tv News RT August 30, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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that lawyer every town i mean they they they track every time a firearm discharges a live round inside or into a school building or on or on to a school campus or grounds as documented by the press you know it's look here's the thing it's like i think the problem that you have here is that most of us in watching news or reading information you think of school shooting you immediately think because they're going in and killing people major school shooting not you know someone accidentally discharging a firearm in a pickup truck in a parking lot or something of that nature you know this is like you know like a usual friday and i don't think of all as rather of undergrowth. sort of don't forget to let us know as you think of the topics we cover the facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are to dot com coming up we delve into the allegations that the chinese company may have hacked all of the hillary clinton's e-mails while she was secretary of state and that artie's actually banks reports on the rare guilty verdict of the texas police officer charged with the murder of
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a young black teenager the state to the watching the hoax. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics school this i'm show business i'll see you then. financial survival guide i don't find any eyes on it she's. almost trying to say that's the last of my eggs from the future so cracker watch guys are .
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there are times when i want to run i don't know that man ever thought out of the total that i'm not out of the mind of the money the daily lives and i just. this was a good time to. try to move the right. thing up i want to know how they want to you not why not next gen their going to our son or a changing of the old people we believe to be here. oh my kids i don't want the bubble so john what a lot of them are going to tell them about how the little accusers it was on the way to my building let's go out to the people i don't want to put out a look tomorrow party with them with a blow that it. figures
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are being pointed accusations are flowing a denials are flying in washington after the daily caller dropped a bombshell this week reporting that a chinese own company operating in washington d.c. area in the washington d.c. area hacked hillary clinton's private server throughout her term as secretary of state and attained nearly all her e-mails now the daily caller it tributes this story to just two anonymous sources but that and stop u.s. president from taking to twitter and drawing criticism tweeting out hillary clinton's e-mails many of which are classified information got hacked by china next move better be by the f.b.i. or d.o.j. or after all of their other missteps their credibility would be gone forever the f.b.i. countered the president telling reporters that the f.b.i.
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. sometimes any evidence that china clinton servers are compromised here to help us out the latest claim a foreign government hacking in the potomac he said she said they said that follows a conservative commentator fave models. and i dare you to say that again you can see and i mean is that i have that i got there i want to say not just today but it was because the daily caller you know kick start of this incredible story but they are just sources to to anonymous sources which any time i hear anonymous sources always makes my b.s. some time to raise you know why why should we believe the daily caller's claims why should we think that this is accurate information with good reporting well you know you could take it all the way back to when the former head of the f.b.i. james komi said that no prosecutor would ever bring charges against hillary and take the case also brought up the possibility that yes. there could have been bad actors that got involved and got ahold of some of hillary's e-mails as
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a matter of fact there's a fox has reported on an e-mail from may of two thousand and sixteen where peter strock of peter's truck was a counter-intelligence along with lisa page this story says that the inspector general of the intelligence division went to the f.b.i. with this information that hillary's e-mails had been hacked by the chinese and that they had all of her e-mails and that peter struck was one of the people that was told about it and did nothing and then an e-mail in that was back you know fifteen and sixteen there's an e-mail reportedly from peter where he said we know that foreign actors got a hold of some of hillary's emails so that that we know so it all does make some kind of sense. look i was particularly taken when the donald trump said are you sure it wasn't russia i thought that was a great line and we're going to want to do that she wants but but but we don't why should we believe this really i mean it's not beyond the the realm of. possibility
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china was accused just a few months ago of infiltrating and hacking the navy and co and some some specific submarine anti-ship missiles and all that stuff getting the plans for them and all that so china we know is very active in the espionage i think they learned it from watching not perfectly honest they probably got it as fast hence it is kind of why this is a bad idea but what do you think if this indeed happened a chinese company that may or may not have connections to their government has access to clinton's e-mail during that time. what kind of fallout could we see of a security breach if it comes out is prevent of this size well imagine of hillary having shot or even saying it but imagine if hillary had been president a talk about blackmail i mean the chinese government if this is true would have had thirty thousand deleted e-mails that nobody ever saw except her and her cronies in their possession to blackmail city so that's one thing as far as now i mean that
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if they have it it hangs over her head it could be leaked someone could hack into the chinese government computers or you could have some rogue person leaking it to wiki leaks or somebody so if this is true it's out there and all the classified information that hillary dealt did and let's not forget we have found out that baracoa despite his that his claims that i just found out about her server would be in the media with everybody else he was one of those who corresponded with hillary on her secure server so we might if this ever comes out china might have that correspondence between barack obama and his secretary of state hillary clinton so there's all kinds of possibilities if this ever does become public if this is true you know it's interesting president trump you know immediately tweeted out this story after the tree wrote the color song and fox news reporting it which then you know obviously caused this. brief war of words the tablet that was talking about
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mythos in you know with the f.b.i. and denying accusations and making accusations is this war of words and tweets actually distracting us from getting to the bottom of this story and others because it seems like sometimes donald like immediately puts out the tweet and then everybody you know the mainstream and everybody focuses on donald this tweet and who he's fighting with rather than the actual meat of the story. well guess what guys and you know this nobody is talking about this really thrilled that we are and you are to go kudos to you for having me on to talk about this but there's this is a big story today they're not saying hillary's e-mails could have been hacked by china the media has no interest in that scenario in that story line it's not russia if this was russia maybe they would have given it some play although of course it's hillary so maybe not but china they couldn't care less who is spying on us they couldn't care less who is hacking us they couldn't care less who is breaching our
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national security if it's not russia they want us to believe russia is the only person who's gotten a fair use intent and would do anything to interfere with elections and is the only one spying on us they don't talk about us doing it to other countries and they don't talk about other countries doing it to us it's just russia and i think there's so much we need to and that's what i want to my next question comes to because i feel like we've gotten so caught up in this idea of nuclear disarmament in certain areas as if that's going to make all the the you know the change in the world and everything will be peaceful but really right now it seems to me that cyber security and cyber espionage is far more dangerous between learn from snowden and everybody else and the spokesman for the chinese foreign ministry actually stated that these accusations are nothing new and said china advocates that the international community jointly respond to cyber security threats through dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and quality and mutual benefit
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russian president vladimir putin has also stated that it needs to be an international dialogue and agreements over cyber security so my question is just like with nuclear weapons just like we have with chemical weapons just like we have years every generation at some point said we need to get a hold on this why are we not having an international sit down in geneva with all the countries and say look we got. get a handle on this and make some rules about cyber and espionage and spying. well that i mean that's a good question and again i don't know how much faith you could put in any agreement that would be reached because governments could always use third parties and say we did we don't know anything about that guy or that company or that organization that's that's hacking into your government files so i don't know but i'll tell you what bothers me more is that when it comes to cyber security this country you know it really reached its peak under obama the eight years i mean think of how advanced we all got the whole world when it comes to the ability to do
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this kind of thing cyber espionage the threat to our power grid which is so vital because a five per hour grid goes down when did i mean that we're dead literally if it goes down for an extended amount of time no food no fuel no medicine no anything so i'm more concerned that we have not as a country done more to protect ourselves against cyber threats including the grid and everything else and shored up our defenses and yes would be wonderful to have you know what international forum where we all promise cuba but i don't think those could really ever be trusted maybe that's just the skeptic in me and i'm not well i'm a gent x. or so i'm very skeptical and i have you know i had a better and that i will say at me as my leg you know could have been a liberal that i am i totally agree with you on this idea that we no concept i think our government does nothing to think of what could happen in those things if we were in long range even diplomatic wars with countries where we can't get fuel
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we can't there are so many ways that you know people and it's always the people at the bottom the working class and the poor that will have you know extra bottled water and actually food to get them through and i have a set of first to suffer very interesting too because they brought a good point i think we've spent far too much time off but you know we're looking at a security apparatus. in our cyber capabilities i think we spend far too much time and often rather the defense and i think that's a great point that you brought up and you know i think you touched on this earlier it's interesting to see how the how the mainstream media is just completely went to sleep on this story even even if it's true you know protect the bunk that they've completely just not even really even gone in that direction or even asked about it you know why why is that why do you think that it's like why are we so obsessed with just one country hacking us or you know him or not at all like why is that obsession there we're out of the media because if china hacked hillary that doesn't
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in any way further the narrative of trump can't be involved trump can't be accused it's not going to get trump out of all this in the minds of the media it doesn't push their narrative in fact that it dilutes the narrative it confuses people and now you tell me china not just russia so they want to keep the focus on the bad guy the bogeyman that they've created russia and make it seem like it's only happened in this election it's only donald trump is to blame trump colluded it just doesn't do them any good and their goal is to get rid of trump it's been that way from day one after the election and saying china did something to hillary just they're not interested you know it's also interesting too because remember i think it was just recently we had reports about i'm feinstein for x. amount of yours her driver was was accused of being a spy for china so it seems like there's a lot of leaky holes in the democratic side of things where it comes at a time. you know a lot of
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a lot of leaky holes and by the way if i may i think every time i'm on your show somehow it comes back to this where the heck if you have sessions trump said you think that's what he said what are the chances the justice department the f.b.i. will do the right thing here i say zero sessions has to go this is another thing that needs to be investigated he has no interest in it he's in hiding i don't know where that guy is but he does. paul long is the attorney general of the united states again we agreed to write to you i think but i think a lot of us just the time seems to be distracted by going after you know medical marijuana and legalize it and that's a that's a big surround sound calm down and focus on the job he needs to do now and i'm like what it really is incredible this is an incredible story and i'm very curious to see where it actually ends up and where it ends up going but thank you so much for coming on the day with us to discuss this always a pleasure having you on steve always my pleasure thank you guys appreciate it thank you. and finally today we finish with
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a verdict we rarely see in the story involving a shooting death of a young black man in the police here in the united states on tuesday a jury in texas a pound springs police officer roy oliver guilty of murder in the shooting death of teenager jordan at birds was shocked by oliver after leaving a party with his friends back in two thousand and seventeen artie's ashley banks says more on this surprising conclusion to a very familiar tragedy. were all over was found guilty of killing an unarmed high school freshman jordan at words as the teen with a leaving a house party last year many are calling this conviction where an employee twenty nine twenty seven teen officers were dispatched to a house party after receiving a call of under age drinking for oliver says as he was in the home he heard gunshots outside and thought there was a shooter. he went outside and saw a car filled with five unarmed teenagers including afterwards the officers shot
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into the vehicle striking edwards in the head the fifteen year old died and stanley oliver later found out the gunshots were coming from the car but instead were being fired near i'm nursing home in the area oliver was fired from his position shortly after the shooting took place over testified last week and said he saw the car moving toward his partner and thought the officer's life was in danger however his partner testified saying he didn't fear for his life and didn't feel the need to fire his weapon and call out a rich family and friends were more than happy with oliver fiction and the words family attorney said quote this case is not just about jordan it's about samir writes it's about walter scott it's about alton sterling it's about every african-american who's been killed and has not gotten justice and texas governor greg abbott tweeted shortly after the conviction was announced this life should never have been lost oliver is only the second officer to be convicted of murder within the past thirteen years he faces the possibility of
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a life behind bars and washington ashley banks art here and that is our show for you do they remember what in this world we're not told we're loved enough for tell you all i love you i am tyrone and i have the polish people are watching those hawks never grew very much everybody. it was you know provision on my back when i wanted to. ask but i. owe. you for your height oh i lost his boss because i just got then you just got to go with us as you know just like anybody on a month on those it doesn't but that's honest i don't mean that if any of them feel . so not as you know part of us you're not. you're not just i mean most wanted i'm
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already part of a sped up part of me just a lot of the media and even i mean it was a lot we're going to. give it up as well i must admit that he was i just don't get it i'm getting worse but those were the old they speeded tucson's those people are going to respect i'm one of those but i was just this by this part of this i'm with . my father in with us and he could a car bomb i just bought that already he said quickly and he thought of getting up there calling cuisia you seem to mean to carry out my thought aloud but let me just gotta go you. leave. me not it would seem to be. able that's all viable from some of you. i came back to the community and people we are be standing on the road lookouts me
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all about his own bible don't torture him. like. say. she's going to receive money knowing that it's possible that. if you don't. know you will do this. also topping the my life. i seem on have to. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics. i'm show business i'll see you then.
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journalism finds itself in the media spotlight in the u.s. after c.n.n. refuses to retract a trump collusion story even after the networks a source of backtracked on his most serious claims. more cracks emerge in europe over the immigration issue as the french president says he is now the main opponent to the hard line and migrant leaders of italy and hungary. with a decisive battle looming over the last rebel stronghold in syria the russian foreign minister warns that the us seemingly prefers regime change to removing terrorists.
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broadcasting live director of this is r t international sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us. right c.n.n. is under fire after it refused to retract a breaking news story on collusion between donald trump and russia despite the news channel's source publicly withdrawing a significant claim the whole story was based on. comments. a quick look at some of the nuts and bolts of russia collusion storytelling we've gotten rather used to the media running sensational headlines because a number of anonymous sources said this or that well what if the anonymous source reveals his identity and says the story's not true or that he's made a mistake perhaps you'd expect the outlet to take a step back consider some skepticism possibly make a correction or take the story down altogether not if you're c.n.n.
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we stand by our story and are confident in our reporting on it and here's their original bombshell story from a month ago sources with knowledge tell myself and call that michael cohen claims then candidate donald trump knew in advance about the june twenty sixth beating the drum tower crucially these sources tell us that cohen is willing to make that assertion to the special counsel robert mohler so the sensation was that the president's former lawyer would tell investigators mr drum had known about the infamous crump tower sit down featuring his son and the russians sure that counts as a sensation as many would take it as proof there had been collusion well a few weeks later a man called lanny davis michael cohen's own attorney comes out and says he was the source for c.n.n. a b. he's made a mistake and c.
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is inside into this complicated matter has been misinterpreted mr davis eventually even appeared on c.n.n. several times to reiterate just that the reporting of this story got mixed up so michael cohen does not have information that president trump knew about the from tower meeting with the russians beforehand or you know this is your understanding now that the senate how. has been told no michael cohen stands by his testimony he did not know of the trump tower meeting beforehand that's correct and the reporting was a bit garbled but c.n.n. did nothing to warn its audience the story could have been false in fact it even began attacking the man who it once used as a source blaming him for changing his mind as often as the wind however when c.n.n. first broke the news based on a tip off from sources it mentioned that attorney davis declined to comment on the
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matter and now we know that mr davis and the source are the same person unlike these guys other influential outlets the likes of the washington post came up with follow up reports or included corrections they weren't saying the original story was false for sure but at least casts some doubt this was the time when journalists went to c.n.n. but c.n.n. only answer to their question was we stand by our story it's still right because we had multiple sources did c.n.n. name many of these sources know this is out sometimes work and there could be a much bigger issue behind this kind of news climate one congressman from the republican party has claimed serious people from the likes of the justice department could leak sensitive stuff to the media on purpose he says this could be a tactic to trigger and list rounds of probes we know that some people at the
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department of justice today f.b.i. actually gave information to the media then the stories were reported then they use those reports to justify further investigations could that point to some other form of collusion don't you dare even think that russia gate is the coin of the room here if you have a story no matter how false you're out with it before anybody pays any attention to the sort. we have a sleazy bunch of lawyers and i'd have to ed pundits and reporters who now are caught in this web of misinformation. speaking at all kinds of euphemisms for lying i would suggest that if they do have another source that to defend what's left of their reputation they need to serve up some information about this source or but as i say they have no imperative to do
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that because i'm not c.n.n. on and miss n.b.c. and the cable and also the other outlets this story will kind of peter out and what people will remember is the first impression namely trump lied again. the last stronghold of rebel and a terror groups in syria the northern province of italy but is surrounded by government forces with a decisive battle looming the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov has warned that the u.s. seems to prefer a regime change to reading of the area of terrorists. but then you're still we have the impression that u.s. threats against damascus aimed at preventing terrorist from being expelled that is not the first time the us no matter which administration has prioritised the task of changing dissident regimes above the common goals of eradicating terrorism and extremism we believe these egotistical unilateral political games are counterproductive we believe all the conflict should be sold multilaterally with
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open contacts between countries including regional countries. where it has tensions mount in italy but the russian center for syrian reconciliation says it has received intelligence on the delivery of toxic substances it to the province it claims that the material has been brought in with the help of the white helmets rescue group for use in a false flag attack russia has previously warned militants are preparing to stage a chemical attack artist my god i have comments on the potential escalation of the situation in italy. the stage is set for a final and it looks like a bloody battle the battle for aid lib tens of thousands of islamists rebels from all over syria and the world against the syrian army and its allies no wonder then that the stakes here are like never before i q stations provocation and chemical scandal it's not an even fight the syrian army is stronger which means
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jihad ists need all the help they can get from abroad. following the alleged goot a chemical attack russia's warning that rebels will try to stage as similar incident in italy to draw the u.s. france and britain in depth and to hit a sad again russia says an incident is imminent especially after the u.s. and allies jointly stated that they would act if it looks like as had launched another chemical attack that's almost an invitation to do so says moscow it would
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suggest that now when the u.s. is steering the situation around we want to know how can damascus have chemical weapons if the u.s. france and great britain destroyed them last year you know what the u.s. answer is we never said that from states that the chemical weapons provocation which is being prepared is aimed at keeping al nasra they're counting on using it against the so-called regime as they call it it's do or die for the jihad ists rebels nowhere left to run nothing left to lose and their spot. says the west the gulf which have pumped billions upon billions of dollars into a cause that is on its last legs the mascot's and moscow a trying to work out a deal to reduce perhaps avoid the bloodshed but the job for it syria russia adamant the swamp of terror and zealotry has no future.
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this is the last place for the terrorists so from all points of view this abscess should be removed of course what everybody's fearful of is escalation given the us russian military buildup in the region everyone has a gun pointed at each other and given that this is it the final act of the syrian war the urge to shoot might just be overwhelming. russia's embassy in the u.s. says it hopes washington will act to ensure chemical weapons are not used by terrorists in syria as it fitting a responsible member of the u.n. security council but here is what the state department think of russia's warnings the russians are claiming now and that's when other groups are struck by the chemical weapons and planning an attack and you know i think that's more false flag type reporting term going to be as is enough for when you try to put the blame they try to put the onus on.
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