tv News RT August 28, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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last rebel terrorist stronghold in syria is surrounded as all parties involved in a conflict could be a final showdown in the seven year long war. i i also this hour two days of violence on the streets of germany leave twenty people injured tensions boil over during demonstrations over the plight of migrants in the country. says the protests have become. a prison strike in the u.s. centers its second week in what could potentially become the largest in american history. with inmates over poor conditions.
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here in moscow thanks for joining us on r.t. international with me daniel hawkins welcome to the program. syrian army troops have been sea moving towards the frontline of the last stronghold of rebel and terror groups in the country the northern province of idlib these are pictures from the ground. video news agency soldiers are seen riding on top of lorries carrying tanks artillery and other military equipment officers say their troops are ready for the final battle against militants so far though they're waiting for final orders. for syria has been the focus also of the latest u.n. security council meeting this comes after the backers of warring parties there have recently been accusing each other of plans for escalating the situation artie's what has more now on how the involvement of the international community in the
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syrian war has made the potential escalation risky an aria. it is shaping up to be the end i lost showdown between jihad ists and the syrian army it is the last remaining stronghold of islamist and rebels tens of thousands of them the most powerful faction and it being h.t.s. or al-qaeda in syria and they're defiant cranking out and the sprog ganda. bear in mind many of them not even syrians islamists on jihad from china from central asia from the caucasus from morocco to baghdad with nowhere left to retreat
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what's worse is the foreign power buildup in the region out of the blue u.s. cruise missile delivery systems guided missile destroyers strategic bombers a re basing and dropping anchor near syria days after the u.s. and its allies warned that take action if chemical weapons are used by asaad and russia which is beefing up its own presence warns that it's the easily mists that are planning just that the us continues to expand its presence of cruise missile carriers in the middle east which is connected to the preparations for another false flag incident allegedly involving chemical weapons russian reports of u.s. military buildup in the eastern med and nothing more than propaganda it's not true that does not mean however that were unprepared to respond should the president direct such an action the united states denies building up its forces but says it's ready to attack syria if need be the good news is that russia and the united states
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are also apparently in talks to prevent any potential use. of chemical weapons but the danger remains the worst case scenario an international escalation militarily the rebels stand little chance against the syrian army what could save them is a foreign intervention caused by for example a staged chemical attack. syrian armed forces have no chemical weapons and no plans to use them because there is no military necessity ford said this many times before sensible people will not use militarily useless means to draw the fire of three powerful countries upon themselves on the other hand after announcing it and waiting for a false flag attack from militants these very same countries can start on bartman that is what happened last time say the russians staged incident in ghouta that led
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to a u.s. french and british cruise missile barash against syria this time what with the military buildup the stakes and risks of an escalation will be much higher but it hasn't begun yet there will be a big conference on friday but chances of a peaceful resolution look slim the russian me conciliation center has been trying to broker a deal but the g. hardest remain defiant our weapons are the source of our strength and honor thinking about surrendering to the enemy and handing over weapons will be considered treason the worst of all is that there is many as two million civilians in need lib trapped between the hardest and the syrian army if talks fall through with chemical weapons a use that this battle drags on civilian casualties will saw not to mention
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the danger of an international escalation and escalation is imminent how that develops we don't know whether it be. who's. very fierce in the form a very fierce confrontation between. on one side and its allies and syrian army and its allies on the other side we don't know we hope that. as it went in other areas like most recently in southern syria we are faction leaders understand that this is a force that they cannot. compete with or fight effectively and they see if they are people and their cities a lot of destruction and death so in that case you know people could go back to under government control as soon as possible to normality basically as soon as possible and we understand that many of them. are hoping to achieve such a feat. let's cross live now to us defense analyst ivan eland thanks for joining us
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good to have you on the program today obviously a tense situation in that final rebel terror stronghold reportedly groups there have detained over two thousand people who were supporting the idea of a truce or negotiation with the damascus government i mean do you think the militant groups in the area will be ready to negotiate some sort of peaceful settlement of this situation. well it could be possible tactically but i think. probably now that i think these people are dedicated to their cause anytime you have foreign troops or islamics tomorrow you are usually have a problem and then you add to that you have the shiite sunni. conflicts so i think these people are very motivated to do are doing what they're doing and usually even if they make some tactical arrangement to evacuate.
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i'll still be a factor and they are very tough insurgencies are very tough to get rid of as the soviets found in afghanistan as the u.s. found in iraq and afghanistan as well so these things tend to live on especially when they're there and motivated people like the islamic. militant islamic fighters that we have in syria the russian defense ministry obviously expressing concern about fears of an escalation do you feel that any government to any saw and is actively promoting the escalation of tree end to the to the situation. well it sounds like the syrian government is going to take action on that they've been shelling in doing some air strikes as they understand and that usually in military. terms is this what you do before you launch some sort of an offensive so i think that the syrians will be backed by the russians yes as your
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leader mentioned the size of a key is each other of using chemical weapons crude chemical weapons maybe the. girl as the islamic fighters can use anything better than that like binary weapons you start having to suspect that the syrians did it so you know there's not a false flag operation is not the question but you also have to say are the syrians using chemical weapons and i hand for some reason i'm not sure why that's a triggering event for the u.s. i really shouldn't be because of the conventional weapons of probably killed like ninety eight percent of the casualties in syria in chemical weapons of only kill about two percent so although you do have a chemical weapons treaty and i guess there's some intent to try to enforce that but it seems like the united states should probably just stay out of the whole thing indeed and you mentioned chemical weapons there which is obviously
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a concern by all sides the use of chemical weapons literally by damascus allegedly by some of the terrorist groups as well i mean do you think it will be in damascus as interest to use chemical weapons now potentially if they even have any knowing that it would draw the wrath of america and other states into military strikes on the country. yeah i know i don't think they would have an interest but you never know i mean we're farias sometimes people do stuff just for spite it's not in the syrian government's interest to do that i wouldn't think as i think they do would want to give any excuse for an outside power like the united states to take action even though the action the us take would probably be limited strikes and that's what it is and so far i don't think the u.s. strikes been that effective in syria and that's probably why they shouldn't take them but you know the u.s. has chosen the trump administration has chosen to defend the chemical weapons convention and therefore the syrian government might expect that if they did use
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something like that the u.s. would take the action to do some sort of a strike and of course there could be other actions taken now with special forces on the ground or other other actions that are not public which could also cause problems for the syrian government so you know you would think that the syrian government would be at least has a tend not you know hesitant to use those types of weapons and they're usually use something that will feel as defensive weapon because you don't if you're attacking you don't want your own forces to go through it now there are exceptions to that but. you know it doesn't seem like the syrian government would have a very big interest in using the weapons ok u.s. defense on a list of an thanks for joining us good to get your take on that situation a bit today thank you. last month
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c.n.n. breaking news story about trump's former lawyer michael cohen is still making headlines cohen's attorney has suggested his client had information on president on possible trumped russia collusion he's now back tracked on his claim slips course live to washington d.c. and the latest from samir a complex thing cross the stories from here just break down for us what's happened with this story over the last few days well last month let's start from the beginning c.n.n. brand this story claiming that trump's lawyer michael cohen i had info that trump knew about his son's infamous trump tower meeting citing anonymous sources let's take a look the sources with knowledge tell myself and call that michael cohen claims then candidate donald trump knew in advance about the june twenty sixth meeting in trump tower crucially these sources tell us that cohen is willing to make that
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assertion to the special counsel robert mohler now cohen's attorney said that it was false on the very same network c.n.n. . the reporting of this story got mixed up so michael cohen does not have information that president trump knew about the from terror meeting with the russians beforehand or you know does not. now even though cohen's attorney retracted those claims on c.n.n. c.n.n. decided to run the story anyway and then defended their decision to run the story check it out. we stand by our story and are confident in our reporting of it and it gets even better lanny davis cohen's lawyer admitted that he was one of cnn's anonymous sources saying that he can't corroborate a cohen story other news outlets have retracted their claims but for some reason c.n.n. hasn't saying quote we stand by our story which had more than one source and our
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confidence in our reporting and that they also said that cohen's lawyers have flip flop but there's another element to this we all know that davis was one of c.n.n. sources but it's july twenty sixth story c.n.n. said that davis refused to comment on it so how does that work unless c.n.n. lied about davis refusing to comment but well just have to see how this develops and keep an eye out. because the last we've heard of this story as the trial goes on on the reporting from washington d.c. . now some three thousand prologue reductive us have clashed in the past few days in the german city of chemists leaving twenty people injured the rest was prompted by the rest of iraq ian a syrian that followed the stabbing of a local man on sunday people over reports on the latest from germany. well the state of saxony in the city of ken that to firmly focus across germany across
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whitey europe and even across the wider world this follows. a night of violence that we saw on monday evening thousands more that were expected. right wing demonstrators took to the streets of candidates and they were confronted by counter-demonstrators now that resulted in some violent scenes there. was. going up because we have seen afterwards is something that has no place in the constitutional state we've seen the videos the show has become a witch hunt a mobbing that there is hate on our streets. was. the sickest and i was at the demonstration in chemist's on monday and the scene there was alarming what happened yesterday is that over a thousand demonstrators registered but it turned out that there were about eight thousand protesters in kemet. was.
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was was. was. to decent size. it was assumed from the beginning that there would be twice as many demonstrators as were registered but it turned out that there were about four times as many right wing demonstrators as initially planned all those scenes were all sparked following the killing the stabbing to death of a thirty five year old man in cam that's in the early hours of sunday morning two men in their early twenty's one from iraq and one from syria were taken into custody we've heard from prosecutors that they've ruled out self defense in stopping in fact they're looking to pursue a charge of culpable homicide in. case now the scenes that we saw they really left people in the city of came that shocked at what unfolded before their
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eyes between their people for immigration and. immigration. and that's a problem for our country or our thirty year i have never seen anyone once against refugees or have experienced anything like that. until the recent events here fred situation my parents say is don't go into city stay at home a lot of virtues came not from pantries so i was it came from our uncles i came from tunisia and that is a problem and that makes the crimes of twenty people including two police officers were injured violence we also hear from the police that they're investigating ten people for having given the straight a nazi salute during clashes that is illegal here in germany. monday really monday night's violence really bringing the whole situation in the
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splits in german society firmly in focus as the right wing and the left wing of german society clashed in saxony or could be the largest prison strike in american history american history is now underway in the u.s. that story and more after a short break. the game is camera. roughly once the show and some will leave for them. to joan cool videos and so on with the broccoli staring at. me down more on string i don't rightly dot tv. with nor make this manufactured.
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to the public worlds. when the ruling classes project themselves. with the famous very go around to be the one percent. nor middle of the room. the real news is. welcome back to r.t. international inmates in the us are staging what could become the largest prison strike in american history the protest which is now into its second week is planned to last nineteen days and seventeen states prisoners are demanding an end to what
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read. several american departments of corrections claimed there have been no sign of any strikes in their institutions we asked them for written confirmation of these events despite reports we have not had any organized stoppages protests or lock downs related to the strike at our institutions there are no strikes occurring in georgia the g.t.c. is prepared should that change we have been and will continue to monitor the situation only hide correctional institution in swan quarter salt protests inmates were allowed to hang banners from the inside fencing human rights activists
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in the ghetto claim some facilities have used the violent measures to stop the strikes. prison legal i've been i was organizing rare were taken to administrative segregation and when cave one of the organizers was shackled michael engel and rather cross the prison as a message to the rest of the institution states like new mexico and many others what they did as they began down the facilities and then kept all inmates in isolation and there in their individual cell as a mechanism for stopping activity. for us presidential candidate an award winning war correspondent for trump advisor the u.k. opposition leader as well as a rock star on the face of it they wouldn't appear to have all that much in common according to one blogger though they're all supporters of so-called assad ism because of explains. labeling people as in fashion has been for the past couple of years in fact populist mainstream deplorable or when it comes to syria and
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a scientist like a sadist a but it also supports the syrian president at least that seems to be the logic behind an index of names recently claude together i chose primarily this term rather than the narrower term pro assad because some of the public figures in this list explicitly denied being pro assad but still persistently repeat core lines of regime propaganda narratives steve bannon and glenn greenwald boris johnson norm chomsky let's say the chances of coming across any other list banding these people together are slim you published an article full of lies because you're too lazy and or malicious to care that you're doing it i never defended the assad regime in my life this is astonishing how many useful directory of people defending this sudra sheen what an absolute joke in fact the author was quite meticulous coming up with
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a ten point quote unquote scale of a side ism and having read through those i figured that maybe i should offer my young bull assistance in completing this list as by no means does it look finished take this point implying the west has somehow supported al nusra or isis i think we're back in people we have no idea who they are the rebels we call of the rebels the patriotic rebels we have no idea lot of people think you know that they are isis how about expanding it with the whole staff of the us state department they denied entry to the leader of the white helmets over security concerns and after all being mean to them is a capital offense to any individual in any group. suspected of. ties or relations with extremist groups or was that we had believed to be a security threat to united states we would act accordingly but as for those who are already on the. we've interviewed a couple of them documented is this ridiculous in many ways but it's also deeply
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what is being and concerning it is part of a witch hunt against people who don't accept the government line the military intervention in the middle east supporters based on the facts whatsoever. really. takes no account whatsoever of my actual views on. what we're looking at here just what this blacklist is something published by someone who we had never heard of before totally obscure figure this is just like comical level of research and it's being promoted by the same people who have been not only promoting western intervention in syria but who have been dedicated for the past two years to attacking and smearing anyone who gets in their way over the list was a bit of a nobody before giving man to his catalog but as its popularity swells let the
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public shaming comments i've said from the team here doughty and goodnight from myself and my colleague will be with you throughout the night bring you the latest global news update. thank you only. the one. was. was was. was and he was. joining me everything on the i like simon show and i was speaking to us from the world of
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politics sport i'm show business i'll see you then. you know world of big part of. law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. because you know provision on my bike when i want it. or not. but i. get. there so you'll know i lost his bus because. we saw.
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anybody. but the pressure on us i drive. so i says you know what i was you're not. you're not just i mean my point is i'm already. going to. give it up as well i must admit that he feels i just don't get off on getting noticed but those were the. beautiful sounds those people are going to spend on one of the. this where this part of. my family fussy credible might just but that already yes it will be in the. us implementing my thought aloud.
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if you. believe the elite in the league of the sea and the lives i would have good morning or. not i mean everything to rid. us of levels from. here we would not be. willing to do what i would i do what i want to. do not on challenge. the stigma it is to do my bidding and it will do but do it if you did how do i want to be able to know that how. would you know what i know. the way to go and i will. be able to do it only in any account and that includes the former see what i was able
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