tv News RT August 31, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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new revelations on a controversial murder case that sparked chaos in the german city of chemist's as a prison guard admits he links the arrest warrant of a migrant suspect. ten days ahead of sweden's general election anger flares at a rally or parliamentary candidate claims he was attacked by a migrant. and the nobel committee says that myanmar's prime minister should keep peace prize despite a un report on the mass killing of the country's worst into a minority. this is are to international bring you your live news updates straight from the
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russian capital welcome to the program. a german prison guard has turned himself in after admitting he leaked an arrest warrant for a migrant who was a key suspect in the murder the case has turned the city of kemet into chaos as opposing rallies come out in force over the refugee crisis in germany the officer says he wanted to end all speculation concerning sunday stopping it was clear to me that i was violating my fish would you tease and i also knew that i would probably lose my job as a result i want the public to know what has happened i want the speculation about a possible crime to come to an end. following the stabbing incident police arrested a twenty two year old iraqi man and the twenty three year old syrian both were charged with manslaughter artie's europe correspondent peter over brings us the latest to this prison guard is he's been suspended from his job after admitting that it was him that leaked the photograph of those arrest warrants he's
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a thirty nine year old man who was working at the corrections facility in dresden he says he didn't know that it was a legal for him to share these documents to leak these documents. but he may well face criminal charges for doing so we heard a little bit of the statement that's being put out this is through his lawyers this is the only way he says he's going to be communicating from here on out he said he didn't he did it because he didn't want the media to speculate on details as to who the arrested were he went on to accuse the press of having manipulated the facts in the past the put across a narrative that they wanted to see every day as a prison officer i am the focus of what has happened in our country from a few years ago and this intensity and manner nevertheless every day i see that most people are lied to about the changes in our country or do not want to accept the truth however at least regarding the manslaughter or murder in chemnitz i did not want to be a part of the silent crowd anymore but in response to that statement that was put
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out we've also heard from the justice minister of saxony who said that in doing this it was irresponsible it was serious and it could well have impacted upon the investigation itself we cannot tolerate a public servant who does such a thing in any way and we will take strict action we've also been getting some more information or certainly information has been doing the rounds in the press here in germany about one of those suspects the twenty two year old iraqi who's in custody he came here from iraq through bulgaria in twenty fifteen knots right at the height of the migrant in. looks a refugee influx into germany he actually should have been deported back to bulgaria however that deportation notice wasn't carried out what we're hearing in the press is that he was very well known to police and fire reports saying that he had several drug charges against him also reporting saying that from those who lived with him in refugee home saying he always carried a knife with him but it was the stopping today of thirty five year old man that
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those two men were arrested for you stopped dead in the early hours of sunday morning here in cannes that that resulted in. the boarding right wing crowd on sunday. was. what we are getting ready for is a big demonstrations expected well will take place on saturday afternoon here in came that i'll be here in amongst those crowds are expecting a large crowd from the right also a large town demo from the left and a very large presence from the police they're being drafted in from all across the local area even further afield as well as they try to make sure that there isn't a repeat of the scenes that we saw on monday night and those clashes between left and right a swedish problem entry candidate has claimed he was attacked by a migrant i don't know turn a difference we've been party rally in a town in the west of the country.
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tension has flared during campaigning for the general election that's seen a surge in support for your skeptic right wing hard and as maria financial reports the country is also seeing a spike in crime levels. we've gotten used to pictures of shootings and car burnings from sweden called vulnerable neighborhoods but the upcoming swedish elections has brought violence to an every day street one of my colleagues from alternative for sweden being attacked by an immigrant you who attended the meeting and with screaming and shouting all over the meeting i was attacked two of them i tried to protect my friend and colleague and this immigrant starting hitting before us in the face both of the few eggs at our vehicle when we left the scene they ran after and when we had to stop going to the red lights they kicked the car. swedish
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police never confirmed the attackers ethnicity but the party member with phone to him as an immigrant but that is not all they blame immigrants for an overall high criminality rate and low security across the country although the connection was never established officially the alternative the party offers to sweden is sealed borders and immigrants sent back to where they came from their past creation instead of immigration they say and also a toff a police and a stronger army the meeting gathered some supporters but the majority came to voice their discontent because he was saying that we need to clean sweden we need to get every foreigner of affair with a need to be you know. back in the old days right without not really because if you look back in time three notes always take aim for in your so if you didn't think in new people if when of course we are racist don't know what streets where
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race is still no street party saying they want to take down all the immigrants and the people is unhappy they don't like to as long as we can integrate them into swedish society may become they become a swedish says me because i am also an immigrant from. as the as long as they become swedish and they work and they do a normal swedish things it's absolutely no problem as long as they they can keep their religion they can keep their culture but they should speak swedish and they should work miniger immigrants here feel like they're they're not included in the society police told us they are always invited to meet him it's like this one many parties. have a lot of meetings so. it is. a thought if. a lot of people did lie don't like. opinions that's why we call the police it's
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always like this when it's going to two elections sweden will hold the general election in just ten days tensions are high ahead of the national vein that could be historic there rolling left wing social democrats the oldest and largest party in sweden could see its worst result in the last one hundred years as right wing ideas are gaining more and more popularity. from sweden. the nobel committee has defended its decision not to retract a peace prize for me on mars prime minister that's despite a damning report from the united nations that accuses the country's army of committing mass killing and atrocities against the rohinton minority claims the government denies he has artist on quarter with more. the treatment of the roe hinge a minority in myanmar equates to genocide that's the conclusion made by the un the mission has concluded that criminal investigation and prosecution is warranted
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focusing on the top tech metod generals in relation to the three categories of crimes under international law genocide crimes against humanity and war crimes with ethnic cleansing happening on the watch of nobel peace prize laureate aung sun suu kyi and despite public demand to rescind cheese award the nobel committee insists she should keep it. on. the un report demands me and marse top generals be investigated for crimes against
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humanity and also accuses misty of turning a blind eye to it all but that's all right because the nobel committee says it's only concerned with what happened in the past. it's important to remember that's a noble prize whether in physics literature or peace is awarded for some prize worth the effort or achievement of the past i'm certain. won the nobel prize for peace for who fight for democracy and freedom up until ninety ninety one the year she was awarded the prize well if we're to believe the committee only cares about recipients past they're going to have some explaining to do here. just. there are a fat receive the peace prize for brokering a middle east accord securing palestinian rule in gaza and the west bank at the same time he was the chair of the palestinian liberation organization responsible
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for violence against israeli civilians who they consider to be part of an illegal occupation arafat did renounce the violence before receiving the award though but how about another nobel peace prize laureate henry kissinger. kissinger received the prize for negotiating a cease fire in the vietnam war he was set to share the nomination with north vietnamese diplomat late dr except the vietnamese responded with a big no thank you and to no one's amazement that's because kissinger had been secretly bombing cambodia throughout the nine hundred seventy s. as disclosed in a pentagon report he approved almost four thousand bombing raids in just the first two years of the campaign. and last but not least as barack obama many were left puzzled as to what obama had exactly done to receive
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his peace prize but just like the others the nobel committee said it had something to do with his past only very rarely has a person to the same extent as obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future we are not awarding the prize for what may happen in the future but for what he has done in the previous year we hope this will enhance what he is trying to do what exactly obama did in that previous year is a mystery to most people. british prime minister theresa may has wrapped up her tour of africa and it's been memorable not only on account of the impressive trade and investment promises but also for the kenyan leaders description of one former u.k. official honest to say a chicken that has the details. we all know that our former u.k. foreign secretary boris johnson is no stranger to causing offense except this time around he got a taste of his own medicine from the kenyan president who standing side by side
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with british prime minister to resign made this to say last year you recall the foreign secretary then boris. or is it is. the bicycle good. well known not only did this bicycle guy comments make headlines but also cause the u.k. delegation to chuckle as well as brought a smile to to reset may's face now one of the reasons potentially that the kenyan president would have a bone to pick with boris johnson could be the comments he had made in the past among them saying things such as barack obama being described as according to johnson as part kenyan with an ancestral dislike of the british empire as well as some other offensive comments such as watermelons but when it comes to theresa may of course the reason she would rejoice in a moment like this potentially is some of the issues she has himself with boris
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johnson not only did he quite recently resigned. foreign secretary because of disagreements over her stance on rocks it but also because of the political rivalry going on between johnson and me of course we have to remember that boris johnson potentially becoming the next conservative party leader has been the talk of the town here and westminster him having quite strong support among the party and meanwhile of course we know that recent may's popularity and approval ratings have really been dwindling and she knows it despite having been caught dancing a couple of times on that trip there and keeping up appearances. the head of the people's republic of the new in ukraine has been killed in an explosion at a restaurant but the incident now being investigated as a terror attack artie's ramon course has the details best to know that the restaurant itself is located right in the center of the city of just a few hundred meters away from the residence of alexander has
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a harsh and go and this is a place where a lot of people go with their children there's a park there are many restaurants in fact i was there myself just a couple of days ago having lunch in one of those restaurants. it's a very highly populated area now an adviser to alexander harding cause the bomb was deliberately planted in the restaurant where there he was supposed to meet with someone and now the city of donetsk and the so-called annexed peoples republic have declared a state of emergency and the entire territory of the republic is now on lockdown people cannot leave and people cannot come into the next people's republic as their thore are looking for people who have executed this terrorist attacks and this is exactly how they're looking at it right now as a terrorist acts local authorities said that after the murder of xander the harsh and cold the forces ukraine army korean army have started mobilizing their units
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along the separation lines between the two conflicts and sides now most of those foreign ministry has also said that this was a terrorist act and should be investigated as such show russian president vladimir putin called it a despicable murder and those who chose a path of terror and violence are not looking for a peaceful solution in the southeast of the country and instead they bank on the destabilizing the situation and he had that he expects all the responsible parties in this case should be brought to justice and meanwhile the authorities in the next people's republic have announced a three day oh mourning period associated with the death of their head alexander the harsh and cruel. it's become a weekly event for almost half a year already and palestinian protesters have been out in force again this friday along the israeli border reports say dozens have been injured by the israeli
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defense forces thousands of palestinians are continuing to demand their territorial claims to land in the gaza strip taken away after the one nine hundred forty eight war it's thought according to some media. let's palestinian minister and chairman of the anti settlement commission why we need a soft was shot in the ear during protests on thursday israel has stressed it is continuing to defend its border against hamas a group it considers to be terrorists. the u.s. says it's shifting its focus from fighting terrorism to entering an arms race with other major world powers but is it playing catch up or going into overdrive to boost its arms industry. great power competition but not terrorism is now the primary focus of u.s. national security to spread a good fit for our time. you
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mention the navy for example that we have fewer ships that we did in one nine hundred sixty governor we also if your horses and bayonets the nature of our military has changed. the world changed right russia and china appear competitors and we have to think about our defense different ways and we have in the past when you look at the three major superpowers
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china russia and the united states all three directly china and russia really upgraded their forces in the last five years so now the united states is playing catch up a little bit on some of those people who are deprived limb isn't we spend more money than the rest of the world on military equipment and manpower this is about big business these country companies make billions off the united states plus the illegal arms shipment state they send around the world the united states is in a constant buildup of weaponry and in a constant arms race. the international olympic committee president has admitted that the war on doping in sport might never be won but thomas bach has come under fire for his comment especially from america's anti-doping agency which claims he's just given up i would say have a chef takes a look at what this could mean for russian athletes. all of sports continues its
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fight against doping the president of the international olympic committee has made a very honest and a very sad admission but. who will always happen. who's. one of the walls who cannot dream those words did not sit well with the chief of the u.s. anti-doping agency traver tygart so obviously a top flight but the leader of the ranch i don't think can simply throwing it out he probably has a point especially since doping scandals have hit tiger's own turf just this week alone two u.s. athletes received lengthy bans for substance abuse that's while pundits blame anti-doping officials for turning a blind eye when it comes to domestic sport or rather multibillion businesses like the n.f.l. but thomas back strong words weren't the trigger for your side as criticism tiger to assume that the i.o.c. president's quote was essentially a precursor to water reinstating the russian anti-doping agency at that meeting
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scheduled for september twentieth but he did say that he hoped russia had learned its lesson the hard way and would be welcomed back into the world of sports and that was something tiger stressed must not happen would be a devastating blow to russia to meet a lot of credibility as well as the hopes and dreams of millions of around the world who believe in clean and fair competition russia and its anti-doping agency have been imprisoned for several years now after the publication of the so-called mclaren report which detailed accusations of a state sponsored doping program the result many russian athletes banned the country's anti-doping agency effectively shut down and water handing over a lengthy criteria list for ricin to be reinstated last year the agency acknowledged that nineteen of thirty one points had been met and just this month the president of water said there were only two conditions remaining to. all thirty
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one but they still had to be purified i think relationships to the point that we have yet to purify the two conditions that are still outstanding sure more needs to be done with new accusations and new anti-doping investigations russia still has three weeks to put things right so has tiger jumped the gun in demanding russia to be kept out the final two criteria we're talking about. russia is supposed to say hands up the mclaren report was right we did engage in state sponsored doping russia has absolutely rejected the mclaren reports finding not because they don't believe you russia's quite rightly said we want the evidence thomas bach himself has requested the evidence and so far nobody has seen it apart we presume for mclaren it is only a guess at this stage but i think the first steps to a reinstatement will be taking place towards the end of september when there is
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a big meeting of water and i think. the outcome will be that russia will be readmitted but i think it will be an unconditional reinstatement but eventually i think people will just have to say well ok russia are not admitting the been state sponsored doping but we need them anyway they are a world power in sports and sport needs russia keeping sports clean is something that both the i.o.c. president and head of us anti-doping agency are striving to achieve but can you really demand one thing from another country when similar dopping scandals break out in your own backyard one thing's for sure the next water meeting in the seychelles is looking like politics and doping will go down the finish line. one of hollywood's biggest scandals was kept under wraps by a prominent news channel that's the claim of one n.b.c. producer who says journalists were deliberately stopped from breaking accusations against harvey weinstein. i was told not to do the interview
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and ordered to stand down thoughts effectively killing the story those orders came to me from the highest levels of n.b.c. that was an ethical and a massive breach of journalistic integrity mchugh is the first person linked to n.b.c. to publicly accused the network of meddling in his for his and his freelance correspondent run in pharaoh's attempts to pursue the story and q. and farrow spent months collecting material on the allegations of sexual misconduct against weinstein two months after they faced resistance from the network farah went to the new yorker and published the first in his series of articles on weinstein the series won him a pulitzer prize since the publication of pharaoh's article in october two thousand and seventeen over seventy women have come forward with allegations of sexual harassment against the film producer weinstein handed himself into new york police in may of two thousand and eighteen and shortly afterwards was charged with rape
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and several counts of sexual abuse he denies all allegations of sexual assault with the court case still ongoing and b.c. says that the aster station that they tried to kill the weinstein story is an outright lie and stead the network suggests that froze material lacked sufficient evidence and was simply not ready for broadcast we're now joined live by t.v. host and political commentator steve malzberg now why do you think mchugh is making the claims against n.b.c. now the new yorker article new yorker article was published back in october of two thousand and seventeen. well as far as the timing there are reports that there's going to be a book or has a book coming out that's going to make all kinds of accusations and and document exactly what happened over at n.b.c. so that could be some thing to do with the timing i'm not suggesting any nefarious motives but that would be the common sense thing to do build interest leading into the book but whether or not that's the case you know when there's an accusation
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here that goes far and above just n.b.c. killing a story which would be outrageous but it happens there's a claim that the chief legal counsel for n.b.c. news susan wiener threatened to slime and trash ronan farrow. if he continued with the weinstein investigation even after he had left n.b.c. now so she denies this vehemently and says she only spoke to farag to say make sure people know you're no longer working for n.b.c. and you are working for the new yorker and we have nothing to do with this now i don't see why she would have to tell him that i mean if he's not at n.b.c. he's not n.b.c. if he's writing in the new yorker he's writing in the new yorker but this is an accusation that's out there and if that's true that's a whole nother ball game. what do you make of the fact that we're only hearing from
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mckew at this point and farrow has not come forward with anything. oh i don't i don't think that that's all that unusual again. again and again i don't mean to suggest that pharrell was in this for money but if he starts giving interviews left and right now and starts complaining and in fact he's working on a book then when the book comes out you already heard the story and you already heard from pharaoh so where's the interest in the book so that but that but but using his producer or even if he's not using his producer for his producer to feel strongly enough about this to go out on his own i think it's what he has to say should be taken very seriously and it's very important and it's something that's very interesting we understand from the producer here that it was the president of n.b.c. news who first suggested to pharaoh that he pursue rape allegations by an actress named rose mcgowan at the hands of some hollywood executive and when he did pursue
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it down the road it got all this evidence and got a recording from n.y.p.d. with weinstein its voice allegedly. everything changed and no oppenheim the head of n.b.c. news suddenly said that does anybody really really care about harvey weinstein so something if this is true something really went on at n.b.c. if these accusations turn out to be true what are the possible consequences for n.b.c. . well i got to tell you you know who legally killing a story for whatever reason. i hate to say it it happens all the time i mean i've been in this business for over thirty five years and lots of times over the many many years although interesting enough not at r.t. but interestingly enough people have told me oh don't go there don't do that calm down on that so that's not unusual it might be disturbing thing and should be disturbing to the viewers of n.b.c. when it when this story gets out if this is true so public relations wise it's
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a killer but if he was threatened by the chief counsel chief legal counsel of n.b.c. news in that to begin with with you know destroying his person on a and sliming his reputation even after he left and be eighty then he might have a legal case against that attorney and n.b.c. if it's true are you aware of similar cases where cover ups have been claimed by staff working for a media outlet. well you know it's very hard nothing of this magnitude that comes to mind right off the bat of course you know we have the allegations of sexual improprieties and harassment and that kind of stuff but as far as pursuing this story i'm sure like i said it happens all the time but if you are employed there and you come out and you just say you're being stymied in your efforts to unveil or in you know investigate a story you're not going to be working there much longer so i'm sure it happens all
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the time look. but there was a story yesterday with china that china might have packed hillary's e-mails and had the thirty thousand that she deleted nobody went after that i did do a story and i t. about that but the mainstream media and in new york and in them in the united states they couldn't care less what you think that's a coincidence no it wasn't russia and it was hillary so they all said we don't care about this so it happens that way all the time but as far as a reporter or some one claiming they wouldn't let me do it that's very rare because you lose your job and nobody wants to have that happen steve malzberg t.v. host and political commentator that you for your time and your comments. yellow ribbons used as a symbol of support for jailed politicians in spain's catalonia have been stripped down overnight in the city of toronto video broadcast across spanish t.v. showed groups of separatists dressed head to toe and white.
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