tv Watching the Hawks RT August 24, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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saw turkey preserve freeze because there are gangs both near land females who just come and grab them in broad daylight and no one even moves because they're scared to death the police are afraid of those crooks because they have clashed they're armed to the teeth with the weapons of war and the municipal police have nothing while the national police are believe it is the criminals who are the law in this city. popular accommodation service a b.m.p. supposed to be there to help you find a comfortable place to stay almost anywhere in the world when he wants it and the owner can personally choose of course the caviar there who would like to host or not however the spectre's raised the issue of people being denied booking because of their north african names maybe it seems journalist to wily mo how g. says that when he tried to book an apartment in march say is reservation was cancelled without explanation now his friend who he says has got
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a standard classic good french name later booked the very same apartment same time exact same dates no problem therefore says that it's clear that this was discrimination well after the journalist wrote about this on twitter air b.n. b. was quick to respond and expressed regret over the incident and stressed its opposition to all forms of discrimination would you talk about this by a political commentator nicholas markovitch a french lawyer has me mattie they give us their thoughts on the right or not to choose guests. i think what we have to see if there's a deeper problem than just refusing to rent because as you said the purpose of renting is making money so why would somebody not rent i think there's a problem with part of the storm committee usa in the large sense today in france which has got a bad image and some people would rather not rent than rent to people who got this bad image and i'm very sad to hear what. this guy was just saying will be giving some jews who are racist people who don't want to see the african coast in their
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house is putting this idea in the head of some people who sometimes. don't even meet one north african in their entire life and lot of people will the people coming from our factories. crime to incivility to terrorism and unfortunately these are some of the reasons why we speak a lot of the north african community today and people will relate to that and decide that the president not to these people are people coming from those or asians i don't agree with the thing that we can sum up the reality of people acting. or having delinquent behavior just by giving the roots of these people these have nothing to do this has nothing to do explain the behavior again i'm not saying the end tire north african community each there are a lot of lies a significant. interest and they're not let me answer to i'm just telling you there
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is a problem which has to be settled i know people from the north african community what a shame of what other people in their community and you can see this unfortunate on a daily basis imagine the french person who has no contacts with the north african community who read the press on a daily basis and weeds people who have been committing crimes who have been terror who are terrorists who are advocating death to france or to take a tragedy and every time to read this unfortunately again i'm the first to say unfortunately unfortunately they see that they're often associated with the name from north africa now if there are people who are considering that the root of the original behavior. or at a show or favor on their own faith is. good. to discriminate they are wrong on their own not respecting the law this is what we have to remind in. the states which is the state of low.
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this new law took effect on the first of august and lists pipelines and critical infrastructure for explicitly prohibits trespassing on pipeline grounds with those running afoul risking a hefty fine or is many five years behind bars now activists say that a number of state police were also working for a private security firm there to protect the construction site while off duty the offices have since ended that line of employment deadwood whole believes the new law runs against some of america's core principles here. let me think of the right word data city as well as the desperation of companies as well as these legislators in trying to hide how pathetically un-american this kind of a law is this privatization of unconstitutional actions that have not been held up in the supreme court and clearly don't measure up to the law of the land the
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constitution this needs to be understood as something that should be contained in so that it doesn't spread throughout the united states and so it does not spread throughout the rest of the world. and a whole the actress used to speaking that took part in the dakota pipeline protests before that was against a route that runs under a lake on the su indian reservation was feared could pose potentially damage drinking water supplies that. on numerous occasions the protests lapsed into violence with state law enforcers as well as the national guard engaging in violent standoff with the activists sometimes their offices deployed pepper spray to gas rubber bullets and water cannon that the crowds sometimes were freezing temperatures were reported at the time hundreds of people were injured some seriously police defended the actions saying though the activists were trespassing and rioting described them as very aggressive but had been all again believes it's highly unlikely anti pipeline that
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to this would ever incite that kind of violence in situations like that. i believe that any kind of perceived by influence if that whatever occurred would need to be under incredible scrutiny because it's doubtful that sees the advocates for farmers rights advocates for it land owner rights advocates for safety and see in the climate future are going to resort to that kind of to set it in a civilized approach. coming up polish channel he said did the job on the streets the sound francisco the ongoing drive to clean up the city but the rewards for doing it might take your breath away just one of the stories ahead.
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are laws that say the collapse gap when the soviet union collapsed because of the u.s. meddling in boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had this skyrocketing alcoholism and so shoulder. here in the us because you have this enormous financial aid reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of a few folks and leave the vast majority in a state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the u.s. and the soviet union both collapse in the one thousand nine hundred ninety period it just took a stake in the u.s. as he describes it you know longer to realize that collapse.
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like every good morning from the outside to mirror most of the swirling around me kevin oh and so next washington's voiced concern over turkey's decision to buy a russian made defense system even hinted at the possibility of sanctions against anybody and their ideas. you know it goes against our policy to have a nato ally such as turkey use an asse four hundred system part of the problem with that it is that it is not in iraq for a ball with other nato systems and so we are against the having some of our partners and allies around the world potentially purchase s. four hundred trigger cancerous action i'm not going to get into that but we have made very clear what could trigger sanctions for other countries and entities
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around the world well this russian made s. four hundred missile systems capable of hitting multiple high speed aerial targets within a range of four hundred kilometers the deal signed by russia last year is worth two point five billion dollars and the first systems are set to be delivered next year and crispin looking to bolster and say defense is since the u.s. withdrew its patrick missiles from the syrian border region back in two thousand and fifteen meantime russia has long time partners in the arms trade from all over the world is the head of the state arms exporter explains this your biggest but i'm looking at this as four hundred as the most advanced missile defense system of the world's countries are already lining up to purchase it we have gained a firm food hold on the arms sales market to other arab countries there is a drugs a snowball with india and china with our allies in the galactic security adroitly organization also work with our military industries on more than icing on the horses but it was. to promote things washington chris purchase of the s four
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hundred systems because it undermines u.s. attempts to damage russia. the people behind these policies do not look at russia as a partner at all they look at it as an adversary and that their goal is essentially regime change in russia buying russian weapons is not bad because they're a competitor for business they're bad because there is essentially a full scale political warfare being carried on against the russian federation by the agencies of the american government i don't know that this is nationally what president trump wants but it certainly wanted hartman of state department of treasury and other organs of the government want and the purchase of russian weapons is bad because russia is bad i think that not only with regard to arms purchases but every other excuse we can think of we will find ways to put new sanctions on russia or countries and companies the deal with russia. story next you
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have a full of caribbean origin who was brought to the u.k. as a baby and whose father indeed served in the royal air force but is now facing deportation from the country when she's cold home for most of her life should be edwidge dusty takes up the story. i had to stop working i lost my job i was a registered nurse i went into financial difficulties i lost my dad in twenty twelve my brother to suicide i ended up stealing monies from patients i'm. in habit i ended up in prison getting a. everything just accumulators it was just like a knock on effect people are dying people have literally died of stress people have committed suicide because of this it's been a tough road for sharon a former n.h.s. nass who's facing deportation despite having lived here most of her life while waiting for an update on her status she was told she could no longer work and was
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advised to seek charity help in order to feed her kids if they can just allow me to go to work at least i'm not allowed to claim benefits and the person said not you're not allowed to claim any benefits you have no status so i said to her home i suppose to feed my child he's twelve heathen do anything wrong and she said well go online and seek charity the forty six year old was born in germany while her father was deployed during his service in the r.a.f. her family moved back to the u.k. months after her birth i mean our family has been connected to to england for years everyone was proud of him being a soldier i saw because of my dad service i shouldn't work my children should starve and i should be pushed into destitution that's it and i should be proud that he was serving the queen into our live for us. that's a punishment has siblings who were born in the u.k. have never faced problems with their status but sharon has been told she is not
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british on the grounds that she was not born within the nation's boundaries sharon believes she has rights to citizenship because of her father's service there's a document called the queen's rules and regulations of the armed forces and this control is everything you do as an as an army personnel wherever in the world you are and it says in black and white any children children should not suffer from their citizenship nationality problems anything were when they were born they should be treated as born under just soil if there was one the home office said doesn't it in accurate legislation summary of legislation so history in the queen's document is wrong one of the girls said well i'm not nationality trained i said so well away you dealing with me but you give me a british but at the cricket so you have me on your numbers that i was born in britain but then i'm not british the home office has previously said that there is no guarantee for children born abroad to non british citizens to claim british nationality even if their parents served in the armed forces sharon now has no
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choice but to wait for an appeal decision on october the fourth sharon is just one of dozens of descendants of the wind rush generation who have had their lives turned upside down by the government's hostile environment policy to clamp down on illegal immigrants i just think it's a racist thing i don't like to preterism but who is it happen into some minority groups or if it's a met mentality group then i put it on to. score the goal of the city known for its brave use and stunning landscapes of pearlie awash these days in human waste the problem is gone so far no that special cruise over to be launched to clean the place up. it's the worst you've seen i will say that there is more there's more feces on the sidewalks and i've ever seen you know growing up here that was something that did not weather in the
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norm but first thing that i've ever seen for sure. semblance is scary but if you city where you needed three hundred fifty thousand dollar income to afford a median priced hated in a city that has just announced a peep patrol to clean up the streets instead of telling people to use a bathroom san francisco is going to send a patrol to pick it up lord help us all the six person crew that goes around the suited to cleanup how much would you have to make to do this job. nobody wants to step in feces i have children i don't want to do that either i don't like finding used needles but there are approaches in the city is trying but
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we actually need some federal help in this case in my opinion. you've got to get your hands dirty if you're going to achieve you also. leave your bit of advice you want shit out international very good morning for me in the team thanks for watching more for me in about thirty three minutes check it out. for all the latest straight to your mobile device as it happens. troops seemed wrong. but old rules just told. me you get to shape out just because get educated and engaged with equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer and it means to win the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict just found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying lose just mooned hasn't been that we're even many of the families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've
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been through this this isn't the way. to me. welcome to feet shevardnadze islam in europe has long been viewed with suspicion by the majority accused of not representing european values is that really true and can it be changed well i ask sharing han khan denmark's first female. islam in europe is a magnet for controversy used by the right wing to starve fear and love of folks feared by the people in the wake of center attacks and the refugee crisis there
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will be extremists inside the muslim community resisting integration and feeding mistrust come the vicious circle of phobia and hatred. is there a way to measure europe's ultimate liberalism and the. for me is the passionate. denmark's first female in mom welcome it's really great to have you with us i'm very excited to ask you all the questions that i want now you call yourself an islamic feminist being denmark's first female a mom to using a woman could ever lead a mixed mosque in prayer in islam not just female only and would you like that to happen actually i had the vision of a mosque with female humam so many years ago back in one thousand nine hundred nine i was inspired when i did my thesis in syria and sufism and islamic activists and and back then was my admission to a mosque with female in moms leading the prayer actually for both men and women
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because i always pray together men and women so it's very natural to me i was always. i was always working against the segregation within different spheres so when i started the mosque we recruited it. other people for our team for the group. like any group like any community you have to vote and it's a democracy and the majority of the committee they voted for a women's mosque only so i had to accept that and i think now when i look back on the really happy about the decision because i realize that having a mosque with women or female sleet the prayer for only women it's not controversial at all so we're actually able to do other revolutions that i consider more important but do you feel like when you pray it's about but do you feel like your vision of having a mixed mixed mosque could ever come true is this something would want to see in
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the future it is already happening because we have the first mosque in scandinavia with female moms but there. there are mosques all over the world in china since the eighteen twenty in the u.s. and canada and germany and especially in germany and canada and us there are mosques with mixed prayer so it's already happening in many places in the world i do hope that in the future we could have a mosque with both male and female in momsen and i hope that in the future we could have mixed prayer also because we have so many young men who tells us that we would also like to come to the money a mosque and to pray with you and we would like to come as a family without children and so i think it will happen maybe in the future but right now i'm quite happy about a women's mosque so islamic states extreme take on islam still attracted a lot of women to go and volunteer and join us cos you as
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a female spiritual leader how do you explain that why would people why would women volunteer to be so horribly oppressed. by isis i mean i think that people tend to become radicalized or a track that's already collides communities because they don't feel a part of the existing communities that they live in often if you don't feel a part of the existing community i mean you have nothing to lose and you try to seek other communities where you feel at home and where you feel that you are validated so unfortunately these communities that are very extreme and the try to i mean they sometimes you know they they focus on all these political issues of today and they use all these political tensions in order to recruit very vulnerable young people who maybe do not feel at home in their existing european communities
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or where they might live and that's why it's so crucial that that we try to include our minorities in the existing countries in order for everybody to feel at home and to feel a part of the community that you believe that the koran at its basics considers man and woman equal so all they have to arkell oppressive parts of traditional islamic societies where do they come from if not religion i mean in the koran there are one hundred fourteen chapters and more than six thousand six hundred verses and there are six more says that could be interpreted as discriminatory against women but they could also be interpreted over differently with a focus on women's rights and gender equality and that's actually what we're trying to do in the area mosque we try to read these verses in order to create gender equality so and this is actually happening all over the world we have male
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and the end male and female scholars who try to rewrite the koran in our times in our society. yes within islam we have a patriarchal structure within religious institutions and that patriarchal structure of course it has affected the interpretation of the koran so this is also what we would like to challenge these pay trickle structures patriarchal readings of the koran and and i think that female you moms has something to contribute in that context because we have a specific focus on gender equality and we are in need of that so you're not wearing a he job shoot i had or face cover be a choice and this is a sign of oppression what do you think of course it i mean we are born free and we are born free so of course every single human should choose for themselves how
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they want to live their life and muslim women have different interpretation of what it means to be a modest woman this is my interpretation of modesty to me the scarf is a metaphor for sincerity towards god and sincerity in the relationships that you find yourself in it could be a friendship or a marriage or whatever so but i also respect women who choose the way that he jav and see it as a part of the islamic identity we have to accept and respect that women have these different interpretation of what it means to be a modest woman in the koran there are two verses come searching the scarf and concerning the covering one of the verses is specifically. related to the wife of the prophet and the other verse is more universal like you said he jap to burka it's all based in their requirements to be modest for women in islam then she is he that as another the of the path that you are resisting like and woman has to sing
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about how a man sees her and worry whether she is judged modest or not by a man. that's not my interpretation of modesty i use the term more in the sense of the. in the sense that you choose how you want to present yourself in the sense of a more spiritual sincerity so i have the same respect for a woman who was wearing a ministers and a woman who is fully covered i mean it's up to any woman to choose how she wants to dress and how she feels comfortable and i mean it's stated clearly in that they can ration of human rights that any human being has the right to practice his or her religion in the private sphere and in the public sphere so i mean we cannot we can decide that women should not wear the hijab i mean it's a human right it's freedom of religion and freedom of religion is is just as
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important as freedom of speech so as yet of course what happens in iraq what happens in iran where women are forced to wear the scarf of course i condemn that and i fight fight against that and i wouldn't i also condemn anyone we are i can damn whatever is going on in europe right now where were countries are trying to. fool he jobs on women in the streets. i mean if a woman. if a woman chooses to wear the he or the board it's her own individual decision and we shouldn't i mean fights against that we have to support the i mean any person's right to practice his or her religion i mean we signed the contract was signed the declaration of human rights so it's actually stated that very clearly that this is a possibility so i will fight for any woman's right to wear the hijab and not to whether he. knows the station you're quite an interesting mix of
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absolute european democrat and a spiritual leader in islam. when you try to fight islamophobia and open up your religion open up islam from a different angle how do your fellow believers see you i mean do you think you are a true muslim in their eyes and the must live of the clerics from egypt or iraq or maybe don't even care what they think actually i do not seek the recognitions of of other people i seek the recognition of. but of course it means something to me what people think. actually we had a visitor it's it was the granny mom from the third largest mosques in the indonesia in jakarta it's called if the mosque the granny mom he has two hundred thousand muslim this it says every friday for his friday prayer he came to
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the mahdi a mosque in copenhagen he prayed in a mosque and he blessed our mosque and he blessed the concept of female in months and he even quoted a one of my favorite inspirational sources which is it been out of be here from eleven sixty five until twelve forty and he said the perfect man is a woman so we have muslims spiritual great leaders who support the mosque and of course we also met by a position because when you when you change a patriarchal structure you change the power balance and people will become upset it's natural so in your new reality in your everyday reality what is harder dealing with a national islam of right wingers or religious islamist fanatics i think both i mean there are very similar there similar on both sides both sides they tend to generalize they are manipulating guide katsumi between them and us between being a muslim and being a secure a list would seem.
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