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tv   News  RT  August 28, 2018 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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but it also supports the syrian president at least that seems to be the logic behind an index of names recently claude together i chose primarily this term rather than the narrower term pro assad because some of the public figures in this list explicitly denied being pro assad but still persistently repeat core lines of regime propaganda narratives steve bell and glenn greenwald boris johnson norm chomsky let's say the chances of coming across any other list banding these people together are slim you published an article full of lies because you're too lazy and or malicious to care that you're doing it i never defended the assad regime in my life this is astonishing how many useful directory of people defending this sudra sheen what an absolute joke in fact the author was quite meticulous coming up with a ten point quote unquote scale of a side ism and having read through those i figured that maybe i should offer my
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young brother sister nce in completing this list as by no means does it look finished take this point implying the west has somehow supported al nusra or isis i think we're backing people we have no idea who they are the rebels we call of the rebels the patriotic rebels we have no idea lot of people think you know that they are isis how about expanding it with the whole staff of the us state department they denied entry to the leader of the white helmets over security concerns and after all being mean to them is a capital offense to any individual in any group. suspected of. ties or relations with extremist groups or was that we had believed to be a security threat to united states we would act accordingly but as for those who are already on the list interviewed a couple of them documenters has ridiculous in many ways but it's also deeply worrying and concerning averted it is part of which. against people who
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don't accept the government line the military intervention in the middle east support is based on no facts whatsoever. really. takes no kind of whatsoever of my actual views on so. what we're looking at here just with this blacklist is something published by someone who we had never heard of before totally obscure figure this is just like a comical level of research and it's being promoted by the same people who have been not only promoting western intervention in syria but who have been dedicated for the past two years to attacking and smearing anyone who gets in their way all over the list was a bit of a nobody before giving money to his catalogue but as its popularity swells let the public shaming commence. even if lee where thousands have rallied against the meeting after the prime minister mattis el veiny and ten darian prime
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minister viktor open and politicians are known for that amply immigrant politics and plan to discuss a new strategy for europe entailing with migration security and other issues. so the current situation is like that there are two sides one is led by martin who is supporting migration we are on the other side trying to stop illegal immigration and this issue is strongly debated inside the european people's party and we want to align to be accepted. we're asking for collaboration first of all from the large countries the countries that share a border with us like friends the first person who should show his sensitivity and solidarity is the french president by reopening the border at ventimiglia and he can do so even tomorrow morning cellophane a who is also its leaves and terry a minister has already taken a hard line against continued migration most recently the migrant rescue boat was
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blocked from disembarking in italy for ten days so veiny hold to those on board from leaving until nations pledged to help by taking in more migrants children and sick people they were allowed off the boat which docked in fiscally those remaining on board the side to begin a hunger strike ultimately they were allowed to disembark and the sicilian prosecutor launched an investigation again salvini for abuse of office kidnapping and illegal arrest he denied the accusations that saying he was protecting his country well independent journalist lucre of a believes the meeting between the hungarian and italian politicians could test an example for the rest of the. remember mr orban in the last few years was presented as the elite duckling in europe you know the crazy guy all the fascist even by some of those he's very popular in his country and east stopped the flow of immigration
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to hungary coming from the east and the central theme in the meeting want very well between the two men i think they're on the same wavelength basically it's that together they want to to to stop the inflow and i think it could be stopped very rapidly if all countries show clearly that europe doesn't want any more of that language. we have more news after a short break. you know world's big partners do things a lot and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to get the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to
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stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. with your make this manufactured consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round. be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick.
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welcome back to us now a scottish university set to hand out badges to its new students to spell out the pronoun they want to be known by they hate she or they tag the part of an effort to avoid so cool mis gendering the initiatives being proposed by a debris university students union however it warned students should avoid using the term preferred pronouns arguing it's not a preference but in the city the issue of youngsters wanting to change gender has been increasingly staring control the say the u.k.'s women minister victoria atkins has expressed concern over the rising number of minus now wishing to go through reassignment. i read in the paper recently that there has been a large increase in the number of teenagers who are identifying nest transgender and i think though we need to get down to the reasons why this is happening it may simply be a case of greater warn us he may be that for some they see it as an answer to
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questions they are perhaps not asking themselves well we debated the issue with activist pay to touch chill and radio talk show host jungle and. what is the purpose of these badges just to raise awareness and in particular to make transfusions and their friends and allies feel comfortable safe and accepted i don't think that's a terrible thing i think it's just a common human decency to become into i know that perfectly reasonable have made this decision what's not reasonable add on a minute where universities are trying to tell lecturers it happened at university of toronto of course famously with jordan peterson where they totally had should not use things like hello ladies and gentlemen hello boys and girls they had to fit into these new pronouns if they want to say today i'm a man tamara am a boy the next fridge freezer so that but i don't have to fainter i don't want to get into a situation where i have to change pronouns i have to change the english language
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for a minority of very small minority they are attacking my freedom of speech my freedom of expression let's be reasonable if somebody feels they are you know being assigned the wrong gender they're in the wrong body i have enormous sympathy for them but we shouldn't be kind of i don't really want to use this word but encouraging it which is why edinburgh university is doing well no one is encouraging them and nor should anyone encourage them this is a call that's coming from the young people themselves whatever bar university is doing. if they have said people can change one hundred the next that's quite clearly absurd but you know trans people do not choose to be trans they don't make this decision about gender reassignment really very very serious long protracted thought and indeed is often agonizing they face often rejection by their parents being thrown out of home and very high rates of suicide and attempted
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suicide so this is not a decision that a young person takes lightly and if they make the decision but they feel. or that they are one gender or another i think we should respect that i don't think it's a big deal to it's about common decency just about being kind and compassionate to other people so i don't know i agree with that but a same token they should respect our rights to have a different view and when you talk about this this is always brought that thing about trans in suicide it isn't because they're struggling with the fact they think they're in the wrong body that leads generally to the suicide it's aster when they realize they've made a dreadful mistake which is why the woman deserve minister or the education minister is right to say we need to look at why more and more young people are trying to go through this we need to look at why puberty blocking drugs are being handed out like smarties they don't know their own mind i agree with you peter it
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must be agonizing to needs time in the street thought about and they need to be of an age where they know that they are in the wrong body not giving them out to six year old eight year olds and ten year olds and you know that's happening peter and it's wrong trans people are reality they have existed since time immemorial who are throughout history i think the fact that there are more people coming forward is because there is greater social understanding and acceptance the stigma and guilt is fading away the issue has been discussed more openly and that is why more people are coming forward into violence trans but it's still a tiny tiny minority a minority that is no threat to anyone and i think we should live and let live and except that people who are different for whatever reason including because the generosity that they have a place in the human family. c.n.n. they're standing by a story that donald trump's former lawyer michael cohen has information on possible
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russia collusion claiming may have multiple sources if that's despite caring for ten a who has admitted being a source for the network saying his client has no such knowledge american has more on this story. last month c.n.n. ran a story hyping it up as a bombshell claiming that trump's lawyer michael cohen had info that trump knew about his son's infamous trump tower meeting with a few russians in advance citing anonymous sources sources with knowledge tell myself and call that michael cohen claims then candidate donald trump knew in advance about the june twenty sixth trump tower crucially these sources tell us that cohen is willing to make that assertion to the special counsel robert mueller cohen's attorney admitted that it was false on that very same network c.n.n. the reporting of this story got mixed up so michael cohen does not have information that president trump knew about the from terror meeting with the russians
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beforehand or you know does not now even though cohen's attorney retracted those claims on c.n.n. c.n.n. decided to run the story anyway and then defended their decision to run the story check it out we stand by our story and are confident in our reporting of it and it gets even better lanny davis cohen's lawyer admitted that he was one of cnn's anonymous sources saying that he can't corroborate cohen story other news outlets have retracted their claims but for some reason c.n.n. hasn't saying quote we stand by our story which had more than one source and are confident in our reporting and that they also said that cohen's lawyers have flip flopped so there's also another element to this now apparently davis was one of c.n.n. sources but in its july twenty sixth story c.n.n. claimed that davis refused to comment so how does that work unless c.n.n. lied about davis refusing to comment but what does have to see how this develops
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and keep an eye out. time to get more on any of us stories are just a click away i'll be back in thirty minutes time with more top story. a lot of oil but there are many refineries and this is tanks of oil down there trying to levers are well positioned through the machinations of a crypto currency you know my suggestion is you know maybe build a few refineries and sell a higher end product and put that money back into the economy in this way may take ten or fifteen years but you're not going to be now taken over by some cia operative. because as you know provision not my point i wanted to.
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you know we. just lost his boss because. we saw his you know. any of those but the pressure on us i don't mean. joining us as you know but it was you know. you know just i mean my most wanted i'm already but it was sped up out of me just. if it up as well i might just we'll get it on your list but those were the. people are going to respond on one of these but i was just one of these on. my body and we could have credible me just but that already has a whiskey and he thought of getting up there with you.


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