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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  August 29, 2018 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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under of the news website twenty first century wired dot com all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect means you can jump in anytime you want to let me go to you you're also referred to on this program as fella my first question is here does the do the corporate mainstream you remember that program did that do they do the corporate mainstream media. do they contribute to the cultural wars as it is we say is divided and is everything is contentious as it really is or are they dismantle for their own political purposes go ahead lionel yes no yes no and sometimes that corporate first of all correction my dear friend it is not the mainstream media used to be that mainstream media they used to be mainstream they're not this is the mainstream media social media different platforms that's mainstream they are an existential fight for their life so within the particular parameters of their working environment yes they mix it up and people describe the does the rest of the
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country mainstream heartland mainstream america care oh there you go so ok but ok but rob i mean i get we all get lionel's point but they still think of themselves as the mainstream and representing. the population what they really do is represent power particularly on the left i would say but i want to stay with this magnification here because if you look if you watch c n n n m s n b c and then you watch fox on the same evening you'd think you'd be in parallel universes i mean you really would have a sense that both are in some kind of never neverland and having nothing to do with the world outside go ahead rob i was one of the token liberals on fox and at one point i think i made over two hundred. ten appearances on there over the course of a couple of years. they're they were pursuing back then i think more of
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a fair and balanced attitude but now well i was always like the washington generals the team that never beaten the harlem globetrotters you know i was going in the know that in five other people were going to beat up on me but i was allowed to voice my opinion i don't really get that sense anymore i sense that the people that they picked to to give a liberal perspective are speaking about outrageous claims and comments and policies and they're taking an extreme so they can say hey look at this kooky liberal he is just like bernie sanders but but we also have a divisive president who has read that acrimony throughout the country and we have politicians on both sides that are taking more extreme points of view and you're going to have news shows and stations that are going to be representative of those those policies and beliefs and then those that those bases are going to go and
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watch those particular stations and channels ok lionel doesn't agree but i'm going to go to patrick first here i mean rob brings up a really good point i mean donald trump by any any measure is a very contentious president i mean i i watch all of his town his stadium appearances i mean he goes out there ok and his base likes it ok but he does give the mainstream of the liberal mainstream media or this c.n.n. and some b. c. the people like that he gives them a lot of cannon fodder to want to work with patrick you know i think earlier your point it's essential crisis that the mainstream media is going through it's not just an end existential crisis it's a financial crisis so what you have now is they've been forced to basically run click bait and if you talk about broadcast television it's one crisis after another or one sort of trying to arrangement crisis after another with the print with the washington post to get the deal yet. every day michael cohen said this michael
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cohen said that steve bannon's gardner heard him you know whatever singing russian in the shower so this is the daily sort of water because they can't they have to attract the audiences they have to get the clicks the very thing they accuse of the independent media with the very thing they decry and social media they themselves are the worst offenders now so they need a crisis this is the sort of recurring theme with the mainstream media ok it's actually always been like that for many years you know crisis of it's not political to be the way you have a project going to go to lionel but i get what you're saying but what about a real crisis because. sensibility stormy daniels isn't a crisis for me i could care less ok a creepy porn lawyer i could care less it's in one ear out the other and i don't those are minutes of my life that he will never get back that's why i don't watch those stations here lionel you were disagreeing at some point go ahead jump in to
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my dear friend the intellectually sapient mr cobb i disagree in one respect what roger ailes di fox news as we knew it died absolutely die next with a d.c. fox merger disney rather to me fox merger even though they swear that the news division is different you are seeing a watered down and the dying saccharin version of what was once fox at its and you can argue about this best and the like with all due respect also my dear friend peter what you like has nothing to do with what these people are interested in this is a twenty four seven runaway train that you want to be run away you have to keep feeding the boiler then you are pouring everything into it you have a newsroom with twenty something i'm sorry to say per d.m. folks who i have no journalistic ability know no experience of any kind of t.v. or whatever they are just there to click and just. ok. there's no room for
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correction. but the point is here is this dividing the country i mean i understand how it's made and why it's made and i understand the bottom line here but it is dividing the country i mean jim acosta i mean what a disgrace to journalism ok i mean and they probably think he's doing a great job rob if you were nodding your head go ahead he's not he's not defied ok ok go ahead go ahead rob jim acosta is not dividing that ok i'm sorry i'm sorry it's all right go ahead rob lionel consider this ok i'm going to start at the top with our esteemed president donald j. trump when you have a white house press pool they usually normally interact with the white house communications director who for quite a while was hopes his hope picks the way it used to run and i was not a huge fan of president obama only voted for him once jen psaki who was a communications director disseminate that information to her columns team the
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columns team then interacted with various people in the press pool and disseminate information to them so they could write about it i don't think that's ever been done under trump so you have pressed people that sit around twiddling their thumbs sitting and fuming going what am i going to do what am i going to write about i think i will say that trump is a jerk and that he's disorganized and he doesn't do anything that he read because the evidence going on that he needed comes to me has twitter i just wanted to add here let me go to patrick because you know we've got a job you can hang on hang on line him you know we've gone back and forth on this program with all of us all of us here about twitter and and it's got those pluses and minuses here but again the traditional mainstream media line oh ok this is where it creates an opening for them is well ok so you know these different strategies they have their pluses and minuses patrick go ahead and limit. yeah i
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think you're kind of talking about two different things here but let's talk about social media for a minute because these are some of the same corporations that are now overlapping with broadcast media and with mainstream print and they're also working hand in hand with the first draft coalition all these sort of con fabs to police fake news and so forth they're they're ideological you know in the united states and you know their ideological dependence is really on the state. and i think this is the mainstream media's problem as well they need access to the state they need access to power they also need access to corporate ties and money and hence they become a tool of government where they become a tool of corporate propaganda the same goes for the silicon valley facebook might be a democratic progressive in the united states but believe me they're absolutely colorblind internationally because they need access to all these markets so so i guess we're talking about media i think we can open up the conversation now
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a little bit more but but in terms of the united states unfortunately even if as your previous guest said they're going to be briefed by the white house team i think they would throw that briefing in the waste bin if they received it before from the you know the press pool received under this administration because they're hell for leather really just bent on you know having this president impeached yeah well that's it let me go to lionel before we go to the break here i mean you know i see ideological possession i mean it's demonic ok on and on c.n.n. and and the same b.c. i mean it's it's the point of being irrational it's not even fun to watch anymore ice to poke fun at you know brian stelter i mean the stupidest guy on t.v. but at the even now that's not funny forty seconds lionel before we go to the break . first of all i love you the dead i give you a kidney not mine but somebody else's if you needed it and i got it he wanted there are two things my friend i want you living in the past and you're living in the
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past you're talking about white house new polls when they say this is where paul wake up and over till you hate trial. can you get past it ok well growing old only you're going to hear you're going to say you an example of of ideological possession you know. created to create a lot of those called me here's one summer two years older than here. twenty seconds lionel keep going. but it's true it is no twitter is look they told f.d.r. with the fireside chat you can't talk on the radio the presidential need i say more we've got to wake up and smell the coffee kids it's a new day ok i'm going to jump in here guys we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on trumped arrangement syndrome state with our to.
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what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line they did accept or reject. so if you want to be president which. is something i want to be preached. to right. this is what. people. i'm interested always a. question. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter us is over one trillion dollars and. more than ten thousand dollars fine tamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long for the old for rich eight point six percent market saw
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a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and when he rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one so you know for it to miss the one and only. welcome back across the uk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing trump derangement syndrome. ok i want to go back to rob in new york and i want to ask you all the same question a hypothetical rob hypothetical situation bladder mere putin in the kremlin. media
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ops they get together and they start attacking donald trump how long will it take this for c.n.n. and m s n b c to join in all of sudden wow glad it was on our side now ok i'm asking this seriously ok go ahead what kind of a tag is this going to be your foot soldiers marching marching up our shores or is it now no not at all right no no no no no no no no i'm media attack saying he's not a reliable partner we can't work with him we can't work with him ok ok that's what i'm getting at ok and i and i'm sure the left would be all over it in a heartbeat keep going rob. no i don't think that's going to happen no think they're going to say see how how fickle they are now they've got her against donald trump and this is a key component probably hypothetical hypothetical well i don't. brian stelter is not even going to put up for that as long as there is a story there or we're going to milk it ok pat i just i think you guys are grasping
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at straws here no no no i'm trying to make a point here and i it's a valid point i think is well all right i'll come on line i'll have a little bit of fun you know you're acting like you know what was his name bob you're acting like you're actually in fact senator dole right now get off the grass ok time pass right confounds me chattering let me go it is hard patrick patrick again what i'm just saying is that anything i know no matter how bizarre and how you know out of the park it is they will pick up on this ok because they have picked up on every single else real false imagined and run with it like fools they would do it again patrick. russia versus trump does that hypothetical peter liberals love during hypotheticals by the way. i'm just going to say yes peter one hundred percent really one hundred percent they would open up a shrine to vladimir putin outside cnn's offices in atlanta they would start
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rachel maddow would go to saudi and start doing fluff videos about what a great holiday destination it is that's what would happen because media. is colorblind the sense don't go to where the political with the political power is so you know i don't think i don't think i think they would pivot it would definitely put it well they're going to get rid of trump and i think you're right of trying right enemy of my enemy that friend that is exactly right that's what i'm getting at here all right lionel pretty please come out of your hole now and you can start to answer the question my friend. he's been so convivial today i know i know i don't think he's in a good you know he's in a good mood today ok keep going on you know when you take a happy pill bell you're a genius for.


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