tv News RT August 31, 2018 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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ten days ahead of sweden's general election. where a parliamentary candidate claims he was attacked by a migrant. nobel committee says the prime minister should keep hope a surprise despite a un report on the mass killing of the country's minority. give information on the murder of russian journalists in the central african republic had serious security lapses in the preparation of the trip. and the people in white declaring war on yellow ribbons in the spanish city.
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news center with news this friday we're starting off in sweden where a parliamentary candidate claimed that he was attacked by a migrant at an alternative to sweden party rally in a town in the west of the country. forty three hundred thirty five two hundred thirty five tensions flared during campaigning for a general election and seen a surge in support for euro skeptic right wing parties and there's more if a national reports the country is also seeing a spike in crime levels. we've gotten used to pictures of shootings and car burnings from sweden called vulnerable neighborhoods but the upcoming swedish elections has brought violence to an every day street one of my colleagues from alternative for sweden being attacked by an immigrant you who attended a meeting am with dreaming and shouting all over the meeting i was attacked two of them i tried to protect my friend and colleague and this immigrant starting hitting before us in the face also the few eggs at our vehicle when we left the scene they
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ran after and when we had to stop going to the red lights they kicked the car. swedish police never confirmed the attackers ethnicity but the party member was fun to him as an immigrant but that is not all they blame immigrants for an overall high criminality rate and low security across the country although the connection was never established officially the turn it to the party offers to sweden is sealed borders and immigrants sent back to where they came from their past relation instead of immigration they say and also a toff a police and a stronger army the meeting gathered some supporters but the majority came to voice their discontent because he was saying that we need to clean sweden we need to get over four in your hair and three the need to be you know back in the old days
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right now not really because if you look back in time three notes always take you in for injuries so if you're thinking new people if when a court. we are a racist who knows streets where race is still no streets party saying they want to take down all the immigrants and the people is unhappy they don't like it as long as we can integrate them to swedish society may become they become a swedish says me because i'm also an immigrant from belgium. as long as they become swedish and they work and they do it normal swedish things it's absolutely no problem as long as they they can keep their religion they can keep their culture but they should speak swedish and they should work. immigrants here feel like. they're not included in the society police told us they are always invited to my face when you. have a lot of me to you so. i thought it was.
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a lot of people to lie don't like the opinions that's why we call the police it's always like this when it's time to two elections sweden will hold the general election just handles tensions are high ahead of the national vote that could be historic the ruling left wing social democrats the oldest and largest party in sweden could see its worst result in the last one hundred years as rightwing ideas are gaining more and more popularity. from sweden. fresh revelations have surfaced which could potentially shed light on the mysterious murder of three russian journalists in the central african republic at the end of july with signs that their perilous trip was badly managed the journalists were looking into the alleged presence of russian mercenaries in the country russian tycoon and vocal critic of president putin. sponsored their
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investigation the reporters were found dead in a bullet riddled car in a remote location the speculation in the mainstream media that the killings were politically motivated with claims that the russian government was somehow connected with the alleged private contractors operations there too insisted the journalists were killed because of the investigation they were carrying out. do you have any reason to believe that these men were killed because of the work they were doing. in the book yes i think exactly that. however screenshots of text messages between the team organizing the trip and the slain journalists which recently surfaced indicate possible serious amount of relapses that's prompted khodorkovsky to hold his support for the investigative journalism group that they were working for jacqueline who could discuss the revelations with correspondent. the group chat featured the three members of the current also their boss back at the h.q. plus a couple of producers at this point the screenshots can not shed light on what exactly
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happened on that tragic day and the probe is of course far from being over but the screen shots allow us to trace the preparations that were actually being undertaken for working in one of the most dangerous countries in africa and also the crew and their h.q. people kept using that very same group chat as their means of communication when the trip began and just have a look at some of these elements of the preparations we've got a pretty small press cards in english and also a u.n. sign for the car. make sure you film how you get rid of the press cards do it in a creative way and with commentry so apparently according to these messages from their h.q. faking un credentials was part of their plan yes and by the way the group later claimed that they were working in the central african republic in coordination with
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the united nations however eventually the un said that they knew nothing of it so again the plan suggested that the group could use their freshly printed press cards at one stage of the travel and then burn them out another we don't know the purpose of that well they knew that they were about to break the law by entering the country on tourist visas but as a journalist on active duty without any accreditation you might argue that most of the central african republic is lawless land so your logical assumption would be that they must have had a go to person on the ground then definitely a proper translator and for sure a carefully thought through plan and reality though when they arrived in the country they didn't even have the phone number of their fixer he didn't show up at
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the airport and they were never able to get in touch with them and at the end of the day they didn't have a proper i'd temporary and so issues started piling up one after another upon arrival and here's some of the other parts of the messages that the crew sent in the group shot guys when the bit of logistical disaster we just can't seem to get through to the locals took knowledge is absolutely alien to them there's a feeling of total helplessness when it comes to language basically no one speaks english the journalists mission and the ca are obviously meant that they were supposed to sneak through some heavy security and have a look at what the cameraman texted and the group chat after one of their failed attempts to do just that we couldn't get in they said it's only possible with a permit from the defense ministry plus two cops met us with all our equipment by the hotel we had to bribe them. then we were stopped at the checkpoint and other bribe but a smaller one the locals the cameras as
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a negative unfriendly thing and what kind of directions did their bosses give them at that point they were told to keep going the group was losing money on bribes they were never even able to get and touch with their all the english speaking guide however when everything seemingly went out of control messages from age you kept urging them to stay on track to go there by a so if you paid a lot of money to get to this country you shouldn't give up about any permit we need to translator to find him when he's held from being the new it's impossible to storm into the security retore. and i'm not sure we have to go to the ministry and be tough with the bribes next time what rules did you violate tell them you're going to go to the embassy except this group chat clearly points at the fact that there were real security issues that the crew was facing before their tragic death
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. the nobel committee has defended his decision not to retract the peace prize from me on last prime minister despite a damning report from the united nations that accuses the country's army of committing mass killing and atrocities against the range of minority claims the government denies his r.t. has done a quarter the treatment of the row hinge a minority in myanmar equates to genocide that's the conclusion made by the un the mission has concluded that criminal investigation and prosecution is warranted focusing on the top to mentor generals in relation to the three categories of crimes under international law genocide crimes against humanity and war crimes with ethnic cleansing happening on the watch of nobel peace prize laureate aung sun suu kyi and despite public demand to rescind cheese award the nobel committee insists she should keep it.
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in. the un report demands me and marse top generals be investigated for crimes against humanity it also accuses misty of turning a blind eye to it all but that's alright because the nobel committee says it's. only concerned with what happened in the past. it's important to remember that's a nobel prize winner in physics literature peace is awarded for some prize worth the effort of the past i'm certain. won the nobel prize for peace for who
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fight for democracy and freedom up until ninety ninety one the year she was awarded the prize well if we're to believe the committee only cares about recipients pasts they're going to have some explaining to do here. yasser arafat received the peace prize for brokering a middle east accord securing palestinian rule in gaza and the west bank at the same time he was the chair of the palestinian liberation organization responsible for violence against israeli civilians who they consider to be part of an illegal occupation arafat did renounce the violence before receiving the award though but how about another nobel peace prize laureate henry kissinger. kissinger received the prize for negotiating a cease fire in the vietnam war he was set to share the nomination with north vietnamese diplomat late dr except the vietnamese responded with
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a big no thank you and to no one's amazement that's because kissinger had been secretly bombing cambodia throughout the nineteen seventies as disclosed in a pentagon report he approved almost four thousand bombing raids in just the first two years of the campaign. and last but not least as barack obama many were left puzzled as to what obama had exactly done to receive his peace prize but just like the others the nobel committee said it had something to do with his past only very rarely has a person to the same. and has obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future we are not awarding the prize for what may happen in the future but for what he has done in the previous year we hope this will enhance what he is trying to do what exactly obama did in that previous year is
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a mystery to most people. the united states says it's shifting its focus from fighting terrorism to entering an arms race with the other major world powers but is it playing catch up or going into overdrive to boost its own arms industry. great power competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of us now have a good discredited fit for our time. six.
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six. six you mentioned the navy for example but we have fewer ships than we did in one nine hundred sixty governor we also a few horses and bayonets the nature of our military is changed. the world changed right russia and china appear competitors and we have to think about our defense different ways and we have in the past when you look at the three major superpowers china russia and the united states all three of directly china and russia really upgraded their forces in the last five years. so now the united states is playing catch up a little bit on some of those who are the problem isn't we spend more money than the rest of the world on military equipment and manpower this is about big business these country companies make billions off the united states plus the illegal arms
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shipment state they send around the world the united states is in a constant buildup of weaponry and in a constant arms race you know without say the olympics takes on the fight off to his latest comments on athletes doping it's among all stories still ahead when we come back. just manufactured sentenced to two for public will. when the ruling closest protect them so. when the final larry you're a lift. to ignore middle routes to. the real news is.
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john mccain and his republican cohorts like the bush family and others they will break cozy with ken lay who financed the bush campaign so the bush presidency and when they got caught committing massive fraud on the same scale as a savings along crisis the machinery was already in place thanks to john mccain who's the bag man for wall street for decades yeah to bail those guys out and make them all at the expense of the democracy slash economy of the united states which is disintegrating. welcome back the international committee president has admitted that the war on doping in sport might never be won but thomas banks come under fire for that comment especially from america's anti-doping agency which claims backs just given
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up next the irish if he takes a look at what this could mean for russian athletes. while the world of sports continues its fight against doping the president of the international olympic committee has made a very honest and a very sad admission but pink. who will always happen. who's. one of the walls you can order those words did not sit well with the chief of the u.s. anti-doping agency traver tygart obviously a top flight but the leader of a ranch i don't can't simply throwing it out he probably has a point especially since doping scandals have hit tiger's own turf just this week alone two u.s. athletes received lengthy bans for substance abuse that's while pundits blame anti-doping officials for turning a blind eye when it comes to domestic sport or rather multibillion businesses like the n.f.l. but thomas back strong words weren't the trigger for your side as criticism tiger
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assumed that the i.o.c. president's quote was essentially a precursor to water reinstating the russian anti-doping agency at the meeting scheduled for september twentieth but he did say that he hoped russia had learned its lesson the hard way and would be welcomed back into the world of sports and that was something tiger stressed must not happen would be a devastating blow to russia's largest credibility as well as the hopes and dreams of millions around the world who believe in clean and fair competition russia and its anti-doping agency have been imprisoned for several years now after the publication of the so-called mclaren report which detailed accusations of a state sponsored doping program the result many russian athletes banned the country's anti-doping agency effectively shut down and why they're handing over a lengthy criteria list for resigned to be reinstated last year the agency acknowledged that nineteen of thirty one points had been met and just this month
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the president of water said there were only two conditions remaining. two off thirty one but they still had to be purified i think relationships to the point that we have yet to purify the two conditions that are still outstanding sure more needs to be done with new accusations and new anti-doping investigations russia still has three weeks to put things right so has tiger jumped the gun in demanding russia to be kept out the final two criteria we're talking about. russia is supposed to say hands up the mclaren report was right we did engage in state sponsored doping russia has absolutely rejected the mclaren reports finding not because they don't believe russia's quite rightly said we want the evidence thomas bach himself has requested the evidence and so far nobody has seen it apart we presume for mclaren it is only a guess at this but i think the first steps to
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a reinstatement will be taking place towards the end of september when there is a big meeting of water and i think. the outcome will be that russia will be readmitted i think it will be an unconditional reinstatement but eventually i think people would just have to say well ok russia are not admitting the been state sponsored doping but we need them anyway they are a world power in sports and sport needs russia keeping sports clean is something that both the i.o.c. president and ahead of us anti-doping agency are striving to achieve but can you really demand one thing from another country when similar dropping scandals break out in your own backyard one thing's for sure the next water meeting in the seychelles is looking like politics and doping will go down the finish line. yellow ribbons used as the symbol of support for jailed opposition politicians in the spanish region of catalonia have been removed overnight by the independence
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activists in the city of drona eighty people were. white suits and masks gathered up the ribbons into rubber sacks a group called themselves brigades to clean yellow ribbons and to free catalonia a spokesperson told us they wanted to show the public spaces should stay neutral. the white suit is our way of putting forward our demands we put on the suits to draw attention we also consider it to be a form of protest first of all we went there to get rid of those yellow ribbons and to deliver the message that public places are neutral that they should be neutral our opponents should respect public places everything depends on the camp you belong to we believe that their freedom of speech ends where ours begins it's that simple that one members of the right wing pro unionist citizens party in catalonia joined in as well with its president albert riviera removing ribbons tied to roadside fences enough bubbling places belong to all catalonians who will defend
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them every day to day no longer remove the yellow ribbons from public spaces were continued to defend the streets beaches and squares of catalonia and while probably dependents activists have been busy putting the ribbons back again they say they represent democracy and those who remove them are restricting the freedom of secession supporters and politicians were arrested for their role in independence referendum last october which was illegal by madrid the leaders of the movement were accused of rebellion and sedition the referendum sparked mass protests and clashes between demonstrators and police. allegations of racism have cast a shadow over one kind of its bid to be the new governor of florida in the united states. he is an articulate spokesman for those far left views and he's
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a charismatic candidate so we've got to work hard to make sure that we continue florida going in a good direction the last thing we need to do is to monkey this by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases. the last thing we need to do is to monkey this. let's talk about that stunning upset in the florida florida gubernatorial race florida's democratic party has called those comments disgusting and accused the santas of making racist dog whistles that's how white folks talk about. it is zero to do with the race shot it has everything to do with whether we won florida continue to go in a good direction there are moments when you need to apologize and that's what used to happen from the congressman.
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not news for this i'll update you again after the latest business update and boom bust in a few months. you know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not she ran a corner. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from right here in washington d.c. i'm bart chilton thank you for being on board with us coming up today is there
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a new movement among some in the us to forget free markets and side with supporters or others to simply feather the nest of campaign supporters some in the energy sector asking that very question and there are policy proposals to do just that will discuss with tyson slocum the director of public citizen's energy problem and there are new housing numbers out we'll talk with debbie boyd the c.e.o. of deal b. financial services and trigger out what she thinks about them plus are the big four accounting firms too cozy for comfort with their toilets west a former big four firm leader to worry for which c.e.o.'s draw mark joins us again and there is more merger madness out there this time in the hospital sector as more m. and a activity seems to be less for many americans particularly those with less populated rural areas of the nation lots on our plate so let's get to it with some headlines . surging second quarter profits are leading our business headlines today the latest official figures from the u.s.
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commerce department's bureau of economic analysis show a year over year gain of sixteen percent on after tax corporate profits the largest game in that. figures sense q one of twenty twelve the trump tax cut is an obvious and significant factor in the surge commerce estimates that corporate tax payments have been reduced by the tax cut by thirty three percent in a statistical housekeeping note commerce also notes a revised overall growth in the u.s. for this year and the economy upward from four point one to four point two percent i'm not sure we're going to get there but i like positive people and i certainly hope we do. the european trade commissioner cecilia malmstrom has made a bold move in the ongoing negotiations with the united states by offering to meet demands from president donald trump for an end to tariffs on u.s. cars and ring the european union earlier today ms meltzer i'm told members of the european parliament quote we said that we are ready to go to the to go to zero on
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tariffs on all industrial goods of course if the u.s. does the same we are willing to bring down even our car tariffs down to zero tariffs on automobiles are ten percent while the u.s. imposes duties of two point five percent on compact cars and twenty five percent on light trucks new position is an improvement from the u.s. perspective at least but whether the new flexibility will advance negotiations is unclear at this time there was a fleeting boost for european auto stocks on valves from statement but the rally was followed by a quick fall back. not long ago it may have been a june we noted the coal plant of the tropic ministration was proposing and that what they were talking about raise some questions and so today we thought we'd do a day deeper dive or perhaps a deeper dig at what the u.s. department of energy is doing we do so with a wider lens about other energy related matters that seem at least to us to
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question why some of those who have openly fought for free markets are now seemingly siding with the interest of their supporters political so. borders this is particularly the case in the energy area here discusses the director of public citizen's energy program tyson slocum tyson thank you for being with us again always a pleasure so don't tell me if we are overstating it here but when you were here earlier and we talked about this coal program that they were proposing and it was that they were going to mandate regardless of price they're going to mandate that you buy coal and nuclear on the grid and forget about the free market forget about what's most efficient for your shareholders or your customers you're going to buy this stuff whether or not it's good for the environment or bad and now we see there's also california's talking about expanding into more of a regional grid a regional power plant basis and there's a story where you're quoted in the san francisco chronicle that raised some.
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