tv News RT August 30, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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capable of producing chemical weapons syria's u.n. envoy gives a warning about extremists in the country russia's fear of a false flag attack is brushed aside in washington. another false flag attack is being prepared to try and hinder the empty terror operation in egypt was the scene that before when they tried to play the blame they try to put the onus on other groups and we don't buy into that. for instance president outrage among the country's opposition figures after a menu almost from his own citizen citizens french calls for resisting his economic reforms and. a video of a young palestinian girl scaling and his really built plants to get home and the west bank goes viral we speak to the activists who filmed the incident. and we
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meet outspoken british rock star roger waters who's currently on tour in russia he's got plenty to say about the world's biggest issues and where he gets his news . but you should do it the producer of this record to me still to challenge me about. how she was. just pure propaganda nothing but a pack of lies a little when i was. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q in moscow thanks for joining us this hour for your global news update. a crucial battle is looming in the last rebel stronghold in the syrian province of the un special envoy for syria says there are around ten thousand allness or terrorists there and that the group is capable of producing chemical weapons meanwhile russia's foreign minister
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has warned that another terrorist false flag attack is being prepared to sabotage the liberation. because she did the political it's another false flag attack is being prepared to try and hinder the n.t. terror operation in each loop with the facts on the table through the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of defense we gave a clear and tough warning to our western partners will not supply you with. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov says the preparations for a staged chemical attack are aimed at keeping al nasra a force in the region to be used as a counterbalance against the assad government but the u.s. is ignoring these warnings the state department says they just don't buy into it the russians are claiming and this one another group stockpiling chemical weapons and planning an attack so you know and i think that's more false flag reporting from going to seen that before when they try to put the blame they try to put the onus on other groups and we don't buy into that but still that comes as
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a surprise because the u.n. special envoy to syria says that the estimated ten thousand al nusra fighters in the area are indeed capable of utilizing chemical weapons the issue of avoiding the book thing joe use of chemical weapons if indeed crucial and would be totally unacceptable we all know it away both the government and have the ability to produce weaponized chlorine. and with regard to the syrian government's chemical weapon capabilities level of question how they could even exist at all citing the fact that the u.s. u.k. and france had overseen their destruction just last year and the syrian foreign minister also said that the west's aggression comes from dissatisfaction with the direction in which political tides are flowing in the country. and you see in the u.s. the u.k.
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and france are not satisfied with developments on the ground therefore they make every possible attempt to impede progress in the political process in particular they are trying to protect on this are insurgents and they want the crisis in our country to continue all sides of the conflict are aware that this is a critical point in syria it's the last pocket of terrorist resistance and russia is warning that they will try to stage a chemical attack in a final attempt to gain support from the west and perhaps gain a foothold once more in the country damascus and moscow they've already put forward efforts towards peace but the islamic groups have made it abundantly clear they will not surrender and with a zero sum game mindset it's hard to see why the most hard line terrorists in syria use every tool at their disposal to change the tide of war former pentagon official michael maloof says a false flag attack in syria shouldn't be rolled out. the united states doesn't
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believe that the rebels have that capability whereas there's tremendous documentation to show that they do have the capability they've probably been storing it for months if not years in the province and they have used it in the past they have that capability and it is a last ditch hold for them so it cannot be ruled out and it's not it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the u.s. is trying to get assad out they're going to continue trying and and even though donald trump wants to. get the u.s. out of syria there are elements within the u.s. government that don't want that to happen meanwhile the syrian foreign minister has revealed that the controversal group the white helmet have reportedly kidnapped forty four children damascus has suggested the youngsters might be used as part of a if possible false flag attack. moscow also believes the white helmets are
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sustaining with a large supply of chemicals being moved to the area and white helmets which calls itself a rescue group has been accused of having links to extremists something they deny political activist and outspoken british rock musician roger waters from pink floyd who has long been a vocal critic of the white helmets shared his thoughts with r.t. he's currently on tour in russia and spoke at length to sophie shevardnadze. if there is a grassroots body called the way home and it's a volunteers. separate for the people who actually started in istanbul it was that it didn't start syria was started by an english it soldier. inestimable but if that body exists. and they and they go and help people. in a salad or the russians or somebody else to stop observe them then i support them
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whole heartedly with every fiber of my being but all the evidence points to the fact that that is not the reality i don't know if you did you did you see the the documentary that won the oscar. i mean have you ever seen anything so obviously scripted and carefully shot. now for this book on google and you choose whatever the way that most people get their news and they use those. social media you know or in order to educate themselves or find out what's going on nothing but it's being it is being the content is being censored by the corporations that earn it
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so so so it it won't be free and it's not free now but it's and they're very are targeting i wouldn't be surprised if i disappear because i'm anti war. when i was making this this record i just made this is the life we really want. the guy who's producing the work of producing this record with me started telling me about how far to you are to use. just pure propaganda nothing but a pack of lies while i worked churchy so i've seen those you can see a documentary about fracking on american television because they weren't interested in it and telling you anything about anything the full interview with roger waters will be shown on sophie and co on september seventh only here on r.t.
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. the president of france has described some of his own citizens as being stuck in the past and backwards emanuel mccrone said so-called french goals were preventing positive change or praising the danish economic model on a visit to copenhagen. given these looser and people who have lived through the transformations of recent years are not exactly who are resistant to change the world those comments by president mike or never not gone down well here in france with opposition politicians from across the political spectrum telling him exactly what they thought saying that he was showing contempt for the french people and they took to twitter to show their angry reaction as usual he despises the french from abroad the girls will be happy to respond to his arrogance and contempt. the contempt for mccraw for the french is unbearable and reveals his disconnect with the people of france we are in twenty eighteen a d.
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there are many on yielding goals who are attached to social progress who still fight against regression it is inadmissible to hear the president of the republic caricature and despise the french from abroad while many french everyday citizens also felt the hum from those comments from president michael unhappy that yet again while he's abroad he's chosen a venue outside forts to criticize what he sees as being the french resistance to his reforms but what many people thought as being a judge will contempt for the french people let's not how president might console it in a press conference on thursday he defended his comments saying that he told the truth and he said that while people in france don't like permanent adjustments we are a country when in serious moments of our history we can be transformed to present my own had been praising in denmark the danish system which means that it's easier to fire people from a job and it also means people that quit their jobs can have
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a social security as a bit of a buoyancy eight and those are things that he says that he wants to emulate a in france with his reforms were forms which over the last year and a half have seen roof resistance over and over with many protests of people coming out to the streets to say they don't want my calls for foreigners to proceed. was. yet again president my corner has provoked fierce street. action with his comments tone while he's made them abroad and many people just can't simply believe the core of
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the president's. video of a young palestinian girl climbing an israeli security fence in the west bank has provoked outrage online now she simply trying to get back to her house after the i.d.f. closed off the roof and painter say this is happening all too frequently for palestinians we spoke to from the hebron freedom fund filmed what's going on there. whenever the army closes the gates of the you know do that every day and the distinctions are there if the students from the neighborhood use. your minutes on leaving or to the school we have a gives a school a boy to school only two three minutes from neighborhood but a solution for this in the situation. or if there's a really cute petion it makes them. you know. walk around and sometimes
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climb the gates and they climb the fences. let's take a closer look at where that incident unfolded it was in the southern part of the west bank and how bronze old city now israeli authorities put up a one hundred fifty meter long fence there which you can see in blue palestinians living there have two ways to reach their homes the first is the main entry exit checkpoint of that fence and the second the gate you saw being scaled by the girl in the video now we asked the i.d.f. why they felt closing off those routes were necessary and they replied it was for security reasons after an israeli man was stabbed to death in the area last year but last thursday that specific gate was again locked for several hours israel claims it was for repairs after palestinian sabotage that the i.d.f. also stressed residents were still able to pass through the main security checkpoint now it's not the first time the gate has been a flashpoint back in may israeli forces kept it closed for six days as a punishment for stone throwing as they put it.
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and there. is the ammo again says palestinian palestinian families are facing segregation and inequality in their daily lives because of the barrier. you know i salute the neighborhood around seventy seven families from the schools from the war from their universities from their neighbors we call their gate and there they're all. equal at all because that road is only for us to me and from the main street is the jewish. they walk on the mean street and the last two years of our living they walk
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on the side of the old you know we have twenty two checkpoints one hundred movement in one kilometer square in the city center of people on. an anti palestinian protest in the u.s. presented as a grassroots movement has now been revealed to be allegedly staged by an israeli lobby group a leaked extract from an unreleased al-jazeera documentary is said to show people who are paid to take part in the demonstration we spoke to the investigative journalist who obtained a video here's what happened. if you happen to speak with any reporters just stay on message what is that message that's j.p. it's a secret you're going to know that all the matches that has to be in charge of this . terrorism and.
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the protesters are on a fellowship program run by a conservative think tank called the things to touche to just ignore the whole family and be out there these charities because of the suicide bombing at a campus you have to stop searching the shit out of here no pollack is at the center of a neo conservative prone likud political network in washington that represents the right wing of the pro israel lobby he has collaborated with neo conservative think tank in washington the hoover institution to basically pay fake protesters to make it look like people are coming out and protesting palis die and activity in washington doing my worst that there is. a photo of tea on a high together and we're just like early identifiable and i call or threaten traders or sold out of the jewish conspiracy for money because it's two thousand dollars plus benefit this way of putting out
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a house like house for it so i don't this is out of the is exactly the best possible yeah astroturfing is when corporations or political movements basically pay. for grassroots support this is what is so revealing about the israel lobby in america is that they basically pay for congressional support for their donations they even are willing to pay low level people to go out in the streets that make it look like common americans actually support the israel lobby is goals when they really don't want to do it. great resistance child suicide overthrow bank killers case where they kill children they don't care if at any rate. i'm distressed to find that all investigation into america's pro israel lobbyists may represent the most important test yet over al-jazeera is independent and whether
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our network still has space to thrive admits the unjust blockade against at the time rehearsed. we have contacted al-jazeera to ask why the film was never broadcast we also approached the emergency committee for israel and the hoover institution for their reactions if we hear anything back won't tell you what they say. the u.s. has worn india it could be facing sanctions if delhi goes ahead with the purchase of the russian s. four hundred missile defense system we would still have very significant concerns if india pursued major new platforms and systems from russia there is an impression that we are going to completely protect the india relationship insulate india from any fallout from this legislation no matter what they do that is
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a bit misleading. the sanctions act was signed by donald trump in two thousand and seventeen to impose penalties on russia iran and north korea but it also allows for moves against any country engaging with russia's defense or intelligence sectors the new u.s. defense bill lets the president waive sanctions against some of washington's partners like india indonesia and vietnam if lifting them would benefit u.s. national interests india is now in the final stages of signing off on a six billion dollars deal with russia for the last four hundred the technology can engage up to eighty targets at a time with a range of four hundred kilometers and it's been described in western media as one of the best air defense systems on the market however it's that six billion we mentioned that seemingly become a target for washington sanctions while india continues to stress it isn't violating international law by going ahead with the deal. is not a u.n. act it's a us act we have spoken about the s four hundred for years not just today. the
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warning from the white house comes just a week before american indian top officials are due to meet in new delhi india is not the first country to come under scrutiny for its dealings with russia since two thousand and seventeen turkey has been under pressure from america for wanting to buy the s four hundred promised it would retaliate against any penalties coming from washington we spoke to international affairs professor who believes that india could be pushed into strengthening ties with russia and china. this is a negotiating tactic of trump administration we have seen this many times they try to apply maximum pressure and then they concede and backtrack because they do realize that they have other geopolitical goals in the asia pacific for which india should be. a central player passing through a very hard mean phases since donald trump has taken the white house because he doesn't seem to have their grand strategy for asia pacific is also forcing us to
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rethink our approach to or china and to russia simply because we need to have our own counterpressure point in order for the trump administration to understand the importance of the value of india that we are not a banana republic that can be pushed around blackmail and threats of sanctions russia as a defense partner and we're going to stand with them as four hundred triumph is the best surface to air missile that sort so or geo strategic needs for our self defense there is no substitute for f. four hundred anywhere in the world the threat is more to do with fears that the s four hundred gets mixed up with the f. thirty five american fighter jet which we are looking to acquire then the secrets the military secrets will spill over. the issue of illegal migration is shaping chancellor angela merkel's tour of africa germany has sheltered a vast amount of migrants and is now struggling to resolve the problem of failed asylum seekers as many lack basic idea papers are europe correspondent peter all
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reports. migration policy in germany is firmly in focus right now but what to do when it's been decided that the person doesn't have the right to be here and should be deported well at the bizarre end of the spectrum is the case of one man in frankfurt who the city's office of public order confirmed to r.t. its how a whopping five hundred and forty two criminal investigations against him the man who doesn't have a passport can't be deported because the authorities can't prove which nation he originally comes from oh and by the way this has been going on since ninety ninety eight over the last twenty years most of his offenses have involved drug charges driving offenses driving without a license and violations of the residency act but who year is remains a mystery we have a loose biography that suggests that he was born in one nine hundred fifty nine in
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north africa in the past he said that he was from morocco and also from algeria it could be that he is from one of those two countries or it could be from somewhere entirely different opposition figures say that this case shows the flaws in the current system in germany but i'm not surprised this is the most extraordinary case the most ridiculous case so to speak it's a failure of system it's a failure of the government i think if the government really wanted to extradite people could do it but they don't dare to do it because they're afraid of the left wing media. would protest and their n.g.o.s and so-called human rights organisations they protest against of even try to prevent physically the extradition of people the most recent statistics for this year show that more than half of deportation orders were carried out the most common reason for this is that
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when authorities turn up at the door address where somebody was supposed to live. they're not there and they can't be found however this year we've seen a sharp rise in the number of people who've avoided deportation after they physically resisted three ation of people that don't have the right to be here in germany that makes her current tour around the wicket we have a situation now we're not all problems have been solved especially the british ans are still a big problem but what the chancellor has left behind violent scenes in the city of cam that's this is after a thirty five year old german man was stabbed to death last weekend police a syrian and in a rocky man in custody in connection with the killing and that has sparked angry reaction and pitched left against right over who has the right to stay in germany. was. peter all of a. u.s.
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military drills with south korea which donald trump surprisingly canceled on the north korea summit in singapore are back on the table we will be stopping the war games which will save us a tremendous amount of money unless and until we see that the future negotiation is not going along like it should now as you know we took the step to suspend to several of the largest exercises as a good faith measure coming out of the singapore summit we have no plans at this time to suspend any more exercises the last large scale drills in the region were held in august two thousand and seventeen they involve ten days of exercises about fifty thousand south korean troops and seventeen and a half thousand u.s. military personnel north korea has repeatedly said it's being targeted by the military games calling them a provocation the u.s.
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maintains it acting within the previous agreements. we should spend several of the largest exercises but we did not suspend the rest so there are ongoing extras all the time on the peninsula the region you've not heard much about them is north korea could not in any way misinterpret those as somehow breaking faith with the negotiation we spoke to analysts about how difficult the situation could once again become. julian has made it pretty clear. the people condition of the drew will continue she will react to fate t.v. so a nuclear test and i don't think peace is good direction at least from the point of view of south korea and i think it's going to press the interest of south korea to stop the eve situation continue to escalate if there's
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a conflict or two sort of saying is you better show me some steps which i can then say we're moving in the right direction is putting pressure on north korea he's also in a sense putting pressure on south korea because of course south korean president is due to meet him in september south korea wants to open a liaison office on the border once in a way probably to regenerate new economic contacts and so the woman a relationship in south korea and north korea has been a sense of positive aspect of trumps diplomacy but now of course it begins to raise the question of spirit possibly trump want to go back to a more aggressive posture to pressure north korea and the south korean government may say we have perceived benefits from a calming of the atmosphere and improve the atmosphere the pentagon was always on happy with any suggestion that it would scale back its maneuvers it wanted to maintain the military pressure the military readiness of the u.s. forces in and around korea and so in that sense trump has moved to the pentagon
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position rather than the pentagon never really been happy with trump's position. stunning revelations have surfaced regarding the mysterious murder of three russian journalists in the central african african republic the reporters were investigating possible links between the kremlin and private military companies operating in the country they were found dead in a bullet ridden car the investigation was sponsored by a russian tycoon and known critic of the president putin this naturally led to speculations that the murder could be a politically motivated however at least text messages from the team organizing the investigation have revealed some new insights about what could what could have led to the tragedy. we're now joined live in the studio by our tears in their turn go in there what's in these leaks well jack one as you've mentioned this is indeed a tragic story and the leaks are absolutely opening it is dozens of screenshots from
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a messenger group chat what it features is all three members of the crew their boss from the h.q. that they have and also a couple of their producers and i can tell you that i have plenty of similar chats on my phone myself whenever we organize a new trip we always start chats like this so i am a bit of an expert in this the leaked screenshots allow us to trace all the preparations for working in one of the most dangerous countries in africa besides the group and the people back at their age q well also used this group chat as their only source of communication when the trip started and if the contacts of the league are actually right it was an absolute mess we've got a pretty small press cards in english and also a u.n. sign for the car. make sure you film how you get rid of the press cards do it in
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a creative way and with commentary. so apparently according to these messages from their h.q. they thought faking un credentials was a good idea by the way mikhail khodorkovsky who you mentioned he is the out. paid tron he later claimed that the whole trip to the central african republic was coordinated with the un however the united nations said that they knew nothing of it so as we just heard the plan suggested using freshly printed press cards at one stage of the trip and then burning them at another so they knew that they were breaking the law in advance by entering the country with a tourist visa without any accreditation you might say fair enough the.
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