tv News RT August 27, 2018 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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it was you know provision on my back when i wanted to return those they don't like . you know. but i. get oh. you're so your height oh i lost his boss because i just got then you just got to go which was as you know. anybody on a month on those in person but the best honest i don't mean any of the. choices you know but i was you know i. got you know just i mean my most wanted i'm already but it was sped up out of me just going to. i mean it was a lot we're going to go. over this thing up as i might you know i mean i really feel that you will get off on getting worse but those were the oath they speeded tucson's those people are going to spend on one of these but i would say like obviously just this well is part of this i'm going to get my will my family posse credible my just but that there will be more yes it will be and he thought if you
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think of it i think with you you seem to mean think it is my thought aloud problem you just got to go you. said israel's got a lot of oil but there are many refineries and this is tanks of oil down there trying to levers are well positioned to throw the machinations of a crypto currency you know my suggestion is you know maybe build a few refineries you know sell a higher end product and put that money back into the economy in this way may take ten or fifteen years but you're not going to be now taken over by some cia operative. joining me every folks on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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a suspension of nuclear missile ballistic testing shutting down a nuclear test site. this is widely seen as a positive step towards nuclear is ation do you think kim jong un is actually not going to make any nuclear tests on what well we have a conclusion yet we have to see you know we have to see the actual actions. you know being. the tree so many times. through the past negotiations with north korea so what's important is. you know it's been one of the word is used. you know reversible. how it is reversible you know how to prove it and you know of course. check it. very important issue
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but we need to do that you. actually believe most korea nuclear so you have an arsonist south korea's that are meeting right now in the talks between america and north korea are being set up and all of the partners to korea north korea south korea america japan they're saying that the ultimate goal is to see completely denuclearized north korea but wait a logical question is why would came down and give up his nuclear arsenal i mean why would all of a sudden destroy completely something that he's building up for a decade. is exactly why we have to really see actions. i think. you know. motivations of course. one extending. the current regime and if he believes. having
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a nuclear reform. is more beneficial to extending the regime he may hold onto it. if he believes. giving it up is more beneficial. for extending their resume if he will so you know we have to prepare an environment that he believes and. that you know to show for he knew the more precise in your opinion what should be getting. in exchange of giving up then you know what he's saying is security assurance and denuclearization in you know there might be i mean with security assurance there might be more concrete. requests are required meant conditions like
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having no. u.s. force in peninsula or something. so i don't know they will come out but you know it's. very difficult. to to predict now you know what conditions he would give up the new group at this point we need to see and also. the timing i will discuss the timing because japan's foreign minister says that north korea should abolish nuclear arms by twenty twenty. do you think that's a realistic goal time wise because i mean it took two years of tops to just stop the iranian nuclear program they didn't even have an actual weapon i mean how can this diplomacy with north korea work faster than with iran. you know whether it's
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realistic or too fast or. too slow you know i hope you feet by twenty twenty that's very welcome. to the extent. it's possible everyone should make every effort to to to cheap that. you know well. i would say there's no too early for that so. i don't know if it's achievable or not but at least try so like i mentioned south. america are going to sit down and talk to north korea as of now japan has been about it to those talks do you think it should be part of those talks or what can they bring to the table. well. you know.
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you know a lot of rules in the. entire sitting of the entire condition or sitting the entire environment or longer process of you know post agreement to. i don't know a this point. can do but at least you know carefully. you know see a u.s. korea's. movement or actions and think you know i think. the government position but. no relieve the pressure on north korea on this we actually see put. options it's also quite interesting to see what's going to happen to your country's
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security because japan has been relying on us for protection for decades and now trump is saying its allies in asia pacific should rely more and more on their own resources their own security and then you know we have personally heard the japanese government saying that slowly japan should be expanding its own japanese military do you think it's time to rethink the security concept of japan well you know i don't think the big picture will change will continue to lie us with the united states and of course it will have close relationship with korea. and other. some of the other. countries too. but in that balance or some roles could be redefined. well for example.
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you know we. would like to see japan to be a u.s. nuclear nuclear deterrence not the deterrence as a whole but nuclear deterrence. will give a better position in terms of promoting nuclear. nation or nuclear disarmament. and. for example if you look carefully we recently received a report paper from you need year. research institute. if you go back to the first question. if we look carefully. at the. situation. nuclear deterrence against north korea is not necessary. you
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know. that every minute. you know that american nuclear terrorists in a way is a guarantee that no one attacks japan is well now well known though not necessarily because you know for example north korea. their motivation is to. know to be invaded not to be. attacked to destroy the regime. is that you keep interrupting you but you know i'll forget to ask you this say you did it feels like you don't think the north korea is actually capable of attacking a neighbor one day on and they are they are capable of attacking a neighbor but whether they will do is a different question right you don't think they'll do they think they use the nukes just to keep the regime in place that's it. they feel you know really oppressed.
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or you know. they're they feel there is immediate very imminent danger of being attacked but they know that once the use of nuclear weapons that's basically there is seen no. because there would be. there will be five for about and you know there's so much. you don't feel like i just have to go to the question because you didn't quite answer you don't feel like you need american nuclear deterrent because you don't feel like north korea is actually about to attack someone it's more about keeping its regime in tahoe it's not about feeling or you know. it's not about feeling it's not me saying this but i'm talking about disunity and people paper. from chris point of view their nuclear deterrence know what their deterrent against
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is a time. from it to destroy the regime. the top first you know it's. very certain that their regime will collapse so they're real possibility. probability that north korea is going to attack you know from themselves so what we're talking about at this point. and if you were. again talking about. is to destroy the north korea's nuclear capability you know they need to use so many nuclear weapons if they use nuclear weapons and is very realistic which
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is going to cause so much radiation issues not only was in those korea south korea china and russia to they're all. in original question was that japan always enjoyed america's protection because we don't have the military security system in place to protect your country now that trump is saying that you should rely more on your own resources do you think japan needs an actual army and actual security system in place. i don't say we don't have at all we have a conventional defense system to certain extent and we're partly stace my view is for example you know. nuclear deterrence against north korea we may have. meant we could be out
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the nuclear deterrent to change. the roles and the balance right. so there could be. you know new. thinking of our security. system i just have plus two questions sensitive issue you know ninety's perception . of japan in general so the american president has visited here ashima but do you see a situation where a japanese prime minister for instance visits non-germane because the chinese are saying you know. so empty nuclear company in japan of which you are part of of course is sort of a way to whitewash japan's role in world war two and not there because you can't discuss the bombing without the reasons behind the bombing do you do you see a situation where your prime minister would actually visit nineteen like american president hiroshima yeah maybe possible. you know.
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and of course depends environment and context if dot is. in the core of the context. think you'd be difficult for a prime minister to go but the party's out of context you know it may be he may be able to go. all right thank you very much for this interview wish you all the best a lot and have a nice rest of the same question thank you you thank .
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they're not going to learn how to not they're not ever not are not good at that not out of the mouth of the money the daily planet at a time. this was a good time to. try to move their i don't know mom. not out loud to get out a lot not why not act and then again why exxon and the whole people we believe use of the obedient. little of my kids i don't want them up with johnny when i already have that moment on account of mother having little accuser is a little on the way community old enough to want to think i don't want to put out a lot most of the muslim brotherhood.
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you know world of big partners. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. in israel's got a lot of oil but there are a refinery and this is take the oil it down they're trying to levers our oil position and throw the machinations of a crypto currency you know my suggestion is you know maybe build a few refineries you know sell a higher end product and put that money back into the economy in this way may take
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ten or. fifteen years but you're not going to be now taken over by some cia operative. moon. would not be enough they would see. it as a levels from somewhere you. came back to the community. people we are based on and on the road lookouts me all you got is all bible going towards him. for. the right to. say. that. she's going to. use your money doesn't that give us all that. you don't. know we're going to this. club doesn't cut doesn't
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news headlines live from moscow this is r.t. international welcome to your story. the syrian government says it is ready to recapture the last major rebel stronghold in the country of. damascus has been deploying additional forces on the frontline those says it's still willing to pursue a course of reconciliation. by the key militant group controlling the area. chief has warned other factions from taking part in any talks with damascus.
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meanwhile the russian defense ministry has warned that militants in opera pairing a provocation moscow says it has intelligence that. chemical of course lay the blame on the government. a strike on capers eiter using poison laden missiles is planned within the next forty eight hours that some players outside the region are preparing yet more provocations on syrian soil involving chemical weapons with the aim of destabilizing the situation there and undermining the positive dynamics of the ongoing peace process. more the missive warns that it's the white helmets pro rebel group that will be there first with cameras and tweets as they usually are whenever there were rumors of chemical attacks and we reached out to them for comment and as is also usual the u.s. and its power stabbed ready with guns drawn we now see plans
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for the syrian regime to resume offensive military activities and it would. we are obviously. a better possibility that it may use chemical weapons again if the syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly it's getting very hot in the area and merica has just pulled up another guided missile cruiser packed with tomahawk missiles the weapon of choice when attacking syria also u.s. strategic bombers heavy duty stuff have just arrived in the neighborhood the russians also acting moving more and more ships to the mediterranean rumors say submarines too and it's cool dreadfully reminiscent of what happened last time.
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neal weeks before the alleged chemical incident in ghouta the incident that provoked a british friends and us missile barash well mia weeks before that the russians warned the rebels were preparing to stage a chemical attack now they're warning it will happen. again which begs the question why oh why would add sad who has almost won this war why would he launch a chemical attack and invite disaster now there is no value for syria or its allies in using chemical weapons against any of the
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terrorists syria is already winning syria has already won along with its allies along with russia and with iran and hezbollah they have already essentially defeated the terrorist cleanup time the other thing you've got is we have so many times been told that the organization for the preventive prohibition of chemical warfare has emptied syria of all of its chemical weapons this happened a few years ago but we keep getting told syria is making chemical weapons. u.s. intelligence agencies are reportedly complaining that their kremlin moles have suddenly gone quiet and comes amid a host of fresh russian meddling allegations in the media ahead of the american midterm elections i don't know hawkins picks up this story less than two years after the twenty sixteen us presidential election the russians are at it again the n. word this time it's the us mid-term elections in the crosshairs of kremlin meddling another russian attack on our elections
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a serious warning about russian meddling in future us elections there are also hacking or attempting to hack political campaigns russia is added again it's clear for all to see what happens after all how can one refute such a mass of sources intelligence sources tell him b.c. news there is no doubt the russians are trying to influence the presidential election a source tells n.b.c. news law enforcement and democratic sources telling c.n.n. that in a fired sources two sources with links to the counter intelligence community anonymous sources according to anonymous washington post source now we may not even have those. according to the new york times they've gone to ground gone quiet what's happened there could be a couple of reasons it's ok the times reassures us they've not been killed and aren't at risk yet although says the article putin is intent on killing traitors and the russians are willing to kill sources perhaps they say the assassination
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attempt on double agent so i guess cripple has affected flows of intelligence as with the meddling accusations minimal evidence was also enough to expose the kremlin's hand in that case russia has long arms russia has lots of tentacles we imagine that they will continue to have an interest in our elections but also many other nations' elections as well we continue to see pervasive measures in messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide united states intelligence blackout could also be down to a fall in u.s. operative numbers in russia the russians kicked out a whole bunch of our people laments a former cia officer a reference of course to moscow's retaliation after dozens of russian diplomats were first expelled from the united states the russian meddling saga even has the us president himself worried i'm very concerned that russia will be fighting very
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hard to have an impact on the upcoming election based on the fact that no president has been tougher on russia than me they will be pushing very hard for the democrats they definitely don't want trump but those are named officials can explain the logic the kremlin doesn't want to specific outcome any more broad chaos is apparently the aim despite no hard evidence of meddling past or future it seems the narrative is getting old unnamed sources can only sound convincing for so long. no you know the rusher informants they were definitely in that u.f.o. that crashed was a meteorite this is so confusing what the media told us imagineer of france whisper in the ear of the new york times sources say near times makes up stories but what if as analysts anonymous sources allege russia isn't busy tilting elections sowing discord or sporting chaos what if russia isn't doing anything at
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all that would never make a thrilling read. to us nationals in vietnam have been sentenced to fourteen years in prison for attempting a coup they were among twelve people sentenced all of the members of the provisional national government of vietnam which was declared a terrorist organization by the countries or dorothy's back in january of course the war in vietnam ended more than four decades ago but apparently for some the struggle is ongoing. the vietnam war one of the world's bloodiest conflicts and the american army's biggest defeat ideologically opposed blocks in two decades of fighting came at a cost of fifty six thousand u.s. troops all in a bid to overthrow the communist regime of north vietnam but the casualties among civilians were much greater at least two million people died in the war. after
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hopes of tightening a democratic grip across the vietnamese state slipped away and up to one hundred forty one billion dollars was spent on military operations the us folded to what had been an exhausting rule at home and abroad. in one thousand nine hundred seventy three thousands of antiwar protesters would later contribute to the end of u.s. military involvement and two years later the south surrendered with vietnam forced to unite under a socialist flag. however it would take years for vietnam to heal from the wounds of the us campaign. napalm bombs and toxic herbicides left the country scarred. and its citizens suffering. fast forward to twenty eight and us finance relations have turned a new leaf. even prospering. however there are some people who can't let go of the past among them the provisional national government of the.
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