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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  August 25, 2018 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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to have his own t.v. and a trad mill where he jocks for miles daily still it's a long shot even followup convicted felons are banned from running for office and electoral court is expected to declare him an alledge of zero in coming weeks is not going to be able to run what he's trying to do is to increase as much as possible support for the workers' party and then so he wants to keep that alive his candidacy is alive for as long as possible and then at the last minute when he's no longer possible transfer all of that support that he is building up currently to his vice presidential running mate running mate which is his favored candidate to replace him if he can't run and again that fernando who was the mayor of san pablo and is not popular at all while things look unpredictable now one thing a certain election season and brazil hasn't senate twist just yet and in a question r.t. we spoke to the ex president's lawyer who told us later to silva is itching to get
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on the campaign trail proper. it is hard of course in prison. during the weekends for instance he's in nice elation because there's no contact even with any of his lawyers he's not allowed to have contact with his family there and he's only allowed. visitations through week. friends it is hard but he's writing a lot he's sending directions in writing of course it is hard because he's not he's doesn't have access to interviews he's not able to answer any of the exemptions that other candidates make make against him is not able to defend himself to tour the country which is what he really desires to be with the people and to explain his age and he's you know new ideas of for the future of the country. thank you for choosing on c international this saturday will be back after this very short break
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. our laws that say that collapsed when the soviet union collapsed because of the u.s. meddling in boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had this skyrocketing alcoholism and so shoulder. here in the u.s. because you have this enormous financial aid reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of a few folks and leave the vast majority in a state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the u.s.
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and the soviet union both collapse in the one thousand nine hundred ninety period just to take in the u.s. as he describes it you know longer to realize that collapse. welcome back the former first minister of scotland alex summoned his taking the country's government to court he claims its inquiry into its alleged sexual misconduct is illegal because revolves around allegations of sexual harassment made by two starters and has since been passed to the police the incumbent first minister nicolas sturgeon who's a close ally of simon says she wants to see the investigation move ahead even
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though it could have undesirable ramifications for her party. for my party this will be extremely upsetting to members of the s.n.p. up and down the country it's a difficult situation but what is important is that complaints are treated seriously regardless of who the person complained about it is i can confirm that the scottish government receives two complaints in january in relation to an exam and mrs hammond was notified of the complaints in march and phoned mr simons and the people involved on wednesday august the twenty second of my conclusions and the time was considering the public interest in making the fact of the complaints an investigation publicly known i know is that the full methodist minister has indicated his intention to challenge the action taken by the scottish government this goatish government will defend its position the gristly the allegations made against them and pertain to events allegedly occurred back in twenty thirty in the
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former first minister has flatly denied the claims calling the government's complaints process unfair and unjust we spoke to him about the case. i fear through the complaints that were made against me by that i have sued didn't i barely a semblance of criminality. saw when you have such things you need a process which is both confidential and fear and most reasonable people understand that and what i'm not frightened of going to the highest court in the line to establish that assumes the scottish government looks a bit shaky in their position you know everything like this the pains of having a fair show having a fear of chilla to never fear the scottish government process doesn't do that you don't get to see the evidence you don't get to present your own case i was done for speaking with a family covenant civil servant many of whom incidentally have texted me today
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saying why didn't you come to us to support your position well the reason is i was barred from entering that by miss leslie evans that there would. exactly the scottish government i wasn't allowed to contact them directly so if you can't present your own case you've got an unjust process. these investigations depend on could very today the confidentiality if you don't have that then how and there are people good have the confidence to complete in future because not just about the person complained of oh it's the confidentiality of the complainants and the scottish government would break you lack of then gelati so we told them to not make that statement because we were taking the action in the court of session but it's an extraordinary situation when the scottish government starts to break its order confidentiality after the shooting everybody connected with this that that was going to be absolutely protected for the process. well let's understand what's unique about the scottish government process of talking about
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events of many years ago when i'm not a serving scottish government minister not even an m.p. or they may speak at the present moment and therefore it's really important if you try and introduce such a retrospective procedure that you make sure that the passenger who is being complained of it has the opportunity to properly present the case the scottish government's been making the position look the should apply to everybody including former first ministers i absolutely agree and everybody including former first ministers and everybody in the land is intitled to a fear of process and a chance to state the case fairly what could be wrong with that but no you know when i say the only good i can see coming out of this is we're on our way to the court of session that's a real court of real judgment with fear process is the only the decision and then we'll all have to baber. russia's defense minister warns there terrorists in syria are preparing to stage a chemical attack in a bid to provoke
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a western intervention. according to information confirmed by several independent sources terrorist group to hear. is preparing another provocation aimed at implicating the syrian government in the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population it province the provocation which is being organized with the active help of british intelligence services is intended to serve as yet another pretext for a missile strike by the u.s. the u.k. and france again states and industry facilities in syria pay right to run the terrorist organization just mentioned is one of syria's most powerful islamist factions here's a quick look at the group. syria's
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italy a province where the russian military says the provocation is being planned is the country's biggest rebel stronghold the problem that is dominated by islamist groups including high right to rear are some with government forces recapturing ever more territory rebels have fled to ellipse sometimes as part of a negotiated retreat a blip is now the last significant rebel held area in syria to discuss russia's warning of an imminent staged attack and the overall situation in syria does not bring in martin j. a beirut based or ward winning journalist lot in always good to have you on the program now i remember how russia gave similar warnings of a staged chemical attack ahead of april's doom incident which was followed by a western missile strike on syria how do you expect the current situation to play out. well i i think we're looking at a repetition of been that just seem to be
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a sort of comical format these things it is just do earlier in this year where we saw exactly the same thing play out you cast your mind back to april two thousand and seventeen to construct can which is also an issue of problems very much the same thing happened there were a chemical attack of some sort was carried out and this was blamed on your side regime and then immediately launched his if you remember his first real attack his first real. finger on the bottom of the fifty or tomahawk missiles which rained down on one of the assad air force installations so i think we may well be seeing a repetition of what's different what's slightly different is that prominence as you alluded to just is hugely important to the assad regime which is more or less nailed all these are enclaves in the south of the country and now we have left now is italy which is a concentration of extremist fighters something like about seventy thousand
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fighters over half of which are hitched yes as you said just briefly before then and also turkish backed so-called rebels if you like in that province you've got something like about three million people half of which are refugees and it's looking like it won't be quite as simple as an amiable agreement between both sides not only on the ground but also the superpowers so we're looking at something of i would say quite a scrap the next few days or few weeks given that assad's forces are perched on the western flank of the region in a small town which is what i should look. at as a few days ago the u.s. national security adviser john bolton if the rest of the tough response if there was another chemical attack in syria do you think that's what washington is preparing for now. i don't have any doubts i think that's exactly what's going on i think washington is preparing for
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a strike in the region and for all the wrong reasons you know i think you got to look at the bigger picture of what's happening in syria america and trump is looking increasingly in significant i mean to use the term loses is almost an understatement they don't really seem to have any real impact on the ground anymore with their biggest ally in the whole region the kurds in the last few days looking more and more like us are going to strike a deal with the assad regime so you've got an a certain amount of embarrassment on trump's side you know people in america not just media but all sorts of people are asking what is america actually doing there on the ground given that trump now is facing an incredible escalation of corruption allegations leveled against him in america now and just about everything that he's done in the middle east seems to be turning to dust i mean is his campaign against iran which seems to be involving the hardliners there and forcing the iranian government to crack down on corruption while also beefing up russia's had germany in the region and also what is
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not reported so much is a crisis which is building up in america and turkey now which looks as though it's backfiring massively on trump again as turkey has pushed closer and closer to the fold of russia given that turkey is an aid to nato member that's what would be that would be a colossal defeat of the west if that were to happen but that's what seems to be going on so everything trump is doing in the region seems to be falling to pieces what better time to orchestrate a mother of all distractions than to carry on airstrikes now in syria that's exactly what i think needs and i think this this skullduggery of western intelligence forces arranging a chemical attack so that assad can be blamed i think that's a taste of things to come i think going to see much more that in the future if we look in the persian gulf several americans. ships are position themselves more that's not only to send a signal to run but us all but also could be for strikes against syria so we're
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trumps in trouble i think we're going to see a repetition of previous strikes they were based award winning journalist martin j. thank you for sharing your thoughts on the story. while recent tweets that just donald trump is eager to engage in fresh trade talks with china it appears beijing is less keen amid talk of impeachments reports say the chinese are waiting till after the u.s. midterms to see how things pan out for the american president caleb morgan explains . trade talks between the usa and china have failed again now trump would like to push all the blame on to beijing however the situation deal mess to clean might have more to do with it chinese state media is openly arguing that trump is using the trade wars and tariffs as a gimmick in order to win political support trump likely to feel insecure good ahead of midterm elections the meet term elections are one of the key reasons the
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u.s. has maintained a tough stance towards china made list to say china is not eager to play into trump's hand officials there and reportedly said that they're suspending the talks until after the midterm vote it makes pretty good sense for china to cancel the talks until after november why because of the midterm vote doesn't go in terms favor it could be more than congress that's up for change i don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job if i ever got a ph i think the market would pressure i think everybody would be very poor might think trumps playing with fire by saying i'm doing a good job don't impeach me especially when it's pretty clear that the i word is on everyone's mind you could say it's the talk of the town in washington d.c. could he be impeached with this impeach trump the idea of impeachment time for impeachment you could have even been preachment is probably likely but there is i think a lot for the president to fear compared to the previous administration top seems
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to have done almost a one eighty when it comes to dealing with the people's republic of china we welcome the peaceful. rise of china consistent with international norms that's good for everybody we are being taken advantage of and i don't like it so you have to ask the question are those who talk about impeaching donald trump really doing american business is a favor after all the idea that donald trump might be packing his bags after november doesn't really put him in a strong spot when it comes to practicing his art of the deal mantra the chinese have adopted if fairly strong if not hard line position for the time being the chinese feel that they have been betrayed and mr trump has not followed through on his word they had a joint statement and a consensus that no tariffs were going to be issued the china agreement collapsed within a week and of this point of time there's just no trumpet nor trust in his word and
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i do not see. serious decisions and serious outcomes coming out from these discussions over the next couple of months china is holding on to beyond the midterm elections and i think it's a very good strategy we're back with the latest at the top of the hour. it would. go as.
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it were. it was. the way. they were. they were. well real. good enough to come to the film were americans in america covering american news called foreign agents yes recently nicaragua put down the violence who were trying to overthrow the government of daniel ortega and every other everyone knows that most often when you hear the words of violent who there's a little prefix it's often added on us backed it's they just. they just come to
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us back then violence could go together like peas and carrots then they go together like monsanto and genetically modified peas and carrots. and it's actually nice because the germ of peas and carrots can actually hold hands it's really good to durable you belong together of course if you've been watching them corporate media you've heard nothing about nicaragua or really any u.s. backed anything for example there's a u.s. backed genocide going on in yemen right now and as a. recent fairness and accuracy in reporting study made clear over the past year on m.s.n. b c there have been zero stories about yemen and while there have been four hundred and fifty five stories about the pornstar our president. reaches like four hundred forty five too many i feel like even if you're really into a presidential or roddick fan fiction that still four hundred too many that's still
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. a way. back to latin america the us has had a long policy of undermining infiltrating and destroying an e.u. latin american government that doesn't line up with u.s. policies meaning if they're not down for new year old liberal pro-war prole oil economy if a leader says let's live a different way where everyone is taken care of and we help each other out then the us will make sure they end up wearing cement shoes at the bottom of a leg somewhere. and those who don't use won't even be laid by union cement workers because all the unions have been destroyed so you've got like freelance underpaid children cement workers make in their shoes is. probably part of the way to get good khana me where you have some sort of cement appetite but your own trick summat leggers into working for pennies because they don't understand the algorithm is
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hard to hard and they don't even know you so i started qualities to mention craftsmanship is a shoddy underpaid cement shoe work. anyway nicaragua may be wrong what is the latest us back attempted coup so i thought this would be a good time to take a moment and give you how to create a us backed government or her. and you can play along at home especially if your home is in nicaragua or venezuela. step one create a strong us back fifth column of this column is you should know i mean how do you not know it's a group of people who undermine the government of a country in support of the enemy they can be both covert and open and i can believe you know this is the part of the show where i pretend to know something that i just learned two days ago. and i make you feel really dumb i can
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live you know. there are various ways to create fist columns we here in the us like to create ours using a good wholesome front nonprofit organizations are two favorites are usa id and the national endowment for democracy and he did what is the any day well as editor of consortium news robert perry put it in one thousand nine hundred three any idea centrally took over the cia's role of influencing electoral outcomes because who has the time right and. the stabilising governments that got in the way of us interests and he d. also serves as a sort of slush fund for neo cons now i don't know about you but when i picture a neo con slush fund i picture like dick cheney mitch mcconnell and bill kristol naked in a small bath tub filled with vomit of all their victims. i mean i know it's gross but it's probably last throes then what
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a neo con slush fund really is. so we use any pain usa idea to destabilize countries and keep in mind there are consequences to destabilizing countries it's a you know we're indirectly killing a lot of people a lot of people end up with poor destitute they end up with their lives or a lot of people at least lose their high scores on their video games which is i mean i understand why nobody cares about an infant with cholera but twenty thousand points on level five call of duty when your player already has. the advanced armor defense system has to be yet inside to just shrug that off. by the way i've never played call of duty so i just made up a point system. in the nerd community that's like a war crime. yes to undermine the country's economy this can be done via sanctions like we are doing right now in venezuela and iran it's very important to not care at all if that economic warfare kills people are right and
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they have babies dying because they can't get the medical treatment they need now your problem you've got other stuff to worry about like wife and bird if you're twelve hundred dollar loafers. part of step two is to use the fifth column and the obedient us media hacks like c.n.n. and fox news n.p.r. to convince the people of said country that their economic troubles or the fault of only the president it's a venezuelan president's fault that you don't have toilet paper he's hoarding all the toilet paper all right he loves you he should not down now through own of an angel soft triple block that you didn't even know due to the greedy eight is the second joint of the world right now oh out oh that's a happy rectum but. what our corporate media really doesn't want you to know is the actual truth as peter cullen to an international observer for the presidential
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economic advisory commission stated it is absolutely clear who is behind the food and medicine boycotts and empty supermarket shelves and the induced internal violence in venezuela it is a carbon copy of what the cia under kissinger's command did in chile in one thousand nine hundred eighty three which led to the murder of the democratically elected president a un day so you create economic troubles which make people hungry and angry step three wait for internal protests and or create them. basically there were legitimate protests and protests were redirected against the ortega government some of the students involved in redirecting the protests were brought to the u.s. for training by the freedom house a longtime associate of the cia u.s.a. idea announced an additional one point five million dollars to build opposition to the ortega government those two leaders actually came recently and took photos with
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senator marco rubio i'll tell you if there's one thing i trust it's people who are proud to meet marco rubio. i mean. yeah matthew mark marco rubio's kids tell people joe biden their father that's how bad it is. so as always syria after genuine protests began the u.s. use the fifth column to exacerbate the tension and channel the protests toward a violent showdown stuff for getting violent while accusing the government of getting violent this is kind of like when i was a kid and i tell my dad i didn't punch my brother in the face he stuck his face in front like this was he was a swinging his head around like that. we've seen the tactic in nicaragua venezuela many others that were you know there's violence on both sides of the protests but more on the u.s. backed sides sometimes with help from the cia or our military training facilities like school the americas but using media propaganda many believe there is primarily
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violence on the government side when in fact it's the opposite step by step one through four don't work kidnap or assassinate. someone is a less obvious options don't work and you just got a whack and do it you. just get a whack a doodle do it's what happens or if you're if you're feeling generous you put him on a u.s. military plane and fly him to africa against his will as happened in two thousand and four with the president haiti john bircher on their steed. and that must have been an awkward ten hour flight it really just. said oh you guys just dump me in africa and i'm going to flip flops will be all right you go you know but next time tell the guy to bring split blobs maybe a bottle of rhino repellent or sometime just saying this this is the least hospitable kidnapping i've had. ecuadorian president hi i'm a rule dos died in an airplane accident accidents in one thousand nine hundred
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eighty one after going forward with a plan to reorganize ecuador's fossil fuel industry which u.s. interests were very much opposed to his airplane fell out of this guy after coming down with a bad case of cia it's that's it's like a giant be but only in fact leftist leaders and their airplanes. there are of course many cia plots to assassinate fidel castro in cuba they've come out their freedom of information stuff some of them involving exploding cigars which i can't really look down on that because that is the funniest way to kill someone. and a few weeks ago we saw an attempt to kill president windorah in venezuela with a small explosive drone and while there's no indication our military was directly involved it's time really how they roll you know we prefer to fund front groups so it looks like we we want to take a shit in miami you know we had an alibi we would have our nails done yeah we were
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even there were even there when even then and keep in mind there was a u.s. backed coup of hugo chavez moore of predecessor in two thousand and two so we have a history here taking out the chavez minority government has been a long term goal of the us deep state and there you have it thanks for playing how to create a un baghdad thank you both for. joining us join us next week for how to grant us back again in colorado. already in saudi arabia and definitely not starring him as n.b.c. they have no idea what you're talking about there what is yemen cholera what i don't even understand the words is that is that what you say to someone when you're telling them to ask a girl cholera. to come to you why did you decide to be going to react to the night .
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because you can never take the newsvine go this week trumps former campaign manager paul man of four it was found guilty of tax evasion and bank fraud and from the lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations in arranging hush money with porn stars so while this doesn't have anything to do with the russia gate hysteria it seems increasingly likely that trump and his friends may be corrupt con men. you know and i find that really hard to admit because as you know if you watch the show a bunch i am not allowed to criticize donald trump and. i never a comment about all of his corruption so this bill.


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