to any policy i've heard other than donald trump is a creep and a jerk ok i agree so what are we going to do. ron you're agreeing there know that my point is if it's ever been ever since the campaign not even the election is that the more you go after this guy the mainstream media the more you push him up and it's free advertising what in any any and so much you know you have seen him go out on the road i mean all he does is attack these people and they love it ok they were giving him all his aerial run yeah you're absolutely right and i'm sorry guys i missed a little bit i was having a tech issue on my and i it's called it's got it at first i thought it was like why was it something i said i don't know i don't have a good discussion but but everything just kind of went out for me very second so if i'm not totally caught up i apologize but yeah i think rob you bring up the very good point they don't have any policy ideas i don't think that's an accident though
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and that's why again i'm very disenfranchised by the two party system right now because i don't feel that there's anybody with power in politics with the exception to bernie sanders that represents any of the policies of iraq going to jump in here i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on political stability stay with r.t. . and finally man enough that if you can't ever has a dollar on the front. line and you feel you have you a little you know you're going to find it and that in. your plus. plus to people whom they.
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no no no no but. the. welcome back across all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing political civility. ok let's go back to ron and in l.a. i hear you right before going to the wreck you want to finish up a point please go ahead yeah i mean i was just getting at you know rob brings up that ease not seeing any policy ideas from the democrats he's absolutely right i think this is by design i think that really the united states is ready to go in a more populist direction if the four of us you know the four of us sat down and as
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dr jean was saying if the four of us sat down and really talk policy we wouldn't agree on everything we seemed to kind of be all over the spectrum we have different points of views on different things. however there would be some really big pillars that i think we would all have in common i think we would all want to end the wars and invest that money back home i think we would all want to see populist we're on employment is in better shape we might have some different ideas on how to get there but it's something that we would all want to see happen there would be some big crucial for instances where we would be on the same page who does that not benefit that doesn't benefit the establishment that's right ron let me go to jean and you know why all four of us can have a civil conversation because we don't have to worry about donors really that's reason why ok yeah you become more. relaxed and that's right that's right you know you know one of the things that really bothers me but knows a reporter. that one of the things that really bothers me about what's going on
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here is that my first incarnation professionally i was an academic historian and i taught courses at the university of california and i really really hate it when people start using the term nazi and calling someone hitler because i know the history of the twentieth century in europe extremely well and the people on the left throwing those terms around are so object billy. incorrect and without knowledge they don't know what they're actually saying it's a very terrible those are terrible terms and you have to use them very sparingly go ahead gina because that's what gets on my nerves well that that is discouraging to me too for exactly the reasons that ron cited when i believe that there are productive things we could do if we would actually work together and for all the criticism of this president he has been someone who is willing to work with his political enemies and he's willing to sit down with democrats and he's willing to
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ask their opinion and that's one of the things i like best about him and even willing to call him self off once he's really decided somebody is a bad person and to stop and listen and if we had a little more. that particular element in our society i think we'd be better the democrats have themselves in a real position and here's why their money is coming from the far extreme left those in hollywood and the progressives in general but their vote come from places like the rust belt the unions where the jobs are drying up because of illegal immigration and other sorts of policies that the democrats have passed so the democrats can't figure out how to get both the money and the votes and that's their dilemma they're going to have to start to develop if they're going to survive in a two party system as ron referred to they're going to have to develop some sort of policy that can appeal to a broader base and pull from republicans not that i'm here to advise the democrats although that sounds like that's just what i did but i kind of watched some of
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these problems happen within the republican party not all that long ago and i honestly and you may not believe me as i am on the right and i don't deny that but i've landed here honestly and i'm willing to admit when i'm wrong i honestly crave a government where we have a strong opponent that comes up with good ideas yeah so that that makes my site yet or idea that policy is all of us when we're all more on is that's a very smart observation and i think that's really good and then me in that makes the political debate brings up to a higher level you know rob i want to go back to this historical thing because i think it's i think it's really important i mean when we have people you know there's like the n.t. for people that you know this really the fringe people there are saying that you know. making comparisons to nazi germany well i would say that there is a historical analogy and i would volume our germany where germany was collapsing in the one nine hundred twenty s. for a whole wide variety of issues but there was during that time there was the lack of
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respect in the breakdown of public discourse that's one of the reasons why the nazis was able to come to they were able to come to power and i think that this is a critical moment that that will history lesson is if you continue down this path. yes you could create a very very disturbing future but we're not there yet and i think people need to step back and and all of us here of a like mind policy policy and more policy i'm tired of the emotions go ahead rob. well first of all as a jew i don't like the word nazi thrown around so arbitrarily and easily i think i'll make it clear i think he's despicable i don't like him he demonizes immigrants but that's not the same thing as what took place in nazi germany and i agree with you peter we have to look at things historically it's it's like what happened in iran with the ayatollah khomeini and we were so upset about that as americans well why did that happen who did we support we support of the shah of iran what
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republicans used to complain so much vociferous lee when when from el castro took power but we had multinational corporations in cuba paying workers two cents a day there some course there was a revolution so i we have to look at what leads up to things and things donald trump didn't just pop out of nowhere and invent himself and just get elected by magic there were things that upset infuriated people and he had a you know voters that came in and elected him and so we have to look at the why instead of again complaining about donald trump oh he's this he's that he's terrible he's a jerk. and tom landry had a great sign when he was coach of the dallas cowboys that said what if there is no what if. so let's let's deal with reality and what's happening right now and again i'm going back to policy policy policy you know ron we had
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a supreme court justice kennedy announced he's stepping down i'm really worried and they mean if we think the political atmosphere is bad now wait until his successor is announced and before he goes or she goes before congress i mean this is going to be one hell of a storm ahead of us here because it's already started i mean the ink wasn't even dry in the document and that that war really started flaring out i'm really worried . about how this process is going to work go ahead ron i mean you know i'm also worried about i can service upright or i understand that and i understand that and i understand it i understand but what i'm saying but what i'm saying is is that i'm more worried right now is the process because what it does is it taints the entire process it taints the court and now you have people on the left extreme left doubting the constitution itself now there's a lot of things that need to be done but if we don't have the same playing field in the same laws then then we can't even further away from communication there is
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going to be a come from ation process and now the democrats better get their act together and asked good questions and said just throwing their arms up in the air ok that's not going to help anyone go ahead ron. yes and we'll see what they do i mean when it came to no gorsuch they certainly just kind of threw their arms up in the air and in i think that one of the things that this does for the democrats is it really kind of strengthens their argument of blue no matter who hey look what happened look at the supreme court for all you people that want to actually change within the party for all you people that wanted to run as progressive straw you people that went to joel stein this is your fault it's not the fault of barack obama who just kind of let his pick go and didn't do anything about it it's not the fault of the democratic establishment who propped up a flawed candidate and arguably the only candidate donald trump was can capable of beating it's not the fault of our political lack of any type of hardball whatsoever
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and just rolling over to the republicans because a lot of the democrats just go along with the republicans anyway it's your fault the whole supreme court thing just kind of strengthens their blue no matter who argument meanwhile you know we're facing a potential hyper partisan hyper conservative supreme court for years and years to come and i'll respond to something gina said i don't think the problem with the democratic money is necessarily hollywood now this is coming from somebody who the president of show business still will not take my phone call maybe there's a little bit. but i think it's you know they're bought and sold by the same people you know their donors are the pharmaceutical industries their donors are big oil so of course they're not going to come out against fracking because big oil gives them a lot of money of course they're not going to come out you know wall street thank you yes so it's like when you have two parties that are just kind of bought and
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sold by the same people one party's allowed to represent those people on apologetically because hey we're on the right this is what we do the other party is just a little more subtle about it ok gina you know i really like. deniro films he's a great actor i think he made a complete fool out of themselves by making a spectacle lot of themselves and one of these award gatherings who i mean will it's really time for hollywood to kind of simmer down and you know we give you a few ball actually a lot of books to watch your films but i don't need to hear your political opinions to be honest ok because i don't see anyone really in hollywood except maybe clint eastwood i can show my prejudice but i don't see that they're particularly well informed and i don't know why they should try to get involved in the political process go ahead yes for example when they're saying you know destroy ice it's only existed for fifteen years that's not true it's just called a different name before so when hollywood comes out on these some of these issues
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they sort of they make some mistakes because they don't have the historic knowledge that you're talking about and and that doesn't look at either but i think that ron illustrates a really keen point here that should be punctuated and that is when when both parties were both listening to the same tune right at the wall street the you know whoever came up whoever had the big money because they needed it to be reelected that right there is what i think that people like me who like civility who like you know i am a conservative bona fide as best i can tell again i keep an open mind but i think i am but that's what i liked about donald trump and that's why i elected and worked hard to elect a donald trump it wasn't because he was like me it was because he didn't need or seemed to want or even seem to have a lot of regard for those same groups that had always controlled you know in
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particular big pharma particular wall street some of those groups he didn't have a need for them he didn't seem to care or give them much regard or even respect and i wanted somebody who would answer to me and i think that the average democrat out there right now they want the same thing they want to pay. attention has not bought and sold who will answer to them and they can't find that in the democrat party one cow and that's the conflict ok i'm going to jump in here i think the political established left needs to calm down and i would give the same advice to the president of the united states outs all the time we have many thanks to my guests in new york los angeles and west palm beach and thanks to our viewers for watching us here to see you next time and remember crosstalk rules.
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but whole existence to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want to be rich. but you going to be this is what before three of them can't be good. i'm interested always in the water. to defend him he said he opened up a basic belief in the for. ya see will you be useful so you will be talking to the still.
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i want a tank that delivers drinking water to this village once a week. at. the touch. but it's rationed only. for seven days that's meant to cover household needs as well. there are no other sources of water anywhere nearby. her. the outlet was on the way out of the day but out of nowhere to be gone it was.
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