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tv   Sophie Co  RT  August 24, 2018 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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even moves because they're scared to death the police are afraid of those crooks because they have clashed they're armed to the teeth with the weapons of war and the municipal police have nothing by the national police are barely it is the criminals who are on the line the city. popular accommodation service a b. and b. supposed to be there to help you find a comfortable place to stay almost anywhere in the world is needed and the owner can personally of course choose whom he would like or not to host and his accounts covered up seems that aspects raise the issue of people being denied booking because their names are north african journalist mo one the mere hygiene says that when he tried to book an apartment in marsay his reservation was careless of explanation his friend meantime who he says has a good traditional french name later booked the very same apartment for the very same day it's all went well he says that it's
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a clear example of discrimination then after journalists wrote about his experience on twitter air b.n. b. was quick to respond expressed regret over the incident and stressed its opposition to all forms of discrimination to talk about this political commentator nicholas markovitch and french lawyer hosni marti give us their thoughts on the rights of the owners to choose their guests or not. i think there's a problem with part of the foreign committee usa in the large sense today in france which has got a bad image and some people would rather not rent than rents to people who got this bad image and particularly within the north african community music giving some are jews who are racist people who don't want to see enough african post in their house and a lot of people will be people coming from north africa crime to incivility to terrorism and unfortunately these are some of the reasons why we speak a lot of the north african community today i don't agree with the thing that we can
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sum up the reality of people acting. or having delinquent behavior just by giving this people this has nothing to do this has nothing to do to explain the behavior again i'm not saying the end tire north african community each there are a lot of lies a suggestion i work with interest and they're not letting out or i'm to i'm just i mean there is a problem which has to be settled i have no people from the north african community who are ashamed of what other people in their community you know and you can see this unfortunate on a daily basis imagine the french person who has no contacts with the north african community but who read the press on a daily basis and weeds people who've been committing crimes who have been terror who are terrorists who are advocating death to france which i think he tried and every time to read this unfortunately again i'm the first to say unfortunately unfortunately see that they're often associated with a name from north africa now if there are people who are considering that the route
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the original behavior. or at a show or favor on the known face is. a good purpose to discriminate they are wrong on their own not respecting the law this is what we have to remind in of in the states which is the state of low. the u.s. state of louisiana for the pipeline the activists or the journalists but arrested and charged under a controversial new law let's take a look at the pipeline this provoked all this first.
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so this new law took effect on the first of august and lists pipelines as critical infrastructure basically explicitly prohibits trespassing on pipeline grounds with those running afoul risking a hefty fine or as many as five years behind bars say that a number of state police were also working for a private security firm to protect the construction site when they were off duty the offices of since ended that line of employment apparently activist edward hold told us he believes the new law runs against some of america's coal principles. let
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me think of the right word data city as well as the desperation of companies as well as these legislatures in trying to hide how pathetically un-american this kind of a law is this privatization of unconstitutional actions that have not been held up in the supreme court and clearly don't measure up to the law of the land the constitution this needs to be understood as something that should be contained in so that it doesn't spread throughout the united states and so it does not spread throughout the rest of the world as a whole the un has just had speaking that took part in the dakota pipeline protest a state that was against a route that runs under a lake home the sioux indian reservation and it was free it would damage drinking water supplies that. oh.
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on numerous occasions the protest that has been reported at the time lapsed into violence when state law enforcement as well as the national guard gaging in violent standoff with the offices and activist offices deployed pepper spray tear gas rubber bullets would cut into the crowd sometimes in freezing temperatures hundreds of people were injured some seriously at the time police defended their actions saying that the activists were trespassing and rioting described them as very aggressive but every hole again believes it's highly unlikely and the pipeline activists would ever incite violence like that in situations like that. i believe that any kind of perceived if that whatever occurred would need to be under incredible scrutiny because it's doubtful that sees it advocates for farmers rights advocates for it landowner rights advocates for safety and see in the climate future are going to resort to that kind of to set it in a civilized approach. this is not international coming up it's
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a dirty old job on the streets of san francisco the ongoing drive to clean up the cities out but the rewards for doing it may take your breath away one of the stories after this break. say the collapse when the soviet union collapsed because the us meddling in boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had the skyrocketing alcoholism and. here in the us because you have this enormous financial aid reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of
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a few folks and leave the vast majority in a state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the us and the soviet union both collapsed one thousand nine hundred ninety period just a stake in the us as he describes it you no longer to realize that. it's coming up to nineteen the next and washington's voiced concern over turkey's decision to buy russian made a defense system it's even hinted at the possibility of sanctions against any of its nato allies with similar ideas. you know it goes against our policy to have a nato ally such as turkey use an asse four hundred system part of the problem with
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that it is that it is not in iraq robel with other nato systems and so we are against the having some of our partners and allies around the world potentially purchase us for hundreds trigger katsaris action i'm not going to get into that but we have made very clear what could trigger sanctions for other countries and entities around the world so the s four hundred russian made missile system capable of hitting multiple high speed aerial targets within a range of four hundred kilometers the deal signed by turkey of russia last year is worth two point five billion dollars and the first systems are set to be delivered next year and chris been looking to bolster its defenses since the u.s. withdrew its missiles from the syrian border region can twenty fifteen meantime russia has long time partners in the arms trade from all over the world as the head of the state arms exporter explains this your biggest but i'm looking at this as four hundred as the most advanced missile defense system of the world's countries
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are already lining up to purchase it we have gained a firm foothold in the arms sales market to other arab countries there is a drug to snowball to ship with india and china our allies in the collective security adroitly organization also work with our military industries more than i think. it was but he is a former u.s. diplomat those things washington's angry over on chris purchase of the s four hundred system simply because it undermines u.s. attempts to damage russia. the people behind these policies do not look at russia as a partner at all they look at it as an adversary and that their goal is essentially regime change in russia buying russian weapons is not bad because they're a competitor for business they're bad because there is essentially a full scale political warfare being carried on against the russian federation by the agency is that the american government i don't know that this is nationally what president trump wants but it certainly wanted hartman of state department of
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treasury and other organs of the government want and the purchase of russian weapons is bad because russia is bad i think that not only with regard to arms purchases but every other excuse we can think of we will find ways to put new sanctions on russia or countries and companies the deal with russia. of caribbean origin who was brought to the u.k. as a baby and whose father to the role if indeed is now facing deportation from the country which he's called home for most of a life shot of a told us told his story to us he shut the edwards dashti. i had to stop work i lost my job i was a registered nurse i went into financial difficulties i lost my dad in twenty two or my brother to suicide i ended up stealing money is one patience and. have it ended up in personally getting affairs and. everything just accumulators it
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was just like a knock on effect people are dying or people have literally died off stress people have committed suicide because of this it's been a tough road for sharon a former n.h.s. nass who's facing deportation despite having lived here most of her life while waiting for an update on her status she was told she could no longer work and was advised to seek charity help in order to feed her kids if they can just allow me to go to work at least i'm not allowed to claim benefits and the person said not you're not allowed to claim any benefits you have no status so i said to her home i suppose to feed my child he's twelve he didn't do anything wrong and she said well go online and seek charity the forty six year old was born in germany while her father was deployed during his service in the r.a.f. her family moved back to the u.k. months after her birth i mean our family has been connected to to england for years everyone was proud of him being a soldier i saw because of my dad service i shouldn't work my children should stuff
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and i should be pushed into destitution that's it and i should be proud that he was serving the queen into our live for us. that's a punishment has siblings who were born in the u.k. have never faced problems with their status but sharon has been told she is not british on the grounds that she was not born within the nation's boundaries sharon believes she has rights to citizenship because of her father's service there's a document called the queen's rules and regulations of the armed forces and this control is everything you do as an as an army personnel wherever in the world you are and it says in black and white any children children should not suffer from their citizenship nationality problems anything were when they were born they should be treated as born on british soil if there was one the home office said that some inaccurate legislation summary of legislation so history in the queen's
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document is wrong one of the girls said well i'm not nationality trained i said so well away you dealing with what you give me a british but at the cricket so you have me on your numbers that i was born in britain but then i'm not british the home office has previously said that there is no guarantee for children born abroad to non british citizens to claim british nationality even if their parents served in the armed forces sharon now has no choice but to wait for an appeal decision on october the fourth sharon is just one of dozens of descendants of the wind rush generation who have had their lives turned upside down by the government's hostile environment policy to clamp down on illegal immigrants i just think it's a racist thing i don't like to preach racism but. who is it happening to is a minority group saw it as i met my mother to group then i put it on to. san francisco the golden city known for its sterling landscape is awash in human
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works the problems gone so far another special crews have been lodged cleaned up the place. it's the worst you've seen i will say. that there is more and there's more. on the sidewalks and i've ever seen you know growing up here that was something that did not wasn't the norm but the worst thing i've ever seen for sure. san francisco has been a city where you needed three hundred fifty thousand dollar income to afford a median priced home in a city that has just announced to patrol the streets instead of telling people to use a bathroom san francisco is going to send. patrol to pick. a six person crew that goes around the suited to cleanup how much would you have to make to do this job.
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nobody wants to step in feces i have children i don't want to do that either i don't like finding needles but there are approaches in the city is trying but we actually need some federal help in this case in my opinion. you've got to get your hands dirty if you can. and i thought to leave you with that you want to international thanks for bringing the latest world news from moscow twenty four seventh's check out our up to get that straight to mobile device and when it happens here in moscow it's saying thank you for watching.
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join me every thursday on the alex island and i'll be speaking to get off of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would
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prefer and it be the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying just hasn't been that we want even many of the times families want the death penalty to be abolished. the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite through this this isn't the way.
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hello and welcome to cross talk we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle is democratic socialism the future of the democratic party the future of america is moving to the left a winning strategy to take on donald trump's vision of conservative populism one thing is undeniable mainstream politics in both parties were under pressure to evolve and become more accountable. cross talking democratic socialism i'm joined by my guest steve malzberg in new york he's a conservative political commentator in washington we have ivan eland he is a senior fellow at the center on peace and liberty at the independent institute and in los angeles we cross to ron paul cohn he is a comedian is a frequent guest on the jimmy doris show. oh and the young turks as well as host of his own streaming show get your news on withdrawn all right gentlemen crosstalk
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rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate i always go to the person that got up early is for the program so that means it's you ron in los angeles god bless your soul. thanks we you know we hear a lot about the the rise of democratic socialism. that turn to the left in the party though the donors don't seem to want to go there what is democratic socialism because i'd like to remind our viewers i lived in communist eastern europe and they called that democratic socialism ok and they didn't have a lot of birkenstocks and they didn't have a lot of cappuccinos i'd like to point out so what is it in a nutshell go ahead. well democratic socialism in the contemporary american sense i mean you know whenever people throw around these terms you need to factor in you know the snapshot in contemporary time but democratic socialism is certainly not authoritarian socialism or anything like that democratic socialism as the d.s.a. is presenting it basically just gives more rights to the workers it still allows
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enterprises stuff like that however workers have more rights and they have more of a say and they see more of their product and what the d.s.a. is mission is in particular is to try to get away from the economy that instead exploited workers and is focused on destroying the environment and war they're trying to get away from all that to occur in an economy that is more sustainable that workers have a better seat at the table and where everybody has health care ok ok steve i mean you know socialism tends to become authoritarian if you don't keep an eye on it i'd like to point out in a move in the country that had a pretty disastrous experience with it but steve you know when i listen to a lot of people talking about democratic socialism ron pointed out on workers' rights i don't hear that so often when they talk i hear about abolishing ice having open borders. you know cultural relativism that's what i hear i hear identity
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politics and that makes what they hair on the back of my head stand up go ahead. absolutely all you have to do is go to the democratic socialists of america website and find out what the democratic socialists of america are really all about everything you just alluded to plus guaranteed income whether or not you're working when you talk about the workers having more rights they want the end of capitalism and workers to run the show workers would own and run everything there would be private ownership by corporations stockholders would go to you know where and let me let me just if i may hate reading thing but this is very important the disgraceful use of prisons to regulate behavior would be replaced with a system that decriminalizes a wide range of offenses and provides victims victims are the ones in prison provides victims with mental health care and various forms of counseling to help people find productive ways to move forward after committing serious crimes so you
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commit a serious crime no more prison you know get counseling these people are looney bins ok let the democrats run on this employees ok see what you just described was good mo in one form or another let me get i've been ill and in washington here. i hate reading things too but i will a harvard university study. published a study in april that found fifty one percent of those between the ages of eighteen and twenty nine dislike capitalism with a majority prefer and socialism as a political system is socialism a political system that's what i'm worried about when ron talks about workers i'm all yours i'll listen to workers' rights i don't have a problem with that ok we need a healthy left in the united states here but people talk about a political system that is socialism go ahead i've been well of course the technical definition of socialism is nationalizing industry nationalizing the means of production and i'm not sure i hear anybody really talking about that i see
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straight. king similarities between the right in the left that we have now i wouldn't consider trump a conservative i would consider him a nationalist he's been for quite a big a big government if we want to talk bigger government or in all its forms i think you know he was he passed in the republicans went right along with them three hundred billion dollars budget meanwhile cutting taxes and yawning the deficit and the debt we also have him putting on tariffs protectionist tariffs which isn't conservative and then they eling out the farmers with twelve billion dollars worth of aid which doesn't really cover the problem it's not going to cover the losses that he's cut out for the terrorists he's also said he's not going to do away with security in medicare now my purpose here isn't to attack trump i'm just saying that he's a more nationalist republican and i think bernie sanders followers have
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a lot in common with him to some extent now of course that's left populism and he's sort of a right populist in the case of the president so you're seeing encroachments of big government and you know we have all these terms for democratic socialism right wing populism but we may end up sort of all at the same place with more government encroachment on our freedoms you know ronnie it seems to me the in looking at some of the races that it's still been a more of a rejection of the status quo and some people moved to the to the right and some people moved to the left but everybody seems to have a problem except for people in the center and they want to keep everything the way it is and i did mention just off the cuff donors don't want to big change here too and i'm not to i'm not just at tacking the democrats here you can easily as i've been did do it to the right but republicans as well go ahead ron. absolutely so first of all we have border security we had border security before i suggested
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it's not like anybody who calls for the abolishment of ice is calling for open borders i'm in favor of abolishing ice i think this country is a lot like espresso in that regard better without ice however that doesn't mean open borders that just means a rejection of this organization that is being authoritarian and brutal so that's the first point and also yeah the democratic establishment is not a big fan of the d.s.a. or anything in there about that so this is their first priority. but yeah i mean their first priority is stopping progressive policies from happening and policing the donors their priority further down the list is maybe beating a republican but that's not that big of a deal because whether that happens or not the gravy train keeps a roll and. we are seeing a rise in populism now i would make the argument i know some you guys on this panel see things differently that's fine but i would say right wing populism isn't really
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a thing that's kind of an oxymoron so i think trump ran on this kind of idea of that and a lot of people latched onto it i would say largely he hasn't delivered on that and i don't think he's going to but i think that the time for true populism is at are at the forefront right now and if history in the united states is any indication we're kind of due for a sharp turn to the left or right now we're mirroring the great depression in the anyways ok but what happened after that was f.d.r. ok ok let me go to stay here because i mean again it could be you know i mean ron you but on this program before and we've discussed this you know left in progressive in this stablish minute all that that's fine but steve you know every since two thousand and ten the democrats you know have lost over and over and over again because i keep running on the same message over and over again and. one can make the argument that trump appealed to the people that filled the disaffected i mean a lot of white men
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a lot of white people in general voted in two thousand and sixteen because they finally found a candidate that that they could they could see that would consider their concerns ok so i mean you know a lot has been said here but i mean i do i do think that this is a lot about insurgency and it's all about bernie sanders i think this is going to be the most important event remember not trouble is elected but what was done to bernie go ahead steve well first of all let's also point out that donald trump got the higher percentage of hispanics of voting for him and did mitt romney or john mccain which i think is something that goes overlooked and really should look the reason why the donors don't want the you know the socialist democrats influence and and policies and platforms it's because they can't win i mean that's why someone like me is begging you and begging the democrats to run how do you explain that ensemble or know where you stand and keep. an eye lid on so cool and
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a little first of all this a very very very small percentage of people voted and she happens to live in a district where where that message appeals but even she isn't honest when she is pressed on what she she believes as a democratic socialist she says oh i don't think we should have labels i don't like the label and if that if the word got out that she was for abolishing prisons abolishing prisons abolishing capital is not good for the nation and so we are living with what are often prison industry those are two completely it's a policy there is simply different things if you want to talk about what's going on or rather have a long conversation like that and how it's take that further to haul it lee different thanks. guys for the program what they think about where the program i said one thing. well time for everyone i've been let me turn to you. the g.o.p. should love these democratic socialists because it's the fight it's dividing the
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democratic party and you can tell from the very top they're scared of these people go ahead i that yeah i would say to the democrats that you know it's ok to have that wing of the party and the republicans had the tea party wing but but it does make your candidate unelectable in certain places now if they the democratic party runs more conservative candidates in in these places they have a better chance of winning but i'm sure the party apparatus doesn't really care for a lot of this talk about. you know free college education for everybody medicare for all because these are very expensive programs and nobody is figured out in the democratic party or anywhere else how to pay for these but of course you know the republicans have done this with their tax cuts that's what they do to get a lack of ok meanwhile and everybody.


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