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tv   News  RT  August 30, 2018 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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in trump you know it's all about detente and getting along with our greatest ally friend russia here is you know plates are good for the kids and you know if you open up there's other things in here so while we proceed here in the first half i'll just see what was going on. in that regard when i look at how the other hand on our luck go the other not out of the money out of the money there lynette in germany. this was a good time to. try to move. not that i want to get my little money in the house why not. why it generated the old people we believe just
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a little bit here. a lot of my kids i don't want them up with johnny boy are all the moment i want to tell a mother how do it all accusers are there a lot of them on the way to my be old enough to want to the people i don't want to put out they are the most hardy without all the mother bloated. welcome back to worlds apart that's appropriate talk with senior fellow in international affairs at the new school in new york. mr brooklyn just to finish.
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the issue all for us. where politicians. attention to. syria is a lot. on my mind a lot and i think there is also something. you know that country also requires and arjen how specialist like yourself because it has lots of formerly urban communities where the infrastructure was damaged a great deal some of those communities and now trying to go back to normal but obviously the resources lacking or a very short i wonder if we understand as a global community at this point how do you try to rebuild those cities not only syria but perhaps also in iraq in a way that would encourage free conciliation between various ethnic groups rather than strengthen the divisions that provoked those conflicts in the first place. a famous english economist lord keynes who said. should be to be like dentists and to
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say we can repair this tooth and so terms of working in cities you have to have a context that the environment the broader political environment is reasonable and that people can read that politicians will be responding to the people when you have a state of war. there's nothing i can do with my motor skills about the works. and suggesting to go to syria and try to vote for him from their own ends i'm just asking whether it is no commitment rosabelle to carry out something on that scale that has already i mean to rebuild something on the scale that they have in syria. i think we've had if you go through history it's been cruel and destructive over and over and some cities have come back and many are quite beautiful and wonderful places. if you look in the middle east and places like
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syria i agree with you it's totally depressed. and i wish the political issues involved with it could be resolved i don't begin to understand it or how to do that but i think until that is done there's very little hope that those cities will be able to turn the tide i think it has to come from the broader political context rather than from the city context kirkley from wrong i understand that they are specialized in sort of matching. or correlating the city's layout its morphology to the economic activity and. we have an interesting example here in russia of the capital grozny which was destroyed two decades ago which has now been built with having a federal subsidies but i think there is a mismatch between how the city looks and how it operates in terms of the organic south sustaining growth i mean if you have the money you can get out of the city will exist but the question is how you make it self-sustaining. how do you figure
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out how to do the latter part at the one thousand acquire so we just did some work what we refer to as trying to avoid what they called the. syndrome and it's this man who thought he was the king of kings and had a statue built of themselves that said well you look at me despair because i have such a beautiful place that i've designed and it's in fact in the middle of a desert building a city is a very organic spatial structure that responds to economic incentives but it's impossible for one planner to know how to allocate and make the investments for the entire city i think as you mentioned earlier in new york in barcelona the plans there and what they did was quite quite basic in terms of set up a structure so that people can respond to the incentives and build and paris and
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places like that they're just there as paris is a city of a. light still it's still quite beautiful and building a city that organically responds to the incentives and structures long live structures that can take advantage of water people want to live how they want to live and so forth is unquestionably the most important thing to do so a public policy maker to assume that he or she could do that is the highest degree and almost certain to fail now i know that you've also started the morphology off russia's largest thirteen largest cities in russia and you suggest that. my fellow g. is less than optimal in terms of encouraging economic growth what do you see as the major impediments so let me qualify that in a couple of ways first of all i haven't been to russia in eighteen years i worked here during the transition and now i've come back and it's delightful to be back and meet many old friends and just russian people are so friendly to me and. so my
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investigation was with the co-author who in fact is my son and he's a geographer who worked through satellite images of russian cities and what we did was compare those images to would cities look like around the world and what we find is that the types of structures of the cities the density of the population is such that it's unusual it's very unusual and so. papers written during the transition suggests that was quite costly to the russian economy and it was one of the reasons that the government was seeking to reform the way cities function. what we've found is that those patterns seem to not only persist but in some places to intensify so twenty five years after the reform you still have cities where instead of having most of the people living in the center of the city you often have most of them living on the outskirts of the city and so the idea of the city is that people get together and they congregate and they. exchange ideas with
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a western city but i guess for us the russians. that kind of martha. you know something deeper about our culture we are very centralized people with some authoritarian tendencies so i wonder if that layout is ultimately going to reflection of not only our city planning but also of broader things in our culture could as we say in the paper you know number one we're not sure it matters that it's different and if it does matter we're not sure that it's as costly as it could be but if you look at the studies in america these kinds of distortions they matter they matter a lot and they have. limits are the reduced economic growth in the united states by fifty percent and so did see ability to move to cities that have the highest productivity if you can't move and you can't move to the places within those cities that afford you the opportunity to exploit your skills it stands to reason that you
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would be less productive whether that matters on a broader scale or whether it's something cultural we don't know we're just reporting that it is different here. russians to say do they agree to take think what the causes are that we think what can be done about it and what can be done about it is quite difficult question. also attributed to a. problem which you describe as too many people having too many rights to control the property which makes consensus very difficult and i think part of the reason is also that. the russian people after a long history of collective existence have also become very automatized they have void collective solutions collective action on their faith objectively that to their benefit is that something permanent or do you think that may change over time to have we seen in other cities how this collective muscle collective
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from the positive way how does it form so that was yesterday i gave the presentation and for russian experts responded and people from the audience responded that was almost the continual scene that it's not only the difficulty of negotiating it's the lack of desire to do so and that while the buildings the units were privatized many people don't feel that the building has anything to do they have anything to do with and that they should that should be provided to them and so. come after so they're not real owners of their view themselves as residents. and there is this very collected feeling and so that's something that i think is profoundly difficult to change and it will take time i also think that in terms of the transition that some people take for example a person living on the outskirts of for example. in a quite a distance from
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a job who has. transport heavily subsidized utilities heavily subsidized and not many job opportunities there are not as many as there were in the old days. what does a person do if you think of that the house with been given if you put the real cost to the utilities there are opportunities and there transport in fact they weren't given an asset they were given something that detracts from their their wealth and so that person's in a tough spot and so a lot of russians i think are in that spot and it makes it a very profoundly difficult political question it's an interesting observation especially given that there are authorities like to complain. the lack of social mobility on the part of the population but you can also i guess think about the policy is that and courage that social mobility by for example restructuring some of those subsidies or how think people to make rational decisions about their property but i think they are making rational decisions and it's difficult for the government to move away from subsidising the transport of the utilities simply
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because those people are in such a costly spot and they can't afford it particularly the pensioners what do you do about that and that's just a transition from one type of system to another it's a very costly system change this effect is one that i don't think is from the discussion yesterday people were saying this is something we need to look at more closely now you mentioned that there haven't been in quite some time and i'm sure you've noticed that there must have put a lot of thought a lot of resources and various beautification. projects they have really trying now to make the city environmental little bit more hospitable but i think an interesting phenomenon here is that. many of the residents are not actually excited about the kind of innovation and what it also reveals as they call for the skill of community cation on the part of the authorities or perhaps on the part of the population is that. a particular russian phenomenon known as is this something
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that you see in other cities as well. you know i'm not sure yeah i guess i should say that the city. center here but it's quite lovely and it's really it's not what it was when i was here when the transition was going on it's no it it's a european city it feels a little if you use incredibly russian but just still a. so to me as an external observer in the person who goes to lots of cities. it's great to come back and the people are very warm and it's very. it's just the delightful experience that he has speaking on the personnel and i guess my question is more professional and. more off your profit professional expertise i think they have they the idea that the most catherine shows have is that if you crave the right kind of environment that they'll how to bring. more people
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into the city not only tourist but also more business as it will also how keep the most agitated within the city do you think that kind of rationale is going to work especially given the. kind of times that male even so what i think. this is a fascinating historical moment and it reminds me of. new york when there was a man named robert moses who they say that he's the only man in the twentieth century who you can see from the moon see his creations on earth and he really carved up new york city and he built a lot of it he built lincoln center he did a lot with the central park but he also destroyed a lot and he destroyed and he cut through neighborhoods particularly poor neighborhoods and avoided the rich neighborhoods and so his movement restructuring a city. you know for better or worse must goes in a point where it needs to restructure and so how do you do those things when you
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have all the millions and millions of people who have different ideas you have to listen to them and i think the. robert moses was a woman named jane jacobson very much getting community participation but that slows things down a lot and you can understand when there's a need for change why people don't want to engage the community but nevertheless if you don't it doesn't work and so i think it's a very difficult i don't begin to second guess the things that have been. but i wish them well well mr barclay thank you very much farai this conversation has been delightful at first. and i also encourage our viewers to keep it going on our social media pages as for me hope to hear again same place same time here on worlds apart.
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it was you know provision on my back when i wanted to. ask but i. owe. you for your height oh i lost his boss because i just got then you. doesn't have any money my film of those in prison but that's honest i don't think there's any of them. so i says you know what i was you know. you know just i mean
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my most wanted i'm already but it was sped up out of me just a lot of media and. i mean it was a lot. there's an up as well i must admit that really feels i just don't get off on getting the rest but those were the old vilest beatle songs those people are going to respect i'm one of those but i was just this for this part of this i'm going to scream i want my family posse you could've had a bomb i just bought that already has a whiskey and he thought of getting up there calling cuisia you seen him in ticket my thought out loud problem you just got to go to. the leave. me not a witch it's real. viable from somewhere you. i came back to the community people we all be standing on the road lookouts me
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all about his own bible towards him. and i was like. let's. see. she's going on until you see me down in. the puzzle. if you don't. know we will do this. i. mean my life. gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money twenty five thousand dollars as
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a teacher to keep the. truck. truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like gold rush is very very similar. but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here anymore. got laid off. that's not what. it.
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was a decisive battle looms over the last rebel stronghold in a province in syria the u.s. discards russian intelligence on a possible chemical attack being prepared by terrorists that. are going to be doesn't seem that for when you try to put the blame they try to put the onus on other groups and we don't buy into that video of a young palestinian go. to. at home in the west bank goes viral we speak to the activist who filmed the incident. germany struggles to deport an undocumented migrant who faces more than five hundred criminal charges as the issue of illegal migration overshadows chancellor merkel's tour of africa. we meet the outspoken british rock star roger waters who is in russia for a set of gigs he's got plenty to say about the world's biggest issues and where he
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gets his news the guy who's producing the record producer this recruitment started telling me about. how it was. just pure propaganda nothing but a pack of lies while i worked churchy. in moscow this thursday thanks for checking in with r.t. for world news this hour with me calling break first up for you the united states is ignoring warnings that terrorists are preparing a chemical attack in italy province in northwest syria a state department spokesperson simply said that they don't buy into that when asked about the intelligence provided by moscow the russians are claiming now and this one other groups are stuck by the chemical weapons and planning an attack so you know i think that's more false flag type for forty two i'm going to be this is enough for when you try to put the blame they try to put the onus on other groups
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and we don't buy into that russia says it has information on the delivery of toxic substances to the province it claims it got there with the help of the self-styled rescue group the white helmet then is to be used in a false flag attack russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov explain the motivation behind the plot. the chemical weapons prove a case in which is being prepared is aimed at keeping al nasra they're counting on using it against the so-called regime as they call it following the alleged goot a chemical attack russia's warning that rebels will try to stage as similar incident in the evening to draw the u.s. france and britain in get them to hit a sad again russia says an incident is imminent especially after the u.s. and allies jointly stated that they would act if it looks like as had launched another chemical attack that's almost an invitation to do so says moscow it was. now when the u.s. is steering the situation around we want to know how can damascus have chemical
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weapons if the u.s. france and great britain destroyed them last year you know what the u.s. answer is we never said that france did its do or dive for the jihad ists rebels nowhere left to run nothing left to lose and their sponsors the west the gulf which have pumped billions upon billions of dollars into a cause that's on its last legs the mascot's and moscow a trying to work out a deal to reduce perhaps avoid the bloodshed but the jihad for it syria russia adamant the swamp of terror and zealotry has no future the. group which are this is the last place for the terrorists so from all points of view this abscess should be removed of course what everybody's fearful of is escalation given the us russian military buildup in the region everyone has
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a gun pointed at each other and given that this is it the final act of the syrian war the urge to shoot might just be overwhelming the united states doesn't believe that the rebels have that capability whereas the. tremendous documentation to show that they do have the capability they've probably been storing it for months if not years in the province and they have used it in the past they have that capability and it is a last ditch hold for them so it cannot be ruled out and it's not it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the u.s. is trying to get assad out they're going to continue trying and and even though donald trump wants to. get the u.s. out of syria there are elements within the u.s. government that don't want that to happen back to the concerns about the white
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helmets the group being accused of assisting the delivery of a large supply of chemicals to province they've been linked with terrorists several times before political activist and outspoken british rock musician roger waters from pink floyd has been sharing his thoughts about it with r.t. he's currently in russia on tour and spoke at length to sophie shevardnadze. if there is a grassroots footy called the way home it's of volunteers. separate for the people who actually started to stumble it was it didn't start it was started by an english soldier. in istanbul if that body exists. and they and they go and help people. in the. door the russians or somebody else just drop observe them then i support them whole heartedly with every fiber of my being but. all the evidence points to the fact that that is
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not the reality i don't know if you did you did you see the the documentary that won the oscar. i mean have you ever seen anything so obviously scripted and carefully shot. now for this book and google when you choose but whatever the way that most people get their news and they use those. social media you know or in order to educate themselves or find out what's going on nothing but it's being it is being the content is being censored by the corporations that earn it so it's so so it it won't be free and it's not free now but it's and they're very are targeting i wouldn't be surprised if i
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disappear because i'm anti war. when i was making this this record i just made this is the life we really want. the guy was producing the record producing this record with me started telling me about . how archie was. just pure propaganda nothing but a pack of lies while i worked churchy so i guess you can't see a documentary about fracking on american television because they weren't interested in it in time and telling you anything about anything and there's more where that came from the full interview with roger waters will be shown on sophie and co on september the seventh only here on. thanks video of a young palestinian girl climbing a security fence erected by israeli forces in the west bank has provoked outrage online and the girls apparently trying to get home after israeli security forces
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closed the gate there campaigners say it's becoming a daily routine for palestinians we spoke to from the hadron freedom fun to film the video. never the army. you know do that every day. the distinctions are there if the students from the neighborhood use the mean. few minutes on leaving or to the school we have a give the school a boy to school only two or three minutes from the neighborhood but the solution policy in the situation policy. of the creation makes them. walk around and sometimes they climb. the gates and they climb the fence just to illustrate for you where all this happened it's in the south of the west bank in a district in hebron the old city and that's where israeli authorities were directed the one hundred fifty meter long fence which we've marked out there for you in blue
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and palestinians living there have two ways to get to their homes the checkpoint and the gate that you saw in the video now we asked the i.d.f. why they felt the measures were necessary they replied that the barrier was put there for security reasons after an israeli man was stabbed to death last year but last thursday. had to be locked up for several hours for repairs when a number of palestinian sabotage that the i.d.f. says residents were able to pass through a gate nearby was just a few meters from where the other gate was now although back in may israeli forces kept that gate closed for six days as a punishment for stone throwing as they put it.
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its amro again says palestinian families are facing segregation and inequality in their daily lives because of the barrier the fence. neighborhood around seventy seven families from the schools from the. from their universities from the other neighbors we call their gate and there are all. an equal because that. is an easy. walk on the mean. living they will call on the side of that old you know we have twenty two checkpoints one hundred movement in one kilometer square in the city center of people on. the issue of illegal migration is shaping chancellor angela merkel's top of africa germany sheltered a vast amount of migrants and is now struggling to resolve the problem of failed asylum seekers because many lack basic identification papers are europe correspondent peter all of a report.


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