tv News RT August 27, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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america these are their working lower working class kids met them or lowered the standards that normally would be bright enough or have for it not about brains about education they want to get into the army so what did they know one of the problems they had is my god these people didn't have refrigerators i talk to forty or fifty that before i realized you know after i wrote a book about this afterwards and i went i spent six eight months just flying around america talking to kids some slammed the door some did talk to me but many did and they're pointing out their heart they had a problem in vietnamese society when they evacuate one of the planes one of the things we did in the war was we would remove families from their lands that had been ancestral fields for their protection it was called a movement of what we call fortified hamlets which enabled us to declare the areas that they cleared free fire zones you could shoot in anything and when they have villages there were people you could do it so we had evacuated and say it's where they're good and put them in the little armed protected areas with fences around away from their fields i mean they would do but choppers did and in vietnam society
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a mother would never let a child go into a strange threshold first they would go first and the soldiers would say ok when they lined up these kids the same group they would have acted a village and they would say to the woman no children go first and the woman would not knowing which would would resist and they would beat him with their rifle butts and say look at these crazy woman want to go first leaving the kids behind not knowing the culture and so how can you they were as much victims in a way as as those they killed so i'd still be there. in this going underground special after the break. louis. to not be not
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a witch it's real. it was alive also from somewhere you know. i came back to the community. and people we obvious found in on the road lookouts me oh look out it's all bible towards him. you. see. she's going. to see one another and it was all. done. i know you want to this. was also i am not happy my life. i seem on have to die.
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i. am god. you know there's a. really i am going to. welcome back we're still here with his latest book reporter a memoir is out now in the past forty eight i was israeli jets of talking to damascus i mean the war seems to be continuing over kind you said that there were actually. two suspects for the chemical attacks that news of which was beamed around the world is the reason why i say britain should bomb syria why do you think
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money journalists would just said oh there is only one suspect the assad government and well that would happen is with the you're talking about an incident in which syria bashar assad's use of nerve agents against his own people. which is a turkey that was in two thousand and thirteen was a very real from his point of reactionary force there was very hostile to his his presidency. and of course there was constant conflict conflict it was. one of the games and i says later it was a stronghold as we all know now it's bob and bob the smithereens war is awful we americans should maybe be a little more tolerant made to hatred for bashar he had a war it was an awful war and you fought it awfully but so do we everybody does that's the horrible thing about wars and they're not good when it was government funding the white helmets right now that say it's one sided here it's the only can we trust you there's no question there's a look there i'm sure there are some people in the white home with that were very
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actually doing with you know trying to save lives but the it's pretty clear now that they're basically the major funding also i think america was indirectly supplying some money certainly the brits were and so certainly it was a hedge it was a propaganda organization to along with possibly doing some real good relief work but too many times you seen the same child in photographs you know year after year always covered in dust i mean there's been a lot of actually good reporting on it that they do and gauge anti assad but it's very easy here assad is hated and i get a lot of criticism criticism for saying having a different story for example about the use of sarah and i could publish what i wanted about him in america i had a publisher here and a london review now all that happens is in june of two thousand and thirteen there was a very important all source intelligence report put up by the american defense intelligence agency to include it but made a complicated for me i got a copy leaked i guess you call it and it had
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a lot of signals intelligence and the one reason i sort of stay alive i only ten i don't want to write i don't want to cross up any intelligence operation that's reasonable legitimate so i there's a lot of stuff. in this particular document i didn't publish it because i didn't know how much of this stuff is is very competent we're doing us good learning some stuff about the other side i just didn't know so what i had a report that said there was tremendous concern in the community because both turkey the. paramilitary police units were driving truck folds of the chemicals that when mixed together make a nerve agent it's called kitchen sarah and it's very crude the syrian army has a very sophisticated stare and that has additives that make it more lethal more toxicity more penetration much better weapon in fact it's so toxic nerve agent you can once you meld it once you make it taken or. phosphate and. alcohol i mean certain specific kinds you mix them and the additives you have to
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put in a weapon because it will burn through a weapon in a day even a congress seal weapon so it's use it or lose it if you milled it and so we and the israelis used to monitor the syrian chemical arsenals and we could for once we detected a melding it that we were going to attack and israel was in this with us through israel knows the story i'm telling you and we also knew then the syrian army had a very sophisticated weapon and we also knew from this intelligence report that saudi arabia turkey were supplying the basic chemicals to al nusra which is isis was in there that was the cutting edge and so there was a tremendous yes well absolutely. we always think everything you know because there was a law passed in two thousand and two after the invasion that said any time the president could do what he wants with congress so we always called everything. i mean
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everything everything around him in libya it was done in africa because that gives you the cover of the law congress passed that stupid act even push the right to. vien anywhere without going congressional authorization it's amazing piece of legislation talk about dumb anyway the point is this report troubled everybody there was a study done about what can we do about it how many people american soldiers we should we didn't want to have there's a nerve agents suddenly comes this attack and we get a sample from the russians and it's taken to serve peter wall who's the director jeff the head of the british military the sample is taken to his people down here they could take at the port down where they conclude we know what the syria has serious been signed when a signatory to the geneva convention on chemical weapons we we know that syria has we know what it looks like and what was used in that place was not the same as in the syrian military this is told obama two times by the chairman of the joint
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chiefs before the recent. remember the red line when when the attack took place. so when the attack took place it allegedly forty how there was one tenth as many doesn't matter when the attack took place and people were killed and the world said did it my government said that the government knew they knew from this very important intelligence report that caused a huge study to be done inside about what to do but it would take sixty thousand troops to get into the war we were thinking of maybe sending troops on the side of a shot really to get rid of the stuff we don't want these guys to have it and of course there was too many troops and it didn't happen but they knew there were two suspects that knew a noosa had the stuff in syria the stuff forget about having it analyzed they knew right away and they only talked about one and so i wrote an article saying wow that's a whole lot of folks and what i also learned because i was writing months later is that the material that was taken by russia russian and challenges which is quite what can i tell you russian intelligence of damascus i mean without russia i don't
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think he could have survived i think they saved a couple you fifteen he was in trouble he might have survived anyway the army was holding forth there wasn't collapsing as much as people thought that he was having trouble. anyway and by the way i'm always taken his apologist for bashar assad only doing is telling the truth i'm telling facts period. people who fight wars all fight with same way he's he doesn't do anything differently than we do the hell out of people how can the united states use the nuclear bomb and hiroshima did daylight bombing of major cities in germany one thousand forty four cities you know the sent the famous bombings that everyone dreads that just fire storms we just say somebody's house this is war criminal for fighting the war the saves in a war or war and by all accounts the casualties are almost the same of both sides if this is an apology that's just that's just people not wanting to believe not wanting to believe their prefer their they're just like letting their personal dislike overcome the reality the point is that it was analyzed important the brits
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had it and only which is a laboratory we in america respect for the skilled in chemical weapons it was delivered the count was good liver to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff its name is norman dempsey dempsey takes it i write this categorically in the london review i write this i don't say who the source is but i say he takes it you don't hear him denying it you hear nothing said about this takes it to the president and says mr president you can't you don't have a case it's not clear it's not clear bashar did it the same day we learned later years later two thousand and fifteen. obama does a long interview with a man named jeffrey goldberg of planet monthly magazine one of his people he liked a lot twenty thousand word interview in the middle of the interview he says about that incident the red line the head of national intelligence a general named clapper air force one comes to see me and he says mr president. it's not a slam dunk which is you know like they considered to be the that libya perhaps
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it's not that you know it so he didn't do the bombing because he didn't think he could win the case in the public arena that's why he did do the bombing not because there was a deal made on getting rid of weapons he lied and so i write this stuff he didn't tell the truth syria wanted to get rid of the. what pushchairs i want to i wrote in two thousand and three for the new yorker quoting mustapha to last the head of the fence of. these defense minister of syria even defense minister for ten twenty years wrote a lot of poetry was tough and i quote him saying at one point there was a worry that america may take syria and i said what would you do then he said what could i do and i said well you could use a chemical weapons and the caller who was in the new yorker and it was read to him you know the new yorker check stuff he approved this all was in english he speaks english and he said to me. he said those things chemical weapons he says those things those use this things that the old man bashar is father want it off us he
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thought it was a deterrent against israel cost us the fortune teller we have to protect them it's a big pain he said if we use those weapons america could incinerate us with nukes and they'd be right that's our crazy would be to use those weapons i said what would you do then and he said well we let america let the americans calm that they come to damascus so let's see what happens i said what are you talking about he said just like in baghdad when the when the when the when the knights of malta came in the thirteenth century the rivers will be full of their blood he said we have a resistance and so i remember going back and telling my general friends in washington you know. this is not textbook you talk with the defense minute this is not he's not going to defend the country is going to let you come and kill you when you get there they're different i remember saying you're not going to have it's not going to be like the fight against your not going to have a defense of your have to fight your way into the city he's going to let you in and get you when you're there was very interesting but then he was prime minister here
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was telling us it is. the british troops should be involved we're getting huge amount of persuasion here. i mean it's syria now on syria up until say you know the drug is over now and the kurds are cut a deal with bashar assad it's over and terms of changes policies because when it comes to doubt we've been having here a thing where russia has been accused on a regular basis and the british while a bit of assassinating people in britain well that's the case is sort of falling apart there's been several porting from europe and i should say the books as you get older you start researching on w m d contexts for stories for decades now. for example there was a story of let's get let's get to the let me just say this there was a story in the press where syria was using chlorine in. the endgame in the isis and you know this spring there was an endgame and it was stories that they were using sarin gas in chlorine together and so here's why hellman set foot. in the fifty's
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koreans a very volatile gas and it's of great interest to the it's not it's not a worry for egypt and there was a story just the other day about syria drop the u.n. report saying they dropped as chlorine gas spawn there's no such thing in anybody's arsenal a korean bomb you have to how much chlorine can you put into it cory's a gas it dissipates quickly it moves quickly it's not lethal you can breathe and keep on what it's not it's not a war for agent you could there's no such bomb but even more important because chlorine so reactive in the chemical corps in america when they develop those nerve agents in the fifty's they thought let's see what happens if we meld chlorine with it maybe it would soup it up make any. and more more efficient as a killer and it turned out their chlorine immediately first thing it did in their field reports is published documents in the field immediately would go and grab all the hydrogen molecules from this era dignity disappeared so worked exactly the opposite in other words and drop of course would become just another useless gas it
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would be much less lethal the korean would make it weak so that you can't which isn't the way it was record you can't use air and chlorine together just about the nobody does any homework the script and we had geoffrey robertson q.c. one of the world's leading human rights barristers on russia as a positive on this killing live in and go here the m i six by. we were told in this country i mean clearly this was a little military grade. nerve gas as if you have to population you that you can have no idea of military grade military grade v.x. . you could wipe out half of london with that one i mean it's really it was well we'll call this story you'll take a look i've written about it so i ask myself that i have written the story i always had about it from my friends in america is. those two were helping your british intelligence services with information about the russian mafia that's what they were doing here in other words the people that would high in the list that would want to hurt them would be the russian mafia russians but not the russian got to
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worry about the screwballs with him i mean that was the understanding and there's also been some reporting in europe of it that it's been pretty much wiped widespread there was a story but the same after the same thing that they were actually were doing work for the marriage for the british intelligence committee activities i mean there is a big russian mafia let's face it and but that isn't the russian government all you would say is i think i mean tell me what i was told but i haven't done any reporting on it so i don't know firsthand i know secondhand i've been told by people in america because you ask about it is that is that most likely the most likely they they were known to have been talking to the six and five relevant six or five people that i am i five or six people about what they knew about russian corruption in and you're not in russia again you know the activities and so the only you from there you can draw your own conclusions of all who wanted to further . let's say for one of your favorite shows from this season will continue to
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show your favorite search engine way back for the season but we'll see if the september don't come to us by the social media. not right now but i wonder how can other demands on our good luck go to that but not out of the mouth of the money there when i met him. this was a good time to. try to move there i'm job now mom. no not that ultimately ultimately not why not check general grant our son
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or ex chanting in the old people we believe is the beer. bottle of my kids i don't want them up or so johnny boy are they of the moment i want to tell them about how the little accuser is a little odd i'm a little white community older looking at the things i don't want to put out the other two mothers are doing that all the mother brother. join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to get us through the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you there .
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thank you moscow says the u.s. expansion of infrastructure capabilities newest syria could be a sign of washington's getting prepared ahead of a possible false flag chemical attack by terrorists in italy a province. wow thanks. hundreds of far right supporters rally in the german city of kemet after locals stop to death in an incident involving people of quote various nationalities we look at how this case reflects the crisis over migrant integration across western europe. the french president emmanuel mccracken sees the security of europe should
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no longer rely solely on the u.s. . to. a very warm welcome it's six pm here in moscow and you're watching r.t. international with me thank you eric great to have you with us. on the syrian government says it's ready to recapture the last major rebel stronghold it lip damascus has been deploying additional forces to the front line of the enclave though it still says it's willing to pursue a course of reconciliation however that idea was snubbed by the key militant group controlling the area where our sharm its leader warned other factions from talking to damascus.
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meanwhile the russian defense ministry says the u.s. is expanding its strike capabilities near syria moscow says it has intelligence that you harvest store intending to stage a chemical attack which the west could use to justify action against the syrian government a strike on cases eiter using poison laden missiles is planned within the next forty eight hours that some players outside the region are preparing yet more provocations on syrian soil involving chemical weapons with the aim of destabilizing the situation there and undermining the positive dynamics of the ongoing peace process. more the missive warns that it's the white helmets pro rebel group that will be there first with cameras and tweets as they usually are whenever
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there are rumors of chemical attacks and we reached out to them for comment and as is also usual the u.s. and its power stabbed ready with guns drawn we now see plans for the syrian regime to resume offensive military activities and it with. we are obviously. about the possibility that it may use chemical weapons again if the syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly it's getting very hot in the area america's just pulled up another guided missile cruiser packed with tomahawk missiles the weapon of choice when attacking syria also u.s. strategic bombers heavy duty stuff have just arrived in the neighborhood the russians also acting moving more and more ships to the mediterranean room it's
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a submarine stool and it's cool dreadfully reminiscent of what happened last. meal weeks before the alleged chemical incident in ghouta the incident that provoked a british friends and us missile barash well mia weeks before that the russians warned the rebels were preparing to stage a chemical attack now they're warning it will happen. which begs the question why oh why. who has almost won this war why would he launch a chemical attack and invite disaster now there is no value for
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syria or its allies in using chemical weapons against any of the terrorists syria is already winning syria has already won along with its allies along with russia and with iran and hezbollah they have already essentially defeated the tech feeding terrorist instead of cleanup time the other thing you've got is we have so many times been told that the organization for the preventing prohibition of chemical warfare has emptied syria of all of its chemical weapons this happened a few years ago but we keep getting told syria is making chemical weapons. almost a thousand people gathered as an anti migrants demonstration in the german city of kenneth's as right wing sentiments continues to raise its head protesters held both tools of police who tried to disperse the crowd on the space all of the reports on how small case balked a massive protest wave which reflects an overall trend across western europe. well
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that crowd that we saw there of around eight hundred people including it said members of a far right football hooligan outfit marauding through central kim it all was sparked following the stabbing to death of a thirty five year old man in the early hours of sunday morning two other people were seriously wounded in that incident a twenty two year old iraqi and a twenty three year old syrian man have been taken into custody following that and it prompted opposition figures to come out and say that this shows that integration in germany isn't working that the police are failing to keep people safe now since twenty fifteen germany has taken in over a million refugees and migrants and integration has been a problematic issue the most recent proposal that was put forward which involved compulsory community service and also. also conscription into the military was
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recently dismissed by the chancellor. i don't want to enter d.s. compulsory military service i've consulted with military chiefs the l.c.d. the professional soldier is not what it used to be and has changed. but it's not just in germany the question over integration has been raised in france senior figure within the center right republican party has said that the current policies on integration aren't working and if things continue then european identity european civilization as he puts it as we know it could be at risk. how can we fail to realize that we have reached the limit as regards integration and that this must immigration have to depots as a cultural threat to european civilization over three years since the first refugees and migrants started to arrive in europe there's certainly no consensus and no catch all solution on how to integrate them into society.
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french president emanuel necron has that his plans for europe's defense speaking to the country's ambassador as he underlines the region security can no longer rely so heavily on the u.s. . a lot pre-commit europe can no longer rely solely on the united states receipt curacy sent to us today to take responsibility and guarantee european security and consequently european sovereignty mr michael went to outline a number of points to the united states which are very similar to cripes that the european union has with the united states and particularly the trump administration this things such as the trade wars that we've seen in recent months this is the hiking of steel an element in tariffs with countries around the world also the fact that the trumpet ministration his withdrawal from the paris climate accord it's also withdrawn from the iranian nuclear deal earned of course there has been doubts
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from the trumpet ministration particularly from president trump himself over nato itself which is the security force bowings the u.s. and europe now he's talked in the past saying that he thinks the u.s. is doing too much so all of these concerns have prompted mark can say we can't now rely on the u.s. the security we have to do something about it ourselves what is that well he's talked about this close defense cooperation here in europe but he's also said that europe needs to look beyond its borders and to look to other countries such as russia in the future. for stamp this reinforce on a dirty would imply revisiting the european architecture of difference in security by knish eating renewed dialogue on cybersecurity chemical weapons conventional weaponry territorial conflicts space security the protection of the partisan sympatico with russia i want to launch exhaustive reflection with our european partners in a broad sense with russia defense relationship with russia mr michael said depends
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on europe and russia finding a mutual agreement in progress when it comes to the minute's peace agreement on the continued conflict on the train so it seems that as the u.s. continues to isolate itself from longstanding such as you european union that could be no paving the way to a new relationships with other countries to manage. u.s. intelligence agencies are reportedly complaining that their source isn't russia is that legal and final and it comes amid a host of fresh russian meddling allegations ahead of the american mid-term elections hawkins picks up the story less than two years after the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election the russians are at it again the end words this time it's the u.s. mid-term elections in the crosshairs of kremlin meddling another russian of charcot our elections a serious warning.
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