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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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as a base argument that seems to always work they can't talk about obamacare repeal they can't talk about a tax bill that's becoming increasingly unpopular so they will talk about about border security and they will play up people's fears and the story line out of ohio is a perfect example the individual who murdered this young woman frankly his nationality the status of his immigration was not a factor and his decision to brutally murder this woman he is a cold hearted murderer who should be held accountable for that regardless of his immigration status the reality is there are more u.s. citizens committing murders than there are those who are here without proper documentation but the president and his party will choose to focus not on the murder itself but on his his immigration status as a way to scare the american people david as always thanks for your time today good to be with you thank you larry in july of this year brett kavanaugh was nominated
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by donald trump to replace retiring supreme court justice anthony kennedy there has been a push by democratic lawmakers of many progressive groups to block kevin those confirmation with many stating that his placement on the high court would put a woman's right to choose in jeopardy once the group operates under the banner rise up for oh they're planning a series of marches that events with speakers like senator elizabeth warren cecile richards and actress alyssa milano lauren duke is one of the leaders of the movement she is a journalist and columnist and she joins us from denver. what do you is what are you asking people to do this rising up movement or. hi larry thank you so much for having me we are fighting against the attack on reproductive rights through that this is justice and what he will mean in terms of not just the question of
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overturning roe but gutting it however given the news of the past twenty four hours i feel that this conversation is one that all americans need to have with their son of various regardless of ideology we have a president who is now an alleged coconspirator to a federal crime and the idea of how even entertaining a confirmation hearing of his nominee who by the way does not believe that a sitting president can be indicted is not something that any of our senators should even begin to entertain following a meeting with cavanaugh on tuesday republican senator susan collins who has not made up her mind yet told reporters the judge agree that roe versus wade is said law why did they get that. you know larry settled precedent and lot of the land and these kind of code words that not only cavanagh is using but some of the senators who are meeting with them are using is
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frankly treating americans as if they're idiots the supreme court is the thing that sets precedent and pret cavanagh has not had the ability to overrule precedent with his past roles as a judge if he becomes justice make no mistake roe will be got it reproductive rights at the state level will begin to disintegrate even more than they already have and in many places right now abortion is legal in name only there are so many women who does not have an actual choice areas where being a wealthy woman means you can get access and drive say two hundred miles to the one point five clinic in your state or take off of work or get child care for the children you already have poor women women of color and women who are more marginalized than already just being women a woman and what that means in this country don't really have an actual choice about abortion as things stand and brett kavanaugh will further disagree disintegrate a woman's right to choose whether or not that means overturning roe isn't even the
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question but on top of all of that he's nominated by a president who promised to nominate a justice who would overturn roe so i think we have all the information we need there seventy percent of americans should roll. to me. so it's very that's the thing the court needs to be responsive to the people i don't understand why it is even a question whether roe would come up for debate you're right the majority of the country supports a woman's right to choose and also the majority of the country does approves of brett kavanaugh this is the least popular supreme justice nominee of his in history he's less popular than robert bork and harriet miers and if those of you watching don't know those names exactly they were not confirmed to the court you know we deserve as americans a court that is responsive to public opinion and our senators need to listen to
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what the majority of americans feel and not just shove through rush through this confirmation hearing on september fourth when we will not even have a full national archives review of brett kavanaugh its records until october on that basis alone this confirmation hearing should not be happening in september do you think democrats should doing enough. never larry never but i do think that i'm seeing a calculus change on this and i guess what i would say is there's a sense of inevitability around the supreme court around american government in general a sense of alienation that your individual voice doesn't have enough of a say and i would argue that is the case i wish i could say i could say it wasn't true but we can come together and build to collective power the people who don't want this confirmation to go through who don't believe this president deserves at all a supreme court nomination of any kind that we have the numbers and we need to change the calculus so that it costs our senators more to vote yes than to vote no and a change is happening we're moving the needle i believe this is the most
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fundamental progressive fight of our time and also that it is winnable we just need all the democrats and one republican that the idea that republicans can only lose one vote this is absolutely a winnable fight it's going to take a lot of effort but i think we need to leave it all on the field here anybody who cares about building a truer more equitable democracy whether you're concerned about donald trump embrace of authoritarianism or his lack of compassion for the marginalized all of that is at stake in this fight so even when there is a lot of dumpster fires raging and an ongoing issue of understanding where to focus our energy i believe it comes down to this and that these next few weeks are crucial and that this confirmation hearing absolutely should not even be happening and the question of him become firm to comes down to every american showing up and speaking to their senators because we deserve a court that reflects the public will and not this man's will for decades this is a thing that cannot be undone thank you lou. thank you so much laundered thanks so
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much for being with us and thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking and i'm going to join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me of kings things and don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking. teraflops russian airlines. you know world big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to
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stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. teraflops russian headlines. headlines this hour. r t international from sanctions to syria russia's security
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chief meets with his american counterpart for talks in geneva. you have some kind of party cries foul over another suspect that. turns out to have been a false alarm. and facebook bans hundreds of pages of groups and counseling to you ron and russia for alleged political novel. you read all of those stories over at r.t. dot com i'll be back with headlines again in about an hour's time right now though it's sophia go. welcome to the m.k. on sophie shevardnadze islam in europe has long been viewed with suspicion by the majority of not representing european values is that really true and can it be changed well i asked shereen han khan denmark's first female.
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islam in europe is a magnet for controversy used by the right wing to starve fear of feared by the people in the wake of center attacks and the refugee crisis with the extremists inside the muslim community resisting integration mistrust come to vicious circle in hatred. is there a way to measure europe's ultimate liberalism and the ancient traditions of this land and how for me is the past. denmark's first female in mom welcome it's really great to have you with us and for a excited to ask you all the questions that i want now you call yourself an islamic seven ist being denmark's first female among do using a woman could ever lead a mixed mosque in prayer in islam not just female only and would you like that to happen actually i had the vision of
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a mosque with female humam so many years ago back in one thousand nine hundred nine i was inspired when i did my thesis in syria and sufism an islamic activists and and back then i was i had visioned a mosque with female in moms leading the prayer actually for both men and women because i always pray together men and women so it's very natural to me i was always. i was always working against the say creation with indifference fear. yes so when i started the mosque we recruited it. other people for our team for the group and like any group like any community you have to vote and it's a democracy and the majority of the committee they voted for a women's mosque only so i had to accept that and i think now when i look back on the really happy about the decision because i realize that having a mosque with women or female sleep the prayer for only women it's not
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controversial at all so we're actually able to do other revolutions that i consider more important but do you feel like when you pray it's about but do you feel like your vision of having a mixed mixed mosque could ever come true is this something would want to see in the future it is already happening because we have the first mosque in scandinavia with female moms but there there are mosques all over the world in china since the eighteen twenty in the u.s. and canada and germany and especially in germany and canada and us there are mosques with mixed prayer so it's already happening many places in the world i do hope that in the future we could have a mosque with both male and female you moms and and i hope that in the future we could have mixed prayer also because we have so many young men who tells us that we would also like to come to the money a mosque and to pray with you and we would like to come as
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a family without children and so i think it will happen maybe in the future but right now i'm quite happy about a women's mosque so islamic states extreme take on islam still attracted a lot of women to go and volunteer and join its costs you as a female spiritual leader how do you explain that why would people why would women volunteer to be so horribly oppressed. by isis i mean i think that people tend to become radicalized or at track to read to collide communities because they don't feel a part of the existing communities that they live in often if you don't feel a part of the existing community i mean you have nothing to lose and you try to seek other communities where you feel at home and where you feel that you are dated so unfortunately these communities that are very extreme and a try to i mean they sometimes you know they they focus on all these political
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issues of today and they use all these political tensions in order to recruit very vulnerable young people who maybe do not feel at home in their existing european communities or where they might live and that's why it's so crucial that that we try to include our minorities in the existing countries in order for everybody to feel at home and to feel a part of the community that you believe that the koran at its basics considers man and woman equal so all they patrick arkell oppressive parts of traditional islamic societies where do they come from if not religion i mean in the koran there are one hundred fourteen chapters and more than six thousand six hundred verses and there are six verses that could be interpreted as discriminatory against women but they could also be interpreted over differently with
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a focus on women's rights and gender equality and that's actually what we're trying to do in the area mosque we try to read these verses in order to create gender equality so and this is actually happening all over the world we have a male and the end male and female scholars who try to rewrite the koran in our times in our society. within islam we have a patriarchal structure within religious institutions and that patriarchal structure of course it has affected the interpretation of the koran so this is also what we would like to challenge these peytral structures patriarchal readings of the koran. and i think that female you moms has something to contribute in that.


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