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tv   Sophie Co  RT  August 27, 2018 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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vietnam but the casualties among civilians were much greater at least two million people died in the war. after hopes of tightening a democratic grip across the vietnamese state slipped away and up to one hundred forty one billion dollars was spent on military operations the us folded to what had been an exhausting rule at home and abroad. in one thousand nine hundred seventy three thousands of antiwar protesters would later contribute to the end of u.s. military involvement and two years later the south surrendered with vietnam forced to unite under a socialist flag. however it would take years for vietnam to heal from the wounds of the us campaign. napalm bombs and toxic herbicides left the country scarred. and its citizens suffering. fast forward to twenty eight and us phantom relations have turned a new leaf. even prospering. however there are some people who can't let go of the
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past among them the provisional national government of the third republic of viet nam most of them share one thing in common they all supported or fought for the south vietnamese army and had to flee when the war ended in one nine hundred seventy five they dream of a regime they never had a chance to see. and they're proactive about sharing their agenda they have their own prime minister and even newspapers about their cause printed in japan malaysia and thailand recently they've caught the attention of more global audience is. the ministry of public security should announce the organization of the provisional national government of vietnam as a terrorist organization. they plan to buy weapons in an attempt to carry out terror attacks but their plots were uncovered and they were arrested by vietnamese security forces. twelve members were charged with subversion
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attempting to broadcast anti state messages described as a coupe two of those behind it were american. was a vietnamese descent. it's been revealed they openly penned letters to the u.s. president with a huge even based in california it may be almost half a century since the end of the vietnam war but under the surface there are still rumblings with some still willing to fight for a cause they never saw come to fruition. one of the two us nationals who were sentenced as we just saw is hung james knew and the u.s. embassy in vietnam has released a statement saying it will support him until his release and deportation to america some locals say that the group people longs to just doesn't understand that times have changed. we have one thing on my this reactionary group which carries out acts of sabotage against the vietnamese government is deplorable the government is determined to maintain peace and stability so that the country can develop and
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prosperity be brought to the people in the groups members should not delude themselves into thinking what they do is right what they don't understand the times have changed they don't understand the position they put themselves in when they conspired against the country i think the sentences were too lenient. to people have been shot dead and almost a dozen injured during a video game tournament in the u.s. city of jacksonville florida police say the suspect also died at the scene. there were three deceased individuals at the scene one of those being the suspect who took his own life. there were nine victims transported by j. a party to area hospitals seven of those had gunshot. in addition there were two additional gunshot victims this still transported themselves to local hospitals i'm happy to report that they are all stable condition at this time. well shortly after
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the first reports of the attack began circulating a video appeared to show the appearing to show the instance emerged online just to warn you you may find the following distressing border so that it will be hard. it's not a tough spot. police have identified the shooter as a twenty four year old man from baltimore they say he used to at least one handgun a witness described the chaos that ensued after the shooter opened fire. last game you bet you cite you know if you so you leave so you. know you don't need to change but he will be somebody to look usable by to look up to the museum mostly me like
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to call it because it is here. we have seen people coming outside but the girls to probably high speed and leave other people window into and we go hold leasehold so to come later in the program files of people rallied in central dublin on sunday to show solidarity with the victims of institutional abuse in ireland a story and more in just a few moments stay with us. what politicians do something that. would put themselves on the lawn and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want
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to be arrested. that's a right to be for us that's what before us three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters in the. question. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars and. more than ten white collar crime champions each day. eighty five percent of global will you want to be old rich eight point six percent markets thirty percent this one is your home with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit for sure and one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a.r.u. industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one just showed you know four to miss the one and only boom but.
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that is well it's got a lot of oil but there are a refinery and this is packed oil you know they're trying to levers are well positioned through the machinations of a trip the cars say you know my suggestion is you know maybe build a few refineries you know sell a higher end product and put that money back into the economy in this way may take ten or fifteen years but you're not going to be now taken over by some cia operative. welcome back thousands of people rallied in central dublin on sunday to show solidarity with the victims of institutional abuse in ireland the stand for truth march coincided with the end of pope francis's historic visit to the country which was marked by
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a papal mass those participating carry the banners and blazoned with slogans like truth justice love they marched in silence towards the last mughal in the laundry to close in the country the laundries were predominantly catholic run confinement institutions for women who became pregnant outside of marriage the. pope's visit see weiland has seen people airing their grievances over a range of historic abuse scandals involving the catholic church. i. it's a woman in islands was not married she got pregnant she couldn't go into an irish hospital run by the state they had to go to these units because they were sinners. thank you thank you thank you. thank you i. was. at nighttime we will locks in the
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cell they were like prison cells there was no mattress on the floor we did get abuse in that in different forms they paid mind games with us. you. know i. don't know all this law it's too she go overseas it will last her children to it all she they were told was a washington don't bargain i love to watch the future of our children i turned my back on the church because the church exposed the church full of suspects you know and they hate so much miss even their original baptism certs. i. believe look
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i let the roman catholic church at the global level i directed by the bouncer can has covered up the crimes of priests and has left children women have gone about old. times are perfectly placed starting a new post today. pope francis has pleaded for forgiveness over the catholic church's handling of abuse cases and met with a group of victims to hear their stories hear expressed outrage over what he called repugnance crimes and promise to work to stamp out abuse in the church. the democratic republic of congo has seen its deadliest outbreak of ebola in more than a decade since early august the virus has killed seventy two people out of one hundred eleven confirmed or probable cases meanwhile the last major pan-african are break of ebola between two thousand and fourteen and two thousand and sixteen killed some
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eleven thousand people but for many surviving wasn't the end of their struggle as they were treated as outcasts by their communities parties documentary surviving survival tells their story you can watch it at four pm g.m.t. . whatever morning told i was. not me not a weeks into it it was alive all from storage rooms ready to. my school where people. are getting back to community people we obviously got it on the road you know get off me about it or buy a book. you do not. need.
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to be true to. choice with ideas that is the. title was tough if you live want to. live. and fed and a lot of the four family. members. gone out. with . a lot of things that go on last week. the funny thing is obviously a. lot of you may. not like that. just
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. change. this very very serious. the whole issue and let it go for it's what we. forget. and for what is our moment of the song. right now i did talk about. the tower that you can look for that it would be a man if it was full of people know the you know not only did it just about me but that's what i would do if you have something good like to say about any of our stories would love to herit so do get in touch by following us on social media and leaving your comments i'll be back in just over thirty minutes with all the latest with the other.
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you know world of big. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. going to know what it.
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is. we don't have any. bets on us. so i know you're not. you're not just. what i'm already but i was. there for an up and i must admit that he feels i just don't get it i'm getting letters but those was. one of. my family fussy about my just but that's already yes it will be in the.
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good luck though because a. lot of the amount of the money that they are looking at it to me. this was a good time to. try to move where i'm job now mom. was out loud to get my money not why not act and then again to our son why exxon and the whole people we believe it's up to get. bottom of my kids i don't want them up aside johnny borrell the moment out of town a mother how do it all the kids or is it a little i'm a little work in my building the feel of the pimp i don't want to put out a lot of money which party would i know the muslim brotherhood.
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without the. primal about my god i want to be pulled out by the boy wrote the knock and i. think you know a little bit of what this is that's about. elite the elite in the elite in the center of the us i would have good morning. and i mean everything to rid. us of levels from the.
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future we're going to be. going to do what i would i do what i would. have. been on challenge. the stigma it is to give up he did and it was up to the to do what do i want to do do i want to be able to know that how. would you know what i know. the way to go and i was. going to do it only kinetic around and that includes the former see what i was able i don't bad mouth. pushing the kids to people to ever put your kids to be a problem and all to. a managerial people that when they outgrow it i'm ready
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to speak to everyone i'm ready to. tell my students to have people. needs right. now faster than. they. are so both of them. wolf. my own best ask. my friend has more to.
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during two thousand and fourteen sheer quantity these battles in guinea will last all of our family. did loads to leave without this is on board and as i was in freetown university off to seven days everybody kept sick. my father called me to phone. during the time it was only to ambulance to st i took a while though by starting to to then two by two on two i finished through to the end where the most recent. from. god is i was to call my family.
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i did there i was discharged. discharge officer on the scene my family. so i said to you i want to she's alive. i came back to the community. before we obvious talent on the road. towards him. on that. i'm mention on the road sitting down i said is that everything which is probably set out for me because that would also vibe. right now you don't have a job even something to eat to feed his family. i know him before us
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a project single largest grossing there are due to be starts projects in how to brew costs have to talk to your campin it would also like to convince people that this thing that's easy on we go down to dinner and how fifteen all found and presently we just lost the family all of that shit all of the families as it's not. really falls to move just. to going to. look at it yet it doesn't look you know we have streets to gain and also the obvious ones also like the mystic waiting in. the big thing just became this except he's a good to see this one most abused by one of. the soon. to be out.
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by the bottom six and we'll. have more than five hundred survivors of this organization six killed and. was. landing on a title most of the flow of the list now and. then you move forward to us today and said in the article for. them i'm going to give over now and two of us. self-employed teens and. a lot of fun things and alcohol and lastly. the first they didn't do obviously. while being in a band on the. plane and not one that added yeah. just
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get cindy out it changed. everybody that so rifle that you pull out this big one the one he was the bully i didn't want the world so today we are going out for schools to mosques us to markets business talking to. my ties to not see them they are human beings having the bios anymore. we move them inside it's in our culture oh no so i missed the bus in town looks educated to by you have been on. with the elites who do you have to be saw freedom that's a survival maybe deserts in this that's where trust fund a virus to them so that is why the need to feed these big muscles is from the base will stay. in their own. little man will
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say he was too. long. in the outflow on the day it comes down. to. eat. i left university of two thousand and fourteen. i was in moscow indication. i have no morning to complete my. two. small phase of my life i can write or buy. up all of this is a motorbike. i used to look it from my colleagues and my meant power water left on my hand is three thousand euros. sometimes it's two thousand people who seem to be riding a motorbike those who know geysers or why will they will not break me. they'll
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break on our bike. because it is not my that why will it be this way. where we cannot alter it. so that is why i don't want to you this telling me. about my fears for those people and they were survival. for the rest of the day. and what are called meters on the road to go to. wildlife. how young. like me were able to pick. people in the family.
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i. probably going to. i remember. my dad believed this house. and he did finish it for those who were not before he's dead what i'm try to finish the house when i get money we are not being living. like this. because over the evil. we are living like this we are very sad for this miss because my home took those who. wrote. to me begin to.
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change. all of this judge seidlin deny that asks me for how strict i'm not getting money for big it down i've ended it well i mean i mean money did the house didn't all die but on this sickness in india for not going on not come and then say i get ebola the old girl in the morning of. course but i don't know about of you. thank you very well done little one on the radio. then it came to me. today is all that he does for good old floyd to not get the. job right now. i'm not go daddy feed me and it begins. and it became safe
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in the good old john's full game. whatever. you know. he. needs. to go in and out in the ears use she's going to use easy morning knowing
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that patients when she's an idiot for doubting him so that she got she got it in one in itself because all the way out of the bios and memorize it that is an item only not to lie. when you already told all dot if anybody's doing the mouse. or when you take this route to leak is to show it as a well we both waited in their oyster. we would want to i want to eat over there. join me every thursday on the alec salmon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that.


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