tv News RT August 28, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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also talk to me in my life. i soon long have to die. i. twenty people are left injured as anti and pro migrant protesters clashing in germany young rest was fueled by the stopping of a man on sunday. hopes of a fresh lead in the trump russia collusion investigation after the attorney of trump's. tracks on claims he has evidence of any illicit contact. head of general election in sweden isn't gang related crimes taking place in so-called vulnerable areas we visit one such district. right now we're driving to the southern part of stockholm and swedish capital to one of the areas called by
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police as vulnerable areas or especially vulnerable areas or reask the virtually. to. a very warm welcome it's three pm here in moscow and you're watching r.t. international with me karen great to have you with us this hour. now some three thousand and eighty and probably migrant activists clashed over two days in the german city of kemet leaving twenty people injured including two police officers the unrest was prompted by the arrest of an iraqi and a syrian following a stabbing of a man on sunday artie's peter all of the reports from the city very different scenes here on tuesday morning when we saw on monday evening if we come over here just to my left the iconic statue the iconic head of coal marks that kimmitt says
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so she feigned for this was the rallying point of that demonstration that the took place on monday evening to the was. was to the or was this was where we saw the the pushing the shoving the some pyrotechnics were thrown and we saw some people that were wounded by that some literal blood on the streets here of kim that is that have been seen and this all came about because of what happened just over to my right here you'll be able to see a small shrine a small vigil still taking place at the spot where thirty five year old man will stand today in the early hours of sunday morning this was following the the city
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festival here in him it's a vague citywide celebration that was taking place now a twenty two year old iraqi man and a twenty three year old syrian a currently in custody in connection with that death we also understand some other people who were involved in that fight have are still in hospital receiving treatment now what this has done is it's really brought to the the surface. tensions that have existed in germany since twenty fifteen and the muscle arrival of people of refugees and migrants into the country the two main suspects in this killing are two people from the middle east has certainly inflame tensions and we certainly heard from the government here in germany was chancellor angela merkel saying that she would not tolerate what she called a vigilante justice of course this is become really the epicenter of that split between the left in the right between those that believe that refugees should be
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welcomed here and those that say that they're trying to defend the german this almost certainly an ongoing situation here in kimmitt we were here in the early hours of the morning taking some pictures and taking the the gauging the atmosphere and certainly it was one where people were. understandably concerned about what would come next the hate between the people for immigration and against immigration . and that's a problem for our country or our thirty year i have never seen anyone refugees or have experienced anything like that. received. here. situation my parents say don't go into city stay at home came not from pantries so i was it came from our uncles they came from tunisia and sent us
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a problem and they make six rooms well this is where the violent unrest has been taking place has a population of about two hundred fifty thousand people political analysts rain iraq first ses public anger as a migration poses a real threat. well we can see that the tensions grow higher and higher in respect to the migration issues and the related security issues and the frustration among certain parts of the population grows as it seemingly is not possible with an existing security system also the judicial system to probably take care of the growing challenges becomes a real threat that citizens who are already really frustrated and aggressive take to the streets and also try to punish the people who look as if they were refugees or migrants and attack them.
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hopes of a fresh lead in the trump russia collusion probe have been dashed off to the attorney for the us presidents former the way a backpedaled on earlier claims he now says his client has no proof of any illicit connections artie's caleb maupin reports from new york. the attorney representing trump's lawyer michael cohen has been going around the mainstream media indicating that he's getting ready to release a bombshell about trump russia collusion now the press has been salivating like a hungry hound anxious to get their hands on the smoking gun the trump russia probe has been waiting for i can tell you that. mr cohen has knowledge on certain subjects that should be of interest to the special counsel and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows davis isn't just speaking in
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generalities he said he had information about the d.n.c. being hacked he also said he had information about the now infamous meeting between donald trump jr and two russian nationals supposedly about digging up information about hillary clinton now he says he's willing to share this information with the special counselor except now he's backtracking he says it's all a big misspeak i should have been more clear including with you that i could not independently confirm what happened i regret my ira now the attorney for michael cohen isn't just retracting his own words he seems to be throwing cold water on something that c.n.n. treated like a breaking news explosion sources with knowledge tell myself and call that michael cohen claims then candidate donald trump knew in advance about the june twenty sixth meeting in trump tower crucially these sources tell us that cohen is willing to make that assertion to the special counsel wabbit moeller the reporting of the story got mixed up so michael cohen does not have information that president trump
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knew about the trump tower meeting with the russians beforehand or you know this c.n.n. stands by its report why let the truth get in the way of a good story but for donald trump who has been screaming the f. word for months that word is fake by the way this fits his narrative perfectly michael cohen's with. clarified the record saying his client does not know if president trump knew about the trump tower meeting out of which came nothing the answer is that i did not know about the meeting just another phony story by the fake news media so why is this such a big deal well if the story had panned out it would have meant that finally bob muller had some significant evidence it's been over a year and a half since the special counsel has been sent out to investigate issues related to trump and russia collusion so far he has uncovered some foul play from some former trouble so see it but nothing related to russia it looks like michael collins
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lawyer had everyone convinced that finally there would be some real evidence surfacing but alas it looks like we got faked out again still no evidence back to square one but it looks like the investigation has no sign of stopping. r.t. new york. a us presidential candidate i know would winning war correspondent one of times forward finds is the u.k. opposition lead to other rock star well they may appear not to have much in common but according to one blog they are all supporters of so-called assault is the dawn of explains. labeling people as in fashion has been for the past couple of years in fact populist mainstream deplorable or when it comes to syria and a scientist like a sadist to but who also supports the syrian president at least that seems to be the logic behind an index of names recently claude together i chose primarily this term rather than the narrower term pro assad because some of the public figures in
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this list explicitly denied being pro assad but still persistently repeat core lines of regime propaganda narratives steve baron and glenn greenwald boris johnson norm chomsky let's say the chances of coming across any other list banding these people together are slim you published an article full of lies because you're too lazy and or malicious to care that you're doing it i never defended the assad regime in my life this is astonishing and a useful directory of people defending their sudra sheen what an absolute joke in fact the author was quite meticulous coming up with a ten point quote unquote scale of a side ism and having read through those i figured that maybe i should offer my umbrella systems in completing this list as by no means does it look finished take this point implying the west has somehow supported al nusra or isis i think we're
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backing people we have no idea who they are the rebels we call of the rebels the patriotic rebels we have no idea lot of people think you know that they are isis how about expanding it with the whole staff of the u.s. state department and they denied entry to the leader of the white helmets over security concerns and after all being mean to them is a capital offense to any individual in any group. suspected of. ties or relations with extremist groups or was that we had believed to be a security threat to united states we would act accordingly but as for those who are already on. we've interviewed a couple of them documented is this ridiculous in many ways but it's also deeply worrying and concerning it is part of a witch hunt against people who don't accept the government line on military intervention in the middle east supporters based on no facts whatsoever. really.
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takes no account whatsoever of my actual views on. what we're looking at here just with this blacklist is something published by someone who we had never heard of before totally obscure figure is just like comical level of research and it's being promoted by the same people who have been not only promoting western intervention in syria but who have been dedicated for the past two years to attacking and mirroring anyone who gets in their way all over the list was a bit of a nobody before giving man birth to his catalogue but as its popularity swells let the public shaming commence. with elections looming in sweden right wing support his gaining momentum now summit a spate of incidents in swedish cities of gangs setting cars on fire almost two thousand cars have been torched across the country since january with
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a record reached this month when i have one hundred cars were burnt off on the license several hours. for the most any custom have often the question has to be asked of those people are diverse you want to hack where you're doing order for good how do you think you are born if you destroyed the whole area of the neighborhood for the children on their way to preschool you have to see burnt out cards that are going to cause them awfully hard response from society any of us or should i just never if an ocean i visited one troubled district where the local journalist. or. was. there something after. the hollowness one of this noble souls or we're going.
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right now we're driving to the southern part of stockholm the swedish capital to one of the areas called by police as found the ribble area or especially vulnerable area or risk area how the refer to lead but in the media very often they call these neighborhoods right now around sixty one of them officially stood by police as no go so and he with me is still a swedish journalist chang freak thank you so much for being my guy tonight. no guns are needed in sweden seriously of course you can go dar. you will have problem if you go to with the camera or if your police. for years swedish vulnerable areas have been grabbing headlines over she teen in car burnings the latter has nearly doubled every ten years why do they burn the car and i think
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it's like the show police that there were called for all of the police to go. lots of people are going though because you know if you could walk if you have a parking lot with what the cost of or only put one coral fire of course it will spread to the next door an extra. just a common thing that people leave those areas they move there so soon as they make some more money they move away immediately definitely you don't want your kids to go into school you hear horror the feeling. that sparked the discussion is a true about if it's a local saw about. this it's a politician under so you give up for example a source. he called it no it's a go go so you know so you were. hollered i used to live there. over he said with the police never figured out why they got out the day out of course. after the police car so they had to call for what you call the. truck to get the way the
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police got when it was start to prove it's a go go so named for high criminality rate theories have also a reputation for drug trade. terrorists place where there's a lot of drugs we see the people of the religious go out there are. people standing here and women like even if you are blind you will see what they are dealing drugs it's not like they are hiding it but the few people who have. ever. i don't violent that would like to. know told not to be in jail you know both of those mafia give me money no money but. was that did he shoot the gun you may know. but what we've seen across sweden's vulnerable areas looked quite tense just like the country's prime minister has
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described although the authorities never agreed many tend to blame the massive number of immigrants for the situation. people think that it's related to these two thousand and fifteen immigration crisis with no this is because of immigration we have twenty years ago a lot of these people are criminal or second generation immigrants the parents correct me if you want to be a bit dramatic you could say that the worst is still ahead of us. some locals doubt the traveled areas that no go zones but police claim no such areas exist prefer him to call them vulnerable areas there characterized by high crime rate. and social exclusion we spoke to adrian clarke lipo a social scientist he says economic hardship among my clients is at the root of the problem. understand that look at how low it got it because it discovered what we
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have to poverty not allowing. my grounds to get into the labor markets also that's that's a big brawl and here we are. in there making enough to change their political. party the first time he story. from the social democrats and get him into very very kind i p rights new york a not for a political. situation here so all sort of course it's a little bit got a lot to. thank the choosing r.t. international will be back after this very short break stay with us.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent this one is just some with four hundred to five hundred trees per second per second and that one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one doesn't show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom box.
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welcome back where dick you list misinformation that's what the u.s. led coalition in syria has branded a report on our website dot com well that all tickle on a syrian refugee camp was however simply quoting the russian foreign ministry on taste american looks at the accuracy of the claims in question. purnell sean ryan spokesman for operation here and resolve the u.s. led coalition against myself said that we were pushing quote ridiculous information after reading one of the articles of syria to be distracted by ridiculous misinformation from r.t. the coalition is focused on defeat isis mission and we continue to work with fora to secure the l. towns region in southern syria the article in question was an op ed that it quotes from the russian ministry of foreign affairs who asserted that i still had
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infiltrated work on refugee camp in syria and that the us government was fully aware of it which claimed as a coalition support to be misinformation about the presence of feisal in the camp or that the us was aware of it the look on refugee camp is located in the southwestern all done so region in syria in an area controlled by the international coalition it's one of the largest refugee camps in syria hosting tens of thousands of refugees and islamic state infiltration is well documented the last un security council report braced fears over potential faisel tots from inside the camp densely populated ruben camp in southern syrian arab republic contains some eighty thousand internally displaced persons including families of eisel fighters a situation which member states fear might generate a new eisel cells and group one camp has been hit by at least four terrorist attacks over the past three years the islamic state has claimed three of them in
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fact the ice will track one stop to the jordanian government to close its board near the camp and concern over possible infiltration is one of the reasons that jordan has cited for being its borders closed syrian refugees. there are some people or isis people with inside. trying to control and to create some sims inside the kim could in the cease. not till the camp first story they were told it would be too dangerous because of the presence of islamic state fighters say so or at least it's meant to be but the jordanian military pilot who took us in wouldn't fly over it and the isis fighters these people fled from are inside it so the presence of ice on the camp hasn't been a secret washington's stated goal in syria is the defeat of islamic state terrorists so it's hard to believe that their presence in an area controlled by the
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international coalition would go undetected if the u.s. military isn't aware of the issue or she is more than ready to provide open source information r.t. has reached out operation here at resolve to find out what part of the article was misinformation but we've yet to hear from them that's international would like to know what part of this article was ridiculous misinformation if there are no ice or fighters in the area what is the mission of the us military base in the region given the stated goal of all us operations is the defeat of voice and we look forward to your answer. the un says military officials in myanmar should be prosecuted for genocide accusing them of the grave this crimes against the hinge of muslims the minority group which numbered of around a million at the start of two thousand and seventeen is not regarded as citizens in the southeast asian country the patterns of gross human rights violations rape gang rape sexual slavery forced nudity and mutilation the greatest crimes under
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international law we didn't. receive any cooperation from the myanmar government we are deeply disappointed that state councilor darren suki san suu kyi has not used the position or her moral authority to stem prevent or condemn the unfolding events in iraq and state. over the years on sun suchi the country's defacto leader has repeatedly denied any ethnic cleansing has taken place she also blocks the u.n. fact finding mission from accessing the area in two thousand and seventeen or despite that she's been seen as something of a hero in the west she previously want to nobel peace prize and the u.s. congressional gold medal hollywood even made her life story into a film on top leaders called her an inspiration power of your example which has been inspirational people all around the world including myself a fearless champion of human rights and democracy your example your
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perseverance and your beliefs is a huge inspiration to people across britain and people around the world. clearly you will be playing a key role in your country's future for many years to come thank you for your inspiring message. most icky doris man head of the u.n. fact finding mission in myanmar believes that the country's leader has ignored the atrocities in the region when you use terms like ethnic cleansing which i think is a little extreme i don't think this ethnic cleansing going on i think ethnic cleansing is too strong an expression to use what's happening at the state council or. would have been able to do more than what she has and. she was clearly. of her responsibilities and we were just a disappointment that. moral authority. to do something about
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this you have to start to stand. policies that need to be there to address. the un considers the revenge of the most persecuted minority in the world and kohls the situation and human rights catastrophe as a result of military offensives against the minority at least three hundred ninety two villages have been destroyed and thousands killed the un also stresses cases of women being gang raped and children assaulted. while here don t. would love to hear your thoughts on all of our stories so do get in touch by following us on social media and leaving your comments there will be back with all the latest headlines at the top of the out john is that if you can.
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join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm sure business i'll see you there. you know provision out of my pocket i wanted to. ask but i. just i don't hide i lost his boss because i've got the. resources you know. any of those doesn't but that's honest i don't mean to any of them. so i says you know what i was you know i got you know just i mean my most wanted i'm already but it was sped up out of me just a lot of the media even. if it up i must admit that he was i just don't get it on the disabled list but those was the office they just
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needed to sign those people are going to spend on one of these but i was just this by this part of. my family plus an equal credible but you suspect that that already has equestrian he thought of getting up there calling quincy just implementing my thought allowed. me to. put themselves on the line. they did accept the reject. so when you want to be president and she. wanted. to go right to be first it's a wonderful. people. i'm interested always in the water. they said.
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elite league will be leading the league in the cinema c. of the reasons i would have good morning or. no i mean everything to rid. us of all forms. if you're going to be. going to do what i would anyone i want to. do not on challenge. the stigma. this city might be doing and it will come to that they do but doing what they did they wanted able to not how. would you know it are not. the way to go and i wish. to god
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it only kinetic around in the womb before me really see what i was and i will i don't get mad. push really gets to people to ever put your kids to problem and all to. a managerial people get what if they are broke i'm ready to speak to everyone i'm ready to. tell my soon to have people. to my needs right. now faster than.
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