tv Watching the Hawks RT August 28, 2018 10:30am-11:00am EDT
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the angeles times force large employers such as amazon wal-mart and mcdonald's to fully cover the cost of food stamps public housing medicaid and other federal assistance received by their employees if passed by congress this legislation would essentially force corporations to pay a living wage and curb roughly one hundred fifty billion in taxpayer dollars that go to funding federal assistance programs for low grade workers each year the vermont senator has been on a rampage against bezos the amazon dot com founder and richest man in the world of late pointing out that while bezos is worth over one hundred fifty billion and climbing the average amazon worker makes around twenty eight thousand dollars a year. that's just for hours and dollars more than the federal poverty level for a family of four. and while senator sanders heart is in the right place will there be political will in washington to take the modern day titans of capitalism that is
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the question at hand as we grab ringside seats to the oldest ongoing fight in human history the haves versus the have nots the kings versus the serbs the cold shivering masses versus the warm and gilded few as we start watching. the. real thing. as it gets to the bottom. like you know that i got. this. welcome we're going to watch the harks i am tire open and i'm top of the law and examined they. are but i'm jeff and this is the thing that we've talked about this
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with wal-mart for years as we have and we talked about in the donald's to actually selling their employees like giving them hints about here you should get food stamps of. your income or here's the budget and now what we see is that amazon this huge employer that makes all of this money and gets lots of corporate welfare you know. here they are again here they are again they're relying on taxpayers to cover their employees' living expenses essentially that sort of break down to you know rather than pay these employees a living wage to where these people can. without the help of the government now it's not paying that much let's just let the government fill in the blanks that we because we want to make more money because jeff needs to buy. i don't know what more can he buy with that much more than two hundred. the
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legislation is essentially a one hundred. home the. one hundred percent tax on large employers that's equal to the amount of federal benefits received by their low wage workers it breaks down like this if an amazon worker let's say receives three hundred dollars in food stamps and was on the company would then be taxed three hundred dollars essentially making up the funds spent by the government worker and this tax would actually apply to all companies with five hundred or more employees so it's really aimed at your larger stablished conglomerates and corporations it's not after like the mom and pop shop very few mom and pop shops are sitting around with a hundred thousand employees and so that's basically it's kind of forcing the past would force them to pay their employees a living wage and then they have the end of the day no one. at amazon or any employed by them and any to. qualify for public benefits.
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even a possibility i would argue a company of that size making that much money where it. is the richest man in the world fifty billion. even if they're a part time worker they should be paid enough. but what's really crazy is when you look at like the individual states where they. this research yeah well one of the leaders that we didn't have they didn't have sex on every single stage but one of them and so they looked at was arizona and what's really those according to the new food a company that just in the state of arizona amazon was awarded roughly four million in subsidies for million and subsidies in the company employs about six thousand people in the save more than eight hundred of those employees were on food stamps and twenty seven thousand that's one in three one in three employees of amazon in arizona has to have public assistance in order to have enough food to eat you
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literally own grown entire grocery chain you literally yourselves is a great. they have a response they have a response amazon spokesman melanie is told the media the figures were misleading because they only include people who only work for amazon for a short period of time and or who chose to work part time we have hundreds of full time roles available however some prefer part time for the flexibility or other personal reasons she added that the average hourly wage for full time workers and those warehouses more than fifteen dollars an hour when stock instead of both this is of course factored in yeah and one other thing before we go on we have to remember is that amazon actually just started taking snap online so you can buy groceries so i guess if you get a discount boy or an amazon employee might make up for them or pay paul. well moving on the u.s.
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military applied what they called tactical use chemicals on foliage during the vietnam war it was all part of a mission called operation ranch hand in which herbicides and defoliants were sprayed on rural areas in south vietnam to deprive the viet cong of cover and food these weaponized tactical chemicals were called rainbow herbicides it is because they included agent green agent purple and well the most well known and most dangerous agent orange recorders or website documentation the united states department of veterans affairs has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumption of diseases associated to exposure to agent orange or other herbicides during military service some of the diseases they said they are presumed to be caused by agent orange and other herbicides include but are not limited to chronic b.s.l. leukemia hodgkins disease non hodgkins lymphoma parkinson's disease prostate cancer and respiratory cancers including lung cancer in addition the v.a.
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presumed certain birth defects in children of vietnam and korea veterans are associated with the veterans exposure to agent orange meaning the v.a. recognizes that birth defects in u.s. veterans children were caused by exposure to agent orange when said to one of the nine makers of the agent orange for the u.s. government during the vietnam war claims they're not responsible for the effects of the product on veterans or the many many innocent v.n. to me is in korean stating but the government said the prospects of occasions for making agent orange and determined when and where and how it was made agent orange were only produced for and used by the us government however the recent verdict in the us courts found finding monsanto legally responsible for the cancer causing a fax of its pesticide roundup were and were ordered to pay two hundred eighty one million dollars to one of their victims which has led the nation of vietnam's foreign minister to repeat a longstanding demand that monsanto and eight other companies that made agent orange. compensate should compensate vietnamese victims so is it time that
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companies like monsanto are held responsible for the damage their products have caused or will they be able to hide behind the us government leaving victims without any justice yes by all means they should be held accountable man put put yes take it to court take it to court international court whatever you got to do take them to court and find out that's right that's my opinion and it looked agent orange was devastated yeah and you can hide behind well the government asked us to do it but if you knew it was dangerous you should have spoken up at the time right and there's a leg we didn't even know how to make it was just awesome dow chemical and we just didn't have a clue about how to make it they told us yeah i mean look the us military sprayed over twenty million gallons of herbicides like agent orange in to be at cambodia laos from sixty one to seven to ten years of the stuff age in order contains the chemical dioxin put in on the hat here now and explain how this works which
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accumulates in the fatty tissues this part of mammals me and was found by the world health organization to be get this highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental damage developmental problems damage the immune system interferes with hormones and also cause cancer wow more than thirteen million gallons of agent orange were used were used which amounted to almost two thirds of the total amount of herbicides used during the entire vietnam war all of that poison dumped on a country of people right and like just in vietnam just in vietnam is thirteen million gallons and you're talking about cambodia and laos and their people nor north korea. still that's you would still feel the effects and of course they have no go back to the worst of all they are and i believe their twisting kind of international start to get a row being held responsible for this yeah so there's just a moral moral quandary it's just
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a moral. in two thousand and four the vietnam association for the victims of agent orange filed a lawsuit against alchemical and thirty manufacturers or all the manufacturers of agent orange in their various pieces so while the court agreed with the plaintiffs that the herbicide campaign that the agent orange spraying campaign was controversial it didn't tack to really support the contention that the use of agent orange violated a universally accepted norms and i explain how this works whoa this is because the norms such as those would go against international law or war crime don't necessarily prohibit the deployment of materials that are only secondarily harmful to humans so here's the point essentially what they said was that the herbicide was meant to kill plants and food it was not meant to cause death and disease to be innocent people so technically because it wasn't intended. so perfect better
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soldiers it's not a violation of international law all right well you know that's like using the excuse the wall hey i'm sorry i shot you in the head you were standing in front of the other guy i was trying to shoot right like that's ridiculous like the sort of worst excuse i've ever heard i was learning down the house to get rid of the ants not you understand you just happened to be there and get burned alive my bad you know it's interesting too is that there was also a major lie attached to all this because chemical companies claimed they had no way of making it safer for humans that's what they claim yet in-house memos show that they did have a way to make agent orange safer much safer for humans but in case you haven't guessed that they didn't because it would be a slight reduction in profit profits over people all right as we go to break lock watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered a facebook or twitter see our poll shows that are t.v. dot com coming up artie's ceremony brings us the latest in the good life debate
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legal wars and then sean stone sits down with a libertarian socialist who's running for office in michigan going to miss this state so watching the whole. and outlets are going to come back a lot of it on our blog go to one of the not out of the lot of them out of the daily when i get out of germany. this was
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a good time to. try to move there i'm. not that i want to get out my little body not for nor against our son or a changing of the old people we believe this up again. a lot of my kids i don't want them up with a john even a lot of the moment a column about how to do it all because there is a lot of money on i'm a little work in my building looking at the pink i don't want to put out a look to my work party or the old the mother of one of the. good politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president interim. or somehow want to be preached
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. to going to be for us but what about for three of the more people that are interested always in the waters in the. first six. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. four different versions of what. one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the english did not shoot around a corner. with months and so now facing down the sins of its agent orange past let's take
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a look at its go ice of a lawsuit filled present after san francisco jury recent two hundred eighty nine million dollar ruling against the corporate giant and the recent discovery of life as a possible carcinogen main ingredient of months on those best selling round up being found in many breakfast cereals the question on everyone's mind is just what does the future hold for the bear owned agro chemical giant and its marquee product r t sarah montecito oka has been following this story since it first made headlines and is the latest on the round up on the latest developments in the ongoing saga. in a california verdict earlier this month monsanto was ordered to pay two hundred eighty nine million dollars to doing johnson who developed non hodgkin's lymphoma after using the weed killer according to a national university at resort study in argentina roundup is linked to several types of cancers including breast prostate and lung cancers and in a previous study researchers found that when parents were exposed around during the
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two years prior to the child's birth the risk of the child being born with brain cancer is significantly higher there is now global momentum to band to say in two thousand and ten doctors from across latin america formed an organization doctors of human data towns to speak out against the weed killer in a documentary released this year the filmmaker highlights the social and environmental concerns in these agricultural toxins now the national conference held in argentina dr. paediatrician specializing in environmental health explained his concerns we've gone from a pretty healthy population to one with the high rate of cancer birth defects than illnesses seldom seen before but we have complained about for years was confirmed and especially would doctor say about the spray towns in areas affected by industrial agriculture cancer cases are multiplying as never before in areas with massive use of pesticides and in the last few years more than four hundred cities and towns in argentina have banned by the state since in
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a recent study scientists found that regions in argentina where the herbicide is still commonly used have seen miscarriages and birth defects that are twice the national average outside latin america a french farmer whose prostate cancer may have been caused by roundup has now taken legal action against monsanto and helping his case the government of france has vowed to ban life to save and welcome the recent california verdict in the u.s. as well pending legal cases against monsanto have surged with eight thousand lawsuits now up in the air. meanwhile the e w g who released the report to say in serials is encouraging parents to come forward as a reminder of these cereals may be found in your kitchen cabinet and include several children's breakfast food such as cheerios and lucky charms in a recent statement they said what can parents do demand that the food companies provide products that don't have toxic pesticides in them and when possible we encourage families to purchase organic products as
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a favor and healthier choice and it looks like some day care centers in chicago are ready being proactive one chicago area locations stop serving cheerios in response to the report perhaps this is just the start of the market pulling back on products containing the cancer causing herbicide in washington fairmont to r.t. . in the world of food many things just do not go together but are how much we wish they would show. peanut butter soup you know. many would argue the same can be said for political ideology you're not going to see a very liberal minded conservative or a capital capitalism having communist these ideologies like a pig in the middle of just don't mix or do that recently our own sean stone sat down with matt koval one of the founders of the libertarian socialist caucus in the libertarian party yes you heard me right
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a libertarian socialist and he is currently running for a seat in the michigan house of representatives. struck. exploration really interesting political ideology. in two thousand and sixteen where i felt i could make a difference in support. candidates in political action it was gary johnson that brought me in and. coming in there wasn't any infrastructure of nobody in the area that i live in a mccollum county there was supporting his campaign we had to and one of the biggest counties in michigan i had to help build up an affiliate and the entire time i got told gary johnson wasn't a libertarian he didn't belong in the party i don't belong in the party and i've been fighting that mentality that you know exclusionary practice that i think is limited to the libertarian party but i think it's very detrimental to trying to build
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a successful political movement. right but from my understanding libertarianism is sort of the greatest advocates of privatization people would argue for privatization of you know milton friedman style privatization of education privatization of just about everything and limiting the government to a very small government so doesn't that go completely against socialism and even some of your ideas which i understand you're for example against the idea of private property. yes and you know what drew me into the party was really you know it's stances on anti-war you know eliminating victimless crime laws though those are issues that i'm passionate about. and i think those are the biggest issues that we are facing the privatization everything that came after and i never really took to it the libertarian socialist ideals do flip that script a little bit when it comes to especially private property we make
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a distinction between private property and personal property you know absent. giving title owner. for absentee owners letting natural resources be privatized in the hands of the few we see this as authority we see a directly opposed to libertarian principles so what we advocate for is more worker control unionization you know we don't want to see people subjected to landlords and renting we want to see everybody not only have property rights but be able to exercise those property rights. certainly it's so but as a libertarian do you advocate fundamentally that there should be. more private sector control more corporate control in decision making than is currently decided that obviously in our country we have a tremendous amount of government interference when it comes to everything from
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land rights to taxation you know all the private sector there seems to be a very strong marriage between the corporations and the government the big corporations that is so if in terms of the libertarian agenda would you want to see corporations also taking the role of creating socialist parameters would the government be taking that job or. basically how does it play out to the small and medium sized businesses have more stake and have more influence in our government and your. agenda. yeah as far as we're concerned i mean socialism and democracy go hand in hand when it comes to libertarian socialism we don't want to see a state having control of what we want to see you know individual communities having autonomy forming democracy you know built by working class people. we do want to see you know things like infrastructure and organization and that's
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that's a tool you know democracy is the tool that you would use to build those up i am completely against privatization. again i think privatization it requires the word requires a central planner and that's essentially what you have in private organizations private companies that are built on a capitalist model you have you know very few select people making all the decisions. we make a distinction between you know a big deal and a small d democracy and the distinction would be the emphasis on individual liberty one's rights to have control over their own life as well as free association which is you know based on consent you know if you're not able to revoke consent then it's then its authority and that's that's where we draw a distinction. so it seemed to me that you would be a big proponent for example of crypto currency alternative currency used to
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basically shatter the strength of a centralized monetary economy which we currently have with central banking. cryptocurrency is that would allow for more potentially community created economies . definitely i think i think it's pretty interesting market right now it just feels like gambling to a degree much like the stock market but i think it has a lot of potential. candidate here running for mayor of detroit she was running on a platform of. universal basic income using a crypto currency for the city one that private organizations or landholders would be contributing to and distributing it to the community for them to. have access to the services. and what would. be the universal basic income would you want to implement that if you were in
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a position of power. you know we can look at it incrementally even with cryptocurrency like that idealistically. if i is an anarcho commie communist i do believe that now more than ever we are able to advance and to post scarcity we have new technology. in artificial intelligence three d. printing. we're at a point where i believe scarcity is manufactured it's artificial so i'd like to move past that you see being supported by capitalists mostly you have. and richard branson recently came out favor of it mark zuckerberg these are people who own mass amounts of capital and u.b.i. would be a way for them to somewhat quell the dissent of. impoverishing the working class that are getting fed up with being taken advantage of it's kind of a band-aid maybe
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a step in the right direction and depending on how it's implemented i may support it as a as a reform but it's not necessarily our ideals. speaking of figures that you would respect. or you a fan of bernie sanders campaign. you know he voting for him in the primary he did win michigan. but he's definitely not my ideal candidate. but you know in politics we're not giving we're not given our ideal choices. on august thirteenth and sam louis arizona just over the border from mexico a car was pulled over leaving a vacant k.f.c. restaurant now this. sat off drugs ticket sniffing dogs which led to the discovery over a million dollars worth of cocaine methamphetamine era when and the deadly fenton know and while the story should end there and horribly ditto horribly dangerous
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drugs off the street it was how these drugs got us that made this story a little different see when the building was searched the police made the discovery of a twenty foot deep two foot deep nearly five hundred ninety foot long tunnel that started at a trap door in the k.f.c. and led to a home and sonora mexico and what seems like a scene from breaking bad the man in the car was the building's owner who had picked up the building on the cheap to be used for drug trafficking is the fifth tunnel like this found in the region since two thousand and seven and one of over two hundred found in the border patrol's history well good thing we're getting that walled stuff out the scourge of drug tunnels. boy all along the great tunnel i got to say the work in there and yeah i mean a lot of what i want to hire these contractors that's an amazing time. to i don't like when. i don't start to show proof it is a very breaking bad is are they going to stop that if they have
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a member of one in this world we were told were above does not tell you all i love you i am a robot and i have a lot less people are watching those office not a great night. you know my point i wanted. to ask but there's. just so you know i lost his boss because i just you know got the. resources you know. any book your money might all of those in prison but the pressure on us i don't mean. so not as you know part of his you know. you know just i mean my most wanted i'm already but i respect that part of me just the name i mean i was. given up as i might you know i mean thirty years i just don't get it
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the last rebel and terrorist stronghold in syria is surrounded as a party scene unfolding conflicts prepare for what could be a final showdown in this seven years old. twenty people have been left injured after thousands of anti and pro migrant protesters clashed in the german city of heaven it's for second day of rest was fueled by the stopping of a local man on sunday. hopes of the smoking gun in the trunk russia collusion probe after the attorney of trump's former lawyer backtracked on claims his client has ever.
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