tv News RT August 26, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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it's neighbors came down and answered the door and sean said i'm trying to reach my sister i can't reach her. the guy just would pale they say oh my god i called the police last night they were running up the steps they broke open her door and she was laying naked on her bed. by the time we got to philadelphia though the police were swarming the red the apartment building and they let us know immediately that she had been attacked and that she had been murdered. we were beginning to face the fact that part of us had died and i did it hit us very quickly. i just remember the prince that we'd be able to gather to get through
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this. that weekend they attended mass. when we got to the lord's prayer. saying the lord's prayer out loud was a real confrontation. forgives trespasses as we preserve those who trespass against him. i had to abandon something i had been saying. often probably thoughtlessly thousands of times over my over my life. and if anyone would have asked what would you want to do if you if you ever found who did this i didn't i just why be so angry i want i want him dead to maybe i don't know i never had this happen it was just so painful. eight days later that she burst buried their twenty three year old daughter.
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to give. up enough of it. in the. hospital he would be useful if he. were talking to the it's. not. good it will only get you to try to sleep. and that a lot of what i think about karma is good but i'm looking at him as are going to i was up the money you need the. money i'm like ma ma ma ma. just say please i'll be there when you go so this is
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the be. the big . leagues. the been. decided do when someone commits a horrific act of violence. for centuries seeking justice was a community affair. and disproportionate blame fell on the poor mentally disabled and people of color. in the eighteen hundreds some capital offenses were targeted specifically at slaves the stablish in the racial bias that continues
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today. executions reached a historic peak in the one nine hundred thirty s. averaging one hundred sixty seven per year but then in one thousand thirty six. a gruesome execution caught the attention of the media. on aug fourteenth in owensboro kentucky raney of the thea was publicly hanging by a white sheriff many thought but the was innocent. one new york times reporter wrote ten thousand white persons some jaring another's best of saw prayerful black men put to death today and davies county's piton gallows. the outcry over rainy but he is hanging did not put an end to capital punishment instead it drove executions behind prison walls. out of public view. state officials built death houses and
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institutionalized the practice. it's a death by far it's a scripted death in the beginning it was hanging it was not only hanging but it was public and so you see the crowds come in and bring in a picnic lunch and celebrating then we move from hanging to the electric chair and then we began to hammer the horror stories that happened out of the electric chair . and then has been a move to lethal injection and lethal injection is likely going medicinal so that we'll just be putting them to sleep. but not everyone agrees. with the idea that they should go out in an opiate haze that it should be a pleasant that is absolutely perverse. the debate about the death penalty has become increasingly polarized and politicized we want a system that they are we want a system that respects the dignity of human beings the idea that we were executing
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innocent people was terrifying and there was just no way that we hadn't and that we want some people kill with an attitude so callous heinous sadistic that they have forfeited their right to live i believe in a turn of one and that is when we execute this person we know he will never kill again why is it that the death penalty really comes down to in many cases just where you live who your d.n.a. is we cannot recognize injustice when we see it as people not being treated fairly and people not getting a fair shot you can be critical because you can be critical of the idea that the government has the right to kill. and also hold compassion and concern for victims maybe in some books of justice the person for this act deserves to die but do we as a society deserve to kill them. today capital punishment
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largely falls to the state in which the crime was committed and laws and methods vary widely. most states use lethal injection. but some still use gas chambers. the electric chair. hanging. and firing squads. carrying out the death penalty is intrusted to specially trained guards like jerry givens. of the sixty two executions the jerries conducted thirty seven were by electrocution and twenty five by lethal injection. lethal injection is considered the more humane form but for jerry it made the job of killing another person a lot tougher. when you talk about execution and electrocution is
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a button you push and washing push the button the current flows in the car and the current comes out. and that's all i had to do was push a button. but when it come down to death by lethal injection you have seven to. a chemicals. you have four flushes and three deadly chemicals that is inserted into this man and my self as an execution i'm at the end of it's a rant. pushing the poison. down to tune into the body so are more attach to this person then it is pushing a button then release and then they let the current flow by itself fifteen days prior to an execution the condemned would be moved to the death chamber where jerry
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and his team worked. all nine of us were executions and reaper thek a good excuse and that's what we stood by. the preparation was mental as well as physical we practice and practice and practice prior to execution. each of us knew our jobs out sign it and we never allow ourselves to get that close to anyone you know we train for that we train this way you don't get that close to . the day of the execution twenty four hours prior to that when we have a call a deathwatch. a guy will at differently because he knew that this is the last everything. this is this a a way to condemn sperry's. this is where the warden
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readers don't want these clergy person. with him. doing this course in their day to condemn is given a shower his last meal is less visitations. by six o'clock hour preparations in the stocks into the inmate is placed today. at home in new hampshire karen and her family were slowly recovering from their injuries. not so much for wasm physical abilities things like. specially for me my rose colored glasses you know. just the reality.
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people are different things are not the same. when even with one and i. are. working through things and i'm working through things. it had been six months since the bombing and karen had not yet seen her good friend celeste who was with them at the finish line and lost both her legs. in the beginning. initially i i couldn't bring myself. to believe that. because i dealt with thank you. celeste and sixteen others lost limbs that day. ron was one of the lucky ones
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doctors were able to save his leg but the trauma and pain still lingered. we're going to have to work for a long time to get to the new normal whatever that's going to be. after months of deliberation attorney general eric holder announced the u.s. would seek the death penalty. the defense will argue that zocor was pressured into it by his older brother that he was a popular well liked college kid led astray. you know it's going to help responsible and i agree and i and i'm to believe that. but i also thank you. just can't stay open. karen son was the same age is no car. didn't seem like such
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a hard decision when it was abstract. you know i've got family and friends who are very religious and don't believe in it and that i have others who say. it's the right thing to do they're so sure. i don't know that it's right for me to make that decision to take someone else's life. in philadelphia shannon's killer was still on the loose. the she worst pressed france or so but the police had none. it's just like you're in a coma you mean you're just like walking through something but you you don't know exactly how you're going to deal with them how am i ever ever going to get through this. this is tremendous sense of loss
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and you know for some time i could visualize feeling that walking through a door squawking in the house and walking through the door seeing our doctor bed she told me. she was so kind and generous and loving and helpful and she always would come to us and say mom dad i have to make a difference. there was a little mini thing. she had a tremendous appetite for learning. everybody loved shannon everybody loved her she was a little stream over and over. in their grief vicki and still turn to each other and reached out for support. this takes time and doesn't you know everybody goes down a different path at a different time line to this journey toward healing they begin attending support
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meetings for families of murder victims there they saw the devastating toll of sorrow and anger. the father of one of the murdered daughters we know well took his first drink and he never stopped for a year and she lost his job and marriage. but well just daughter was one of one hundred sixty six people killed in the timothy mcveigh bombing of oklahoma city. one night about a year later he woke up in the morning and he had this dream and his daughter julie was there telling him dad dad he murdered me are you going to let him murder whole family. also saw the high price people paid for putting their lives on hold as they waited for an execution. we start finding out what murder victims' families go through if you decide to say look i want that man executed it would take fifteen twenty years as much longer for it actually to happen and we just saw the effects
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that this had on these family members we saw it destroying their lives. but i remember running into them and also today i'm going to head now how is it going to end on taliban people point. line and if he would be would it be that easy to the point it can get out and me. plus is that going to get the money to people who. didn't. vote but i thought it might have been my little bit going to do much of my mum got a little bit going to start with but i want money good no doubt much of the woodwork to mop up to get a job but in. this new london life who's.
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somebody is a fool. to see. you going to. the future or laws that say that collapsed when the soviet union collapsed because of us meddling in boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had this skyrocketing alcoholism insults hold. here in the us because you have this enormous financial and reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of a few folks and leave the vast majority in a state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the us and
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the soviet union both collapsed in the one thousand nine hundred ninety period and just took the stake in the us as he describes it you no longer are to realise that collapse. there are when are the hard done all that and out of love go to the doctor out of the mind of the money the day of the night at the gym. this was a good time to. try to move. along. that wasn't good enough. for nor. for all people who believe the dear. little guy cause i don't want the bubble
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so john what are the other moment i want to tell them about how to do it all because it was on the way to my building looking at the things i don't want to put out a little more party without all the other bloated. headlines this hour and they're not see rally causes outrage and stalk a man is matts with council protests it comes just weeks before sweden's general election in which the issue with immigration has taken center stage. also the latest polls in brazil showing formally the silver is the clear front runner in the upcoming presidential election despite the fact he's in prison and is unlikely to be on the ballot. as the u.s. and china fails to find a solution to that intensifying trade war it's reported that beijing may wait until
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off to america's midterm elections told any further talks on the speaker's. plan you can find the full story is a run on web sites and we'll be back in around an hour with your world news update in the meantime though it's the kaiser reports. because er this is the kaiser report yes i looked up you from the dest because that's the way mainstream media anchors connote seriousness. i'm serious say a let's go to stacy. that's true is specially prevalent i've noticed on the b.b.c. they always do that oh yeah i'm working oh hey hey. actually i have a headline here quick tweet about santa because we do often mock the corporate
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media but they did come through with quite an amazing piece and i don't know if it was just on their website c.n.n. dot com but the tweet is from tim schork he says a graphic from c.n.n. identifying civilian massacres in yemen with the bomb makers raytheon lockheed martin and general dynamics this should be standard in war reporting searing images here's yemen and here is the various raytheon bomb that's the general dynamics bomb so that's pretty impressive that they did that you know they don't because they're typical of the war channel you know the company itself martin marietta was simultaneously running some advertisements for how socially conscious they are with little kids running around playing while they were at the same time you know dropping bombs on kids elsewhere yes they were sending around a tweet saying send us your selfie so we'll put it as part of our thing and of course a sent a bunch of people son tend to them responses of children in yemen being blown out
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of how this town reporting before because it's obvious and people are on the ground they shall stop shots of flak you know pieces of shrapnel these bombs with filmmakers name on the bomb and whether it's phosphorous in l. from the u.s. showing up all over these war zones or here in yemen this. has been kind of known for quite some time the us is in the u.k. our arms dealers sell those arms are going to show up somewhere so overseas we have these arms dealers and this horrifying graphic in new haven connecticut we have drug dealers which are pharmaceutical companies many of them private because they make so much money like the family in connecticut who sells oxycontin well here's a new wave of insanity the zombification of the american population and you can't read this and think that something horrible horrible is going wrong here is the headline it's not just new haven mass k. to overdose symptom of national crisis at least ninety five people in new haven
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overdosed on the drug in two days a similar events become more common across the u.s. they call it a mass rapid fire overdose event ninety five people overdosed in the new haven connecticut on k two which is the synthetic marijuana they all like passed out in the green the new haven green right outside yale university one of the most prestigious ivy league universities in america where many of our presidents attend school there and it was a mass scary horror like it's a horror film right that's that's a classic scene from a horror film that people are just dropping the call it falling out well you know what i thought of immediately was i want digress to lengthily at this moment but dimitri our last essay the collapse gap and when the soviet union collapsed because of us meddling and boris yeltsin and all that's going on they had the skyrocketing alcoholism and social toss trophy and here in the us because you've had this
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enormous financial and reengineering to take all the money being printed and put in the pockets of a few folks and leave the vast majority in the state of zombification this is the collapse gap he was talking about the u.s. and the soviet union both collapsed in the one nine hundred eighty nine one nine hundred ninety perry. it just took a stake in the u.s. as she describes it you no longer to realize that collapse but for the same reasons and for the same time and of political machinations were saying the same results yet in the soviet union when they collapsed the institutions around you collapsed and you notice that the mainstream media will project the concerns of the elite and the elite often say that they explain russia gay as getting the american population to not trust institutions around them and i think what you're seeing is that there's the institutions around them their entire society the fabric of the society has abandoned them but it hasn't it hasn't been as obvious and dramatic like since the financial crisis you could actually see this situation from two thousand and so
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from the crash of two thousand basically ever since and not only have incomes declined but rapidly but the wealth and income gap from two thousand really went out of control spiraled up to the top and something happened from that crash from how they dealt with it from the federal reserve something i mean this is for a bigger topic for a. bridge came up and whoever was on the inside is now left in the spine of yale university having a spontaneous zombification event courtesy of the pharmaceutical corporations and it's just so appropriate that yale is one of the primary institutions of elite. power so that basically they have to go to yale or harvard and those to control so much of the fabric of our power centers so right outside yale and they also mention and this has been covered but it is still shocking to see these
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numbers and twenty seventeen drug overdoses killed nearly two hundred people in america per day according to the centers for disease control and prevention data released this week a new record driven by the deadly opioid epidemic since k two is first detected in the u.s. in two thousand and eight clusters of overdose. breaks have become more and more common about fifty six people overdose from k two in brooklyn i'm a one hundred overdose in lancaster county pennsylvania and july twenty seventeen and forty people overdose in dallas texas i'm a twenty fourteen so it's there aren't as many deaths from this key to but what happens is they have mass elucidations and they turn into like zombies and they just fall over in the middle of the intersection like those shows are sick coming out of hollywood the walking dead or verizon b. movies various horror movies the popular culture is reflecting the guise of the zombification of the american population and cashing in on the box office while the
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pharmaceuticals cash in the cash register while the politicians cash in on insider trading while the media cashes in on high ratings but unfortunately nobody in the real economy is cashing in they're all going bankrupt and here again like where in this crisis situation of the institutions failing the american population a great majority of them the elites are concerned they recognize that the population does not have faith in the institutions and yet they're having faith and all sorts of stuff in fact that comes into this next paragraph because they're saying that you know a system that can avoid cannabinoid. marijuana but it's important they said it's the mix of different concentrations of other drugs that whoever the maker is puts in these and they say despite the mystery of each batch k two is appealing to drug users because its cost is low as chemicals aren't detected on standard drug
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tests that they might have to take out work and it's changing mixtures make law enforcement efforts more complicated than with pure drugs such as marijuana so despite the mystery of what they're about to take they're willing to take that they're willing to believe fake news they're willing to take a synthetic marijuana they're willing to take in and. anything that might dull their pain now just a mystery substance and by being it's a lottery to oblivion and as an escape from the reality that their institutions their american institutions have turned them into chattel human chattel i think that's the right word yeah well there's a you know there's it's a great article because there's loads of quotes about how terrifying it was all these people dropping at all at the same time you know you're just on a stroll through the the public green the public spaces a public area and people are just dropping as you're watching and i'm i don't want to you know get to you know controversial and whatnot but i mean this is been going
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on in the poor neighborhoods for quite some time yet what makes this newsworthy is that you know yell university that's not a poor neighborhood that's a rich neighborhood that's what makes it suddenly newsworthy and that's why they call it like spontaneous overwhelming counted in this syndrome but up until recently it would just be called not in that in this nobody would care because those folks were already marginalized meanwhile chicago where the advanced stages of this are taking place you've got wholesale slaughter going on of the murder rate skyrocketing that's the next step well here we have the people falling out as they call it now and the dean of the school of public health stand firm and said my fear is that the synthetic cannabinoids might be a new wave occupying the fire department the emergency room an e-mail you can imagine the pain and suffering the patient's family on the patients themselves is quite a big burden on a small city it would be a big burden in a big city remember these are public health you have to treat these people because
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