tv Boom Bust RT August 30, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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again describes what's happening as segregation the fence. the neighborhood around seventy seven families from the schools from the. from their universities from their neighbors we call their gate and there they're all simply get it and equal it all because that road is a little stimulus from the main street is that. they walk on the mean street and are living there they walk on the side of that old you know we have twenty two checkpoints one hundred movement barriers in one kilometer square in the city center of people on. the issue of illegal migration shaping chancellor angela merkel top of africa germany shelter a vast amount of migrants and is now struggling to resolve the problem of failed asylum seekers because mack basic identification papers are europe correspondent
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peter out of a report. migration policy in germany is firmly in focus right now but what to do when it's been decided that the person doesn't have the right to be here and should be deported well at the bizarre end of the spectrum is the case of one man in frankfurt who the city's office of public order confirmed to r.t. its how a whopping five hundred and forty two criminal investigations against him the man who doesn't have a passport can't be deported because the authorities can't prove which nation he originally comes from oh and by the way this has been going on since ninety ninety eight over the last twenty years most of his offenses have involved drug charges driving offenses driving without a license and violations of the residency act but who year is remains a mystery we have a loose biography that suggests that he was born in one nine hundred fifty nine in north africa in the past he said that he was from morocco and also from algeria it
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could be that he is from one of those two countries or he could be from somewhere entirely different opposition figures say that this case shows the flaws in the current system in germany but i'm not surprised this is the most extraordinary case the most ridiculous case so to speak it's a failure of system it's a failure of the government i think if the government really wanted to extradite people who. could do it but they don't dare to do it because they're afraid of the left wing media. protest and n.g.o.s so-called human rights organisations they protest against of even try to prevent physically the extradition of people the most recent statistics for this year show that more than half of deportation orders were carried out the most common reason for this is that when authorities turn up at the door address where somebody was supposed to live.
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if they're not there and they can't be found however this year we've seen a sharp rise in the number of people who've avoided deportation after they physically resisted repatriation of people that don't have the right to be here in germany is on the list for angela merkel as the chancellor makes her current tour around africa we have a situation now we're not all problems have been solved especially the british ans are still a big problem but what the chancellor has left behind violent scenes in the city of chemist's this is after a thirty five year old german man was stabbed to death last weekend police have a syrian and an iraqi man in custody in connection with the killing and that has sparked angry reaction and pitched left against right over who has the right to stay in germany was.
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peter all over r.t. the in fears over us best out of the residents in the australian city of melbourne ordered to stay in their homes after a warehouse place among our stories when artist world news continues after the break. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of global will you long to be old for bridge eight point six percent market saw thirty percent most want to secure some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a our industrial plant but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is
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one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only. food and trump you know if it's all about a taco getting along with greatest ally and friend russia there isn't enough play to get to the kids ending up the opener up but there's other things in there so while we proceed here in the first half i'll just see what let's go let's. go again an israeli lobby group has allegedly staged an anti palestinian protest in the united states leaked extract from an unreleased al-jazeera documentary said to show people who were paid to take part in the demonstration we spoke to the investigative journalist who obtained the video here's what happened.
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if you happen to speak with any reporters just stay on message what is that message that's j.p. it's a secret you're going to know that all that i want to mention is that still enjoys a lot of terrorism and. the protesters are on a fellowship program run by. a conservative think tank called the things to touche to just ignore it all i'm going to have to look at these charities he's a suicide bombing at a campus you have to stop searching the shit out of here no pollack is at the center of a neo conservative prone likud political network in washington that represents the right wing of the pro israel lobby he has collaborated with neo conservative think tank in washington and the hoover institution to basically pay fake protesters to make it look like people are coming out and protesting palis die and activity in
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washington d.c. my worst nightmare is. a photo of tea on a high together and we're just like really identifiable and i call her a threat traders are sold out of the jewish conspiracy her money because of two thousand dollars plus benefits her way of running out of how holocaust reza ha no i don't this is not a matter how is exactly how it got there is a pos yeah astroturfing is when corporations or political movements basically pay for grassroots support this is what is so revealing about the israel lobby in america is that they basically pay for congressional support for their donations they even are willing to pay low level people to go out in the streets that make it look like common americans actually support the israel lobby is goals when they really don't want to be. great resistance. killers he's there and they kill children they don't care about at any
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rate. i'm distressed to find that all investigation into america's approach is really little b.s. may represent the most important test yet over al-jazeera is independent whether on network still has space to thrive in ms the unjust will. hate against our guitar you heard. we've contacted al-jazeera to ask why the film was never broke ass to we've also approached the emergency committee for israel and the hoover institution to get their reactions if we hear anything back we'll tell you what they say. thanks to raging fires trickle several several explosions at a factory warehouse in melbourne in australia causing a potential threat to nearby residents.
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smoke from the fire in the warehouse that reportedly contained as best as is blowing across a melbourne district residents there are being told to stay inside and keep their windows and doors closed some nearby schools have also been closed as a precaution authorities say there are also some unidentified chemicals in that building the fire started on thursday shortly after five am local time. u.s. military drills with south korea which donald trump surprisingly canceled following the north korea summit in singapore are back on the table. as you know we took this step to suspend to several of the largest exercisers as a good faith measure coming out of the singapore summit we have no plans at this time to suspend any more exercisers. the last large scale drills in the region were in august twenty seventh they involve ten days of exercises with about fifty thousand south korean troops and seventeen and a half thousand u.s. military personnel.
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i know north korea has repeatedly said that it's being targeted by these military games calling them a provocation and donald trump's decision to restart them is now causing concern n.p.r. and while the president seemed to imply that all drills were halted that may not have been the case. we will be stopping the war games which will save us a tremendous amount of money unless and until we see that the future negotiation is not going along like it should we should spend several of the largest excess rioters but we did not suspend the rest so there are ongoing extras all the time on the peninsula the region you've not heard much about the north korea could not in any way mission target those as somehow breaking faith with the negotiation and we
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spoke to analysts about how difficult the situation could once again become just a few julian has made it very clear if the publication of the drew will continue she would react if eight me so a nuclear test and i don't think peace is good direction at least from the point of view of south korea and i think it's kind of best interests of south korea to step in eve this situation continue to escalate and if there's a conflict what he's sort of saying is you better show me some steps which i can then say we're moving in the right direction he's putting pressure on north korea he's also in a sense putting pressure on south korea because of course south korean president is due to meet women in september south korea wants to open a liaison office on the border once in a way probably to regenerate new economic contacts and so the warm a relationship in south korea and north korea has been
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a sense of positive aspect of trumps diplomacy but now of course it begins to raise the question of a split possibly trump want to go back to a more aggressive posture to pressure north korea and the south korean government may say we have perceived benefits from a calming of the atmosphere and improve the atmosphere the pentagon was always on happy with any suggestion that it would scale back its maneuvers it wanted to maintain the military pressure of the military readiness of u.s. forces in and around korea. i'd say that says trump has moved to the pentagon position rather than the pentagon never really been happy with trump's position now go up today thanks for checking it out see if you will news this hour i'll be back again in just under forty minutes i hope to see them about tonight.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent to stick to the public will. the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round listen to the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. leave. it as you know provision on my bike when i want to. ask what i. owe. you for your hydro alaska's buskers bagel got any of that but let me just go to the media which as you know doesn't have any program on a month on those it doesn't but that's honest i don't know if it is failure to. join us as you know part of us you're not. you're not just on the most wanted i'm
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already but a sped up already difficult to read in the i remember the lord forgive thing which i don't know if it up as well i must admit that really feels i just don't get it i'm getting worse but those were the old vilest beatle songs those people are going to respect i'm one of those but i want the best i like obviously just this well is one of these i will ask him i want my family fussy about my just but that's already yes it will be and he thought a thing of it but i think with you you're simply meant to carry out my thought aloud problem you just gotta go you. leave. me not a witch it's real. viable from somewhere you. came back to the community of. people we obvious. found
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a note he wrote. me all about his own bible. says. she's going to. miss him and it doesn't. give us all that. we're going to this. love was the cut was also topping me in my life. i soon long have to die. it's the same wrong. roles just don't all. get to say power just becomes active. and engaged equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the owners did not shoot around a corner. this
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is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm bart chilton thank you for joining coming up today u.s. student loans debt as treated new high one point five trillion dollars as the top official in the u.s. government charged with protecting student loan borrowers quits saying the trump administration has turned its back on young people and their financial future will be joined by the council on civil justice of consumer rights person from public citizen remington a great end job one garcia is back the president of the united states student association plus russian president vladimir putin raises the retirement age for still years of a special report probably i shuffle below but in moscow and as we consider a deal or no deal with the us mexico and maybe or maybe not canada regarding the
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trade negotiations we'll get to the c.e.o. of straw market report what you'll join us for an important discussion plus we take a look at south africa as the nation's struggle way economically and faced with increasing violence in agricultural areas arctic correspondent ashley banks gives us the. details a busy broadcast as usual let's get some headlines to start us off. legislators in the state of california home of the world's fifth largest economy have sent a bill to require that the state go one hundred percent carbon free by twenty forty five to the desk of governor jerry brown senate bill one hundred approved by legislators on a forty four to thirty three vote in the assembly also strengthen their medium term energy reform goals for twenty thirty increasing the mandate from fifty to sixty percent energy from sources that do not add to greenhouse gas content in the atmosphere governor brown who will host a and serve as a co-chair for a climate summit
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a global climate summit next month is expected to sign the legislation historic wildfire conditions and extreme drought in the state are major reasons the legislation was seen to be approved so rapidly according to the measures sponsor assemblyman kevin daly on why is the only other state to have set a date for going carbon free experts say thirty five percent of california's energy from carbon free sources a twenty sixteen and that advances in energy storage are meted for wind and solar to achieve all season twenty four hour reliability to comply with the new legislations mandate. and in the tech sector facebook is also making a smart move to brand itself as a climate cautious company the social media site announced that yesterday that it had a goal for their powering their data centers with at least fifty percent renewable by a full year ahead of time the company says that they are now on track to reach one hundred percent on that metric by twenty twenty after they have constant contracted more than three gigawatts of energy sent setting their goals and twenty fifteen
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with twenty five hundred megawatts secured in twenty eight team the progress we're run praise from gary cook of green places said quote if we are to stay within the one point five degree threshold that scientists say is crucial to avoid catastrophic climate change we need. anymore companies stepping up to adopt aggressive renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals. and the crisis of affordable education in the united states has reached a spiriting new milestone as the leader of the government agency that's supposed to support student borrowers said that his bosses looking out for lenders not families and the u.s. federal reserve has reported that the level of outstanding u.s. student debt reach one point five trillion dollars this year with more than forty four million americans with an average of a thirty seven hundred dollars in educational debt standing out there the number is increased by twenty thousand over the past thirteen years the total burden of education related indebtedness in the us was just six hundred million in twenty and
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twenty two thousand and eight and only topped one trillion back in two thousand and twelve meanwhile there is little prospect for major reform or even slight improvement on these issues as the top official responsible for student loans at the consumer financial protection board the c f p b has resigned doing so in a scathing letter to acting cia director mick mulvaney we've spoken about him before that a party officials frontman wrote to mr rove and he quote under your leadership the bureau has abandoned the very consumers that is tasked by congress with protecting i have seen how the current actions being taken by bureau leadership are hurting families for more on this we are joined by counsel for civil justice and consumer rights at public citizen reminiscing a greg remington thank you so much for being with us who can be fun i look for to talk fun given this disappointing and disquieting news right of course so look i mean this is a big deal this guy is in charge of protecting not just students but former
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borrowers and they're go there go their families seems like a big deal right it is a big deal to see if p.b. has returned seven hundred fifty million dollars to students since it was stood up and it was set up after the financial crash the great recession. and part of the reforms in dodd frank were to create a student someone to look over to be an advocate for student bars and over the last few years they have done that sets for them and has done that rohit chopra when he was in the role has done it but now we have seen in this scathing letter that his resignation letter we have seen him say look they're not doing it anymore and you know this is a concern in general with p.b. about looking out for the interest. more in the financial sector as opposed to a consumer's but let me ask you i mean with regard to student loans specifically what is the. mint thinks was so wrong what are the policies and
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practices at c.f.p. be they were problematic leading to his resignation well there are a few things i mean mick mulvaney isn't a dumb man he knows that he can't just shut off the lights of the c.f.p. so what he's doing is trying to roll things back piece by piece put on the brakes delay and deter when he can so they've done a few things piece by piece to do that so for example they've taken the student loan office and they have put it into a new office that's just about information education so it really defending the enforcement with a totally it's i know this i mean it's set up by statute you're going to have somebody that's dealing with student loans so they've taken that position and they said you're going to share office with those other people so it still i guess officially meets the mandate of the law but it's sort of practice it's not doing the job exactly because dodd frank says you have to have been so they can't get rid of it but they can put him in the office and say you share cubicle with someone
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else another example is the navvy and litigation so the c.f.p. be sued now which is one of the largest service loan providers but now that was a that was a good thing i was going after a bad actor but that didn't start under this administration did exactly it started on the. ministration and other states are also suing now but we're getting word that mick mulvaney also pulled a brick put the brakes on that so we are concerned about that and then there's the defense role coming out of the part of education to the part of financial what's that so that is that if you're cheated by a school that the school goes under it goes bankrupt and and you have all this debt but no diploma you can apply to get those student loans expired get some relief for exactly and so they are buying ministration put these rules in place to update them and this is an inspiration there betty devolves trying to roll them back and so in his resignation letter he said look you are not allowing us as a student loan and others see it could be to talk out against these these bad
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things that the problem education is doing so it's piece by piece but but slowly but surely you can see them trying to put the brakes on wherever they can and before we go let me just get your opinion on caretaker manager she is the nominee to replace the acting director of mobility. what's your take on her she going to change anything there if she got through she has zero zilch experience in consumer law she's an acolyte of mick mulvaney i suspect that he's just going to text her from across the street and tell her exactly what they should be doing at the agency so we unfortunately can expect we can expect more of the same right now but more of the same is not helping students it's not helping consumers it's helping payday lenders and doesn't look like she's going to get through the senate and if so when it doesn't it depends i think that if we make our case that she has no experience possibly but there is no vote currently on the on the senate calendar we thank you so much for being here really appreciate an excellent job in explaining things for
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thank you you thank. and we continue a conversation with another expert the president the united states student association juggling garcia who joins us again great to have you back with us we sure appreciate it that was a big number this one point five trillion dollars what do you make of it well one of those good afternoon thank you for having me on that is a big number and when i think about this number i think brought in different parts the first one is what does that mean for education what does that mean for this country and what does that mean for an individual person for education education's a right anyone no matter what your identity or what your financial background is should be able to access and drive in your education and you know what we're seeing right now is that it's becoming a commodity and especially with that one trillion dollars right there the second thing in regards to a country. this is about economic justice this is also about the progress of this
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country when people are taking out loans you know that is an investment that people are doing on their future however what we're seeing is that people are not able to make investments in their life they're not able to buy cars unable to buy homes are not able to start businesses and this is important for our economic our economy as a country so it is very alarming when we think of that the other presidents to the country is that education is supposed to be this equalizer right however what we're suit we're seen for the student loan crisis is that it impacts some of the most marginalized communities in this country that includes black and brown folks that includes pell grant recipients that includes areas and a portion is that is the debt disproportionately and one minorities in the country well what happens is that they're the ones who are most at risk and they're the ones who are usually the people who are getting. these predatory loan programs.
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and again like these are the folks who are told that if you want a chance in life you work hard and you receive an education however what's happening to them and also a lot of other people in this goes into the third part about what it means for the individual is that these are people get who do what society tells them however they're put in the spot where they for decades house to make these payments and there are people who are making student loan payments of their own and also their grandchildren unfortunately and this has an impact on their mental health we have to think about you know what are they sleeping what are they thinking about before they go to sleep how do they wake up a lot of people are very depressed because of the situation that they're put in and they feel lied to they feel views and it's extremely unfortunate so one. they are they are more of a target for predatory lenders with high rates except trick to get an education and to since they are in this circumstance are they disproportionately the.
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hold a greater amount of debt then others other demographic areas groups rather i don't have the answer to that question however i do believe that you know again these are the people we need to be uplifting the most in the right entry and they're the ones who have been greatly impacted i mean i think about my own story i'm first narration daughter of immigrants my parents told me you work hard you know at a college but you know that's not really the reality i feel like i'm getting punished for doing what i'm told for trying to make something i myself you know the remington are speaking a little little bit you may have heard about the predatory lenders and are taking action against it are there things that government or state governments or others should be doing to crack down on predatory lending absolutely i mean with the example that mr rimington provide it with the ent we have states like california
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illinois and washington you know conducting their own lawsuits. against these loans and with predatory loan programs they're all bad guys you know there isn't one that's good or bad as you are ok with taking advantage of students with people who are just trying to have the means and the tools to make something of themselves and you're ok with manipulating them removing any chance that they have a life then you are bad and need to be held accountable to that we're really glad you're there keeping an eye on this just one garcia present you know so student association thank you great to see you again of course thank you. there is yet another u.s. securities exchange commission case in the news today this time current national football league player for the cleveland browns mychal kendricks who previously as a defensive linebacker with the philadelphia eagles has been charged with insider trading mr kendricks has been accused of making trades on mergers and acquisitions using inside information supplied by a former goldman sachs analyst time now for
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