tv Documentary RT August 26, 2018 12:30am-1:01am EDT
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sanjay directions in writing of course it is hard because he's not he's doesn't have access to interviews he's not able to answer any of the exemptions that other candidates make make against him is not able to defend himself to do or the country which is what he really desires to be with the people and to explain his age and he's you know new ideas of for the future of the country. the migrant crisis is once again causing divisions within the e.u. with italy now threatening to hold its payments to the blog it comes off to italy refused to allow a migrant ship to dock in sicily while demanding that. the burden because the e.u. does not respect agreements and does not meet its commitments we as a political force are no longer ready to give them twenty billion a year let's not engage in finger pointing we also believe in constructive comments
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let alone threats are not helpful and will not get us any closer to solution the boats at the center of the route has been stuck in port and able to dock since monday night with one hundred seventy seven migrants on board they've now begun a hunger strike in protest with tensions growing even the united nations is waiting in and its latest reports the organization urges all states to take part in the relocation process and italy in particular to allow all the refugees on board the boat to disembark the italian government's meantime has now allowed sixteen migrants off the boats the medical treatment as well as twenty seven young sis. the u. needs to step up in the meantime we are about maintaining health and human rights standards on board the day we have allowed miners to disembark. professor of modern european history bennett amy says it is problems and not district to add to
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a. sensible way. to go back to and professional way. so things have been anonymously spilling the beans about russia's alleged hacking for some time particularly the two thousand and sixteen presidential election intelligence sources tell and b.c. news there is no doubt the russians are trying to influence the presidential election a source tells n.b.c. news law enforcement and democratic sources telling c.n.n. that in a fired sources two sources with links to the counter intelligence community anonymous sources according to anonymous washington post source. now with november's midterm elections fast approaching though sources have gone cold that's according to the new york times they article names and number of reasons citing u.s. officials and according to them they have they have gone to the grounds of the
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pressure by russia security say have a say as well say the expulsion of u.s. intelligence officers from moscow a played a role as did the outing of an f.b.i. informants back in may came in might slow it down the coverlet believes there are far more reasons for washington to worry about it selection system than russian meddling here we have no evidence that russia is trying to interfere in the midterm elections do you thousand eighteen and yet they take the some of the new york talents takes the absence of evidence as evidence you know but that but that seems par for the course for the scandal and i would say that people probably have a right not to believe in the us electoral system but not because russian alleged russian interference book because frankly you have a system that is skewed by moneyed interests by mass distance franchise minute people particularly african-americans. you have
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a lot of gerrymandering which benefits one party over another usually the republicans those are things that people should worry about and not rush interference far still to come on our taste spanish football found outrage at nice and neat games and all set to be played on u.s. soil that story and more after a short break. the feature of our last essay the collapse gap when the soviet union collapsed because of the us meddling in boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had the skyrocketing alcoholism and so shoulder. here in the us because you have this enormous financial aid reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of a few folks and leave the vast majority in
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a state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the u.s. and the soviet union both collapsed in the one thousand nine hundred ninety period it just took a stake in the us as he describes it you no longer to realize that collapse. join me everything on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back now russia's defense ministry has claimed that terrorists in syria are preparing to stage a chemical attack in order to provoke
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a western military intervention. according to information confirmed by several independent sources terrorist groups to hear sham is preparing another provocation aimed at implicating the syrian government in the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population it province. with. the provocation which is being organized with the active help of british intelligence services is intended to serve as yet another pretext for a missile strike by the u.s. the u.k. and france again states an industry facilities in syria we now see plans for the syrian regime to resume our friends of military activities and it was
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a probe and. we are obviously concerned. about the possibility that it may use chemical weapons again if the syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly i think washington is preparing for a strike in the region and for all the wrong reasons you know i think you got to look at the bigger picture of what's happening in syria america is looking increasingly in significant i mean to use the term illusions is almost an understatement they don't really seem to have any real impact on the ground anymore with their biggest ally in the whole region the kurds in the last few days looking more and more like as are going to strike a deal with the assad regime so you've got a certain amount of embarrassment on trump's side you know people in america not just media but all sorts of people are asking well what is america actually doing there on the ground. with no solution to the escalating us china trade war
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in fight reports suggest beijing may wait until after the america's midterm election before it feet any more talks on that the speech kill more pain explain. frayed talks between the usa and china have failed again now trump would like to push all the blame on to beijing however the situation deal mess to clean might have more to do with it chinese state media is openly arguing the trump is using the trade wars and tariffs as a gimmick in order to win political support trump likely to feel it's a coordinated mid-term elections the me term elections are one of the key reasons the u.s. has maintained a tough stance towards china made list to say china is not eager to play into trump's hand officials there and reportedly said that they're suspending the talks until after the midterm vote it makes pretty good sense for china to cancel the talks until after november why because if the midterm vote doesn't go in trump's
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favor it could be more than congress that's up for change i don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job if i ever got impeached i think the market would pressure i think everybody would be very poor might think trumps playing with fire by saying i'm doing a good job don't impeach me especially when it's pretty clear that the i word is on everyone's mind you could say it's the talk of the town in washington d.c. could he be impeached with this impeach trump the idea of impeachment time for impeachment you could have even been preachment is probably likely but there is i think a lot for the president to fear compared to the previous administration top seems to have done almost a one eighty when it comes to dealing with the people's republic of china we welcome. the peaceful rise of china consistent with international norms that's good for everybody we are being taken advantage of and i don't like it so you have to ask the question are those who talk about impeaching donald trump really doing american business as
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a favor after all the idea that donald trump might be packing his bags after november doesn't really put him in a strong spot when it comes to practicing his art of the deal montra the chinese have a. opted if fairly strong if not hard line position for the time being the chinese feel that they have been betrayed and mistook from posts not followed through on his word they heard a joint statement and a consensus that north tariffs were going to be issued the china agreement are collapsed within a week and at this point of time there's just no trumpet nor trust in his ward but i do not see. serious decisions and serious outcomes coming from these discussions over the next couple of months china is holding on to beyond the mid-term elections and i think it's a very good strategy. to sport now where barcelona's lionel messi and where madrid said jay ramos plus other club captains in spain's top football league
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poised to go on strike that softer the league's officials signed a deal with an american company to play regular games on u.s. soil spanish fans aren't thrilled either at the prospect of having to fork out and fly out and xers have ski reports. shocker in spanish football real madrid and f.c. barcelona are not loved as much anymore by their home fans the opening games for the giants so the lowest stadium attendance for both in a decade with ryall you can try to attribute this to a certain number seven leaving the club for italy but leo messi is men are not used to seeing dwindling support at camp no or maybe fans voted with their feet because both games kicked off very late quarter past ten pm on a sunday night madrid's german superstar twenty cross could not hide his feelings on twitter to boot the time of the game so late ten or even
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later work to. stand us too late for the children league bosses have now gone even further signing an agreement with american company relevant sports to have at least one game between spanish superclubs played on the u.s. soil yes you heard it right spanish domestic league played in the united states in miami to be precise and i was there last year at a sold out friendly version of el classico reale versus bossa where tickets to what essentially was an exhibition game started at a whopping three hundred dollars that would get you a season ticket for all home games at most spanish clubs but charlie still internal owner of relevant sports told me that was not enough as someone turned to me when i was three to two and they were still going back and forth and up and down he said maybe you should have charged more for this. while the company claims the move would boost popularity of the game across the pond many believe it will only line
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corporate pockets at the expense of ordinary fans. one of the. that's not the issue for you. and. you've got some things that. what. about the boxer. but all kids are suffering more than that they only think about money and imagine if that game thousands of kilometers away is decisive for winning the league or surviving in it and the spanish fans are not exactly the richest in the world that's why not only them but players themselves have been outraged the spanish football is association lumb basket this deal in a statement and to add even more fuel to the fire the captains of all twenty league clubs you name is lee sad they could go on strike. go to the end we unanimously against it and when we complain it's because we believe that our
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rights have been violated so that's enough so we will go until the end of the deal found shock waves across the old world with many in england fearing that the f.a. could follow in the league as footsteps it didn't help that silly town openly stated that he wanted to bring english football across the atlantic too and with the twenty twenty six world cup heading to north america you have to wonder what else is planned to raise the beautiful games popularity in the land of soccer alexy russia ski r.t. . for more details on any of our story thirteen to come into the place again and we're on social media to be back in about thirty minutes with more headlines.
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difference if somebody said he was up a bit. in the. house he will never be useful so he will be talking to the. hell up i'll get it why don't we give you a little. but not a lot of any of us come out of a skid but i'm about the same as ours but a lot of us up the money into. going to. give him a low level of model of how much. they'd still be. there all right so we do our job in the fall that was to be made by. other people more adult films up on the.
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final bill and also the dickens out of life now constable i live on donkey the point about. finding if you would be would it be that easy to find a friend that i had in. your class is that going to see much of the city people who move a. little i've done my duty by my little bit too much of my mother and i little bit that i'll accept that out of money coming over as much of the woodwork the mob not to get together but in. this one dear life.
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some for the. let me see let you go to the local police. let the lead. because er this is the kaiser report yes i looked up you from the dest because that's the way mainstream media anchors connote seriousness. i'm serious say a let's go to stacy. that's true is specially prevalent i've noticed on the b.b.c.
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they always do that oh yeah i'm working i'm working oh hey hey. actually i have a headline here quick tweet about santa because we do often mock the corporate media but they did come through with quite an amazing piece and i don't know if it was just on their website c.n.n. dot com but the tweet is from tim schork and he says a graphic from c.n.n. identifying civilian massacres in yemen with the bomb makers raytheon lockheed martin and general dynamics this should be standard in war reporting searing images here's yemen and here's the various raytheon bomb that's the general dynamics bomb so that's pretty impressive that they did that you know they don't because they're typical of the war chalion the company itself martin marietta was simultaneously running some advertisements for how socially conscious they are with little kids running around playing while they were at the same time you know dropping bombs on kids elsewhere yes they were sending around
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a tweet saying send us your selfie so we'll put it as part of our thing and of course a sent a bunch of people son tend to them responses of children in yemen being blown out of how this town reporting before because it's obvious to people on the ground they show stop shots of flak you know pieces of shrapnel these bombs with filmmakers name on the bomb and whether it's phosphorous in l. from the u.s. showing up all over these war zones or here in yemen. has been kind of known for quite some time the us is in the u.k. our arms dealers sell those arms are going to show up somewhere so overseas we have these arms dealers and this horrifying graphic in new haven connecticut we have drug dealers which are pharmaceutical companies many of them private because they make so much money like that family in connecticut who sells oxycontin well here's a new wave of insanity the zombification of the american population and you can't
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read this and think that something horrible horrible is going wrong here is the headline it's not just new haven mass k. to overdose symptom of national crisis at least ninety five people in new haven overdosed on the drug in two days a similar events become more common across the u.s. they call it a mass rapid fire overdose event ninety five people overdosed in the new haven connecticut on k two which is the synthetic marijuana they all like passed out in the green the new haven green right outside yale university one of the most prestigious ivy league universities in america where many of our presidents attend school there and it was a mass scary horror like it's a horror film right that's that's a classic scene from a horror film that people are just dropping the color falling out well you know what i thought of immediately was i want digress to lengthily at this moment but dimitri our last essay the collapse gap and when the soviet union collapsed because
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of us meddling and boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had the skyrocketing alcoholism and social to toss trophy and here in the u.s. because you've had this enormous financial at reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of a few folks and leave the vast majority in a state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the u.s. and the soviet union both collapsed in the one thousand nine hundred ninety perry. it just took a stake in the u.s. as she describes it you no longer to realize that collapse but for the same reasons and for the same time of political machinations were saying the same results yet in the soviet union when they collapsed the institutions around you collapsed and you notice that the mainstream media will project the concerns of the elite and the elite often say that they explain russia gay as getting the american population to not trust the institutions around them and i think what you're seeing is that
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there's the institutions around them their entire society the fabric of the society has abandoned them but it hasn't it hasn't been as obvious and dramatic like since the financial crisis you could actually see this situation from two thousand and so from the crash of two thousand basically ever since i not only have incomes declined but rapidly but the wealth and income gap from two thousand really went out of control spiraled up to the top and something happened from that crash from how they dealt with it from the federal reserve something i mean this is for a bigger topic for a. bridge came up and whoever was on the inside is now left in the spawn of yale university having a spontaneous zombification event courtesy of the pharmaceutical corporations and it's just so appropriate that yale is one of the primary institutions of elite. power so that basically they have to go to yale or harvard and those to
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control so much of the fabric of our power centers so right outside yale and they also mention and this has been covered but it is still shocking to see these numbers and twenty seventeen drug overdoses killed nearly two hundred people in america per day according to the centers for disease control and prevention data released this week a new record driven by the deadly opioid epidemic since k two is first detected in the u.s. in two thousand and eight clusters of overdose. breaks have become more and more common about fifty six people overdose from k two in brooklyn i'm a one hundred overdose in lancaster county pennsylvania and july twenty seventeen and forty people overdose in dallas texas i'm a twenty fourteen so it's there aren't as many deaths from this key to but what happens is they have mass elucidations and they turn into like zombies and they just fall over in the middle of the intersection like those shows are sick coming out of hollywood the walking dead or verizon the movies various horror movies the
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popular culture is reflecting the zite guised of the zombification of the american population and cashing in on the box office while the pharmaceuticals cash in the cash register while the politicians cash in on insider trading while the media cashes in on high ratings but unfortunately nobody in the real economy is cashing in they're all going bankrupt and here again like where in this crisis situation of the institutions failing the american population a great majority of them the elites are concerned they recognize that the population does not have faith in the institutions and yet they're having faith and all sorts of stuff in fact that comes into this next paragraph because they're saying that you know says that that cannabinoid cannabinoid. marijuana but it's important they said it's the mix of different concentrations of other drugs that whoever the maker is puts in these and they say despite the mystery of each batch k
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two is appealing to drug users because it's cost is low it's chemicals aren't detected on standard drug tests that they might have to take out work and it's changing mixtures make law enforcement efforts more complicated than with pure drugs such as marijuana so despite the mystery of what they're about to take they're willing to take that they're willing to believe fake news they're willing to take a synthetic marijuana and they're willing to take in. anything that might dull their pain now just a mystery substance and by being it's a lottery to oblivion and as an escape from the reality that their institutions their american institutions have turned them into chattel human chattel i think that's the right word yeah well there's a you know there's it's a great article because there's loads of quotes about how terrifying it was all these people dropping at all at the same time you know you're just on
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a stroll through the the public green the public spaces a public area and people are just dropping as you're watching and i'm i don't want to you know get to you know controversial and whatnot but i mean this is been going on in the poor neighborhoods for quite some time yet what makes this newsworthy is that you know yell university that's not a poor neighborhood that's a rich neighborhood that's what makes it suddenly newsworthy and that's why they call it like spontaneous overwhelming can of been this syndrome but up until recently it would just be called not in that in the hood nobody would care because those folks were already marginalized meanwhile in chicago where the advanced stages of this are taking place you've got wholesale slaughter going on of the murder rate skyrocketing that's the next step well here we have the people falling out as they call it now and the dean of the school of public health stand firm and said my fear is that the synthetic cannabinoids might be a new wave occupying the fire department the emergency room an email you can
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imagine the pain the suffering the patient's family on the patients themselves is quite a big burden on a small city it would be a big burden in a big city remember these are public health you have to treat these people because they might be dying and that yale university medical school which is one of the best in the entire united states very expensive this the city has to pay for the taxpayer has to pay for it so here we have this crazy situation where who are these taxpayers paying for this of the obama pear care folks are paying full boat like. a oh you me i'm supporting like a thousand cannabinoid addicted losers out sob yeah yeah yeah well this is a no this is another this is the general taxpayer and this is important to note because this is going in to my final headline here which ties to the first one where you're seeing the bombs drop in yemen linked to lockheed martin linked to general dynamics linked to raytheon here big media companies are branching into health care here's why and they point to comcast remember where rachel maddow works
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a member comcast cares well because of this sort of huge profits because remember we have we because we say we're capitalists so we can't fix any prices but we can force everybody to buy these prices where there's no limit to how much the health how much is going to cost you to walk into yale university medical so you and i could never go into yale medical into the emergency room because we would be stuck with a one hundred thousand dollars bill just for walking in there right somebody who passes out without any health insurance in the gale green well they're going to be treated in the taxpayer's going to pay for it so our taxes will pay for that but here you see these media companies you see all sorts of telecom all the all of billie's that run the media that run the telecoms there that run the internet so google facebook these people are getting into the health care this this racket of a system that we have like obamacare like this no cap so the medicaid costs like
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they're getting in on it so they're pouring into it and that leaves the question of is it going to take all those years that c.n.n. that loves war they love the countdown to war right it took them all these years to finally say who's benefiting from it are they going to cover this health crisis in america if they're profiting from it now they won't contest obviously one of the evil corporations out there in the media space that no contest cares the common task airs on put like in a camera into people's kidney and then have a cop show. about watching people's kidneys get stolen live on air and because they're addicted to synthetic opiates but they'll won't do anything to stop it so they've taken the idea of. gruesomely pornographic lee watching america disintegrate and making a huge payday on that comcast and saturday night live and lorne michaels and all those guys thanks buddy you're killing us great job well we'll be back as.
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