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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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he prayed in a mosque and he blessed our mosque and he blessed the concept of female in months and he even quoted the one of my favorite inspirational sources which is it been out of be here from eleven sixty five until twelve forty and he said the perfect man is a woman so we have muslim spiritual great leaders who support the mosque and of course we also met by a position because when you when you change a patriarchal structure you change the power balance and people will become upset it's natural so in your new reality in your everyday reality what is harder dealing with the national islam of right wingers or religious islamist fanatics. i think both i mean they're very similar they're similar on both sides both sides they tend to generalize they are manipulating guy i caught some nice between them and us between being a muslim and being a secure a list we've seen muslims and jews and muslims and and christians and all of these
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manipulate the dichotomy is you will find it on both sides and this is actually what i try to fight against or what we try to fight against or challenge we try to deconstruct all of these manipulated by cuts and knees showing the world that islam is a religion and it's a peaceful religion and it's possible to be a practicing muslim to believe that the koran is the word of god and at the same time via a member of secular societies it is possible all right sure and we're going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking what's your rain on khan denmark's first female a mom discussing her fight against islam also be out in europe stay with us.
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the future are laws that say that collapsed when the soviet union collapsed because of the u.s. meddling in boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had this skyrocketing alcoholism insall shoulder. here in the us because you have this enormous financial and reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of a few folks and leave the vast majority in a state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the u.s. and the soviet union both collapsed in the one thousand nine hundred ninety period it just took a stake in the us as he describes it you no longer are to realize that collapse. but i am finally into the now so to take i'm going to head now how's it going to
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end on thousand people point. line and if he would be would it be that easy to the point it can get out and me. plus is that going to get the money to people who. didn't. vote but i thought it might have been my little bit going to want to come about a little bit going to start up that out of money good job out of much of the woodwork to mop up together but it. is this is one big flood of fools. somebody is a fool. to see. you can be no problem.
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became his camera. roughly once they showed some. more on string i don't. want a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer it be the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying to smooth present and that we even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what
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murder victims' families want that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite you know we've been through this this isn't the way. and we're back with it sure wayne hung contat marks first female a mom talking about the future of islam in here up sure and in morocco the council of islamic scholars is allowing women to officiate marriages in saudi arabia while men have been allowed to drive so there are steps forward in more traditional islamic countries but do you understand that from a western point of view i mean this isn't really impressive this is
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a very basic things that couldn't have been banned in the first place. yes i agree with you totally. in the marry a mosque we have constructed a new marriage islamic marriage contract that gives women muslim women the right to divorce actually due today in the world muslim women do not have the basic right to divorce it's the right of the husband so and actually it's an islamic principle the right to divorce so we have contracted a new marriage contract giving women the basic islamic right to divorce and if good news for beaten in our contract is mental or physical violence occur the marriage is an oath and the the woman has the right over the children in case of a divorce we also conduct into religious marriages in the mara mosque as the first one in scandinavia we believe that any person has the right to choose her partner for life and it should be a very basic thing and but unfortunately today one of the biggest dilemma not only
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in the muslim world but also in europe is into faith marriages and the the concept of interfaith marriage is i'm going to do that limbs leaders yes i'm going to come before was it about that i'm that arab spring activists woman from yemen and libya and they work on women's rights while looking to see a logical foundations ways to interpret in the koran finding the right how does except our can't one's rights ever work outside the religion in islamic communities where i mean is that for instance feminism in a west isn't tied to religion femen is don't go to st luke course and paul they don't turn to bible and ask them women have rights to so secular feminism even possible in muslim culture of course it's possible it's happening all the time i mean in in many muslim countries you have a population there a secular list and they're not even occupied with religion but i'm occupied with.
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form within religion occupied about how we can re read the koran with a focus on gender equality but this secular feminism is i mean it's present all over the world also in the muslim world so when you say down with polygamy down with oppression of women you can be a good muslim and not wear a veil but i'd imagine your religious opponents would say wait well this isn't really slum at all is islam really and all you can eat cafeteria where you get to pick and choose what you like and discard what you don't like and actually i believe that as a muslim leader as a muslim spiritual leader i mean we shouldn't judge other people it's not our i mean we should listen to people in the area must we have female humans within without the scarf and in that sense we are reflecting reality as it is and i'm very
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confident i'm happy about that now interfaced marriages you conduct them in your mosque people come from all over europe to get married to get married by you saying that it's impossible to find a man elsewhere to do it but if other humans don't do it that means that your religion is against that so is this technically cheating actually tunisia is the first muslim country in the world they change the law in december two thousand and seventeen and now they made it possible for muslim women to marry non muslims and i think that that could create a domino effect in the rest of the muslim world not now but maybe in the future because someone has to take the first step we are actually not the only mosque that conducts interfaith marriages it is happening different places in the world but it's happening maybe it's not official officially it's not stated that it's happening but i know that it's happening different places so. i don't mean to
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offend but i need to get down to the core of things right and like ask you where and whether there are double standards in everything that we're talking about here maybe someone who can tell you that clinging to their religion in such a ways really paying lip service for it what i mean is that if this one doesn't accept hypothetically interface marriages then if i want to marry a hindu and i'm a muslim well maybe islam is not for me if it calls me to me a sinner for it right and if i'm gay and the catholic church doesn't want me at prayer where we catholics are missing for me what's the point if you simply don't sit i mean i do believe that interfaith marriage is legitimate also according to islam as a religion in the koran it stated clearly that a muslim man can marry a jew or christian but it's not stated clearly that a woman can marry a jew or muslim and it's not stated that she cannot but in the koran it stated
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clearly that both men and women should seek the vote it seekers of the one so we find the legitimacy in the koran and we do believe that the right to choose your partner is a basic right it's a basic human right and if you believe that the koran i mean contains an essence on gender equality i mean what goes for the man goes for the woman so this is actually where we come from and what we believe in now i wonder if you have any ties with women clerics of other religions like female rabbis or female christian priests is there any kind of gender solidarity that is crossing religious lines. i mean we are in the area most we call parade with other i mean communities we have very inspired by the jewish progressive jews in denmark and i also recently met delphine in the fronts i met the french president recently in the company of the
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fiend and we're really inspired by what they do because fema rabbis are doing the same thing as we are doing with a new so i think we have a lot to learn from each other you know we hear many top political figures in europe saying that islam doesn't belong to europe you live in a country with a government strongly against islam does it make it hard for you to get your message across or are the rhetoric of the politicians level on the politicians level doesn't really reflect what ordinary people think and how they treat you. i think it's a myth to state that the government in denmark is against islam that's not the case we have a growing islamophobia or a growing and his i mean rhetorical propaganda in denmark but it's in the right right wing parties so the government in general they do accept islam as
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a religion like any other religion but. so so at a state level it's accepted and no i don't experience this kind of empty islamic retore at the state level but of course in the right wing parties at a daily basis you experience and seize them a great story can probe again and we try to challenge that so there is push from muslims in countries like england canada france to create a separate sharia legality for them since those laws are the way of the face do you think that muslims in non islamic societies should have a separate legal system for themselves. i do not think so i think that it's that muslims all over the world i mean in european countries they should. they should accept and be a part of the constitution that is existing in the existing countries and it's also
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stated clearly in the koran that muslims have to. i mean submit themselves to the existing constitutions in the countries that they live in so it's actually very basic. and i do believe that the western educational system is quite good and we also spoke about i mean what would it be like if we had a female in my maid or annie my medication in denmark and actually i think that the western a joke ational system is quite good and it's quite good fundament for being a female. so the culture clash in secular societies gets violent sometimes i mean. if we remember the danish concur tune of the prophet challis a bill for the american muhammad movie and how many people died as a result of of all of that. what should come first here are the rights of europeans to draw any cartoon they wish or the religious sensibility of muslims i
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think that there of course freedom of speech is a universal value and it's a fundamental value and it's not a christian westen no you it's a universal value which is shared by all people all over the world to me as a muslim freedom of speech. is an essential value at the same time i have another essential value which is. the believe that the koran is the word of god or you know this sensitivity. so i do believe that. it's important as human beings that when we we have this freedom of speech but it's not a freedom to evaluate other people or to discriminate other people so always with freedom of speech there comes responsibility so we all everybody's responsible for how we talk and how we meet people and we have to
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ask ourselves what is the purpose of the dialogue what do we want to use of freedom of speech what do once you use it to if we want to have a dialogue with people who thinks differently or i mean it's not a very good strategy to speak very badly about these people and so we have to ask ourselves what do we want to use the freedom of speech with what we what what is the purpose of freedom of speech so on both sides i mean everybody has to has to you know be aware that. you know we have to be responsible when we when we have the power to express ourselves i mean with that with that power comes responsibility so as a spiritual muslim leader i know that i have a certain responsibility and i and you know when you have a power you have a responsibility and i think we should reflect upon that scene when this cussing
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and freedom of speech because it's really very important sure in thank you very much for this wonderful interview we wish you luck were talking to your wayne hung con denmark's first female imaam discussing whether islam and european values can co-exist that is it for this edition of sophie and co i will see you next. thank you.
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in the. house he will be looking to see if. he were talking to. each other. and that a lot of what i think about tom and i skid but i'm about the same as are you going to one of us up the money into. making money unless i want. to save the. civil. rights of the. other people that was on the. list.
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so. you know most people have spent. he. just. didn't. he thought of getting. yes implemented.
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don't trump former attorney michael cohen who accused the president of election finance violations as last of crowdfunding to pay for his own legal defense. michael cohen. that we're hoping that he will get some help from the american people so we can continue to. be the audience is. ready to donate money. coming up to the u.s. democratic party cross fall over another suspected hack but the culprit turns out to be close to home. police say the picture a city of grenoble french chicago these days over a recent spike in gang related violence has left residents living in fear. because new law in the u.s. state of louisiana makes anti pipelined protest
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a felony their first charges of fun really been brought against activists who potentially face long prison terms. are they good morning just after eleven am moscow time this friday the twenty fourth of august my name is kevin zero in this is artie international to talk about this morning first with the scandal raging around the guilt of his former associates president trump back at an interview with fox news with a warning that any move towards his impeachment would lead to substantial financial losses for the u.s. . i don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job if i ever got a ph i think the market would crash i think everybody would be very poor well maybe not everybody will be out of pocket donald trump's former lawyer michael cohen who implicated the u.s. president in breaking campaign finance law in twenty six as no bid asking for
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donations to cover his legal defense is paid off too he's already raised over one hundred fifty thousand dollars as caleb maupin reports next it's not always bad news than to be dismissed by the president. and donald trump was a host on the reality t.v. show the apprentice he really took the show's iconic catchphrase to heart you're fired you're fired you're fired. now that donald trump is the president getting fired by him isn't exactly a career setback take the case of michael cohen this is michael collins lawyer urging people to support michael cohen with an online fundraiser for hoping that he will get some help from the american people so we can continue to feed the audience isn't it they don't appear ready to donate some people might be laughing but the cash is flowing and then there's peter struck the disc raised former f.b.i. agent who sent to trump messages to his mistress now he's raising money online he's
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already raised four hundred forty three thousand dollars hauffe a million dollars on a go fund me just for hating donald trump has cancer patients on the side that are like hey we hate him too can you pay for my treatments i know you really hate him we could tell and then there's andrew mccabe the f.b.i. director who was fired without benefits now nick cave has already managed to raise five hundred thirty nine thousand dollars and if you want to get more creative than crowd funding you can always write a book i'm a rose i'm an adult newman's new book unhinged tells stories from inside the white house thirty four thousand copies were sold within the first ten days and before on the rose it was james komi the fired f.b.i. director now he wrote a book about donald trump and within the first week six hundred thousand copies flew off the shelf writing books about donald trump is a smart move this year every single title on the new york times nonfiction best seller list has been about donald trump so if donald trump yells his natori is
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catch phrase that you don't sweat it it could be a ticket to making more money than he paid you to begin with what people have to realize one of the about a donald trump has been more. a source of jobs for more people who have done nothing more than become or exist as a disgruntled either former trump fan or employer associate i mean right now it is a cottage industry to see how much you can hate donald trump be trade donald trump and cash in the mean time i have never seen any thing like this and obsession a fixation and obsessive compulsive disorder a focus to big way should i can think of no other way no no psychological construct that can best describe this unnatural and unhealthy.
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focused rage and not just. that well let me clarify not over a particular policy program platform vision idea no it's just have. the us term across it parties uncovered meantime an attempt to huck its votes a database is just months from those midterm elections but all is not what it appears. this is attempt is further proof that there are constant threats as we head into the midterm elections and we must remain vigilant in order to prevent future attacks first it looked like just another meddling story in the endless stream of meddling reports that we've come across lately and the democratic party said that it had detected an attempt to hack its voter base and of course total panic ensued in the media check it out d.n.c. just confirm the n.b.c.
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news has alerted authorities to an attempt to have all their voter file in the takeaway really is is this continues to be a major issue democratic party's voter database targeted with a sophisticated hacking attempt to target really was the voter database any attack on a political party or campaign is important for us all to take seriously but there is a twist here it wasn't meddling or hacking it was just a test according to a source the democratic party or the democratic party of michigan used volunteer hackers to test its systems security while this was confirmed by the national committee the source also said that the state department did not notify the d.n.c. the national committee before hand let's take a look at what was said we along with the partners who reports at the sites now believe it was built by a third party as part of a simulated fishing test the test which mimics several attributes of an actual tax on the democratic party's votes to follow was not authorized by the d.n.c.
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vote builder nor any other. now the timing of all of this is worth noting it's coming just as we're getting closer and closer to midterm elections and the media is going crazy frantically searching for external factors but they've turned a blind eye to domestic factors which could be where their answers are. our correspondent in washington d.c. investigative reporter dave lindorff meantime says election tampering claims of being exaggerated the meddling issue is. first of all i think has been overblown in the first case you know when they found evidence of. you know russian based. organizations that were buying ads and things on facebook it was such a tiny amount during the two thousand and sixteen election that it was laughable so you know i think most people most sensible people realize that the election
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in two thousand and sixteen was not significantly impacted by meddling it was effected dramatically by a really bad candidate running a really bad campaign in. french police describe the secret noble in the alps is the french chicago these days they've expressed grave concern over the rocketing crime right it seems even some french politicians try to avoid the place. we're too many things happen. we are afraid you're afraid to go out in the evening why they can steal your jewelry they can grab your bag we have never seen anything like that the police used to be more tough but now even they're afraid. to
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out her. south arlington to the crime rate is significant in grenoble compared to cities of the same size the city is plagued with drug trafficking there's not a single week without a knife attack or criminal settling their schools. head to head in the fact that interior minister came to visit because in the assail region we thought he would visit grenoble even for a short visit you know in the future we will of course make additional efforts in this area. click on that so i'm talking to preserve phrases because there again he's both male and female who just come and rob them in broad daylight and no one even moves
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because they're scared to death the police are afraid of those crooks because they have kalashnikovs they're on to the teeth with the weapons of war and the municipal police have nothing by the national police are barely fish and it is the criminals who are the law in this city. popular accommodation service a b. and b. supposed to be there to help you. and a comfortable place to stay almost anywhere in the world is needed and the owner can personally of course choose whom he would like or not to host and its occurrence covered up seems that aspect's raised the issue of people being denied booking because their names are north african journalist mo one the mayor hired g. says that when he tried to book an apartment in march say his reservation was cancelled that explanation his friend meantime who he says has a good traditional french name later booked the very same apartment for the very same date all went well.


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